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Form No.

3260 07/05 OL

Charitable Giving Guidelines and Application

The charitable programs are among the ways that NorthWestern Energy participates as an active participant in the communities where we do business. NorthWestern Energy will consider all qualified non-profit organizations (must provide proof of non-profit status) that meet our guidelines. Requests for physical improvements and equipment purchases are generally favored over operating funds except in the case of social service organizations such as the United Way. United Way is heavily supported through direct donations and matching gifts of our employees and retirees. Therefore, individual United Way agency requests will generally not be considered except for capital projects. Donations will not be made to national organizations, but may be made to local affiliates providing services within our communities. Donations will not be made to support political activities or organizations established to primarily influence legislation nor will contributions be made for religious purposes. Donations will not be made to, or on behalf of, individuals. Donations generally will not be made in support of fraternal, service, veteran, social groups or sporting events. These may be considered for discretionary giving. The company generally does not fund economic and commercial development projects. While we seek to support a wide range of community activities, donations will generally be made to those non-profit groups that have the greatest opportunity for positively affecting the communities we serve and are focused in one of the following categories:

EDUCATION: Education remains a primary focus of the company. Donations to education will primarily be made through university system foundations, scholarship programs, and employee matching gifts. Donations will also be made in support of local colleges, and special primary and secondary education programs in the fields of math, science and youth leadership. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: Donations will be considered for organizations serving human needs such as the United Way, youth homes and special community health and safety needs. Donations will generally not be made to national health organizations or for medical equipment or research funds. CIVIC & COMMUNITY: Donations will be considered for civic improvement, special events, and youth and senior citizen organizations. CULTURE & THE ARTS: Donations will be considered for local museums, libraries, cultural centers and the performing arts. RESOURCE CONSERVATION: Donations will be considered in the areas of habitat preservation, and fish and wildlife protection.

Donations should generally be monetary only. In limited instances, non-monetary gifts may be considered. We prefer not to fund multi-year requests. Evaluation of Applications Considerations include: Whether the activity or need to be served is in the geographic area served by the company or where the company has a significant business operation. Previous history of contributions. In the absence of the pledge of a donation to be paid over a number of years, organizations must submit requests each time they wish to be considered. The company will not donate annual, automatic contributions to any organization. The perceived effectiveness of the organization, the need for the activity or facility relative to other

Form No. 3260 07/05 OL

organizations in the community or region. The level of support being received by the organization from the area in which it operates and from other sources. Generally, we do not wish to provide the sole funding for a project. The funds available to us. Any other factor relevant to the application at hand.

All applications will be considered as received. Applicants may expect a response within approximately twelve weeks (quarterly). Where To Send Your Completed Application Mail your completed application to one of the following addresses depending upon your location. Montana NorthWestern Energy Charitable Giving Program 40 E. Broadway Butte, MT 59701 South Dakota and Nebraska NorthWestern Energy Charitable Giving Program 3010 W. 69th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Form No. 3260 07/05 OL

1. Name of Organization: 2. Addre ss: City:

Application for Donation

P.O. Box: State: Zip:

3. Telepho ne: 4. Name and title of contact person: 5. Federal tax identification number: *(must submit proof of Section 170(c)2, 501(c)3 or other non-profit status according to the U.S. Internal Revenue Code to be eligible.) 6. State the organization's purpose: (education, civic & community, culture & the arts, resource, conservation & environment, health & human services) 7. Identify the geographic area served: 8. List other organizations in your area with similar purposes or programs: 9. Describe the Program or Project for which funds are requested: (Attach available brochures, program descriptions, etc.) 10. Describe the goals and expected timeline to meet the anticipated outcomes of the project. 11. Specify how the funds will be spent: 12. State the need for Project/Program: 13. Total Project/Program budget: 14. Amount secured from other sources: 15. Amount requested: $ $ $

16. Describe past support received from NorthWestern Energy or The Montana Power Company: 17. List other sources from which substantial funds are being sought or have been received:

Form No. 3260 07/05 OL

18. Has the organization received or will it request funds from United Way? I certify that the tax-exempt nonprofit organization (under the terms listed in Section 170(c)2 and 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code) here listed submitted this grant with full support of the organizations executive director. Signed: Title: Date:

*Attach documentation of organization's non-profit and tax-exempt status, including a copy of Internal Revenue Service ruling. Such documentation is essential or application cannot be considered.

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