Hatsair. Love of Elohiym Toward Us

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The Love of Elohiym Toward Us By Hatsair Ask yourself: When you think of YHVH, the Elohiym of Abraham, do you

have in mind a very loving person? Someone very kind, who created us to love us? If not, or of not sure, somethings wrong with your perception of Elohiym. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. (1 John 4:7,8)Love is His very nature. Why is love the main principle in both the first and second commandment? (Mark 12:38-31) (The greatest commandmentsupon which hang all the law and the prophetsMatt 22:36-40, Rom 13:9,10) Why is love the defining characteristic of a disciple? (John 13:34,35) Why does love take on such importance (in 1 Cor 13)greater than faith. Hope, sacrifice, knowledge, prophecy & tonguesthat without love, all our efforts are in vain? The answer to these questions is that Elohiym IS Love. This should be a fundamental, central part of our understanding of what his very nature is. Before continuing, we need to distinguish some things. His mercy is available to everyone, but its not forced on us. You have to accept it; people can reject it, and even forsake it, by following vanity and sin. (Jonah 2:8) There are good reasons for rejecting the notion that our Fathers love for us gives us permission to do evil and get away with it. Manypagans, false Christians, etc.use the message of His love to mean we can sin all we want, and still be okay. Consider, therefore, the following: 1) Elohiym is justHe is the source of all true justice. If there is no ultimate, eternal difference between good and evil/ right and wrong, then these concepts would have no meaningultimately, kindness would be the same as cruelty, because it would all lead to the same end. In order to make a real difference between these concepts, on an eternal scale, righteousness must be rewarded and sin punished.* 2) Sin will not be permitted to mar the next world. Those who have denied themselves, and suffered for rightousness sake, and sought Elohiym to be with Him and get away from sin will not be made to live in a world corrupted by sin. So, no one who follows after sin will enter that world. (Eph 5:5, 2 Pet 3:14) 3) We have free will, and we choose where we will go. We choose life by following Yeshua; we choose death by following the adversary. Eternal punishment is prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41); no one else is forced to go thererather, people choose it by following the devil. 4) In the world Elohiym has created, ctions have consequences. If you jump off a tall building, you will be killed or injured. Likewise, if you reject Elohiym, you cannot avoid hindering and/or harming almost everyone with whom you come into contact (in one way or another). There are consequences for thateternal consequences. * John 5:28,29; Rom 2:5-10; 2 Cor 5:9-11; Rev 20:12-15 So, the message of this study is not that we can do whatever we wishagainst Elohiym or othersand still be allowed into the kingdom. Rather, it is that Elohiym wants to save us & help us; He wants to have a relationship with us. The message is that when a personANY personrepents and turns to Elohiym, He wont cast him out. (John 6:37) He longs for souls to repent; and when they do, He receives them. He loves us, and promises to take us in, forgive us, free us of sin/hatred/pride & lust, and make us what we were created for (holiness, divine nature2 Pet 1:4). He promises to care for us, give us everything we need, try us & correct us, teach us and deal with usHell let us know Him. (Jer 31:34) And when were done, well go to be with Him. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16)Do you know this? Do you believe it? We dont always feel it. How do we know this? Why should we believe it?

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (1 John 3:16)This is how we know He loves us. He has told us often in the Word; but he has also demonstrated it. Question: Do you know anyone who, after carefully thinking about it, would decide that your life is worth more than keeping their own? Someone who would freely give their life to save yours? If so, it must be someone who loves you dearly: a mother, a spouse, a very close friend, etc. This is how derly Elohiym loves you. (John 15:13) This is the ultimate. People sometimes ask for a sign that Elohiym caresand sometimes Elohiym sends us tokens; but really, what kind of sign do we need? He couldnt have shown us more clearly. We love him, because he first loved us (1 John 4:19); For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:6-8)When we were enemies (Col 1:21), He loved us. Elohiym had compassion on us while we were hateful, hurting each other (Titus 3:3-5). He wanted to sve us. So, how much does He love us once we return to Him? Enough to call us His wife (see Eph 5:25-33); enough to call us His children (1 John 3:1). Every righteous husband loves his wife; every righteous parent loves his children. But yet, even further: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)Its more than that He loves us collectivelyHe loves each of us individually. Every one of us can say/ should believe this: Yeshua loves me, this I know Yeshua knows you by name. He thinks about you (Psalm 115:12; 139:1-6). He knows the number of hairs on your head (Matt 10:30). If yo had been the only one who would be saved, Yeshua would have died just for you. He loves you, and gave Himself for you. When you see others blessed while youre afflicted (or vice-versa), remember our Father is dealing with each of us on an individual level. He may ask you to give up something He doesnt ask someone else to. We all must be obedient to the Wordyet there are other areas the Scriptures leave open to conscience. In those decisions, dont be self-willed, but be meek, yielded to His Spirit. This verse (Gal 2:20) carries the essence of Christian life: an understanding of how much Elohiym loves us; and also the proper response of those who have this understanding. That response is to repentto lay down our whole life for Him. Not to live unto ourselves, but unto Him who died for us. (2 Cor 5:15) Die to self, so Yeshua can live through us. (John 12:24, Luke 9:23,24) Its easy to say; but as we see what he is asking of us, it becomes clear how much it truly is. The message is to count the cost: forsaking all (Luke 14:28-33), & offering up our lives to Him completely. (Rom 12:1) One way to begin is to simply tell Him. Take inventory of your whole life: all you have, all your goals, all your desires, everything dear to youfriends, loved ones, etc.things you like, comforts, pleasures; everything you know, and all that you are. Now, offer it all up on His altar; tell Elohiym He means more to you than all of it together, and ask Him to change or remove, anything He thinks good. Maybe Elohiym will give some of these things back; and maybe he wont. Do you trust Him enough to lay down your whole life like that. I am crucified with Mashiyach. (Gal 2:20) We only belong to Yeshua as long as we have that willing mind (2 Cor 8:12), that brokenness before Him to trust Him with everything we have and are. Do you love Him that much? (He loved you that much.) Do you trust Him that much? He will not tke away from us anything good for us, nor replace it with anything bad for us. However, nothing is worth withholding from Elohiymeven for a momentthat Yeshua wants us to give up. Once I was thinking about what more could be offered to Yeshuaand thought of our time. Yeshua wants to spend time with us; He wants us to devote our time to Him. It should make you want to go pray, seek Him, spend time with YeshuaHe wants that.

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