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Analysis How effective do you think you were and your team members.

How did you work as a team Evaluating your own performance Evaluating team performance. (never done a childrens application before) Planning Organising and updating project plan How you approached the task How effective you were at it. Designing solution Designing is designing the idea of it (prototyping, sketches, screen designs) Was it effective in guiding you towards a finished product. Was it what you wanted to do. Setting and achieving personal milestones did you make some. did you reach them. did they help Implement solution Why is your product great. How did you build it. What did you take into consideration. End result was only managed due to sections before. Anything changed since planning. Testing implementation Has testing been effective How did you test it What methods. What you noticed from this. Any changes you think need to be made. Documentation produced. User guide / tech guide. How it actually works + it needs +++++++++++SHIT SLOWS DOWN HERE+++++++++++++ +++++++++++START THINKING ABOUT APPROACH+++++++++++++ Criteria on which to base the evaluation I feel it was successful and these were my reasonings for thinking that How is it deemed to be successful. #- Individual feedback from target audience. (appropriateness, understanding, learning, observation) *My product is successful if I feel the target audience find it appropriate, they

understand it and they learn from it.* #-Deadlines. Only partly attributed with success. Could look horrendous. #-planning, management, personal development. Identification of gathering appropriate evidence How did you get feedback on your product. Tools you used for getting feedback, was it effective. Evaluate the effectiveness of the problem solving activity. Has the feedback from testing allowed you to still feel your product was successful. Was all the testing feedback successful. Modifications to the approach design and implementation Did you change anything to the design in between designing and implementing. Did you change anything after the implementation of it. If you changed nothing, what do you feel you could have changed or think that you need to change based on feedback? How the process of carrying out the project could be improved. After you have finished, and after you have carried out changes, how do you feel you could improve upon it. Could you have done anything yourself to allow yourself to better the project. Recommendations for the future Final conclusion *This is what I suggest I could do better in the future* *I have learned X and so could apply it to Y in the future*

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