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9. After the phone screening interview, applicants may be asked to complete the organizations application form.

This may be as brief as requiring only the applicants name, address, and telephone number. Most organizations, on the other hand, may want a more comprehensive employment profile. In general terms, the application form gives a job-performance-related synopsis of applicants life, skills, and accomplishments. 10. Applications obtain information the company wants and needs in order to make a proper selection. Completing the application also serves as another hurdle. If the application requires following directions and the individual fails to do so, that is a job related reason for rejection. Finally, applications require a signature attesting to the truthfulness of the information given and giving permission to check references. If, at a later point, the company finds out the information is false, it can justify immediate dismissal. In addition to these changes in application forms, one important aspect has been added. Applications typically include a statement giving the employer the right to dismiss an employee for falsifying information. They also typically indicate that employment is at the will of either party (the employer or the employee can end the work relationship) and that the employee understands that employment is not guaranteed. Furthermore, the applicant gives the company permission to obtain previous work history. Of course, an applicant has the right not to sign the application. In that event, however, ones application may be removed from consideration. 11 & 12. Weighted application forms offer excellent potential in helping recruiters differentiate between potentially successful and unsuccessful job performers. To create such an instrument, individual form items, such as years of schooling, months on last job, salary data for all previous jobs, and military experience, are validated against performance and turnover measures and given appropriate weights. 13. read the slides the way it is Some useful tips- u can read it like diz

The application form, as noted earlier, has had wide success in selection for diverse jobs. For instance, the hotel industry has found application form analysis valuable. In one study, seven items on the application were highly predictive of successful performance as measured by job tenure.6 Evidence that the application form provides relevant information for predicting job success is well supported across a broad range of jobs. Care must be taken to ensure that application items are validated for each job. Also, since their predictive ability may change over time, the items must be continuously reviewed and updated. A major consideration, however, that management should be aware of is the possibility that the application information given is erroneous. A background investigation can verify most data.

14. read as it is also mention which are the tests are mostly practiced in Bangladesh. 15 + 16+17 these slides are written straight forward..its up to u how u present this 18. ( in slide 18 you can read like diz) Applicants who pass the initial screening, application form, and required tests typically receive a comprehensive interview. + 19+20 (in slide 19 nd 20 straight forward stuffs are givenpresent per your wish)

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