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//) 1

AFFIDAV1T OF COMPL.AN I, the alflant named below after b* sworn, state under oath that on or about 2-03-12 hi HARDEMAN COUNV,. TENNESSE, MARY FRANCES MAYES oommitted the offense of )NSPIRACY T GOMM I further state ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED KIDNAPP1NG a violation of TC 39-11O3 md 39-13 under oath that the essenUal facts constthiilng the offense, the, sources of my kifomaUon and the reasons why this

Information is believable, and reliable are as faliows

.Deparimnt regarding the dleap,earance of his v.tfe (Jo Ann Bale) and his S daughters (Adrelenne ain 14 yoa, Alexandria apIn 12 yse, and KrIIyeh Bafl S yna) from their teoklenc. on 8590 whrrtvrne. 4wiasUe Road, In Iterdernan CQu ntOsee Through Inveitigatlon by Hardeown County SherfWs Departm.nt, YW, MCI, and the lit, Adam Mayes w developed as a suspect Mayes, by his own admission, was the tsar paarane. When TR1 requested an Interview with Mayes, Mayes took poison to so. the 4 mIssing persone prsorto l)Ir flight and has not yet been located. ip the proces of searching for Mayen, It was discovered that May.. had rented a traflor In Unlori County Mississippi. A search of that trailer disdosed property of 2 of the girls that have disappeared (Alexandria seen and Kyilyah). Interviews with Mayes mother and wife disclosed that on or about AprIl 21, 2012, Adam Mayes was Team digging in hIs mothers backyard at 1373 HWy 9 N., Guntown, Mississippi. On May 4, 2012, FRI Evidence Recovery began eaccavallon of the sib t at 1373 HWy 9 IL, Guawn, MIss)ssiapl. Two bodies were recovered front that address and are thought to 60 those of Jo Mn Rain and her daughter. Adrdlenne 9am.

On April 27 2012, Gary Rain notified liardemari County Shed

Jo Ann Based on thesefacts, Itis believed that Adam May removed or cerdinedCowty, Rain and herS daughters, Adrelnne Bats Tennepees, In a manner that substantially 14 yea. Alexandria RaIn 12 yea, and Kyllyah RaIn yoa from Haideinan inteiierie with thefr liberty. concengng Alexandria Eal 12 yea, and Kytiph BaJa 8 y0a, both of these victims were wider the age of 13 at the time of thefr removal or confinement Concjmlng Jo.AnnBaInand Adienne Rain, both victims suffered srlous bodily Injury ass pult of their removal or :
During a non-custodial Interview with Teresa May.., she did adnilt to agents from thO TUI that she Was Involved with the removal andlor confinement of these 4 IndividuaLs from Hardeman Cotmty Tennessee, hi that she assisted by driving a vehicle containing victims from Hardean Clwity. Terewesee, to Union County, Mississippi.

(.rMa,y Frances May.., along with $arlayes and Teresa Mayes did agree, acting for the purpose of promoting or facilitating the commissiOn of th. Especially Aggravated Kldnapp1ng that Adam May.. and Terss Mayes would engage In the conduct decrIbed above. The commission of the Sbov. adO In Hardeman county, Tennessee, constitute the overt acts required for the conSpiracy.



subscribed bfore me th

a S,gnatu(e


V -

Name SA Cathy FergUson, fBI Mdress: 121 Executive Drivel Jxn,TN Phone No.: 731 .084.6862
. V ,


PROBABLE CAUSE DETERMINAT1ON Based on the affidavit of oomplaW, I find there in probable cause to believe that on the data set forth above in Hardeman County, Tennessee, the defendant committed the offense of Consirav to, Commif Especially Aggravated Kidnapping, v atIoi.ofTC.A. 39-12-103 and 39-13-305



You are theiefore commanded hi the name of the State of Tennessee to Immedlatoly ARREST the defendant named
bfln9 thS defendar/

to 5fl$ jhe cIg



/2 C p 1)


I, the affiant named below, after being sworn, stat under oath that on or about -03-12 In HARDEMAN COUN1V. TENNESSEE, NARY FRANEES MAYES committed the offense of CONSPIRACY TO_CQMM1] ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING a violation of TC.A. 39-12-103 and 39-13-305 I further stale under oath that the sasenilal f8cts constlbjting .the offense. the sourcs of my Intonation and the reasons why this Information Is believable and reliable area folbws

On pill 27,2012, Gary Bela notified Hardeman ,nty Shertfrs Deparbr nt regarding the dlsapparafle of hIs Vi (Jo Ann Bela) nd 1*3 daughters Adreienne ibm 14 yce,Alexandrluiaaln 12 yos, and Kyflyah Bain U yca) from their realdense on 8590 Whlflovlli, Nqw*stIe Road In Hardem!n COunty, Tenneesoe. Through hiveetigatlon by Hardeman County 5h.dWs Department, Tel. M5l, and the FBI. Adem May was developed 4 a suspect. Mayes, by his own admlcston waS the last p.r.ontpee the 4 mIssing parsne prlore melr dIsappearan When T?l requested an interview with Mayes, Mayes took flight iid has not yet been located. hi the prCesi of schh For Mayes, It was discovered that Mayes had rented a JIo In Union County, MlssWslppL A search of that trailer disclosed property of 2 of the glrts that have disappeared (Alexandria and Kyftysh). IntOrviewe with Maycs mother and wif. disclosed Ut on or about April 21, 2012, Adam Mayes was seen digging in his motheis backysal at 1373 HWy 9 II., euntown,. MlesiblppL On M2 4,2012, FBi Evidence Recovery Team began expaUon of the sib at at 1373 Hwy I N. Guntown, MlssIsslPpL Two bodies were recovered from that. Cddress And are thought tO be those of Jo n esmn and 4auglLer Adrlenne 5am.

Based on thes biis, It is beileed, that Main MayeA teinOved pr coidined Jo Ann BaIn nd her 3 daughters Adrelenne Bela h 1 14 yes, Alexandria Bath 12 yea, and Kyilyi BaIn4 yea, from I1ardeman bounty, Tennessee In a manner that substantially lnterfeired with .*lr ifby Concening Mexancpls .$ain 12 yea, and Kyftyab BaIh U yeA, both of these victims were under 11w age of 13 at the time. of their removal a cmflneflieht Concornlng Jo An Bela and Adrelenn. Dam, both victims suffered serious bodily 1njw7 as a result or their rmtOvai or confinemerit.
1 During a non-custodial Intenriew with Tereea Mayes she did admit to Bgents from the. FBl that she was Involved with the removal ahdlor confinement of these 4 IndMduals from Hardeman JCOiu) TenneAsee,, In that .she assisted by driving a vehicle cOntaining victims from Hardeaan County, TenneSsee, to UniOn County MlsslsslppL

Mary Frances Mayes, along wfth Ier Mayes and Tames Mayes did agree, acting for the purpose of prOmoting or facilitating the commission of the Especially Aggravated Kidnapping, that Adam Mayes sad Tsrgsa Maya. would engage In the conduct d.cr1bed above. The cecimlaslon Of the show actS In Hardeman County Tennessee, cOnstitut. the overt acta r.q,4red for 1 the conspiracy. THIS HAPPENED IN HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE


Afflan?s Signaw


Name: SA Cathy Ferguson, TI3I

Address 124 Executive Drivel Jxn,TN Phone No. T31 -8844682



Based on the affidavit of complaint, I find there

probable cause to believe that on the date set forth above in

Herdsman County, Tennessee. the defendant conmiltted the offense of Cbnspiracv to Commit Esriec1liv Aciciravgtd Kidnapping, a violatlonof T.CA i2-1g3 and 39-13-305
. -


You are therefore commended in the name of the State of Tennessee to inimediateiV ARREST the defendant namd above and bring the defendant to this cOurt to answer the charges.

/, /



/- c: ,e

,g :

I, the afflant flamed below, after being sworn, state under oath that on or about .-03-12 In HARDEMAN COUNTh, TENNESSEE, MARY FRANCES MAYES ornmftted the, offense of CONSPIRACY 1O COMMIT ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATEDKIDNAPfING a 4oIatioa of T.(A 39-12-103 and 39-13405. 1 further state under oath that the essential facts constituting the offense, the, sources of my kifornntlon and the reasons why this infotmatlon 1 believable and reliable are as follows: On Aprfl 272012. Gary Pain notified tiardeman County $hertWs Department regarding the disappearance of his wife (Jo Mn $a1) and hisS daughters (Adrelenne Dam 14 you Alexandria Pain 12 yea, end Kyllyah Pain I yoa) from their residence on

$590 WhlitevIIle NewcasUe Road, in Hardemars County, Tennessee Through Investigation by Hardeman County $tenWs D.parbneflt, TPl. MB1, and the FG, Adam Mayes was developed a a suspect. Mayes, by his own admission, was th last persOn to coO the 4 missIng prepnc rlorto their disappearance.. When TflI requested an Interview with Mayes, Mayes took flight arid has not yet been located. In the process of searcidna for Mayes, It was discovered that Mayes had rented a *ailor In Unlo County, MIsslselppL A searub, of that fraSer disclosed property of 2 of the girls that have disappeared (Alexandria and kytlyah) Interviewa with Mays mother and wife dlsclose4 that on or about April 27, 2012. Adam Mayes was seen digging In his mothers backyard at 1373 HWy S N.., Guntown, Mississippi. On May 4, z012, FBI Evidence Recovery Team began exc*Vptio of the site at at 1373 Hwy 9 N., Gun wn, Mlse1ssIpl. Two bodies were recovered from that ddiess and are thoughtto be those aiJo Ann Pain and her daughtar,:AdrOlanne Pain.
, ,

Based on these bate, it is boiliwud that Adam May.s removed or confined Jo Ann Pain and herS daughters, Adrolennt Pain 14 yea, AlOxandde Pain 12yod, and Kyllyah Pulp you, ftom HardefnanComLy, Tennessee, In a manner that substantially lnterf.ryed with their liberty. Concerning Aleaandrfa PaIn 12 yes, and Kyllyah GainS you, both of these victimO were under th. age of IS at the tim.. of their removal cc confinement. Concerning Jo Ann Gain end Adrelenne Pain, both viotims suffered serious bodily Injury as a result of their rUmoval orcoafinemerit. Owing a noncuatudlal k4s,view with Teresa May.s, lie did adrfl)t to ag.nb froni thO Thl that .h. Was Involved with the removal andlor confinement of these 4 indIviduals from Hardeman Couflty Tenneisee, In that sh assisted by driving a v.1*1. oOalJagng victims from Hardyan Cunty Tenneesed, to Union Coun y MissisIppI. and Tefesa Mayes did agrea, acting for the purpose of promoting or facilitating Frencee May.., along with the commissIon of the Especially Aggrevaind Kidnapping, that Adam Mayes and Tere Mayes would engage In th. conduct described above. The commission of the above acts hi Hardeinan County, Tennessee, constitute the overt acts required for tIm consplracy



Name: SA Cathy Ferguson, TB1 Mdress: 121 Executive Drive I Jxn,TN Phone No.: 7314844662



PROBABLE CAUSE DTERMINATION Based on the affidavit of oompiskit I find there is probable c*use to believe that on the date set forth above h Hardeman County Tennessee, the defendant committed the offense of Consp1racn to Commit Especially
paryatod Kidnapping a violation of T CA. j2-103 and 39-13405 TO ANY I..AWFUL OFFICER:

You are therefore commanded sn the arna of the State of Tennessee to Immediately ARREST the aefer4ant naried answerthechargcs.

GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF If ARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE STATE OF TENNESSEE VS MARY FARNCES MAYES DOCT # AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT named elow aftei being sworn, state under oath that on or about 2-03-12 in HARDEMAN I. the COUNTY, TENNESSEE, MARY FR4NCES MAYES committed the. offense of SPiRACY TO COMMIT ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED KIDNAPP1NG. a viclafion of T.CA. 39-12-103 and 39-13-30, I fijrther state under oath that the essential fas constituting the offense, the. sources of my kuforiatlon and the reasons why this
Information is bellevable.and reliable are as folbws On April 27,2012; GarY Rain notified Hardeman County $horiWs .DePartmont gaiding the appeararhce of his v.ife (Jo Ann ham) and his 3 daughters (Adrolenne gaIn i4yc., Mexandda Rain 12 y, and Kyilyah Rain S )05) from their sesidence ad $580 WhUtavUl. Hew*stle Road, In Hai*n,An County, Tennessee. Through ln,eOtlgatlon by Hardemat County SherlWs Depaitmefli, 151, MD and the FI, Adam Mayes was developed as * suspecL Mayo., by his own admission, was the l*st person to sue the 4 mI.lng perepns prlorto their dbapparanse. When TUl requested an interview with Mayes, May.. took flight and has not yet been located. In the process of searching for Mayo., It was discovered that Mayes had rented a traitor In Union County, MissisSippi. A search of that frakr disclosed property of 2 of the girls that have disappeared (Alexandria and Kyflyak). IntervIews with Mayas mother and wife disclosed that on or about April 21, 2012, Adam Mayo. was seas digging in his motheis backyar4 at 1373 Hwy S N., GuMown,. Mississippi. On May 4, 2012, FRI Evidence Recovery Team began cxcsvstlon ce Uw site at t 1273 Hwy S N GUntnwn MisssslppL Two bodies were recovered from that address and are thought to be those of Jo Ann flab, and her daughter, Adrienne Bali.


ii 99

Based on these facts, It is believed that Adam UayOs removed or confined Jo Ann Rain and her $ daughters, Mrelenne Rain 14 yea, Alexandria RaIn 12 yca, end Kyffyah Bake yea, from Hardeman county, Tenflessee, in a manner that substantially Interferred with their liberty. Concernln9 Alexandria RaIn 12 yoa,, arid ICyliyab Gain S yea, both of thes. victimS were under the age of 13 .t lb. tim. citheiflernoval or confinement Concerning Jo Afln Rain mid Adeelenne Gain, both victims suffered serious bodily Injury ii a resell vi their remeval orconflosmariL
During a non-custodial Interview with Teresa l#ays, she did adnilt to agents from the Thl that she W*e Involved with the removal adlor confinement of these 4 lridMduals from Herdsman County, Tenesse., In that she asSi#bd by drMng a vehicle containing victims from Hardeipan County, Tennessee,, to Union County, MleslsslppL

Mary Franca. Mayes,, along with UaT7Mayes and Tero.a Mayo. did agree, acflng for the purpose of promoting or facilitating th. commission of the Rapectally Aggravated Kldnapphig, that Adam Mayo. and Teresa Mayo. would engage In the conduc4 described above. The commission of the above acts is Nardeman County, Thnn.ssee, constitute the vvert acts reqLdred for the consph2cy.



,:, ..fXa,3oZ2.
Name: SA Cathy FergUson TBI Address: 121 ExecutIve Drive I Jxn,TN Phone No.: 731-9844662



PROBABLE CAUSE DETERMINATiON affkiavit of complalnt I find there la j*obsble cause to befleve that on the date set forth abOve in Ba on the Herdsman County, Tennessee, the defendant committed the offense ofConslracv to Commit Especially Aaaravated KidnaoIna a violation of T CA 39-12.103 and 39-13-305

V V -


ou are therefore commandea in the name of the State of Tennessee to Immediately ARREST the defendant named above and bring the defendant to this cOurt to answer the charges.










Ci2iJ VS

after being sworn, state under oath that on or about 4(3-12 in HARDEMAN Y AGGRAVATED COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TERESA ANN MAYE$ committed the offense of ESPECIALL essential facts constituting the KIDNAPPiNG, a violation of T.C.A. 39-13.305, I further state under oath that the
I, the affiant named bekw.

and reliable are as follows: offense, the sources of my information arid the reasons why this Informahion is believable regarding the disappearance of his wife (Jo Ann On April 27 2012, Gary BaIn notified Hareman County Sheriffs Department and Kyliyah 8am 8 yea) from their. residence on Bain 14 yoa. AlexandrbRain 12 yoa, Sal,i) and hIs 3 daughters (Adrcienne by Hardeman County SheriWs 8590 Whilteville Newcastle Road, in I*xdoman County, Tennessee. Through investigation own admisSion, was the bat Mayes was developed as a suspect Mayes, by hIs Department, TRI, MB1, and the FBI Adam with Mayes, Mayes took person to see the 4 mIssing persons.prlor to their disappearance. When TRI requested an Interview of searchIng for Mayes, it was discovered that Mayes had rented a trailer flight and has not yet been located. In the process girls that have disappeared (Alexandria in Union County Mississippi. A search ol that trailer disclosed property of of the April 27, 2012, Adam Mayes was seen and wife disclosed that on or about nd K1Iyah). Interviews with Mayes mother May 4, 2012, FBI Evidence Recovery Team digging In his mothers backyard at 1373 Hiwy 9 N., Guntown, MissiSsippi. On Guntown, Mississippi. Two bodies were recovered from that address and at at 137S Hwy S N., of the

it began excavation ar. thought to be those of Jo Ann Sam and her daughter,Mrelenne Bale.

daughters, Adrelenne Bale 0 Based on these facts, It *s believed that Adam Mayas removed or confined J Ann Bain and herSa manner that substantially Hardeman County, Tennessee, In 14 yoa, Alexandria Bain l2yoa, and Kyilysh Sam B ya, from B yea, both of these victims were under interfened with their liberty. Concerning Alexandria Bale 12 yea, and Kyliyah Dam Jo Ann Sam and Adrsienne Sam, both victims suffered the age of 13 at the time of their removal or confinement Concerning serious bodily injury as a result of their removal or confinement

that she was involved with the During a non-custodial interview with Tiresa Mayes, she did admit t agents from the TS1 that she assisted by drIving a Tennessee, In removal andlor confinement of these 4 IndMduals from Hardoman County, vehicle containing victims from Harcieman County, Tennessee, to Union County, Mississippi.



ants signature

Swum to and subscribed before me this,

11 (f




Address: 121 ExecutIve Drive I Jxn, TN 38305 Phone No; 731-984-6682

Name: SA Cathy Ferguson, TBI


PROBABLE CAUSE DETERMINATION above in Based on the affidavit of complaint, I find there is probable cause to believe that on the date set forth Y- AGGRAVATED Hardeman County, Tennessee the defendant committed the offense of ESPECIALL KIDNAPP[N, a violation of tC.A 39-13405.


the defendant named You are therefore commanded n the name of the State of Tennessee tommediate1y ARREST above and bring the defendant to this court to answer the charges. Warrant Issued:





/ R- /J/

I, the affiant named below, ftar being sworn, state under oath that. on or about 4-03-12 in HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TERESA ANN MAYES committed the offens, of ESPCEALLY AGGRAVATED

K1DNAPPlNQ. a violation of TCA 39-13405. I further state under oath that the essential facts constituting the
offense, the sources of my Information and the reasons why this infomiatlon is believable and reliable are as follows; of his wife (Jo Ann On April 27, 2012, Gary Baja notified Hardernan County Sheriffs Department regarding the disappearance Rain) and hIs. 3 daughters (Adrelenne GaIn 14 yea, Alexndria Data 12 yoa. end Kyliyah Rain a yoa) from their residence on Sheriffs 1 8590 W ilteville t4ew astle Road in Hardeman County, Tennessee. Through investigation by Hardeman County was the last Departhient, TBI, MB, and the FBI, Adam MayO. was developed as a suspect. Mayes, by his own admisSion, person to see the 4 missing persons prior to their disappearance. When 781 requested an Interview with Myes, Mayes took flight and has not yet been located. In the process of searching for Mayes, it was discoverod that Mayes had rented a traflor have disappeared (Alexandria In Union County, Mississippi. A search of that trailer disclosed property of 201 the gi.1s that Interviews with Mayes mother and wife disclosed that on or about April 27, 2012, Adam Mayes was seen nd Kyftyab).. Recovery Team digging in his rnothWs. bakyard *t 1373 Hwy 9 N., Guntown, Mississippi. On May 4, 2012. FBI Evidence of the site at at 1373 Hwy 9 IL, Guntown, Mississippi. Two bodie, were recovered from that address and began excavation are thought to be thqe of .JoAnn Gain and herdaughter, Adrelenn Rain.

Gain Based on thesofacis, It is believed that Adam. Mayes removed or confined Jo Mn Gain and her 3 daughters, Adreienne BaIfl 12 yea, arid Kyllysh Bain.B ya, from Hardeman County, Tennessee, In a manner that substantially 14 yca. Alexandria victims were under inferfened with their liberty. ConceniingAlexadds GaIn 12 yoa, and Kyllysh RainS yea, both of these 0 time of their removal or- confinement. Concerning J Ann Rain and Adrelenne Rain, both victims suffered the age o113 at the serious bodily injury as a result of thelrremovat or confinement

with the During a non-custodial interview with Teresa Mayes, she did admit to agenla from the TEl that she was involved 4 indivIduals frOm Hardoman County, Tennessee, In that she assisted by driving a flnement of these removal andlor vehicle containing victims from Hardeman County, Tennessee to Union County, MissiselppL


G- D nts signet(irci

. .

Sworn to and subscribed before ma this,


/fLf 4



Name: SA Cathy Ferguson, TBI Address: 121 Executive Drive I Jxn, TN 38305

Phone No.; 731-9844662



Based on the affidavit of complaint, I find there is probable cause to believe that oe date set forth above In Hardeman County,

Tennessee, the defendant committed the, offense of ESPECiALLY AGGRAVATED

. -

XIDNAPPIN(. a violation of T.CA 39-133O5. TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER:

You are therefore commanded in the name of the State of Tennessee to immediately ARREST the defendant named above aqd brrg the defendant to this court t answer the charges Warrant Issued:






CiQ -/1. 7

I, the affiaht named below, after being sworn, state under oath that on or about 4-03-12 in 1-IARDEMAN

COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TERESA ANN MAYES committed the offense of ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING. a violation of T.O.A. .39-13-305. 1 further state under oath that the essential facts constituting the
offense, the sources of my information and the reasons why this. information is believable and reliable are as follows: On April 27,2012, Gary Balti notified Hardemen County ShOnWs Depariment regarding the disappearance of his wife (Jo Ann Rain) and his 3 daughters (Adrelenne Geifl 14 yea, Alexandiia,Bain 12 yos, and Kyllyab Bain 8 yoa) from their residence ofl 8590 Whiltoville Newcastle Road, In Hardeman County, Tennessee, Through Investigation by Hardeman County Shenfre

Depsrtment, TBI, MGI, and the FBI, Adam Mayes was developed as a suspect Mayes, by his own admisSion, was the last person to see the 4 mIssing persons. prior to their disappearance When TRi requested sri Interview with Mayes Mayes took flight and has not yet been located. In the process of searching for Mayes, it was discovered that Mayes had rented a traitor in Union County, Mississippi. A search of that trailer disclosed property of 3 of the girls that have disappeared (Alexandria and Kytiyah). iriterviews with Mayes mother and wife disclosed that on or about April 27, 2012, Adam Mayes was seen digging ii, his mothets. backyard at 1373 Hwy 9 N., Guntown, Mississippi. On May 4, 2012, FBI Evidence Recovery Team began excavation of the alto at at j37 hwy 9 N., Guntown, Mississippi. Two bodies were recovered from that address and are thought to be those of .Jo Ann Bain and her daughter, Mrelenne Gain. Based on these facts, it Is believed that Adam. Mayes removed or confined Jo Ann Gain and her 3 daughters, Adrelenrie Gain 14 yea, Alxandria Rain l2yoa arid Kyllysh Gain .8 ya,, from Hrdsman County, Tennessee, in a manner that substantially interferred with their liberty. Concerning Alexandria GaIn 12 yoa, and Kyliyah RainS yea, both of these victims were under the age of 13 at the tim. of their removal or confinement. Concerning Jo Ann Rain and Adrelenne Rain, both victims suffered serious bodily injury as a result of theirremoval or confiriement.

During a non-custodial interview with Teresa Mayes, she did admit to agents from the TRI that she was involved ffi the removal andlor confinement of these 4 IndMduais from Hardernan County, Tennessee, In that she assisted by driving a vehicle containing victims from Herdsman County, Tennessee, to Union County, MiasIsslppL



ftitlants SIgre


, -.


1 Name: SA Cathy Ferguson TBl

Mdress: 121 Executive Drive I Jxn, TN 38305 Phone No.: 731-9844662
. . .




Based on the affidavit of complaint,. I find there is probable cause to believe that on the date set fprth above in

Hardeman County, Tennessee, the defendant committed the offense of ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING, a violation of T.CA 39-13-305.


You are therefore commanded in the name of the State of Tennessee t immediately ARREST the efehdant named above and bring the defendant to this court to answer the charges.

Waant Issued:






/? (

AFFIDAVIT OF CQMPIAINT I, the afflant named below, after being sworn, state under oath that on or about 4-03-12 in HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TERESA ANN MAYES committed the offeAse of ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED
KIDNAPPING, a violation of T.CA

3943-305. 1 further state under oath that the essential facts constituting the

offense, the sources of my information and the reasons why this information is behevable and reliable are as follows: On Apni 27, 2012, Gary Bain notified Hardeman County SheriWs Department regarding the disappearance of his wife (Jo Mn Gain) and his 3 daughtere (Adrelenne Gain 14 yea, Alexandria GaIn 12 yea, and Kyllych Gain S yea) from their residence on 8590 WhiftevIIle NewCastle Road, in Hardernan County, Tennessee. Through bwestlgation by Hardeman County Sheriffs Department, TBI, MB, and the FBi Mam Mayes was developed as a suspect. Mayes, by his own admission, was the last person to see the 4 missing persons prior to their disappearance. When T91 requested an interview with Mayes, Mayes took flight and has not yet been located, In the process of searching for Mayes, it was discovered that Mayes had rented a traitor in Union County,Misslssippi. A search of that trailer disclosed propertyof 2 of the girls that have disappeared (Alexandria and Kytlysh). intrviewa with. Maya& mother and wife disclosed that on or about April 27, 2012, Adam Mayes was seen digging in his mothe?s. backyard at 1373 Hwy 9 N., Guntown, Mississippi. On May 4, 2012, FBI Evidence Recovery Team began excavation of the ite at at 1373 Hwy 9 P1, Guntown, Mississippi. Two bodies were recovered from that address and are thought to be those of ,Jo Ann Gain and herdaughter, Mreienne Gain. Based on these facts, It is believed that Adam. Mayes removed or confined Jo Ann Gain and herS daughters, Mreienrio Gain l4yoa, Alexandria Baih 12 yea, and Kyftysh Gain 8 ya from Hardeman County, Tennessee, in a manner that substantially interferred with their liberty. Concerning Alexandria Gain 12 yea, and Kyflyah GainS yos, both of these victims were under the age of 13 at the time of their removal or confinement Concerning Jo Ann Gain and Adrelerme Bair, both victims suffered serious bodily injury as a result of theirrernoval or confinement

During a non-custodial interview with Teresa Mayes she did admit to agents from the TEl that she was involved with the removal andlor confinement of these 4 indivIduals from Hardeman County, Tennessee, In that she assisted by driving a vehicle containing victims from Herdsman County, Tenneesee, to Union County, Mississippi. THIS HAPPENED IN HARDEMAN COUNTY TENNESSEE

il .

L. Aianfs

Sworn to and subscribed before me this,



20 /2

Name: SA Cathy Ferguson, TB( Address: 121 ExecutIve Drive I Jxn, TN 36305 Phone No: 731-9844662





Based on the affidavit of compIalnt I find there is probable cause to believe that on the date

set forth above in




the defendant committed the offense of ESPECIALLY AGGRAVATED

KIDNAPPING a vlsbon ofT C A 39-13405

TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER; You are therefore commanded in above and bring

the name of the State of Tennessee t immediately ARREST the defendant named

the defendant to this court to answer the charges.

Warrant Issued:


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