The Wind Kill-2

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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author imaginations or are used fictitiously. THE HOUSE OF GALES Copyright @ 2012 by ROBERT GARRETT Edited by: REGINE SAWYER The phases The House of Gales and The Forgotten Child are trademarks of Robert Garrett All rights reserved. Published by Xmoor Studios New York, NY 10010


The Wind is a jagged edge demon, It is a silent assassin given to moments of howling bravado. Chosen without choice we await its demands. We are the warriors of Wind, of the Azure Suns. Susceptible to its magic, we are the pointed sword... Heroes of ages never to be known, We live only to serve, only to follow, to give their lives. An army of assassins.., serving a master of fickle whims. We are wind children awaiting its call, We listen for the call that howls rises and ravages. No matter passage of time, space or rebirths... It is all just meaningless turn of worlds. The Wind shifts, spirals and roars... We have heard the Gales bellow! The Mazentuf comes! The World must fall...

The Wind Walkers

True warriors of the wind balances several degrees of proficiency their talents melding the naturals of Fangrooth, the true source of life with the martial capabilities only one who has given himself to the whims of wind.. The stages of a true Lopard Mystic: is that of the warrior, followed by the mage, taking an enlightened path to attain the final stage. He shall morph like the moth onto a butterfly... Now and forever transformed... The Lopard Mystic is an Assassin of the Wind.
Spoken by the Wind then inked to the scroll: Hezlan Wind Lord of the Silver Age



The Hole was widening... He could feel it, taste the corruptness that invaded the world, yet they all slept comforted by their dreams, as the world tried to heave the wrongness away. He could feel the violation of its taint as the wound opened wider, ever wider. Unbeknownst to most, the battle of lights continued... The wounding of the world continued unabated, so many places, they resembled countless invisible cuts on the body, leaking blood, or the bites of a mosquito, small and ignored clouded away to the naked eye. No one could see them, at least no one who could not touch the other spectrums of light... The Fangrooth, the azure colors that harvested the true magic of worlds. Looking upwards as the rain's torrential downpour soaked the hood covering his head. He wished for the past, when he was once like so many others who walked around blind not seeing that this life was but a micron of everything that truly existed.

He had been just one of those countless millions who were content to live their trivial lives.

The One Year Wizard had awakened to the real life only a year ago, kicking and screaming... Harsh reality had torn asunder his perceptions of reality and laughed at him, the wind was a cruel taskmaster, it had taught him lifes true principles.., He had been chosen. And for everyday since, he wished that he could once again be blind like the rest of the world. As he looked back he shook his head at the contempt for the life he once lived, how much he had taken for granted. Once he'd been happy to be living his life as a covert agent for the government and a father. It had been a blissful life if you can look past the murder double-cross and lack of morals it took to do the job. But reality was a harsh mistress and she had chosen to tear asunder his minuscule perception of how the balances truly worked in order to enlist him into her servitude, life had chosen to remove his blinders He now knew that somewhere else, it was it was the dawn of the Bronze Age it was a time that would change, destroy and rebuild the perceptions of so many worlds, even now he could sense the rend in the fabric of time and space; he knew that it had grown twice the size since his awakening. He had almost died then, when the winds took him, claimed him and changed him... It felt so much longer when he had been enlighten and shown his true path almost a year ago. Was it really that long? He questioned himself. It was over a year ago when his wife took his son and left him. It was even harder to accept that it was one year ago when they had convinced the woman that he loved since High school that he had gone insane. He lifts his head letting the cold raindrops splash down on his face, as if it could cleanse his losses, wash away his sins, standing here before the Marist Housing Projects, as its cold brick facade looked down upon him, accusing him... "This is your fault." He longed for that denial... like when he was a child living life oblivious to what the community tried to offer him. Everything looked desolate at 3am in the morning, as if the area had been evacuated. He knew that the streets held life, that people lived here, as a child you learned the times to come outside, and the times it was better to stay indoors. When he was a teen, it was only one of the few times that he ventured outside unknown to his parent's. If they had found out, it would have quickly come to an end. But he felt it a statement, he was becoming a man, and the concrete prison could not contain him, when he had gotten older and reflected back, he understood the stupidity of his late night forays...

But it had helped to make him his own man.

He was one of the few children who could claim a two-parent household in the community. His father worked hard, his mom even harder it was just how people at that time were... They wanted better for their children, at least some folks did. But they still had their own ambition to push themselves, His father got the job he wanted after so many attempts, he had become a postman. These examples of never giving up were his anchor he would never succumb to the streets. It was what drove him; he had got his parents out of Marist Projects and never looked back. Still contemplating, he raised his hand looking at his fingertips upon each of his nails floated a faint azure glimmer of light, the light surged upwards between his fingers into a small ball the size of a jawbreaker candy he use to buy as a child. The ball began to bounce from fingertip to fingertip. He had come to accept that it was not always a bad thing to be labeled insane. Cautiously he looked around, eyes taking in a reconnaissance of the area. It would be unwise to not be attentive in his new role... A One Year Wizard never looked for, but always expected the worse, or so after a few harsh lessons he had learned. It was someone's ideal of a callous joke making him come here, over 25 years ago he remembered playing in the playground jumping around pretending he was a superhero that he was saving people, that he was making a change. A foolish boy caught up in his own private little world living in the projects. One day his father even caught him, running around with an old raggedy sheet tied around his neck... The One Year Wizard laughs at the memories, He believed that he could fly. His father just shook his head and closed the door, the next day he had a clean new sheet tailored into a cape with a brand new corded rope for his neck lain on his bed when he got home from school. It was a small gift, but it had meant so much to him. These beliefs in a child's fantasy fueled him, they kept him sane allowing him to survive when there was so much wrong in the world. He grew up thinking that he would be the difference that this cycle of poverty and self-hatred in this concrete prison would come to an end with in his generation. But always there was still so much to look forward to, so many things that he wanted to do. He had saved people he had almost been killed countless times, but... He believed he did make a difference maybe even changed a few people's world. He was lucky to have found love and he had found himself... Karla... What he had lost. What He had loss...? No--- He would not think of her.

That was a year ago... He now knew better Opening himself to azure and his new found sight it seems like Marist Projects was drowning, and did not even know it. Why had they come here? To this place where he had so many memories so many things that molded his childhood? Did they know? Or was it just a sadistic coincidence?

He listens to the wind, as the rain falls, he knew there was no coincidence here... His new life was no longer guided by random incidences He was a warrior of the wind now, and the wind serves the Fangrooth. His rain soaked hand reached out and opened the metal and glass door to building 40-15, he always hated this sector of Marist Projects, and bad people always seemed to find this building. A few friends lost their lives early here, to the drugs, to the streets, nothing good ever happened in Building 40-15. Interrupting his contemplation, a veil of lights flashes in front of his eyes... The azure that was his magic was ever present, ever dominant commanding his attention, showing him guided by the wind revealing what he needed to see. He lowered the black hood of the sweatshirt that he wore under his black leather waterproof trench coat that went pass his knees, custom-made... He called it his Shaft coat.. The One Year Wizard shook his head at those younger memories...This was not the time to be lost in reminiscing. He found that he rarely missed those times, when he was innocent. He was so much different now; he had lost his innocence decades ago. At 40, he was a light skinned some would say handsome African American man. Tall and well made, the forty year old One Year Wizard was proud of his chiseled physique, a shade over six foot with short brown hair and haunting grey eyes. In The lobby of building 40-15 he looked around, at least it was being maintained these days, the floors were recently swept and mopped, the mailboxes polished... It still felt like a prison. "My kingdom the One Year Wizard thought, "My hood. How blind we have been, believing we were all that existed, all that mattered in the world, in the universe. The master race he chuckled to himself we lived under such a haze of superiority and assumptions, It had been a shock to him, to learn that we were even more insignificant than he could have believed, it was like announcing to a child that it really could not just have what it wanted.

He was shaking his head with thoughts then, concepts that he had believed aliens just over a year ago leaden his mind.

It felt so long ago that day the wind had spoke to him and taken him, there was little choice, he was just claimed, How do you say no to the wind? Sighing, the One Year Wizard took to the stairs. No longer trusting unnatural necessities such as elevators... He knew truths now, knew what could happen if someone spoke the right words, you took technology at a risk... Only a week ago he had finally gotten back behind the wheel of a vehicle, having not driven a car in over eight months -- not since that day... The wind whispered and he had obeyed, he had been a blind fool led by a leash. Like a loaded gun he had pointed and shot. At too high of a cost, and much too late to reverse the repercussions, he had learned better. It had not been the wind who had given that command. Over and over the events of the past repeated itself. He found himself remembering, playing it out every day in his mind. Glass had shattered everywhere, the nightmare that he could not escape. That man, his wife, he had been used a raw recruit, like a cadet at military school... He had been taken, and set on a path. Like a puppet he walked blindly into his new reality. Never realizing the collar was around his throat, the truth was hard to accept: Just because he was unaware of the manipulation did not lessen the finality of the coercion nor his accessory to the crime... Never again! He had not seen the face of the false leash holder, the one who had corrupted the truth of the wind, the vile creature he had unquestionably followed. The protector had become the killer, the student forever changed, and the consequences of his actions would change the fate of worlds, more than blood would be on his hands he told himself. Something had chosen to place him in the role of catalyst, his actions heralding the gauntlet thrown which would start a war, of shadows and light. The world slept not knowing that all was spiraling out of control. It left the One Year Wizard with a thirst; there was nothing but retribution on his mind... Someday, some how, he would find those responsible, no matter how long it took. Still in thought after climbing five flights of stairs, the One Year Wizard emerged onto the 5th floor from the stairwell. Looking out into an almost dark hallway in the very middle, there was but one flickering light, the others long since seemingly blown out, the low humming vibration of the lone light echoed down the hallway.

Even as he stepped onto the floor he felt the difference of wrongness, he looked down the hall advancing, his eyes easily piercing the dark. It was not a sound or a bump, but a subtle touch upon his personal shields of azure he'd prepared that he felt. A sharp intrusion alerted the One Year Wizard to their arrival as if they were coming through doors or closets, emerging into our world, still unseen, but advancing towards him.

"It was very gracious of the Fangrooth to allow him to see what might be the implement of his demise." He talked low to himself mockingly then sighed. He knew that the Fangrooth did not deem him worthy of such communication... He was but a servant of the wind... Just a tool of the fates --- It was the wind that warned it's chosen tool. Cautiously he continued onwards down the dark hallway, the walls, floors, it all flickered before him paved in the purple light of his power. The One Year Wizard could feel the queasy effects of vile magic, and slowly reached into his trench coat pocket retrieving one of the azure orb shaped babbles he had prepared, manipulated and funneled his energies into... Over the year guided by the wind, he had become quite efficient at storing harnessed azure magic of the Fangrooth that he had now come to control. Over and over again, over the past few days the wind had spoken telling him things that he would need, the orbs were almost crystallized objects about the size of a quarter. Over time he had begun to play with them between his fingers moving them in between and under, rotating the glowing orbs, a practiced exercise he perfected with coins since he was a child it had become a ways of soothing him during theses times of anticipation. Enhanced by his magic the orb almost floated between his fingers, than in front of him, as if a fierce small dog pulsating azure light. Almost halfway down the corridor he halted, hesitating as the azure around him was invaded by another presence, a different light that clashed and threatened his protection he had placed around himself. It caressed his mystical field around his body seeking a weakness. The touch made him feel tainted, and he strengthens his protection. This was whiteness, a void of nothing anti magic.., the antithesis to the force which was Fangrooth. It lurched outwards always searching, dead magic that canceled out the rainbows streams of life, He could not recognize it's source, but was fully aware of its lethal purpose. The One Year Wizard looked further down the hallway seeing at the end that it curved to the right; a taste of bile rust and blood filled his mouth. He wanted to run. He knew something would be waiting for him. He could not hide himself, but what was he to do?

He was a servant of the wind. So did as the wind demanded. Today, that included walking into an obvious trap, returning to his place of birth, where it just so happened that an aspect of one of the voids to another realm was opening all around the world, and that one of these tears in reality would coincidently be here in Marist Projects..,

Marist Projects where he was lucky enough to be available to place a mystical bandage upon a wound in the fabric of time and space... which also just might resist him, and that he may not have the power to heal. In his mind, the One Year Wizard laid questions to this folly. Was he meant only to be a sacrifice? To give up everything he loved in one year. May the Mazenturf forgive him his faults of arrogance following voices that he could not see....? He thought of his promise of retribution, and comforted himself. "Someday" he recited his mantra. "I will find that voice." Yet he continued to walk onwards, he wondered about these demands of the winds. What was his purpose? He took another step down the hallway, and stopped cold in his tracks... And just like that he only saw azure.... Screaming at him, warning him, the time for contemplation had ended. The Azure light showed him the wrongness, azure cleared his mind to understand Fangrooths plan. Azure to give the warning, his magic erupted to life, blazing from his eyes. The One Year Wizard didn't move... It was time. He breathed in deeply, drawing forth the azure light. He drank it in like a smooth silky drink to calm his nerves. It was a soothing concoction that went to his head. He was afraid; would this be the time of his penances? A return to where his life had begun? A full circle that halted and plunges him to the hell he deserved. Paying the price for what he was told had to be done, what he had been forced to do, for an obligation he never wanted? He cursed the Fangrooth, and called for his master the wind to guide him, even as his feet moved forwards, he was already down the path what else could he do? Walking towards the right as he turned the corner, from several directions all at once down this new hallway doors creaked and slammed open.


The wind howled, the drops of rain pounded outside, the demons came first, stalking crouched like released animals from cages along the hallway. They were impossibly thin pale grey forms that created shadows against the walls and ceilings the creatures were over seven feet tall, their misty forms fading in and out of the world as if they were fighting to stay in this reality. Red leathery skin shone the reflection of the lights upon the ceiling, they wore no clothes and were without any defining feature, with heads like walking gibbons. Their nostrils and mouths glowed with white smoking the light, almost a dozen forms they came out seething vileness managing to convey their threat but silent unable to speak. The fabric of reality was bending, tearing openings into the realm and releasing horrible magic into this world, these events were happening, across the world with every rip The One Year Wizard thought he wanted, needed to be somewhere else. As one, as if on command, the creatures turned staring with eyes that were more feline than human the haunting gaze of eyes without pupils just a void out at their prey, seeming to all focus upon the One Year wizard. There was hunger here, a longing for nourishment of blood and magic. Such as these could taste it, such as these crave nothing less. These were the Skelfren. The One Year Wizard had no time to consider how he knew what to do; he did not consider that the wind has entered his mind, filling him with valued information. All he knew was that such as these did not exist here and they needed to be returned. Inside he shuddered though he remained outwardly calm. A single word escaped from his lips, he had learned so many words over the pass year. Only a year ago, no language or skill on earth would have allowed him the power that pulsed into him that now illuminated his body in a haze of azure; he embraced the power, bathed in it... But he knew the price of its existence upon his world. The events moved almost inhumanly quick as The One Year Wizard embraced magic and time seemed to accelerate. The circular orb raced in front of the One Year Wizard. The magic growing impossibly bright for such a small object The Skelfren screams a curdling challenge and ran as one in the wizard's direction. As if in challenge the orb shot forwards out in front of the wizard, its trajectory pinpointed to the onrushing Skelfren.


The azure orb exploded in a flash of blinding azure light transforming several of the creatures into smoldering small piles as they burst into spraying ash, there forms no longer anchored to this plain of existence, their black magic no longer needed returns to the void of nothingness. The One Year Wizard felt his heart leap into his mouth barely jerking his head backwards as inhuman claws missed by inches he dropped back bending away from another swipe of black claws, rotating around awkwardly to his left drawing another spinning orb that circled just between himself and the attacking Skelfren. He manages to retrieve in his right hand his prized gift from the wind, an ivory hilted serrated silver dagger that was always well hidden in a sheath from behind his back. His left hand flicks the orb with his fingertips, as his eyes flashing azure ignited the circular orb of energy in between himself and the mass of the four surging creatures rushing towards him just as they were bearing him down. A violent flash of body parts flies in all directions. Four Skelfrens meant their demise with just two remaining creatures barreling into the One Year Wizard. The Skelfren were inhumanly strong much stronger than he was, The One Year Wizard felt fortunate that they were not warriors, and only relied on their brute strength and claws. Still those claws could easily eviscerate their prey... as if one should call that luck. The One Year Wizard lets the force of their momentum take him backwards as he slides his dagger into one of the creature's throat; the creature went to the floor hard but still attempts to rise again. Moving at azure enhanced speed, The One Year Wizard's blade of the ivory hilted dagger flashes and seems empowered slicing upwards and through the creature's body there is another flash, than a pile of ash. He braces for the final creature's assault and is almost bend in half as the maddened creature reaches him. The two combatants begin to struggle each grappling, searching for a weakness to expose, The One Year Wizard falls to the floor holding the creatures wrist as its jaw opens letting the Wizard look into a wide white void inside of his brutish creatures mouth. The Skelfren tries desperately to sink its claws and fangs into him, frantic The One Year Wizard pushes upwards with it's legs and knees, knowing that his own strength even enhanced by the wind could never match the demonic creatures, gathering up his legs into the Skelfren's gaunt chest he thrusts the creature upwards with all his strength and a wind spell he elevates the creature that is surprised momentarily by the maneuver, with barely a moment of respite in the same motion his right hand moves delivering three lightening quick slashes upon the Skelfren.


Each swipe of the mystical blade opens a gash and leaks of foul and corrupt whiteness from the creatures body. The One Year wizard rolls and pushes the body away as the Skelfren comes down a final defiant growling roar and then a puff of harmless exploding white light, only the dagger remains falling to the floor. Feeling momentarily drained, The One Year Wizard for a passing moment lays there, his chest rising and falling. Quickly he weaves a subtle mental and physical check for injuries as his own magic flows over him as he calms himself with slow breathes, but his eyes scan the hallway. He begins to rise collecting his dagger that radiates with the whiteness of the void that has spilled upon the silver blade. Across the hallway's floor the blood of the Skelfren has burned away the spots upon which it fell, anti-magic had collided with what it found to be it's opposite, it was as if acid had been sprayed upon the floor and ate it away. The One Year Wizard knew that the wind had protected him. Damn he growls Ten hells The One Year Wizard takes out a great yellow cloth from his trench coat, wiping the blade, letting a faint azure flow cleanse the blade, cleaning the contamination until he can see the silver blade glistening. When he is satisfied, he slides it once again inside his trench coat and the hidden sheath behind his back. Wearily he sighs, shakes his head and moves towards the curving corridor and around the corner, slowly as he scans what seems to be the emptied floor. Something cries in his ears, the slow tearing of reality, the void has gotten bigger The wind encourages him to hurry. A call that was never spoken reaches and reverberates released from lips that do not exist, a caress of the wind to its warrior And he begins to run. The One Year Wizard looks up and down the corridor seeking, searching with unnatural sight, slicing through veils that clouded human perception. He grimaces and curses than gathers his strength. Once again he views things that were not meant to be seen in this plane of existence Down at the very edge of corridor they sat. There were three human looking figures were sitting almost side by side against the wall each wearing thick sweat tops with their hoods over their heads that hid their visages, each wearing wrinkled baggy jeans and tan Timberland boots.

Their tan boots were spotless, the figures on the left and the right wore black hooded sweat tops each held long staffs of turquoise in their black-gloved three fingered hands.


Whilst the figure in the center wore a white sweat top with crimson gloves on his elongated three fingered hand. His arms were outstretched reaching and clutching at his knees, on his third finger an Onyx ring with what appears a green stone flicks a white void light like a heartbeat. Their heads rose as if recognizing the arrival of the One Year Wizard for the first time the middle creature tilts its hooded head, and then releases a little cackle, a mocking laugh A few seconds passed and the two other figures joined in with their leader's laughter as if sharing some unspoken joke The white hooded demon continued to glance out from under its hood... The laughter stopped and the ring sparked, the creature tilted his head as if questioning. "What the hell are you supposed to be? The sound of rain quickly intensified, and suddenly the two black hooded figures slammed their staves upon the floor in unison. None of the creatures rose up to meet the One Year Wizards arrival, as if his presence was of no consequence, their staves slammed down again releasing sparks of white void magic that escapes from their metal edges colliding with this worlds reality as if a negative to a positive. The white hooded figure chuckles again. "So this is what passes for a wizard upon this milquetoast world? The white hooded figure lifts its head but reveals nothing from under the hood as far as the human eye could see, the white fabric of the hood flutters moving without any wind. "How very Not impressive. The black hooded figures laugh. The staves thump the floor.


Staring, mesmerized, his pulse racing, the One Year Wizard listened to the words, and for a minute has to fight to keep his focus. He could only moan, as the creature's subtle magic caressed his suddenly unshielded mind. "You should not have come here little Wizard You are not complete Not yet. And again another strike of the staves, the sounds of thunder reverberates the floor, The One Year Wizard could almost feel the rain falling hard from the outside as perspiration begins to fall down his brow. The One Year Wizards eyes droop just slightly. The ring on the white hooded figure flashes its whiteness again. Outside a strike of Thunder booms, the vibrations of its impact echoes in the hallway. "You know of what we are? ...Yes? The One Year Wizard grunts, his mind fights, sweating as the flows of perspiration trail down upon his brow. The weight of magic drains upon him, he tried to block it out. "You know of what we do here? The white hooded figure asked, its question and it echoed over and over in his mind. The magic had been established and its force began to drill sharp pincers into his mind, the effects as if he were an onion peeling levels. He began to experience a headache... It was quickly starting to intensify and would soon feel like the most intense migraine he had ever experienced. "True you are strong The hooded creature mocked. "Much more than a fledgling I see, but you will never be enough. Its voice was dismissive. "Your master chose wrong." Cracks in his azure shield were beginning to show, it would not be long before they would shatter, and The One Year Wizard realized he was losing Far away in another realm, the Wind's Master grimaced, this was not what he intended, the fool boy needed to be stronger! Needed to believe in the wind he personified as his master.., He did not need to know, not yet... Who commanded the wind! Looking, using the One Year Wizard's eyes his true master watched: looking at the two demons in black hoods.., these were nothing. Still between them sat the source, the focus which directed flow, the tide of magic that bashed against the boy's protective magic. The white hooded fiend tapped into the white void that was the source of their magic, sitting arrogantly against the wall was the true enemy.


Here sat one of the high creatures of the Mirahai, a very formidable challenge to The wind's true Master's chosen agent on this magic less mud ball of a world, it's two underlings held a partial power capable of hurting the One Year Wizard. But in truth it was solely the white hooded Mirahai was the true threat, he could kill the boy. The staves struck again increasing their magic upon the One Year Wizard; his body faltered beginning to shake as he attempted to advance down the hallway... It was apparent that none of these creatures seem to care. His legs buckled as he missed a step, he forced himself to remain upright. And so the wind and its True Master spoke... Then the wind screamed. Staring, mesmerized, the One Year Wizards pulse was beginning to race, he could only moan as conflicting azure and white light rose inside of him. The Mirahai staves struck again and again.

The Wind's True Master laughed, and the very air around them seemed to explode, beginning to disintegrate the attacking magic around the One Year Wizard.

Flinching, the One Year Wizard grunts and recoils from the creatures ravaged spell as the wind struck. The backlash of clashing magic was like a thunder clap, the wind's assault was almost to strong, threatened to knock him off his feet, he drew his hands to his face as if to shield himself, but the wind protected him, what seemed like white flames spiraled down the corridor like a cauldron of destructive force. "Y-You? Not possible! The white hooded Mirahai bellows its face unseen in the chaos of conflicting magic. The One Year Wizard closed his eyes fighting the migraine as the forces buffered around him. Lopard! The white hooded creature screams in obvious pain, trying to fight back. "Wind Walker! The Mirahai screams accusingly as it the title was a curse. The walls seemed to buckle, and the exhale of gale force whips down the hallway in front of the One Year Wizard, an inhuman wail echoes... And then the winds stopped. The One Year Wizard gaped trying to focus his eyes, looking down the corridor he peered his vision hazy.


To the left and the right of the white hooded Mirahai, the two stave holders were gone, only their hoods, jeans, and boots the main. The white hooded demon almost lurches looking to his left and then to his right at the remaining objects on the floor now abandoned. The One Year Wizard watched, thinking that the Mirahai would weave some other spell, speak words of power of corrosive magic.., he waited for something from his enemy in its attempt to kill him. He tensed for the new assault, but the Mirahai only took it's time, slowly raising upwards, It's breathing seemingly taking over the sounds of the entire corridor, raspy and jerky nonchalantly raising it's arms. The One Year Wizard cautiously took a step backwards. The ring upon the Mirahais finger pulsates white magic, as the Mirahai removes it's hood of the white sweat top letting it fall back revealing it's features, the creature has no eyes, lips or ears there was only a overly large sharp pointed nose, long white hair fell to its shoulders. The nostrils of his nose flared, it's rage evident as the power of white light almost seemed to seep from it's body from all directions, like deadly tentacles reaching out searching for the wizard. The Mirahai stood motionless against the wall, realizing as if he had eyes, he focused upon the Wizard and raised his radiating whiteness of his ring upon red gloved hand gesturing at The One Year Wizard accusingly. Words poured from the Mirahai's mind echoing, resounding over and over as if they were spoken out loud, as if it's had a mouth and were speaking from lips upon it's face. Lopard! the Mirahai almost yelled do you believe this to be over? White void energy exploded around the Mirahais form as pure corrosive power. Death, come to claim the creatures natural enemy, He could feel the hatred, as the Void light build becoming silver thunderbolts awaiting the command to surge outwards towards him. The One Year Wizard felt it, standing not far enough away to avoid its reach. Yet the wind calmed him. "Just wait! The wind spoke reassuring the One Year Wizard.


"Your precious Fangrooth has paved the way for usA fool's magic always adhering to its precious balance... Your world has lived to long sequestered... Now, even the magic betrays you! The Mirahai gestured as if to comprising everything. "Your pretty little world all woven up around its protective Magic.., that time has come to an end... You, this world, everything, will all be ours! The creature gestures with almost an arrogant fling of its arms, its power in the direction of the One Year Wizard, in streaks of white bolts of void light. Die Lopard! The One Year Wizard moved faster then the whiteness racing towards him. The magic of void light streams out everywhere, scowling the corridor with the corrupt magic. The Wizard could feel the noxious effects of the corrupted magic. In the midst of the ocean of white lightning the One Year Wizard seemed to be glowing. "Now! The wind cries over the magic storm.

The One Year Wizard screams, he clings to the azure light. He could feel it empowering his limbs as he spring rushing into the waves of white light, holding his breath as if he were underwater. The wind laughed. "Do you believe you are drowning child? Azure could not be held long, not for someone like himself. He was only a lesser Wizard holding on to the protection of those winds. He had heard of beings that could hold Fangrooth inside, without any side effect. But these were creatures not of this realm. Frowning he wanted to be able to hold on to that source, to let its power claim him, to just forget the nightmare that had become his life, it was a hollow wish. The Mirahai laughed diabolical, lost in its release of power, He did not realize that the One Year Wizard was still oncoming through the storm of magic. Taking in the barrage and turning it away, the field of his magic repels the white bolts, keeping him safe until the storm of whiteness ran out. The Mirahai reacts, a subtle move as it quested, seeking to relish the image of the fallen wizard's crumpled form upon the floor; it wanted to savor its victory. With an almost casual turn of it's head that reeked of overconfidence. The Mirahai assumes that the battle is over. Until it realizes that these are not the results that it wanted..., too late the Mirahai reels, calling upon it's defenses.


Caught unprepared the creature screams as its hit, unable to block the running attack of the One Year Wizard as he is almost upon the demon.., at the last minute the Mirahai tries to turn, to flee... It's attempt is too late, as an azure bolt sears through it's chest, almost turning the creature all the way around. Running at full speed, the One Year Wizard's own impact strikes. The Mirahai feels a sharper pain near it's heart, the looking down to find the Silver dagger impaled through its chest. The One Year Wizard forces the creature towards the wall pushing his weapon further into the Mirahai body. A loud wail erupts as the Mirahai falls away looking up at the Wizard and it's body sounds a muffled thumping as it's body twitches uncontrollably. The One Year wizard looked away; The Mirahai its powerful magic still holding it in this world would not stop convulsing for at least an hour. The One Year Wizard never looks down as he turns down the corridor, following the directions of the wind. He turns to the last door on the floor. The wind threw open the door to the apartment. A sea of light and power rushes out as he reels backwards, he flattens his body against the walls of the outside corridor speaking words of protection that the wind empowers, the force from inside the apartment released like a violent storm funneled outward that wailed and passed along, he waited for it to subside, letting out the breath he had subconsciously been holding in and entered the room. Inside the room was another world, or what seemed to be the entrance to a nightmarish hell. A city that seemed to burn, black of night with twisting towers of bonze stone carved inside a burning volcano, lava surrounded the towers as if a moat protecting a castle. The towers itself were enormous much taller than the highest buildings he had ever seemed on his world. The One Year Wizard could see eyes So many eyes looking outwards from the many slits in the tower, in human eyes that radiated heat fit, countless voices whispering, it's screaming and calling out to him. Lopard! "Pretty little wind wizard! "Give us the Azure Wizard!" "Kill the Lopard! The calls were hypnotic, seizing the One Year Wizards mind Even with the winds protection it was almost too much to fight. From every direction figures began to spring and dive from the towers spilling out in waves.


Human and inhuman black ominous creatures of legs and claws, winged creatures springing into the Ash and lava falling skies as the volcano erupted over and over again. The Wind screamed... These were The Void armies...

Countless hoofs beat and bang onto hot and molten stone as legions of warriors a emerged from the towers hurriedly pulling on armor. "Come to us Lopard! Voices cackled The One Year Wizard backed up feeling the comfort of the wall behind The wind's True Master whispered in his ear.

Do you understand now child..?" The True Master of the wind challenged his agent, wanted him to recognize why he was needed. "...Such as these will enter your realm! The creatures snapped and hooted tasting the fear in the Lopard, the Army of pages head become almost sea of figures as it marched towards him standing between his world and the nightmare that was these creatures habitat. The One Year Wizard cringed He could not let this happen, Could not allow these creatures to invade his world... There would be no world left as he knew it... So he grasped onto all of his the power and fought . A hurricane gust of wind flew pass the One Year Wizard, as his True Master ignited the first attack... And the creatures started to die as the wind assaulted those in it's trajectory, hoisting bodies from the pathway to the next world, the typhoon winds struck tossing and ripping creatures asunder out of the air. The winds created terrible sway of death. But the host of creatures was endless. Their numbers were seemingly building as their brethren died. "Seal the void! Seal to avoid! The wind's True Master screamed in the One year Wizards mind. A massive shadow appeared overhead fighting the power of the wind that barely kept it at bay. "Little assassin Your world will die!" The voice boomed


The One Year Wizard could not see the true nature of the creature, shielded by its own magic, a massive cloud of destruction in the skies; the creature bellowed a roar that resounded in the skies. "Do you believe that we will not find him? He is ours little Wizard! The Lopard was shimmering azure light as he said his own magic to enhance the winds. He could not let this into his world, not that creature that radiated evil, even from here so far away between worlds, he could feel its power. He screamed back at the sky being and forced power. Power as he never knew he had flamed outwards, wave after wave of azure force. He was too terrified, too angry, too stubborn and not very smart not to run away. The wind's True Master and the Lopard combined their might. Fight Lopard It will never be enough, we are coming! The creature in the sky challenged.

A red sway of light smashed into the Lopard's protective barriers and he felt the heat. The creature released a fiendish cry, Great wings opened and flapped propelling it's massive frame faster, ever faster towards the One Year Wizard. In the skies the creature bellowed. "We are infinite The wind grew fast, the azure struck harder, the creatures kept coming, screaming, they could feel the attacks fading. The Lopard was weakening. The True Master of the wind acted, thrusting The One Year Wizard backwards and back out of the apartment, shutting the door behind him. "Close the void! The wind shouted The One Year Wizard slid across the floor almost slamming into the wall. The Lopard grimaced rising almost immediately rushing to the door raising his right fist, his hand glowing as the wind's True Master returned to its agent increasing the Lopards release of power. The One Year Wizard mind and body was wracked with pain it was so much power The power was too much...


From behind the apartment's door, inside the gateway that led to the magical world other eyes emerged, having become aware of the intrusion to her gateway. These eyes peered outwards, inhuman eyes that resemble a woman's, slanted and piercing the veil between worlds, eyes that could only belong to a creature of breathtaking beauty. But in these eyes there was nothing but hatred. She looked passed the One Year Wizard, seeing it's true master, freezing him as he muttered a prayer to Fangrooth... He knew those eyes. These eyes held nothing but contempt and anger it wished death upon the worlds, for all life.., for a fleeing moment these were the eyes that gazed upon the One Year Wizard, held him in thrall, and dismissed him, deeming him unimportant... And then she was gone. The echo of her evil essence burns in the minds of The One Year Wizard, and it's True Master.... She had shown them how insignificant they were. In the Valley of hell the great creature roars. The azure enhanced by the power of the wind and its True Master sprung all around the One Year Wizard, whipping his trench coat. The power surged through him; this was energy harnessed and directed by the hands of a master, seeping out of the One Year Wizard into the doorway collapsing the very foundation of the mystical gateway. The world seemed to fall inwards and out into the One Year Wizard he was thrown back, going into the air and landing several yards away, He tried to get up , but trying to force his body to rise, there was nothing left to give... The One Year Wizards eyes rolled up inside his head and he collapsed. There was nothing but silence in Marist Projects... The Gateway was closed With eyes in the wind, the True Master of the winds watched protectively over its warrior. **********

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