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(International Competitive Bidding)

Upgradation of the Road from Padubidri (Km 0+000) to Karkala (Km 27+800) of SH-1

Bill of Quantities Volume III

January 2011

Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project-II, Stage 1

Volume III: BOQ

BILL OF QUANTITIES A. Preamble 1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and carried out, by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer and valued at the rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the Engineer may fix within the terms of the Contract. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except insofar as it is otherwise provided under the Contract, include all Constructional Plant, labour, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes, and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set out or implied in the Contract. A rate or price, in Figures as well as words, shall be entered against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities, whether quantities are stated or not. The cost of items against which the Contractor has failed to enter a rate or price shall be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no items are provided, the cost shall be deemed to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related items of work. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated nor summarised in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the Contract documentation shall be made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities. Provisional Sums included and so designated in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole or part at the direction and discretion of the Engineer in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.5 and Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions of Contract. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with the provisions of the MORT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (4th Revision) published by the Indian Roads Congress. Errors will be corrected by the Employer for any arithmetic errors in computation as follows: (a) Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern; and Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derived from the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern, unless in the opinion of the Employer, there is an obviously gross misplacement of the decimal point in the price, in which event the total amount as quoted will govern and the unit rate will be corrected.











Hard Rock is defined as all materials which, in the opinion of the Engineer, require blasting, or the use of metal wedges and sledgehammers or the use of compressed air drilling for their removal, and which cannot be extracted by ripping with a tractor of at least 150 brakehorsepower with a single, rear-mounted, heavy-duty ripper.
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Bill of Quantities Preambles

Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project-II, Stage 1

Volume III: BOQ


Measurement for lined side drains shall be on unit rate basis, in accordance with various items of work involved in the execution of the drain work.

12. ABBREVITATIONS mm Millimetre cm Centimetre m Metre km Kilometre Sqm Square metre ha Hectare Square Kilometre cum Cubic Metre l Litre kl Kilolitre kg Kilogram tone kilometre MoRT&H Ministry of Road Transport and Highways IS Indian Standard IRC Indian Roads Congress T&P Tools and Plants GI Galvanized Iron CI Cast Iron RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete PCC Plain Cement Concrete GL Ground Level Rs Rupees Dia Diametre Min Minimum Max Maximum No Number hr Hour i.e, That is eg For example WBM Water Bound Macadam BM Bituminous Macadam SDBC Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete BC Bituminous Concrete FE loader Front end Loader OMC Optimum Moisture Content L Lead in Kilometer HMP Hot Mix Plant RR Road Roller WMM Wet Mix Macadam LM Liner Metre Cubic centimetre T Tonne

Bill of Quantities Preambles

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II

International Competitive Bidding Contract No : AEP5


9 10 11 12

GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT IN RUPEES __________________________________________________________________

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5 BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5

Sl. No.

Description BILL NO. 1 PRELIMINARY & GENERAL Procure (Purchase) and Supply brand new vehicles for Employer Site staff. including Registration, Full Comprehensive Insurance (1st year) Number plate, Road Tax , etc. As per Tech. Spec. Cl.124 a) Mahindra Scorpio SLX Turbo 2.6 7 seater option 4 x 4 wheel drive CRDE EURO II or "Equivalent approved"


Estimated Quantity In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)





Supply of digital colour record photographs fixed in albums and copied on to a CD as per Tech. Spec. Cl. 125 (on an avg. 75photographs / month)




Supply of video cassette: Taking video film of important activities for playing time of 180 minutes each as per Tech.Spec. Cl. 126 a) Start of the Contract b) During execution of Works c) End of the Contract (Item No.1.04, Not Used) (Item No.1.05, Not Used) Prepare, submit and obtain approval of Engineer for Construction Safety Management Plan 14 days prior to commencement of Construction Work at Site. Total Carried to Summary

Sets. Sets. Sets. -

1.00 2.00 1.00 -

1.04 1.05




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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 2 SITE CLEARANCE 2.01 Clearing and grubbing for road land, embankment, drain, cross drainage structures complete as per Technical Specification clause 201. (Item No.2.02, Not Used) Dismantling structures and pavements including disposal of dismantled material and / or salvaging useful material complete as per Technical Specification clause 202 and section 2800. Brick Masonry/Stone Masonary Stone Slab in Structure Plain cement concrete Reinforced cement concrete including straightening and cutting of bars and separating them completely. Pavement Structure i) Bituminous Pavement/Granular Pavement Courses. ii) (Item No.2.03.e.ii, Not Used) (Item No.2.03.f, Not Used) (Item No.2.03.g, Not Used) (Item No.2.03.h, Not Used) Wearing Coat (Item No.2.03.j, Not Used) Dismantling Hume Pipe/GI Pipes over 300 mm dia. Scarification existing Bituminous Surface as per Technical Specification. Cl 305.4.3. Total Carried to Summary Cum Sqm Cum Cum 2,108.00 30.00 250.00 75.00 ha 40.00 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)


2.03 a) b) c) d) e)

f) g) h) i) j) k) 2.04

Cum Sqm Lm Sqm

14,309.00 1,600.00 340.00 75,857.00

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5



In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)


Roadway excavation necessary for construction of roadway and drainage includes dressing, trimming and compacting the cut formation in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross fall complete as per Technical Specification clause 301. and disposal of all cut material including necessary stacking of suitable material with all lead and lift . In all types of Soil Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) Hard Rock (controlled blasting) Construction of embankment with approved material from borrow areas complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 305 with all leads and lifts complete Cum Cum Cum 371,699.00 17,607.00 1,956.00

a) b) c)





Construction of embankment with available material obtained from Road way excavation complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 305 with all leads and lifts complete




Construction of subgrade with approved material from approved borrow areas as per Technical Specification clause 305 including all leads and lifts complete. Construction of earthen shoulder with approved material from approved borrow areas as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 305 and 407 including all leads & lifts complete. Loosening and recompacting existing sub-grade and shoulder to the required density in all kinds of soil as per Technical Specification clauses 301 and 305.










Construction of Subgrade with approved available material obtained from Road way excavation complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 305 including leads and lifts complete



Total Carried to Summary

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO.4 SUB-BASE COURSE & BASE COURSE (Non Bituminous) Construction of Granular sub-base (GSB) with approved materials conforming to Grading-I (Table 400-2), as per Technical Specification Clause 401 and as per drawings. Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)





Construction of Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) base with approved material complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 406.



Total Carried to Summary

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO.5 BASE AND SURFACE COURSES (Bituminous) 5.01 Providing and laying bituminous prime coat over granular surface with bituminous emulsion complete as per Technical Specification clause 502 . Sqm 334,160.00 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

5.02 a)

Providing and laying bituminous tack coat with bituminous emulsion complete as per Technical Specification clause 503 Over bituminous surface. Providing and laying Dense graded Bituminous Macadam (DBM) course Grading 2 of Table 500-10 using paving bitumen complying to IS specification IS : 73-2006 of Viscosity grade bitumen VG-30 complete as per Technical Specification Clause 507 (Item No.5.04, Not Used) Providing and laying Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete using paving bitumen complying to IS specification IS : 73-2006 of Viscosity grade bitumen VG-30 complete as per Technical Specification Clause 508. (Item No.5.06, Not Used) Total Carried to Summary Sqm 334,160.00









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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.

Description BILL NO. 6 CULVERTS Earth work in excavation of foundation for structure complete including all leads and lifts as per drawing and Technical Specification clauses 304 and 2903. In all types of Soil

In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)

6.01 a)




Providing backfilling behind abutment, wing wall, return wall or any other area with selected granular materials of approved quality complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clauses 305, 2907 and IRC 78




Providing and laying filter media behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clauses 309 and 2504..



6.04 a)

Providing and laying cement concrete flooring/ leveling in foundation complete as per drawing and Technical Specification 1500, 1700, 2100 & 2200. M-15 grade Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in foundation/sub structure etc. excluding reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specification 1500, 1700, 2100 & 2200. M 20 Grade Cum 1,325.00

6.05 a)



6.06 a) b) 6.07

Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete in superstructure complete etc.. excluding reinforcement as per drawing and Technical Specification section 1500, 1700 & 2300. M 25 Grade M 30 Grade Providing, cutting & fixing in position TMT bar reinforcement complete as per drawing & Technical Specification section 1600. Providing and fixing in Position 20mm thick compressible fiber board in expansion joint including sealing with a joint sealing compound as per drawing and Technical Specification section 2600 and direction of the Engineer. Total Carried to page 2

Cum Cum T






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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO. 6 CULVERTS, Contd., Brought forward from page 1 6.09 Providing and fixing Tar paper bearings complete reinforced with bitumen laminated Kraft paper conforming to IS-1398 and as per drawing and Technical Specification section 2000 & IRC SP 13. Providing and fixing galvanized drainage spouts complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 2705. (Item No.6.11, Not Used) Providing, laying and jointing RCC NP-4 pipes (as per IS: 458-1988) Hume pipes for culverts complete as per drawing and Technical Specification section 2900 and IRC : SP : 13-1973. Diameter 900 mm Diameter 1000 mm Diameter 1200 mm Providing and fixing PVC pipe of 100mm dia. for weep holes in abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per Technical Specification clause 2200 & 2706. Providing and laying stone pitching in slope and apron (300 mm thick) for earth protection complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 2504 Lm Lm Lm 45.00 303.00 475.00 Sqm 116.00 Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

6.10 6.11

No -

10.00 -

6.12 a) b) c)








Providing and fixing Marker Post for buried culvert as per drawing, IRC:7-1971 and directions of the Engineer including painting the necessary details with synthetic enamel as per directions of the Engineer. Painting of culvert no. and span arrangement as per Technical Specification clause 800. Total Carried to page 3






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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO. 6 CULVERTS, Contd., Brought forward from page 2 6.17 Painting with water proof cement paint of approved brand and shade in two coat on all exposed surfaces, including cost of materials, labour complete as per specification clause 800. Painting with two coats of new concrete surface after filling the surface with Synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered concrete surface conplete as per Technical Specification clause 803. Providing, laying and jointing RCC NP-3 pipes (as per IS: 458-1988) Hume pipes for culverts complete as per drawing and Technical Specification section 2900 and IRC : SP : 13-1973. Diameter 900 mm (Item No.6.20, Not Used) (Item No.6.21, Not Used) Total Carried to Summary Lm 450.00 Sqm 1,570.00 Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)




6.19 a) 6.20 6.21

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES Earth work in excavation of foundation for structure complete including all leads and lifts as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 304 In all types of Soil Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) Hard Rock (controlled blasting) (Item No.7.02, Not Used) (Item No.7.03, Not Used) Providing and laying Cement Concrete flooring / leveling complete as per drawing and Technical Specification 1400, 1500, 1700, 2100 & 2500. M-15 Grade (Item No.7.05, Not Used) Total Carried to page 2 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures 7.01 a) b) c) 7.02 7.03 7.04 a) 7.05 Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

Cum Cum Cum -

203.00 3.00 1.00 -

Cum -

19.00 -

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES, Contd., Brought forward from page 1 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 (Item No.7.06, Not Used) (Item No.7.07, Not Used) (Item No.7.08, Not Used) (Item No.7.09, Not Used) (Item No.7.10, Not Used) Total Carried to page 3 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES, Contd., Brought forward from page 2 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 (Item No.7.11, Not Used) (Item No.7.12, Not Used) Providing and fixing galvanized drainage spouts complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 2705. (Item No.7.14, Not Used) (Item No.7.15, Not Used) Total Carried to page 4 No 8.00 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.

Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES, Contd., Brought forward from page 3

In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)

7.16 7.17 7.18

(Item No.7.16, Not Used) (Item No.7.17, Not Used) Painting of bridge no and span arrangement as per IRC-7: 1971 drawings and direction of the engineer. Tech Spec Cl. 800 Providing Wearing Coat (56mm) consisting of 50mm thick Asphaltic concrete and 6mm thick Mastic Asphalt including prime coat as per Tech. Spec. Cl.2700 (Item No.7.20, Not Used) (Item No.7.21, Not Used)






7.20 7.21


(Item No.7.22, Not Used)

7.23 7.24

(Item No.7.23, Not Used) (Item No.7.24, Not Used)


(Item No.7.25, Not Used)


(Item No.7.26 Not Used)

Total Carried to page 5

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES, Contd., Brought forward from page 4 7.27 Granite Stone masonry work in (1:3) CM in substructure complete excluding pointing and plastering as per drawing & Technical Specification Section 1400. (Item No.7.28, Not Used) Pointing with CM (1:3) on stone work in superstructure / substructure as per Tech. Spec Cl.1405.6 Providing plastering 12mm thk, with cement mortor 1:3 as per Tech, Spec 1300. Providing and laying stone pitching on slopes (300 mm thick) for earth protection and aprons complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 2504 (Item No.7.32, Not Used) Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the surface thoroughly, applying the shotcrete mixture mechanically with compressed air under pressure, comprising of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water and quick setting compound in the proportion as per technical Clause 2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS :383 and gunite not less then 2000kg/cum, strength not less then 25Mpa and workmanship conforming to Technical Specifications Clause 2807.6 Total Carried to page 6 Cum 685.00 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)

7.28 7.29













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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO. 7 BRIDGES, Contd., Brought forward from page 5 7.34 7.35 Epoxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete, including cost of all materials, labour, lead lifts as per Technical Specification Clause 2805 (Item No.7.35, Not Used) Construction of RCC Railing of M30 Grade in-situ using granite/trap/basalt/aggregate of size not exceeding 12mm and down and clean sieved approved sand mixing in concrete mixer true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000mm leaving adequate space between vertical post No. SD-202 and as per Technical Specification clause 2703,1500,1600 & 1700 (Item No.7.37, Not Used) Total Carried to Summary Sqm 120.00 Unit Estimated Quantity In Figures Rate (Rs.) In Words

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.)





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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO. 8 DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION WORK 8.01 Providing and laying turfing on embankment slopes, verges, earthen shoulders and other locations with green sods as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 307. Providing and installing Single Metal Beam Crash Barrier system comprising of "W" profile beams, posts, spacer channels, terminal pieces, reflectors and requisite number of fasteners including Foundation complete as per the Drawing No: U/T/09 and technical specification clause 801 Construction of lined drains and footpath, Toe walls as per drawing Cement Concrete grade M15 including form work for levelling coarse as per Tech Spec. 1500 & 1700.drawing no.U/T/04 Cement Concrete grade M20 including form work for sub-structure as per Tech Spec. 1500 & 1700. drawing no.U/T/04 Providing, casting and fixing in position Kerb Type II with cement concrete M30 grade per Tech Spec. 1500, 1700 & 408. drawing no.U/T/04 Providing, casting and fixing in position RCC cover slab with cement concrete M25 grade per Tech Spec. 1500 & 1700. (excluding reinforcement) drawing no.U/T/04 TMT steel reinforcement bars complete as per bending schedule drawing Tech Spec. 1600, 1800 & 2300. Providing and fixing in position MS gratings of size 1500 x 300 mm made out of MS Flats 25 x 80 mm as per drawing no.U/T/04 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia PVC pipes as per Technical specification clause 2706 & 2200 and as per drawing no.U/T/04 Total Carried to page 2 Sqm 34,787.00 Rate (Rs.)

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.



Amount (Rs.) In Words




8.03 a)




















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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO. 8 DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION WORK, Contd., Brought forward from page1 Providing and laying in position interlocking paver blocks 75 mm thick using cement and coarse sand for manufacturing of blocks of approved size, shape and colour with a minimum compressive strength of 281 kgs/sqm over 50 mm thick sand bed and compacting with plate vibrator having 3 ton compacting force. as per drawing no.U/T/04 and Technical Specification clause A5. (Item No.8.03.i, Not Used) (Item No.8.04.i, Not Used) Providing and laying 300mm thick stone pitching in slopes complete as per Technical Specifications Clause No. 2504. Providing and laying filter material below stone pitching complete as per Technical Specifications clause 2504. Rate (Rs.)

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.



Amount (Rs.) In Words




i) j)








Providing and fixing heavy duty interlocking Paver blocks 75 mm thick interlock cement pavers for Raised Pedestrain Crossing, using cement and coarse sand for Paver blocks of approved size, shape and colour with a maximum compressive strength of 281 Kg/Sqm over 50 mm thick sand bed (average thickness) over prepared surface and compacting with plate vibrator 3 tons compaction force there by forcing part of sand underneath to come up in between joints and providing M-30 grade Precast Concrete blocks for lateral support of size(400X100X150)mm with Bituminous Concrete on either side of carriageway to form ramp as per drawing no. U/T/16. and Technical Specification Clause A-5A.




Providing and fixing over head sign near Pedestrian Crossing including Cement Concrete foundation, base plate with nut and bolt of 25mm dia, 100mm square MS pole of 5mm thick including painting of approved quality, colour and 150 Watts Metal Hallide Luminaire with 2 nos of Cautionary warning signs (Triangular 900mm sides) for each pole including lighting and other electical installation as per drawing no. U/T/16 and as approved by Engineer.



Total Carried to Summary Volume III : BOQ 16 of 23

Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO.9 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES 9.01 9.02 (Item No.9.01, Not Used) (Item No.9.02, Not Used) Supplying and fixing sign boards including the cost of posts, fixtures, foundation, fitting and fixing. Sheeting will be made of encapsulated lens type of Retro-reflective type and messages/ borders will be screen printed complete as per Technical Specification clause 801 and as directed by Engineer. and as per drawings no.U/T/03 Mandatory/Regulatory Traffic Signs Type IX Octagonal 900x 900 mm Circular 600mm dia (a) Informatory Signs, Facility Signs, Direction Signs, Advance Direction/ Destination Signs, Route Marker Signs etc. Type IX Cautionary warning signs (Triangular 900mm sides) Type IX Chevrons Object Marker Providing and laying pavement marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints conforming to ASTM D-36/ BS 3262 (Part-I) complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause 803 and drawings no.U/T/11 Lane/ centerline / edge marking / transverse and any other marking. Directional arrows, lettering etc. as per drawing No. U/T/11 and Tech. Spec. Cl. 803. Stop Line Major/Minor Junctions Stop Letters Diagonal/Chevron Marking Total Carried to page 2 Rate (Rs.)

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.



Amount (Rs.) In Words


a) i) ii) b) c) d) e)

No No Sqm No No No

35.00 62.00 77.76 202.00 284.00 2,774.00

9.04 i) ii) iii) iv) v)

Sqm No No No No

10,202.60 62.00 58.00 58.00 20.00

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Quantity In Figures BILL NO.9 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES , Contd., Brought forward from page1 Providing and Fixing single granite stone with all exposed faces three line dressing , of Standard dimension/size as per IRC:8-1980 and IRC:26, excavation and fixing in position in M15 grade concrete, curing, painting and printing letters, etc. complete including the cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead ,lift, transporting etc., complete as per Technical specification clause 804 and as per drawing no.U/T/13 Hectometer stone (Granite stone) Ordinary kilometre Stone (Granite stone) 5th kilometre Stone (Granite stone) Providing and fixing Road Delineators complete as per Technical Specification clause 805 and direction of the Engineer and as per drawing no. U/T/10 For Curves-Type1 Providing and erecting RCC. boundary stone/ pillars including cost of reinforcement and two coats of painting with ready mix oil bound paint complete as per Technical Specification clause 806. and as per drawingno.U/T/13 No 1,822.00 No No No 116.00 23.00 6.00 Rate (Rs.)

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.



Amount (Rs.) In Words


a) b) c)

9.06 i)





Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete NP-3 pipe duct , 450mm dia across the road, extending from drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slope in fills, constructing head walls at both ends, providing a minimum fill of granular material over top and sides of RCC pipe as pre IRC:98-1997, bedded on a 0.3m thick layer of granular material free of rock pieces, outer to outer distance of pipeat least half dia of pipe subject to minimum 450mm in case of double and triple row ducts, joints to be made leak proof, invert level of duct to be above higher than ground level to prevent entry of water and dirt as per approved drawings including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead, lift, transporting etc., complete. as directed by Engineer.



Total Carried to page 3

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.


Rate (Rs.) In Figures In Words

Amount (Rs.)

BILL NO.9 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES , Contd., Brought forward from page2 Supplying and fixing of Road Studs (Raised Pavement Markers) Conforming to ASTM D4280 type "H" in position as indicated in the drawings and as directed by Engineer as per Technical Specification clause 812. and as per drawing no.U/T/08 Provide Bus bays as per drawing no.U/T/05 including lane/ line marking and painting & as per direction of Engineer. (Item No.9.11, Not Used) (Item No.9.12, Not Used) Providing and laying Island fill/Median Fill with available earth materials complete as per Technical Specification clause 407. (Item No.9.14, Not Used) Providing and fixing guard post as directed by Engineer and as per drawing no.U/T/10 (Item No.9.16, Not Used) (Item No.9.17, Not Used) Providing and Constructing traffic calming measures as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of the Engineer and as per drawing no.U/T/12 Road Humps and as per drawing no.U/T/12 a) Tack Coat as per Technical Specifications clause 503 b) Dense Bituminous Macadam as per Technical Specifications clause 507 c) Road Marking as per Technical Specifications clause 803 Rumble Strips as per drawing no.U/T/12 Providing Solar Studs complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 814 and conforming to IRC:SP:55:2001. As per Drawing no U/T/17 Total Carried to Summary




9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17

No Cum No -

26.00 195.00 562.00 -

9.18 i)

Sqm Cum Sqm No

962.00 6.85 174.27 11.00





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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Sl. No. Description BILL NO.10 - SAFETY IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION ZONE Supplying and fixing sign boards including the cost of posts, fixtures, foundation, fitting and fixing. Sheeting will be made of encapsulated lens type of Retro-reflective type and messages/ borders will be screen printed complete as per Technical Specification clause 112 & 801 and as directed by Engineer. Octagonal 900x 900 mm type IX Circular 600mm dia type IX Informatory as per drawing type IX Cautionary warning signs (Triangular 900mm sides) TypeIX Providing of red fluorescent with white reflective sleeve traffic cone made of low density polyethylene(LDPE) material with a square base of 390x390x35mm and a height of 770mm, 4Kg in weight, placed at 1.5m interval, all as per BS 873 including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead, lift, transporting etc complete Technical Specification section/ clause 112 & 801 & IRC SP 55-2001. Installation of a steel portable barricade with horizontal rail 300mm wide, 2.5m in length fitted on a "A" frame made with 45X45X5 mm angle iron section, 1.5m in height, horizontal rail painted(2coat) with yellow and white strips, 150mm in width at angle of 45degree, "A" frame painted with 2 coats of yellow paint, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001 including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead, lift, transporting etc complete. as per Technical Specifiction Cl. 112 Provision of metal drum/empty bitumen drum delineator, 300mm in diameter, 800mm high, filled with earth for stability, painted in circumferential strips of alternate black and white 100mm wide 2 coats fitted with reflectors 3 Nos of 7.5cm dia, all as per IRC:SP:55-2001 including cost of all materials, labour, loading, unloading, lead lift, transporting etc., complete as per Technical Specification Cl. 112 Providing plastic crash barrier as per drawing and per the directions of the Engineer(1000X490X780MM size)(LxWxH) as per Technical Specification Clause 112 Providing Barricading/Caution Tapes of High quality PVC tape tube type to Enclose construction area as per Technical Specification Clause 112 No No Sqm No 20.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 Unit Estimated Quantity Rate (Rs.)

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Amount (Rs.) In Figures In Words


i) ii) iii) iv)
















Total Carried to Summary

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.


In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)

Bill. No. 11. Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be executed under Civil Works Contract 11.01 A. Carting away the unserviceable materials from work site to the nearest disposal site (up to a lead of 10km) and disposing the same in disposal pits or borrow areas including depositing unserviceable materials in layers and manual compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 111.14 B. The 30 cm top layer of disposal pit shall be provided with good earth, suitable for development of vegetation/plantation. All work shall be carried out as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in Charge as per Technical Specification Clause 111 11.02 Turfing at ground level at disposal pits for un-serviceable material as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in Charge as per Technical Specification Clause 111 Regular water sprinkling (at least 4 times) per day at all construction sites for suppression of visible dust levels as per Technical Specification Clause 111 Note: This item is to be operated after the completion of earthwork to suppress the visible dust levels. Cost of watering during compaction of earth work is deem to be cover under civil work











Construction of Recharge pits within the selected water bodies along the project road as per approved design and drawing as developed by Central Ground Water Board as per Technical Specification Clause 111 and as per drawing no. U/T/18 Construction of silt traps at the discharge points of channels in to fresh water bodies across the project road as per the Standard Details provided as per Technical Specification Clause. 111 and as per Drawing No. U/T/19 Providing informatory sign boards (informatory /caution messages) for road users for providing information about ecologically sensitive areas, wild life crossing points (if any), important tourist locations, etc as applicable. The specifications of sign boards shall conform to relevent IRC specifications. using type- IX sheeting the locations for Informatory sign boards are given in as per Technical Specification Clause. 111 Total Carried to page 2









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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.


In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)

Bill. No. 11. Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be executed under Civil Works Contract 11.07 Brought Forward From Page 1 Construction of 30cm thick clay lined (at bottom and sides) pits for safe disposal of scarified bitumen including carriage (up to a lead of 10km), depositing bitumen in layers of 15 cms with manual compaction and covering the pit with 20cm thick good earth as top layer all complete as per Typical Drawing as per Technical Specification Clause. 111 Turfing at ground level at disposal pits for scarified bitumen as per specification clause 307 and approval of the Engineer in Charge. Item no 11.09 not used Item no 11.10 not used Periodic air quality monitoring during construction stage at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants (if specifically established for Project), at major settlement areas along project road. The parameters to be monitored are SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx and CO, Lead. Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of 24 hours (in 8 hour shifts), once in four month for 2 Years. The tests are to conducted in accordance CPCB norms and As per Technical Specification Clause-111 Total Carried to page 3






11.09 11.10 11.11



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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 Estimated Unit Quantity

International Competitive Bidding Contract No: AEP5

Sl. No.


In Figures

Rate (Rs.) In Words

Amount (Rs.)

Bill. No. 11. Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be executed under Civil Works Contract 11.12 Brought Forward From Page 2 Water quality monitoring during construction phase at locations given in Appendix . The sampling shall be carried out once in four month for 2 years and cover all parameters as per IS10500 including heavy metals As per Technical Specification Clause-111 Noise quality monitoring at specified silent receptors along Project Road, at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants(if specifically established for Project), and at major settlement areas along project road. Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of 12hours (6Am to 6PM), once in four month for 2 Years). The monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with CPCB norms at locations. As per Technical Specification Clause-111







Soil quality monitoring at Construction camp /plant sites, Labour camps, Batching plants and productive agricultural lands abutting traffic detours and traffic diversions and major intersections along Project Road. Parameters shall include pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Organic Carbon and Lead and carried out twice in a year (Pre and Post Monsoon) at all locations for 2 years. As per Technical Specification Clause-111 Providing Oil Interceptors at the fuel/oil storage camps or Construction camps as per Typical Drawing and as per Technical Specification Clause 111 and as per Drawing No. U/T/19 Providing Personal Protective Equipment to labours during construction construction Phase of the project as per Technical Specification Clause 111 Provision for two health check ups for the carcinogens from bituminous fumes, which may inhaled during road paving works. The first health check up prior to induction of the personnel into the construction works and the last health check up prior to the discharge of tech personal from the construction works as per Technical Specification Clause 111 Utilistion of unserviceable material obtained from Road way excavation for widening and construction of cross roads as per Technical Specification Cl. 111.14.4 and as Direted by Engineer. Total Carried to Summary







cost/ person/ annum



cost/ person





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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II

International Competitive Bidding Contract No : AEP5

BILL OF QUANTITIES CONTRACT PACKAGE -AEP5 SUMMARY OF DAY WORKS Sl. No. 1 2 3 Item Schedule of Dayworks, Labour Schedule of Dayworks, Materials Schedule of Dayworks,Construction Plant Total Daywork rates carried to Grand Summary Amount Rs.

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II

International Competitive Bidding Contract No : AEP5

SCHEDULE OF DAY WORKS RATES LABOUR Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description Unit Nominal Quantity 30 15 6 6 6 3 3 3 90 3 3 480 480 Rate Rs. Amount Rs.

Day Mazdoor Day Mason Day Carpenter Day Fabricator/Blacksmith/Welder Day Operator for Tractor Day Electrician Day Operator for Dozer Day Operator for Roller Day Driver LMV Day Driver HMV Day Operator for Excavator/Crane Day Computer Operator Day Watchman Sub total Allow_________% Contracotor's Overhead and Profits etc. Total For Day works: Labour

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II

International Competitive Bidding Contract No : AEP5

SCHEDULE OF DAY WORKS RATES CONSTRUCTION PLANT Nominal Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity 1 Hour 0 Bull Dozer Size up to 200KW 2 Hour 0 Front End Loader bach hoe 3 Hour 0 Motor Grader 4 Hour 0 Pneumatic Tyred Roller (20 tonne) 5 Hour 0 Tractor with trailor 6 Hour 0 Bull dozer (D7 or equivalent) 7 Hour 0 Roller Static (8-10 tonne) Roller Vibratory (8-10 tonne static) Hour Nominal Quantity 8 9 Hour 30 Truck (10/12 tonne) Truck mounted water tanker (10 Hour 30 10 tonne) 11 DG set (125 KVA) Hour 12 12 Concrete Mixer (mobile) Hour 12 Drilling equipment with compressor Hour 12 13 Sub total Allow_________% Contracotor's Overhead and Profits etc. Total For Day works:Construction Plant

Rate Rs.

Amount Rs.

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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II, Stage 1

Volume III: BoQ

C. Daywork Schedule General 1. Reference should be made to Sub-Clause 13.6 of the General Conditions of Contract. Work shall not be executed on a Daywork basis except by written order of the Engineer. Bidders shall enter basic rates for Daywork items in the Schedules, which rates shall apply to any quantity of Daywork ordered by the Engineer. Nominal quantities have been indicated against each item of Daywork, and the extended total for Daywork shall be carried forward as a Provisional sum to the Summary Total Bid Amount (for items priced competitively). Unless otherwise adjusted, payments for Daywork shall be subject to price adjustment in accordance with the provisions in the Conditions of Contract.

Daywork Labour 2. In calculating payments due to the Contractor for the execution of Daywork, the hours for labour will be reckoned from the time of arrival of the labour at the job site to execute the particular item of Daywork to the time of return to the original place of departure, but excluding meal breaks and rest periods. Only the time of classes of labour directly doing work ordered by the Engineer and for which they are competent to perform will be measured. The time of gangers (charge hands) actually doing work with the gangs will also be measured but not the time of foremen or other supervisory personnel. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labour is employed on Daywork, calculated at the basic rates entered by him in the SCHEDULE OF DAYWORK RATES: LABOUR, together with an additional percentage payment on basic rates representing the Contractors profit, overheads, etc., as described below: (a) The basic rates for labour shall cover all direct costs to the Contractor, including (but not limited to) the amount of wages paid to such labour, transportation time, overtime, subsistence allowances, and any sums paid to or on behalf of such labour for social benefits in accordance with Indian law. The basic rates will be payable in local currency only; The additional percentage payment to be quoted by the Bidder and applied to costs incurred under (a) above shall be deemed to cover the Contractors profit, overheads, superintendence, liabilities, and insurances and allowances to labour, timekeeping, and clerical and office work, the use of consumable stores, water, lighting, and power; the use and repair of stagings, scaffolding, workshops and stores, portable power tools, manual plant, and tools; supervision by the Contractors staff, foremen, and other supervisory personnel; and charges incidental to the foregoing. Payments under this item shall be made in the following currency proportions: (i) Foreign: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder] (ii) Local: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder]



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Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II, Stage 1

Volume III: BoQ

Daywork Materials 4. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of materials used for Daywork (except for materials for which the cost is included in the percentage addition to labour costs as detailed heretofore), at the basic rates entered by him in the SAMPLE SCHEDULE OF DAYWORK RATES: MATERIALS, together with an additional percentage payment on the basic rates to cover overhead charges and profit, as follows: (a) The basic rates for materials shall be calculated on the basis of the invoiced price, freight, insurance, handling expenses, damage, losses, etc., and shall provide for delivery to store for stockpiling at the Site. The basic rates shall be stated in local currency, but payment will be made in the currency or currencies expended upon presentation of supporting documentation. The additional percentage payment shall be quoted by the Bidder and applied to the equivalent local currency payments made under (a) above. Payments under this item will be made in the following currency proportions: (i) Foreign: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder] (ii) (c) Local: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder]


The cost of hauling materials for use on work ordered to be carried out as Daywork from the store or stockpile on the Site to the place where it is to be used will be paid in accordance with the terms for Labour and Constructional Plant in this schedule.

Daywork Constructional Plant 5. The Contractor shall be entitled to payments in respect of Constructional Plant already on Site and employed on Daywork at the basic rental rates entered by him in the SAMPLE SCHEDULE OF DAYWORK RATES: CONSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT. Said rates shall be deemed to include due and complete allowance for depreciation, interest, indemnity, and insurance, repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuel, lubricants, and other consumables, and all overhead, profit, and administrative costs related to the use of such equipment, The cost of drivers, operators, and assistants will be paid for separately as described under the section on Daywork Labour. In calculating the payment due to the Contractor for Constructional Plant employed in Daywork, only the actual number of working hours will be eligible for payment, except that where applicable and agreed with the Engineer, the travelling time from the part of the Site where the Constructional Plant was located when ordered by the Engineer to be employed on Daywork and the time for return journey thereto shall be included for payment.



The basic rental rates for Constructional Plant employed on Daywork shall be stated in local currency, but payments to the Contractor will be made in currency proportions, as follows: (i) Foreign: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder] (ii) Local: _____ percent [to be stated by Bidder]

Bill of Quantities

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