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Activity Type Create Transaction Code KL01

Activity Type Allocation to cost center / cost center group Planning Price: Transaction Code KP26

DeadLine Monitoring : "Plant Maintenance (PM) Function with which all due maintenance plan dates can be called and monitored. The system schedules the maintenance plan automatically." In short it allows the creation of call objects with based on the number of days before the call date, good for creating orders and allowing planning time before the planned start date. Can also monotor for errors This is an extract from the program documentation Short text Deadline Monitoring for Maintenance Plans (Batch Input IP10) Description For scheduling, the system converts all the on-hold maintenance calls, with a date that satisfies the call horizon , into a maintenance call object (for example, maintenance order) The system also performs a complete rescheduling of the maintenance plan , and ensures that maintenance calls exist for the next n days (field Scheduling period in the Scheduling parameters screen). The system always generates at least one on-hold maintenance call. Start deadline monitoring regularly (for example, using report variants). Deadline monitoring for a weekly strategy should ideally run every week. Example Scheduling period: 30 days Report run on: January 1, 19XX Scheduling performed up to: February 1, 19XX Note Even if you have not set a scheduling period in the maintenance plan, scheduling will always be performed once. You no longer need to schedule the maintenance plan manually. Procedure In the initial screen, choose between the modes Call transaction and Batch input by selecting the appropriate field. The call transaction mode is proposed automatically in the initial screen. Output You can display a list of all the maintenance call objects that the system generated during deadline monitoring. You can display the list of maintenance orders generated using Logistics -> Plant maintenance -> Maintenance processing -> Orders -> Display list editing. In the field Entered by, enter the group name that the system proposes on the initial screen of the date monitoring session. IP1019950101 --> All maintenance orders from January 1, 1995 IP10199501 --> All maintenance orders in January 1995 IP101995* --> All maintenance orders in 1995

Capacity Plng Display CM25 : There is a way to diaplay actual work in the capacity planning reports, but it's quite tricky 1. In the work center activate actual capacity recording. You do this in the capacities screen after pressing ActCapReqmnts at the bottom: select the value "2" in the "calc.actual cap. req." field. 2. Use transaction CM25 with profile SAPSFCG023. 3. You can customise your own profile for differrent period splits, for example. The problem is that this report shows actual work only after the setting in the work center Customer Exit :

Customer Enhancements (BC-DWBCEX)

Adjustment to the standard SAP system, requested by the customer. SAP designs empty modification modules at particular points in the standard system where customer enhancements are anticipated. These modules, known as exits, can be filled with customer-specific logic. Read through Help and you will get more details. _________________ Regards, Ashish
Back to top BOG
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:48 am Post subject: user exit

Joined: 06 Nov 2003 Posts: 50

An example may be within a work order when you create the work order you enter various data and some data defaults - say prior to saving the CRTD order you wnat to make sure you have a valid combination of say functional location, planner group and work centre (as an example because you can change the defaults from the structure) this may be required to ensure correct RCC or settlement object etc. So you would craete a User exit that upon an event - in this case the saving of a CRTD order - the user exit checks for teh valid combination as per your code - your result if not valid may be a warning message, info message or may not allow the saving - users code choice. So you can see that user exits may be used in master data, work management, pm planning etc.

Back to top PJA

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:54 am Post subject: User-Exits

More explanation:
Joined: 20 Jul 2003 Posts: 1163 Location: UK

Customer-exits provide the option of adding user-defined functions to the standard SAP applications as part of the R/3 enhancement concept. Customer-exits themselves do not have any functions, but are program-exits that enable you to include user-defined programs. _________________ Regards PeteA Sponsorded partner:

For consulting:
Back to top bhartiaa
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:40 pm Post subject:

Joined: 24 Oct 2002 Posts: 266 Location: Mumbai

Though not to be too technical and is not relevant for this topic, there are still some technical differences between a User Exit and a Customer Enhancement. Though the ned functionality is the same. _________________ Regards, Ashish

Work Center Master Data :

Im not being able to Plan Capacities in my PM Work Center!!! The parameters that Im using in the work center are: Basic Data Work Center Category-005; Person Responsible- MG; Usage-004; Standard Value Key-SAP7. Default Values Control Key-PM01; Labor-MIN. Capacities Capacity Category-002; Other Formula-SAP008 Inside Capacity Capacity Planner-100; Grouping-03; Factory Calendar-PT; Active version-1; Base Unit of Measure-HR; Start, Finish, Break, N of Individual Capacity and Relevant to finite scheduling, Can be use by several operations, Long-term Planning. Scheduling Capacity Category-002; Other Formula- SAP004 Costing CO Area-9000; Cost Center-1200; Activity Type internal proc.-PM; Proj. Network/Maintenance Time-SAP004. I think that some of those parameters are incorrect, could someone help me out. What happens is that when Im checking Orders(CM02) or Load (CM01), nothing appears. When I m creating the maintenance order the following message urge - No reqmts/caps exists or not relevant to finite scheduling. Thanks.

Back to top edwin

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:14 pm Post subject:

Joined: 09 Nov 2002 Posts: 60


Seems all ok. He Is the the capact checkbox on the of the order flagg Perhaps you hav the icon next to t priority to view it

I suppose you ha "Work" field filled x duration). Edwin

Back to top BMMO
Guest Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:29 pm Post subject:

Hi Edwin,

Ive the Capacit Reqmts, checkbo checked.

The message tha appears when im recording my ord message number 298 (where can i message), mayb go this way to try solve the problem Thanks, BMMO.
Back to top Iansuz
Guest Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:48 am Post subject:

Is your workcent category assigne maintenance task config?

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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:05 pm Post subject:


This message is appeared if you d define 'Start', Fin 'Number of Indiv Capacity in wor You should also c your capacity ca from 002 (person 001 (machine), s you don't use HR data. Good luck D-borah
Back to top BMMO
Guest Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:31 pm Post subject:

Hi D-borah,

Yes Ive those st finish and Numbe Individual Capac defined.

Anyway ive crea new Work Center capacity catego but in CM02 i stil see anything. I th some of the form not correct.

I will in fact use capacity catego and intregate it w Thanks, BMMO.

Guest Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 6:44 pm Post subject: operation time in order

hi all...... i m having a problem in scheduling here is the scenario i have two operations for example in each operation i have put 2 hours when i go and see the timmings system starting operation at 7 which is right but ends the operation at 9:20 which i cannot understand why it is taking extra 20 minutes same thing is happeneing in all operations in second operation system start it at 9:20 and finishes it at 11:45

can i anybody tell me what should i do to stop the system to take 15-20 minnutes extra
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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 10:46 pm

Post subject: Operation Time

Check the work center master data for the timings.

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:17 am

Post subject:

can u tell me what to check in work center master data ...i have checked it and i dont find anything wrong

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:23 am

Post subject:

can u tell me what to check in work center master data ...i have checked it and i dont find anything wrong

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 2:24 pm

Post subject: Work Centres

Joined: 20 Jul 2003 Posts: 1163 Location: UK

Providing you are not using shifts, go to the Work Centre (IR02) and check the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacities tab: Other formula = SAP008 Capacity Header: Check start/finish/break times (also other settings) Scheduling tab: Other formula = SAP004 Costing tab: Formula key for costing = SAP008

Hope this helps... _________________ Regards PeteA For consulting:

Sponsorded partner:

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 6:34 pm

Post subject:

i have checked that aswell all the inputs are as u have mentioned......i m using shifts and shifts are from 7 to 17

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 8:21 pm

Post subject: Work Centre Intervals

Joined: 20 Jul 2003 Posts: 1163 Location: UK

Have you set any breaks in the Shift pattern intervals? If so, then I am guessing that the break-times are being evenly distributed across the shift period. Check your Scheduling Parameters in the IMG as follows (assuming 46C): Plant Maintenance and Customer Service Maintenance and Service Processing Maintenance and Service Orders Scheduling Set Scheduling Parameters (TCode OPU7) For your Plant/Order Type combination you will find a flag for Scheduling with breaks. Try changing this value and testing the result. _________________ Regards PeteA Sponsorded partner:

For consulting:
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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 8:48 pm

Post subject:

thanks for your prompts OPU7 only automatically scheduling indicator is on

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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 8:54 pm

Post subject: Scheduling Parameters


Joined: 20 Jul 2003 Posts: 1163 Location: UK

Yes the Automatic scheduling indicator may well be on. But is the Scheduling with breaks indicator set. Try changing this value and retesting Also what breaks are set in the Work Centre shift intervals? _________________ Regards PeteA Sponsorded partner:

For consulting:
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Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 10:38 pm

Post subject:

my shifts are from 7 to 17 pm with break hour of 1 hour plus i have tested the scenario with the indicator switched on and off of schedule with breaks

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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 12:16 am

Post subject: Operation time in order

anny, Try this: In Tcode IR02 go to Capacities tab, then "Capacity header data". In the field "Standard available capacity" fill with: Start: 7:00 Finish: 16:00 Length of breaks: 00:00 Then you have "Operating time=9:00" as the example you gave above. This value is used to calculate the capacity of the word center. I gues the problem you are facing is because the value for the Length of break. To create shifts use Tcode OP4A. Regards, Paulo

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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 9:16 am

Post subject: Work Centres

Joined: 20 Jul 2003 Posts: 1163 Location: UK

Let's be absolutely clear here - are you using shift intervals? You can access shifts as follows: 1. enter the Work Centre 2. Go to the Capacity tab 3. Select the Capacity Header button (bottom of the screen)

4. Select the Shifts and intervals button 5. Display shift patterns Also ensure the Version value in this screen is the same as on the Capacity Header screen (called Active Version here). You say you have 1 hour break. Where is this 1 hour break set, in the Capacity Header screen OR the Intervals of Avaialble Capacity screen? If you are NOT using Shift Intervals then any breaks entered in the Capacity Header screen are evenly distributed accross the working day. In your case the working day is 10 hours and the break 1 hour. This means that the system will distribute 6 minutes break per hour. So 2 hours work will be scheduled as 2 hours 12 minutes (assuming you have used the SAP standard SAP004 and SAP008 keys). Hope this helps... _________________ Regards PeteA Sponsorded partner:

For consulting:
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Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:26 am

Post subject:

thanks pete.............there are very few poeple who makes other people understand things and u are one of them.........u are a nice man thanks again ........i will bother u very soon .......dont worry

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Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 6:10 am

Post subject:

Dear All, The problem which Anny mentioned is Valid because when I checked in my system same is happeneing. One thing I want to include I tried it after deleting Break Time from Work Center I took 7-16 without break time and I checked its operation timing its working Perfectly, but when I tried with breas and WITH different Starting and Finish timings (Example 7-15, 7-16, 7-17....) different results are comming mean to say As anny mentioned he is getting 20 minutes differencs, but when we change Start and Finish timings this difference can vary. Really its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards, Guest111

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Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 6:24 am Post subject:

Hi, You may have to check the breaks schedule. If no schedule is given & if the total breaks time (incl. lunch, tea breaks etc) is mentioned in the capacity header screen of the work center, then this time is evenly divided. That's the reason you must be getting those 20 extra minutes...

i want to carry out shut planning through SAP, for our plant,which has been scheduled for next do i go about it?i am new to PM.
Back to top Guest=DEWM1

Sep 29, 2003 6:55 pm subject: Shut down Planning

For a "small" shut down,,,,, try OIOB - Revisions. A Revision is a logical grouping of like minded orders. Create the revision with the dates. Then for each order that is required for the shutdown, assign the correct revsion and adopt the dates. If each order has the manpower planning input correctly,,, you should get the results you need,,, such as work center load reporting for the dates of the shutdown,,, which will allow you time to staff up if required. If it's a huge shutdown with potentially thousands of orders and manpower hours, you'll (might) need to go to a third party software that interfaces with SAP. SAP does not react well with/for "major" shutdown planning,,,,,,. Good luck.

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