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1 Coy Draheim

Coy Draheim Mr. Neuburger Eng. 101-110 April 16, 2012 Research Paper Hitlers Rise to Power

No one would know in the year 1889 a man would be born that would totally re-shape the course of history. At this time it would be impossible for anyone to know a baby boy born to Klara Hitler would show the world a war like they had never known and a genocide beyond anyones worse nightmares. Hitler would grow up in an upper Austrian town and be raised Catholic (Holocaust History). The article describes how Hitler would not have his father around his life because he was born out of wedlock. Instead it would be his step-father that would be the male figure in Adolfs young life. Alois, Hitlers step-father, would also play a big part on the history of this world because Adolf would change his last name to Hitler later in life, a name that young Adolf would accept at the age of five. Childhood
Young Adolf Hitler.

would be nothing normal for Adolf as he would have back and forth quarrels with his new father. Many of these small wars would be over

Adolfs career path and the choices he was making in school (Holocaust History). The website Hitlers Rise to Power explains how Adolf preferred a more peaceful art approach to life and had already accepted the artists mentality. Alois would urge his son and even insist most of the time

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that Adolf join the civil service and help his country. This would lead to many battles and a separation from family for Adolf. The family would move to Linz and Alois would soon die. With a new freedom Adolf would convince his mother, who was suffering from cancer, to allow his to pursue the career in visual arts that he so wanted. He would take his entrance exams and fail in 1907 and suffer yet another tragedy in his life as he would lose his mother soon after. This would force Hitler to totally re-think his life and would make him leave Linz and make way for Vienna. The website further describes how Vienna was a bag of mixed emotions, feelings, and experiences for teen Hitler. Arriving in 1908, Adolf would immediately re-open his goal of becoming an artist. Here in Vienna Hitler focused on painting mostly watercolors of the various areas in and around Vienna. This would be a dying cause and by 1909 Hitler had blown a large portion of the money left to him by his parents. He would depend on his aunt and homeless shelters for the next 4 years as he would not let his dream of painting die Bouncing around and making just enough to survive Hitler would never have a permanent residence in the city. The website surprisingly adds that even more ironic and surprising was that here in Vienna Hitler would depend on the homes of several Jewish families to get him through the harsh winters and provide shelter. From known fact it was evident that Adolf had no hatred or even knowledge of anti-Semitism or a hatred of the Jewish people. Pushing through these trying years Hitler would become more hardened and finally in 1913 he would leave Vienna and make his way for Munich (Adolf). Wistrich would state that Hitler would find just a year of peace in Munich before WWI would break out in the year 1914. In a surprising turn of events Hitler would leave the world of art and join

Hitler Serving in WWI

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the German army as a dispatch runner. Hitler would turn out to be an exceptional soldier and very brave on the field of battle. One interesting point is Hitler never received promotion from his runner job even though he served in countless missions (Wistrich). Through the five years of war Hitler would be on the battlefield many times and was injured twice during its span. The second time would be by gas and it would see him put up in a German hospital for three months, and he would never see active service again. Hitler did achieve an Iron Cross in the war for bravery and as the Treaty of Versailles was signed and punishment imposed upon the German people Adolfs anger and hatred would be turned towards something completely foreign to him, a absolute and powerful blame of the war directed towards the Jewish people. In the darkest parts of Hitlers mind this would quickly grown into hatred and eventually plans to deal with the Jewish problem. The article goes on to describe how NSDAP has little meaning in todays modern world, to a young Adolf fresh off a humiliating defeat in WWI this would be the direction his life would head in 1919. Joining the party that would have the same belief and blame towards the Jews for WWI and its loss would be the perfect thing for Hitler. By 1921 he would the chairman and lead of this movement. This would be where Hitler learned many things including a way of speaking to the masses and reaching out to people. Hitlers short time as lead he would raise the party count from 40 to 3,000, give them a greeting Heil, and make the partys emblem the infamous swastika. Hitler would preach many things including strong dislike in the Treaty of Versailles and would focus greatly on the enemy around them, the Jewish people. By 1924 the party was growing rapidly thanks in major
Hitlers Book Written in Prison

part to Hitlers ability to reach the common people of Germany and

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spark fire in their heart. In this year Hitler would greatly amp up his efforts and would begin a riot that would be known as the Beer-Hall putsch. In this Hitler would be arrested and serve two years in jail. This would not deter him from his path though, only strength him mentally. Finally, the article expresses how in his prison time Hitler would write all of his plans and thoughts down in gruesome detail. The book would be called Mein Kampf, or (My Struggle). This shocking timeline of plans for Hitler would be just one of many warning flags the world would not take to heart. After getting released from prison, Hitler would pick up right where he left off, with a stronger mind and more fire in his heart than before (Hitler Becomes Furher). Hitler would come out of jail and pick back up control over his beloved party, which now had the infamous name Nazi Party. Hitler would soon realize that small speeches in little taverns and on so called soapboxes would no longer do. He realized that to really make an impact upon Germany he had to get into a position of power (Wistrich). So, this would become the beginning of Hitlers true rise to power as he would run for Chancellor of Germany. The author Wistrich would say that in the beginning the Nazi party received dismal votes. Only through methods of intimidation and finally support in the ideas Hitler was preaching did they finally begin to see and impact as he campaigned for office. By 1929 Hitler and the Nazis were receiving large portions of the vote and in 1933 the reluctant von Hindenburg who
Hitler as Furher at a Rally

was president elected Hitler as his Reich Chancellor. The first major step of Hitlers plan to dominate was now complete. Things would only turn from good to great for Hitler as in August of 1934 von Hindenburg would die and without opposition or question Adolf Hitler would seize

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control and pronounce himself Fuhrer of Germany. Over the next 5 years Hitler gained complete support from the German people either from loving of his speeches on freedom for his people or intimidation and fear of what would happen if he was opposed (Hitler Becomes Furher). Hitler would take many steps to ensure his complete dominance including establishing the S.S. his own private police force. Violating the Treaty of Versailles was another pastime of Adolf as he would build and train the German army in these years to a size and strength that could challenge the best in the world. This would be the events that would greatly foreshadow things to come for the world and even though they would be placed for all to see no one stepped up to oppose Hitler as he would take the final steps heading towards WWII (Wistrich). WWII would be the end all for Hitler and his Nazi party. Hitler had so many directions he wanted to pursue that he would greatly overstretch his limits by fighting a war on three fronts. One was pushing south and conquering territory in France, another on the Eastern front against the Red Army, and finally his final conflict would be within the territory they already called home against an enemy in the Jews (Wistrich). Adolf would control the first two years of the war but taking his army too far and trying to conquer all at once would prove to by his Achilles heel. Hitler would focus many of his troops on taking care of his greatest hatred. The Jewish people would be systematically tortured and killed throughout the war in an event called the Holocaust. The Holocaust would exterminate over 10 million Jewish people as Hitler tried to rid the country of them and populate them with his master Arian race. His Final Solution would be his means to an end for the
Hitler in His Final Days Alive Jewish race and had the war gone longer or Hitler even won the

war the Jewish race may have completely been exterminated

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(Wistrich). With Italy falling and Japan surrendering Hitler would lose all allies in the war. These were devastating blows and with a tough defeat in Russia his armies would crumble. By 1945 the evidence of the Holocaust was being covered up and as Allies pushed into Berlin Hitler would retreat into his private bunker. Here he would stay for the following months trying to cover up and preserve pieces of the Third Reich that he had beloved so much. Finally on April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress would go into the courtyard of his bunker and commit suicide. This would be the final straw to fall in the Third Reich and Berlin would be captured shortly after (History Place). Although the war would claim Hitlers life and hopes many impacts upon history were made. Hitler led the biggest mass genocide of all time and led the world into a war with methods of destruction that had never been seen before. In all, Adolf Hitler would go down in history as one of the quickest rises to power, the leader of a German army that waged a war unlike any this world had seen, and the mass murderer of a people who he had a hatred for like any other. There are no comparisons to anyone before or after that can be grouped with Adolf. He was the first of his kind and hopefully the last, he was simply, Hitler. Works Cited "Adolf." Hitler's Rise to Power. Web. 19 Apr. 2012 "Hitler Becomes Fuhrer." A&E Television Networks. Web. 19 Apr. 2012 "Holocaust History." Adolf Hitler: Early Years, 1889-1913. Web. 19 Apr. 2012 "The History Place - World War II in Europe Timeline: April 30, 1945 - Death of Hitler." The History Place. Web. 19 Apr. 2012 Wistrich, Robert S. "Adolf Hitler: Biography." Jewish Virtual Library. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. Coy,

7 Coy Draheim

You have a very effective paper. Outside of the problems with citing within your text and some other nefarious minor things, your paper is quite good.
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