Awakening Kundalini

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The beginning.

It was in india that it all started.. many years ago, when first I become affascinated with yoga and the disciplines of the yogis.. Yoga has essentially four different disciplines, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, bhakti yoga and raja yoga, each dealing with the movement of energy in four different bodies, the physical, etheric, astral and mental. I was mostly attracted by kundalini yoga, the one which deals with the refinement of the second vehicle of prana , the etheric. And so in the mid 80`s I went to india and later to nepal at the base of the himalayas to learn those ancient arts. I was given a diagnosis of lymphatic congestion and put on a diet of rice and dal without breakfast, which was to be replaced by a tea made with leaves of red clove that helps in the clean up of the lymph ducts. Exercises involved jumping and keeping the lymph moving in the body. My early life as student of informatica and data processing has stucked the energy centers of throat, third eye and top of the head which according to kundalini yoga are the highest centers in the etheric realm. Those years passed on computers, sit for hours staring at the screen has done a great deal of harm to the body as well, congesting the lypmh in the head particularly. Shiatzu and acupunture were to relax a bit that stressed part of the body . Studying the lymphatic vessels was interesting and is there that I started to learn about acupuncture , shiatzu and body pressure points all in an attempt to move this stuck lymphatic system in the gross body. An acupunturist told me that I was having an abnormal heat inside the body, that he did hundreds of sessions to people but never felt a case like this, my body was burning from the inside out. And it was really feeling like that. The dentist told me that my teeths were unusually damaged for a joung boy of my age. I was just in the early 20ies and teeths look like one in the mid-end thirties. Could it be all those ice cream I liked so much to eat ? or the potato chips of the mac donalds which were eroding the basis of my health ? I even went to see a medium, an occultist who confirmed that there was an unusual heat in my internal system. He said my `animal` was angry since it was feeling controlled by figures known to me in childhood. I could not understand how someone in another country could subconsciously control me in india and nepal ,but that is what the medium said and for the time it remained a mystery.

The blocked emotions were joining with the radiations accumulated over years of sitting in front of the computer screen and combined with the wrong diet eaten , a strong block to the life force has been created. To remove that hindrance , it took as long as many years of hard work on myself. Only later I realized that having lived for years in my life without eating fruits and salads, on a diet of white sugar, potato chips,white bread, white pasta , meat, tuna fish and eggs, was not the right way of living. That realization took quite a few more years from the moment of that strange kind of diagnosis, a fire in the body which was ending my life slowly from the inside. I started to look for friends and support in this search for a cure of an unspecified disease. A series of test in a private hospital turned out with a read out of perfectly healthy. That was my first experience of the so called medical stupidity. If they can`t lebel a disease , for them you are perfectly healthy.

Looking for worms....

The first friend I met , was practising macrobiotics since years and he told me ways to clean up the worms which supposedly lives In the intestine. May be they were responsible for my ill health. So armed with a iron convinction to eradicate the source of evil from my body, I started the diet he suggested. The diet was pretty simple, may be too much simple, it was enough to eat brown rice only for a period of time and he said the worms would automatically come out with the poo. Integral rice kills them and put them out of the body naturally. He told me several strories of how he helped people get rid of them without taking harmful chemicals which are too strong for the liver. So I follow the diet, but those strange intesitinal creatures simeengly escaped the rice since I did not see a single one of them coming out. My worms were very smart and survived all the brown rice I stuffed down the throat. Little did I know that I was unnecessarily creating more load in my system since rice is not the healthiest diet either. Later I dropped that strict diet, but still continue to eat mostly brown rice for a coupple of years followed up by some extra tea or chai and masala dosa, a very tasty south indian dish made of a thin layer of crust with inside potatoes and onions in a quite oily surrounding. Within minutes of eating the dosa, my face would become a relative of it. If I was not putting out before the worms, certainly now I was putting out the oil. Well better than nothing. The diet was clearly not so healthy but quite addictive and it took some time before I changed it with some other variety Meanwhile the sugarly masala chai was continuing to fed both the worms and the decay of the teeths. Things weren`t going that well.


another idea I got in those days was the garlic meal composed of several garlic gloves which had phenomenal power of .farting. this diet , along dishes of onions with curd was another attempt to get rid of the infamous worms..with which I was not at war. Regardless the fact that no garlic show up in the poo, I am sure they did not like the diet either. This phase continued for quite some time along with another idea..


An internet article stir up my interest towards karela, a bitter vegetable with miracolous healing powers , at least according to the article. It was the most bitter juce I ever had taken so far and a friend of mine, mehera also got an experience of it and felt something.. Needless to say, karela diet did not last long since it was more coming up than going down at times and so I started another trial of a new protagonist

White radish and tomatoes juice....

Ah, That was not much better than karela , with a pungent bitter taste. It was said it was wonderful for blood purification and so I sticked to it for a while. The juce was just horrible, but in salat was not so bad. After karela and garlic I was ready to try anything anyway. If only it could be more tasty at least ! at times its bitterness was upsetting the stomach a lot and needed to be `buffered` with some tomato juce. The tomatoes were in season and so that was a easy drink to make. For a while I continued with tomatoes juice and I felt good with it. I would buy 20 kg of tomatoes at the time and make a lot of juces. I think I changed at least 3 jucer machine since some started to broke down for overuse !

Eat little....

My body condition did not get any better, till I met a yogi who suggested the first trick in the search for little.

That sounded much simpler than the brown rice diet, I could eat anything vegetarian as long it was little. So well so good, except that I was getting appetite at midnight and would secretly snack some biscuits. It seems I was not able to keep up that `eat little` diet. The 23 hours of day were going well but the last was the downfall. Infact I would end up eating a whole packet of biscuits for night. I was doing `eat little` in the daytime and `eat lots of sugar` just before go to bed. If I did not eat, I would not fall asleep either. Another trap to overcome. Later on researching on the internet I found out the power of fasting.

The coconuts....

I researched more and found an interesting article in which the author was suggesting to fast on coconuts. By that he meant to eat nothing than cocouts for a period of time. Aha I exclamed, this fasting in which one can eat somehting really look like the perfect one for me. I went to the wholesale market and tried to buy a cart of coconuts. They told me it was only for the shops and at first refused to sell them to a foreigner like myself. Using the trick of asking an indian friend to purchase it for me, I managed to get my first hundred coconuts which I finished in a week, along with chops of my hands.. Opening the coconut was clearly not my special talent and I was coming out of the encounter with the coconut with quite few scraches which would take time to heal I started to put band aid and soon I got plenty of band aid on my hands.. Finally I decided to try out some gloves, hard type which were certainly protecting but also making the opening of the coconut quite a task. They were bulky and not fitting in size and since it was the only size available I had little other choice than return to the naked hands timing. Slowly I started to overeat them and I would end up with 20 coconuts a day of disposal, which meant 600 coconuts skin to let go in a single month. I had t pay a indian rikscia, a small vehicle for that and since I was living at the second floor of a house was quite a task. The house was full of coconuts , both fresh ones and used ones. I increased the amount of coconut I was eaiting and they soon reached 30, and it was going on increasing. I read how the coconut water contain lauric acid, with similar composition of mother milk and how coconut water was even used during conflicts as emergency aid for transfusion in the blood. Coconut appeared to be a superfood and the possibility to have handly this big nut was something not to miss. I downloaded all I could find on the net on coconuts and discovered many amaziang qualities of this tropical fruit nut. I was at the sea in those days , in goa and later in shri lanka for getting the indian visa renew in the consulate in colombo. There were plenty of coconuts some of which just 30m from the sea itself. Soon I got plenty of raw coconust, some dried ones, a sample of pure fresh coconut oil and also a book.

Coconut oil is the very best oil around and is good both internally and externally to keep the skin smooth naturally. After rubbing it on the arms for a week, the skin gor really smooth. I cold feel the power of the healing that coconut oil brings in the body. It was like a condensation of sun energy and just appying it to the skin was like taking a sun bath. The coconut oil in shri lanka was just the very best possibile, of far better quality than the indian version of it. Infact the bottled from the industry of it was smelling a bit of kerosene and could not stand a match with the natural one, so deliciously smelling. I added some of it in occasional salats I was having with a positive response from my body. Meanwhile in the free time we were sunbathing on the local beach also and sweating out as much toxins as possible. Infact I was burned to the point that when I returned to see my mom in italy she asked about my dark skin color. Her friends were asking her if it was true that her son has return from india, since he really looks now like a foreigner. Returning to india, I learned that the coconut diet was much more fitting to me than anything tried before. Eating coconuts all day long was pretty good, but I still was looking for something else to add to it. At that point I was eating anytime I felt hungry and that was about 5 or 6 times a day, but the meals were of simple coconut soft meat. Soon I could drink a large glass of 500cl of coconut water at the time and this drinking increased till I was taking about 5 liter of this juce a day. Meanwhile I was travelling a lot, shifting from shri lanka back to india and there from goa to pune , from shirdi to arunachala hill, from the beaches of trivandrum in sounth india to north india near the himalayas and later to meherabad,where I started working at the tomb of the avatar of the age Meher Baba, the compassionate father. In all this period, covering the span of several years I continued to experiments with diets , breathing exercises and meditation yoga tecniques. One day I learned from a friend ,of the power of mosambi, an indian orange more bitter and less sugarly than oranges. I purchased all the books on fruits and vegetable juces that I could find in india and reading them I delighted in the informations about the superior power these were having in the healing process of many diseases . A particular yoga science was speaking about the effect of colors of the different fruits and their benefit. The color red was the color of violence and sexuality, the main representative of life force at its basic level of survival. A fruit colored red or orange in a lesser form, was taking in all the colors of the spectrum except the red, and that is why it appear as red color, since is the reflected color that we see. Indian sannyasins have been using robes colored orange for that very reason, to prevent harmful red rays from the sun from being absorbed in the body. They were saying that dressing in orange was keeping the body more cool and vibrant with energy. That color fruit therapy I liked a lot and so I started with the color orange, the color of oranges and the color green , the color of my beloved coconuts and of the green leefs of vegetables.

Among all the green leefs , palak was the easiest to get in india and also the cheapest. Unfortunately it was very difficult to wash well and so the palak juces were turning out to give me more bacteria infections than benefits and I decided to stop the green leef as long I was in india. That green was better to be left for the west only, were hygenic condition are no match with the indian poor ones. At times while shopping veggy in the market a truck would pass just near the road shop and would pollute so much the atmosphere, that I felt only coconut or oranges could resist that flood of carbon The first travellings in the indian town were making me sick. Mosambi was regarded as more healing fruit than oranges, and in spite its color is less orange that the ones of the oranges, I went for it and decided to buy a lot . I went to the market with a indian person who offered help and asked him to buy for me my first hundred pieces which followed 200, 300, 400 and once 600 mosambi. Now I needed a recycling tool myself since coconut and mosambi skin was quite a task to take care of. I felt for awhile that I could continue on that diet forever, if not for my usual apetite at midnigh which would ruin the diet again and so I tried to snack of tahini, a brand made from a very tasting maker of arabia. Now I was having at my disposal 3 tools, coconut , mosambi and tahini. I thought I needed more protein so tahini was fitting perfectly the picture. That was so great that for the next 3 weeks I managed the diet perfectly. I was drinking 3 liters of mosambi juce a day and another 4 of coconut water, plus eating the coconut soft part and snacking on tahini, about 100 cl of liquid tahini per night. Tahini was caming in many types, white brown and black, solid and liquid and I choose the liquid format of it, really tasty , a concentrate of protein which I taught at the time to be the healtiest thing I could take. Soon I ordered a full box of tahini which was incredible tasty.Whitout knowing I was putting again too much proteins in my body and loading it unnecessarily. One day , fed up with the usual menu,I tried a change and cooked again palak and in spite of the washing and cooking I got seemigly another bacteria infection which knocked me out for a week and created another stepback of boldness. In meherabad ,at the samadhi of an indian master, I asked for help and guidance. The tomb of the past masters are said to be alive and active to this day and answer the earnest request of the devotees. And answer appearetly come. Taken by some kind of impulse I searched the net for diets again and this time I found out an offer of 4 books of a westener ,arnold ehret, the very best books I ever read so far on nutrition. I had no doubt I just met a genious. His insight were original and reveling and I was determined to absorb that new waves of informations in my mind and make good use of them. The very first thing he removed from my ideal diet was the obsession with the proteins which my doctor friends , with all their good intention have implanted in my head as an imperative need of the body for health.

So I started with eliminating from my diet the eating of hard coconut meat and of the tahini. I was left with mosambi and soft coconut meat plus of course the coconut drink. Letting go of tahini was not an easy choice, it so tasty that was a bit hard task to do. Goodby sesami seeds may be see you again at another phase in my life when I am more healthy. My diet was again that of a fakir. After several months of coconut water and mosambi and 5 kg less in the body weight, I found out that I was much less tired than ever. Infact I was starting to be on my way to recovery, with the exception of the heat in the head which was persisting. That proved to be the very last thing to leave me. It was in my head that the effect of past medications got stored and I went on suffering the burning for a longer time still. Harder discipline was needed for that, and I was getting ready also.

Without the usual starch foods like bread,rice and pasta,and keeping milk out of the table, I was sure things would have improved soon. while researching on the net, I find out how tofu speed up senility in old people and how sticky the rice is , after passing the fire of digestion. The vegetarian diets were not great diets really, just another way to be sick. More fancy vegetarian diets have same effect of the meat oriented ones. Continuing the assumtion of Milk after childhood look like worsest idea. Good meat for adolescence look like how to block the development of higher centers,creating stimulation instead of relaxation of the digestive organs and higher brain function are activated only when the basics of life are satisfied first. No wonder humanity is not getting really intelligent.

The 21 day diet plan....

I started to invent special diet program called by me the 21 days of fruit fasting with 7 bonuses and 7 penalities. The program was like this> For 21 days I would eat only fruits twice a day, except that I had to spend also 7 penalities of skipping a meal, so the total of meals in 21 days would be only 35 instead of 42. The bonuses meant that 7 meals could be of veggy, since I was getting bored with the oranges This diet was well working and I did 2 or 3 of it, leaving few days in between used fot eating anything I wanted again. I would stick to the diet as long as needed and than I would `collapse` for a while on some alternative meals

Holidays and diets....

. In those days in between the diets I was still indulging into rice plate and what was called vegetable pulao, a delicious dish of veggy cooked with plenty of oil with rice. As soon I would eat a plate or 2 of pulao, past fears

would rise their ugly head again and after few days all I got previously from the diet was seemingly lost or at lest that is how It appeared to me. Infact I was stuffing pulao with more gusto than ever, as if I was just wainting for those days of break ! It seems I did not learned the lesson at that time. The combination of chai and pulao would re create the fears in short time. It neded a a lot of willpower to stand up and start another period of reduced food. Sometimes it would need a week to have the fears disappear again. It seems to me that white rice and white sugar create fear, may be becouse they do not have anything the body needs ! Those deprivated foods were harmful clearly to the body. That habit had to be stopped too. Goodby pulao, you have been a friend of mine in the past but now are roads are departing.

Returning to fruits....

Without eating any stimulants like alchool or meat the body was getting what it needed at last plenty of fruits and best of all natural fruits juces. Energetically I was feeling already reborn. Tiredness was disappearing already and I was getting accustomed to stay up late at night and get up early at morning also. Water replaced coca cola and company, beer was tasting disgusting and so many foods which before look great to me. Coffee was not acceptable to my body, the few times I tried I could take only half cup and get rid of the rest. Since I was a chai addict in the past, to be able to drop chai copletely seeemed already half miracle by itself. Hard coconuts were also no more part of my diet and so all the grains at once. The macrobiotics friend wouldn`t trick me anymore this time. I was prepared to keep up the diet at any cost. Fermented wine looedk like horrible to me , while freshly made grape juce looked fantastic. I could start smelling the fresh perfumes of fruits and the one treated chemically too much would give me a headache just by staing near it. Instead of buying the splendid looking oranges that were shining sulfur I prefered the smaller ones not looking good. I decided I did not need all those chemicals in the skin of the fruits I was eating. In india the fruits get also the car exhale fumes since they are sold often on the road itself , while plenty of traffic is near by.

Strategies for dealing with cravings....

I had also to develop a strategy to deal with cravings of unhealthy origin.which sometimes were still raising their head. Only the beginning was difficult. Sometime I would be literally possessed to buy an item I was not supposed to eat, only for getting rid of it before putting it in the mouth. I would buy but I would not eat it. That for me was already a great success to drastically improve the quality of anything that goes in the mouth.

At other times I would chew it and spit it before goes down the throat. That system finished all the remaining wrong temptations. Another chapter of my life started when I decided to heal the blocked past emotions.


I visited a doctor expert in kinesiology and yoga breathing and he suggested some sessions on the `problem` I was having. It turned out the cause be an accident at the age of 14 which brought me to the hospital with a broken nose and a face really peeled by the asphalt of the road which I hit while falling at high speed from bicycle. The head was having all signs of trauma regardless it happened 10 years earlier. Traumas stay in the cellular memory till they are defused he told me. And defuse we did, using kinesiology tecnique of emotional release of the stressor. Following that a series of more sessions brought up issue of intense pains at the basae of the spine, which are considered as `denials` of past esperiences as stored in the bones and particularly at the base of the spine. Avoidances are usually hidden in the muscular structure of the body and I did a training in usa for releasing the suppressed emotions in the circuits of the physical body. According to the instructor it appeared that another accident was still stuck in my body memory, an accident of which I had no memory at all about. It would take many years before those issue would finally show up. One of the thing I learned in those training was that the body show up a problem only when It has enough energy to deal with it. So an high energy diet would bring marvels on that sector of life also. Fruits were going to be another help in the emotional life as well . that was certainly good news. I studied kinesiology mostly in india, but I also went to germany, usa and england for further training and the meeting with really remarkable individual. I was now a certified facilitator, a kinesiology teacher that could give classes or lead groups of kinesiology and give certificates of frequence to the partecipants That was the beginning of another chapter in my life, the group experimentswhich culminated with cleaning of emotional nature done under pyramids with about 100 partecipants. Those were the strongest groups I ever did. Working with so many other people on a single issue allows strong forces to arise in the collective mind of the group with astonishing results at times. Fears which one would not deal on a one to one session, would be easily released anonimously in a group set up like that. Another chapter of healing started, where kinesiology and ehret diet were working supposedly togheter to bring balance to the body. I added to the `soup` some reiki and energy work also, particularly kundalini yoga. Breath tecnique are quite powerful stuff but you need the right supervision for that.i got in a quite few troubbles doing them sometimes, since unexpected stuff happens when one is the least prepared for it. The meeting of these separate disciplines was not an easy one. I was organizing a system taken from different sources and trying to put it all togheter.

Egyptian esoteric things were added to indian and western tradition In a new cocktail to be steached togheter somehow.

Candida diet....

The doctor I mentioned before, was a fan of `the candida theory`, the one that says that a fungus developing usually after a prolonged use of antibiotics , wipe out the internal defences of the organism. For curing candida one is supposed to take antifungal medications and strictly avoid fruits, sweets and of course wheat. Well that meant losing my 3 liters of mosambi juces and started to eat healthy food for candida, rice and dal being the foremost along greens. Well now I was taking the greens finally in my life , but dropping the fruit juces did not do me any good and things did not appear to improve. I would do a course of a month treatment and test candida. It was gone for a while and than at the first emotional shock , it would come back again. This candida appeared to me more of emotional nature , although was impacting the body. I even met a french canadian girl who told me that her teacher was on antifungal for 20 years and to her he appeared always with the same candida problems recurring.

Dropping candida diet ....

That kind of diet did not appear to fit the bill for my health. And there I was , back at the same point. Further events supported ehret theory more than the candida one and so I decided to go back to it with more determination than before and put down the internal fire in my organism. Another version of fruit diet started , were the heroes were oranges and apples. Ia also started to cook a bit the fruits sometimes and find delicious the result of it. Now I was eating 6 apples a day and over 30 oranges and becoming more sick.

Fruits make you sick at first....

What was going on ? I should have felt better not worse. Or was this the purification process which ehret was talking about ? I needed to read arnold ehret books again to see what I was missing. Little did I realize at the time that the strict diet of fruits would stir up the release of internal toxins and `rubbish` accumulated there and so I needed to pause once in a while and eat some veggy like caulflower or palak which would do a scavenger role. I needed to take out the toxins now loose in the bloodstream as fast as possible from the body.

I started to add to the healing process daily enema, connecting a pipe to the water sink in the bathroom and fitting the extremities with tinner pipe. Finally I found a way to reduce the heat the bowel evacuations were certainly helping a lot and soon I discovered that I could add some active type of exercise to speed up the clean up. I would fill the bowel with water and than, freed from the pipe I would start jumping till evacuation naturally would happen.

Gerson theraphy....

I even studied the healing system of dr gerson and got questions on candida posted to charlotte gerson, the daughter of dr gerson I think. She kindly replied me suggesting to do enema with ground coffee. She also suggested to drink special teas like john arc tea and to take a lot of garlic. My god, garlic again. Infact charlotte wrote to eat plenty of that !the gerson therapy was basaed on a dozen or 14 juces a day, 3 of which non vegetarian and the rest alternating among appleas/carrot and green juces. The first one in the morning to take was always orange juce in the measure of one glass of 250 cl a day. To the juicesthe therapy was allowing plenty of delicious vegetarian meals mostly salats both of greens and of fruits and oatmeal and potatoes among the rest. It needed unfortunately a strict medical supervision and that made me try a lukewarm version of the diet based on juices and skipping the non vegetarian aspect of it, I also did not take any suplements.

Coffee enemas....

A coffee enema differ from a water one since it is maily for opening up the ducts of bile and speed up the elimination of toxins and the work of the liver. Patients at the gerson clinic with cancer would be told to take 6 coffee enemas a day, in order not to die of toxins due to the cleaning process juces were making in the body. Those enemas helped me a lot also, even in only the number of twice daily. I also added the seeds of psyllium husk, which in india are fairly cheap. During the last 7 and half years I remained in india, I worked as free volunteer at the tomb of the very master that started the search for the correct diet.He himself did in His life amazing fastings sometimes drinking only a coffee a day for months to pass.


I went to england one summer for helping my english girlfriend making a living by working in a private school. There the diets went highwire and I experienced the pains and plesures of eating the english breakfast.

It would make me feel sick in a week ! since she was teaching mathematics and I was just not doing anything I was asked if I wanted to teach italian language to the kids or I would like more work in the kitchen as improvised cook for 3 meals a weak. I went for the last option and this did not do to me any good. Now I was tasting the delicious food on also and experiencing gluttonery ! fortunately the 6 months somehow passed like this, with candida feelings coming out again.

Kinesiology in england....

I went on exchanging sessions of kinesiology with my girlfriend who was also a certified kinesiology facilitator. Following that testing said I needed oxigen therapy and so I went to look for some expert in that matter and find out a small private clinic in which they were also experts in oxigen therapies. I had it first taken by mouth and after by injection in the bloodstream with little results. The taste of oxiigenated water, food grade, was not on the list of my preferite dishes ! Another lesson I learned in england was about a kinsesiology class on nutrition, called reflex analisis. That was the best system in dietetics I have ever come across. By testing body points one was learning how to know beforehand on what the body was prepare to work. Many diets fails becouse the body is not ready to deal with it. Also the body chooses on what to work and how much it can work on an issue and it shows up in the body points of test. My candida points were tested and showed no sign of activity . that meant my body was not going to use any medication for healing candida. Another important lesson of my life ! so we tested on what the body was available to work on and we started from there. Soon I returned to india and started again what was interrupted before.

Return to india....

It took a bit to restart all over again. But in the process I have learned valuable lessonsfirst of all to keep quiet about what I was doing and second not to ask any other person who has a medical certificate ! Now I would test everything by myself using kinesiology and decide alone. Now I was keeping the doctors at distance and avoiding as much as posssible to speak about the diet. In spite of all my efforts people started to ask me, how it was possible for me to look so healthy, in india. Many foreigners usually get sick in a couple of week or directly after the arrival in the airport of mumbay. The amount of germs available there is impressive and the arrival is a kind of punch in the stomach sometime. Now finally I was having a system which was somehow holding up and capable to make changes in the body.

I would eat 2 meals a day of fruits and few glasses of orange juce and keep ut the practice till I felt unconfortable, at which point I would shift to veggy for a few meals or till I would feel better again and enough strong to return to the fruits diet. I learned from experience that dried fruits is not the same as fresh would start a stuffing sensation in the system and in a few days the feeling that something is going wrong again. Sweet dried datteri from tunisia knocked me down for a week.. Some days I would eat 3 or 4 oranges as lunch and that looked like the diet that was giving better result among the one tried so far. Those blessed creatures, the oranges were my best friend at this time. I was determined not to repeat any past mistakes on the diet and so I sticked to the fruit and counted in the veggy for rescue when difficulties were coming due to over release of toxins in the blood.i could do new mistakes , but I was not available for repeating previous ones. Infact, it appeared that a diet of strict fruits would release the debrits too fast and so in a week or 2, I needed a slow down of gear to allow the body to recover a bit. I learned that the tongue was giving clear indication of how much release of old stuff was going on and in some days it was appearing covered with a thick patina. That was an indication that debrits were coming up and eventually getting out of the system, throught the urine, bowels movement and sweating. I even constructed a steam bath sauna made of nylon in a alluminium frame and heated up by 2 cooking gas fire. That was allowing plenty of sweating even in the late evening. Steam bath is far better than sauna I felt. I had finally found a system to follow till final redemption from the past sins of overindulging in starchy foods. Since I was studying also at the time a yoga system, I learned from the yogi that when the bowels are perfectly clean the disceple can see auras and I was really excited from the idea newly given to me. So I was more detarmined than ever to stick to the fruit diet till the aura becomes visible. I learned that several exercises helps a lot in this. Yogis have the habit to drink a large glass of salty water in the morning , after awakening, and I started to practice this not easy discipline also. Once a glass of water full of sea salt is taken, at emply stomach of course, I would vomit all the inside out and actually feel much lighter than ever. I practised the exercises for seeing the aura as described by butler and company and I could see the emanations of the rays coming out of the fingers as a grey stream of condensed light. later on I could see the blue color of the etheric body also, an aura of light that surround the body and is the color of the inner heart. When studying the discipline of kundalini and the removal of the 7 seals/ blocks that the life force meet on its way, I learned that vomiting as first morning activity clean up the third chakra, activating it and helping it to rotate.

Kundalini moves along the inner spine....

Kundalini is the cosmic force which according to mitology reside in the first chakra or wheel of humans and when properly activated by effect of breath or mantras start to push upward along a path in the etheric or second body. The etheric body is just slightly bigger than the physical and surrounds it a inch around. It can be easily seen after body purification. The passage of the life force along the spine meets troubbles on the way and is exactly at those points that a chakra is born and helps the life force to rise higher by rotating/spinning it and pushing the force upward towards the head. It runs not along the physical spine but the etheric counterpart of it, in a silver looking filament which can be seen with proper yogi tecniques. The attunement to this inner filament allows the yogi to see inside the body and that is how many ancient discovery about the functioning of the physical body were done in the past without dissecting the body. The inner vision would reveal what now only xrays of tac can do in the western world. Awakening The diet was helping the most and for 2 weeks I did a fruit fasting in which I only took fruits in a liquid format, ie juces. This was very easy in summer, but not so easy in winter. At that point I had to introduce cooked apples as reduce the food cravings. It worked and I started to feel alive again. Sleep become little and since I was sleeping with my pet parrots free under the blanket with me, I needed to be pretty much conscious not to squeese them by turning the body unconsciously during sleep.

Winter diet ....

I had by now developed a winter diet and a summer one. In winter I felt the need for cooked food and so I started to practice the cooking of fruits of variious type. I noticed that 2 banana sliced and roasted for 10 minutes was a delicious snack at times when appetite was rising its head. Usually at lunch I would have cooked apples and at dinner cooked apples and a dish of tomato sauce made by choping and passing through the mixer 4 or 5 tomatoes. While I knew that fruits should be eaten before the veggy I felt more tasty to eat them togheter and so I followed what I like the most, going on my way. In winter oranges were available easily in the west so in the periods I would be at home I would take 5 or 6 glases of juces daily which amounted to about 5 kg or oranges. It was difficult sometime just to shop for them, since I had no vehicle to rely upon and I have so to carry the load all by myself. 150 kg or oranges a week went down my stomach giving plenty of fruit acid which alone neutralizes worms and toxins.

The summer diet....

In summer I felt the need for raw fruits only so I was dropping the cooking of apples and replacing the meal with watermelon juce. I was now esily managing to live on a diet of only juces without any troubble.

Once in a while I would eat a mix of cacki or peaches to provoke an evacuation and get rid of the mucus accumulating in the bowels becouse of the juces and I started again with the steam saunas sometimes 2 times daily.

airplanes ....

whenever I needed to take a plane I would fast cor a couple of days before the flight and skipping the meal on board I would keep the fasting till a couple of day after arrival. This 4 or 5 days fasting proved to serve well in keeping me fresh and I discovered I had no more jet lag also. .

End of Part one ....

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