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May 2012

Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy

Reading regularly with your children during their preschool years gives them the biggest boost toward a successful education they will ever receive! The Ferst Foundation exists to provide books for local communities to prepare all Georgia preschool children for reading and learning success. Children registered for the program receive a free book at his/ her home every month until their fth birthday. If they are registered as soon as they are born, each child will receive up to 60 free books for his/ her own personal library! To start building your childs library, register at registration.htm

Lights! Camera! Action! Join Julie Simpson and the cast and crew of Treasure Hunters 7 as we learn to be the right kind of friend. Through the stories and examples found in the Bible, the children will learn how to be a follower of Jesus and how to choose good friends as well as how to be a good friend to others. Roll out the red carpet and check out the latest series that will get the kids talking about how much fun they had at church learning about the Bible.

Corey Jones Childrens Pastor 404.788.9487

Natasha Lovelady Childrens Pastor Intern 678.378.3167

Hollie Adams
Children & Student Administrator 770.328.0695

Tiny Baby...Big Commitment

Southern Hills loves kids and their families!We are committed to partnering with parents as they raise children to love and honor God.Family Dedication, formerly called Baby Dedication, is an opportunity for parents to pledge before God and His church their commitment to intentionally shepherd their children. Our next Family Dedication event is Mother's Day, May 13th.We look forward to celebrating with families!


Last Wednesday night Journey service

Katrina Skidmore
All Stars Volunteer
Katrina faithful serves at Journey with the 5th grade girls. She loves these young ladies & works hard to connect them with Jesus each & every week. Katrina also serves in the Dugout on Sunday mornings so that the kids who attend two services can have a place to serve & have fun with each other. Not only does Katrina share Jesus here at church but she also gets to be a light in her school as she teaches at Temple Elementary. We are very thankful for Katrina's heart as she invests in the lives of our children & makes a kingdom difference that will impact the world for Christ!

Rette Martin
All Stars Student Rette Martin is a mature & caring 2nd grader who really stands out as an All Star who loves Jesus. This young man could be sitting in a room of chaos but will choose to do what is right & honoring to God. He is always in All Stars ready to grow in his relationship with Jesus & to serve whenever asked. Rette, continue to be such a great example and continue to keep Jesus #1 in your life!

Blake Culverhouse
Sparks Student
Blake is always excited to hang out with his friends in Sparks!He comes in the door asking who has already arrived. However, when Blake rst joined the PreK class, he wasn't so sure about singing during worship.But, over the past few months, Blake is leading his peers in worshipping God! It has been fun watching Blake grow! God has good plans for you, Blake, & we are thankful that we get to be a part of them!

MAY 16
Heroes Volunteer Night 6:00-8:00

MAY 20
4th Grade Parent Day in All Stars

All Stars/Sparks series meeting 12:30-12:45

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