Stella Artois

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Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and Communication mix

Stella Artois
University of Sunderland Laurel Hetherington MACM 29 CW1 Essay 119050134

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


Table of contents
1. 2. a. b. c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. Introduction/Appendix .................................................................................................................... 2 Advertising....................................................................................................................................... 4 Press advertising.......................................................................................................................... 5 Broadcast advertising: radio........................................................................................................ 8 Broadcast advertising: television and cinema ............................................................................. 9 Electronic media advertising ..................................................................................................... 11 Outdoor/out off home advertising/ Ambient media ................................................................ 12 Sales Promotion............................................................................................................................. 14 Loyalty schemes ........................................................................................................................ 14 Save promotions........................................................................................................................ 15 Free promotions ........................................................................................................................ 16 Win promotions......................................................................................................................... 17 Public Relations ............................................................................................................................. 18 Press releases and online press center ..................................................................................... 19 Special Events and sponsoring .................................................................................................. 19 Charity ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Social media............................................................................................................................... 22 Bibliography................................................................................................................................... 23

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix




In the present day society, with the rise of technology and mass media, the potential of marketing is a fact well known by most companies. Furthermore, it is nowadays no longer enough for a business to have good products at attractive prices, or for it to have a long standing history of quality. If a company wants to optimize sales and profits, and wants to get its brand and product(s) noticed, it needs to have adequate ways to communicate with its consumers1. Therefore, a common-held view is that public relations practitioners should ally their forces directly with those of marketing2. From a marketing perspective, public relations is a part of promotional activities and a valuable aid to sustain and uphold long-term customer relationships. A marketing mix, combined with a thorough public relations campaign, can provide a substantial head start for any company. By building targeted relationships and by utilizing an alternative socially and environmentally orientated approach, public relations can change the predominating values within an organization, and therefore provide a way in which marketing activities will be more likely to be effective. It is for these reasons that in this paper, a revision and critical analysis will be provided that will examine the marketing communications mix consisting of advertising, sales promotion and public relations, for the brand Stella Artois.

Ind, Nicholas, 1992. The Corporate Image: Strategies for effective identity programmes. London: Kogan Page Ltd, p. 26.

2 White, Jon, 1991. How to Understand and Manage Public Relations: A jargon-free guide to public relations management. London:

Business Books Limited, p. 94-104.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


Stella Artois is one of the three worldwide beer brands owned by giant conglomerate Anheuser-Bush InBev3. It is regarded as one of InBevs most important products and though it is a Belgium beer, it has often been the vanguard for expansion into new international markets. It was originally brewed in the city of Leuven in 1366 by Sbastien Artois and is, according to legend, a Christmas beer. The logo of the brand, which consists of the origin date, the name and a star, illustrates the brands long and outstanding history, as its name Stella is the Latin word for star, while Artois is derived from the master brewers name who created the beer. Since the 1990s, in the United Kingdom, Stellas brand identity has been linked to the slogan reassuringly expensive. Stella Artois has positioned itself in the United Kingdom as a premium beer, one that embodies quality, luxury and tradition. It is no wonder that Stella Artois main target audiences consist of upper and middle class people, predominantly male, who are between 25 and 35 years old. However, as is illustrated by the recent Stella Artois Cider campaign and the Shes a thing of beauty campaign, it seems clear that Stella Artois has chosen to expand its customer audiences by targeting not only male but also female, upscale, adults4. The slogan reassuringly expensive (and the associated marketing, advertising and strategies) has also changed to She is a thing of beauty, and by doing so still retains the luxury image of the brand.

Abts B., Verjans A., Van Liedekerke Chr., et al, 2003. Fundamenten van bedrijfswetenschappen en recht 2. Antwerpen: Uitgeverij De Boeck

nv, p. 90-99.

BBC Radio Newsbeat. Beer giant Stella Artois brews up Belgian apple cider. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix




Advertising consist of the usage of a controlled, paid medium of non-personal communication with the main objective to sell a product, brand or idea. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) states that: Advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost.5 Advertising tries to influence and persuade people and their behaviors by using two basic aspects: the message and the medium. Stella Artois has, during its long history, used press (newspaper and magazine), outdoor/ out off home/ ambient, broadcast (television and cinema, radio) and electronic media advertising. The disadvantages for using these methods are that: advertising is impersonal, it does not give a lot of information, and it is not effective at getting consumers to make a final purchasing decision6. The advantages created by using this medium are that advertising is good for building awareness, effective at reaching a wide audience, and the repetition aspect helps create customer trust, as will be illustrated by the following examples.

5 6

Theaker, Alison, 2012. The Public Relations Handbook. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 14. Heartherington, Laurel, 2011. Advertising. MACM29. University of Sunderland, Lecture.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Press advertising

In the United Kingdom, Stella Artois uses newspapers and up market magazines to place their press advertising in, as for example Metro, Askmen and GQ Magazine7. They also place adverts in film magazines and beer magazines such as The beer connoisseur, if it is relevant to their campaign8. Throughout the years, Stella Artois might have changed its slogan, target audience and slightly adapted their strategy (Belgium vs. United Kingdom), they have always remained loyal to the exclusivity and upper class image of the brand. For example, they created an

advertising campaign especially for Christmas, as Stella Artois logo is directly linked to this annual holiday.

Figure 1. Press advertising example Florence and the Machine front retro push for Stella Artois. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. ois

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


As can be seen by the example shown before, the headline originally crafted for Christmas, captures the attention and interest of the potential reader, as does the body copy. The body copy can be seen as a narrative copy, since there are a multitude of obvious and more subtle parts of the image which carry the message of a Happy Christmas to the customer. The two glasses of beer arouse desire with the customer, while the slogan Shes a thing of beauty, nicely complements the classy retro advert. There is however no action or stimulation towards the potential customer to purchase the advertised goods in this add9. Another example of press advertising used by Stella Artois is the one below, which applies AIDA in a different way, since the advert entices the reader with the promise of DVDs, and a holiday in San Francisco. If potential consumers buy a Stella Artois, or otherwise put, take action, they might be rewarded for choosing the Stella Artois brand10. This press advert is more focused on capturing interest and attention then creating desire, since the product is not obviously portrayed, nor is there a clear headline. On the other hand, the slogan (or tagline) and logo are clearly depicted, and the image is part of a intriguing campaign that consists of several visual ads, which not only appeared in newspapers but also in style magazines11.

Amiatastarosielski. Stella Artois X-mas Print. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Adland TV. Stella Artois ads make you think. 2005. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

11Heath, Robert, Hyder, Pam, 2004. Measuring the hidden power of emotive advertising. In: International Journal of Market Research Vol.

47 Issue 5. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


There were three English scenes, Park, Town and Beach, with features of more then 18 movie references in them. This campaign was so successful that it on itself was the subject of an article in The Sun.

The beauty of this campaign is that it breaks the general rules of advertising, since it was complex and unclear. This might not have worked for every brand, but for Stella Artois, with its exclusivity and luxury image, and its well know target audience, it was a success.12

Figure 2. Press advertising example 2


Campaign Global Network. Newspaper Advertising-the creative potential: Stella Artois- UK. 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Broadcast advertising: radio

Stella Artois uses different radio commercials and has various broadcasting campaigns, even though this medium is relatively untapped in the United Kingdom, especially in comparison to the other European countries. In Belgium for example, a famous Stella Artois radio advert consist of the following (translated) quote: My home is where my Stella is. No such general radio slogan or spot is available in the United Kingdom, which is a pity, since it helps create awareness and relationships for the brand. However, Stella Artois has done some radio adverts for their new Stella Artois Cider campaign and for their Recyclage de Luxe campaign, as did they participate in a national student radio campaign, in cooperation with FHM13. In one of their broadcastings, they used the slogans Its cidre, not cider and Drink from a chalice not a glass14. This promotional strategy has proven to have a doubtful effect, since there has been some critique on the tone of these phrases15. This might be because Stella Artois went a bit over the top with their exclusivity view. However, the link between the production of cider and the Stella Artois heritage was upheld since the brand states that the cider is being made from Belgium Jonagold apples16.

13 Florence and the Machine front retro push for Stella Artois. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. ois

The Food and Drink Innovation Network. Stella Artois introduces new chalice can. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Manchester, Mark. Clients. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

16Leyland, Adam. Stella launches cider brand extension. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


To top it off, a new can was created with the features of a chalice glass on it. The new can also provided the tools to differentiate the product from other beers on the market, while the radio advert reminded consumers of the thriving existence of the brand.

c. Broadcast advertising: television and cinema

Even though Stella Artois has used many different television and cinema adverts over the years, its campaigns have stayed successful due to its use of similar repetitive imaging. Stella Artois is famous for its somewhat bizarre, but creative, funny and smart advertising. Stella Artois often uses French dialogue, even in English adverts17. Again it portrays itself as a brand for people Who enjoy the finer things in life. Stella Artois formulates it very adequately: Essentially, the product is elevated above the drinker, placed on a pedestal and revered beyond all logic to the point where the drinker will do anything to get his hands on it. In the example shown below, there is a definite feel of romance, drama but also humor in the advert.

Figure 3. Television and cinema French advert


Duncan. Stella Artois Train. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


The television and cinema advertising campaign promotes the 4% Smooth Lager and helps demonstrate and remember the quality, worth and luxury of Stella Artois. Though this kind of advertising is quite time expansive, the adverts prove very efficiently that Stella Artois has still retained it former values, goals and tradition (and its target audience). Of course, in some countries the use of French has brought forth some critique. In Belgium for example, they argue that using French for a Belgian beer, gives the impression that the beer was created in France.

Figure 4. Television and cinema Belgian advert However, Stella Artois has used these sentiments to make an other television advertisement, where there is a pun about the beer having been created in Belgian18. In any case, the television and cinema adverts of Stella Artois are one of their most efficient means of promotion.


Liamsoft. Stella Artois misleading ads. 2007. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Electronic media advertising

Electronic media advertising, and especially through social media, has been one of Stella Artois main promotion mediums. It gets peoples attention, can arouse interest and desire for the product, is good for image building and its quite effective and can provide information (to a certain extend). Furthermore, in the case of Stella Artois, viral advertising has proven to be especially good to target a certain audience, create awareness, and even helps with image building. One of Stella Artois best electronic media advertisements was their campaign for the Cannes Film Festival19.

Figure 5. Facebook advert


Jacques DAzur. Facebook profile page. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


Stella Artois wanted to change their image to that of a cool, classy but hip brand by tying its name to that of the cultural film event in Cannes. Therefore, Stella Artois created a fictional character called Jacques dAzur the King of Cannes20. Jacques was supposed to be a French film producer, director, actor, playboy and peoples king.

YouTube videos, Facebook pages, blogs, online adverts, pop-ups, forums and other social networking sites were created, on which Jacques actively participated. Furthermore, Stella Artois was able to invent a whole (public relations) story around the character, which intrigued the consumers even more. Through this campaign, Stella Artois got great advertising, and was even able to make friends with their audience.

e. Outdoor/out off home advertising/ Ambient media

Stella Artois has used, for most of its campaigns, outdoor mediums. As can be shown by the following pictures, Stella Artois has created adverts in subway stations, posters, but also on a zeppelin21. Stella Artois sponsored the first commercial airship that offered flights over London. Their logo and brand was clearly visible on the airship and left a profound impression on the audiences.


Martin, Paul. Stella Artois The King of Cannes. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 2011STELLA ARTOIS THE KING OF CANNES. 21 Centaur Communications. Case-study: Stella Artois, catch a falling star. s.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


The posters, especially the poster from the Shes a thing of beauty campaign, catches the spectators eye, and the image retains for a long time. The recurrent tagline is used as a recognizable feature. Even though the posters have to be seen often by consumers to leave an impression, if they are placed in strategic places like the subway, people will not have a problem noticing them regularly22. Through the use of posters and general outdoor media advertising, Stella Artois is able to reinforce the perception of being an up market brand.

Figure 6: Metro advert

Figure 7: Shes a thing of beauty advert


CBS Outdoor limited. Clear creative message and takeout- Stella Artois. s.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Sales Promotion

Sales promotion can be defined as marketing activities usually specific to a time period, place or customer group, which encourages a direct response from consumers or marketing intermediaries, through the offer of additional benefits or by providing incentives to stimulate demand23. Furthermore, sales promotion tries to encourage or increase: volume, trial, repeat purchase, loyalty, usage, interest, awareness, deflecting attention from prices, discriminating among consumers, providing informationIn the next section, four forms of sales promotion, used by Stella Artois, will be analyzed: loyalty schemes, save- free- and win promotions. As the examples will illustrate, sales promotion can stimulate increases in sales by providing promotional incentive for a short term period. However, in the case of Stella Artois, a negative result of sales promotion will also be illustrated.


Loyalty schemes

Stella Artois provides for the loyal customer a loyalty club card to Le Socit24. Le Socit consists of a privileged club, where access has to be requested, and where you are put on a waiting list. Members of this society can participate or attend special events, as for example the Stella Artois World Draught Masters competitions, or they can visit breweries (some in Belgium).


Peattie, Sue& Ken. Sales Promotion. s.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 24 Anheuser-Busch InBev. La socit. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


Members of this club also receive the privilege to be invited to the Black Diamond party. The Black Diamond is a mixture of real-life and online experiences in London25. Meanwhile, Stella Artois is able to collect customer and sales information, as well as supplement its database. The loyalty schemes executed by Stella Artois are primarily focused on distinguishing the brand from its competitors and to discriminate among its consumers, to profile itself further as an exclusive brand.


Save promotions

One of Stella Artois save promotions, was linked to a famous charity campaign. Stella Artois developed a fund to create hedges, besides which couples could stroll, swing a picnic hamper, listen to a birdsong and laugh26. Every time a customer would buy a case of Stella Artois, they would invest in the hedge fund, so that Stella Artois could plant hedges all over the British countryside. This save promotion, incorporated in a marketing communication mix, created increasing loyalties, improved repeat purchase and deflected the consumers attention away from the (relative) high prices of the luxury brand Stella Artois.

Figure 8. The Hedge-fund piano advert


Clements, Sam. Stella Artois Black presents: The Black Diamond. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 26 InBevUK Limited. Hedge Fund. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


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Marketing and communication mix


c. Free promotions
One of the free promotions used by Stella Artois, was the reduced packaging message, by which consumers got more product for their money. This message provided more beer in the same package, though young men might not have been the best target group in this case27. Since Stella Artois has positioned itself as a luxury brand, reducing prices or making packaging deals, prevented the brand from distinguishing itself from its competitors. Furthermore, the Stella Artois product was heavily discounted through both on- and off-trade. It is possible that in his case too much promotion might have damaged the brand, especially since it has always positioned itself as a luxury, reassuringly expensive premium beer. This has led to ubiquity and by becoming a plentiful, cheap, strong lager, it unwittingly became 'wife beater' - the beer of choice for angry men in white vests. On the other hand, Christmas packaging is appreciated by consumers, and in general free promotions do still create interest, increase loyalty and repeat purchase.

Figure 9. Christmas packaging promotion


Centaur Communications. Case-study: Stella Artois, catch a falling star. s.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Win promotions

One of Stella Artois win promotions consisted of an on-pack sale that offered consumers and film fans (of legal drinking age) a chance to win 40 DVDs, if they bought one of the special Stella Artois packages28. The promotion appeared on a fixed amount of packs and perfectly captured the desires of the sophisticated Stella Artois consumer. Consumers had to enter a unique code on the Stella Artois website where they were given the opportunity to choose from 40 DVD titles. The aim of the win promotions was to increase awareness, generate strong brand preference, drive sales and increase volume. The win promotion also tried to increase trial, since the Stella Artois brand that consumers had to buy, was a new flavored Stella Artois29. The win promotions (in cooperation with the advertising and the public relations story of King Jacques of Cannes were a success, especially since they targeted one of Stella Artois main audiences: film lovers.

Figure 10. DVDs promotion


InBev UK Limited. Stella Artois Presents: A DVD with every pack. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 29 Rudenko, Anna. Global Brands Stella Artois Presents a Premiere New Promotion. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Public Relations

According to The British Institute for Public Relations states that it is about reputation, the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you30. Public Relations Practice is the discipline which looks after reputation with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behavior. Public relations is often perceived as cheap and more credible, since the messages are being provide by a third party. However, this benefit comes with the risk of losing control over the contents of the message, and the risk of not being able to control what other people say or write about the product, Stella Artois. Stella Artois has used many different forms of public relations in different campaigns, as will be illustrates by the sections below.


Newsom Doug, VanSlyke Turk Judy, Kruckelberg Dean. This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations. 2004. USA: Thomson-Wadsworth. p. 2.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


a. Press releases and online press center

Stella Artois has an online press center, where it keeps press release, media kits, annual reports and others31. Stella Artois has often been the subject in many news releases, some of them involving a Public Relations story or stunt. For example, the intriguing Jacques campaign created for the film festival of Cannes was covered in the newspaper The Sun. Furthermore the Stella Artois Draught Master gets annual coverage: Stella Artois Crowns Nanda Nkumar Sethy World Draught Master 2011.


Special Events and sponsoring

Stella Artois has sponsored many events over the years. For example it has sponsored cult films appearing on Channel 4 since 199732. This makes it one of the longest-running TV sponsorships and is, quite unique. Furthermore, even in the sponsorship of movies, Stella Artois is capable of creating the same luxury feeling and uniqueness that has embodied the brand in all their advertising and promotional campaigns over the years. By sponsoring these kinds of short movies, Stella Artois creates relationship bonds with its audiences and reinforces their position.


AB InBev. The 10 most recent global press releases. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 32 Stella Artois sponsors film on Channel4. 2002. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


A similar result was achieved from the sponsorship of the Stella Artois Tennis Championships, an invitation- only exclusive and luxury event that gets huge media coverage33. However, in recent years Stella Artois does no longer sponsors this event, and has instead, under the InBev-name, decided to sponsor the FIFA Worlds Cups in 2018 and 202234.

Figure 11. Sponsorship Channel 4

Figure 12. Sponsorship Tennis event BBCi

Figure 13. Sponsorship Stella Artois


Austin, Simon, Jolly, Mark. Sundays Queens diary. 2003. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 34 Godsell, Melanie. Inbev renames Stella Artois Tennis Championships. 2007. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


c. Charity
Stella Artois has participated in numbrous amount of charities. Stella Artois has created the hedge fund campaign35,trough which it creates awareness for its brand and plants hedges, but it has also focused a campaign around planting trees36. The aim of this campaign was to plant one million trees in the rainforest of South America. Stella Artois used social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to reach consumers around the world. Stella Artois aimed to create brand awareness by encouraging consumers to visit their official website and then send out an interactive e-card. Every e-card represented one planted tree. Stella Artois reached its goal, create awareness, got more memberships, more coverage, and more fans around the world.

Figure 14. Hedge fund campaign


InBevUk Limited. Recyclage de Luxe. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. 36 Digitalis. Case Study Blog. 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix



Social media

One of the best examples in which Stella Artois used the social media, is their campaign around Jacques dAzur, King of Cannes37. All their adverts were online and went through Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore the use of social media was combined with the chance of winning a place in a film made by Stella Artois that would be screened at Cannes. Auditions had to be done online and could be viewed only through Facebook and Twitter. This brilliant campaign created huge coverage, brand awareness, loyalty and excellent two-way communications.


Sutton, Paul, Breaking News Stella Artois Launches film star search. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.


Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix




AB InBev. The 10 most recent global press releases. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. fm. Abts B., Verjans A., Van Liedekerke Chr., et al, 2003. Fundamenten van

bedrijfswetenschappen en recht 2. Antwerpen: Uitgeverij De Boeck nv, p. 90-99.

Adland TV. Stella Artois ads make you think. 2005. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Amiatastarosielski. Stella Artois X-mas Print. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Anheuser-Busch inbev.








Http:// Austin, Simon, Jolly, Mark. Sundays Queens diary. 2003. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. BBC Radio Newsbeat. Beer giant Stella Artois brews up Belgian apple cider. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// CBS Outdoor limited. Clear creative message and takeout- Stella Artois. S.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Campaign. Newspaper Advertising-the creative potential: Stella Artois- UK. 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http://

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Marketing and communication mix


Centaur Communications. Case-study: Stella Artois, catch a falling star. S.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http://

techniques/11980136-1.html#ixzz1eqmjauj9. Centaur Communications. Case-study: Stella Artois, catch a falling star. S.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http://

techniques/11980136-1.html#ixzz1eqmr0dwy. Clements, Sam. Stella Artois Black presents: The Black Diamond. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Duncan,









Http:// Godsell, Melanie. Inbev renames Stella Artois Tennis Championships. 2007. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Stella-Artois-Tennis-Championships/?DCMP=ILC-SEARCH. Heath, Robert, Hyder, Pam, 2004. Measuring the hidden power of emotive advertising. In: International Journal of Market Research Vol. 47 Issue 5. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Hetherington, Laurel, 2011. Advertising. MACM29. University of Sunderland, Lecture. InBevUk Limited.








Http:// InBevUk Limited.










Sophie Bonnewijn

Marketing and communication mix


InBev UK Limited. Stella Artois Presents: A DVD with every pack. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Ind, Nicholas, 1992. The Corporate Image: Strategies for effective indentity

programmes. London: Kogan Page Ltd, p. 26. Stella Artois sponsors film on Channel4. 2002. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Jacques DAzur. Facebook profile page. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Leyland, Adam. Stella lanches cider brand extension. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Liamsoft.










Http:// Manchester, Mark.







Http:// Martin, Paul. Stella Artois The King of Cannes. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// ARTOIS THE KING OF CANNES. Morrison, Janet, 2009. International business challenges in a changing world. Hampshire. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 289 Newsom Doug, VanSlyke Turk Judy, Kruckelberg Dean. This is PR: The Realities of 2011STELLA

Public Relations. 2004. USA: Thomson-Wadsworth. p. 2.


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Marketing and communication mix


Peattie, Sue& Ken. Sales Promotion. S.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Rudenko, Anna. Global Brands Stella Artois Presents a Premiere New Promotion. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Theaker, Alison, 2012. The Public Relations Handbook. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 14. The Food and Drink Innovation Network. Stella Artois introduces new chalice can. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Http:// Florence and the Machine front retro push for Stella Artois. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Http:// and_the_Machine_front_retro_push_for_Stella_Artois travel_archive_200/240_travel-to-cannes.html. White, Jon, 1991. How to Understand and Manage Public Relations: A jargon-free

guide to public relations management. London: Business Books Limited, p. 94-104.


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