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Today is M T W Th F, ____.

It is a(n) __________ Day.

7:15 - 7:50 Arrival

Please be in the classroom to greet students upon their arrival. A cheery hello and warm welcome
are great ways to start the day!

Morning Responsibilities- When the children enter the classroom they should put their
belongings in the cubby, STAR binders in their desks, and begin reading a book, doing their
journal, or waiting quietly on the rug.

7:50 - Attendance/Announcements
At 7:50 please use the page marked attendance in this folder and have the star helper walk it up to
the office as soon as possible. Initial next to the names of any absent children and check if the
student is present; on and in the space below the names please write the total number of students
present and circle it.
Bus Notes- If a child has a bus note it needs to go to office with the attendance. This bus change
can occur ONLY if he has written permission from a parent or guardian.
o Absent Today- ______________________________________________________
Absent Notes- If a child gives you an absent note please send it to the office with the
Pledge -The pledge will be led by the principal over the TV on channel 58.
7:55 8:05 Morning Meeting
1. Change the calendar, sing days of the week song
2. Discuss how many days weve been in school, add a straw
3. Zuriel, Brenna, and Megna go to Zunker for Reading
Complete Morning Work pg 99. (Should be a review, was done as whole group on SB last week)
Review work together as a class.

8:05- 9:30 Literacy Block

This is a 90 minute uninterrupted block of time devoted to literacy work.

9:00 9:30 Reading Centers
Students rotate based on star color. Star Center chart is between the windows on the wall. Centers
are double duty- red folder is for the morning and green is for the afternoon. The students will go to
the same table in the a.m. as p.m., but do two different activities.
*Yellow Stars will go to WRITING center and play Sight Word Go Fish. Then use 4 sight words in a
sentence. Choose one sentence to draw picture to match. Activity is in the RED folder on the
writing table.
* Red Stars will go to the Math Table. Use the red folder and choose one dice. They rool the
dice and get a blend. Find where the blend goes on the candycane to make a word. When all
words are complete they may go back to their seats and color/cut the candycanes.
*Green Stars will come to the teacher table. Have them read for AR. AR books are on our
bookcase. They may also read for fun with you.
*Blue Stars go to ART table and use the red folder. They will play sight word bingo. This
team knows how to assist reading AR tests to other students and may do so.
9:30 10:30 Math
Samuel Cheng will go to enrichment with Ms. Rollo. Student books are in their desks.
10:30 10:35 Get ready for lunch/
.Student mark first color bubble in STAR binder. Clean up area, push in chairs, use the bathroom,
and stand on their numbers. They should be ready to leave for lunch by 10:35.
10:40 - 11:10 Lunch
We travel to lunch in a single line. Remind the children to stay in their line when traveling through
to get their food. Absolutely no running! Take the bucket, students do not need clips. Once all
students are sitting at the table, you may leave to eat your lunch in the classroom or teachers area
in the cafeteria.
11:10 11:30 PE-T Play on the ____________ playground
Indoor Playtime- If you stay inside please be sure the children keep their voices at an inside level.
Remind them you will give only one friendly warning. If you have to ask for quiet again, playtime is
over. Please be sure the children pick up toys and replace them neatly.

11:30 Social Studies

11:40 12:05 Afternoon Centers
_Center chart is on the wall in between the windows. Students go to the same table as the morning
but complete work in green folder.
12:10 12:50 Resource
In this binder under schedule is a resource rotation. Otherwise check next to our class schedule by
the star helpers for the resource chart. Check with another teacher to find out what number day it
is, if you have still arent sure.
12:50 - 1:20 Writing/ Science
1:20 - 1:30 Log books
Students will mark their color bubble in their STAR binder. They also will write two
sentences about the day in the logbook section. Please walk around and check to make
sure each student is writing and sounding out their words.
1:25 - 1:30 Ready for home
At this time go over any end of day instructions. Ask the children to get ready to go home. Have
students check their pockets and put any papers in the blue folder in the STAR binder to go home.
Dismissal chart is next to the door and in this binder for easy reference.
1:30 Home
Please do not allow any student to line up if the floor has books or materials on it..
Notes about the day


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