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A partial list of the members of the Bilderberger Group

The true story of Bilderberg group

The Bilderberg group is indeed the most powerful organization of the world. This is a group of influential people which includes mostly the top politicians and businessmen around the world.Bilderberg is not the official name of this group, the Bilderberg title came from the location where the first official meeting of this group took place in 1954,the Bilderberg Hotel, Arnhem, the Netherlands. There are approximately over 130 members in this elite group who meets every year mostly in Europe and once in every four year in USA & Canada.In 2009 the Bilderberg meeting took place from 14-16 May in Athens, Greece. This group has an office in Leiden, South Holland. Purpose of the annual conference The first meeting was initiated by the, May 29 1954, by Police migr and political advisor, Joseph Retinger. The main agenda of that conference was to reduce anti-Americanism in Western Europe.In that meeting , Joseph Retinger Proposed an international conference aiming the leaders of Europe and the United States bring together in order to promote understanding between the cultures of America and Western Europe. The success of the first meeting inspired the organizers to arrange conference on annual basis. Retinger was elected as permanent secretary of the permanent steering committee of the Bilderberg. The conspiracy theories The press was never allowed to attend any Annual meetings of the Bilderberg groups. Not even a single agenda discussed in the meeting was published to public. This has raise the question of conspiracy theories like when all the powerful people of the world meeting up secretly and if they discuss for the betterment of the world and ordinary people then why not to publish it publicly. Jonathan Duffy,in BBC news online magazine states : No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted... In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg

Can News Media be Manipulated by the Bilderbergers?

Perhaps,only a small number of News media giving us the real news about politics and other challenges ahead of us. Recently,Rupert Murdoch(a bilderberger) admits in a television interview

that media are responsible to some extent to manipulate the public opinion.He also admitted that during the last Iraq war his media was backing the Bush policy. Murdoch of Fox News admits about Media manipulation in a TV interview

The possible reasons of the Bilderberg groups conference can be: 1) The secrecy of Bilderberg meetings hint towards an artificial 'consensus' in some important global issues like war, finance, politics etc. 2) Since all the members of the bilderberg group are pro globalization, the annual meetings reinforce their support for globalization. 3) This group works as a forum for interviewing and selecting of the potential future world leaders Like Obama, Clinton., so that their main purpose of accumulation of wealth and power remains in their own hands.In 2008 both the US presidential candidates Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton had a meeting with Bilderberg group in Westfields Marriott,Virginia. The goal of Bilderberg Group Total control of the world and take the world towards globalization. In fact most of the elite of the world think alike specially those who are interested in totalitarian regime or world .Though not all elite want this type of scenario, a handful number of elite,powerful enough to influence the world economy, think they are controlling the world economy. What else can be better than globalization if some of the elite have the total control of world politics and economy. Perhaps Bilderberg believes in god-is-money theory There are many things going on under the curtain what we common people dont know or not try to know, even some are not interested to know. Yet we can not leave our future to the hands of a few irrational elite. Maybe time tell us the truth, yet we should not wait for the truth to come out rather its always better to figure out the truth.

United States

Roger Altman (2009),[15] Deputy Treasury Secretary from 19931994, Founder and Chairman of Evercore Partners George W. Ball (1954, 1993),[16] Under Secretary of State 1961-1968, Ambassador to U.N. 1968 Sandy Berger (1999),[17] National Security Advisor, 19972001 Timothy Geithner(2009),[15] Treasury Secretary Lee H. Hamilton (1997),[1] former US Congressman Christian Herter,[18] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), 53rd United States Secretary of State Charles Douglas Jackson (1957, 1958, 1960),[19] Special Assistant to the President

Joseph E. Johnson[20] (1954), President Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Henry Kissinger[21] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 2008, 2011),[22] 56th United States Secretary of State Richard Perle (2011), Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee 2001 2003, United States Assistant Secretary of Defense 19811987 [23] Colin Powell (1997),[1] 65th United States Secretary of State Lawrence Summers,[15] Director of the National Economic Council Paul Volcker[when?],[15] Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 19791987

[edit] Presidents

Bill Clinton (1991),[24][25] President 1993-2001 Gerald Ford (1964, 1966),[4][26] President 1974-1977

[edit] Senators

John Edwards (2004),[27][28] Senator from North Carolina 1999-2005 Chuck Hagel (1999, 2000),[29] Senator from Nebraska 1997-2009 Sam Nunn (1996, 1997),[1] Senator from Georgia 1972-1997

[edit] Governors

Rick Perry (2007),[30] Governor of Texas 2000-current Mark Sanford (2008),[31] Governor of South

Financial institutions

Ben Bernanke (2008,[31] 2009),[45] Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve

William J McDonough (1997),[1] former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Paul Volcker (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997),[1] former Chairman of the Federal Reserve David Rockefeller, Sr. Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank [102]

Major corporations
Jeff Bezos (2011),[103] Founder and CEO of

Thomas Enders (2011), CEO of Airbus [105] Bill Gates (2010),[106] Chairman of Microsoft Donald E. Graham (20082010),[86] CEO and Chairman of The Washington Post Company, Board of Directors for Facebook Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.,[107] IBM Chairman

H. J. Heinz II (1954),[20] CEO of H. J. Heinz Company Chris Hughes (2011),[103] Co-founder of Facebook Klaus Kleinfeld (2011),[103] Chairman and CEO of Alcoa Andr Kudelski (2011) Director of Nestl, CEO of the Kudelski Group [108] [86] Eric Schmidt (2008, 2010, 2011), CEO and Chairman of Google [1] Jrgen E. Schrempp (19941996, 1997), 1998, 1999, 20012005, 2006, 2007), former CEO of DaimlerChrysler [110] Rolf Soiron (2011), CEO of Holcim Ltd. [93] Hans Strberg (2006), CEO of Electrolux [1] Peter Sutherland (19891996, 1997, 2005), former Chairman of BP

George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997),[46] Former Communications Director of the Clinton Administration (19931996), now ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent

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