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Lipan Apache Band of Texas, Inc.

1306 S. 9th Avenue, Edinburg, Texas 78539-5545

Telephone: (559) 430-4003 - Email:

General Council

Daniel Castro Romero, Jr. Rudy S. Perez Richard A. Gonzalez

Virginia Castro Romero Frank A. Gonzalez

Lipan Apache Women Defense December 20, 2008

Margo Tamez, ABD, M.F.A.
P.O. Box 644013
Pullman, WA 99164-4013

Re: Letter of Support

Honorable Robert Anderson,

The Lipan Apache Band of Texas, Inc. respectfully request that the President
Elect Barrack Obama Department of Interior Transition Team address the critical issues
faced by the members and communities of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Such issues include the taking of lands that have both a traditional and social values
that pre-date First Contact. This letter also serves to support Margo Tamez, Co-
Founder of the Lipan Apache Women Defense (El Calaboz Rancheria) for their passion
in preserving not only a historical, but an invaluable way of life for the families and
communities of Texas.

Again please accept this letter of support.


Ndé Nant’ áñ
Daniel Castro Romero, Jr., M.S.W.
General Council Chairman
Lipan Apache Band of Texas, Inc.

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