All Columns Are Required For Completion of Form.: Appendix G: Campus Supervised Summary and Validation Report

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Campus Supervised Summary and Validation Report

Lamar University Internship Portfolio Directions: This report should summarize all Campus Supervised Internship Activities that have been completed. You willKimberly McKay document Appendix G: Campus Supervised Summary and Validation Reportth your activities on this form and submit the completed form in your 12 course.

The Internship requires a minimum of 150 campus supervised internship activities. These activities should match the candidates Internship Plan activities. The intern must use the 38 leadership activities, located in their textbook (pages 22-65) as the starting point for these activities. There needs to be a minimum of 38 Campus- Supervised entries that encompasses the 38 leadership activities and nine competencies. *Educational Technology Leadership candidates must include the 33 ISTE Technology Performance Indicators associated with the eight Technology Facilitation Standards in addition to the 38 principal leadership activities.* All columns are required for completion of form.
Skills and Experience Area/ ISTE Performance Indicator TF-I.A Date Completed Time Spent on Activity Description of Activity Reflection (150 words or less detailing what you have learned from this activity)

State Competency Standard/ISTE Technology Facilitation Standard TF I Technology Operations & Concepts TF I Technology Operations & Concepts


3 hours

Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and understanding of concepts related to technology. Staff Development and Learning Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. Effective Communication


12/2010 present

100 hours


I delivered Excel training to further develop my staffs proficiency in manipulating the dual credit and prospective student data. Data transparency is essential to closing the gaps and increasing the education attainment levels in our region. South Texas College has leveraged static digital signage to disseminate call to action notices to students, faculty and staff. The content was developed in PowerPoint and pushed to the plasmas as individual jpeg files. Technology has improved and the college has purchased Four Winds Interactive digital players to develop inter-active, eye catching channels and contents to provide students with information including weather, campus events, student organization, important dates and deadlines. The content manager and player will allow instant updates to messaging and can even incorporate RSS feeds and the colleges social networking sites. I manage and maintain the college district-wide and spend approximately one hour per week updating content with relevant information and call-to-action messages for students, faculty and staff. The internship hours also included training. As the call center supervisor, I worked closely with the Director of Distance Learning to launch a student chat feature to complement the existing call center

TF II Planning & Designing



20 hours

Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced

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