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NELA Aspiring Leader Self-Assessment

Name: ____Carol Mizelle_________________________________ Date: December 2011

Standard 1: Strategic Leadership

Not Demonstrated Accomplished Distinguished

Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below)


A. School Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals: The schools identity, in part, is derived from the vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals of the school, the processes used to establish these attributes, and the ways they are embodied in the life of the school community.


Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations:

Working the school team to revisit the vision and goals of the school---Designed an action plan to revise the school mission statement---Led school improvement team and then staff into process---completed 1st portion of the schools new mission statement----

To complete the mission statements revision I plan to have new signs posted at school. I also am process of planning a design to implement thoroughly in the school, and then continue with a follow up. The staff feels ownership now; however, the plan of action would include look for & best practices as evidence of the new mission statement Continue to work on the school improvement team

B. Leading Change: The school executive articulates a vision and implementation strategies for improvements and changes which result in improved achievement for all students.

Alignment of the school improvement plan with Mission and beliefs. Suggestions for Title I plan to

be implemented---PLC meeting with 8th Grade ELA

C. School Improvement Plan: The school improvement plan provides the structure for the vision. Values, goals and changes necessary for improved achievement for all students.

D. Distributive Leadership: The school executive creates and utilizes processes to distribute leadership and decision making throughout the school.

Aligned the school improvement plan with a team at school to follow through the process of structure---Continued alignment to implement Title I plans of suggestions and the TWC Develop & Implement effective 8th grade PLC / ELA--Teachers are now leading more meetings -Empowered Leadership Team to take ownership of revising the mission statement---empowered others to lead in staff meetings

Continue to work with the ELA/PLC and improve the development of collaborative plans of instruction Continue work on School Improvement Plan---

Continued ---Practice on facilitative leadership skills

Evidence or documentation to support rating: __X__ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity __X__ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity __X__ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples __X__ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples Other:_________________________

Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: _X___ School Improvement Plan. _X__ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. _X___ Evidence of School Improvement Team. _X___ Student achievement and testing data. _X___ Statement of school vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals. _X___ Evidence of stakeholder involvement in development of vision, mission, valve, belief and statement. _X__Evidence of shared decision-making and distributed leadership. ____ 360 Feedback. Other:_______________________

Standard 1: Strategic Leadership

1 A. School Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals: The schools identity, in part, is derived from the vision, mission, values, beliefs and goals of the school, the processes used to establish these attributes, and the ways they are embodied in the life of the school community. 1B. Leading Change: The school executive articulates a vision and implementation strategies for improvements and

10-Fall 11-May 11-Dec

10-Fall, Standard 1A, 1

10-Fall, Standard 1B, 1

10-Fall, Standard 1C, 1 10-Fall, Standard 1D, 1

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each sub-standard over time. I feel that because I have had the experience of being the chairperson of the school improvement team, I have had to deal with issues of high impact. I know using my facilitative leadership skills has improved me as a leader. I also think that using the information I read in the book . Improvement in distributive leadership took place because of a DLP session. After the DLP session, I completed a task surveying others about the TWC survey, and through this I heard the staff continue to report about having a voice in school. Through these comments I continue to train my Leadership team, and saw the opportunity to empower them to use their leadership skills seeking answers.

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan:

I know that further usage of facilitative leadership skills will help me, so I know that more real life practices will increase my ability to improve my skills. I must continue to enhance the ability of the 8th grade ELA team. They must be able to grow in collaboration and effective lesson development.

Standard 2: Instructional Leadership

A. Focus on Learning and Teaching, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: The school executive leads the discussion about standards for curriculum, instruction and assessment based on research and best practices in order to establish and achieve high expectations for students.

Not Demonstrated

Accomplished Distinguished Developing Proficient

Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below)

Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations:

B. Focus on Instructional

I have constantly been researching and working with the teachers in the school to understand the approach of the curriculum. I have also presented information to other staff members in form of a staff development. Working in my PLC/ELA team has allowed me to effectively assess the data and work with team to implement best practices based on research Analyze EOG data to improve instruction Analyze bench data to improve instruction Developed Powerpoint to share w/ ELA & staff I worked with several staff members to reflect on the data and person IGP of staff I have worked on the schedules with

Continue work with the 8th grade PLC / ELA team Guide team to collaborate

Continue to work with the principal on

Time: The school executive creates processes and schedules which protect teachers form disruption of instructional or preparation time.

the principal and it affects the 7th grade. I have continue to work with the principal in aligning classroom and grade levels based on changes. I have also develop a plan for Club day.

schedules---especially understanding a school-wide schedule.

Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity ____ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity ____ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples ____ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples Other:

*Use NCWise system as an administrator access to process information (students schedules/ students demographic / attendance) Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ___ School Improvement Plan. ___ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ___ Student achievement and testing data. ___ Student drop out data. ___ Teacher retention data. ___ Documented use of formative assessment instruments to impact instruction. ___ Development and communication of goal-oriented personalized education plans for identified students. ___ Evidence of team development and evaluation of classroom lessons. ___ Use of research-based practices and strategies in classrooms. ___ Master school schedule documenting individual and collaborative planning for every teacher ___ 360 Feedback. Other:

Insert graph here of your self-assessment over time.

Standard 2: Instructional Leadership

A. Focus on Learning and Teaching, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: The

May-11, Standard 2A, 2 Fall 2010, Standard 2A, 1 Fall 2010, May-11, Standard 2B, Standard 2B, 1 1

Fall 2010
May-11 11-Dec

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each substandard over time. Being the 7th grade level chairperson has helped to push me into maintaining the best classroom, and depicting the best practices. While recently applying some of the skills I have obtained through my NCSU/NELA courses (especially the readings) , I have looked at school improvement/curriculum/goals differently. Actually taking the actual school data and analyzing the data to share with 8th grade ELA/PLC allowed me to examine the data more completely, and then the development of the powerpoint help me to enhance the visual of assessment. When I developed a plan for club day activities, I improved on scheduling based on prior knowledge from Ms. Hardy.

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: Continue with *Motivating Readings *Variety of Professional Development *Understanding/Setting up School Schedules *Continue a plan of assessing the data continuously

Standard 3: Cultural Leadership

Not Demonstrated



Focus on Collaborative Work Environment: The school executive understands and acts on the understanding of the positive role that a collaborative environment can play in the schools culture.




Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below) PBIS School Improvement Team PLC meeting Leading the school improvement team we have led the staff into understandin g the TWC survey---we

Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations:

Continue alignment of the TWC survey and the School Improvement plan

have gathered data to support changes needed--some changes have been implemented B. School Culture and Identity: The school executive develops and uses shared vision, values and goals to define the identity and culture of the school. X X X Use and study more about the school culture and identity through the study of poverty. Identified the changes need and empowering others to share in the value and goals of the school C. Acknowledges Failures; Celebrates Accomplishments and Rewards: The school executive acknowledges failures and celebrates accomplishments of the

*Revising the goals of the 8th grade ELA *Continue guidance with teams through and with collaboration

Working with Staff meeting the principal celebrations recognized to develop a

school in order to define the identity, culture and performance of the school.

celebration time for staff. Also (1x) quarter develop and celebrate students achievements

*Continue notes of Job Well Done & Shout Outs *Continue notes encouragement of

*Continue celebrating the participation in school *Shout outs activities to student and staff for goals met *weekly posting of AR goals * quarterly participating in AR celebration & Benchmark Bash celebration


Efficacy and Empowerment: The school executive develops a sense of efficacy and empowerment among staff which influences the schools identity, culture and performance.

Presentation of Culture among the school

Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity ____ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity ____ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples ____ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples Other:

Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ School Improvement Plan. ____ School Improvement Team. ____ Documented use of School Improvement Team in decision making. ____ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ____ Student achievement and testing data. ____ Teacher retention data. ____ Existence and work of professional learning communities. ____ Recognition criteria and structure utilized. ____ Evidence of shared decision making and distributed leadership. ____ 360 Feedback. Other:

Insert graph here of your self-assessment over time.

Standard 3: Cultural Leadership

3A. Focus on Collaborative Work Environment: The school executive understands and acts on the understanding of the positive role that a collaborative environment can play in the schools culture.

May-11, Standard 3A, 3 Fall 2010, May-11, Standard 3B, 23B, 2 Standard Fall 2010, Standard 3A, 1 May-11, Fall 2010, Fall 2010 May-11, Standard 3C, 2 Standard 3D, 23D, 2 Standard May-11 Fall 2010, Standard 3C, 1 11-Dec

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each substandard over time. Even in the beginning, I have felt good about this standard more than others, but I have seen that I can definitely celebrate more. Once again the course of Facilitative Leadership, allowed me to sharpen my skills, and understand how to appreciate and celebrate more. Also the Ruby Payne workshop allowed me to get a better insight about the culture of poverty, and then in return I took the information from the workshop and carried it back to my current school staff. The presentation allowed the staff to have opendialogue about the issue. The speaker who came speaking about PBIS was very motivational and allowed me to compare of school PBIS team to another model. As I worked with others in the school, I have worked to establish a sense of collaboration, improvement, and leadership. While attending the DLP meetings has allowed me to examine the schools culture, I have developed a understanding of the complete school, especially from my internship perspective. It is much easier to see the whole school through walk-throughs and observations. During our PLC meetings, we continuously look at diversity and the students needs. The PLC team has a change to improve the plan of action based on the data we have collected.

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: *Continue to understand and study more about the culture of a school, and how to handle various situations. I spoke to Dr. Peel and Dr. Riddick about a course in handling confrontations, and maybe I can find out more about this book or workshop. *Continue to view the culture on a daily basis, and understand the findings based on the facts. *Continue to improve the culture through team collaboration and staff empowerment.

Standard 4: Human Resources Leadership

Not Demonstrated Accomplished

A. Professional Development/ Learning Communities: The school executive ensures that the school is a professional learning community.




Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below) ACSD

Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations:

Workshops Developed 8th grade PLC/ ELA

Sharing information from workshops/ & conference Continue to improve the effectiveness of the PLC in our school *Continue to mentor new teachers

B. Recruiting, hiring, placing and mentoring of Staff: The school executive establishes processes and systems in order to ensure a high-quality, highperforming staff.

Interview committee Mentoring new teachers Working through the evaluation process with

C. Teacher and Staff Evaluation: The school executive evaluates teachers and other staff in a fair and equitable manner with the focus on improving performance and, thus student achievement.

Continue to practice the evaluation of teachers through the knowledge I

Dr. Riddick and field study. *completing teacher evaluations *Observation & walk-through Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity ____ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity ____ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples ____ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples Other:

have thus far

*Continue Teacher Evaluations

Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ School Improvement Plan. ____ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ____ Student Achievement and testing data. ____ Teacher retention data. ____ Master school schedule documenting individual and collaborative planning for every teacher. ____ Number of National Board Certified Teachers. ____ Number of teachers pursuing advanced degrees, licensure, National Board certification etc. ___ _Record of professional development provided staff and impact of professional development on student learning. ____ Mentor records and beginning teacher feedback. ____ Teacher professional growth plans. ____ 360 Feedback. Other:

Insert graph here of your self-assessment over time.

Standard 4: Human Resources Leadership

4A. Professional Development/ Learning Communities: The school executive ensures that the school is a professional

May-11, Standard 4A, 2 Fall 2010, Standard 4A, 1

May-11, Standard 4B, 2 Fall 2010, Standard 4B, 1

Fall 2010, May-11, Standard 4C, 2

Fall 2010 May-11


Fall 2010, , 0 May-11,

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each substandard over time. I feel I need to have better questions to ask people that I interview. I used the one offered; however, many of the questions were so dated. I know I have to continue to practice the teacher evaluation process in order to get better. The DPI training we had about teacher evaluation was very effective, and then to follow it up with Dr. Riddicks training really helped to put it into practice. I must continue to improve in teacher evaluations by increasing the various ways to assess the teacher---Observation guide / Informal and Formal observation / Evaluations

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: *Continue to evaluate teachers *Continue to let the other person talk more that I talk *Listen to the other person

Standard 5: Managerial Leadership

A. School Resources and Budget: The school executive establishes budget processes and systems which are focused on, and result, in improved student achievement.

Not Demonstrated

Accomplished Distinguished Developing


Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below)

Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations: More work on the budget

Opportunity to work with principal on new 20112012 budget Finance Class

B. Conflict management and Resolution: The school executive effectively and efficiently manages the complexity of human interaction so that the focus of the school can be on improved student achievement.

Dealing with other staff members *Student discipline ---practiced as an intern at the school----

Continue work with student discipline Continue focus on staff relations as it relates to student achievement Other ways of communication that are effective

C. Systematic Communication: The school executive designs and utilizes various forms of formal and informal communication so that the focus of the school can be on improved student achievement.

Communication through the amount I contact parents and others involved Constant communication

with staff through email--Constant open-door policy to discuss issues D. School Expectation for Student and Staff: The school executive develops and enforces expectations, structures, rules and procedures for students and staff. Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity ____ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity ____ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples ____ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples

Constantly being the one that reminds others of the rules

Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ School Improvement Plan. ____ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ____ Master school schedule documenting individual and collaborative planning for every teacher. ____ School safety and behavioral Expectations. ____ School financial information. ____ Dissemination of clear norms and ground rules. ____ Evidence of ability to confront ideological conflict and then reach consensus. ____ Evidence of formal and informal systems of communication. ____ 360 Feedback. Other:

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each sub-standard over time. I am constantly aware that I need more work in conflict resolution, and that is why I suggest more on Conflict and Dealing with it in schools. Studying the NC Law and Dr. Bradys class helped me to

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: *work on conflict resolution *continue the book study of Dealing w/ Difficult Employees *Continue to understand more about my strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

understand what to recognize as law vs. just not knowing.

Standard 5: Managerial Leadership

5A School Resources and Budget: The school executive establishes budget processes and systems which are focused on,

May-11, Standard 5D, 3

May-11, Standard 5B, 2 May-11, Standard 5A, 1 May-11, Standard 5C, 2

Fall 2010 May-11 11-Dec

Standard 6: External Development Leadership

A. Parent and Community Involvement and Outreach: The school Executive designs structures and processes which result in parent and community engagement, support and ownership for the school

Not Demonstrated

Accomplished Distinguished Developing


Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below) Parent Night

Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations: *Continue parent contact *Continue to participate in school events *Help w/ redesigning PTA

Community Brunch held at our school Arranged and led a meeting between leadership team and parents

B. Federal, State and District mandates: The school executive designs executive protocols and processes in order to comply with federal, state and district mandates.

Attend EC meetings Focus on Data

*Focus on EC population

results Attend and participate in principals meeting Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NELA Courses Specific assignment/activity ____ NELA Field Experiences Specific activity ____ Conferences and School Visits Specific activity ____ Work with Executive Coach Specific examples ____ Work with Mentor Specific examples ___ Work with DPI Specific examples ___ Work with NELA Fellows (Peers) Specific examples Other: Insert graph here of your self-assessment over time. Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ Parent involvement in School Improvement Team: ____ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ____ PTSA/ Booster club operation and participation. ____ Parent survey results. ____ Evidence of community support. ____ Number and use of school volunteers. ____ Plan for shaping the schools image throughout the community. ____ Evidence of business partners and projects involving business partners. ____ 360 Feedback. Other:

Standard 6: External Development Leadership

May-11, Standard 6A, 2

Fall 2010 May-11, May-11 Standard 6B, 2 11-Dec Fall 2010, Standard 6B, 1

Gap Analysis: Describe your growth or lack of growth for each sub-standard over time. I feel that the one thing among many that has helped me in this area, would the course with Dr. Brady. I was not that interested in law until working on his course work. School Law became important and interesting. I have developed a survey for my school to understand more about what they should know about school law. Also the PD we did for the class was a good experience, and my staff responded very well. I contacted and led a meeting with the parent group and the leadership team. This allowed for suggestions to be focus on the student, and issues to be understood.

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: *Continue community outreach---I hope that this summers course will help with that in our community. *Continue to read and research more about the facts of Law * Present other law PD to a staff *Understand better ways to be effective in dealing with and engaging parents---so that real ownership will be felt *Continued work with the community & especially parents

Standard 7: Micro-Political Leadership

School Executive Micropolitical leadership: The school executive develops systems and relationship to leverage staff expertise and influence the schools identify, culture and performance

Not Demonstrated




Specific Evidence for Rating (See suggested items listed below) Relationship that have been developed to influence the schools identity and culture. The work I have continued to implement with the Leadership team is a success. I have


Describe your planned actions for improvement or your plan to address your limitations:


Design more staffteam-work activities.

*Continue to work with diligence as I continue my work with the staff.

developed a larger group of interest by incorporating more suggestions that align with the Schools mission. I have practiced shared decision-making with the staff

Requirements for Practicing Principals: Evidence or documentation to support rating: ____ NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey. ____ Teacher retention data. ____ Evidence of visibility and accessibility. ____ Evidence of shared decision and distributed leadership. ____ 360 Feedback.

I feel that building relationships is the strongest part of my leadership; however, I realize I dont deal with conflict very well. I like to see the best in people, and doing this allows me to work with a group of people (staff). I would like to do like to enhance how I deal with relationships so that I can use the expertise of a group of people to work together to increase high success. I see success when you build relationships. Through working with the staff, I now have 98% of the staff sponsoring a club at our school. I have grown our leadership team membership from 7 to 15. I continue to receive positive feedback on information I require from the staff. I remain with an opendoor policy for all.

Resources/support/experiences/skills needed to complete the improvement plan: *Conferences and School Visits *Readings built around relationships

Standard 7: Micro-Political Leadership

Fall - 10, 11-May, Standard 7A, 2 Standard 7A, 2 Fall - 10 11-May 11-Dec

Additional Data: 1) Specialized training activities: What did you learn? In what Standard did it help you grow? Complete the chart and add to your narrative evidence. 2) Specific entry for conference attended (the Individual RFP): What did you did and learned? What part of your leadership plan was noted as needing help, and, most importantly, what did your attendance do to help you on this Standard(s) or element(s). 3) Describe your Pay It Forward. 4) Add links to any and all electronic creations since beginning NELA.

Specialized Trainings
What did you learn? In what Standard did it help you grow?
School Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals

Standard 1
Distributive Leadership

Standard 2
Focus on Collaborative Work Environment

Standard 3
Acknowledges Failures; Celebrates Accomplishments and Rewards Professional Learning Communities

Standard 4
Recruiting, hiring, placing and mentoring of Staff

Focus on Instructional Time

School Improvement Plan

Focus on Learning and Teaching, Curriculum, Instruction and

School Culture and Identity

Facilitative Leadership Crucial Conversations Conflict Resolution

x x x

x x x

x x x

x x x

X x x X



X X x

X X x




Teacher and staff evaluation

Leading Change

Efficacy and Empowerment


Ruby Payne DPI's Special Ed and Positive Behavioral Supports Teacher Evaluation Other---Law & Finance X x

x x x

x x

x x

x x

x x x

X x

X x

x x

Specialized Trainings
Training Continued Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7 Additional Skills or Comments

School Expectation for Student and Staff

School Resources and Budget

Conflict management and Resolution

Facilitative Leadership Crucial Conversations Conflict Resolution Ruby Payne


X x x

Systematic Communication

x x x x

x X

x x x

Develops systems and relationships to leverage staff expertise and influence

Parent and Community Involvement and Outreach

Federal, state, and district mandates

DPI's Special Ed and Positive Behavioral Supports Teacher Evaluation Other --(School Law & Finance) x x

x x

x x

x x

Individualized Learning Experience RFP for Conference Travel

What did you learn? In what Standard did it help you grow?
Where did you go? What conference or learning experience did you attend? Before you went to the conference, what Standards did you identify as needing improvement as part of your RFP? What did you learn? How did attending the conference help you on the Standard(s) or to grow as a leader? I have learned more about myself by attending some I have already spoke to my principal about presenting the conference with more details. I have already presented a short session about working together on teams. The session was during Describe your Pay it Forward

ASCD Conference San Franciso, CA

Standard 7 Standard 1

Standard 2

of the sessions about leadership. The conference was a time for me to reflect and gather a lot of information about relationships. I was really impressed by the one I attended about new principals that wanted to make a true change.

a staff meeting. She said I could present more at the end of the year after testing. I am preparing a digital story to present during the meeting.

NELA Electronic Creations


Link to electronic evidence

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