Teaching Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy More than ever before I have come to the conclusion that physical education is an essential part

of student learning. Aside from the fact that physical activity enhances cognitive development, leading to a better learning experience for students and teachers, physical activity is a vital component to wellness, a state of being in good health. In general, physical education educates students on how and why its important to be physically active. Furthermore, the students familiarize themselves with healthy behaviors by practicing a variety of activities that will be an asset to them when they decide to adopt a physically active and healthy life-style. Consequently, physical education courses, and its teachers, play one of the most important roles in a learning facility because they directly impact students social, intellectual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. I believe that a high-quality physical education program also contributes significantly to each students motor, affective, and cognitive learning in order to make them a well-rounded individual and member of society. Obviously, physical skills are learned and taught in a physical education setting but emotional and intellectual learning is also extended. Objectives are set at the planning of every lesson and such things as encouraging classmates or reciting cues are some of those goals that are implement to reach affective and cognitive learning. However, for all this to be completely effective a curriculum should be implemented into a students learning as a kindergartner and must continue until they reach the end of high school keeping in mind that a students social and cognitive learning is just as important as their skill development.

As easy as it might sound providing instruction in physical education will be difficult, as it is known that everyone learns differently and at contrasting rates, regardless of the learning domain. There are three types of learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. That is something that as a teacher I cant afford to forget because I want my lessons to always be beneficial to my audience. Thankfully, my teaching style is founded on the care I have toward my students and the passion I have for my profession. That facilitates my teaching and the students learning because a different array of technology, resources, and activities will be used in order to not leave any student behind or lacking in any learning moment. Specific examples include, technology tools like PowerPoint videos or movies and resources like articles and other readings. These will all make for excellent instruments to enhance student understanding and task comprehension. In other words, development and the learning style of every child will be attended to often when under my watch. Students learn differently because they are very distinct from one another. With that said, as an educator, I will establish a curriculum that is designed to promote and encourage physical activity and exercise to any and all students. No child will go unnoticed or unheard. My course will reach and influence students of any race, ethnicity, size, or ability. In order for this to occur I know lessons need to vary in sport or activity, duration, frequency, and intensity. Overall, my aim is to not discriminate against any child, especially in terms of color, and be a culturally responsive teacher. That means knowing and understanding the differences, or similarities, between different cultures.

Not only that, but also being accepting of those disparities. This might be a demanding task, but I have a head start since I am Hispanic. My role as an educator is to optimize the learning of every student. My role as a physical educator is simply to maximize physical activity in the lives of students by teaching skills, behaviors, and health awareness in class so they can transfer it all to life outside of school. To get the most of the time I have with my students during a class period and fulfill my roles I have to keep in mind several things. One is that I need to set up the learning environment, including adequate equipment, properly. This needs to be done in such a way that it provides the students with the finest learning opportunities. In terms of equipment, if every student cant have their own than at least there has to be enough for partners to share. A big group of students with one or a set is inappropriate and does not qualify for optimal learning. Another responsibility that I have to make physical education class more beneficial to the learners is to plan for lots of practice time. Time that is structured around increased moments of activities and decreased moments of wait, management, or teach time. Time that is centered on individual, partner, or small group actions, time that is planned for non-elimination games and tasks, and a time that is arranged for the students to learn as they are moving. A succeeding role that I take as a physical educator is to assess and grade the students. I believe that proper assessments should definitely take into consideration all the learning domains. If one of my goals and roles is to teach every student to be strong physically, affectively, and cognitively then its apparent that I am to assess all those areas to show its importance. In a physical education setting psychomotor development is

the easiest to grade but it should not be the only. The affective domain will be graded by evaluating actions in terms of how the students work well with on another, for example, observing sportsmanship like conduct. Cognitively, the students will be tested using items such as quizzes, exams, or finals. Even assignments or readings can be handed in and graded to assess the intellectual domain of learning in physical education. Overall, my aim is to encourage and teach children the significance of living a physically fit and healthy life. My curriculum will be set up to display an array of different activities, skills, and sports. This will be done to accommodate the different levels of competency and interest in the class so that every student can walk away with knowledge and motivation to lead a physically active life. As a physical educator I need to and will make exercise effective, but fun. I want my students to be able to take what they learn in class and use it outside of school. I will challenge them, to the best of my ability, to help them apply what they learn in the gymnasium, field, or weight room to real life.

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