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VOL. 40 NO.

MARCH 2012

See page 4.

Jay Inslee endorsed for governor

WFSE/AFSCME is appealing a judges ruling against the unions fight to retain earlier retirement for those in the PERS 2 pension system. The ruling came in the second phase of the sometimes-complicated gainsharing lawsuit. King County Superior Court Judge Richard Eadie on Jan. 30 ruled against the Federation, the Washington Edu-

State Employee
The evils of pension reform
See page 5




he Washington Federation of State Employees/ AFSCME Executive Board members elected to represent all groups of members endorsed Congressman Jay Inslee for governor. The Feb. 9 vote to endorse was 51-8. The Washington State Labor Council followed suit days later as Inslees momentum continued to build. See INSLEE, page 3

Congressman Jay Inslee has represented the 1st Congressional District since 1999. He has a 96% Right voting record on your issues.


Judge rules against WFSE/AFSCME in second phase of gainsharing case but union appealing
cation Association and several individual plaintiffs on the second phase of the gainsharing class action lawsuit the part dealing with the earlier retirement factor, primarily for those in PERS 2. Once a final order from the judge on both the gainsharing issue (on which the union prevailed) and the earlier retirement factor portion, then appeals can be filed. At press time, a hearing on a final order hadnt been set. Its expected the state will appeal the gainsharing decision against them. The statute continues the PERS 2 earlier retirement until a final decision has been rendered on gainsharing. Its hard to tell when that would be. Members contemplating use of that benefit basically allowing full retirement at age 62 for eligible PERS 2 members are advised to contact the Department of Retirement Systems to confirm their options. Its believed earlier retirement will be in place for the foreseeable future, but DRS is the best authority.

A final salute to a fallen hero

Local 1466 member Ed Johanson, 44, remembered for his passion for parks -- and two exemplary sons


he death of Park Ranger Ed Johanson was another tragedy for WFSE/AFSCME members in a month of violence in Kitsap County. Friends and fellow state employees from Gov. Chris Gregoire on down remember him for his more Ed Johanson than 20 years of service, including the Local 1466 members emphasis on recreation and turning Kitsap Memorial State Park into a niche as a locale for weddings. But his greatest legacy his shining lights are his sons, Brandon, 20, and Nicholas, 18. They proudly led hundreds of mourners who celebrated their dads life at his March 2 memorial at Gateway Fellowship Church in Poulsbo. Hes provided us a foundation for which we will

Photo courtesy The North Kitsap Herald 2012

Law enforcement officers salute the remains of Local 1466 member Ed Johanson, a 20-year-plus park ranger at March 2 memorial in Poulsbo. Reported the North Kitsap Herald: Johansons son, Brandon, speaking with his brother Nicholas at his side, said it was appropriate for their fathers ashes to be placed in one of his beloved ranger cookie jars as his final resting place. Johanson died Feb. 24 in Seabeck on his way home from work when struck by a driver suspected of vehicular homicide while under the influence of narcotics. build our lives, Brandon told the gathered, as reported by the North Kitsap Herald. These boys are Eds legacy, he raised them well, brother Ray Johanson said, as reported in the Kitsap Sun. Ed Johanson, 44, was killed Feb. 24 while driving home from his recent new assignment at Kanasket-Palmer State Park in the Green River

See JOHANSON, page 8

Here come the WFSE Warriors!

Committed corps of grassroots activists to fan out across the state and coordinate job actions big and small. Phone banks against Zarelli Pension Bill showed first big impact. More coming!

Kay Halpain photo

The WFSE Warriors the unions grassroots corps of activists mobilizing the kinds of job actions we need to win the fight in the Legislature and beyond at Feb. 11 training in Seatac. The WFSE Warrior program is sponsored by the unions Internal Organizing Committee.

Recent WFSE Warrior-inspired job actions -- Dare to Wear Your Flair Days at the Bellingham DSHS Childrens Administration office (left) and Everett CA (above).
Phyllis Naiad photo

SAYING IT WITH FLOWERS -- SORT OF. Local 1221 member Linda Hartsell, a customer services specialist 2 with the Department of Labor and Industries in Spokane, used her arts and crafts talents to strike a blow against an annoying management edict that saw co-workers remove plants and other personal decorations from cabinets. So Hartsell took union buttons and made them into a flower arrangement and placed them in a pot adorned with a WFSE rain poncho. She took action in a way that is therapeutic and is within limits for decorations, because the 3-foot high arrangement is sitting on her desk, said colleague Kay Halpain, Local 1221 (and a WFSE Warrior).

Phyllis Jean Alexander photo


Edmundo Cavazos New board member
Sarah Clifthorne photo

OUTGOING LOCAL 1221 OFFICERS HONORED: Spokane Local 1221 Dec. 13 honored outgoing local treasurer Kay Halpain (left) and outgoing local president Kandy Kraig (right). Kraig, a support enforcement officer 3 for DSHS, was local president for 10 years, starting in November 2001. Halpain, a customer service specialist with the Department of Labor and Industries, was treasurer from 2007 to 2011.

Quan Tran New board member

New policy committee, new board members, new round of bargaining

Medical Interpreters Local 1671 is chugging right along, including at the first meeting of the locals district chairs Jan. 28 (above). The first meeting of the new policy committee that includes them, the Public Service Policy Committee, met Feb. 4 in Seatac and elected Local 1671 members Quan Tran and Edmundo Cavazos as its first-ever representatives on the WFSE/AFSCME Statewide Executive Board. Ballots for their 2013-2015 bargaining team go out the week of April 2.

State Employee

Local 1400 made a difference this holiday season

Longview-Kelso Local 1400 donated funds to the Jumbo toy drive for disadvantaged children in their area. Lower Columbia College stewards Molly Howard and Peter Hansen shopped and dropped off the toys Dec. 10.
Photo courtesy Local 1400

Photo courtesy Bob Overturf, Local 573

Washington State Employee (USPS 981200) is published monthly, except February and July, for $5.08 per year by the Washington Federation of State Employees/AFSCME Council 28 AFL-CIO, 1212 Jefferson St. S.E. Suite 300, Olympia, WA 98501. Affiliated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. Periodicals postage paid at Olympia, WA and at additional offices. Circulation: 42,000. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Washington State Employee, 1212 Jefferson St SE Suite 300 Olympia WA 98501-7501 Carol Dotlich, President Greg Devereux, Executive Director
Editor Tim Welch e-mail: Internet: Member, ILCA

Trades Committee meets

WFSE/AFSCMEs new Trades Committee met Feb. 17 in Seatac. This is one of the unions newest committees, dealing with issues central to Trades members in General Government and Higher Education.

ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OPTION. If youd like to save paper and postage, you can receive this newspaper electronically. Go to and hover over NEWS & INFO, located in the top menu bar. Select from the drop-down list: WASHINGTON STATE EMPLOYEE - Newspaper. Use the form on this page to register for the electronic version. Or e-mail us at, or write: WFSE/AFSCME, 1212 Jefferson St. S.E., Suite 300, Olympia, WA 98501. If youre a represented non-member fee payer and you dont wish to receive this publication in any format, e-mail us at, or write: WFSE/AFSCME, 1212 Jefferson St. S.E., Suite 300, Olympia, WA 98501.

Page 2

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

March 2012

INSLEE, from page 1
An independent North Carolina polling firm -- run by a Democrat but historically biased toward Republicans -- found that in just one week, Democrat Inslee had erased a 10-point deficit and pulled into a tie with Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna in the race for governor. The survey of 1,264 Washington voters from Feb. 16-19 showed Inslee and McKenna tied at 42 percent each, with 16 percent of the voters undecided. But the WFSE/AFSCME board was swayed by Inslees quarter century of ployee jobs. And he opposed the Wall Street bailout. Inslee has a 96 percent Right voting record on our issues. McKenna has publicly attacked pay, health benefits, seniority and workers compensation. McKenna wants to cut the number of state employees by 5 percent to 10 percent. McKennas given speeches supporting contracting out and privatization. And as a King County councilman, McKenna five times opposed collective bargaining agreements for public workers. More online at www.wfse. org.

Inslee has shown a vision for the state and has met regularly with groups of WFSE/AFSCME members over the years including a 2007 session with Ecology members in Lacey (above and above right).

support for public employees. That included strong and consistent support for pay and benefits, collective bargaining rights and worker health and safety in the state Legislature and for the past 15 years in the U.S. Congress. Hes also voted against contracting out of public em-

RTC Team reaches tentative agreement on 2012-2015 contract. The Federations bargaining team at Renton Technical College on Feb. 29 reached tentative agreement on a new, three-year contract. RTC bargains under a different law than most WFSE/ AFSCME members, so their cycle and term of agreement can be different. The term of this new contract, if ratified by the RTC membership, will be from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015. Among the major highlights: In an appendix, the longevity pay bonus requirement has been reduced from 15 years to 10 years. All RTC members who have been employed by the college for at least 10 years will receive the annual longevity bonus of $300. That means the annual longevity bonus will now be given to almost 30 percent of RTC members, up from 15 percent. Under RTC Article 10, members will be able to cash out Personal Convenience Leave once a year. Previously, it had a use it or lose it status. Under RTC Article 9, there will be improved vacation scheduling. Previously vacations were limited to the end of the school year and before the new school year. The onsite RTC ratification vote is set for May 1. Tentative Agreement reached with American Behavioral Health Systems. WFSE/AFSCME on March 9 reached a tentative

Learning to use and enforce the contracts. Stewards from Locals 304, 976 and 1060 pore over their respective contracts at recent Steward in Action training at WFSE/AFSCMEs Smokey Point Field Office.

agreement (TA) on a first-ever collective bargaining agreement for the more than 240 employees at ABHS, which provides substance abuse treatment services; that includes work for the state Department of Corrections and DSHS. If ratified, the new agreement would run from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2014. The first-ever agreement includes: Improvements on economics. It includes a wage increase of 1.5 percent. The union and ABHS will return to the bargaining table in June when the status of the contract with DOC is clearer to negotiate wages and benefits past July 1. Affordable health care. ABHS management agreed to fully absorb the increase in employee health costs that took effect March 1. Significant improvements to working conditions, including hours of work and scheduling, overtime, hiring, training and policies.

The ABHS onsite ratification vote was set for March 30 in Chehalis and Spokane Valley. ABHS members negotiate under the umbrella of the National Labor Relations Act. The Evergreen State College Exempt Bargaining Team finished its fourth day of bargaining March 1. In that last bargaining round, management had presented 12 initial and/or counter proposals. The WFSE/AFSCME team reached tentative agreement on 2 more articles: Shared Leave and Savings Clause. Unfortunately, weve yet to receive counters from management on our union members highest priority issues, the team reported. They were set to bargain again March 14. We are gaining strength every day, the team says. The TESC Exempts bargain under a different law than for most other WFSE/AFSCME members.

Medical Interpreters. Ballots for the Medical Interpreters 201315 Bargaining Team will go in the mail April 2. The deadline to get them in is April 30. Interpreters bargain under a different law than most other WFSE/AFSCME members. General Government and Higher Education This bargaining cycle for the General Government and Higher Education bargaining teams (under the 2002 bargaining law) officially began Jan. 23 when the Federation notified the respective managements with the required demands to bargain the next, 2013-2015 collective bargaining agreements. The demandto-bargain requests covered General Government, University of Washington, UW Police Management, Washington State University, Western Washington University, The Evergreen State College, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University and the Community Col-

lege Coalition. This will be the fifth contract for each of these teams. Most are scheduling team meetings to go over bargaining proposals and bargaining dates. At press time: General Government. The team was to meet March 20 and 21. The first of 14 scheduled bargaining dates will start May 1. All General Government bargaining will be at the Thurston County Fairgrounds in Lacey, except for the July 10 and 11 session in Olympia. University of Washington. Team meetings were set for March 14 and 20. Community College Coalition. Team meetings are set for April 20 and May 1. Western Washington University. Team meetings are set for April 6 and 17.

from page 1
The Legislature in 2007 granted the earlier retirement for PERS 2 members as a tradeoff for ending gainsharing for PERS 1 and PERS 3 members.

(Gainsharing refers to the sharing of extraordinary investment gains based on a set period of time and exceeding a certain percentage.) But the Federation and others sued to restore gainsharing and won. However, the original law said if gain-

sharing were ever restored, the earlier retirement would be repealed. Those whod already retired under that provision wouldnt be affected. The Federation and others argued that poison pill provision was illegal. Judge Eadie acknowl-

edged that PERS 2 enrollees have been assessed increased contribution rates to their retirement system because of the benefits that are now repealed. But, he said, that fulfilled the test that the additional contributions might offset additional employee

contributions in the future. The legislative intent was clear; there was to be gainsharing or the replacement of benefits, but not both, Eadie ruled. So in short, the gainsharing issue is as clear as mud and far from over.

March 2012

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

Page 3


The Legislature adjourned its regular session March 8 after a controversial partisan meltdown in the Senate. The budget was unresolved. Some good legislation passed, some died and some was still pending in the special session that started March 12. But all along, WFSE/AFSCME members had their voices heard.

Medical and L&I Interpreters after packed Jan. 30 House hearing on WFSE/AFSCME bill to grant collective bargaining rights to L&I Interpreters (HB 2701). Grant L&I Interpreters union rights and expand the scope of bargaining rights to bring fairness (against) a corrupt and wasteful system, L&I Interpreter Alfonso Bautista Jr. said. At press time, the bill was still in the House Ways and Means Committee.

Rallying at the Capitol on Presidents Day Feb. 20.

The budget battle. It came down to the good budget from the House Democrats vs. the bad budget from the Senate Republicans. The House saved pensions and made no further cuts to higher education. The bad Senate Republican plan cut pensions and made $38 million in cuts to higher education. The House raised revenue by closing some tax loopholes. But even after more than $10 billion in cuts to education and healthcare in the last two years, the Senate Republican plan couldnt find a single tax loophole to close. At press time, the dispute continued.

WFSE/AFSCME Green Caucus members Michele Stelovich, Local 1060 (left) and Kerry Graber, Local 443, testify Jan. 25 on SB 6406.

At Feb. 16 House hearing on forensics evaluations bill (from left): Larry Thompson and Marilyn Ronnei of Local 793 (Western State Hospital). STATE PROCUREMENT REFORM. 2SHB 2452 passed and was sent to the governor.

Local 308 member Ginger Richardson (left) and Local 313 member Tony Shaver testify Feb. 24 at House hearing on ESSB 6204, the Community Corrections supervision bill. At press time, it had been amended to retain current supervision levels.

Fight to restore contract rights for exempted Consolidated Technology Services members: Like the firefighters, nurses and teachers in the state of Wisconsin, I have lost my collective bargaining rights and I want them back, 27-year veteran Jeff Paulsen testified at House hearing Jan. 25 on HB 2396. At press time, the bill had passed the House, but it was unclear if it would be resolved in special session.

Childrens Administration bills. Several WFSE/AFSCME members testified on many bills affecting DSHS Childrens Administration, with the biggest being the Child Welfare Services bill, E2SHB 2264. As passed, privatization pilots remained, but implementation was delayed until December 2015. Across the state of Washington, the social workers on the front line are dedicated to the children..., Local 1400 member Joyce Murphy, a DSHS social worker 3, testified at a Feb. 23 Senate hearing. There are 8,000 children in foster care right now. And the decisions that (legislators) have to make are difficult just as well as the decisions we have to make every day. The governor signed the bill into law March 19. Also: Family Assessment, ESHB 6555, passed and sent to governor; SHB 2263 to reinvest savings from improved outcomes in Child Welfare was signed by the governor 3/19/12.

Joyce Murphy

Enjoy Washington state recreation lands
available 24 hours
Required on Washington state recreation lands
PARKS FUNDING. E2SHB 2373 to increase the appeal of the Discover Pass, passed and was sent to the governor. Among other things, it allows the passes to be transferred to another vehicle. But additional funding in the budget to avoid any further cuts, including making parks seasonal, was still in dispute at press time. Olympia Local 443 member Frank ODell, testified on a liability bill, HB 2510, at Jan. 25 House hearing. It passed the House, but not the Senate. Aberdeen Local 970 member Molly Rowe, testified Feb. 1 on HB 2264 in the House.

For more information or to purchase visit online

or call (866) 320-9933

eation lands

How to purchase the Discover Pass:

In person wherever state fishing and hunting licenses are sold Online at By phone (866) 320-9933 When you renew your vehicle license. (beginning fall 2011) At some state parks

lows ks, s,


(Transaction and dealer fees may apply)

Annual pass: $30 One-day pass: $10

HIGHER EDUCATION. Rep. Hans Zeiger of the 25th District addresses WFSE/AFSCME Higher Education members during the unions Higher Ed Forum Jan. 31 at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. At press time, budget proposals ranging from no cuts to $38 million in reductions were still in dispute.

Other bills left in limbo: ESHB 6078 -- Natural resource agency collaboration, passed the Senate but not the House. HB 2401 -- Saving Child Support mailing costs, passed the House, but not the Senate. SHB 1518 - transit/parking benefits, passed the House but not the Senate.

Smartphone barcode scan for website link Page 4

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

March 2012


WFSE/AFSCME Hotline: 1-800-562-6102 Website: (with links to Facebook, Flickr, YouTube & Twitter)

What you need to know about the evils of pension reform

Sen. Joe Zarelli

Late in the regular session of the Legislature, a coalition of senators resurrected the bad pension reform bill pushed by Sen. Joseph Zarelli of the 18th District. Zarelli and his allies made this ill-advised reform scheme a major demand in the special session that started March 12. The special session could last until April 10. At press time March 15, it wasnt known if the special session would still be going when you receive this newspaper. But whether the special session is still going when you read this, this evil concept of pension reform will likely not die quickly. Heres what you need to know now and for the future about why its so bad for all public employees, no matter what pension plan theyre in.

Zarellis pension reform bill (SB 6378) would:

Close PERS 2 to new hires Force new hires into PERS 3 End early retirement for those forced into PERS 3 Suspend payments to the PERS 1 unfunded liability for one year

These changes harm all of us -not just new hires. Heres why:

It harms the viability of all pension plans By forcing more defined contributions, the State Investment Board would have to invest in more liquid investments with lower returns.

The scheme would take our pension system from 97% funded all the way down to 60% PERS 2 members would have even more money deducted from paychecks -- another pay cut. According to the state actuary: Under expected conditions, (PERS 2) contribution rates will increase higher under this bill (for about 20 years).

Zarelli-style pension reform is a bad deal: Higher risk. Higher costs. Even higher PERS 2 contribution rates -and less take-home pay!
Pension reform harms state pension funds for 150,000 public servants
FACT: Closing PERS 2 enrollment, forcing new hires into PERS 3, cutting early retirement and skipping a payment to the PERS 1 unfunded liability may add $3.3 billion in costs to taxpayers. FACT: Washington has one of the best-funded pension systems in the nation -- 97% funded. This scheme could drop the funded status below 60% . FACT: Under this pension scheme: The State Investment Board (couldnt)invest members defined contribution funds as efficiently as the defined benefit plan funds, because (theyd have to) invest defined contribution moneys in more liquid investments with lower returns.

SOURCE: State Actuarys Fiscal Note for SB 6378, 2/9/12, p. 1 of 23

SOURCE: State Actuarys Fiscal Note for SB 6378, 2/9/12, p. 1 of 23

SOURCE: Senate Bill Report, ESB 6378, pages 3-4

When you mess around with pensions, you are messing around with the long-term economic health of our state, with job creation, and the respect and security of retirees.
John Burbank, Executive Director, Economic Opportunity Institute Everett Herald guest editorial, 3/14/12

Dont gamble away our pensions!

If the special legislative session is still going when you read this, call 1-800-562-6000 and urge your legislators to oppose the bad Zarelli Pension Reform Bill (ESB 6378)
Page 5

March 2012

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee


by Tim Foley Member, WFSE/AFSCME Steward Committee When looked up in Websters Dictionary, the word Confidential means 1) secret, or 2) entrusted with private matters. If one accepts these descriptions and then applies them to union shop stewards, you end up with what is called privileged communication. This special communication is part of the process of representing bargaining unit employees in formal grievance procedures or while assisting unit members with investigating workplace issues or problems. During these procedures, all stewards must abide by the WFSE/AFSCME Policy on Privileged Confidential Communication (found in the Policy for Processing Grievances). While protecting the rights of bargaining unit employees and the union, stewards must apply confidentiality to all communication, whether oral, signed (for hearing-impaired) or written (electronic or otherwise). It is the position of the Washington Federation of State Employees that any communication between a Federation member and his/her union representative, which is intended to be private and confidential regarding representational matters, is a privileged communication. Privileged communication is one which may not be disclosed to a third party (i.e. non-representatives). The privilege belongs to the member. Divulgence of a privileged communication with a member should be made only pursuant to a members waiver of the privilege or an appropriate court order, where the court has ruled either that the communication is not privileged or that the communication must be divulged despite the privilege. Finally, located in the Principles section of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Stewards, it clearly states that stewards will honor confidentiality. This rule must be followed at all times, in order to hold in stewardship, the welfare of the membership of WFSE. Stewards actions should also be consistent with the spirit as well as the letter of this code.


Family Campout at Sun Lakes

Camp Delany - Sun Lakes State Park
September 21-23, 2012
north of Ephrata and Soap Lake

Interested in a union motorcycle rally?

Proposed Federation Motorcycle Rally.

Join us for fun in the sun!

Picnics Hikes Barbeques Games Solidarity
In-park attractions: Pristine chain of lakes, freshwater marshes and magnificent basalt rock formations. Hiking, fishing, swimming, water skiing and golfing. 400-foot-high, 3-mile-wide Dry Falls once the worlds greatest waterfall. Nearby attractions:
Camp Delany/Sun Lakes offers cabins and a full kitchen for group dining. RV hookups and tent camping are also available in the park.

Several WFSE/AFSCME members have asked the unions Members Only Benefits Committee about the idea of sponsoring a Federation Motorcycle Rally that converges on Olympia to join a huge picnic. If youre interested, the committee would like to know. Contact Committee Chair Randy Kurtz (Local 948) at (425) 870-1456 or randallokurtz@

Grand Coulee Dam. Casino near Electric City.

Coordinated by the Members Only Benefits Committee WFSE/AFSCME

Sign up online at Watch for registration form in next months newspaper SHARED LEAVE REQUESTS
If youve been approved to receive shared leave by your agency or institution, you can place a notice here. Once youve been approved by your agency or institution, WFSE/AFSCME can place your shared leave request here and online. Please include a contact in your agency, usually in human resources, for donors to call. E-mail the editor at Or call 1-800562-6002. The following could use a donation of eligible unused annual leave or sick leave or all or part of your personal holiday:

4930 (Mondays) or (206) 7602468 (Tuesdays-Fridays). Sue Clemenson, a social worker 2 at the DSHS Belltown CSO in Seattle and a member of Local 843, has exhausted all leave while caring for her husband, Nick, also a DSHS employee, who is battling a life-threatening illness. Contact: your human resource office. Robin Hicks, a social worker 2 with DSHS in Olympia and a member of Local 443, has exhausted all leave because of a serious medical condition. Contact: your human resource office. Mary Benton, an office assistant 2 with the state Health Care Authority in Olympia and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave because of a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Contact: Kerri Kallay, (360) 725-3712. Angelica Rainey, an office assistant 3 with DSHS in Tumwater and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave because of a high-risk pregnancy. Contact: your human resource office. Peggy Pattok, a social worker 3 at the DSHS Bellingham Childrens Administration office and a member of Local 1060, is in need of shared leave because of a medical

issue. Contact: your human resource office. Jessica Egleston, a customer services specialist 3 with the Department of Health in Tumwater and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: Skyler Jones, (360) 236-4409. Brandy Mester, a financial services specialist 3 with DSHS at the Lakewood CSO and a member of Local 53, has been approved for shared leave because of a serious medical condition. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Kathy Livingston, a financial services specialist 3 with DSHS at the Pierce South CSO and a member of Local 53, has been approved for shared leave because of a serious medical condition. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Feleni Schuster, a financial services specialist 3 with DSHS in Olympia and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave to take care of her mother and mother-in-law, who live with her and are suffering from serious medical conditions. Contact: your human resource office. Brenda Olson, a financial services specialist 3 for the

DSHS Statewide Customer Service Contact Center in Pierce County and a member of Local 53, is in need of shared leave because of a serious medical condition of a family member who is in need of her assistance. Contact: your human resource office. Keona Tulloch, a financial services specialist 3 for the Statewide Triage Phone Team B in Pierce County and a member of Local 53, is in need of shared leave because of surgery that has caused her leave balances to drop to zero. Contact: your human resource office. Jennifer Pelletier, a social worker 2 with DSHS in Kelso and a member of Local 1400, has been approved for shared leave because of a serious medical condition. Contact: your human resource office. Christie Hayner, a WorkFirst program specialist at the DSHS Alderwood Community Service Office and a member of Local 948, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: your human resource office. Paulette Blain, a tax specialist 3 with the Employment Security Department in Olympia and a member of Local 443, was scheduled for shoulder replacement surgery Feb. 16 and will need shared leave to cover her two-month recovery.

Loni Nelson-Bounds, a financial services specialist 3 at the DSHS Bremerton CSO and a member of Local 53, has been approved for shared leave because of a serious medical condition. Contact: your human resource office. Sheila Martin, a Worksource specialist 2 with the Employment Security Department whos been off work since November with a serious illness, is in need of shared leave. She was a Local 53 member in Tacoma. Contact: Kathleen Young, (360) 725-9416. Lula Smith, a social worker 3 with DSHS in Seattle and a member of Local 843, is in need of shared leave. Contact: Mark Lacy at (206) 923-

wfse .org

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WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

March 2012



Ele wit

Scholarship application reminders

The application deadline for the three $1,000 Norm Schut Scholarships and the $2,500 Younglove & Coker Scholarship is April 30. Applications appeared in the January edition of this newspaper. You can also download applications online at > Member Info > Scholarship Information.

3 OPTIONS! A MEMBERS ONLY Quality WFSE/AFSCME members and their families! and Sisters Dental Health Care for our Union BrothersBENEFIT for
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Lakewood (253)581-2888 Arlington (360)658-3131 Seattle/Downtown (206)623-2666 Kennewick (509)737-8555 Adam Keck (360)866-7669 Bothell/Mill Creek (425)806-0077 Spokane Valley Salmon Creek (509)924-0055 (360)718-2355 Lakewood (253)581-2888 Lynnwood Olympia Arlington (360)658-3131 Auburn Seattle/Downtown (206)623-2666 (425)744-1022 (253)333-9500 Sequim (360)797-1100 Sunrise Dental is a preferred provider for your dental insurance; SeaTac/Seattle Kent (253)856-3384 Executive Director of Labor (509)542-9981 Carnation (425)744-1022 (425)333-4101 Tacoma (253)759-9291 (206)243-7788 Lynnwood Auburn (253)333-9500 Battle Ground Sequim Pasco (425)432-4131 (360)797-1100 *New patients only Maple Valley (360)666-5700 Shoreline (206)542-4444 this translates to more savings for you. Your out of pocket costs at Sunrise Dental will be minimal or zero whenever possible. (360)697-2777 (509)790-0080 Tukwila/Southcenter (425)291-9555 Maple Ellensburg(425)432-4131 Marysville Poulsbo(360)651-1882 Battle Ground (360)666-5700 Bellevue Valley Shoreline (206)542-4444 Sunrise Dental is (425)450-9500 Snohomish (425)374-8451 a preferred provider for your dental insurance; on Lifetime Free Teeth Whitening! Bring this AD and ask us about details Puyallup (253)770-4342 (425)513-2000 Walla Walla you. Your (509)522-2220 425.891.8918 Marysville (360)651-1882 Monroe Bellevue (425)450-9500 Bellingham Everett (360)734-1999 Snohomish (425)374-8451 translates for out (360)794-0717 this Spokane to more savings(509)536-9999 of pocket costs at Sunrise Dental will be minimal or zero whenever possible. Lakewood (253)581-2888 Monroe Federal Way Arlington (360)658-3131 Bellingham (206)623-2666 Bring ask us about details on Lifetime Free Teeth Whitening! Redmond (206)623-2666 (877)770-3077 Wenatchee this AD and (509)886-0500 (360)794-0717 Mount Vernon (360)734-1999 BonneySeattle/Downtown Spokane (509)536-9999 LakewoodLake (253)581-2888 (253)838-3232 Arlington (360)658-3131 Seattle/Downtown (360)848-6777 Spokane(North) (509)468-0866 Questions? Lynnwood (425)744-1022 Mount Vernon (253)862-1015 Auburn (253)333-9500 Bonney Lake Sequim (360)797-1100 Renton (425)430-2029 Issaquah (360)848-6777 Sequim Yakima (509)457-5050 (253)862-1015 Bothell/Mill Creek(425)744-1022 (425)391-7645 Spokane(North) (360)797-1100 Spokane Valley (509)468-0866 Lynnwood Auburn (253)333-9500 (360)866-7669 (425)806-0077 (509)924-0055 Maple Valley (425)432-4131 Olympia Kennewick(360)866-7669 Olympia Battle Ground (360)666-5700 Bothell/Mill Creek (425)806-0077 Shoreline (206)542-4444 Creek (509)924-0055 Adam Keck Maple Valley (253)581-2888 (425)432-4131 (509)737-8555 Battle Ground (360)666-5700 Shoreline Lakewood Arlington (360)658-3131 Seattle/Downtown Salmon(509)542-9981 (206)623-2666 (360)718-2355 PascoSpokane Valley (206)542-4444 Tacoma Carnation (253)759-9291 *New patients only Marysville (360)651-1882 Pasco Bellevue (425)450-9500 Carnation Snohomish (425)333-4101 (425)374-8451 Kent (360)651-1882 (253)856-3384 Executive Director of Labor (509)542-9981 Poulsbo (425)333-4101 Ellensburg (425)744-1022 Tacoma (360)797-1100 (206)243-7788 Marysville (425)450-9500 (425)374-8451 Tukwila/Southcenter patients only *New (425)291-9555 Lynnwood AuburnBellevue (253)333-9500 SequimSnohomish SeaTac/Seattle (253)759-9291 (360)697-2777 (509)790-0080 Monroe (360)794-0717 Poulsbo Bellingham (360)734-1999 Ellensburg Spokane (509)536-9999 (360)697-2777 Puyallup (509)790-0080 Everett Tukwila/Southcenter (425)291-9555 (360)794-0717 Bellingham (360)666-5700 (360)734-1999 Valley Spokane (509)536-9999 Walla dental Maple Monroe (425)432-4131 Battle Ground Shoreline Sunrise Dental is (253)770-4342 (206)542-4444 provider for your Walla insurance; (509)522-2220 (425)513-2000 a preferred Mount (360)848-6777 Puyallup Bonney Lake (253)862-1015 Everett Vernon (425)513-2000 Spokane(North) (253)770-4342 (509)468-0866 (509)522-2220 Mount Vernon (360)848-6777 Bonney Lake(425)450-9500 (253)862-1015 425.891.8918 translates toSnohomish for you. Your (877)770-3077 at more Spokane(North) pocket Marysville (360)651-1882 Bellevue (425)374-8451costs FederalSpokane this (253)838-3232 savings Walla Walla out of (509)468-0866Sunrise Dental will be minimal or zero whenever possible. Way Wenatchee (509)886-0500 Olympia (360)866-7669 Redmond Valley (877)770-3077 Redmond AD and ask us about details on Lifetime Free Teeth Whitening! Bothell/Mill Creek (425)806-0077 Federal Way (509)924-0055 this Questions? (253)838-3232 Issaquah (360)794-0717 Wenatchee (509)886-0500 (360)866-7669 Bothell/Mill Creek (425)806-0077 Spokane (509)924-0055 Yakima MonroeOlympia Bellingham (360)734-1999 Spokane Bring Valley (509)536-9999 Renton (425)430-2029 (425)391-7645 (509)457-5050 A MEMBERS ONLY BENEFIT for WFSE/AFSCME members and their families! Questions? Pasco (509)542-9981 Renton Carnation (425)333-4101 Issaquah Tacoma (253)759-9291 *New patients only (425)430-2029 Salmon Creek (509)468-0866 (425)391-7645 Kennewick(360)848-6777 Yakima (509)457-5050 Pasco (509)542-9981 (425)333-4101 Tacoma (253)759-9291 Mount Vernon BonneyCarnation (253)862-1015 Lake Spokane(North) (360)718-2355 (509)737-8555 *New patients only Adam Keck and their families for over 30 years. Poulsbo (360)697-2777 Salmon Creek Ellensburg (509)790-0080 Kennewick (360)718-2355 SeaTac/Seattle (509)924-0055 (509)737-8555 Kent Tukwila/Southcenter (425)291-9555 Serving union members Adam Keck Poulsbo (360)697-2777 Ellensburg (509)790-0080 Tukwila/Southcenter(206)243-7788 (425)291-9555 Olympia (360)866-7669 Bothell/Mill Creek (425)806-0077 Spokane Valley Executive Director of Labor Puyallup (253)770-4342 SeaTac/Seattle (253)856-3384 Everett (425)513-2000 Kent Walla Walla (509)522-2220 (206)243-7788 Walla Walla (253)856-3384 Executive Director of Labor (253)770-4342 Everett (425)513-2000 (509)522-2220 Pasco Puyallup (509)542-9981 Carnation (425)333-4101 Tacoma (253)759-9291 *New Redmond (877)770-3077 Federal Way (253)838-3232 Wenatchee (509)886-0500is a preferred provider for your dental insurance; patients only Sunrise Dental Questions? Federal Way (509)790-0080 (253)838-3232 Sunrise Dental is (360)697-2777 Wenatchee (509)886-0500 PoulsboRedmondtranslates to(877)770-3077your dental insurance; (425)291-9555 Dental will be minimal or zero whenever possible. Ellensburg Tukwila/Southcenter a preferred provider for you. Your out of pocket costs at Sunrise 425.891.8918 more savings for Questions? Renton (425)430-2029 this Yakima Issaquah (425)391-7645 (509)457-5050 (425)430-2029 (425)391-7645 Yakima (509)457-5050 of pocket costs Sunrise Dental will be minimaldetails on Lifetime Free Teeth or zero whenever Puyallupyou. Your Everett Issaquah this translates to more savings forRenton out(253)770-4342atBring this AD and ask us about(509)522-2220 possible. Whitening! 425.891.8918 (425)513-2000 Walla Walla Salmon Creek (360)718-2355 Kennewick (509)737-8555 Bring Salmon Creekus about details (360)718-2355 (509)737-8555 this AD and ask(877)770-3077 on Lifetime Free Teeth Whitening! Adam Keck Redmond Federal Kennewick (253)838-3232 Way Wenatchee (509)886-0500 Adam Keck SeaTac/Seattle (206)243-7788 Kent (253)856-3384 Executive Director of Labor Questions? (206)243-7788 Kent (253)856-3384 Executive Director of Labor Renton SeaTac/Seattle (425)430-2029 Issaquah (425)391-7645 Yakima (509)457-5050 Sunrise is a preferred provider for your dental insurance; Salmon Creek (360)718-2355 Kennewick Dental (509)737-8555 Adam Keck 425.891.8918 Executive Director of Labor this translates to more savings for you. Your out of pocket costs atSunrise Dental is a preferred provider for your dental insurance; Sunrise Dental will be (206)243-7788 whenever possible. minimal or zero Kent (253)856-3384 425.891.8918 this translates toabout details on Lifetime Free Teeth Whitening! at Sunrise Dental will be minimal or zero whenever possible. more savings SeaTac/Seattle of pocket costs for you. 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in Olympia and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: Renee Eggleston, (509) 2496729. Terrilyn Coleman, a financial services specialist 3 with DSHS in Seattle and a member of Local 843, has been approved for shared leave. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Robin Thomas, a financial services specialist 4 at the DSHS Alderwood Community Service Office and a member of Local 948, has been approved for shared leave. She has exhausted all leave because of her health issues and continued health issues after the death of her husband. Contact: your human resource office. Cynthia (Cindy) Hernandez, a financial services specialist 3 with the DSHS Southwest CSC Triage A in Kelso and a member of Local 1400, has been approved for shared leave because of a medical condition. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Peter Barabasz, a financial services specialist 3 at the DSHS Sky Valley Community Service Office and a member of Local 948, is still in need of shared leave because of ongoing treatment in his

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Contact: Kathleen Young, (360) 725-9416. Karen Parker, a financial services specialist 4 with the DSHS Statewide CSD Customer Service Contact Center Medical Phone and Batch Team in King County and a member of Local 843, has been approved for shared leave due to a serious medical condition. Contact: your human resource office. Cora Rudisill, a social worker 2 at the DSHS Lakewood Community Service Office and a member of Local 53, is in need of shared leave because of a serious medical condition. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. M. Kay Kroiss, a nursing assistant at the Spokane Veterans Home, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: Sandie Wollan, (509) 344-5777. Nicole Foos, a medical assistance specialist 3 with the Health Care Authority in Olympia and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: April Yancey, (360) 725-2134 or Cecilia Benitez-Whidden, a financial services specialist 3 with the DSHS Contact Center-Medical Team in Seattle and a member of Local 843,

has been approved for shared leave because of a serious health condition. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Claudette Gales, an unemployment insurance specialist 3 with the Employment Security Department in Seattle and a member of Local 435, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: Kathleen Young, (360) 725-9416. Alexander Neuland, a financial services specialist 3 at the DSHS North Smokey Point Community Service Office and a member of Local 948, has been approved for shared leave. Contact: your human resource office. Sandra Schmaltz, a DD case resource manager for DSHS in Longview and a member of Local 1400, is in need of shared leave because of a medical issue. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Janet Karnas-Holst, a WorkFirst program specialist at the DSHS Chehalis Community Service Office and a member of Local 862, is in need of shared leave as she recovers from surgery. Contact: Grace Chambers, (360) 725-6627 or Dara Brooks, an information technology specialist 4 with the Washington State Patrol

long battle with cancer. He still needs leave for several months because of the ongoing treatments. Contact: your human resource office. Adriana Pimentel, a financial services specialist 3 in Moses Lake with the DSHS Statewide Triage Team A Call center and a member of Local 1221, is caring for her father, who recently underwent surgery for a life-threatening condition requiring ongoing treatment and assistance. Her care and support is crucial to her fathers recovery and wellbeing. She has depleted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Lori Smart, a financial services specialist 3 in Spokane in the DSHS Statewide CSC Child Care Team, is in need of shared leave because of a serious disabling health condition that makes it difficult for her to work a full schedule. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Tom Pierce Jr., a financial services specialist 3 at the DSHS Lakewood Community Service Office and a member of Local 53, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer. He is undergoing his second chemotherapy treatment and will be off work at least until June. He has exhausted available leave time. Contact: your human resource office.

Audrey Ahrens, an office assistant 3 at Rainier School in Buckley and a member of Local 491, is undergoing surgery for a brain tumor. Contact: your human resource office. Trish Havens, a WorkFirst program specialist at the DSHS Olympia Community Service Office and a member of Local 443, has been approved for shared leave. She has exhausted all leave. Contact: your human resource office. Kathi K. Holmes, a financial services specialist 3 at the DSHS Olympia Community Service Office and a member of Local 443, is in need of shared leave because of a serious medical condition. Contact: your human resource office.

Carrie Magnuson 253-405-4547


March 2012

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

Page 7

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from page 1
Gorge area. Police say a 35-year-old Central Kitsap man crossed the centerline of Holly Road in Seabeck and hit Johansons personal car head on. The man was arrested on suspicion of vehicular homicide; police believe he was under the influence of narcotics, according to the Sun. Even though Johanson didnt die on the job, the Parks and Recreation Commission treated it as such in how they carried out his memorial. Crisply uniformed colleagues and other law enforcement professionals, last salutes, emotional words from the agency director and governor. Ed wanted people to love the parks the way he did and get as much out of their park experience as possible, said agency director Don Hoch. Thats passion for you. Johansons death ended a string of tragedies in Bremerton and Kitsap County, including serial murders, a school shooting and the murder

of State Trooper Tony Radulescu. To the community here, on behalf of 6.7 million people, we stand with you, Gregoire said, as reported by the Herald. We are sorry for what youve had to put up with over the last few weeks. Kathy Andruss, WFSE/AFSCMEs director of human resources, worked with Johanson on an issue in 2004 when she worked in state Parks HR department. He was the epitome of a park ranger he loved parks, he loved talking to visitors, walking around, visiting campsites, Andruss recalls. Its sad to lose somebody like that who cares so much about the job they do, she added. I think hell be missed greatly.

Local 1466 member Ed Johanson spent most of his career at Kitsap Memorial State Park.

Photo courtesy The North Kitsap Herald 2012

A memorial account, the Ed Johanson Memorial Fund, has been established at Key Bank, for donations to help his family.

Johansons sons Nicholas, 18, left, and Brandon, 20, right, called their dad their best friend. Coach Dad was a positive role model in [our] life, Brandon said, as reported by the North Kitsap Herald.

Some 250 mourners, including Gov. Chris Gregoire (upper right, with husband, Mike), turned out for Ed Johansons memorial service March 2 in Poulsbo.

Photo courtesy The North Kitsap Herald 2012

The photos of Ed Johansons memorial service are reprinted here with permission of the North Kitsap Herald. They were taken by reporter/photographer Megan Stephenson. 2012 The North Kitsap Herald.

Photo courtesy Washington State Patrol Troopers Association

WFSE/AFSCME members join with the Washington State Patrol Troopers Association in mourning the Feb. 23 murder of Trooper Tony Radulescu, 44. He was killed in an early morning traffic stop near Gorst on State Route 16 south of Bremerton. His assailant later died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Donations to the Anthony Radulescu Memorial Fund may be made at any Key Bank to help his family. His funeral was March 1 in Kent.

DIANA PARKISON 1945-2012 Retired Olympia Local 443 member Diana Parkison, who represented Health Care Authority members on the WFSE/AFSCME Executive Board from 1999 to 2003, died Feb. 13 in Olympia. She was 66. Parkison later was active in the Retired Public Employees Council of Washington/AFSCME. Her funeral was Feb. 21 in Lacey followed by a military internment service at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent. A Navy veteran, Parkison worked 28 years for the state. She continued in the Naval Reserves. She was a Red Cross volunteeer in the Parkison (right) at head of march from Tumwater to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Memorials sugCapitol on Day 3 of the 2001 strike, 4/20/01. gested to Red Cross or any cause in her name.

In our view / Public employees

More thanks, less blame

Public employees, particularly those who work in state government, can be excused for feeling a bit under siege lately. These days, they shoulder too much blame for budgets that are out of whack. Whether its over collective bargaining rights, pension benefits or health insurance plans, state employees are unfairly singled out as a problem. The overwhelming majority of them deserve the gratitude of the public they serve. Despite unpaid furloughs that have lightened so many of their paychecks in recent years, and layoffs that -- like workers in the private sector -- have forced them to do more with less, most continue to work hard and with pride delivering the services we all depend on but so often take for granted. It was a state employee, Tony Radulescu, whose loss was mourned at a public gathering Thursday in Kent. The veteran Washington State Patrol trooper was shot to death during a traffic stop last month, reminding us of other officers lost in the line of duty, and of the risks police at the state, county and city levels take protecting us every day. It was another state employee, Department of Corrections Officer Jayme Biendl, who was slain while at her post in the chapel of the Washington State Reformatory in Monroe just over a year ago. Also last year, Department of Natural Resources worker Sam Gaydeski was killed accidentally while clearing brush in Jefferson County, and Department of

Reprinted by permission of The (Everett) Daily Herald Originally published: Sunday, March 4, 2012

Transportation worker Billy Rhynalds died after being struck by a wind-toppled tree while directing traffic around a flooding roadway. Ed Johanson, a 20-year state park ranger, was killed in a traffic collision while driving home from work last month. The driver of the other vehicle was arrested on suspicion of vehicular homicide, and authorities say drugs or alcohol may have been involved. Johanson wasnt killed on the job, but he had recently taken a job at a park two hours away from his home because of department downsizing, making for a long commute. And memories are still painfully fresh of the shooting death of National Park Ranger Margaret Anderson, killed in January by a suspect involved in an earlier shooting. To be sure, public-employee compensation and benefits are legitimate and serious policy issues. Government budgets must serve a variety of needs and be sustainable. But as debates continue over these issues, lets keep in mind the people behind the budget numbers, those who have answered a call to public service. The great majority perform their jobs well, and with pride. They deserve our respect, and our thanks. Copyright 2012 The Daily Herald Co., Everett, WA (Used by permission)

Page 8

WFSE/AFSCME Washington State Employee

March 2012

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