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Second Round Cancer Cannabis Study: Lynnice Wedewer, Ph.D.

Oct, 2011 8th Cancer Journey, Progress Notes and Updates Many people ask how I make the oil I use to cure my cancer. Rick Simpson makes basically the same oil. The only difference I have found is I make mine only with Ever-clear alcohol and a final washing process i learned in the studies that make it more golden without using butane. I have said and will again restate, I do see some benefit to using the Naphtha as turpentine was used on Iowa farms for ages with livestock and people for parasites such as ringworms, tapeworms, roundworms, whip-worms and so on. I am most leery of the butane and other versions of the oil on the internet. Cancer Recovery Notes and Updates: Good news... 4 1/2 ml of the oil just arrived. A big heart felt thank you to George. I just took my first dose. This will keep me going for a while so I can come up with more. Within 4 days I should be doing much better. Going back to bed for a while to get more rest. I have also increased my dosage of the cannabis pills over the past week per Steve's advice. I am now taking 5 caps 4 times a day and will re-evaluate this per Steve Monday... To see if I may need to add more. I have to say I am lucky I was on them even at the lower dosage or I would have been in worse shape then I am. Friday Day 1 back on cannabis oil: It is almost time to take my third dose of oil. It's hard to explain the difference I feel tonight. Maybe just simply state I feel more at ease. My body does not hurt as much. I am more at peace not so labored. Today I actually wanted to eat rather then force myself in routine George called to check in on me tonight to see how I am doing. He is a very kind and generous man. He informed me that he and his friend are working on getting me more oil so I do not run out again. This time I will go all the way. This time the things I learn even more interesting then the last. Just months ago it saved my liver from shutting down and appears to have fixed my heart valve. Now it has a new challenge I have yet to witness its unique healing power to cure. Now I have noted cancer under the skin of my lung and a long my spine which has never been effected before. I am not worried now that I have the oil I know in 4 short days my body will have forgotten death wasting and be well on its way to finish recovering. It will be interesting to see how the cannabis oil uniquely addresses the cancer now in comparison. It always seems to determine what is worst first then goes to the least effected. It never ceases to amaze me the miracles before us. Saturday day 2 back on oil. I slept the full night. The pain in spine and lung are better. I feel like I could sleep the whole day. My body is telling me it recognizes it is again a time to heal. We had to go to hubbys friend wedding reception I was so relaxed. We did not plan on staying long but was able to stay a couple hours. I was so relaxed listening to the blues band sitting with my family I counted my blessing; each of you came to mind. In my heart I know each of my previous 7 dances with cancer 6 of them were cures by the oil, it was what did the job. Inhaling is indeed important on the sideline. Juicing and so on helps build up cannabinoids to speed up process. If the oil is removed from the process, the process did not work the same. Raw never hurts to speed up the process. This has been my experiences in these studies for 31 years of the 34 years i have been vaccine injured with cancer and the SV40 virus from a tainted polio vaccine at the tender age of 13. By 14 years old one year later i had developed my first cancer severely, it grow rampant in my little body. Sunday day 3 back on oil combined with caps. I am feeling stronger. Today I laid outside on the lounge while my family had fun in our above ground pool. Did I mention how comfortable my outdoor oval lounge is?

I am noticing itching in some of the cancer sites. Note this is a biofeedback healing response. I also noticed slight fever, with a slight feeling of being chilled. This also should be expected when cannabis is doing its job. I am now watching for signs of swelling. This is a biofeedback healing response that tells me the cancer cells are beginning the stage of cancer cell death. This should come soon. I should comment that one of the patches of cancer on my left lung on the skin that had erupted in the past week or so seems to have more of a squishy softer feel. I am so glad to be back on the oil to finish journey 8 with cancer and get this monkey virus off my back once and for all. Sorry I could not sleep last night, something had my white wolf in a tizzy. He barked all night off and on. This morning at seven I had to bring my oldest to community health clinic now that she is back in Iowa she has to have her medical set up. Going to take a nap in the jeep while I wait for her to get out then go home to bed.... Zzzzzzz Monday day 4 back on oil. Death wasting should be now stopped in it's tracks. Wow did I sleep... I was tired. I am back to being more alert again, not so foggy feeling. Cancer sites are itching off and on. The pain is better duller in nature. It is not so painful in spine and lung area to lay down. What a relief! Tonight I am sitting in the back yard by the fire. Relaxing today and just taking it easy allowing my body a time for healing. I spoke with a woman who has a mother with stage four cancer, she was asking about my cancer protocols. Her mom is now told she has only a couple months to live. She is going to take cannabis she is choosing life. The spots on my lung and spine that had opened seem to be beginning to move higher to the surface of the skin. I say this because it feels like it is squishy and wants out. It is a time to heal now. It is my goal to change the statistics of death in the world. The more people who know about these cannabis studies, will become the ones who cure. These same individuals will then become those that will speak out. These very same people who did make the choice of life over death and survived to tell their story. Day 5 back on oil: I have more strength you can even hear it in my voice now. Pain in lung gone. Pain at site of lesion mild. You can tell the oil is even healing the lesion itself of course. Today was the first day without a headache from pressure. Relief in of itself. It was a wonderful day filled with many surprises. I was able to thank George again on the phone today and briefly touch basis. He will send more oil soon. I should be back on my feet within just a couple short weeks running leg races. Well... Maybe walking short distances... Smiles. In addition on of my best buddies in the whole world stopped by with her family on the way back home to Louisiana. I even got to meet D. Her boyfriend. What an amazing day. The kids have grown so much. Cannabis Oil as I have said has been used in studies for 31 years that I know of. In part it is so highly condensed how could it not work. Each dose is like taking mega amounts of cannabis if you think about it seed oil has always been the ancient preferred choice Day 11 update. The oil is working it's miracles. There is minor swelling in a couple of the sites since yesterday. This is biofeedback that the cancer is beginning the cancer cell death process. Tonight I spiked a good fever. I have the aches associated with high fevers and headaches.

This is biofeedback that my body is recognizing cancer cells have died and they need to be transported out. The next couple days I will have cold and flu like symptoms. This is a cancer cell die off syndrome. In part maybe because I went off and back on oil again. Do not do this if there is any way you can maintain your dosage. Some people experience this dye off syndrome. I do in large because I do not have a spleen, some because the cancer dies to fast, or what not. I am doing good and have been waiting for these signs to occur. About time for my last dose for the night. I think I will turn in early and allow my body extra time for recovery. Your body heals when you are sleeping. Day 12 update, well I turned in early last night and woke up at 11 am kind of unusual for me. Let the puppy out ( my cancer dog I named Hope). I fed and watered her then fed pops and we went back to bed after I took my meds. I woke up at 7 pm whoaaaa... My body did some major healing during all that sleep. Still pretty tired with the high fever so going to hit the bed and sleep until I wake up. Going to take my last dose for night. Going to take some echinacea one am and pm, for the cold and flu like symptoms to burn it out faster. I will add elderberry same dosage if this does not do the trick. Otherwise doing. Spoke with George he is sending me a second syringe as the first is almost gone. This way there is no lapse in taking the oil. Night for now sleep well Facebook friends and family. Robert Melamede: Hi Lynn hope you are doing well. drbob August 31 at 7:40am Lynnice D Wedewer Thanks Bob, I am doing better. Echinacea burned out the die off syndrome in case you have not heard of using this. It is almost completely burned out. My stuffy nose, headache, aches, and pains are almost totally gone now. Whew. Fevers have leveled lower but still present. This is a good thing in my eyes as it keeps me apprised the oil is still killing cancer cells. If you have time can we talk on Skype Friday? September 1 at 12:40pm Jonathan asked if I vomited on my dosage? My answer: No vomiting only when I am on Chemotherapy or Radiation treatments. Cannabis treatments do not make me vomit, in fact it was one of the original reasons they gave it to us in those studies. So I would not expect to on oil, after 31 years, it should by all rights keep that under control while recovering of cancer. Hope this helps. Remember cannabis cures vomiting within seconds as well as headaches including migraines. Day 14, the Echinacea did it's wonders in assisting with burning the die off syndrome out of my body, only a small residual remains today. The fevers have reduced, but still present. This is to be expected as cancer is dying. The second tube of oil arrived today from George, thanks buddy. Waiting for my shipment of caps Steve just sent. Thanks again for helping while i am waiting mine. As of today the foggy feeling is totally gone again. I can feel the oil working through out my whole body balancing and healing. Today I can feel it working in the core area where it began this time. Bit tender there but nothing really to speak of. The hard core pain is now gone. I also noticed today it seems to be also focusing on my lung and spine. I am having dry coughs like something wants out but not yet ready. I will keep an eye on this. Today I will add a scoop of phyto berry antioxidants. It is like the best I have found amazing product. I mix one scoop in a glass of organic apple juice. Warning it is very sweet but all natural. Smiles. I have been talking with George, about adding another half dose per dosing. This would mean I would take three grains of rice four times a day. I think I need to bump up a little. My body in

electromagnetic biofeedback is telling me I still need ample rest. I am much stronger, hands together thanking God. I need to get some supplies today, then come home and take a brief nap to rest back up. I want to keep my body batteries fully charged and healing. I will let you know how it is going with the additional dosage increase. Day 19, Today I noticed some of the places that were previously swollen are now starting to show indenting. This is biofeedback that dead cancer cells have departed the area and have been carried out in an elimination process. Other places are beginning to swell. Again this is biofeedback from my body letting me know that cancer cells are dying in that area. I watch this closely daily. So my cancer recovery is well under way looking through my bodies eyes. There is much we can learn when we listen to what our body is telling us. My body is speaking loudly to the world through my story. Can you hear what it is telling you and showing you? The simple unadulterated truth... That yes cannabis cures cancer among other diseases and illnesses. Tonight as I get ready to lay my head down I thank God for his divine intervention to manmade diseases. That I awe God still today even more then when i was the little girl on bended knee when I died on the operating table at 14 years old. I beg God to bring his holy hands down in protection of each of you and beg him to end prohibition of cannabis to allow his people to have the right to be whole again to honor him with our likeness that we have health as he intended. I ask for his divine hand in judgement at the same time knowing I will be judged equally for asking that those responsible will be filled with grace compassion and mercy that God overwhelm them with guilt and remorse for their actions until they make right direction letting Gods people go... With whatever grace I have earned with you beloved God, I beg you to save your people. They are dying needlessly... To answer you question would be rather lengthy, how about I list a few then direct you to my website I list most of them in my testimony... My first cancer was vaccine induced Hodgkin disease. I was given a contaminated polio vaccine at my school when I was 13 by the age of 14 my body was filled with cancer. Then 6 more battles with cancer until now this time started with breast cancer but has spread up and down. It is on my head, neck, shoulders, back, rear end. It was about 85 - 90 % gone and I ran out of my oil only prepared for single dosages. My dosage was raised and I ran out. I was off for 8 weeks and regressed. I now have spots on my left lung and along spine. Since being back on the oil thanks to George I am again making progress forward in my recovery. In my life I have learned in 31 years dealing with cancer and cannabis cures that it does not matter what cancer you have or where it is. Cancer is curable. I haxve heard of some cases where the individual is to far gone that it will assist them to die with dignity and in comfort. I have seen people come back from death beds with death wasting stopped in 4 days, such as in my case. Hope this helps. If you have other questions feel free to ask or if you want to see a small portion of what i found over the years in my research of course only a small portion it is located online at I am not totally vegan.. However I only eat 10% or less meat and picky even about the ten percent if that. I do eat loads of raw and streamed veggies. I eat healthy for the most part but allow one to two cheats a week if small. I have learned about cancer fighting foods for 31 years what to eat what not to which one does what. I even wrote a book about this so I could keep track of it all otherwise I would loose important information as to the reasoning why I find it important. Day 23, I am very encouraged as one of the smaller cyst caved I noticed today. Yesterday is was very squishy so I figured it was on the way out. Today I noticed it is back to working on my spine (back), lung, and also left breast. I have noticed the breast cyst seems flattened again not round and hard. In biofeedback this tells me my body has successfully carried dead cancer cells from those are.

I am still noticing certain areas swell then flattened then indent. It is a process as it eliminates it. Down to three days of oil, George is working on getting more. Notice today I am coughing up hoards of junk from my lungs. Since I have never had cancer in this area before this is a new experience. With this in mind I am paying close attention to this area. What do I feel, sense, what is happening and so on. So again using my natural body biofeedback I will try to decipher what is happening using biofeedback. It feels like my lung has congestion. Odd I am not sick, no dye off? So one could surmise the oil is loosening the cancer and breaking it free. I believe this is true because when I cough sometimes I can feel it break free. Kind of like when you have uri or worse and when you are recovering the "infection" sometimes feels like it is striping from the lungs. It feels sort of similar with out the discomfort. I know it is not because I am getting sick because I do not feel sick. So I will watch this. At this point I will denote it as a healing response. Today I am also noticing some itching in areas I had newer formed cancer. In biofeedback itching can be denoted also as a healing response. Ever noticed when a sore healing, towards the end of the process in that area it kind of started to itch? Broken bones mending sometimes also itch as they are healing. Day 24, what seemed to be a bunch of dead cancers cells came out of my head last night. I washed my hair because of what I said previously about the cyst seeming to cave. I wanted to get it off the skin. In fact more piled out. So I just ran warm water over it allowing it to drain out for about 20 minutes or so. Head feels lighter today smiles. Day 25, one more day of oil. The cyst on my head is continuing to cave. The cyst on breast is flattened. The cancer on back and lungs are swelling. Last night high fevers. Worth mentioning though some what a TMI. I have not sweat since I was 14 years old. I do not grow hair on legs or under arms like most people due to radiation. I know this sounds weird but.... Yeaaaaaa I stink... I really have under arm body order for the first time since teen years. Ok this must be a biofeedback response my body is recovering. The simple joys.... Sigh. Went to doctor today for check up. He says I am doing okay, worried about lung congestion. We talked that this might be a dye off syndrome but he was not comfortable taking a chance and put me on amoxicillin. Other then this there is no major concern at this time. Heart looks good, liver and pancreas doing good, thyroid good.... Cancer dying.... All is as it should be... Just need more oil, cannot keep going on and off of it... Do not want the cancer to learn how to get past it. Once my cancer is all gone I will obtain test results to verify this. Write more later, need to take medicine and eat been to doctor and vet already today. Hospital next. Day 26, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. Received my shipment from Steve he threw in some fun surprises. Capsules, a little unprocessed ( smells yummy), and a bit of hash. I think I was 25 the last time I had that in one of the studies but that did not last long. Will try some of the extras last dose of night. Thanks buddy! Day 28, Talked to George, he is working on getting more oil. I have enough for a dose and half tomorrow. Doing good, cancer cycling through cancer cell death and removal. One of the smaller sites on my right rear has turned squishy and a little tender but not painful. It is starting to indent so the oil is working in multiple spots now at full steam. This in biofeedback tells me the oil is working but is built back up enough in my system to work even faster. I surmise this because it is now working on so many places at once instead of

putting around at one or two sites picking and choosing what it needs to work on quickly to stop death wasting. I always find it interesting what the cannabis will decide what is the worst. It innately does this all on it's own, God designed it and us that way. God made it so our bodies could heal naturally... Cannabis is Gods divine intervention to manmade diseases, such as cancer. Time for my last dose for the night, then sleep. Sweet dreams, friends. Thanks listening to my story and following my recovery. My to have people by my side while I make this final journey. I bow my head in gratitude. Ps sorry Jonathan I miss your question. My old dose was one gram, my doctor raised it to two grams a day back in January. He said after thirty one years my body became immune to one gram a day. Hopes this answers your question. Day 30 update. It has been one month today on round 2. Talked to George last night he is shipping out oil today it should arrive Monday. I am still taking the cannabis caps in addition so still taking 5 caps 4 times a day. This helps speeds up the effect of the oil. For the next couple days I will take a few extra a day in Lu of the oil until it arrives. Still doing good so far without noticeable regression. Thank you so much George for driving all night to get the oil. Day 31 update, Cancer recovery update, today I am noticing something happening with the spot on my left shoulder. I cannot see it to note biofeedback, will take images to see what I can view. It is feeling itchy and kind of squishy. Day 33 update, Cancer recovery update. Two tubes of oil arrived today with about 9 ml. ThanksGeorge Kattar for yours and your friends help. Last night i was up until 6:00 am could not sleep. Not because the oil was not trying and helping me. Rather it is because some of the cancer on my left side caved quickly. Since the area was open it choose to come out of the skin. It was not overly painful, felt more like a pimple popping or maybe more like a boil. Today a tiny one on my tummy came out. I am realizing the cancer in those 8 weeks I ran out of oil spread further then I had previously thought. It appears the oil does not mind the additional work, it just gets the job done. Jeffrey: As it was intended to by design. Or should I say, by the Designer? Lynnice: Nicely put! Day 34 update, Cancer recovery update, I feel like I should be saying look mom no hands.... My Lungs are clear and I am back to totally normal breathing. Puts hands together and thanks God while heartedly. My body feels lighter today? Weird... Do not recall this feeling before, yet I have to say never been head to toe with cancer before either. Had lots but yikes Then.... just two hours later.... Cancer recovery IMPORTANT update, within the last 24 hours for the first time through biofeedback my body has shown me how the cancer traveled down and up...exactly what routes it took. The cancer went down through the front. I know this because how the cancer caved the last 24 hours. It shows two distinctive routes down. In addition... It shows two distinctive routes up. One one the front leading from left breast up through chest, shoulder, the neck to head. There is one also on the back leading from the left breast around (remember the big cyst the was on my back to theside of the breast from the pictures? Around

through there then crosses over to center up neck to head. Wow, that's deep..... Thank you God for always walking with me and curing me with your medicine... Utterly amazing! Jeffery: As you have proven, now the Gov't actually recognizes this yet Cannabis is still in Schedule I, why?"Mol Cancer Res. 2006 Aug;4(8):549-62. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis in Jurkat leukemia T cells is regulated by translocation of Bad to mitochondria. Jia W, Hegde VL, Singh NP, Sisco D, Grant S, Nagarkatti M, Nagarkatti PS. Source Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA. Abstract Plant-derived cannabinoids, including Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), induce apoptosis in leukemic cells, although the precise mechanism remains unclear."-Maybe you could tell them Lynnice wink wink:) Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis... [Mol Cancer Res. 2006] - PubMed NCBI PubMed comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Has anyone else notice all the Cannabinoid Info on the NIH.GOV under the NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information website? I'm serious The rest of the address Got that National Institute of Health.GOV. They now have an entire section on Cannabinoids and there natural counterparts anandamide & 2 AG and the part they play in anything from Gastric Emptying to causing Cancer Cell Apoptosis i.e. DEATH. Interesting, is the Federal Gov't allowing the Truth out that CANNABIS KILLS CANCER? Sure looks that way. Whatever could that mean? Hey, I'm serious what does this mean? Bioinformatics Factsheet NCBI creates public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical information Its tricky finding the right link. When on the above Home page click on NCBI, lower left in a blue bar. When that opens enter Cannabinoids into the search bar and GO! Lynnice Responds by adding this info into the loop: Olive's Branch :: Back to the Roots of Medicine Medical marijuana has been shown to be very effective in the alleviation of symptoms for a number of illness, diseases and conditions. There are many people who are not familiar with medical marijuana laws and the conditions that qualify for medical use. There are a number of people who are even af... Day 38 update, Cancer update. Bit tender today in stomach, back, and sides. Not overly painful but tissues and muscles are tender when I move. Another part of the pathway caved today leaving a huge cave beginning in and on my left side I can almost fit a good portion of my fist in the indent, though the hole is only about 1/4 - 1/2 inch wide/ I am noting discomfort in my right lung so I imagine the exact same thing is occurring on this side and will cave within 48 hours or less.

Today to handle the increase in discomfort I added a couple extra breathing treatments to stay better covered. Steve the raw you sent is fabulous for this. I also wonder what the CBD, CBN, THC, etc ratio is and strain name... This one and two others I have found amazing at speeding up oil benefits these are orange, blueberry Kush... And the berry strain is great also. Feel free so ship more of that, this has been very helpful and most useful. Also love to make oil from this. My doctor wants me to write a book hard core. He also wants me to explain a additional process that can further enhance the oil for treating cancer the hospital taught it. It is more a final step. Never have typed this up. Maybe this week I can find the time to put this to pen and paper. Later in the day... Another progress report, I noticed hair now growing back in another region on head so cancer recovery in that area is in final steps... Another area almost done. Still some hardcore areas to mop up, but the oil continues to pick and choose what is next, what needs attention now, and what can wait until it's turn. That part never ceases to amazing me in the past 31 out of 34 years dealing with cancer. Only the last 31 were somewhat humane in my eyes. If you are ot curing of cancer and you are on the proper oil... Then check your dosage, most likely you are ot taking enough. 3/4- 1 ml a day split into four equal dosages added to a small piece of bread with butter. Remember cannabis is FAT soluble. We are mainly water based body wise. Adding butteror my preferred coconut oil, helps transport the oil into the tissues. I should mention again that I take high doses of oil because of 31 years as a cancer study participant normal doses my body are immune to... After 31 years so I am told. Some say to reset it, well when I went down for 8 weeks this should have in theory already happened, right? Then in fact the doctors are correct... You can become immune to lower doses just like other meds after this many years... Surprised me, just got to say. But seeing is believing I guess, stinks cause it costs me more in the long run because of this. So all you beginners one gram should be enough. Old timers like me may need more. Wink wink. The rambles of a woman wanting to save lives... My own on the line... Just to prove to you as you walk with me during my recovery... What better way then for you to prove it to yourself... It is hard to dispute what you can see with your own eyes. I allowed it to go this far because I knew people would not listen unless I shocked them. To the brink then back... I have learned for years cancer is nothing to fear as long as I have access to my cannabis cancer cure... Without it... I know... I would die... I am truly the lucky one... I am alive. Going back to bed, got up to write update and take extra dose again just to cover additional discomfort. Within two days the tissues and muscles will be well on their way to mending. Day 46 update, Cancer update day 46, the cancer continues to cave. As the cancer is dying and coming out each dance I learn new things about my cancer and cancer in general watching my bodies natural biofeedback one can learn tons. For instance I now can beyond a shadow of a doubt say that yes, even this dance with can stems off my first vaccine induced Hodgkins lymphoma. You may wonder how I can prove this in regards to this 8 th dance with cancer. The past two days my lymph nodes have been swelling and one of the ones they operated on me around my mid twenties is expelling and dumping cancer out of it. Bit tender but it is coming out. This means to me it has been going through the lymph system of nodes. This was expected by me because of my prior comments, when my cancer is active it is expected that my lymph is somehow involved. The cancer is still coming off my shoulders, back, neck, head, hips and rear end.

I should mention the cancer spots on my breast. Since I would like to address this in detail I will post this later tonight. Time for medicine and potty puppies. Have I mentioned how healing those two girls have been... Ahhhhh just what the doctor ordered kisses and pets. Thanks to my buddies who purchased hope and faith my two cancer dogs... on the sly and gave them to me. Ahhhhhh you guys rock... Later that day... Okay I am back, sorry for the delay. I should mention in this update before I begin with the breast cancer, let's move back to the lymph for a moment. Since my old cancer lymph node on the crease of my leg has opened, I have been putting a small drop of the oil on this spot specifically. I wish I had enough to do this for all spots but this one in my eyes is critical... Let me explain.. I place oil on the broken open lymph with a few things in mind. 1. To keep swelling down. 2. To help with the pain in that area, okay that is a bit tender being rubbed every time I walk. 3. More important With the intent that placing some of the oil in that spot will of course draw it into the lymph gland itself. 4. With that in mind if I pull it into that gland it may get enough to travel within the lymph system also. Now of course it is going all through my body ingesting it, but this helps squeeze it in the middle. May also spot it from sitting down and taking hold being on that gland specifically, just giving extra attention to the area my Jody is screaming out about but showing pain. On to the breast... As you know like the rest of the cancer it came back with a vengeance once I had to stop for 8 weeks due to running out. Let me tell you in those 8 weeks the cancer proved to me just how ticked off it was. It grew back faster. So what was once one tumor on my breast is now a double nodes tumor more side by side but joined... One of them popped... The smaller of the two.. I usually do not get concerned about this, but normally when I say this it has popped out side my body. In other words a whole broke and cancer is coming out the hole. There was no hole. This is a bit disconcerting to me, but I am not overly worried either. The reason is I am on the oil as long as I am on it, the oil will kill it no matter where it is in my body it cannot as easily hide. Though it still tries I laugh because it is a futile action on the cancers part. I have noticed today after it popped last night that there is a possibility it drained into a portion of my leg as today this new spot appeared. I did not know cancer could do that if it popped under the skin. Ummmmm maybe, maybe not. Will watch both these areas and report what I find. The breast is not painful or even in discomfort. The leg area is itching most likely why I found it today. So could also just be a spot the cancer was trying unsuccessfully to hide and the oil said no no no???? You can tell it is pretty flattened. So good news bad news, not sure how to class this at this time. Wil allow my body to tell me over the next couple days. On base of head on neck region. Today a cyst seems to have finished caving and finishing draining out. Tis was one of the problem areas... Major progress was finding this when I got up, that was exciting. To celebrate the girls and pups and I did extra play and train time... Topped off with an amazing organic chili my daughters made. Hubby spoiled me with a dark chocolate bar... Life is good! Amy and Jeff I agree. Whole heartedly. Funny you mentioned Sativex. I have had a suspicion that they named it that to through people off to think it does not work. (The real stuff that is) think about it... Any inexperienced person may think ummmm. Sativex... Maybe sativa will kill

my cancer.... Wrong.... Saliva does not cure cancer but indica will. Sneaky and not nice... Well it made sense to me anyway over time. I have said it cannot even hurt a baby in-vitro... not even a one year old... see this story... 2-year-old medical marijuana cardholder - CBS News Video CBS News video: 2-year-old medical marijuana cardholder - Two-year-old Cash Hyde, who battled a brain tumor at age 1, is one of Montana's youngest medical marijuana patients. KPAX-TV's Allyson Weller reports. Day 47 early am, Cancer update supplies. Only 2 days of oil left, Will contact George but I alerted him 6 days ago. Down to one bottle of caps, one extreme q left of raw. (Steve that worked great with the hash, covered my cancer better, can you do that again?) it is more like what I grow, not street junk. It really helped to move recovery along at a faster clip. You can sure see the difference when you are recovering by the difference in what you are using. Some just work better. I find the Kush family to cancer enemy number 1. This includes blueberry, blueberry og, berry, orange. I use only indices but also love those flavors. Want to try the new strawberry strain someday for giggles, but it is sativa i am told, but my favorite flavor. Day 52 recovery update, as always I walk this with complete honesty... In saying so I have to admit though I knew cannabis could cure me and I was not worried... I probably should have been at least a might nervous. Holy moly my little 5 ft 2 in body was filled with cancer I am ever so blessed to be still alive. Sorry I have been quiet, nothing to worry about just life happening and I got busy... Cancer continues to come out of my body in every way it can pile out. It is coming out in my urine, I recognize this because of the huge increase in potty time... The last few days I have been dumping cancer big time... In the past few days I have watched several cysts shrink, others cave, some turning to a squishy liquid and material coming out... Yuckie... But a good thing Adding the oil to the skin on the open lymph nodes has seemed to help. I had not realized it was in my lymph system this time, however it makes sense since that was my original cancer and... Modern medicine does not kill cancer only puts it into hibernation called remission. I really like the principal over the years of squeeze the cancer by taking it internally but then also putting the oil on problem areas directly on the skin without a covering... Make sure to have t shirts you do not mind throwing away if they get stained... I have sacrificial t shirts, smiles. I also like soft material on my skin as well as the soft really warm but thin blankets... The softness against the skin is soothing and relaxing... It's wild to see my body come back in places... As I said especially in the areas I did not realize cancer had settled... The oil has also been working on my hip region I can begin to see my old self and back line coming back... Still a lot of cancer to be dealt with... But if you only knew how much already came out, very amazing... Thank you God for every breath I have taken and continue to take. Thank you for my life and the ability to help save more lives... Thank you for everything father but most of all I thank you my beloved for just being you God... Thanks for staying with me by my side... I know you are here... And I know you sent me people to help when I needed my cure after I ran out. Thank you father for loving me so much that each time I hit the brink of death you rescue me... Father I would rescue you back.... Just say the word cause I am already here for you too. I do not think I mentioned yet, so I will now.. That a spot on my tummy surfaced. Again I never had one there but I did in organs in that area that no longer exist. I suppose one of the doctors


missed a few cells and it grew back. It is not in my stomach or any of my vital organs at this time that I know of... I will keep you aprised... Day 66, I continue to recover. I have images I am about to share on my website comparison images of the huge cyst that caved off my side and tummy. These are impressive, in my eyes. Seems the big puffy thing on tummy the doctors at once said was just cause of the surgery. It appears not so much, it was cancer. Boy is that going to burst my doctors bubble... That same puffy area has been there for years... Without these things in my system I will quickly revert again and the cancer will learn again... For this reason if I do not secure more I will die. I hope with all of my heart what I have said was enough to make others consider their cure and what they prefer that to be. I owe my life to this very oil as you have witnessed and equally witnessed without it my body dies slowly and very painfully. Tis needless suffering must stop. These countless deaths of cancer must end. The cure has been and always has been available to you. I suggest to you largely that cancer is a deficiency of cannabinoids and b17.. yes there is a virus called sv40 virus but just cannabis oil and 16 apricot seeds with a couple vitamins and supplements and I mean only a few you can support your body to recover. The decision is yours. Will you like me choose life? And legislators I hope you are listening up, will you find enough compassion as you did long ago in 1979 here in Iowa and let the people go? Allow them the choice to heal? See I believe, I believe one person can make a difference... Many of you KNOW ME for the who I am. You have witnessed in my story what failed vaccine policy causes... Will you congress and senate make a stand and simply say no more. No more senseless deaths. We vote yes to at least allow them the chance, the choice? Or will you deny Gods children his right to heal, his seeds, his chief principal herb... I advise all governmental legislative body... To vote yes, God will not be happy as you have not kept his wish, to ease the suffering. Make it so, you already know in your heart what I am saying is true, you have now experienced my story. I have brought you into my life and home so you could see the truth firsthand unimpeded without anything left behind or cut. Now it is up to you, it is time you think long and hard. Is this the time you really want to make God angry? I will pray for your soul that you do what you already know is right. You already know it cannot hurt anyone. I have also made a few other decisions. They are as follows... My family concurs and will alert Harkins local office if the same as follows. 1. By next week I will secure an attorney should any of mine currently cannot handle this case. I am going to sue the government for not only vaccine injury but with holding the cure. So there it is, now you will pay and it will gain huge attention. I did after all warn you I was coming should you decide not to do the right thing. I did give you ample time to conclude this issue for then people. Now I will strong arm you. I will use every dollar I WILL WIN of course to fight you. In the event I die from lack of my medicine my family has legal right to continue with the proceedings as the proof was in my medical records which have already been secured. You cannot win, period. So I will own a piece of you... How does it feel to have a leash around your neck like you have done to the people's? What if others with cancer decide to do the same thing... You think you have no money now.... Good luck... Because I know in advance. The best person will in as God has walked by my side since I was 14 years. Now I will do what I was sent back to do. I'm coming boys and girls. It has been a blessing to have all my fb buddies, friends, and family stand beside me along the way. It has equally been a blessing to work with various groups teaching them just how cannabis can cure anything from autism, to cancer, or you name it. Each piece in my cure is important. The most important is replacing the cannabinoids and B-17 digestive enzymes of course specific ones and brands not all can make the grade I found out.. Kathy, it was Dr Shaw the microbiologist that taught me why one specific brand of Pancreatin is worlds above the rest and cancer cannot stand it... Later tonight I will give specific information on exactly what I take, briefly why, and link to secure it where I buy from. Nothing hidden.... I make nothing from anyone for telling you this. I only ask one thing in return.... ONCE you are cured you write me a


note and say hey you, it worked... That is all I care about... Your life, that you live... Against the odds... As it was always meant to be. You may ask how am I so certain in my conviction. As I said when I was a little girl I died on the operating table and met God. This is no joke I am honest and sincere. God told me many things and showed me. I was the little girl on bended knee looking up in awe at God as I still do today. Smiles. This is for legislators... Have you met God? see I honestly have... How dare you pretend to tell ME what you think he wants until he has blessed you with his presence. I have talked with him, I do know how he feels and why I was told I was sent back. So now the testimony unto the truth... I will say again you better do the right thing.... After all God the holy spirit is watching and commands us all. You better heed his warning... Just saying.... You can try to say this is ramblings of a crazy nor dying woman if you like... However anyone who knows me " for real" knows this to be true it is in my medical records I died on operating table for 4 1/2 minutes. I tried to tell you the pope would be attacked atheist same day a national disaster would happen... And it did... I told you God said it would flood in my home town long before it happened. I told you it was the first time but that God said it would happen again. The first flood here was 39 feet of water... Want to take the chance I am wrong? One last time I will attempt to warn you that God is not happy regarding the prohibition of his tree of life that heals all nations of all things.... Let his people go... When will you legislators suffer the wrath of God as in the olden days.... How will you pay for your parts in the prohibition... You still have time to make it right... But your time is running out.... Enough said... Oh I am sane... Want me to take a lie detector test? No reason ton lie when the truth will do nicely uh... Something you should have learned years ago... Time to own up If I die, do you think God would be happy after saving me 7 of 8 times dealing with the cancer you gave me? Reallyyyy... See I think he is ticked off.... Want to find out... Allow me to die.... You will not like what happens next. My grandma was a direct descendant of st clair and sink came long before sinkler... in history... I know some of you legislators are reading this... You can make this right show this to your legislative associates and friends ask them to also do the right thing... You can be the voice that opens eyes in Washington... You could be known in history for setting Gods people free... Or the ones damned to die as the bible states... You can change this as God explains in the bible... Day 67, as of today I am going on a total Frontal assault on the cancer with what I have left... I will run out of the oil sometime tomorrow. Shonda's method though amazing... Does not produce enough for my particular dosage level. Since I will not receive anymore I have to use all I can that I have as a ditch effort. Today I will add back 14 BITTER apricot seeds 7 am and 7 pm... Raising the amountt... Since periwinkle is one of the ingredients of a chemo which I also have I may add that today... Remember I have one day after today to kill all that is left, it is not all gone yet... I am just about maybe 3 weeks from finalizing my dance... I am not complaining but want you to understand this has been the frustration of my cure when the insurance is not co aging it or your garden is down or not old enough or dried. These are issues that will be contended with. You can see first hand how that maker or breaker for my health... And possibly yours. When you can get it at the hospital pharmacy the insurance company only charges a co- pay... Mine was one dollar for whatever my weekly dose was for everything meaning.... Oil, inhaling, juicing, what not they had us doing at the moment it changed from time to time. Of course because of what it was we had a monthly amount but they dosed it out weekly. I picked it up at the University of Iowa hospital pharmacy. However the only way I can even have this as an option is if I go back on chemo which will kill me due to extreme allergies to them. My heart just shuts down in various ways. So being legal the rest of my life I have to either grow it or buy it on the street. Still legal just do not get the price I can afford. Most likely the stuff I grow is better anyway... But ov the years they did use some amazing strains... And each had they own unique flavor and smell.


Today I released my anger totally... On Senator Harkins office. She knew heart and soul I was not upset with her but gave her an idea of what is to come... I will begin in 2 weeks, this gives me that time to wrap up comments, proof, and write one more testimony.. My more like book, in which I will include a list of charges and suits I am filing. Senator Harkins office agreed I will win each of them hands down. They do not have a chance, she has seen the proof. No more games it ends... If I must risk dying yet again then something will come of it... I will make such a world wide stink they will wish they had decriminalized it for all within reason. As Tina stated there are so many people out there already fighting, but what about the ones who do not even know this information. I want to buy commercial time on major stations prime time and talk about cancer and my cure and their need to fight for it. If nothing else I want to accomplish this... That will help the efforts in a hive way, not many can venture unless they too were medical study cannabis participants. To be clear on my position... I do not want vengeance... Anyone with that in mind cannot stand with me or beside me. Simply because that can never win anything, it is a lower emotion, and it is love that conquers all. So that is how I will walk this fight with love... Love for God in what he has so graciously given us to be at health and in peace with.. Easing the surfing which God commanded. With the love for God's people that they deserve the right to heal from manmade illnesses and diseases. With the love for my friends and families, and of course those needlessly lost souls who died when they could have had lifeeeee. God charges us all at birth to do what is right.. He ingrains it on our heart and soul his words. We know we are to be kind to each other, help when we can even if they do not know who it is that is helping. Cannabis needs a new look and feel.... Not a bunch of cannabis leaves plastered every where... Making peoples mind forms thinking druggie.... I am not a druggie and never have been... I have never done drugs by my own hand and never would. I do not even drink except with private communion. That said I am working with Leon to make new cannabis images... The only cannabis leaves will be in the letters Rx showing it is a medicine not a drug... Image association it paramount. In letters MD, PH.D, I will only refer to cannabis as cannabis not the slang term marijuana which lends most people to the thought form druggie again, as my experience. If you do not want them to look at the people as wanting for say drugs them give them a new look that appeases them to move forward... I hope this is making sense. You will see this in my stuff going forward as you do on this fb... I want to send clear messages. Image and verbiage will be everything. I will utilize Gods guidance and remember that which he has taught me both when I died and going forward to bring my best foot forward. I will not and in my heart cannot wait any longer and take even a slim chance that I would not achieve this before I rest my head for a final time, meeting my promise and God's when I died at 14. I promised him something as God did me... I realize I must do this now. So I unleashed on Harkins office... Hr final words after she thought I had hung up was simply this as they know me, the proof, and the who I am and what I am capable on a good day doing.... Her words were short but very true.... Ohhh holy crap.... Meaning she knew I would and now am going to carry out the repercussion to warned of. Trust me she is nervous... It will be interesting to see what she comes back with. I know what I must do... It is why I was sent back. I always new I would. I made a promise to God and God made me one also during all that time I spent there when I was fourteen and died on the operating table. I had to release the anger, Tina was right... I have to walk this with great love as I have said... Do everything peaceably guys do not give them anything they can use to show force to make you look bad, they need this so do not give it to them.... Protest like no other but peaceably, keep turning up the heat... Not the temper...government hate that they cannot react to it without looking foolish. If I had the money I would make commercials and put them in every state and every major station briefly telling them how cannabis cured my cancer to stand up and fight to demand answers.... Ohhh I know what I would say and exactly the words I need to say. Soon.... Soonnn... If I have to I will use their own money against them as they have God's people for years. It is not that you have to play dirty, but use everything you have rather.


Thanks for the prayers they are worth millions in my eyes... One of our most precious gifts is praying alone to God and one of God's favorites. In addition I want to thanks Angel, Marc, Julie, El, Sean, Maya, Tina, and others for sending their Distant healing energy. I can tell who is sending when. It is very comforting, warm, and soothing. Thanks for always being their for us. I would also like to thank all of the prayer circles and individuals sending loving intentions and prayers... All of this is worth millions to me... There is no greater gift then the gift of self in a selfless act. I have had the pleasure to met millions of absolutely amazing people in my walks. Those filled with even far more courage and strength then I. Hope, faith, and love... The greatest of these is love.... Thanks for being the love in the world... That is the beacon that shines the light in the darkness. Always try to be the light at the end of the road for others and some ay that light will be waiting for you at the other end... Be blessed my friends... George contacted me via phone within last 30 minutes. Scott called and is okay... That was the main concern... However he lost his friend due to car accident whom his family was very close. George is going to also try to rise money or what not by Friday he will check in... Fingers crossed this is good news... Day 77. Here is a tiny sample of the info regarding the tainted vaccine with SV40 virus which caused my first cancer Hodgkins and basically everyone since. In 1960, it was determined that the rhesus monkey kidney cells used to prepare the poliovirus vaccines were infected with the SV40 virus (Simian Virus-40).[48] SV40 was also discovered in 1960 and is a naturally occurring virus that infects monkeys. In 1961, SV40 was found to cause tumors in rodents.[49] More recently, the virus was found in certain forms of cancer in humans, for instance brain and bone tumors, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, and some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.[50][51] However, it has not been determined that SV40 causes these cancers.[52] SV40 was found to be present in stocks of the injected form of the polio vaccine (IPV) in use between 1955 to 1963.[48] It is not found in the OPV form.[48] Over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine between 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 1030 million Americans may have received a dose of vaccine contaminated with SV40.[48] Later analysis suggested that vaccines produced by the former Soviet bloc countries until 1980, and used in the USSR, China, Japan, and several African countries, may have been contaminated; meaning hundreds of millions more may have been exposed to SV40.[53] In 1998, the National Cancer Institute undertook a large study, using cancer case information from the Institutes SEER database. The published findings from the study revealed that there was no increased incidence of cancer in persons who may have received vaccine containing SV40.[54] Another large study in Sweden examined cancer rates of 700,000 individuals who had received potentially contaminated polio vaccine as late as 1957; the study again revealed no increased cancer incidence between persons who received polio vaccines containing SV40 and those who did not.[55] The question of whether SV40 causes cancer in humans remains controversial however, and the development of improved assays for detection of SV40 in human tissues will be needed to resolve the controversy.[52] During the race to develop an oral polio vaccine several large scale human trials were undertaken. By 1958, the National Institutes of Health had determined that OPV produced using the Sabin strains were the safest.[13] Between 1957 and 1960, however, Hilary Koprowski continued to administer his vaccine around the world. In Africa, the vaccines were administered to roughly one million people in the Belgian territories, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.[56][57] The results of these human trials have been controversial,[58] and accusations in the 1990s arose that the vaccine had created the conditions necessary for transmission of SIV from chimpanzees to humans, causing HIV/AIDS. Recent opposition to vaccination campaigns has evolved,[59][60] often relating to fears that the vaccine might induce sterility.[61]


Lymes disease was manmade on plum island in governmental facility for bioengineered diseases and what not.... How many could I name and put a vaccine too... The info is out there during those autism vaccine hearings we insured it was public knowledge... It just has to be read.... Cancer and cannabis needs to be a household name... With a face attached. That means going into their homes both raido and television commercial and interviews... How large could it become when all ears are on their tv set? This is what is needed to get into the heart of the world. Oh and most differently before and after each vaccine for those foolish enough to believe it works, when in fact the only vaccine study that determined all vaccines were safe had no follow up they were given it and sent on there merry way... That determined all vaccines were safe... Shocked readers yet... Please continue into what was revealed in these hearings... We demanded a copy of the list the same list given to our teams and also to congressional team... Both teams concurred most of them died within one year a few made it past one year mark... If I remember correctly... THEY ALL DIED. So then in truth what determined your vaccine policy and vaccines themselves safe was the deaths of almost to one hundred people.... Of course that was hushed, many of us screamed but you never heard about it in the media... Only the hoopla about the mercury.. Though dangerous there are more dangerous things to consider they do not want you to know about and much why they threw you the bone regarding mercury.... My family NOW opts out. We have three vaccine injured already and suspect a fourth.


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