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and Hawaii Study Questions According to Oleksa, culture is Which variety of time would best fit into this scenario: arriving on time for a sacred dance & chant? (circle one) Kairos and Chornos Chornos and Chornos Kairos and Kairos Chronos and Kairos What is Kairos? What is Chronos? Salmon Girl what is the significance of telling / dancing / chanting that sacred narrative every year? (Check out the notes on p. 90 of Oleksas bookbut theres more to this answer than what Oleksa writes in the notes.) Why should one believe the oral traditions and stories as opposed to history books? (Recall the story of Fr. Juvenaly and his Eskimo guide who were martyred by the Yupik people.) Why are the Alaskan peoples so careful not to waste anything they catch, use, hunt, etc.? What is the term for the guardian deities of the ohana that are also the spirits of the deceased ancestors? (i.e., similar in some ways to saints or bodhisattvas) Ritual movement and sound (i.e., chant and drumming) through which the akua and aumakua enter the dancers who become spiritual channels is called What is the Hawaiian term for right relationship, goodness, respect, stewardship, care giving, proper procedure, beauty and integrity? The particular spiritual power which is found in everything, but especially in the akua is traditionally referred to as What does the term ohana mean? Who or what is included in the community of ohana? What is the Hawaiian hymn of creation called? How is it similar to the Genesis account of creation?

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