40th PCI General Assembly Minutes in English

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Members Present: 1. Rev. Dr. L.S. Khawbung 2. Rev. S.I. Iawphniaw 3. Rev. Lallianmawia 4. Rev. Zosangliana 5. Rev. Dr. J.F. Jyrwa 6. Rev. Tualzachin 7. Rev. Lalramliana Pachuau 8. Rev. S.S. Majaw 9. Rev. David T Khouvum 10. Rev. O.S. Mawrah 12. Rev. Awnkhankhup 14. Rev. Lalrinawma 16. Rev. Dr. Lalhmangaiha 18. Rev. Lalthansanga Ralte 20. Rev. Joshua Jeme 22. Rev. Laldawngliana 24. Rev. D.C. Haia 26. Rev. James Muana 27. Rev G..P.L Gadew 29. Rev. Dr.M.J. Hyniewta 31. Rev. B.B. Lamin 33. Rev. L.S. Polkshang 35. Rev. F.M. Gympad 37. Rev. Stephen Chinzathang 39. Rev. Dr. K.Lallawmzuala 41. Mrs. Zomalsawm : : : : : : : : : 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38. 40. Moderator Moderator Elect Secretary (Sr) Secretary (Jr) Treasurer Statistician Administrative Secretary Administrative Secretary Administrative Secretary Rev. Lalnithanga Rev. Vanmawia Rev. B. Sangthanga Rev. H. Lalchhanhima Upa Prof. Lianzela Rev. R. Lalnunmawia Rev. F.W. Shadap Rev. P.C. Lura Darnei. Rev. W.C Khongwir Elder K.Lungkhai Elder D.R.L.Nonglait Rev. N.S.Phawa Elder J.C. Gatphah Rev. Khamchinkhai Rev. V.L. Zaithanga Rev. T.T. Diengdah

First Sitting: 3rd May 2012 (12:00 noon) 1. 2. Opening devotion: The meeting began with the reading of the Scripture from Psalm 105:1-4 by the Moderator and a prayer offered by Rev W C Khongwir. Roll Call and apologies: Apologies were received from the following members: 1) Rev C Rosiama, 2) Miss P.Tiensoh, 3) Rev. B.R. Kharnaior, 4) Elder V.L Tluanga Bapui, 5) Rev. L.S. Nangphlang, 6) Elder P.W. Muktieh 7) Rev. Zathanga Ngirsim



Welcome to New members: The Moderator accorded a warm welcome to the following new members: 1) Rev R Lalnunmawia Manipur Synod 2) Rev Laldawngliana, Manipur Synod 3) Elder Thienkhomang, Manipur Synod Adoption of Agenda: The Agenda prepared by the Working Committee was adopted. Report of the Working Committee: The Working Committee Report was presented by Rev Lalramliana Pachuau, Administrative Secretary. The report was accepted as follows: a. Editing of the PCI Constitution The Editing Sub-Committee reported that the re-editing of the Constitution was done. After a thorough discussion it was resolved: to accept the re-editing to print 1,000 copies; to request the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod to print, and payment be made in the new financial year- 2012-2013. b. Printing of PCI Hymn Book The proposal of re-printing of the latest hymn book was discussed and resolved to reprint the same by removing some hymns to have 100 hymns. The Office was entrusted to do the needful. c. Invitation of Uniting Church of Australia to attend the Assembly Meeting during July 15-21, 2012: It was resolved to request Zou Presbyterian Church Synod to send Rev. Stephen Chinzathang to attend the Assembly on behalf of the General Assembly, PCI and bear the travel expenditure. d. Invitation from PCT to attend the General Assembly during April 10-13, 2012: It was resolved to request the KJP Synod Mihngi to send a representative on behalf of the General Assembly and bear the travel expenditure. e. Implication of sub-quota 4.5% for the minority communities within the 27 % for OBC: The NCCI Commission on policy, Governance and Public Witness has invited us to National level consultation on Implication of sub-quota for the minority communities within the reservation for the OBC on 8th & 9th of March, 2012 at CNI Bhavan, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi. After discussion it was resolved to request the Field Secretary of Mizoram Presbyterian Church, Delhi Mission Field, to attend the consultation on behalf of the General Assembly.

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f. First Adhoc Council of WCRC-SARC on the 13th April, 2012 at CSI Synod Secretariat in Chennai: The WCRC-SARC has requested to nominate one representative to attend its First Adhoc Council of WCRC-SARC on the 13th April, 2012 at CSI Synod Secretariat in Chennai. It was resolved to nominate Rev. S. S. Majaw to attend the Council on behalf of the General Assembly. g. Programme on the 40th General Assembly at Champhai: As the expected overseas visitors could not confirm their coming, it was resolved to appoint speakers as follows on Sunday morning and afternoon services respectively: Sunday Morning 10:00 A.M: Rev. Hrilrokhum Thiek, CHT Synod Sunday Afternoon 1:00 P.M: Rev. Dr. J.F. Jyrwa, Treasurer, Gen. Assembly. h. Accident of KAGAAA Assembly Officer Car: The Office reported that the vehicle of the General Assembly used by Rev. V.L. Zaithanga, the General Assembly Officer of KAGAAA was hit by a truck (207) on January 24, 2012, 7:30 p.m. near Dokmuka Police Station, while travelling back to Diphu. The car overturned off the road and damage was done, but the Assembly Officer and the driver were safe. FIR was submitted. The report was noted and resolved to entrust the Office to pursue the matter. i. Rent of Assembly Jubilee House at Laban, Shillong: The Office reported that the rent of the Assembly Jubilee House at Laban was never increased from the beginning. It resolved to increase the rent as follows with effect from April, 2012: Upstairs, rented by Mrs. Pryanka Nongkynrih : Rs. 4,000 to 5, 000 Ground Floor, rented by Elder Pianmawia : Rs. 2,000 to 2, 000 Small Cabin, rented by Mr. Alok Bhowmick : Rs. 2,000 to 2, 500 j. The request of WCRC for financial consideration (Ref.E/C Resn No.8 dt 11&12 Jan 2012): It was resolved to inform the WCRC that the PCI is not in a position to extend financial help to WCRC. k. The return of Rev. Khupchawng Vanlalrawna CWM Missionary from Jamaica (Ref W/C Resn No.6 (a) dt 28th Feb 2012): It was reported that Rev. Khupchawng Vanlalrawna has submitted a written report to the Office through the concerned Synod as requested. The report was noted. l. Nomination to TIM 2013 The request of Partner churches for nominating a Youth of 20-30 of age to Training in mission was received from the Council for World Mission in 2013. The programme will begin in February 2013 and end in November in South Africa and India.


The matter was discussed and resolved to request the Zou Presbyterian Church Synod to nominate one youth to attend the Training in Mission during February to November, 2013. m. Invitation to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Wales to be held during July 16-18, 2012 at University of Wales, Aberngstwyh. The invitation to attend the General Assembly of PC Wales was received and discussed. It was resolved to request Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod to send one delegate to attend the same on behalf of the PCI General Assembly and bear all the travel expenses. Meanwhile accommodation expenses during his stay at Aberystwyth will be borne by the PC Wales. n. Invitation to the 97th General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Korea during Sept 17th (Monday)-21st (Friday), 2012 at Somong Church. The matter was discussed and resolved to nominate Rev. David T. Lhouvum to attend the 97th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Korea at Samong Church during September 17-21, 2012. o. Invitation of Oikocredit Annual General Meeting on the 15th June, 2012 in Balsta, Sweden: It was resolved to nominate Elder K. Lyngkhoi to attend this Annual General Meeting of Oikocredit on the 15th June, 2012 in Balsta, Sweden. He is requested to bear all the expenses related to this meeting. p. Contribution towards advertisement in the NCCI Assembly Souvenir. A request to contribute towards advertisement in the NCCI Assembly Souvenir 2012 was received. After discussion it was resolved to contribute Rs. 10,000.00/- only. The Office was entrusted to do the needful. q. Guest-room Care Taker: It was resolved to appoint Mr. Chitra Thapa, Chawkidar, as Guest Room Care-Taker, besides his normal duty, with the honorarium of Rs. 1,000.00 (Rupees one thousand) only per month with effect from 1st May 2012. r. Salary of Tiwa Bible Translator (E/C Resn No.9(a) dt 11th & 12th Jan, 2012) Since the BSI is Giving Rs. 6,500/- p. m it was resolved not to add to that at the moment. 6. Pending matters of the last Executive committee: a) Seeking ways and means to recover financial deficit of the General Assembly (WC resln no.4(e) dt 11-12 Jan 2012): The Assembly Secretary presented the proposal of the Working Committee that (i) to appeal all the units for special contribution in order to recover the financial deficit (ii) to include Rs 3 lakhs in the ensuing budget of the General Assembly during 2012-13 and 2013-14


(iii) to reduce some of the programmes and activities including travels outside the General Assembly and abroad until financial deficit is recovered. After thorough deliberations and discussion it was resolved to entrust the Working Committee to make assessment of Rs 12,24,500/- to different Units so that the deficit amount be met within two years. b) Process of legal document on ownership of lands in Silchar and Karimganj Mission Compounds (EC resln no.5(a) dt 11,12 Jan 2012): Rev Lalramliana Pachuau, the Administrative Secretary and convener of the Land Sub Committee reported the action taken in this regards that the matter is in process. The report was noted. The First Sitting was closed for a tea-break with a prayer offered by Rev Dr Lalhmangaiha. Second Sitting: 3rd May 2012(2pm) c) Assessment for the constructions of boundary wall of cemetery and retaining wall of fish pond in Karimganj: The Secretary (Sr.) presented the proposed assessment for the said construction as follows: i) Mizoram Synod Rs 400,000 ii) KJP Synod Sepngi Rs 160,000 iii) KJP Synod Mihngi Rs 150,000 iv) CHT Synod Rs 35,000 v) Manipur Synod Rs 30,000 vi) Biateram Synod Rs 30,000 vii) Ri Bhoi Synod Rs 35,000 viii) Zou Synod Rs 30,000 d) Change of nomenclature of the Administrative Secretaries (EC resln no 5(b) of 11,12,Jan 2012): The office reported that four units are for the change and another four units are against the proposal. It was resolved to the General Assembly not to change the nomanclature of the Administrative Secretaries since the units are not unanimous in this matter. e) Concept paper for overseas Mission (EC resln.no 5(h) of 11,12 Jan 2012): Rev David T Louhvum, the Admionistrative Secretary i/c Mission and Evangelism presented the concept paper for overseas Mission prepared by the Working Committee. After discussion it was resolved that the paper be accepted in principle and that the Working Committee was entrusted to modify some points of the paper in the light of our discussions. f) Revision of the Pay of the General Assembly Mission Workers (EC resln no 7(b) of b11,12 Jan 2012): The Assembly presented the proposed revision of pay prepared by the Working Committee as follows: i) Dimasa Mission Worker According to the Pay Scale approved by the Gen Assembly ii) Care-taker at N Wari : Rs 1,500/- fixed per month. iii) Others (i.e working together in Mission) : Rs 5,000/- fixed per month. Note. W.e.f 1st May 2012. Any anomaly be borne by the Synod.



Matters from the Working Committee: a. Appointment of the Assembly Officer (WC resln no b4(j) of 18th April 2012): The Secretary (Sr.) presented the proposal of the Working Committee thus : (i) to appoint Rev Dr Lalhmangaiha of Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod as the Assembly Officer (KAGAAA) for one term (2012 - 2016) and, (ii) to request the Executive Committee to modify section 2 of the policy of apointing the Assembly Officer, which reads 'The Executive Committee of the Gen Assembly through its Working Committee may directly appoint from among the ministers who have 15 years of service from the date of appointment as Pro Pastor and who is in active service, preferably who have experience in the Field of Pastoral ministry and administration. After discussion it was resolved to accept the appointment of Rev Dr. Lalhmangaiha as the Assembly Officer and that the Working Committee be entrusted to review the policy of appointing the Assembly Officer. b. Application for CWM Scholarship (WC resn no 6.a(i) of 18 April 2012): The KJP Synod Sepngi endorsed the application of Ms Aisuklang Kharkongor for CWM Scholarship for her M. Th Study in Tamilnadu Theological Seminary. It was resolved to recommend her application to CWM. c. Audited Statements of Accounts & Budget Estimate for 2012-2013 and 20132014(WC resln no 8 of 18th April 2012): Rev L Pachuau, the Administrative Secretary i/c Finance presented the Audited Statement of Account. The Statement presented was accepted. It was further resolved that the audited Statement of Account for the FY 201011 should also be incorporated in the Preceedings of the General Assembly. Rev Dr J F Jyrwa presented the Budget estimates for 2012-13 and 2013-14. It was resolved to accept the proposed budget proposal to be forwarded to the General Assembly for approval.


Matters from the partner Churches and Council: a Matter from Oiko Credit: The Administrative Secretary i/c Finance reported the annual statement of our investment with the Oiko Credit with a balance of US$29,542.10 only. The report was noted with appreciation Matters from the Standing Committee: a). The Trust Committee requested the Executive Committee to allot a separate budget of Rs 50,000/- for the Trust Management Committee. It was resolved that the matter need not to be discussed in the Executive Committee. b) The Trust Committee proposed to entrust the Trust Committee for all the land and property matters. It was resolved that all the pending matters relating to land and properties be dealt by the Trust Management Committee.



Matter from PYF The PYF Committee seeks permission to observe Environment Sunday Day on the first Sunday of June every year. It was resolved not to observe the Environment Sunday separately as PYF but join in the PCI Environment Day on the 5th of June every year.



Appointment of Nomination Committee members for 2014 : a) Elder Prof Lianzela b) Rev. Lalremruat Pena c) Rev. S T Khaia d) Rev. L S Nongphlang e) Rev. Dr GPL Gadew f) Rev. Tualzachin g) Rev. B B Lamin h) Rev. P C Lura Reports: The Administrative Secretary placed the report of the Executive Secretary, CHT Synod that Rev Hrilrokhum Thiek has been confered the DD (Honoris causia). The report was noted with appreciation. Beadles: Elder Dr D R L Nonglait, KJP Synod was appointed to be the Beadles for Inaugural Procession of the 40th Gen Assembly. Next meeting: The next meeting of the EC will be held on 5th of May 2012 afternoon. Closing : The meeting was closed with benediction pronounced by the Moderator.


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Sd/Rev.Lallarmawia Secretary (Sr.) Sd/Rev. Zosangliana Colney Secretary (Jr.)

Sd/Rev. Dr. L.S. Khawbung Moderator


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