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annoyed, antagonized, as black as thunder, at daggers drawn, choked, choleric, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated, fit to be tied (slang) foaming at the mouth, furious, hacked (off) (U.S. slang) heated, hot, hot under the collar (informal) ill-tempered, incensed, indignant, infuriated, in high dudgeon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, mad (informal) nettled, on the warpath, outraged, passionate, piqued, pissed off (taboo slang) provoked, raging, resentful, riled, splenetic, tumultuous, up in arms, uptight (informal) wrathful

agreeable, amiable, calm, congenial, friendly, gratified, happy, loving, mild, peaceful, pleasant, pleased

blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, cock-a-hoop, content, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, floating on air, glad, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry, on cloud nine (informal) overjoyed, over the moon (informal) pleased, rapt, sunny, thrilled, walking on air (informal) 2 advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable, successful, timely, well-timed


depressed, despondent, discontented, displeased, down in the dumps (informal) forlorn, gloomy, joyless, low, melancholy, miserable, mournful, sad, sombre, sorrowful, sorry, unhappy 2 inapt, unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky

all in (slang) asleep or dead on one's feet (informal) clapped out (Austral. & N.Z. informal) dead beat (informal) dog-tired (informal) done in (informal) drained, drooping, drowsy, enervated, exhausted, fagged (informal) fatigued, flagging, jaded, knackered (slang) ready to drop, sleepy, spent, weary, whacked (Brit. informal) worn out, zonked (slang) 2 (with) of annoyed with, bored with, exasperated by, fed up with, irked by, irritated by, pissed off with (taboo slang) sick of, weary of

clichd, conventional, corny threadbare, trite, well-worn


(slang) familiar, hackneyed, old, outworn, stale, stock,


alive and kicking, energetic, fresh, full of beans awake 2 enthusiastic about, fond of, keen on 3 innovative, original

(informal) lively, refreshed, rested, wide-

afraid, anxious, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, distracted, distraught, distressed, disturbed, fearful, fretful, frightened, hot and bothered, ill at ease, nervous, on edge, overwrought, perturbed, tense, tormented, troubled, uneasy, unquiet, upset, wired (slang)

calm, fearless, peaceful, quiet, tranquil, unafraid, unconcerned, unfazed (informal) unworried

abashed, affrighted (archaic) afraid, alarmed, cowed, dismayed, frozen, get the wind up, in a cold sweat, in a panic, in fear and trepidation, numb with fear, panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless (taboo slang) scared stiff, shit-scared (taboo slang) startled, terrified, terrorized, terror-stricken, unnerved

blue, cheerless, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, dismal, doleful, down, downcast, down in the dumps (informal) down in the mouth (informal) gloomy, glum, grief-stricken, grieved, heavy-hearted, low, low-spirited, lugubrious, melancholy, mournful, pensive, sick at heart, sombre, triste (archaic) unhappy, wistful, woebegone 2 calamitous, dark, depressing, disastrous, dismal, grievous, harrowing, heart-rending, lachrymose, moving, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, poignant, sorry, tearful, tragic, upsetting 3 bad, deplorable, dismal, distressing, grave, lamentable, miserable, regrettable, serious, shabby, sorry, to be deplored, unfortunate, unhappy, unsatisfactory, wretched


blithe, cheerful, cheery, chirpy (informal) fortunate, glad, good, happy, in good spirits, jolly, joyful, joyous, light-hearted, merry, pleased

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