Ultimate Design Document

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Design Document for:

Name of Game
One Liner, i.e. The Ultimate Racing Game Something funny here!

All work Copyright 2004 by Your Company Name Written by Name here Version # X.XX

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Table of Contents

Name of Game________________________________________1 Game Concept________________________________________8

Game Overview ______________________________________________8 Background__________________________________________________8 Description__________________________________________________9 Game elements_______________________________________________9 Story summary_______________________________________________9 Character introduction_________________________________________9 Features_____________________________________________________9
General Features_______________________________________________________9 Multiplayer Features___________________________________________________9 Editor______________________________________________________________10 Gameplay___________________________________________________________10

Market Analysis______________________________________________________11 Target Market___________________________________________________11 Top Performers__________________________________________________11 Feature Comparison______________________________________________11 Technical Analysis____________________________________________________12 Experimental Features_____________________________________________12 Major Development Tasks_________________________________________12 Risks__________________________________________________________12 Alternatives_____________________________________________________13

Advertising__________________________________________________________13 Medium________________________________________________________13 Message________________________________________________________13 Information_____________________________________________________13

Estimated Resources______________________________________________13 Cost and Revenue Projections___________________________________________14 Resource Costs_______________________________________________________14 Additional Costs______________________________________________________14 Suggested Retail Price_________________________________________________14 Revenue Projection___________________________________________________14

Estimated Schedule___________________________________________________15 Schedule____________________________________________________________15

Executive___________________________________________________________15 Programming________________________________________________________15 Art________________________________________________________________15 Sound & Music______________________________________________________15

Legal issues_________________________________________________16

Ideas______________________________________________________17 Concept____________________________________________________17 Game play__________________________________________________17 General control______________________________________________17 User Interface_______________________________________________17
Overview___________________________________________________________17 User Interface Detail #1________________________________________________17 User Interface Detail #2________________________________________________17

Instructions/Tutorial__________________________________________17 Characters__________________________________________________17
Creating a Character___________________________________________________17 Overview___________________________________________________________18 Development________________________________________________________18 Psychological___________________________________________________18 Skills__________________________________________________________19 Character Cast_______________________________________________________19 Good__________________________________________________________19 Bad___________________________________________________________19 NPC___________________________________________________________19

Overview___________________________________________________________20 Items Details_________________________________________________________20

Overview___________________________________________________________20 Weapons Details______________________________________________________20

Overview___________________________________________________________20 Armor Details________________________________________________________20

SFX_______________________________________________________20 The Game World____________________________________________20

Overview___________________________________________________________20 World Feature #1_____________________________________________________21 World Feature #2_____________________________________________________21

The Physical World__________________________________________21

Overview___________________________________________________________21 Key Locations_______________________________________________________21

Travel______________________________________________________________21 Scale_______________________________________________________________21 Objects_____________________________________________________________22 Weather____________________________________________________________22 Day and Night_______________________________________________________22 Time_______________________________________________________________22

The World Layout___________________________________________22

Overview___________________________________________________________22 World Layout Details__________________________________________________22

Modes of play_______________________________________________22
Single-Player Game___________________________________________________22 Overview_______________________________________________________22 Single Player Game Details________________________________________23 Story__________________________________________________________23 Hours of Gameplay_______________________________________________23 Victory Conditions_______________________________________________23 Multiplayer Game____________________________________________________24 Overview_______________________________________________________24 Max Players_____________________________________________________24 Servers_________________________________________________________24 Customization___________________________________________________24 Internet________________________________________________________24 Gaming Sites____________________________________________________24 Persistence______________________________________________________24 Saving and Loading_______________________________________________24

Concept____________________________________________________25 Storyboard__________________________________________________25 Layout_____________________________________________________25 Characters__________________________________________________26
Physical____________________________________________________________26 Character Cast_______________________________________________________26 Good__________________________________________________________26 Bad___________________________________________________________26 NPC___________________________________________________________26

Cinematics_________________________________________________26 Video______________________________________________________26 SFX_______________________________________________________26 Combat____________________________________________________27

Ideas______________________________________________________27 Concept____________________________________________________27


Summary___________________________________________________27 Character history_____________________________________________28 Prologue___________________________________________________28 Game story_________________________________________________28 Epilogue___________________________________________________28 Plots_______________________________________________________28 Dialogue___________________________________________________28 How to make your story better__________________________________28
Avoid Clichs________________________________________________________29

System engine_______________________________________________30 Game Engine_______________________________________________30
Overview___________________________________________________________30 Game Engine Detail __________________________________________________30

Collision Detection____________________________________________________30

Graphics engine_____________________________________________30
Rendering System____________________________________________________30 Overview_______________________________________________________30 2D/3D Rendering________________________________________________30

Overview___________________________________________________________31 Camera Details_______________________________________________________31

Sound engine_______________________________________________31 Input engine________________________________________________31 Character control engine_______________________________________31 Network engine______________________________________________31 General system______________________________________________31 GUI system_________________________________________________31
Game Shell__________________________________________________________31 Play Screen__________________________________________________________32

Game system________________________________________________32 Scripting engine_____________________________________________32 AI engine___________________________________________________32 Combat system______________________________________________32 Game Demo________________________________________________32 Uninstaller__________________________________________________32 Editing_____________________________________________________32
Overview___________________________________________________________32 Editing Details_______________________________________________________32

Sound Design________________________________________33
Sound Effects_______________________________________________33
Overview___________________________________________________________33 GUI___________________________________________________________33 Special Effects___________________________________________________33 Characters______________________________________________________33 Game Play Elements______________________________________________33 Terrain (Environment)____________________________________________33 Motion_________________________________________________________33 Red Book Audio______________________________________________________33 3D Sound___________________________________________________________34 Sound Design________________________________________________________34

Music scores________________________________________________34
Overview___________________________________________________________34 Event Jingles____________________________________________________34 Shell Screen_____________________________________________________34 Level Themes___________________________________________________34 Situations_______________________________________________________34 Cinematic Soundtracks____________________________________________34 Red Book Audio______________________________________________________34 3D Sound___________________________________________________________34 Music Composition___________________________________________________35


Hardware Specs_____________________________________________36 Genre, platform______________________________________________36 Extra Miscellaneous Stuff_____________________________________36

XYZ Appendix____________________________________________38 Objects Appendix__________________________________________38 User Interface Appendix_____________________________________38 Networking Appendix______________________________________38 Character Rendering and Animation Appendix___________________38 Story Appendix___________________________________________38 Common Questions__________________________________________38
What is the game?____________________________________________________38 Why create this game?_________________________________________________38 Where does the game take place?_________________________________________38 What do I control?____________________________________________________39 How many characters do I control?_______________________________________39 What is the main focus?________________________________________________39 Whats different?_____________________________________________________39

Special Thanks______________________________________________40

Game Concept
Game Overview
The introduction to your game concept contains what are probably the most important words in the document - these words will sell the document to the reader. In one sentence, try to describe the game in an excited manner. Include the title, genre, direction, setting, edge, platform, and any other meaningful bits of information that cannot wait until the next sentence. Although when the game is released it usually doesnt have the original title it was given during productions. The edge is what's going to set this game apart from the other games in the genre. For example: "Man or Machine is a first-person shooter for the PC that uses the proven Quake II engine to thrust players into the role of an android space marine caught up in the epic saga of the interstellar techno-wars of the thirty-seventh century." Breaking the introduction up into several sentences for the sake of clarity is acceptable. Just know that the longer your introduction, the more diluted your vision will seem. Include characters, weapons, perspective, basic plot, physics, and anything else you think is important. How are we going to do this project? What approach will we take? What functions and procedures do we need? What information will they need? In what order do we draw the sprites? How often do we update the feedback screens? Speed controls? Once we answer these kinds of questions, we flowchart the game from the player starting, through all the options screens, to playing the game, what happens each animation frame in order, how we end the game, how we restart the game or leave the program. What our characters need to know, how they will find out, and what they will do once they know it. This is kind of fun as we have to figure out ways they will know what is happening around them. It's even more fun when Blinky keeps bouncing off the same wall over and over because you missed something when you spec'ed him out.

The background section of your game concept simply expands upon other products, projects, licenses, or other properties that may be mentioned in the introduction; so it's optional. The background section is physically separated from the introduction so that readers can skip it if they already have the information presented. But the background section is important for licensed properties and sequels and concepts with strong influences from previously released titles in the same genre. If you intend to use an existing set of

code or tools or to license a game engine, then describe these items and their success stories here.

In a few paragraphs or a page, describe the game to the readers as if they are the players. Use the second-person perspective -- "you." Try to make this section an exciting narrative of the player's experience. Encompass all the key elements that define the core game play by describing exactly what the player does and sees. Avoid specifics such as mouse-clicks and keystrokes, but don't be too vague. You want the readers to become the player's character. Hover your detail level right above the GUI interaction. You would say something such as, "You scan your tactical radar and pick up two more bogies coming up the rear," instead of "You click on your tactical radar button and the window pops up revealing two bogies coming up the rear." The description section should make the content and entertainment value of the game obvious and convincing.

Game elements
This is a functional description of all elements that the player (or characters/units) can engage, acquire or otherwise interactive with. These are such things as weapons, buildings, switches, elevators, traps, items, spells, power-ups, and special talents. Write a paragraph at the start of each category describing how these elements are introduced and interacted with.

Story summary
A short summary of the story highlighting key points throughout the game.

Character introduction
At-a-glance list of the games main characters including basic information such as a picture, height, weight, age, character personality, quirks, interests, and basic history. Character detail will be described more in the document.

General Features Huge fully interactive world Mutant fiddle players 32-bit 3D graphics NPCs have adaptable AI 20 billion items 50,000 characters to choose Multiplayer Features Up to 10 million players Easy to find a game Easy to find your pal in huge world Can chat over voice link

Editor Comes with world editor Get levels from Internet Editor is super easy to use Palettes available Built in scripting language with convertible to visuals Gameplay List stuff here that is key to the gameplay experience List a lot of stuff here Hey, if you got nothing here, is this game worth doing?

Market Analysis The marketing department and/or a market research firm, assuming your company can afford it, should compile this information. If you are compiling this information yourself, you should try to avoid pure guesses on numbers. Look for info on the Internet (http://www.gamestats.com/ is a good source) and use existing hits in the same genre as indicators for market performance. Target Market The target market is defined by the genre and the platform, issues that have been already addressed in the concept document. You can qualify this definition by mentioning specific titles that epitomize this market. The most successful of these titles will indicate the viability and size of the market. Also mention the typical age range, gender, and any other key characteristics. If this game involves a licensed property or is a sequel, describe the existing market. Top Performers List the top performers in the market. Express their sales numbers in terms of units, breaking out any notable data-disk numbers and any successful sequels. Include their ship date. You can be vague -- Q1 1998 or spring 1998. This research can go way back, so present your data in chronological order. List their platforms if they vary from the platform for the proposed game. However, because the markets change depending on the platform, you should always present some title of the same genre on the target platform, even if it didn't perform as well as the others. Such data may indicate sluggishness for that particular genre of games on the platform. For example, turn-based strategy games may have great sales on the PC platform, but have terrible numbers on the Sony PlayStation. This list of top performers should indicate this discrepancy if you're doing a turn-based strategy game. Feature Comparison Break down the selling features of these top performers. Compare and contrast them to the key features described in the concept document. Try to provide some specifics. For example: Tactical Combat: In Command & Conquer, Dark Reign, and Myth, you order your units to attack specific targets and move to specific places or ranges for an advantage. Most units have a unique strength and weakness that become apparent during play, thus encouraging you to develop superior tactics. Tanktics has a wider variety of orders to allow you to apply superior tactics, such as capture, ram, and hit-and-run. Unit position and target selection become even more important due to terrain, movement, and range bonuses, firing arcs, and soft spots in rear- and sidehit locations. All of the units have distinct weaponry, armour, and speed to

differentiate their strengths and weaknesses and encourage tactics. Not only do you learn to master these tactics over time, but you can also script these tactics into custom orders. Technical Analysis The technical analysis should be written by a seasoned programmer, preferably the technical director or a lead programmer, and then edited and compiled into the proposal. Reviewers of this proposal will use this technical analysis to help them make their decisions. Be honest; it will save you a lot of grief in the end. Overall, this analysis should make the reviewers optimistic about the game's chance of succeeding. Experimental Features Identify the features in the design that seem experimental in nature, such as untried or unproven technologies, techniques, perspectives, or other unique ideas. Do not include features that have been proven by existing games, even if they are new to the development team. For example, if the team has never developed a 3D engine, don't list it as experimental. Rather, list it in one or more of the other categories in the technical analysis section. On the other hand, if your development team is working on a 3D engine using the theoretical system of quads, then this effort should be listed as experimental. Of course, by the time you read this article, quads could be in common use. Include an estimate of the time that it will take to bring the experimental feature to an evaluation state, as well as an overall time estimate for completing the feature. Experimental areas generally need more time in the schedule, so the more experimental features you list, the longer the schedule will be. While some companies shy away from such 18- to 24-month projects, many see these experiments as worthwhile investments in creating leading-edge titles. So tell it like it is, but don't forget to tell them what they will get out of it. Make them feel comfortable that the experiments will work out well. Major Development Tasks In a paragraph or a few bullet points, make clear the major development tasks. Use language that non-technical people can understand. Major means months of development. Give a time estimate that assumes that you have all of the resources that you'll need to accomplish the task. You could also give an estimate of the resources that you'll need. For example: Artificial Intelligence Script Parser: Three to four months with two programmers. The parser reads and compiles the AI scripts into lower-level logic and instructions that are executed at run-time. Risks List any technical risks. If you don't foresee any technical risks, by all means say so. Risks are any aspect of research and development that will cause a major set back (weeks or months) if they fail. List technologies that, though they've been proven to work by competitors, your company has never developed or with which your company has little experience. List, for example, real-time strategy if your team has never developed a realtime strategy game before or 3D rendering if this is your first foray into 3D. List any of the major development tasks mentioned previously if you perceive any risk. All untried off-

the-shelf solutions (3D engines, editors, code libraries and APIs, drivers, and so on) should be listed as risks because they may end up not fulfilling your particular needs. Any development done by an outside contractor should also be listed, as that's always a big risk. When assessing risks, you should also indicate the likely impact that fixing or replacing the technology will have on the schedule. Indicate the time in weeks or months that the ship date will slip. List the time impact on specific resources. List any new resources (people, software, hardware, and so on) that would be required to fix it. This section may seem pessimistic, but it creates a comfort level for your document's reviewers - they will come away with the impression that the game implementation is under control, especially if they can perceive these risks themselves. Plus you'll have the opportunity to say, "You can't say I didn't warn you." Alternatives Alternatives are suggestions for working around some of these experimental or risky features and major development tasks. By presenting alternatives, you give the reviewers options and let them make the choices. List anything that might cost more money or time than desired but might have better results, or vice versa (it may cost less money and time but it may have less desirable results). Whatever you do, be sure to spell out the pros and cons.

Advertising Medium Word of mouth- Probably by far the most effective method of getting someone to try your game is a friend saying, That game was awesome. News Paper/Magazine AdsTVInternetMessage This is how the ad is presented to the viewer. Information This is what needs to be conveyed.

Estimated Resources List the estimated resources: employees, contractors, software, hardware, and so on. Use generic, industry-standard titles for people outside of the company: for instance, the publisher or investor who might read your document. List their time estimates in work months or weeks. Ignore actual costs (dollars), as that comes later.

Cost and Revenue Projections The cost and revenue projections can be done in conjunction with the finance and purchasing departments. This data should give the reader a rough estimate of resource costs based on the technical analysis's estimated resources. Resource Costs Resource cost is based on the estimated resources within the technical analysis. Employee costs should be based on salaries and overhead, which the finance or payroll department should provide. You can list these as average by title or level. Any hardware or software that you purchase should be listed as well, even if it will ultimately be shared by other projects or folded into the overhead budget. Use a table or embedded spreadsheet, as it is easier to read and edit. For example: Employee Cost Per Month Work Months Total 2D Artists $ 4,000.00 35 $ 140,000.00 Lead Artist $ 7,000.00 14 $ 98,000.00 Level Designers $ 3,000.00 35 $ 105,000.00 Total: $ 343,000.00 Hardware/Software Price Qty. Total Graphics Workstations (PIII 500MHz/256MB/9GB/Voodoo2) $ 4,200.00 3 $ 12,600.00 3D Studio Max Extended Site License (5-user pack) $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 Total: $ 15,600.00 Additional Costs This section is an assessment of additional costs incurred from licensing, contracting, outsources testing, and so on. Suggested Retail Price You should recommend a target retail price before your game goes in the bargain bin - pray that it does not. The price should be based on the price of existing games and an assessment of the overall value being built into the product and the money being spent to develop and manufacture it. Of course, your distributors will likely push for a lower sticker price or work some deals to use your game in a promotion that will cut the price even further, but that will all be ironed out later. Keep in mind that the higher the sticker price, the lower your sales, especially in a competitive genre where there's not as much demand as supply. Revenue Projection The revenue projection should show pessimistic, expected, and optimistic sales figures using the costs that you've already outlined and the suggested retail price. Other factors, such as marketing dollars and company overhead, should be left out of the picture as these are subject to change; if a minimum marketing budget is known, however, then you should certainly factor it in. Often the revenue projection is best represented with a pie chart or a bar chart. Be sure to indicate with an additional wedge or bar the costs incurred from any of

the risks described in the technical evaluation and show totals with and without the risk assessment.

Estimated Schedule The schedule is an overall duration of the development cycle followed by milestone estimates, starting with the earliest possible start date, then alpha, beta, and gold master. Schedule This is the worst part of all! Beware of the most frightening schedules! Especially around due dates, thats when you dont sleep for the next three days. This is basically the important steps toward the goal usually it is for marketing, promotions, as well as sales.

Executive Director Executive Producer Producer Programming Lead Programmer Programmer Debug Programmer Beta Tester Required skills Art Writers Concept artists Graphic Designers Modelers Animators Visual Effects Required skills Sound & Music Voice Actors Sound FX Composer Required skills

Legal issues
If this game involves copyrights notices, trademarks, non-disclosure agreements, licensing agreements, or other contracts that could incur some fees, litigation costs, acknowledgments, or restrictions, then list them here. Don't bother mentioning the necessity of copyrighting the game's title or logo, as these are par for the course and likely to change anyway.

All general ideas that designers might like to see in the game.

What will be in the game.

Game play
Description of how the game is played, include game definitions such as hit points, checkpoints, enemies, power-ups, etc., and what the objective of the game is.

General control
Player controls Include tricks

User Interface
Overview Provide some sort of an overview to your interface and break down the components of the UI below, same as all the previous sections. User Interface Detail #1 (What is on the screen) How the interface is to be interpreted i.e. health, character picture, magic points, enemies, the character, etc. User Interface Detail #2

This is where you setup your instruction manual, if there is a tutorial, and how it should be executed.

Creating a Character How you create or personalize your character. There is only two ways to make a character. The first is a preconceived character with all the background, skills, and etc. The second is when you must create a character from

scratch then build them up. The advantage of the first is that you have a character that people can become emotionally attached to, but the down side is that the character lacks the flexibility of conception and vice versa. To give an example, many people who create online characters like them from their own perspective, but few people outside the individuals circle will really care whether the character died or not. While on the other side how many people were sad when Final Fantasy 7s Aeris had been killed. But on the other when you have a character that has already been conceived has usually a thick background, but lacks the freedom of choice. The point is that the preconceived character is in a sense someone elses kid. You didnt have feed it and make it grow. Overview These are the actors in the game controlled by the players or the AI. This should include a brief description and any applicable statistics. Statistics should be on a rating scale i.e. A to Z or Low to High, so that its clear where units stand in relation to each other in broad terms. Its a waste of time plugging in the actual numbers until the programmers have written the technical specification and created an environment for you to experiment with the numbers. Special talents or abilities beyond the statistics should be listed and briefly described, but if they are complex, they should be expanded upon in the game play Elements section. Over of what your characters are. Development FIX ME To help you a little in creating characters I have included a basic sample from my game. MessageAppearance Demeanor Actions CharacterGood qualities Negative qualities Total features UniqueRole Contact Fate Psychological FIX ME Personality/Demeanor/ Manner-

Development Thinking Method Character Confidence/Will Temperament Preferences History Education Social contacts Occupation Skills Logic Method Execution Artistic Logical Mechanical Physical Spiritual Character Cast Good Include the heroes and etc. that are important or supporting characters in the game. Bad Describe enemies or monsters in the world or whomever the player is trying to defeat. Naturally this depends heavily on your game idea but generally games are about trying to kill something. NPC Lots and lots of lemmings go here. Anything other than heroes and villains go here. Such as village idiots, the people in the front of the village who say Welcome to Midgar, as well as all the merchants.

Overview Overview of items used in game. Items Details
Item Price Sell Effect Description

Overview Overview of weapons used in game. Weapons Details
Weapon Price Sell Effect Description

Overview Overview of armor used in game. Armor Details
Item Price Sell Effect Description

SFX Price Sell Effect Description

The Game World

Overview Provide an overview to the game world.

World Feature #1 FIX ME This section is not supposed to be called world feature #1 but is supposed to be titled with some major thing about the world. This is where you break down what is so great about the game world into component pieces and describe each one. Motion Light Heat Electromagnetic Strong Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Force Gravity World Feature #2 Same thing here. Dont sell too hard. These features should be awesome and selling the game on its own.

The Physical World

Overview Describe an overview of the physical world. Then start talking about the components of the physical world below in each paragraph. The following describes the key components of the physical world. Key Locations Describe the key locations in the world here. Travel Describe how the player moves characters around in the world. Scale Describe the scale that you will use to represent the world. Scale is important! A reference of time to other time can also determine space. Example: 1real world hour = 1 game day 1/24 real mile = 1 game mile The overall world will be in 1/24 size and time will also. Although this example is very simple the actual work behind it will not be so simple.

Objects Describe the different objects that can be found in the world. See the Objects Appendix for a list of all the objects found in the world. Weather Describe what sort of weather will be found in the world, if any. Otherwise omit this section. Add sections that apply to your game design. Day and Night Does your game have a day and night mode? If so, describe it here. Time Describe the way time will work in your game or whatever will be used.

The World Layout

Overview Provide an overview here. World Layout Details

Modes of play
Single-Player Game Overview Describe the single-player game experience in a few sentences. Here is a breakdown of the key components of the single player game.

Single Player Game Details Story Describe your story idea here and then refer them to an appendix or separate document, in which it provides all the details on the story if it is really big. Hours of Gameplay Talk about how long the single-player game experience is supposed to last or what your thoughts are at this point. Victory Conditions How does the player win the single-player game?

Multiplayer Game Overview Describe how the multiplayer game will work in a few sentences and then go into details below. Max Players Describe how many players can play at once or whatever. Servers Is your game client-server or peer-to-peer or whatever. Customization Describe how the players can customize the multiplayer experience. Internet Describe how your game will work over the Internet. Gaming Sites Describe what gaming sites you want to support and what technology you intend to use to achieve this, perhaps Dplay or TCP/IP or whatever. It is probably a good idea to break the tech stuff out into a separate area, you decide. Persistence Describe if your world is persistent or not. Saving and Loading Explain how you can save a multiplayer game and then reload it. Why this is possible or not possible.

Sketches and idea drawings that might or might not be included in the final game.

PreludeSupporting history/relationships/values Give a setting may introduce main character(s) IntroductionPresent main character and setting May give conflict or foreshadowing Events occur and may give some history BodyMost of the characters should be introduced Conflict should be known, though may change More events and solid background Resolution All characters known Conflict resolved (whether good or bad) Fewer events and extra background (complete) Epilogue Aftermath Events after the story Misc. includes side-story and hidden history

How the composition and format should be organized including introduction, game play, sub-screen, ending, and etc. GUI-General User Interface UI-User Interface Include flowchart for how the screens should run together and lead to. This is best done with those who are involved to be there, programmers, designers, director and producer.

Physical FIX ME Appearance Age/Sex Height/Weight Ethnic/Build Hair/Eyes Character Cast Good Include the heroes and etc. that are important or supporting characters in the game. Bad Describe enemies or monsters in the world or whomever the player is trying to defeat. Naturally this depends heavily on your game idea but generally games are about trying to kill something. NPC Lots and lots of lemmings go here. Anything other than heroes and villains go here. Such as village idiots, the people in the front of the village who say Welcome to Midgar, as well as all the merchants.

These are the 2D or 3D scenes often shown as an intro, between missions, and at the end of the game. These should be scripted like a film script as separate documents. This, however, is production work. For the purposes of the functional spec, just list them here with the general purpose, content and target length. If any video is involved, list it in the following subsection.

Unless you are doing an FMV (full motion video) game, this subsection is pretty light. If you have any video in your GUI for say pilot messages, break it down here. All video tasks will require scripting, but that is production work. List the general purpose, expected length, and general content like number of actors and set design, even if it ends up being blue screened into a 3D rendered background.

All the drawings of the games magic effects.

Drawings of combat scenes (terrain, effects, etc.).

This is all your brainstorming in here.

Characters Setting A setting has all the features of a person only it doesnt usually move voluntarily. Use the character development as a guideline. A setting also includes time or development. People Culture What they do Why they do it How they do it Story A story is basically made up of three things characters, a setting, a problem, and how they deal with it. That is why a lot of people dont usually like biographies as stories. Theyre not clean cut. Revising Remember you will almost always have to revise this probably anywhere from once to eight times, sometimes more. The reason is the story must first go through you, then the editors, then the directors/producers, and the publishers if they dont want to see it. So what finally is left is usually the basic core of the story. Story Style Multiple options/endings Single way

The introduction of your characters, what they do, Prologue Plots Epilogue What happens after the story?

Character history
FIX ME Culture Relationships Education

FIX ME Settings Character Events

Game story
FIX ME Applied setting Characters Storyboard Incited events

FIX ME Maybe same characters Maybe same setting New things that happen, good or bad.

FIX ME Incite Complications Plot point Climax Resolution

FIX ME Direct Indirect NPC

How to make your story better

FIX ME Cliff hangers/ Resolutions

Cut/flash scenes Foreshadowing Surprises Irony Messages arent just words they also include body language, camera angles, subtlety. Have sophistication but dont get over complicated. Lack of predictability, but keep consistent. Emotions* very important Truth* very important KEEP OLD MATERIAL!!! I spent a year on a project doing models and textures. I had wrote most of my things on my girlfriends computer. Later we broke up. I had deleted all the things because I no longer went over there and the project was shortly later cancelled. Two years later it was back up. Avoid Clichs I will admit some clichs may have some use, but dont over use it unless the character is obsessive i.e. the perfect fighter. A good story should be able to drive itself without being too forceful. It is usually acceptable for a clich to be used at one point in the game. Especially in RPGs are they necessary, but is it needed in the storyline? I must say that storyline it may not be the best idea to use, but there are all too many examples of them being a commercial success. Also some games are a minor commercial success, but a huge artistic success. There are a few ways to use clichs to an advantage such as over exaggeration and irony. Just to name a few Destroy the world/universe Destroy all humankind Take over the world/universe Villain redundancy Revenge for killing family, wife/girlfriend, or hometown (, and in countries mentor). Save the princess/queen Restore order to kingdom/village. Love saves everything Acquire ultimate weapon, gods relic, etc. Get best item, potions, animal/vehicle, armor, and a lot of money. Get all supernatural capabilities. Become fighting machine, (ultimate) demon/god/immortal, or highest position.

System engine

Game Engine
Overview Describe the game engine in general. Game Engine Detail The game engine will keep track of everything in the world like such and such.

There will be water in the world that looks awesome and our game engine will handle it beautifully. Collision Detection Our game engine handles collision detection really well. It uses the such and such technique and will be quite excellent. Can you see I am having a hard time making up stupid placeholder text here?

Graphics engine
Rendering System Overview Give an overview of how your game will be rendered and then go into detail in the following paragraphs. 2D/3D Rendering

Describe what sort of 2D/3D rendering engine will be used.

Overview Describe the way the camera will work and then go into details if the camera is very complicated in sub sections. Camera Details The camera will move around like this and that. The camera will sometimes move like this in this special circumstance.

Sound engine
This includes things such as music and sound code in here.

Input engine
Initialize the keyboard, mouse, or joystick.

Character control engine

Things that can be changed such as the controls.

Network engine
How the network should work using peer-to-peer, server-client, forum based, etc.

General system

GUI system
How the menu should function. This is usually made then given to the programmer. Or in the past just the programmer made it. Game Shell

Play Screen

Game system

Scripting engine
Many games dont include script engines. It has become a popular trend to create your own scripting engine or if you want to create a quick editing engine.

AI engine
An AI engine is relatively easy to create depending on what youre programming, but it can be somewhat difficult to make if you plan to insert an AI system inside the scripting engine.

Combat system Game Demo

There are different types of ways you can make a game demo. 1.Limited Stages 2.Limited Weapons/Vehicles 3.Limited Time 4.Limited Characters

If it is for the computer it should come with an uninstaller, most prefer professional quality.

Overview Provide an overview about the world editor. Editing Details These are things that can be edited such as characters, objects, and maps.

Sound Design
Sound Effects
Overview List all the sound FX required in the game and where they will be used. Include the intended filenames, but be sure to consult with the sound programmer and sound technician (or composer) on the file naming convention. This makes it easier for people to find the sound FX and fold them into the game. Dont forget about all the areas that sound FX may be used. You dont want to overlook anything and throw off the schedule. Go through all the game elements and your art lists to see if there should be some sound associated with them. Here are some to consider: GUI Button clicks, window opening, command acknowledgments. Special Effects Weapons fire, explosions, radar beeping. Characters Voice recordings, radio chatter, stomping, collisions. Game Play Elements Pick-up jingle, alerts, ambient sounds. Terrain (Environment) Birds, jungle sounds, crickets, creaks. Motion Wind, footfalls, creaking floors, wading, puddle stepping. Red Book Audio If you are using Red Book then describe what your plan is here. If not, what are you using?

3D Sound Talk about what sort of sound APIs you are going to use or not use as the case may be. Sound Design Take a shot at what you are going to do for sound design at this early stage. Hey, good to let your reader know what you are thinking.

Music scores
Overview Event Jingles Success, failure, death, victory, discovery, etc. Shell Screen Mood setting for title screens, credits, end game. Level Themes Level specific music (designers choose the theme). Situations Sets the mood for situations (lurking danger, combat, and discovery). Cinematic Soundtracks Red Book Audio If you are using Red Book then describe what your plan is here. If not, what are you using? 3D Sound Talk about what sort of sound APIs you are going to use or not use as the case may be.

Music Composition List all the music required in the game and where it will be used. Describe the mood and other subtleties. Music will often reuse the same themes and melodies. Mention where these themes should be reused. Consult the composer on this.

All dialogue in the game The easiest way Ive seen is usually chronological order or when which voice actors together have lines.

Hardware Specs
This is actually harder than I originally thought. The game must go through rigorous tests involving different computers and a lot of beta testing to find the bare minimum. Testing usually done by beta testers or technicians. Note that some motherboards, sound cards, or video cards may be unable to handle or have incompatibility issues. System requirements Processor Ram CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Video Card Os Mouse and keyboard Modem Network card Recommended requirements Processor Ram CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Video Card Os Mouse and keyboard Modem Network card

Genre, platform
FIX ME This is somewhat important for marketing purposes. This is because some genres of games have a tendency to sell better on pc than on console and vice versa, but there are exceptions. Such as FPS (first person shooters), RTS (real time strategy games), and MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) sell better on pc than console; while platform running and fighting games also RPGs (except MMORPG) all sell better on console. Though there are some exceptions

Extra Miscellaneous Stuff

Overview Drop anything you are working on and dont have a good home for here.

XYZ Appendix
Provide a brief description of what this appendix is for and then get down to business and provide data to the reader. Here are a few examples of some of the appendices in my latest design

Objects Appendix User Interface Appendix Networking Appendix Character Rendering and Animation Appendix Story Appendix Common Questions
What is the game? Describe the game is a paragraph. This is the answer to the most common question that you will be asked. What are you working on? Why create this game? Why are you creating this game? Do you love 3D shooters? Do you think there is a hole in the market for Jell-O tossing midgets? Where does the game take place? Describe the world that your game takes place in. Simple as that. Help frame it in the readers mind by spending a few sentences on it here. You can go into lengthy detail later in a section solely dedicated to describing the world. Remember that we want to keep this part of the design light and readable.

What do I control? Describe what the player will control. You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players. If you want you can switch on the AI and turn it into a fish bowl simulation. How many characters do I control? If this applies talk a little more about the control choices. Remember to add answers to questions that you think the reader will ask. This is totally dependent on your design. What is the main focus? Now that we know where the game takes place and what the player controls, what are they supposed to achieve in this world? Angry fiddle players take over the U.N. building. Be careful not to add a bunch of salesmanship here. Your design wants to stay light and informative. Whats different? Tell them what is different from the games that are attempting this in the market right now. This question comes up a lot.

Okay, thats it. I wanted to spend more time on this and really make it a great roadmap for putting a game design together. Unfortunately it would take a ton of time and that is something that we dont have enough of in this business. I think you get the idea anyhow. Also, dont get the impression that I think a design should provide the information in any particular order, this just happened to be the way it fell out of my head when I sat down. Change this template any way you want and if you feel you have improved on it, send it back to me and I can pass it out as an alternative to anyone that asks me in the future. Good luck and all that! Chris Taylor These templates are based on the documented outlines from Tim Ryan's "The Anatomy of a Design Document" articles (published on Gamasutra). The filler Text comes straight from the articles, and has been slightly edited for clarity (and to use the British spelling; NMP). To read the articles (which I would highly suggest), check out these links:

http://www.gamasutra.com/features/19991019/ryan_01.htm -- Part 1 http://www.gamasutra.com/features/19991217/ryan_01.htm -- Part 2 http://server.exo.com/~lgp/euphoria/crash.htm. Tim Ryan Chris Charabaruk, July 2003 Chris Taylors design template Jim Adams/Andr LaMothe RPG games w/ Direct X Jonathon Schilpp Lord Generic Productions

Special Thanks
PredatorX2k, for his we can do anything in a week except that mentality. NeuroHavik because he wanted to make a simple game that would take maybe 6 months. Nekoti5 for all his help and not getting up. Dustar for his love of mathematics and research.

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