MyCitrix Widget User Manual

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Citrix Published Applications Widget

This Citrix Published Applications Widget provides access to your published applications on Citrix Presentation Server farms through the Yahoo! Widget Engine.


Citrix Systems, Inc. (Citrix) and Extentrix make no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this publication. Citrix and Extentrix specifically disclaim any express or implied warranties, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Citrix and Extentrix reserve the right to make any changes in specifications and other information contained in this publication without prior notice and without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchases personal use, without express written permission of: Citrix Systems, Inc. 851 West Cypress Creek Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 The following marks are service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners:
Mark Citrix, ICA, Presentation Server 4.0, Web Interface, WinFrame, Program Neighborhood, Citrix Developer Network, Citrix Alliance Partners Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, ActiveX, Windows CE. Internet Explorer Owner Citrix Systems, Inc. Microsoft Corporation

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1. Installation....................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Installing Citrix Widget ............................................................................................ 3 1.3 IE Requirements........................................................................................................ 4 2. Overview......................................................................................................................... 6 3. Farms............................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Select farm ................................................................................................................ 8 3.2 Insert farm............................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Delete farm.............................................................................................................. 12 4. Applications .................................................................................................................. 13 4.1 Apps Folder............................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Games Folder .......................................................................................................... 18 4.3 Citrix Desktop......................................................................................................... 19 4.4 Internet Explorer ..................................................................................................... 19 4.5 PowerPoint Viewer ................................................................................................. 20 5. Yahoo! Mail Checker.................................................................................................... 20 6. Outlook Bar................................................................................................................... 27 7. Citrix Online Bar........................................................................................................... 36 8. Extras Bar...................................................................................................................... 37 8.1 Citrix Access Gateway............................................................................................ 38 8.2 Citrix RSS Feed ...................................................................................................... 40 8.3 Launch IE................................................................................................................ 42 9. Expand or Collapse Applications Icons........................................................................ 43 9.1 More Icon................................................................................................................ 43 9.2 Less Icon ................................................................................................................. 43 10. Links Button................................................................................................................ 43 11. Widget Preferences ..................................................................................................... 44 11.1 Colors Icon............................................................................................................ 44 11.2 Yahoo! Mail Icon.................................................................................................. 45 11.3 Outlook Icon ......................................................................................................... 46 11.4 Credential Icon...................................................................................................... 47 11.5 Citrix Online Icon ................................................................................................. 47 11.6 Extras Icon ............................................................................................................ 48 11.7 Window Icon......................................................................................................... 48 12. Caching ....................................................................................................................... 50 13. about Citrix Apps Widget ........................................................................................... 50 14. Help and Support Center............................................................................................. 51 15. Close Widget............................................................................................................... 53 16. Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................................ 53 17. Support........................................................................................................................ 56 18. Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 57 19. about Extentrix............................................................................................................ 58

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1. Installation
1.1 Requirements Operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3. Browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. To download it, go to the following link Fire fox 1.5 or higher. To download it, go to the following link Others: Java Virtual Machine 1.5 or higher. To download it, go to the following link MsXml 6.0 or higher. To download it, go to the following link 3c0bcf-3bcf-4009-be21-27e85e1857b1&DisplayLang=en Yahoo Widget Engine version 3.1.4 or higher. To download it, go to the following link Citrix Web Client for seamless launching. To download it, go to the following link D=2755&ntref=hp_nav_US 1.2 Installing Citrix Widget Save the Citrix Widget file (MyCitrix.Widget) to your machine and double click on it. The Yahoo! Widget engine will launch the Widget. The widget will open and ask for your credentials through a dialog box named Login Page. The default farm the widget will open is Citrix.

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________________________________________________________________________ After typing your credentials, click Login. Otherwise, click Cancel. Note: If you click cancel, the widget will look like this.

Note: Credentials information will be remembered in all login dialogs hereafter. 1.3 IE Requirements The option Allow active content to run in files on My Computer must be checked. To check it, click on Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced then check it.

The option Reuse windows for launching shortcuts must be unchecked. To uncheck it, click on Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced then check it.

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2. Overview
When starting the Citrix Published Applications Widget (we will refer to it later as Citrix Widget), it will look like this:

1. The name of the Citrix Presentation Farm. 2. Folder Icon. This points to a folder contains other published applications. In this case it will have the following:

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3. Folder Icon. This point to a folder contains other published applications. In the example we have it will have the following applications:

4. Published application Icon. This will show the icon of the published application in the farm. 5. Links Button. (Please refer to section 6) 6. Less Button. (Please refer to section 5.2) 7. More Button. (Please refer to section 5.1) 8. Name of the folder. 9. Curved up arrow, used to take you back to the parent folder. 10. Status Indicator.

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3. Farms
3.1 Select farm
If you want to select a specific farm to work on, take your mouse to an empty space on the widget frame then right click on it. A standard context menu will appear. Select Choose Farm

Note: The current used farm will be checked in the standard context menu. For example,
if the farm Citrix is being used, it will be checked like this:

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A dialog box named choose a farm will appear.

The available farms are listed in a drop-down menulist initially displaying "Select a Farm. Click on the menulist, and then click the required farm on the drop-down list.

Click choose. A dialog box named Login page will appear to ask you for your user name, password and the domain name. After you type your credentials, click login to connect to the farm. Otherwise, click Cancel. Page 9


If you have accessed the farm before from this browser, the applications will be retrieved from the local cache; otherwise they will be retrieved from the farm and cached. There is another way for selecting a farm. You can simply right click on an empty space on the Citrix Widget Frame and choose a farm from the farms listed in the standard context menu that will appear.

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________________________________________________________________________ The name of the current used farm will appear on the top right of the Citrix widget.

3.2 Insert farm

If you want to insert a farm, right click on an empty space on the Citrix Widget frame. A standard context menu will appear. Select Insert farm.

Write your farm name in the dialog box that will appear and after filling the entire required information click Insert.

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Important Notes:
The name of the farm must not be more than 32 characters. The authentication type is always Prompt PnAgent means the address of the remote server responsible of retrieval and launching of the applications published under the newly selected farm. For example, JavaCodebase means the address where java client is stored. For example,

3.3 Delete farm

If you want to delete a farm, right click on an empty space on the widget frame. Select Delete farm.

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________________________________________________________________________ A dialog box named choose a farm will appear.

The available farms are listed in a drop-down menulist initially displaying "Select a Farm.

Click on the menulist, and then click the required farm on the drop-down list. Click choose to delete the farm. Important Note: You cant delete the current used farm.

4. Applications
We are going to use the default farm that will appear just to demonstrate how the Citrix Widget will work. In our example, the default farm is Citrix. The applications are only populated after a farm has been selected or refreshed. When a farm is selected, its applications are retrieved from the local cache if they are there. To force a refresh of the application list from the farm itself: Right click on an empty space on the widget frame. Select Refresh Published applications List.

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A dialog box named Login Page will appear asking for your credentials. Type them, and then click Login.

During this process, a status indicator will appear in the top of the Citrix Widget frame as Connecting word and flashing dots to indicate that the Citrix Widget is connecting to the server presentation farm. Population of the application is not complete until the status indicator has disappeared. Application icons are provided by the farm, not the Widget. The following applications are only viewed if you were using this server and using Citrix farm: Page 14


4.1 Apps Folder

After launching the Citrix Widget and connecting to Citrix, many applications will be displayed on the frame. If you place your mouse over the Apps folder, a text will appear identifying its name as the following:

The same process applies for all the applications. Clicking certain icon in the frame will launch it. Double clicking the Apps icon will open a new frame for more applications inside it. This frame includes the Notepad and WordPad applications.

To launch any of them double click it, then write your credentials in the Login Page dialog box and click Login. Otherwise click Cancel.

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________________________________________________________________________ Launching of the application is not complete until the ball has stopped circulating. This process applies to the other applications when launching them. After the launching process is finished, the application will open seamlessly without a browser window. If you want to launch an application within a browser window, right click it and choose Launch in Browser from the standard context menu that will appear. The following picture will show you an example on how to launch Notepad with a browser window:

This process applies to all applications. in the right side of the frame will take you back to Clicking on the curved up arrow the previous frame.

Note: When launching an application you may get a popup window warning you that
Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content.

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________________________________________________________________________ To allow the application to launch, you need to right mouse click on the popup and choose Allow Blocked Content.

To prevent this popup window from appearing, please make the following change to IE settings: Go to Tools and select Internet Options From the dialog box named Internet Options choose Advanced. Check the option Allow active content to run in files on My Computer then click Ok.

Note: Every application can be hidden. For example, you can hide Apps icon if you right mouse click it and choose Hide apps from the standard context menu that will appear. The same way applies for hiding other applications from the Citrix Widget.

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4.2 Games Folder

Double clicking the Games icon like Mastermind and Othello will open a frame which contains many games .

To launch these games you have to double click them, write the credentials in the Login Page dialog box and then click Login. Otherwise click Cancel.

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4.3 Citrix Desktop

To launch Citrix Desktop , double click it. A dialog box named Login Page will open asking for your credentials. Write them and then click Login. Otherwise click Cancel.

4.4 Internet Explorer

To launch Internet Explorer , double click it. A dialog box named Login Page will open asking for your credentials. Write them and then click Login. Otherwise click Cancel.

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4.5 PowerPoint Viewer

To launch Power Point Viewer , double click it. A dialog box named Login Page will open asking for your credentials. Write them and then click Login. Otherwise click Cancel.

5. Yahoo! Mail Checker

By default, Yahoo! Mail Checker is off. To enable it, right click on an empty space of Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferences

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

Check the option Show Yahoo Mail Checker Icon, and then click save. A dialog box will appear asking for your permission to access the Yahoo! Mail service. Click Allow to give the permission. Otherwise, click Deny.

Yahoo! Mail Checker will appear on Citrix Widget Frame like this:

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________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Mail Checker is a very simple application that displays the status of your Yahoo! Mail. It takes the form of an Envelop containing Y!. Double clicking on the Envelop will take you immediately to the Yahoo! Mail page within a browser window. To activate Yahoo! Mail Checker make the following: 1. Right click on the Envelop. From the standard context menu that will appear choose Check A Yahoo Mail

2. A dialog box named Yahoo! Widgets will appear asking for your Yahoo! ID and Password. Type them then click Sign in.

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If you dont have a Yahoo! Account, you can create one by clicking Sign up and filling the needed information in the form that will appear. 3. The number of new messages waiting in your inbox will appear on the Envelop Click the Envelop to go to Yahoo! Mail page to check your Inbox. Note: If you cancel the previous process, a dash will appear on the envelop indicating

that there is no Yahoo! ID to be checked This application also enables you to check more than one Yahoo! Account. To check another Yahoo! Mail right click on the Envelop. From the standard context menu that will appear choose Change Yahoo Mail Account

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A dialog box named Yahoo! Widgets will appear asking for your Yahoo! ID and Password. Type them then click sign in.

Note: If you place your mouse over the Envelop, a text will appear identifying the time

for the last check. Page 24

________________________________________________________________________ To make the Yahoo! Mail checker make an immediate check, right click on the Envelop. Choose Check for New Mail from the standard context menu that will appear.

The nice thing about Yahoo! Mail Checker is that it has its own preferences. You can go to the Yahoo! Mail preferences by right clicking on an empty space on Citrix Yahoo Widget then choosing Widget preferences from the standard context menu that will appear.

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

Through Yahoo! Mail preferences you can change the color of the number that will appear on the Envelop and choose an interval in seconds for checking new mails. Also by the option Show Yahoo Mail Checker Icon you can control the appearance of the Yahoo! Mail Checker on the Citrix Widget Frame.

6. Outlook Bar
By default, Office Bar is turned off. To enable it, right click on an empty space of Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferences

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the icon Outlook , click the option Show Outlook Bar, then click Save. A new Outlook Bar will be added on Citrix Widget Frame and it will look like this:

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Outlook Bar is a very simple application that enables you to access your emails, calendar and tasks from Microsoft Outlook installed at your computer. It has three icons. Each icon has its own function. You have an icon for E-Mails , an icon for appointments , and an icon for tasks .

Note: Microsoft Outlook must be installed on your computer so as Outlook Bar can work. In case you dont have Microsoft Office Outlook installed, Citrix Widget will detect that and tell you that you have to install it. Note: Outlook Bar will work with or without Outlook running on your machine. The number of unread messages waiting in your inbox will appear on the Envelop. If you want to view more details about your emails, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget frame. From the standard context menu that will appear choose Widget Preferences

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the icon Outlook , click the option Show Outlook Popup window on mouse hover then click Save. This option will view a pop-up window once you place your mouse over the E-Mail icon . It will look like this:

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Notice: This pop-up window shows you just the subject of the email. If the subject is long, the pop-up window will not reveal the whole name. Placing your mouse over a subject will bring you a tooltip showing the full subject. It will look like this:

If you want to read your email, double click the pop-up window and it will take you to your Microsoft Office Outlook to check them or you can simply double click the E-Mail icon . Page 32

________________________________________________________________________ Note: The ultimate number of emails to appear at the pop-up window is five emails. If you want to reduce this number, Outlook preferences offers you the chance to do it along with other options. To go to Outlook preferences, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferencesfrom the standard context menu that will appear.

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

As you can see you can change the number of emails, appointments and tasks you want to appear in the pop-up window. Through Outlook preferences you can also choose an interval in seconds for checking new emails, appointments and tasks and change the color of the number that will appear on the email, calendar and task icons. Note: All what is mentioned about Outlook email icon applies to the calendar and task icons. There is only one difference. For the calendar icon, the details of the tooltip that appears when placing your mouse over an appointment show you the full name of the appointment and the start and end time of that appointment. It will look like this:

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For the task icon, the details of the tooltip that appears when placing your mouse over a task show you the full name of the task and the due date for that task. It will look like this:

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7. Citrix Online Bar

By default, Citrix Online Bar is turned off. To enable it, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferencesfrom the standard context menu that will appear.

A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the icon Citrix Online click Save.

, click the option Show Citrix Online Bar then

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________________________________________________________________________ It will look like this:

Citrix Online Bar gives the user an easy access to some of Citrix products such as GotoMyPC , GoToMeeting , and GoToAssist icon, it will take you to the product website. . By clicking on the proper

8. Extras Bar
By default, Extras Bar is turned off. To enable it, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferencesfrom the standard context menu that will appear.

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the icon Extras will look like this:

, click the option Show Extras Bar and then click Save. It

This Bar is called Extras because it gives you extra applications such as Citrix Access Gateway , Citrix RSS Feed and Launch IE .

8.1 Citrix Access Gateway

Citrix Access Gateway gives you the ability to launch your Access Portal page. Double clicking Citrix Access Gateway icon takes you to Page 38

________________________________________________________________________ To change the Access Portal Page URL that you want to be called on clicking Citrix access Gateway icon, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferencesfrom the standard context menu that will appear.

A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the Extras icon, type the URL you want in the Gateway URL field, then click Save. Page 39


8.2 Citrix RSS Feed

Citrix RSS Feed enables the user to get the latest news of Citrix. Double clicking it will open a new box named Citrix RSS Feed. Once you do this, Citrix RSS Feed icon will flash indicating that it is bringing the news. Citrix RSS Feed box will view headlines for the news. It will look like this:

Once you place your mouse over a headline, the color will change and it will view a description for that headline. It will look like this:

If you want to read the full headline, click it and it will take you to the headline page on Citrix news website. will bring you any new news available on Citrix website. Clicking the refresh button The box will start downloading the news and it will look like this:

To close the box, click

button. Page 40

________________________________________________________________________ Note: the refresh button the latest news. will turn to on clicking it indicating that it is bringing

To change the Access Portal Page URL that you want to be called on clicking Citrix RSS Feed icon, right click on an empty space on Citrix Widget Frame and choose Widget Preferencesfrom the standard context menu that will appear.

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

From the Extras icon, type the URL you want in the RSS URL field, then click Save.

8.3 Launch IE
Launch IE functions as a shortcut for the Internet Explorer at your computer. Double clicking the icon will open a new window for IE.

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9. Expand or Collapse Applications Icons

9.1 More Icon
More Icon is used to expand applications icons in the farm. All what you have to do is clicking on it to show the collapsed applications. If all the applications are shown, this icon will be grayed.

9.2 Less Icon

Less Icon is used to collapse the applications icons in the farm. All what you have to do is clicking on it to hide the applications. If all the applications are hidden, this icon will be grayed.

Note: there might be hidden applications which cant be shown even by using the more
icon . To show these hidden applications, right click on an empty space on the Citrix Widget frame. Select Show Hidden Applications From the standard context menu that will appear.

10. Links Button

Links button allows you to get to important links that you may need. By clicking this button, a box named Important Links will appear.

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After you click on a certain link, a new window will open with the site of that link. To close the box, click button.

11. Widget Preferences

11.1 Colors Icon
Yahoo! Widget has certain user preferences which control its behavior. The default settings can be overridden when you right click on an empty space on the widget frame. A standard context menu will appear. Select Widget Preferences.

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________________________________________________________________________ A box named My Citrix will appear.

Clicking the colors icon will enable you to change the widget background, the farm text and the folder name text color.

11.2 Yahoo! Mail Icon

Through Yahoo! Mail preferences you can change the color of the number that will appear on the Envelop and choose an interval in seconds for checking new mails. Also by the option Show Yahoo Mail Checker Icon you can control the appearance of the Yahoo! Mail Checker on the Citrix Widget Frame.

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11.3 Outlook Icon

Through Outlook preferences you can control the appearance of Outlook Bar on Citrix Widget Frame, the appearance of the pop-up window on mouse hover. Also you can choose the number of items to appear in the pop-up windows of Mails, Calendar and tasks, choose an interval in seconds for checking new mails, appointments and tasks and change the color of the number that will appear on the icons.

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11.4 Credential Icon

Clicking Credential icon dialog. enables you to control the appearance of the credential

Clicking Save My Credential will save your credentials so as you will not need to type your credentials every time you enter an application, change a farm or refresh your applications.

11.5 Citrix Online Icon

Through the option Show Citrix Online Bar, you can control the appearance of Citrix Online Bar on Citrix Widget Frame.

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11.6 Extras Icon

Through the option Show Extras Bar, you can control the appearance of Extras Bar on Citrix Widget Frame. And you can change the Access Portal Page URL you want to be opened when clicking Citrix Access Gateway and Citrix RSS Feed icons.

11.7 Window Icon

Clicking Window icon window. will enable you to control the level and the opacity of the

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________________________________________________________________________ Level of window specifies how the window behaves with respect to other windows on the desktop. This attribute can have one of the following values: Floating: Enables the window to float above everything with being dysfunctioned. Topmost: Enables the window to appear above everything with being functioned. Normal: Enables the window to appear beside other applications running in the same desktop. Below: Enables the window to appear below the other windows Show Only In Heads Up Display: Yahoo! Widget engine provides a feature that could quickly bring all open Widgets to the top of the desktop. Called "Heads-Up Display", it can be activated by pressing a F8. This causes all Widgets to be brought to the foreground, and all other applications to be dimmed. Widgets can also be set to be "Heads-Up Display"-only, meaning that they will only appear when "Heads-Up Display" is activated.

Clicking Lock Window Positions will lock the widgets position into place. You can still move it when the preferences are open. Opacity property allows you to specify a value from 20 to 100 which controls the alpha value with which the object is rendered. Opacity of 20 is completely transparent (Invisible) and has such side effects as preventing the object from reacting to mouse events. A value of 100 will render the image at its natural opacity.

12. Caching
The last farm selected and its applications are cached in the user's preference directory so, you will not be prompted to enter your credentials next time you launch the Citrix Widget.

13. about Citrix Apps Widget

For more information about the application of the widget, right click on an empty space on the widget frame, then select About Citrix Published Applications.

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A box will appear containing many links like copyright policy, terms of service and privacy policy. Clicking certain name will open a new window for the selected link.

To close this box, just click on an empty space on the dialog box.

14. Help and Support Center

If you want help about how to use Citrix Yahoo! Widget, you can right click an empty space on the widget frame and select Help and Support Center from the standard context menu that will appear.

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A window will open within the browser containing On Line Help about how to use Citrix Yahoo! Widget step by step.

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15. Close Widget

To close the widget, right click on an empty space on the widget frame, then select Close Widget from the standard context menu.

16. Trouble Shooting

You might face the problems while using Citrix Widget. Trouble Shooting gives you some examples of the problems and suggested solution as the following: 1. If you connect to a new farm, My Citrix may give you this error message: HTTP Request is reporting an error. This is may be due to MSXML 6.0 is not installed or there is no valid certificate. Please refer to the trouble shooting section in the online help.
Suggested Solutions:

A. Make sure you have installed MSXML 6.0. Please refer Requirements section in the online help or My Citrix manual to find out where to download it from. B. If you try to connect to secure site using https, then you would be required to have the proper certificate installed on your client machine.

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________________________________________________________________________ 2. If you launch an application, you may get this error from the browser: To help protect your security, Internet explorer has restricted the files from showing active content that could access your computer, Click here for options
Suggested Solutions:

A. Click on Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced then make sure to check the option Allow active content to run in files on My Computer

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________________________________________________________________________ 3. If you launch an application, IE may start and close right away.
Suggested Solutions: A. Click on Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced then make sure to uncheck the

option Reuse windows for launching shortcuts

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17. Support
For any support issues, please email your questions or problems to

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18. Glossary
Published application An application installed on a server or server farm that is configured for multiuser access from MetaFrame Presentation Server Clients. With Load Manager, you can manage the load for published applications among servers in the farm. With Program Neighborhood and the Web Interface, you can push a published application to your users client desktops. Published Folder A group of logically related applications within a users application set. You can assign an application to a specific neighborhood folder when you publish it. Server Farm A group of computers running MetaFrame Presentation Server and managed as a single entity, with some form of physical connection between servers and a database used for the farms data store. Yahoo! Widgets Engine A free JavaScript runtime engine for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, previously called Konfabulator, but subsequently bought by computer services company Yahoo!. The runtime engine runs small applications referred to as Widgets, and hence is part of a class of software applications called widget engines. It combines its JavaScript engine with an XML document structure that can be used to author custom Widgets.

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19. about Extentrix

Extentrix is a consulting firm specializing in software development for the Citrix product family. It has been established by former employees of Citrixs software development department to serve customers who want to optimize their Citrix solutions. Extentrix offers a variety of services that span the project lifecycle. Extentrix can develop custom or command line utilities for application deployment automation of Citrix Presentation Server and/or system monitoring tools to ensure proper system operation. For additional support in writing new widgets or customizing the current widget, please contact Extentrix at or by visiting the companys home page at Extentrix provides one full year of support for any custom project development

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