Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Ramesh M S


Human Resource Management

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What is HRM?
Basic definition
Managing the employment relationship

Better definition
The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.


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What is HRM?
Detailed definition
Human Resources Management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end, that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished


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What is HRM?
Detailed definition
Human Resources Management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end, that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished


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Significance of HRM
Human resources are the most precious asset of an organization They are the:
activators of non-human resources means for developing competitive advantages sources of creativity


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Significance of HRM
Organizational significance
Effective utilization of human resources to motivate them and to change their attitudes to work and to the organization To develop personnel to meet the demands of the work effectively; and To ensure proper recruitment and to retain personnel in the organization so that right people are available
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Significance of HRM
Social significance
Maintaining balance between jobs and jobseekers, taking into consideration job requirements, job seekers abilities and aptitudes Providing most productive employment from which socio-psychological satisfaction can be derived Eliminating wasteful organizational and individual practices
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Significance of HRM
Professional Significance
Developing people on a continuous basis to meet the challenges of their jobs Maintaining the dignity of personnel at the work place Providing proper physical (safe) and social environment at the work place


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Key elements of HRM

1. Human resource policies should be integrated with strategic business planning and used to reinforce appropriate culture 2. Human resources are valuable and are a source of competitive advantage 3. Human resources can be tapped most effectively by mutually consistent policies which promote commitment and foster a willingness in employees to act flexibly in the interest of the adaptive organizations pursuit of excellence
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HRM System


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HRM System


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HRM Functions/Activities


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HRM Functions/Activities


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HRM Functions/Activities
Strategic HR Management
What is Strategic? Metrics Environmental Scanning/Anticipation High Performance Work Practices Leveraging Core Competencies


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HRM Functions/Activities Equal Employment Opportunity

Compliance: Multicultural Organizations Diversity Affirmative Action Global Impacts: Resources, Markets, Employees


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HRM Functions/Activities Staffing

Attraction > Selection > Attrition Model Job Description Job Analysis > Qualifications Recruiting, Interviewing


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HRM Functions/Activities HR Development

Orientation/Induction Socialization Job Training Leadership Development Performance Management


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HRM Functions/Activities Compensation and Benefits

Base Pay Merit Pay/Incentives Gain-sharing/Profit sharing Employee Ownership Management of Health and Dental Costs Cafeteria Plans Employee Rewards


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HRM Functions/Activities Health, Safety, and Security

Who has the responsibility for healthy employees? Safety in the workplace Security at workplace Health Promotion

Employee and Labor Relations

Unionization Policies and Procedures Communication
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Some Major HRM Challenges Workforce Availability and Quality Concerns

Inadequate supply of workers with needed skills for knowledge jobs
80% of manufacturing jobs report shortage of qualified workers

Education of workers in basic skills

Not enough specific skills, not enough technology skills


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Some Major HRM Challenges Growth in Contingent Workforce

Represents 20% of the workforce Increases in temporary workers, independent contractors, leased employees, and part-timers caused by:
Need for flexibility in staffing levels Increased difficulty in firing regular employees Reduced legal liability from contract employees One Strategy (used by Boeing) manage employment cycles in suppliers and partners


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Some Major HRM Challenges Workforce Demographics and Diversity

More Women in the Workforce
Single-parent households Dual-career couples Working mothers and family/childcare Domestic partners

Aging Workforce
Age discrimination


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HR Management Roles Administrative Role

Clerical and administrative support operations (e.g., payroll and benefits work)
Technology is transforming how HR services are delivered Outsourcing HR services to reduce HR staffing costs

Operational and Employee Advocate Role

Champion for employee concerns
Employee crisis management Responding to employee complaints


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HR Management Roles Strategic Role

Contributing at the Table to organizational results HR becomes a strategic business partner by:
Focusing on developing HR programs that enhance organizational performance Involving HR in strategic planning at the onset Participating in decision making on mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing Redesigning organizations and work processes Accounting and documenting the financial results of HR activities


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Changing Roles of HR Management


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Operational to Strategic Transformation of HR


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HR Technology HR Management System (HRMS) An integrated system providing information used by HR management in decision making A systematic way of storing data and information for each individual employee to aid planning, decision making, and for submitting of returns and reports to the external agencies Purposes (Major Benefits) of HRMS
Administrative and operational efficiency in compiling HR data Availability of data for effective HR strategic planning
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HR Management System (HRMS) Major Uses of HRMS

Automation of compensation and benefits activities EEO/affirmative action tracking HR Workflow: increased access to HR information
Employee self-service reduces HR costs

Meeting daily transactional requirements such as marking present, absent or granting leave Supplying data and submitting returns to government and other statutory agencies


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HR Management System (HRMS) Further Uses of HRMS

Bulletin boards
What information will be available and what is information needed?

Data access
To what uses will the information be put?

Employee self-service
Who will be allowed to access to what information? Web-based services and access

Extended linkage
When, where, and how often will the information be needed?
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Ethics and HR Management Firms with High Ethical Standards

Are more likely to reach their strategic goals Are viewed more positively by stakeholders Are better able to attract and retain human resources

Ethics and Global Differences

Different legal, political, and cultural factors in other countries can lead to ethical conflicts for global managers


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Ethics and HR Management


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Ethics and HR Management

Ethics Program Elements

Written code of ethics and standards of conduct

Employee training on ethical behaviors

Advice to employees on ethical situations

Confidential reporting of ethical problems


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Ethics and HR Management

HRs Role in Organizational Ethics Legal Question
Does the behavior or result meet all applicable laws, regulations, and government codes?

Ethical Question
Does the behavior or result meet both organizational standards and professional standards of ethical behavior?


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Ethics and HR Management

Examples of HR related Ethical Misconduct Activities


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HR Management Competencies Important HR Competencies

Strategic contribution to organizational success Business knowledge of organization and its strategies Effective and effective delivery of HR services Familiarity with HRMS technology Personal credibility



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HR Management as a Career HR Generalist

A person with responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities.

HR Specialist
A person with in-depth knowledge and expertise in a limited area of HR.

HR Manager
A person who is a line manager for HR Generalists and Specialists


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Thank You!


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