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Amendments: 16th- Income tax 17th- Direct election of senators 18th- Prohibition 19th Womens Suffrage 20th- Move

e inauguration day lame duck 21st-Repeal prohibition 22nd-2 terms per president 23rd-DC residents can vote 26th Voting age is 18 Presidents: McKinley T. Roosevelt Taft Wilson Harding Coolidge Hoover F. Roosevelt Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan

Populism and Progressivism

Populism -Born out of Grange movement-centered in Iowa-Oliver Kelly Goals of Progressivism -Improving democracy, getting rid of corruption - limit power of big business, restore opportunity -Pro 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th amendments - women's suffrage, working children, immigrants, religious element-social gospel. - Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) - Adamson Act (1916) 8 hour workday - Federal Farm Loan Act (1916) support farmers - Keating Owen Child Labor Act (1916) Niagra movement -Black civil rights organization founded in 1905 by a group led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter. No more discrimination in public accommodations Right of men to be with whomever they want Laws enforced on rich as well as poor-equal protection + education Muckrakers

-Upton Sinclair i.e. The Jungle - Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food and Drug Act - Public Relations Dept-Response to muckrakers. People angry at gov. Temperance -belief of prohibition. Women's Christian Temperance Union. Francis Willard, Carrie A. Nation. Mckinly is shot in 1901 - Leon Czolgosz Killed McKinley for the "good of the people." Pendleton Act-Civil Service Reform- have to apply for a gov't job Theodore Roosevelt -First Progressive president. VP in 1900, Political Independence, "A square deal for all." Uses bully pulpit. - Anthracite Coal Strike (1902) -John Mitchell and United Mine Workers v. George Baer. Teddy calls them to Nat'l Forests -TR takes 150 million acresWhite House, 10% raise and 9 hour workday. -1st president to embrace the media + use it to his advantage -Redefines executive power -Backs labor unions-popular among lower class William Henry Taft -more of a judge. wife Nellie was ambitious. went after trusts. -Payne-Aldrich tariff Election of 1912 -Progressive (Bull-Moose party)-TR-->New Nat'lism, expansion of gov't power, regulate oil, down tariffs, do what's good for public welfare -Rep-Taft-->Old Guard -Dem-Woodrow Wilson-->New Freedom, free enterprise, no privileges (triple wall of privilegetrusts, tariffs, high finance) Eugene Debs-->Socialism Woodrow Wilson's presidency -failure at the time, success now. Academic. Made Bryan sec of state. Goes after tariffs. Robert "Battlin' Bob" Lafolette -very progressive local politician

The Emergence of America as a World Power

Cuban Revolt A Nationalist-initiated conflict broke out in Cuba in 1895, the Spanish sent 200,000 troops to Cuba. The Cuban insurrectos responded by wrecking Spanish property in hopes that the Spanish would leave, or at least hoping for US intervention (since the US had significant economic investment in Cuba). Commodore George Dewey Navy Commodore who commanded the US surprise attack on the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Manila. -Teddy and his rough riders The Maine American warship sent to patrol Cuban waters at the beginning of 1898. When the ship mysteriously exploded on February 15, 1898, it gave the US a final reason to go to war, even though the cause of the explosion is still debated today Imperialism

-European powers now created colonies by creating military, political, and business structures that allowed them to dominate and profit from the existing populations. America became involved in this new imperialism as a result of the Spanish-American War. Hearst and Pulitzer -Competitors against each other in a circulation war; practitioners of yellow journalism. Treaty of Paris 1898 Signed on December 10, 1898; officially ended the Spanish- American War. According to the Treaty, Cuba went free, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines were ceded to the US, and the US agreed to pay Spain an indemnity of $20 million. Anti-Imperialist -A group including such luminaries as William James and Mark Twain that argued against to combat American imperialism. Disliked the American annexation of Spanish territories. -Teller amendment: well give cuba lots of rights Philippine War -An armed conflict between a group of Filipino revolutionaries and the United States which arose from the struggle of the First Philippine Republic to gain independence following annexation by the United States. The war was part of a series of conflicts in the Philippine struggle for independence, preceded by the Philippine Revolution and the Spanish-American War. Emilio Aguinaldo is the leader.

Roaring 20s
Red scare (1920s) -Caused by -Bolshevik Revolution (1917) -Growing Socialist Party and fear of Russian Immigrants KKK (1920s) -Rode the anti-commie wave of racism -Branched out and attacked more groups (Catholics, Jews, Gays) Modern vs. Traditional values (1920's) -Evolution v. Intelligent Design (Scopes trial) -Prohibition, and less interesting social reforms -Women's urge for equality began-Flappers Quota Acts of the 1920's -Basically stopped eastern europeans from entering the US. (Because of WWI) -Wanted to 'purify' the American Culture 1920's Tech - Radio's Film and Automobiles -Radio created a tighter knit america bring people entertainment and news. -Allowed for political debates to occur via radio -Film allowed for the public to see the World Wars. -Auto's allowed for people to commute further, allowed society to spread out. Margaret Sanger - Birth Control Activist - Founded the American Birth Control League -Birth Control allowed women to take control of their sexuality Marcus Garvey and the UNIA -Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association -Proponent of the Back to Africa Movement. -Encouraged Black Nationalism Harlem Renaissance -African American art forms sprung up from the district of Harlem.

-Also covered Politics and self-determination among Blacks Republican Presidents - Harding, Coolidge, Hoover -Hoover Created the FBI and ran it. -Coolidge worked for Middle Class Betterment -Harding conservist, steered America away from the Progressive movement. Wanted Normalcy Teapot Dome Scandal -Harding's presidency, Albert Fall took bribes from oil companies to allow them to bid privately on an oil refinery -Was done so that the navy could have an exclusive oil source Role of Women in WWI -Women flooded the factories to help the homefront war effort, while the men were fighting the war -After the war, women resumed he role of republican motherhood -This stirred the pot and added to the momentum behind the suffrage and resulting civil rights movements. WWI Repayment Plan -Titled the Dawes Act, Made Germany pay war reparations -Replaced by the Young Act in 1929

The Great Depression and the New Deal

Hoover - stated that if the Hawley-Smoot Tariff were repealed that would solve the depression Depression Overproduction of farm supplies Market collapses (margin buying) FDR -Brains Trust: a small group of reform-minded intellectuals who "ghostwrote" Roosevelt's speeches; They were predominantly youngish college professors who, as a kind of kitchen cabinet, later authored much of the New Deal legislation Eleanor does a lot for him too -Hundred Days: the flood of legislation passed by Congress in the first months of FDR's Presidency -Three R's: relief, recovery, reform -Fireside chats: intimate convo. With the prez CCC- give jobs to civilians CWA- Provide temporary jobs WPA- give jobs FERA- Pay unemployed for projects AAA-Help farmers with morgages HOLC-refinance homes NRA- assist some markets with unemployment PWA-industrial recovery and unemployment relief SEC Regulate stock market FDIC Bank guarantees your deposit FICA Social security Huey Long: Hates FDR. Very socialist-assassinated because of it. Dust Bowl people move to california

The Second World War

Good Neighbor Policy withdrawal of American troops from foreign nations (especially Latin America) to improve international relations and unite western hemisphere; Clark Memorandum (rebukes the "big stick"); peaceful resolution of Mexican oil fields Neutrality Acts, 1935-37: prohibited aiding of belligerent nations, banned civilian involvement; limited power of president during international war, built up armed forces FDRs Quarentine speech 4 freedoms speech Lend-lease act ends the neutrality pact Important WWII Battles Midway (US Signal Corps, turning point of war in the Pacific), D-Day (Eisenhower's amphibious invasion of Normandy, led to depletion of German forces), Stalingrad (Russians defeated Germans, saved Moscow and Leningrad, turning point in Europe) Fascism A system of government characterized by strict social and economic control and a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator. First found in Italy by Mussolini. Axis Powers in World War II, the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance in 1936 Yalta Conference (1945) established world organization; Soviet Union pledged to allow democratic procedures in Eastern Europe; pledge broken, led to Cold War Potsdam Conference (1945) decided to punish war crimes, established program for de-Nazification of Germany

The Home Front During the War

Homefront westward migration of workers (new economic opportunities, esp. aircraft industry), high rates of divorce and family/juvenile violence, women encouraged to work in factories, still held inferior to men Rationing Americans at home reminded to conserve materials in all aspects of life to support the military; resulted in saving up of money to cause economic boom after war Bracero program brought in Mexicans for temporary jobs, concentrated in southern CA, given extremely poor working conditions (as they were not American citizens) -Zoot Suit riots:racism riots against Mexican laborers (imported for jobs)

The United States and the Early Cold War

Cold War 1945-1991 The ideological struggle between communism (Soviet Union) and capitalism (United States) for world influence. The Soviet Union and the United States came to the brink of actual war during the Cuban missile crisis but never attacked one another. Other "hot" wars did happen during this period most notably the Korean (1950-53) and Vietnam Wars (1965-75) -Communism vs capitalism -Containment -Iron curtain speech Winston Churchill Second Red Scare

Nationwide panic and fear that communists might seize power in the US. First in the 1920s but then reappeared after WWII during the Cold War Era -Arms race - Space Race McCarthyism North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Chartered April, 1949. The 11 member nations agreed to fight for each other if attacked. It is an international military force for enforcing its charter. It was founded in 1949 to oppose and deter Soviet power in Europe. It includes 28 members which posses nearly half of the world total, but a US general has always been the "allied supreme commander." It's arch nemesis is The Warsaw Pact. -Truman doctrine -Marshall Plan Berlin airlift

The 1950s
Alger Hiss 1950, was a U.S. State Department official involved in the establishment of the United Nations. He was accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948 and convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950 Hydrogen bomb Korean War Conflict that began with North Korea's invasion of South Korea and came to involve the United Nations (primarily the United States) allying with South Korea and the People's Republic of China allying with North Korea. Khrushchev 1953, Stalin's successor as head of the Communist Party; was more open in his dealings with the West and less menacing; also not was paranoid and secretive as Stalin; was said to believe in peaceful coexistence with the West and challenged the west in economic rather than military competition (very very bad joke in the future); helped Fidel Castro. Brown vs. Board of Education 1954, Stated in 1954 that it was unconstitutional to maintain separate black and white schools, overthrew Plessy vs. Ferguson -Rosa Parks -Montgomery bus boycott Truman Fair Deal first modern challenge racial segregation establishes Committee on Civil Rights (1946) end of racial discrimination in federal gov't and all 3 branches of armed forces some success: increase in minimum wage, inclusion of more workers under Social Security most bills defeated: national health care insurance, federal aid to education, civil rights legislation, funds for public housing, new farm program Also; fires McCarther Eisenhower: Warns Americans of the military industrialized complex Crisises during his presidency: Soviet Union launching Sputnik

Egypt seizing the Suez Canal The Soviet Union shooting down an American U-2 spy plane Fidel Castro gaining control of Cuba

The Turbulent 1960s

JFK 35th President of the United States, didn't believe in segregation; president during the Cuban Missile Crisis ....president from 1961 1963 New Frontier: Kennedy's plan, supports civil rights, pushes for a space program, wans to cut taxes, and increase spending for defense and military Peace Corps Alliance for Progress: a program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Brink-of-war confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba - JFK major accomplishment Warren Commission 10 month investigation of the assassination of JFK Johnson President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education War on poverty Medicare Civil Rights Act of 1964 This act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal sexual revolution premaritial sex, homosexuality, sex in general became more common and accepted Equal Pay Act - women and men have to payed the same Vietnam War war that was fought between communist and deomocratic factions within Vietnam, the communist factions eventually succeeded -tet offensive (hurt the us) Hawks and Doves: americans who supported the vietnam war and americans who opposed the vietnam war Assasinations: Both Kennedys, MLK, Malcom X

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