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Gimnasio Britanico Biology Erika Xiomara Nieto Lozano 10 B January 24,2012 LAB REPORT 1.

1 RESEARCH QUESTION: How does the amount of fertilizer affect the height of the vean plants? 1.2 NULL AND ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS: Alternative Hypothesis: There will be changes on the height of the bean plant depending on the amount of fertilizer that is added. Null Hypothesis: There will be no noticeable changes concerning on the development of height of the bean plant. 1.3 VARIABLES CHART: INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE CONSTANT VARIABLE Amount of fertilizer added Development of the height Amount of time exposed to to the sterile soil. of the bean plant. sunlight, mL of water added to the soil, the temperature. 2. In order to have an effective control of the variables, during the experiment, there must be certainty that, in this case, a control of amount of sterile soil, measure correctly the amount of water added to each plant, same amount of time exposed to the sunlight and for the plants to be exposed to the same temperature always, this way controlling that the constant variable will always be the same and in order to permit this equality, there must be specific materials used for doing this. Concerning the amount of fertilizer deposit in the plant, there must be specific utensils used to calculate the correct amount of fertilizer for each of the plants, this way knowing if the height of the plant will be affected. In order to have an effective control of the variables, there has to be existing methods that will permit to have a correct and balanced experiment, in this experiment there has to be a method where the amount of water, sunlight, temperature and fertilizer are controlled, this way, the results are then more likely to be seen and analyzed, this also all depends on the utensils that are used to take the measurement. For this experiment, it is important to use a thermostat, a ruler for measuring the height of the plant, a measuring cup to know how much milliliters (mL) of water to pour in the plant. CONTROL VARIABLE METHOD OF UNITS CONTROL The control of the The use of a pipette Milliliters (mL) amount of fertilizer. in order to have a Fertilizer. control of the amount of fertilizer that is added to the bean plant. POSSIBLE EFFECT ON RESULTS of If there is few amount
of fertilizer, then the height of the plant will be small and if there is a high amount of fertilizer, the height of the plant will be more.

DATA PROCESSING AND COLLECTION: 1. Recording raw data/ Presenting data in tables GROUP A No Fertilizer 10 7 8 7 8 10 9 8 7 9 GROUP B 0.001% of Fertilizer 8 8 7 10 10 7 8 8 9 9 GROUP C 0.01% of Fertilizer 7 10 8 10 8 9 9 8 6 7 GROUP D 0.1% of Fertilizer 12 13 15 10 10 15 10 10 14 10

2. Processing raw data Group A: Mean: 8.3 Between 7 and 10 is located the error bar.

10 8 6 4 2 0 Group A GROUP A

Group B: Mean: 8.4 Betwwen 7 and 10 is located the error bar.

10 8 6 4 2 0 Group B GROUP B

Group C: Mean: 8.2 Between 6 and 10 is located the error bar.

10 8 6 4 2 0 Categora 1 GROUP C

Group D Mean: 11.9 Between 10 and 15 is located the error bar.

15 10 5 0 Group D GROUP D

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