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Jesus I.

Gonzalez Robert Wilhite English 2413 February 6, 2012

Eben-Ezer School of Goalkeeping Business Overview

Figure 1. Face in Hole Goalie. Jesus I.Gonzalez. Eagle Pass, Texas. 2010.

This is a business overview assignment for the course ENG 2413 at the University of Texas at San Antonio for the spring semester of 2012. In it will be described different aspects of an industry including its products or services, market, goals, and operating and financial necessities.

Business Description
Eben-Ezer School of Goalkeeping is a business in the Sports Training Industry. The school focuses in the coaching line-of-business concentrating its services in teaching its students the skills necessary to be a competent goalkeeper. The schools training program starts at beginner levels and increases in difficulty depending on the students learning pace, experience, and age. Eben-Ezer has its only location based in the city of Eagle Pass, Texas. The Eagle Pass market is an advantageous market due to the incoming clientele from the bordering town of Piedras Negras,

Gonzalez 2 Coahuila, Mexico. Mexican consumers overwhelm the city of Eagle Pass on a daily basis and contribute to more than 50% of the citys income. Students enrolled in the school vary in age, gender, and experience in playing football. The schools training program enrolls students from the age of 7 to17 years old. The school features a training system that follows the students learning process through a month-by-month program and allows its students to enroll at any age. The set of skills learned in the school will help the student in further participation with school or other public teams they associate with. Students enrolled benefit from professional coaching in football, training in specialized skills for the position of goalkeeper, and participating in recreational and fitness activities. The program is separated by age groups. Ages 7-10 form one group, 11-14 year olds a second group, and ages 15-17 a third group. Age groups receive different training from each other. Skills taught to younger students are more basic compared to the exercises and drills assigned to the older age groups. The services provided by the school are directed specifically to enhance the students goalkeeping skills with better quality than what is provided by a high school league or youth soccer league. Unlike the latter, the coaches hired are dedicated to the students learning and are concerned exclusively in their day-to-day progress.

Requirements and Partnerships

The school of goalkeeping requires a location suitable for a gym, a fenced field, and directive offices each with specific facilities of their own. The gym consists of a locker room and two indoor soccer courts. The fenced field is required to be 110 yards in length and 60 yards in width; big enough for one soccer fields. The directive offices include a reception room, a managers office, and four smaller offices. A secretary is assigned to the reception room and the tasks of informing interested customers on the benefits, expectations, and costs of enrolling in the school as well as collecting fees and required paper work for enrolling students. The head coach manages the

Gonzalez 3 school and is in charge of hiring employees, assigning tasks to employees, and managing partnerships with other organizations. Each coach hired is required to be experienced in coaching soccer and to be an expert in the rules of the game. All employees, including the head coach, will be hired as part-time employees and paid the minimum wage per hour every week. The capital needed to run the school effectively approximates from $4,000 to $5,500 per month. This number includes utility expenses, rent expenses, and employees wages. Eben-Ezer has partnerships with the Eagle Pass Youth Soccer Association, The Boys and Girls Club of Eagle Pass, and Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation. These organizations provide a student base, advertisement, and association in local and out of town tournaments.

Goals and Expectations

Eben-Ezer School of Goalkeeping is a privately owned business, therefore its purpose is not mainly to expand geographically, but to become well known and trusted amongst the football community both in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras. The school of goalkeeping benefits from being the first training school of its kind in Eagle Pass and the neighboring towns of Del Rio and Uvalde, Texas. Eben-Ezers goal is to become a recognized organization with the help of its partners and current students after five years of operating under its specialized training and professional coaching quality. Gross sales are expected to increase with the number of students and years of business. To fulfill the annual gross sales sum of $48,000 at least twenty students need to be enrolled. Every year after the first however, gross sales are expected to go up by 20%. Profit should be twice the sum of gross sales after a five-year term. As the sum of profit and gross sales increases, capital is expected to rise. If the number of students enrolled becomes greater, the school will need to hire more coaching staff, buy more equipment,

Gonzalez 4 and double the size of its field. Assuming the school becomes a successful business, the required capital increases annually by approximately 15%. Competition is not expected to be a problem unless another training school with the same specialization arises. If this is the case the goal to become the most recognized and well known school of its kind will be an advantage over the competition in the next five years.

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