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53 Ley Road, Victory Park, 2195 Johannesburg P O Box 44782 Linden 2104, South Africa Website: Tel: (+27) (0) 11 380-9084 Fax: (+27) (0) 11 380-9284 E-mail:

St Augustine College of South Africa is a private Catholic University founded

in 1999. At the time that its foundation was mooted, South Africa was on the brink of its first ever truly democratic elections. Anticipating vast economic, political and social changes, a group of Catholic academics, clergy and business people recognized the opportunity that a Catholic University would have to make a significant moral and academic contribution to the development of the country. Their intentions included the following: To redress the grave injustices of the past by restoring the dignity of the human person as the basic requirement of all human development To create a center of research and higher education aimed at promoting intellectual and ethical leadership in a variety of fields To provide an alternative to the dominant secular-liberal model of the university and to promote pluralism in higher education by establishing and stimulating cross-cultural dialogue To make the resources of the Catholic intellectual tradition available to the broader South African population To provide academic support and research facilities for the development of African culture, especially in respect of its history, heritage, values and spirituality To inculcate principles of political, economic and social justice as the foundation of peace and security To promote the re-establishment and consolidation of family and community links as the basis of a flourishing society To address the serious moral issues arising from crime and corruption (particularly in politics and in the workplace) To build a conscious responsibility for preserving the integrity of the natural environment To make the tertiary educational services offered by the College accessible to all while giving priority to the poor and those from other disadvantaged groups and so increase their employment potential


53 Ley Road, Victory Park, 2195 Johannesburg P O Box 44782 Linden 2104, South Africa Website: Tel: (+27) (0) 11 380-9084 Fax: (+27) (0) 11 380-9284 E-mail:

As the first such institution in the country the College offers a range of certificates, undergraduate degrees in Commerce (Politics, Philosophy and Economics), Theology, Humanities and Education, a Postgraduate Diploma, a BEd (Honours), five degrees of Master of Philosophy, and two Doctorates (in Philosophy and Theology). The aim of research and education at St Augustine College is a Catholic humanism that involves the integral development of person, society, culture and humanity as a whole. We also wish to articulate a proper understanding of the transformative significance of different religions and to show how authentic spirituality can contribute to the renewal of the wider society. The College prides itself on its diverse faculties since it contributes to a robust intellectual identity and a sensitivity to difference as key to learning, debate, and personal growth. A number of internationally prominent academics comprise the faculty in keeping with our reputation for research that is critically engaged with South African society, with its particular cultural diversity. We situate ourselves in a complex and ambiguous global context, keenly aware of the impact of economic globalization, as we address the problems of marginalization and development in Africa as a whole along with the challenges of culture, renewal and intercultural dialogue, poverty, unemployment, crime democratization, human rights and interfaith dialogue within South Africa. The name 'St Augustine' was chosen in order to indicate the African identity of the College. St Augustine of Hippo, one of the greatest Christian scholars of Africa, always sought to apply his theological insights to challenges to the society of his time. His concern with the common good remains ours. The aim of the College is to contribute to the good of society and culture by forming leaders who are equipped with the skills of life-long learning and who will be prepared for citizenship, service, and leadership in a global society. It is firmly committed to the moral renewal of society and to the consolidation of values such as non-violence, gender equality, economic and social justice, cultural sensitivity and care for the natural environment. Stress is laid on the practical skills needed for assuming meaningful roles in the renewal of local communities.

Registered with the Department of Education as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act. 1997. Certificate No. 2000/HE08/002


53 Ley Road, Victory Park, 2195 Johannesburg P O Box 44782 Linden 2104, South Africa Website: Tel: (+27) (0) 11 380-9084 Fax: (+27) (0) 11 380-9284 E-mail:

St Augustine College sets a high priority on the academic content of its courses in order to make them comparable to the best in the world. It also strives to widen the horizons of its students by inviting lecturers from eminent institutions such as the University of Tbingen (Germany), the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), Duke University (USA), Notre Dame University (USA), Boston College (USA), the Catholic Institute of West Africa (Nigeria), the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and others, to participate in its lecturing and other programmes. Some of our researchers have been awarded scholarships, and their research has taken them to North America, Europe, and Continental Africa. The College library has approximately 35,000 books, including 1665 volumes of the special collection, called the Grimley Library, which is the oldest theological library in South Africa, ranging in publication dates from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The College is situated in Victory Park, a tranquil suburb of Johannesburg. Its spacious campus is located in a lovely park-like garden. More information about St Augustine College is to be found on the website:

Registered with the Department of Education as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act. 1997. Certificate No. 2000/HE08/002

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