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Surface & Coatings Technology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / s u r f c o a t

The effects of multiple re-shot peening on fretting fatigue behavior of Al7075-T6

G.H. Majzoobi a,, A.R. Ahmadkhani a,b
a b

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran Iran Power Plant Projects Management Co. (MAPNA), Iran

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
Fretting fatigue is a consequence of small oscillatory movement between two contacting parts. This type of damage may give rise to signicant reduction in fatigue life of the components. The resistance of materials against fretting fatigue can be improved by surface treatment such as shot-peening. In this work, the effect of multiple re-shot peening on resistance of Al7075-T6 against fretting fatigue was investigated. After each reshot peening, the specimen was subjected to 80% of the fatigue life corresponding to the cycles to failure of the specimen after re-shot peening. This process continued until the effect of any further re-shot peening became insignicant. The results showed almost a 100% enhancement in fatigue life for the rst re-shot peening. The enhancement, however, reduced logarithmically for the next re-shot peenings such that for the 4th re-shot peening the increase of fatigue life fell below 2% which was negligible. On the whole, the fretting fatigue life increased by 600% after shot peening and 4 times re-shot peenings. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 26 December 2009 Accepted in revised form 4 June 2010 Available online xxxx Keywords: Fretting fatigue Re-shot-peening Al7075-T6

1. Introduction Fretting fatigue damage occurs in contacting components when they are subjected to oscillating loads and sliding movements at the same time. This phenomenon may occur in many applications such as bearings shafts, bolted and riveted connections, steel cables, steam and gas turbines [1,2]. Fretting fatigue may reduce the endurance limit of a component by half or more, in comparison to the normal fatigue conditions. The fretting fatigue behavior of materials can be improved by mechanical surface treatment techniques [35] such as nitriding, induction hardening, case hardening, roll peening [6,7], shot peening, water peening, laser peening [6,7] and ultrasonic peening. With the advent of new technologies such as vacuum processing and high power lasers and advances in materials such as ceramics and composites, the surface modication techniques based on new technologies have attracted more attention with respect to the traditional surface modications. However, some of the traditional surface treatments such as deep rolling and shot peening are still superior in some aspects with respect to the new technologies such as physical vapor decomposition. In this work, only the effects of shotpeening and re-shot peening on fretting fatigue improvement of Al7075-T6 alloy are investigated. Shot peening is widely used for improving fatigue behavior of industrial components and in particular in the car industry [8,9]. Shot-peening is even used as a forming process to produce large thin aero industrial components such as wide

Corresponding author. Tel.: + 98 811 8257409; fax: +98 811 8257400. E-mail address: (G.H. Majzoobi). 0257-8972/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

panels. Additionally, shot-peening can work to harden the material surface and consequently increase the hardness and strength of material. Hyukjae Lee et al. [10] conducted fretting fatigue tests of re-shotpeened specimen to investigate the effects of re-shot-peening on fretting fatigue life and residual stress. They conducted fretting fatigue tests on shot-peened Ti6Al4V up to 40% of their expected life at room temperature and 260 C as well as after exposure to 370 C followed by fretting fatigue test at room temperature. Their test conditions induced 2050% of residual stress relaxation. They also observed that post-re-shot-peening fretting fatigue life was the same or longer as compared to the fretting fatigue life of the initially shotpeened specimen. This means that re-shot peening has doubled the fretting fatigue life. They also demonstrated that the presence of damage due to fretting fatigue before re-shot-peening did not have any effect on fretting fatigue strength or life after re-shot-peening. Jiang et al. [11] investigated the effects of shot-peening and reshot-peening on the prole of surface residual stress and the fourpoint bend fatigue behavior of Ti6Al4V(wt.%) alloy at room temperature and 150 C. Their results showed that shot-peening can improve the fatigue strength of the alloy from about 65%y to 71%y. They found that the fatigue limits of the shot-peened Ti6Al4V alloy at room temperature and 150 C were nearly identical. Their results also indicate that shot-peening and re-shot-peening signicantly increase the fatigue strength over that of the un-shot-peened alloy. The second shot-peening treatment was made on these fatigued specimens, followed by fatigue to failure under the same fatigue conditions. Re-shot peening extended the total fatigue lives of the shot-peened Ti6Al4V alloy from 40% at room temperature up to 25% at 150 C.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

It is well-known from the literature that re-shot peening can potentially be useful to the improvement of fatigue lives of the components by recovering the compressive residual stress that may have been relaxed to certain degree during fatigue. Nevertheless, the benets of re-shot peening on the fatigue life of the alloy strongly depend on two highly important problems, the number of re-shot peening and the percentage of prior life consumption. Kyriacou and Al-Khaja [12] believe that the effects of re-shot peening could be detrimental if the specimen has already spent more than 75% of its shot-peened life. In the present work, the percentage of prior life consumption was assumed to be 80% of the cycles to failure of the re-shot peened specimen. The effect of multiple re-shot peening is studied in this investigation.

2. Test rig The fretting fatigue testing device used in this work has been developed by Majzoobi et al. [13]. A general view of the device and its diagrammatic representation are illustrated in Fig. 1. The device consists of four parts: (i) the chassis and the structure of the apparatus, (ii) the contact pressure unit through which the pressure is transmitted by two pads to the specimen; (iii) the variable crank system which produces the oscillatory axial displacement; and (iv) the instrumentation which consists of load cells for measuring the contact and axial forces imposed on the specimens, the inverter for varying the frequency, and fatigue cycles counter. The axial uctuating load is applied to the specimen by a variable crank mechanism shown in Fig. 2. The mechanism consists mainly of a stepped eccentric shaft and two suspension plates [13]. The contact loading system, shown in Fig. 3(a), is completely embedded in the lower cross head which is supported by the two main columns of the device and can be moved vertically. The contact loading system consists of two pads, two adjusting screws and two load cells. The contact load is induced by two adjusting screws and is measured using two load cells. The load cell readings can ensure that the contact loads produced by tightening screws in two opposite directions are equal. The pads are placed in solid disks which in turn are located between the specimens and the load cells. The pads are made of stainless steel 410 with yield stress of y = 420 MPa and ultimate strength of ult = 700 MPa. The contact is of the type of at on at. Each pad (see Fig. 3(b)) has two bases (contacting surfaces) through which the load is exerted on the specimen. The bases have a thickness of 2 mm and a length of 12 mm. The pads are constrained to displace vertically as this may affect the sliding oscillations between specimen and pads. Two load cells of the type CDES mounted between the adjusting screws and the pads (see Fig. 3(a)) monitor the contact load on separate digital displays. The frequency of the device can vary using an inverter up to a maximum of 25 Hz. For further details the readers are referred to reference [13].

3. Test specimens Aluminum alloy 7075-T6 was used in this investigation. From a number of tensile tests, the yield stress and ultimate strength of Al7075-T6 were obtained as: y = 520 MPa and ult = 590 MPa, respectively. The at specimens used in this work were prepared in accordance with ASTM standard. The specimen had a width of 14.5 mm, a thickness of 4.5 mm and a gauge length of 70 mm. The material's composition obtained using EDXRF apparatus is Al 91%, Cu 1.9%, Mg 2%, Cr 0.25, Zn 4.8% and Mn 0.7%. The specimen geometry is

Fig. 1. (a) A diagrammatic representation of the device and (b) its general view.

Fig. 2. The assembly of variable crank mechanism of the testing device.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

in this work. At the beginning, 17 of the specimens were shot-peened for the rst time. Five of the shot-peened specimens were tested to fracture and their lives were measured. These are given in rows 6 to 10 in Table 1. The fretting fatigue test on the remaining specimens was conducted up to 80% of their expected life (e.g. 0.8 625347 = 505477 (see the column 4) for the stress of 130 MPa) and the second shot-peening treatment was made on these fatigued specimens. Again, three of the fatigued specimens were subjected to fretting fatigue test and the number of cycles to failure of these re-peened samples was measured. The results are given in the rows 11, 12 and 13 in Table 1. Similarly, the fretting fatigue test was performed on these specimens up to 80% of their expected life (e.g. 0.8 443996= 355187 (see the column 5) for the stress of 130 MPa) preparing them for the third shot-peening. This procedure was repeated for 3th and 4th re-shot peenings. The total life which is the summation of fatigue lives measured from the tests of specimens after multiple shot-peening is provided in the last column of Table 1. Columns 4 to 7 demonstrate the fatigue cycles to which the specimen was subjected after each re-shot peening. The signicance of bold and italics emphases in Table 1 are to make the results of each reshot peening more distinguishable. 4.2. Crack growth measurement The prediction of crack size was important for selection of the percentage of prior life consumption for re-shot peening. It is well known that crack initiation and propagation depend on specimen's and pad's geometries, loadings and test conditions. In order to estimate the crack length before re-shot peening, variation of crack growth versus the number of fatigue cycles was captured during the fretting fatigue tests. In this regard, crack length was measured using replica. The test was stopped at every 5000 cycles and replica was stuck to the crack area. The crack length which is printed on the replica was then measured using optical microscopy. Variation of crack growth versus fretting fatigue life for shot peened specimens is shown in Fig. 5. Since, it was not possible to observe crack initiation and early stages of crack growth by an eye magnifying glass which is normally used for observing crack development, the crack length in Fig. 5 begins roughly from 0.3 mm. It is evident that crack initiates at a smaller size than 0.3 mm. The crack size could be measured using experimental methods such ultrasonic, radiography, etc. However, taking the crack initiation length of 0.1 mm and using Paris equation, the number of cycles required for propagation from 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm can tentatively be estimated. Paris eq. is dened by [15]: i  n1 ! n 1 =ai 21 1= af 2 Nf = Cn n = 2 n 1 Y n 2 h

Fig. 3. (a) Contact loading system of the testing device and (b) the pads.

shown in Fig. 4. A number of specimens were shot-peened under the following conditions: the average diameter of the shots was 0.5 mm, the velocity of shots was 80 m/s and the time duration of exposure was 8 min.

4. Experimental results 4.1. Test program The test program and the experimental results are summarized in Table 1. Altogether, 22 specimens were subjected to fretting fatigue test

where, ai and af are the initial and nal crack lengths, C and n are constants and are 23.6 10 19 mm/cycle (6 10 21in/cycle)and 3.6 for Al-7075-T6, respectively [16]. Using Eq. (1) the ratio of the number of cycles for a crack growth of 0.1 to 0.3 mm and 0.3 to 3.5 mm (for the stress level of 180 MPa in Fig. 5) can be worked out. The factor Y is given by the relation [17]: Y = 1:120:232 a W + 10:55  a 2 W 21:71  a 3 W + 30:38  a 4 W

For small values of a (which varies from 0.1/14 to 0.3/14), Y can be taken as 1.2 for both ranges. The number of cycles (from Fig. 5 for 180 MPa) from 0.3 to 3.5 mm is roughly about 100 000. Therefore, we can write: h i h i 1=0:10:8 1 =0:30:8 Nf 1 = 1:67 Nf 2 = Nf 2 1=0:30:8 1 =3:50:8
Fig. 4. Flat specimens used for fretting fatigue tests.

= 1:67 100000 = 167000

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

Table 1 Fatigue lives obtained from the experiments for virgin and shot-peened specimens. Case no. Virgin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Specimen surface treatment Virgin Virgin Virgin Virgin Virgin Shot peened Shot peened Shot peened Shot peened Shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened Re-shot peened

Cycles until 2nd peening 505 477 351 687 155 618 504 887 349 929 157 449 505 347 350 005 156 026 503 983 351 331 155 873

Cycles until 3rd peening 355 187 264 358 104 522 354 994 263 738 103 692 355 806 264 112 104 463

Cycles until 4th peening 255 341 189 612 72 268 254 893 188 997 73 032

Cycles until 5th peening 82 339 57 448 21 547

Cycles to fracture 205 010 193 720 144 700 129 937 59 720 625 347 439 609 310 291 393 216 192 121 443 996 329 705 130 642 315 237 234 090 90 142 104 234 72 576 26 413 23 226 18 755 7 039

Total life 205 010 193 720 144 700 129 937 59 720 625 347 439 609 310 291 393 216 192 121 949 473 681 392 286 260 1 175 311 848 377 352 113 1 219 916 875 931 358 399 1 220 247 880 643 361 954

1st shot peening

2nd shot peening

3rd shot-peening

4th shot peening

5th shot peening

130 150 180 200 280 130 150 180 200 280 130 180 280 130 180 280 130 180 280 130 180 280

This means that the specimen has spent more than 60% (267 000/ 450 000 = 0.6) of its life before the crack length of 0.1 mm. Therefore, when we re-shot peen the specimens after 80% of their expected fretting fatigue life, we can be sure that crack has already initiated and grown to a signicant degree. This is conrmed by optical microscopy examinations as given in Section 4.4.

4.3. Fretting fatigue tests The experiments were conducted for stress ratio of R = 0.1, frequency of 20 Hz at a constant normal force of 1200 N at the contacts, and maximum working stress of 130, 180, 200, and 280 MPa. The stresses are the average tensile stress which is obtained from P/A in which P is the maximum tensile load monitored continuously by the axial load cell (see Fig. 1(a)) and A is the cross sectional area of the specimens. A comparison between the SN curves obtained for normal fatigue, fretting fatigue of virgin specimens and fretting fatigue of shot-peened specimens is shown in Fig. 6. It can be clearly observed that while fretting fatigue diminishes the normal fatigue life signicantly, shot-peening can enhance it remarkably. It can be seen in Table 1 that shot-peening has given rise

to the increase of the fretting fatigue life from 129 937 cycles to 393 216 cycles (200% increase) for the stress of 200 MPa and from 59720 cycles to 192121 cycles (220% increase) for the stress of 280 MPa. Variation of fretting fatigue life versus maximum stress for each stage of re-shot peening is illustrated in Fig. 7. It can be clearly observed that the gap between the curves gets wider as the stress decreases. This point is more clearly seen in the bar chart shown in Fig. 8 where the increase of fretting fatigue life for lower stresses is more signicant than that for higher stresses. The fatigue life increase after each re-shot peening for three stresses is shown in Fig. 9. It is clearly seen that a logarithmic trend can be tted to the experimental data with a reasonable regression of R=0.97. The tted curve can be described by the relation Nf /Nf1 =0.60Ln(N)+ 1.0. where, N is the re-shot peening number, Nf is the increase of fatigue life after the Nth re-shot peening and Nf1 is the total life of the specimen until the Nth re-shot peening. The total increase in fretting fatigue life of specimens from the 1st to Nth re-shot peening, Nt, with respect to the fretting fatigue life of the virgin specimen (without surface treatment), N1, is shown in

Fig. 5. Crack-length versus fatigue life for different stresses.

Fig. 6. A comparison between the normal fatigue and fretting fatigue lives of virgin specimens and fretting fatigue life of shot-peened specimens.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

Fig. 7. Variation of fatigue life versus maximum stress for multiple re-shot peening. Fig. 10. The fatigue life increase up to the Nth re-shot peening.

If the fatigue life of the cases 3, 5 and 7 (which correspond to the rst time shot-peened specimens) in Table 1 are compared with the cases 8, 9 and 10 (which correspond to the specimens shot-peened for the second time), respectively, it can be found that the second re-shot peening has enhanced the fatigue life between 80% for the stresses of 130 and 280 MPa and 113% for the stress of 180 MPa. This may lead to the conclusion that the results obtained in this work agree quite well with those given by Hyukjae Lee et al. [10]. The difference can be attributed to the probabilistic nature of fatigue life (see reference [14]) which implies that fatigue life measurements are not deterministic and can vary within a wide range of limits. 4.4. Optical microscopy Fracture surfaces of tested specimens were examined using optical microscopy. A typical result is illustrated in Fig. 11. The gure clearly indicates that the fracture surface consists of two quite distinct regions; a fretting fatigue zone created by crack propagation and a tensile region which gives rise to fracture of specimen when it is sufciently weakened by the crack zone development. The wear zones which are created in the contact area between pads and specimens are depicted in Fig. 12. Apart from the dimple type roughness produced by shot-peening seen in the gure, the deep pits which are direct consequences of fretting fatigue damage are clearly observed in the gures. This can be attributed to the type of slip (partial or full) in the contact area between the pad and specimen. In partial slip, the friction load is proportional to the slip amplitude and the traces of wear on the surface are shallow. It is believed that friction in this case is due to elastic deformations of surface

Fig. 8. Variation of fatigue life versus the number of re-shot peenings for different maximum stresses.

Fig. 10. Again, the increase of the life can be expressed by a logarithmic equation as indicated in Fig. 10: Nt = N1 = 191LnN + 322

Fig. 9. Variation of fatigue life increase versus the number of re-shot peening.

Fig. 11. Fracture surfaces of two specimens under fretting fatigue conditions.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

Fig. 12. Deep pitting in the contact zone of two specimens under fretting fatigue conditions.

roughness. In full slip, however, friction load remains nearly constant throughout the tests and independent of slip amplitude. In this case, severe wear and deep pitting may occur in fretting zone. Having looked at Fig. 12, it seems that the second case has prevailed. This has also been conrmed by the results of friction load measurements reported in references [4] and [5]. Fretting areas of three specimens tested to 40%, 60% and 80% of their expected fretting fatigue life are illustrated in Figs. 1315, respectively. As it is observed, the degree of damage in the contacting area increases as the number of fatigue cycles increases.

The optical microscopy examinations did not reveal any damage to the surface of the specimens after the 5th shot peening. However, we examined the surfaces of some specimens after the 1st, 3rd and 5th shot peenings. We also measured the surface roughness for the three cases. The results are given in the Table 2 . As it is seen, the average and maximum roughness is nearly the same for all shot peened specimens. 5. Discussion The tremendous effect of re-shot peening on fretting fatigue life may be justied by the following reasons. (i) It may be argued that the life increase caused by re-shot peening could partly be due to removal of specimens which is necessary for each re-shot-peening. In order to clarify this issue, three more tests were conducted. The results are shown in Table 3. In this table, N1 corresponds to the single stage continuous tests (without stopping the tests and removing the

Fig. 13. The fretting area at 40% of the expected fatigue life.

Fig. 15. The fretting area at 80% of the expected fatigue life.

Table 2 The surface roughness after 1st, 3rd and 5th shot peenings. Rz 1st shot peening 2nd shot peening 3rd shot peening 21.9 23.2 23.5 Rmax 30.2 32.7 29.3

Fig. 14. The fretting area at 60% of the expected fatigue life.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx Table 3 The effects of specimen removal on fretting fatigue life. Single stage tests Applied stress Total life N1 (MPa) 130 130 180 206 474 205 010 144 700 Double-stages tests Cycles to Cycles to Cycles to Total 80% of N1 50% of N1 failure life N2 165 195 116 032 103 237 111 812 46 265 33 732 215 049 3.9% 210 273 2.5% 149 764 3.5% N1 N2 N1

specimens). For the stress of 130 MPa, two and for the stress of 180 MPa one double-stage discontinuous tests were conducted. The specimens were removed after they spent 80% and 50% of their lives as indicated in the table and then the tests were continued until the total failure of the specimens. The total life in this case is shown by N2. As it is seen, the difference between N1 and N2 is very low indicating that removal of specimens does not signicantly inuence their fatigue life. (ii) The other possibility which is thought to be the most inuential parameter on the increase of fretting fatigue life is the issue of crack closure. It is presumed that small cracks already initiated in fretting zone are closed during re-shot peening of the specimens. This issue was studied by

Fig. 17. The surface of a specimen after rst re-shot peening.

optical examination of the fretting areas of some specimens. The fretting zones of two specimens which have spent about 40% of their fretting fatigue life are illustrated in Fig. 16. The cracks (marked by circles) observed in the gure, indicate that they have initiated and propagated long before the specimens were re-shot peened (typically at 80% of their fretting fatigue life). This is quite consistent with what was explained in Section 4.2 for crack initiation and growth before re-shot peening. Some fretting fatigue surfaces after shot peening are depicted in Figs. 1720. As it is seen, no crack is recognizable in the gure, at least within the scale of Fig. 16 in which cracks were quite distinguishable. This implies that the cracks already initiated and propagated have been closed. A comparison between the levels of damages in fretting zones shown in

Fig. 18. The surface of a specimen after second re-shot peening.

Fig. 16. The circles mark the cracks produced by fretting fatigue at 40% of the expected life.

Fig. 19. Fretting zone of a specimen after 40% of its expected life after re-shot peening.

Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani / Surface & Coatings Technology xxx (2010) xxxxxx

Fig. 20. The fretting zone of a specimen that has totally disappeared after re-shot peening.

Figs. 1216 with the re-shot peened contacting surfaces illustrated in Figs. 1720 reveals that the derbies produced by fretting damage have totally been removed. For some cases such as that shown in Fig. 20, the damages due to fretting have disappeared altogether. (iii) Another reason for the fatigue life improvement due to re-shot peening can be attributed to removal of the derbies trapped between the contacting surfaces and are responsible for fretting fatigue. As a matter of fact, shot peening is not only a technique for inducing compressive residual stresses for improvement of fatigue life, it is also a cleaning process. (iv) The layer of compressive residual stress which is induced by each re-shot peening, breaks down by rubbing process between the contacting surfaces after a while. Re-shot peening creates a new layer of residual stress which gives rise to further improvement into fretting behavior of the specimen. (v) Beside the compressive residual stress, shot peening produces work hardening at surface and subsurface layers and changes the surface roughness of treated parts as well. It may be argued that re-shot peening may increase the surface work hardening that can gives rise to the increases of fretting fatigue life. However, it is reported by H-Gangaraj et al. [14] that the depth of plastic zone due to work hardening is about some tenth of mm and equivalent plastic strains in this zone reveals that maximum increase in yield strength of the material due to work hardening is about several % with respect to initial yield strength. It seems that work hardening could not leave tangible effect on subsequent fretting conditions. (vi) It is reasonable to think that a combination of the reasons (ii) to (iv) can be responsible for the increase of fretting fatigue life by re-shot peening. 6. Conclusions The effect of frequent re-shot peening on resistance of Al7075-T6 against fretting fatigue was investigated. The following conclusions may be derived in this work:

(1) The behavior of materials against fretting fatigue can signicantly be improved by re-shot peening process. In this work, the fretting fatigue life of Al7075-T6 increased by 600% after 5 re-shot peenings. (2) Re-shot peening process is more effective at the early re-shot peenings such that a 100% increase in fatigue life for the rst reshot peening was observed. The increase, however, reduces logarithmically for the next re-shot peenings such that for the 5th re-shot peening the increase was less than 2% which can be regarded as negligible. (3) The reason for the fatigue life improvement due to re-shot peening can be attributed to (i) closure of small cracks already initiated and grew on the contacting surface of the component, (ii) removal of derbies, produced by fretting and wear phenomenon, by shot peening process, (iii) reinducing a layer of compressive residual stress by re-shot peeing process and (iv) a combination of the reasons (i) to (iii). (4) The effect of the percentage of prior life consumption (80% in this work) on fretting fatigue life improvement can be very important. This is the subject of an ongoing work by the authors of this paper.

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Please cite this article as: G.H. Majzoobi, A.R. Ahmadkhani, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.06.014

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