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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Table of Contents
Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010 ................................ 1
Exercise 1 Configuring Call Admission Control ..............................................................................................................2 Exercise 2 Verifying Bandwidth Policy Operation ..........................................................................................................5

Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

After completing this lab, you will be better able to: Create network regions. Create bandwidth policy profiles. Create and associate network sites. Create network region links. Define routes between network regions. Create network inter-site policies. Enable Call Admission Control.


Contoso Ltd.s management has decided to deploy the CAC service in Lync Server 2010 for quality control and compliance reasons. For the purposes of this lab, you will assume that the Rome Branch office is its own site. CAC does not perform inside one site, only between two or more sites. 45 Minutes

Estimated Time to Complete This Lab Computers used in this Lab




The password for the Administrator account on all computers in this lab is: Password1

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Exercise 1 Configuring Call Admission Control

In this exercise, you will configure Call Admission Control on LS-FE. Tasks Complete the following task on: Client01 1. Verify that CAC is not enabled. Detailed Steps
a. This step validates that CAC is not enabled, thereby allowing you to visually test

the configuration changes.

b. On Client01, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync, and then click

Microsoft Lync 2010.

c. If prompted, sign in as Contoso\Vivian with a password of Password1 d. Hold down the Ctrl key, right-click the Lync icon on the system tray, and then click

Configuration Information.
e. In the Lync Configuration Information window, find the MRAS Server line. This

should show as Not Configured, as follows:


MRAS is the Media Relay Authentication Service.

g. Close the Lync Configuration Information window. h. Sign out of Lync 2010 on Client01 and Client02. a. In order for CAC to function correctly, multiple Lync Server 2010 sites are

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 2. Add a second site to the topology.

required. Although a server will not exist within this new site, the addition allows configuration of CAC. Our current Rome branch office is a branch site off the Redmond location. CAC only gets applied between Central sites.
b. On LS-FE, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and

then click Lync Server Topology Builder.

c. At the Topology Builder prompt, verify Download Topology from existing

deployment is selected and then click OK.

d. At the Save Topology As prompt, save the topology as Lab7.tbxml on the desktop. e. Topology Builder offers to make a backup copy of the current file each time you

open it.

In Topology Builder, in the navigation pane, right-click Lync Server 2010 and then click New Central Site. Description box, type Italy Data Center, and then click Next.

g. On the Identify the site page, in the Name box, type Europe and in the h. Fill out the following information and then click OK: i. j.

City: Rome State/Province: Italy

k. Country/Region Code: 39

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Tasks Detailed Steps

Click Next when complete,

m. Clear the Open the New Front End Wizard check box and then click Finish. n. In the navigation pane, right-click Lync Server 2010 and then click Publish

o. On the Publish the Topology page, click Next. p. Wait as the topology is published and then click Finish. This will take about two

minutes. The warning regarding the Legacy Conferencing directory can be ignored.
q. Close the Lync Server 2010 Topology Builder.

Complete the following task on:


a. This step will define the two Regions that CAC will manage, as well as the Central

Site (Redmond).
b. On LS-FE, click Start, and then click Lync Server Management Shell. c. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and then


Create regions for the Redmond Data Center and Italy Data Center.

press Enter:
New-CsNetworkRegion NorthAmerica -Description "Redmond Data Center" -CentralSite Redmond d. Type the following command and then press Enter: e. New-CsNetworkRegion Europe -Description "Rome Data Center" -CentralSite

Redmond Complete the following task on:

a. Bandwidth policy profiles are predefined bandwidth policies that can be applied

to multiple network sites. The example policies created in this step set limits for overall audio traffic, individual audio sessions, overall video traffic, and individual video sessions.
b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and


Create network bandwidth profiles.

then press Enter:

New-CsNetworkBandwidthPolicyProfile 768KB_Link -Description "Link for 768kb WAN Link" -AudioBWLimit 500 -AudioBWSessionLimit 60 -VideoBWLimit 0 -VideoBWSessionLimit 100 c. Type the following command and then press Enter: New-CsNetworkBandwidthPolicyProfile 5MB_Link -Description "Link for 5mb WAN Link" -AudioBWLimit 2000 -AudioBWSessionLimit 160 -VideoBWLimit 1400 -VideoBWSessionLimit 700 d. Type the following command and then press Enter: New-CsNetworkBandwidthPolicyProfile 10MB_Link -Description "Link for 10mb WAN Link" -AudioBWLimit 4000 -AudioBWSessionLimit 160 -VideoBWLimit 2400 -VideoBWSessionLimit 700 e. Type the following command and then press Enter: New-CsNetworkBandwidthPolicyProfile 50MB_Link -Description "Link for 50mb WAN Link" -AudioBWLimit 20000 -AudioBWSessionLimit 160 -VideoBWLimit 14000 -VideoBWSessionLimit 700 a. Only network sites that are constrained by WAN bandwidth require bandwidth

Complete the following task on:


policies that limit media (voice or video) traffic flow. Both North America and Europe only have a single site within the Region; both sites have been configured with the maximum profile.
b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Tasks 5. Create network sites Detailed Steps then press Enter:
New-CsNetworkSite NorthAmerica -NetworkRegionID NorthAmerica -Description "Network site for Redmond Data Center" -BWPolicyProfileID 50MB_Link c. Type the following command and then press Enter: New-CsNetworkSite Europe -NetworkRegionID Europe -Description "Network site for Rome Data Center" -BWPolicyProfileID 50MB_Link a. Every subnet in your network topology must be associated with a specific

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 6. Create subnets

network site. This is because subnet information is used to determine the network site on which an endpoint is located. When the locations of both parties in a session are known, CAC can determine if there is sufficient bandwidth to establish a call. A CSV file has been created, which you will now import.
b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and

then press Enter:

Import-Csv "C:\LabFiles\ContosoSubnets.csv" | foreach {NewCsNetworkSubnet $_.IPAddress -MaskBits $_.Mask -Description $_.Description -NetworkSiteID $_.NetworkSiteID} a. Region links are created to define the WAN constraints between regions (as

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 7. Create region links

defined in Step 1). In our example, there is only a single region link North America to Europe and the link is configured with the maximum profile.
b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and

then press Enter:

New-CsNetworkRegionLink NorthAmerica_Europe -BWPolicyProfileID 50MB_Link -NetworkRegionID1 NorthAmerica -NetworkRegionID2 Europe a. Network inter-region routes specify the region links that are required for every

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 8. Create a region route

pair of network regions in the enterprise. In our example, there is only a single route because there are only two regions, making the option redundant; however, the command is included for your information.
b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and

then press Enter:

New-CsNetworkInterRegionRoute NorthAmerica_EuropeRoute -NetworkRegionID1 NorthAmerica -NetworkRegionID2 Europe -NetworkRegionLinks "NorthAmerica_Europe" a. This command enables CAC and begins bandwidth enforcement (unless a

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 9. Enable CAC

ClientPolicy is set to override).

b. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and

then press Enter:

Set-CsNetworkConfiguration -EnableBandwidthPolicyCheck $True Force

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010

Exercise 2 Verifying Bandwidth Policy Operation

In this exercise, you will verify that the Call Admission Control policies you just created are getting applied to calls. First, you will see that an MRAS server is now configured for Vivian, and then turn on the OCS Logging tool. You will then capture traffic and review it. You will see that the call requests bandwidth, then that bandwidth is reserved and the remaining is returned. The bandwidth policy is keeping track of the bandwidth used, in order to determine when a call should be rejected. Due to limitations with the virtualized environment, you will not be able to see call denial. Tasks Complete the following task on: Client01 1. Sign in to Lync 2010 on Client01 Detailed Steps
a. On Client01, click Start and then click Microsoft Lync 2010. b. If prompted, sign in as Contoso\Vivian with a password of Password1 c. Press Ctrl, right-click the Lync icon on the system tray, and then click

Configuration Information.
d. In the Lync Configuration Information window, find the MRAS Server line:

e. It should show as Enabled and should also show the unique Globally Routable

User Agent URI (GRUU) for the default MRAS server. If an Edge server was configured but no CAC, it would show the GRUU for that Edge server. This is the server that is the MRAS end point.

Close the Lync Configuration Information window.

g. Leave Lync 2010 running.

Complete the following task on: Client02 2. Sign in to Lync 2010 on Client02

a. On Client02, click Start and then click Microsoft Lync 2010. b. If prompted, sign in as Contoso\Lucio with a password of Password1

Complete the following task on:


a. The logging session will capture the CAC traffic (listed as PDP), which you will

b. On LS-FE, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and

then click Lync Server Logging Tool.

c. In the Lync Server 2010 Logging tool, in the Components pane, select the PDP


Start a Logging Session on LS-FE

check box. This will capture CAC traffic.

d. Under Level, select All. e. Under Flags, select All Flags and then click Start Logging. a. On Client01, in Lync 2010, mouse-over Lucio Iallo and then click Call.

Complete the following task on:

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Tasks Client01 4. Make a call from Vivian to Lucio
a. On Client02, answer the call. b. Maintain the call for 15 seconds and then hang up.

Detailed Steps

Complete the following task on: Client02 5. Answer the call from Vivian

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 6. View the log file on LS-FE

a. The PDP logs are not viewable using Snooper and must be viewed within

b. On LS-FE, in the Logging tool, click Stop Logging and then click View Log Files. c. In the View Log Files window, verify that PDP is the only selected component, and

then click View.

d. In Notepad, click Edit and then click Find. e. In the Find window, in the Find what box, type Result: True and then click Find

Next. Note that there is a SPACE between Result: and True and it is not casesensitive.

It should find the following lines:

g. This shows the BW policy being applied with the various limits inherited by what

you configured: allowed bandwidth and Audio Video Limit.

h. Notice later in that line that Current bandwidth shows as zero bytes.


Search later in the log and verify that it reserves 160 Kilobytes.


The PDP engine figures out it only needs 91, and requests the bandwidth and commits it to this call. It then returns 69 (160 reserved minus 91 needed), and the current now shows as 91:

k. Requested bw: 91 l.

Returned bw: 69

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Lab 7: Configuring Call Admission Control in Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Tasks Detailed Steps
m. Current bw: 91, 0 n. And then when the call is released it releases all, and the current returns to zero.

o. Because of the limitations of this virtualized environment, it is not possible to

show call denial, or other features of CAC.

p. Close Notepad and then close the Logging Tool.

Complete the following task on: LS-FE 7. Use the Network Policy Service Monitor tool (Optional)

a. The Network Policy Service Monitor tool is part of the Lync Server 2010 Resource

Kit that can be used to monitor the application of the CAC policies.
b. On LS-FE, double-click the ResKit-Shortcut folder shortcut on the desktop. c. In the Resource Kit Tools folder that opens in Windows Explorer, double-click

Resource Kit Tools, and then double-click Bandwidth Policy Service Monitor.
d. In the Bandwidth Policy Service Monitor tool, along the left side, expand, and then click (1:1-1).

e. Click the Topology Info tab, and notice that the links shown match those you

created earlier.

Repeat the call between Lucio and Vivian and maintain the call. the upper-right corner.

g. Return to the Bandwidth Policy Service Monitor, and then click Update Now in h. Click Update Now again, and watch as the value listed under AudioBWUsed

starts as 160, and then goes to 91.


Disconnect to the call, and then see it return to 0.

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