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Quiz 124 : Indian History for IAS and State Level PSC Examinations May 3rd, 2012 1.

The Pasupati seal, discovered at Mohenjodaro archaeological site by Sir John Marshall, which has given rise to the Proto-Shiva theory, has the following characteristics: 1. Yogic Posture in possibly Hath Yoga 2. Surrounded by animals 3. Sitting on a lotus Choose the correct option: [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 2. Consider the following statements: 1. The rebels in the revolt 1857 had no clear perspective 2. Many leaders of the revolt were defeated because of betrayal Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]Only 2 [C]Both 1 & 2

[D]Neither 1 nor 2

3. In which year, collector in each District of Bengal was made responsible for settling the revenue and collecting it? [A]1780 [B]1786 [C]1790 [D]1792 4. In context with the Wood's despatch, consider the following statements: 1. Wood's Despatch of 1854 laid the foundation of present system of education in India. 2. It helped the educational institutions founded private efforts to obtain grants from government of India 3. It made a provision of moral and religious education as important part of education Which among the above is / are correct statements? [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 5. In context with the Neolithic settlements in Indian subcontinent, consider the following statements: 1. The oldest Neolithic settlement is not older than 5000BC 2. The people in these settlements mostly used polished tools 3. They cultivated wheat as well as barley 4. They domesticated sheep as well as goats Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 , 2 & 3 [B]Only 2, 3 & 4 [C]Only 2 & 3 [D]Only 2 6. In context with the "Village Headman" of Gupta Era in ancient India, consider the following statements: 1. The Village headman used to manage the village daily affairs with the consent of the King 2. No land transaction could be effected without the consent of the Village headman Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]Only 2 [C]Both 1 & 2 [D]Neither 1 nor 2 7. Consider the following statements: 1. The abundant female images suggest that goddesses played a central role in the Indus Valley civilization 2. Female God Figurine were abundant but male rare in the Chalcolithic communities Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]Only 2 [C]Both 1 & 2 [D]Neither 1 nor 2 8. Which among the following was / were the reason / reasons of a gradual increase in rural indebtness in India under the British Rule: 1. Fragmentation of land holdings 2. Lack of irrigational facilities 3. Decline of cottage industries 4. Introduction of Cash crops Choose the correct option: [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]1, 2 & 3 [D]1, 2, 3 & 4

9. In context with the Permanent Settlements of Bengal, introduced by Cornwallis, consider the following statements:

1. Peasants were put under the mercy of Zamindars 2. Zamindars were made allies of East India Company 3. This system secured a stable Income for east India Company Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]1, 2 & 3

[D]2 & 3

10. Which among the following was / were the reasons behind the Rise of Magadha as imperial power in Ancient India: 1. Strategic position surrounded by five hills and aggressive policy of rulers 2. Rich and fertile zone with good communication channels 3. Association with Buddhism and Gautam Buddha Choose the correct option: [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 11. Consider the following results of the Treaty of Yandabo: 1. The only territorial acquisition given to British was Assam 2. Indemnity of one million pounds sterling was promised to British 3. Guaranteed protection to British merchants was promised Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 12. The consequences of the British Imperialistic policies on Indian Agriculture were: 1. Polarization between land owners and tillers (cultivators) 2. Increase in number of landless laborers 3. Creation of a independent market economy Choose the correct option: [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 13. In context with the Pitt's India Act of 1784, Consider the following statements: 1. Pitt's India Act of 1784 had been enacted primarily to weed-out corruption in the East India Company in the Bengal 2. The members of the Governor General's Council were reduced from 6 to 3 3. the act actually provided for a joint government of the company and British crown in India Which among the above statements is / are correct? [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 14. Consider the following reasons of failure of French in India against the British: 1. The authorities in France didn't recognize the importance of securing political power in India 2. French were inferior to English in Naval Strength 3. Some of important French Officers were heavily bribed by British Which among the above statements is / are correct ? [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]2 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3 15. Which among the following can be directly linked to Vedic Literature: 1. Dharamasutra 2. Acaranga Sutra 3. Avatamsaka Sutra Choose the correct option: [A]Only 1 [B]1 & 2 [C]1 & 3 [D]1, 2 & 3

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