Plans For Eben-Ezer

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School of Goalkeeping Eagle Pass,TX 78852

Plans for Eben-Ezer

Jesus I. Gonzalez March 25, 2012

Plans for Eben-Ezer Jesus Gonzalez 2

Table of Contents
Plans for Eben-Ezer.........................................................................................................................1 Jesus I. Gonzalez..............................................................................................................................1 Table of Contents........................................................................................................................2 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3 Funding Plan ........................................................................................................................................4 Setup Plan.............................................................................................................................................7 Market Plan.........................................................................................................................................10

Plans for Eben-Ezer Jesus Gonzalez 3

Eben-Ezer School of Goalkeeping is the most recognized training facility in Eagle Pass, and teaches children and teenagers the best skills to become the best goalkeepers they can be. With the help of the top experienced coaches in the area we are dedicated to ensure that our students are the best. Included in this document are the Funding Plan, Setup Plan, and Marketing Plan that we have developed for the first year of operation, along with fifteen tasks that need to be completed for each plan.

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Funding Plan
In order to run the school we will need to acquire funding for all operational costs and follow the list of tasks that will be described. Acquiring capital and resources is the main goal for this plan. 1. On April 2,2012 I will make a list of capital required to operate the first year of EbenEzer. Included in this estimate are: wages, expenses, and liabilities we may acquire. It may take a couple of days to precisely estimate the amount of capital we need. 2. From April 3-5, 2012 I will be locating the bank of preference for a loan. A local bank with low interest rates for small business loans will be chosen. This task will be completed before Friday, April 6, 2012. 3. On Friday, April 6, 2012 I will make negotiations with the bank of choice for a loan. We will arrange annual interest rates and dates for payments. This task is to be completed the same day it is started. Estimated liability of $10,000 from loan. 4. I will create an account to hold cash received from loan. Task will be completed on April 6, 2012 as well. There will be no cost for creating new bank account.

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I will deposit all cash into recently opened account on same day the account is created. This will include cash already owned and cash from the loan. Task should be completed along with tasks 3 and 4.


On April 6, 2012 I will contact the Boys and Girls club of Eagle Pass to plan the transferring of equipment. Planning will be done through phone or personally. Arrangements will be done by the following Monday, April 8, 2012.


I will create a business overview for potential local investors. The overview will include brief description of business, services provided, and five year plans. The overview will be created by the end of Monday, April 10, 2012.


On Monday, April 8, I will arrange meetings with potential investors and present the business overview previously created. All meetings will be scheduled for April 10, 2012.


I will make presentations for investors who have previously been contacted. Each presentation will last no longer than fifteen minutes. Presentations should be done all day on April 10, 2012.


On April 12, 2012, I will collect all cash from however many businesses have decided

to invest or donate to Eben-Ezer. Collection of money will take place before 3:00 PM. Collections will be recorded carefully; showing name of investor or donor and amount invested or donated.

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All money collected on will be deposited on the bank account previously created.

Money will be deposited on the same day it is collected. This task will be completed by 4:00 PM. 12. On April 14, I will look for a credit union to ask for another loan. I will negotiate with

different firms and pick out the one that the business will benefit the most with. 13. On April 14 I will negotiate with firm of choice. Loan will be smaller than the one from

the bank. An estimated liability of $500. 14. Cash received from loan will be deposited to bank account on April 14. No other

transaction will be done that day. This concludes tasks for the week.

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Setup Plan
The setup plan includes tasks that will help start the business. The goal for this plan is to have a successful operating business running as soon as possible. 1. Find location big enough for office and training field. I will look at different options and decide on one based on size and availability. Task will carried out the weekend from April 6-8, 2012. 2. On April 8, 2012 we will come to a conclusive decision on the location that will be used to run the school. We will meet and come to an agreement on this. Task will be completed that same day. 3. To make sure the location is what we want and need we will tour the place. On April 10, 2012 we will go to the facility and review its benefits and risks. This task will be done by all of us as well. 4. Negotiate lease and make payment arrangements with owner of location of preference. I will make all arrangements with owner and decide on dates when amount decided will be due. This task will be carried out on April 10, 2012.

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We will start remodeling the facility from April 12-18, 2012. We will clean the space where the office will be located and give maintenance to utilities if needed. The field will also be given maintenance.


Hire landscaping services to prepare field for planting grass and other required work that need to be done. A total of $500 will be paid to landscapers. Task will be done the week of April 16, 2012.


Moving trucks will be rented to transport donated equipment from Boys and Girls Club. Cost per truck is approximately $30 plus $0.59 per mile and gas. Task will be carried out on April 16, 2012.


Transportation of equipment will be done on April 16-18. With a team of four people we will personally transport all donated equipment. We will place equipment on part of the field that has been cleaned already.


Arrangement of utilities will be done on April 10, 2012. Any one person can do this task. Estimated cost for this task depends on amount required to pay utility technicians.


I will make flyers and announcements on local media about coaching positions avail-

able. Flyers will be posted around common areas of town and will contain a specific description of requirements to be hired. Task will be done on April 12, 2012.

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Answering calls from potential qualifiers to the position of coaching. This task will be

assigned to me because my number will be on the flyers. I will be taking calls from April 14-20, 2012. 12. Interviews will be arranged for applicants. All interviews will be done by the head

coach. Interviews will be taking place from April 18-25, 2012. 13. Make a list of five preferred applicants. I will decide which applicants met the require-

ments the best. List will be ready by April 26, 2012. 14. Contact all applicants on final list. Employees will be contacted and asked to present

themselves the following monday. This task is to be done by April 28, 2012. 15. Present employed coaches with business overview. Employees will be explained the

goal of Eben-Ezer and expectations they are to meet. Task is to be done on April 30, 2012.

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Market Plan
The market in which Eben-Ezer falls under is one that needs bilingual services. Other specific needs or wants are determined by the customers. Customers come from both Eagle Pass and its neighboring town of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico. The target ages to which we look to provide services are from seven to seventeen years old. Both male and female athletes are welcome to enroll. Our services include the best coaching and training from the best picked out coaches in the area. Our facility is the best goalkeeping school in the area and we are compromised to turn everyone of our students into the most competent players they can be. 1. I will create logo for marketing and advertising. Logo must contain name of school and no bigger than three inches by three inches. Logo must be created between April 16 and 18. 2. I will make flyers to advertise school. Flyers must contain previously designed logo and contact information as well as benefits and features of our services. Flyers will be made from April 18- 20.

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I will contact local radio stations and negotiate price for advertising our business in their broadcast. Negotiations must be done on April 20, 2012. Estimated cost for radio advertising is about $600.


I will contact local television on April 20, 2012 also. We will negotiate commercial and verbal advertising in everyday broadcast. This is just a negotiation to make an estimate on cost for advertising on television.


I will contact local school district. Informing local school district about our school will help promote ourselves amongst their students, which is also our customer age range. Contacting school will be done on April 24, 2012.


I will contact Boys and Girls Club to let their members know about our services and benefits. Although we are already partners with them, it wont hurt to remind them. This should be done if possible also on April 24, 2012.


I will contact Eagle Pass Youth Soccer Association to inform them about our upcoming opening. We are partners with them as well so this will also serve as a friendly reminder. Task is to be done on April 24, 2012.


I will hire video editor to create a commercial. I will contact and have the studio create the commercial the week of April 24-26, 2012. Estimated amount to be paid is between $750-$1500.

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I will send commercial to local television on April 26, 2012. Once the video studio finishes the commercial we will send a copy to the local television station. Estimated cost to air this commercial is $1200.


I will create a youtube account and upload video to youtube on April 26, 2012. I will

upload another copy to youtube for online advertising on our social networking sites. 11. I will create a twitter account on April 28, 2012. User name will be Eben-Ezer and a

brief description of who we are will be included. Account will be updated daily to inform followers about our current promotions and/or specials. 12. I will create Facebook account on April 28, 2012. This account will be created for

Facebook users to be able to contact us and also be aware of current specials and/or activities. This account will be updated daily as well. 13. I will contact television stations in neighboring cities. I will negotiate a price to air our

commercial on their daily broadcast. Estimated cost is $200. This task is to be done on April 30, 2012 14. I will contact radio in neighboring cities on April 30, 2012. I will negotiate a price to

advertise our school in their daily talk shows. Estimated cost is $600.

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I will contact neighboring citys school district. I will inform them about our services

and ask them to promote and advertise our school amongst their students. This task is to be done on April 30, 2012.

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