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English Exam

A -Describe the action using the verbs on the list.

B -Using the sentence write what is required on each number

She sleeps late every day. 1- Make it a question. 2- Answer long and negative. 3- Answer short and affirmative. You take a shower at 12 oclock. 4- Make it a question 5- Answer short and negative. They sing beautiful at church. 6- Make a question. 7- Answer the question long and negative. 8- Answer short and affirmative. Marie is the best friend. 9- Make a question 10- Answer short and negative.

C -Read the dialogue and answer the questions Dialogue: Charles: Hi, my name is Charles Burton. Beth: Hello, my name is Beth Smith. Charles: Where are you from? Beth: Im from Chicago, and you? Charles: Im from Boston. Are you studying here? Beth: Yes, and you? Charles: Yes, but I finish this year. Beth: OK, it was nice to meet you, bye, bye. Charles: OK, pleased to meet you too, see you.

-Answer the questions. 1- Whats the last name of Charles? ____________________________________________________________ 2- Whats the girls first name? ____________________________________________________________ 3- Where is she from? ____________________________________________________________ 4- What do they do? _____________________________________________________________ 5- Whats Charles doing this year? _____________________________________________________________

D a) Fill the blanks with DO, DOES or to BE 1- ______ you French? 2- ______ your boyfriend Italian? 3- ______ you like sardines? 4- ______ I on time? 5- ______ your teacher speak Spanish? 6- ______ we need more chairs? 7- When ______ you free? 8- How old ______ your boss? 9- Why ________ you always sit by the window? 10- Where _______ your sister live? 11- Why _______ he always late? 12- What ________ she talking about?

b) Make up 3 examples of your own. 1- ______________________________________________________ 2- ______________________________________________________ 3-_______________________________________________________

E Write the sentence with the Adverb in the correct place 1. They go to the movies. (often) 2. She listens to classical music. (rarely) 3. He reads the newspaper. (sometimes) 4. Sara smiles. (never) 5. She complains about her husband. (always) 6. I drink coffee. (sometimes) 7. Frank is ill. (often) 8. He feels terrible (usually) 9. I go jogging in the morning. (always) 10. 11. 12. 13.
14. I

She helps her daughter with her homework. (never) We watch television in the evening. (always) I smoke. (never) I eat meat. (seldom) eat vegetables and fruits. (always)

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