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Human Anatomy Fall 2011 Section 4 Exam 1


Questions are all worth 2 points unless otherwise specified. Station 1: 18 points 1. Name 4 of the 11 body systems. 2. There are ____ carpals in the wrist and ______tarsals in the ankle. 3. The plane that divides the body into left and right portions is the ________ plane.

4. Ipsilateral refers to areas or objects on the same/opposite side of the body? (circle one) 5. Another name for the directional term inferior is 6. Name the 3 cavities located in the thoracic cavity. __ ________ ____ ________ . (1pt)

________ & right/left

7. List the other two (not the one mentioned in question 3) primary body planes that we discussed AND indicate what divisions they divide the body into. (3 pts) Directional Terms 8. The ichium is ___ ________ to the pubis. (1 pt) ________ to the humerus. (1 pt)

9. The glenoid cavity is __ 10. The vomer is __

________ to the ethmoid. (1pt)

11. The scaphoid is ___ ________ ______ to the lunate. (1pt)

Station 2: 24 points 12. Name the anterior fossa of the scapula.

13. What is the name of the lateral bone of the forearm?

14. Name 2 of the 3 bones that fuse to make up the os coxa.

15. The fossa located on the posterior and distal side of the humerus is the ________ fossa.

16. The corocoid process is located on which bone?

(1 pt per box) Side of the body 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Left 17a. 18a. Humerous 19a. 20a. 21a. 22a.Ulna 23a. Bone Process 17b. Glenoid cavity 18b. 19b. N/A 20b. Acetabelum 21b. N/A 22b. 23b.

Station 3: 24 points 24. Name the 4 spinal curvatures from superior to inferior.

25. True or false ( circle one): In contrast to other vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae have relatively small bodies. If false, correct the statement to make it true 26. The most superior section of the sternum is the ________ .

27. Name the bone on the anterior side of the neck that has no bony attachments.

28. What is the name for the specific cartilage that attaches the ribs to the sternum?

Identification: If a bone is a vertebra, specify the curvature. (for example: lumbar vertebra.) 1 pt per box Bone 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 29a. 30a. 31a. 32a. 33a. 34a. 35a. Process

Station 4: 20 points 36. Name the 4 flat bones of the skull cap.

37. Name 4 of the 7 bones that make up the orbit.

38. On which bone is the temporal process?

39. Name the small V-shaped bone that makes up the inferior portion of the nasal septum.

40. True or false (circle one): The squamous suture is found superior to the ears and divides the temporal and frontal bones. If false, correct the statement to make it true.

Identification: Name the bone and process. (1 pt per box) Bone 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41a. 42a. 43a. 44a. 45a. Process

Station 5: 14 points 46. The (mandible/maxilla) is stationary while the (mandible/maxilla) is mobile. 47. Which process of the ethmoid bone, if hit right, could instantly kill you?

48. Name 2 sinuses located in the skull. Identification: Name the bone and process. (1 pt each box) 49. 50. 51. 52. 49a. 50a. 51a. 52a.

Extra Credit (4pt): What is your favorite bone? And why?

What bone is most commonly broken?

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What lab section are you in?

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