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Pornography is Sin!

...a curse upon America!

by David J. Stewart

Psalm 101:3, I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes... A Trojan Horse Sin
Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. It is not my place to judge. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose the demonic nature of pornography. There is no greater evil in the world than that of pornography! Sadly, our mentally-ill American society honors pornographers and has legitimized the business as an industry. Pornography is a Trojan horse sin, because it opens the door to many other sexual sin. Pornography causes lasciviousness (sexually addiction). It opens one's soul to demonic influences. The Bible says in John 3:20 that it is love for sin which prevents sinners from coming to Jesus Christ for salvation... lest his deeds should be reproved. Tragically, pornography is legal in America and most places today. Pornography turns people away from God and His Holy Word. Most people automatically associate the word pornography with total nudity; however, the evil influences of soft porn (partial nudity) are equally damaging. America has become a cesspool of iniquity. Whereas women are aroused by TOUCH, men are aroused by SIGHT. Of course, this is no secret. I won't spend a lot of time in this article trying to explain all the things wrong about pornography, because it is selfevident. Any idiot knows what's wrong with pornography. I simply want to do my part as a born again Christian to take a Biblical stand against this woeful evil of our time. Pornography is a Trojan horse sin... from it spawns fornication, wife beatings, rapes, adultery, child porn, pedophilia, homosexuality, and every other Godless form of immorality imaginable. And now some sick-minded entrepreneurs are selling porn on people's cellphones.

Psalm 19:7, The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

Judgment is Coming Upon America!

Pornography did not exist until the invention of the camera came along. Think about this for a moment. The Old Testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked that God decided to DESTROY them (and they didn't have any pornography!). Can you imagine what God thinks about America today? Same-sex marriages? SIN CITY? Abortion? America is a wicked nation of arrogant, stiff-necked people, rebelling against the Lord God. More smut flows out of America than any other nation on earth. Not surprisingly, Chicago even named one of it's streets in honor of reprobate Hugh Hefner (founder of Playboy). I don't condemn the man, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners; but Mr. Hefner'sPlayboy is of the Devil. I'm reminded of Frank Sinatra's wicked words in the song Chicago..."The town Billy Sunday couldn't shut down." Well, God's going to shut it down someday!

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for anexample, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7

Jesus Condemned Pornography

Adultery of the heart may not seem as bad to you as the actual act of adultery, but it is in God's eyes... "For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven...Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matthew 5:20,27,28

Mankind often forms his own conclusions about right and wrong, without regard for the Bible; but the Word of God has already removed most of the grey areas for us. The Bible is not vague on the issue of pornography. The Word of God clearly condemns ALL forms of sexual sins. Pornography (whether it be hard porn or soft porn) leads men into sexual sins. Notice in Matthew 5:28 the words "WITH HER." A woman who dresses immodestly is guilty of adultery as much as the man who commits the act in his mind. She is causing men to lust by her immodest apparel. The Pharisees were GUILTY of many sins, but they were self-righteous and didn't see themselves as being sinful. even though they were self-righteous in their own eyes. The Pharisees were religious phonies. I have worked with numerous Catholic men in my working career and nearly ALL indulged in pornography. I used to work next to a Filipino man that would pray the Rosary and then shamelessly pull out a Playboy Magazine to lust upon. I'm not condemning these men, I'm simply saying that pornography has become acceptable to many people; but God said it is a sin. How can one pray the Rosary and then look at pornography? Then again, the Rosary is just as wicked as pornography, it is also of the Devil. Mary Worship is demonic. Jesus clearly taught that such phony religion leads to hell. Unless a person has the righteousness of God, which is only found in Jesus Christ, they CANNOT go to heaven. The ONLY way to have God's righteousness is by becoming "born again" through faith in Christ Jesus. "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." 2nd Corinthians 5:17 The righteousness of God that a person needs to be saved IS Jesus Christ Himself. When we trust upon Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, God's Holy Spirit comes to indwell (live) within our soul. We are then a child of God. Again, the Word of God clearly condemns ALL forms of sexual sins, including lust... "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matthew 5:28

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 1st Peter 2:11

Child Pornography
When I lived in Chicago, I received this junk advertisement (pictured to the right) in the mail in April of 2004. I was sickened by what I saw and thought I'd comment about it. How wicked! It's bad enough that there's creeps and perverts in this world who prey on innocent people, but now companies like this make a joke out of it. I saw a McDonalds about the same time with a sign in the window, Get your Big Mac RIGHT HERE! It is tragic that America's trash pop culture has corrupted our once good morals. Increasingly, companies are willing to do anything to make more money. The advertisement to the right is from a new health club opening up in Chicago. It is disturbing to any morally concerned person... it's sick! When anyone talks about stealing someone's innocent, they're talking about youth. The technological revolution has enabled mankind to travel much further down the road he was already travelling. Sadly, the heart of humanity is inherently evil as Jeremiah 17:9 in the Old Testament warns... deceitful above all else, who can know it? Sleazy pornographers have been trying to get the Supreme Court to legalize virtual child porn, that is, child pornography generated on a computer that is not real. The fact of the matter is that a person would not be able to tell the difference between virtual child porn verses actual children being filmed by pornographers. The end result would be devastating for children. Our founding fathers never intended freedom of speech in the First Amendment

to protect criminals and perverts who corrupt society with pornography. There is no evil in this world any more despicable than child pornography. Existing laws go after individuals who aren't familiar with online stings, harsh laws and police predators; but nothing is ever done to go after the producers of such filth. America's television network owners and producers are some of the worst offenders, yet the law protects Zionist Jewish criminals. The nature of pornography is to target youth. Clothing magazines have been photographing children in their underwear for decades, which is a form of child pornography. No one, especially Christian men, ought to look in clothing catalogs because of the indecent women and girls displayed in them. God pity the man who browses through a Victory Secretscatalog or Sports Illustrated. No man has a God-given right to view such adulterous imagery. And may I say, women ought not view naked young girls either. America's irresponsible attitude toward virtue, modesty and decency has created a generation of sexual degenerates devoid of morality. Small girls are photographed in fashion model style, looking like Broadway whores, even photographed in sexually suggestive scenes. This type of debauchery is considered normal in American society today. It's wickedness to almighty God. Stupid mothers think it's harmless for their young daughters to run around in colored underwear, simply because it's a bathing suit. It is immodesty! I read on the front page of the local newspaper about a grade school brat, strutting her stuff at dancing class, wearing a miniskirt. Hundreds of parents viewed, clapped their hands and thought it was cute. They are sick-minded heathens missing God in their lives. America has deteriorated into a cesspool (sewer outlet) of iniquity. Do not be deceived, there's no difference between child porn and porn morally... porn is porn! The very nature of pornography is to corrupt innocence, violate virtue and corrupt good morals. This is why NAMBLA exists. People who think pornography over a certain age is ok are playing with spiritual dynamite. Man's perverted laws legalize same-sex marriage, the killing children by abortion, gambling casinos, drunkenness, pornography and a host of other evils. It matters not what men may say, God's Laws are all that matters. If you obey God's laws, then you won't need man's laws. The Bible says that the Law is for them who break it. Those who live by the Spirit of God, by the law of love, don't need a law to force them to do what is right in God's eyes. Love is the fulfillment of the Law, that is, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus commanded in Matthew 7:12 to DO UNTO OTHERS... as you would have them do unto you. This is The Golden Rule!

Psalms 119:9, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. The Day Moses Got Mad
I heard a woman on the news say that she was a "Christian stripper." She said that Adam and Eve were created naked by God, so she was not ashamed to display the beauty of God's creation either.

First of all, Adam and Eve were the only two people on the planet at the time. That's not too hard to figure out. Secondly, the Bible says they put clothes on when they realized they were naked. Genesis 3:7, "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." Thirdly, the Word of God clearly prohibits looking a upon the nakedness of someone outside of marriage (Read Leviticus 20).

The Israelites were a rebellious bunch. While Moses was up on the mount receiving the Ten Commandments (and begging God to give the people a second chance), the Israelites were dancing around a golden calf NAKED down below. Moses pleaded with God up on the mountain to give the people a second chance, and the Lord agreed. So what do you think went through Moses' mind when he got back down to the camp? On the way down towards the camp, Moses became concerned when he began to hear the sound of "NOISE" (Exodus 32:17,18). Today it is called "Rock 'N' Roll." Can you imagine how Moses felt when he returned with the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and saw the people dancing naked around an idol? I mean, Moses had just finished begged God not to destroy the people in His divine anger... and now they do this! Moses also became VERY angry... "And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel

drink of it...And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men...And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.-Exodus 32:19,20,25-28,31 Moses saw the people dancing around a golden calf naked and became VERY angry! Moses wasn't angry at the people, he was angry at their sin... "and when Moses saw that the people were NAKED!" Moses didn't have to see anymore to know that it was time for some serious camp-cleaning. Moses made the people choose sides. At least three thousand people died that day, because they chose the Devil's side. It is clear that God does NOT tolerate such wickedness. Whether the nakedness of an actual human being, or a photo of them... it is wicked! God HATES pornography!!! The same people who laugh at what I'm saying are the same ones who see no harm in aborting babies, partying in SIN CITY and living like the Devil. Certainly, there is NO perfect Christian, but God expects us with His help to at least make an attempt to obey His Laws. We are not saved by keeping the Law; but rather, we keep the Law because we are saved. The Law's purpose is to show mankind his sinfulness and hopeless condition, and then point that man to the Savior for forgiveness and salvation (Romans 3:20; Galatians 3:2425).

Exploiting Freedom Leads to Apostasy

Apostasy and pornography go together. When people get away from God, they start taking their clothes off. There was a day in America when nearly ALL women wore dresses (before TV came along). A woman who wore a pair of pants 100 years ago was considered a whore. Today, women who wear dresses are often looked down upon with contempt by other women. They're jealous! They want the femininity which they've lost, but can't have it and

still be thefeminist she-men they are. You can't have it both way ladies. Women today have lost their femininity because of feminism and pornography in society. Pornography cheapens a woman's worth in society. We are surrounded by perversion in America. The Apostle Paul addressed the perversion of his time as well... "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;" -Philippians 2:15 America is certainly a CROOKED and PERVERTED nation! The total extent to which America has been corrupted and perverted is beyond the scope of this article, but America is definitely a sex-perverted nation. American TV, movies, satellite, and cable display some of the most indecent forms of sensual smut. Most TV programming is of the devil. It's not surprising at all why America has been labeled as the "Great Satan" by Muslims. We certainly can't argue with them. Look at what our nation has become. America is going down the road of destruction FAST. China actually banned sexual advertising in 2007...

China Bans Sexually Suggestive Ads on Radio, TV

Thursday, September 27, 2007 China's broadcasting watchdog has banned all sexually suggestive advertising on radio and television. Commercials featuring sexually suggestive language or behaviour or featuring scantly dressed women were detrimental to society, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) said in a circular on Tuesday. All stations are prohibited from broadcasting commercials and programs involving drugs, sex-related health supplements, drugs for sexually transmitted diseases, sex toys, as well as "vulgar" ads for breast enhancement and female underwear, according to the circular. Commercials in which celebrities testify to the effects of products are also banned, reports Xinhua. The SARFT also ordered an end to programs with names including sex-related drugs, products or medical institutions.

Sexually suggestive ads and bad ads not only mislead consumers seriously and harm public health, but are socially corrupting and morally depraving, and directly discredit the radio and TV industry, the circular said. In July this year, the SARFT released a notice to stop ads with inappropriate content or sex implications from appearing on TV screens. A total of 1,466 ads involving two billion Yuan (US$267 million) have been removed since August, statistics from the SARFT showed. The administration warned stations that failed to monitor the quality of commercials and programs would face severe penalties. Since September 5, China's broadcasting watchdog has punished ten radio stations for talk shows involving sexual topics. SOURCE: China Bans Sexually Suggestive Ads on Radio, TV I read about an ordained lesbian minister who was called to pastor a Baptist church in Tennessee. Then I found out thatChristianity Today is endorsing Harry Potter's witchcraft. Then I learned that the homosexual community has proudly published their own Bible, the New Orthodox Annotated Bible (it removes all references condemning homosexuality). I just read about a new show on NBC called "Medium," which will further promote the Devil's New Age religion. Search Google for "Wicca Bible" and you'll find it for sale. America is today an apostate nation! Our days are numbered as a free country. BOTH men and women are to blame for the evils of pornography. You CAN'T say that women are being exploited, because they willingly strip naked to be photographed for money. What is being EXPLOITED is our freedom, and Americans are the one's exploiting it. God never intended for us to take advantage of His goodness by corrupting the blessings which He has given to us. From the wicked woman who takes her clothes off, to the wicked person who photographs her, to the wicked 7-11 or convenient store owner and clerk that sells the dirty magazines, to the person who buys the naked photos... they are all accountable to God for their wickednesses. And I should add, it is just as wicked for women to look at male pornography. Playgirl magazine is equally wicked to God. Hell will be hot!!! America has sunk so low spiritually that the average man doesn't even think twice about indulging in pornography these days. Pornography is an abomination unto God Almighty! Again, I do not condemn anybody, for the Bible condemns all humanity. I am just standing up for the Lord.

Effects of Pornography are Like Asbestos Poisoning

Few people realize the dangers of pornography because it's effects aren't always immediate. In fact, it's damage often lasts a lifetime. Asbestos is a substance which was extensively used for decades in heating insulation, floor tiles, clutches, brake linings, and hundreds of other products. Until OSHA came along in 1970, no one really took any precautions to protect themselves against breathing asbestos dust. Asbestos is very popular because of it's ability to withstand extreme heat. In fact, the space shuttle has used outer tiles made of asbestos to protect the shuttle during re-entry. Unfortunately, asbestos is very dangerous. Once you breath asbestos dust... it NEVER leaves your lungs. Asbestos goes in, but it never comes out. It's ill-effects last a lifetime. Asbestos is an extremely hazardous substance. So hazardous that special suits and breathing apparatus need to be worn to clean it up. Likewise, pornography contaminates a person's mind for life. Once a man's mind is corrupted, it can never be the same as it once was. Yes, a man can find forgiveness in Christ Jesus. Yes, a man can still serve God. Yes, a man can once again have a decent mind. However, a man who has willingly compromised his integrity by indulging in pornography WILL have scars for life. Just as asbestos leaves scar tissue in the lungs, so does pornography leave scars on the soul. Men who have indulged in pornography have more than likely also indulged in prostitution or other sexual sins. Such activities cause a man to be far more vulnerable to commit the same sins again in the future. Young people should NOT sow their wild oats! Sowing your wild oats will only create an unquenchable appetite. Once you've been DESENSITIZED to the sinfulness of sexual sins, then you WILL likely struggle with it for the rest of your life. This is the danger of young girls idolizing tramps such as Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, or Hilary Duff... they're being mentored by sleazy whorish women. No wonder sexual sins are skyrocketing in America! Turn on Fox News and that's all you hear nowadays... one sexual crime after another. The pornography industry and the music industry are inseparably

related. The average music video is nothing but pornography. Women don't have to be completely naked to commit the sin of pornography. In fact, a woman who is gyrating or lying down in tight clothing can be just as arousing as a completely naked woman. HEE HAW was one of the most evil shows in TV history. Who's kidding who? ALL modern marketing companies KNOW that "sex sells" and they're using every form of sexual perversion and wickedness permissible to sell their products. The bar (standard of ethics) keeps dropping. The Devil has used cable TV and internet as a means of bringing more pornography into America's homes.

The Root of All Evil

If it weren't for the love of money, Hugh Hefner never would have been able to publish his filthy pornographic smut in America since 1954. The fueling evil behind pornography is the love of money. In fact, 12% of total internet websites are now pornographic. It's all about money. Internet porn has become an epidemic problem. Adult content on mobile devices will be worth $3.3 billion by 2011, up from $1.4 billion this year, according to industry analysts Juniper Research. Europe is the biggest spender on porn, due to both its appetite for smut and the relatively high-priced nature of adult content. The Asia-Pacific region follows in second place. Tragically, it is estimated that U.S. citizens account for 25 percent of child sex tourism worldwide, and as high as 80 percent in Latin America. God bless America? No way!

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 1st Peter 2:11 Bringing Every Thought into Captivity Unto Obedience to Christ
2nd Corinthians 10:5, Casting down

imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
You can live right in the new millennium! Fidelity may be the old fashioned way, but it's also the "right way." The wayward life of king Solomon in the Old Testament (the richest and wisest man in the world at the time) should speak volumes to men today about sex. Solomon had sex with at least 1,000 women yet the Bible says he was miserable. In fact, Solomon said he hated life (Ecclesiastes 2:17). Everything a man could want and he hated life? Yes, that's true! You see, Solomon fed his sexual appetite to his heart's desire, but he still couldn't find satisfaction. Solomon is found seeking a soul mate in the Biblical book of Song of Solomon. We find Solomon (who pictures the Devil) seducing the Shulamite girl (who pictures the Christian) in the Biblical book of Song of Solomon. The Shulamite girls said no to Solomon, because she was already betrothed to another. The Devil tries to tempt us away from Christ, but we need to tell old smut face that we already belong to Jesus, our precious Savior. Listen friend, there is NO deliverance from pornography apart from the soulcleansing blood of Jesus Christ. All pornography does is make you extremely frustrated. Why frustrate yourself? If you have company with prostitutes, then you may be arrested or end up in a doctor's clinic with a STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). Some STD's have NO CURE (like herpes or AIDS). If you flirt with other women, you may get your teeth knocked out by a jealous boyfriend or husband. Think about that for a cure! You see, the Devil always shows us the neon lights and the nicely paved road. What Satan doesn't show people is where the road leads. Satan doesn't show us the skeletons rotting in his prison of addiction and suffering. The road to Hell is always paved with good intentions.

Frustration is Normal (crucify the old man!)

"Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." -Romans 6:6 Pornography is a destroyer of the soul. It stirs unholy lusts that CANNOT be fulfilled within the bounds of marriage. As it is commonly referred to, the "seven-year itch," is when a man has grown bored of his lover (wife) and

desires someone new. Naturally (and carnally), he longs for the affections and romance of ANOTHER woman. The same is true for some women, but mostly for men. The wise husband will spend more time working on a hobby or project to keep his mind preoccupied with good things. He will avoid movies and TV which are plagued with sensuality and provocative imagery. "Lasciviousness" is unhealthy sexual desire (addiction). The Devil's gang works relentlessly to make you Lascivious in an attempt to take away your money. The internet is a dangerous place today. Satan's hidden agenda is to destroy your soul. The wise man (married or not) avoids situations where he will be exposed to improperly dressed women which stir sexual frustrations and temptations. He will love his wife and tell her so daily. And by the way, just because a man is not married does NOT give him a right to sleep-around or be promiscuous. Fornication is a horrible sin! If you have committed these sins, then be comforted in knowing that there is forgiveness for every sin in Christ Jesus (Acts 10:43). Pornography is of the Devil and can only lead to utter frustration and sexual sins. You'll be worse off when the pleasures of sin are over (Proverb 20:17). Pornography is nothing less than the lusts of the flesh. Nearly everyone will be dead in 100 years. What will anything matter then? Or even 50 years from now? Listen once again to the inspired words of the Word of God..

"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;" 1st Peter 2:11
As Christians, may we obey the Scriptures to, love not the world...

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of

God abideth for ever." 1st John 2:15-17 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN SAVED?
Is there a time and place in your life, when you trusted in the blood of Jesus Christ? Not joined a church, not kept the sacraments, not baptism, not good works but simply, by faith, prayed and asked Jesus Christ to save you?

To die without Jesus Christ will be the worst thing you could ever do...

"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE." Revelation 20:15 YOU CAN BE SAVED THIS VERY MINUTE!

It's simple to be saved...

1. Know you're a sinner. "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" Romans 3:10 "... for there is no difference. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"Romans 3:23 2. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for

your sins.
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, ..." -1st Peter 2:24 "... Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." -Revelation 1:5

3. And the best way you know how, simply trust Him,

and Him alone as your personal Savior.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." -Romans 10:13


Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me at Calvary. I come to you now, Lord the the best way I know how, and ask you to save me. I now receive you as my Savior. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen.

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. 1st Peter 2:11
"That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2nd Thessalonians 2:12

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1st Corinthians 10:13

Government Study Finds Condoms Don't


Noah's Nakedness

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." Psalm 97:10

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