Car Renatl0001

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I 2.44~~ Natalie Trudeau is at the Federal-U.SA rental office at the hotel.

car Natalie: Hi, I have a car reserved for three days. Natalie Trudeau? Clerk: Ms. Trudeau. Yes, I have your reservation here Do Vou have tre voucher from your travei agent? Natalie: Thsre vou go. lt's pre-paid. Clerk: Thanks. So it's a Grade C A compact? Natalie: That's right. Clerk: We're going to offer Vou a free upgrade to a Grade F today. That's full-size. Natalie: I'd prefer a compact. Clerk: Uh, well, we actually don't have a compact, right now. Natalie: I don't like large cars. Clerk: I can offer Vou a Grade S, Sports Coup That's a smaller vehicle. Natalie: For the same price as a compact? Clerk: Sure. Natalie: OK.

Idults 2 d It a u s+ small child) 2 children / 3 adults

4adults/ 2 adults + 2/3 chlidren

5/6 adults (7 wtnout baggage)


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Federal-U .S.A . ve h'IC Ies are outomntic w .. . es are for 400 '1 ..... 1m crr condltioning and radio / CD rnr es per day (thereafter 50 '" f . 'e strongly recommend C D W ( '. . cen s per mlle applies) . . . COlllslon damage . ) ?rsonal accident insuranc'" (P A I )' S1 ' wcrver ct S 10 per day '.. IS O per day .. lpplement erss d per veructs (Grade v: S' 5) . :> per ay June 20th thru September 1st ., ate taxes will apply, including staie car rental 5 h urc arges


Clerk: May I see your driver's license? Natalie: I have a French one, and an International one. Clerk: The French one's fine if it has a photo ... yes, that's OK. Will vou be taking CD.W. and PAI.? Natalie: I don't understand. What's CD.W. and PAI.? Cierk: Collision Damage Waiver and Personal Accident Insurance. There's an extra charge per day, of ten dollars for each. Natalie: 1'11 take both. Clerk: Great. Can vou check these two boxes, put your initials here ... and there .. and sign at the bottom. And may I swipe your credit card for the additional charges? Natalie: There Vou go. Clerk: Here are the keys. lt's the metallic blue coup in bay 27. It has a full tank of gas. Natalie: Thanks for your help.


Talk about

1 ).) Role-play

the conversation. grades of caro

;3 S:? Ask

2 I

2.45 ~~ Keiko Ishida has just rented a caro Listen, then say itthese statements are true or false. a She prefers automatic cars. b She's never driven an automatic before. c Her father has an automatic. d In the U.SA traffic drives on the left.

and answer: Do Vou prefer larqe cars or small cars? Would vou rather drive an automatic or a manual? On which side does traffic drive in your country? Have Vou ever driven on the 'other side'? Have Vou ever rented a car? If so, where? When? a car

Cu:t:.lre dls 45; Renting

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