Robust IA For MDSQ Encoder Over Noisy Channel

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Robust Index Assignment for MDSQ Encoder Over

Noisy Channels
Rui Ma and Fabrice Labeau
Centre for Advanced Systems & Technologies in Communications (SYTACom)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Abstract— Multiple description coding (MDC) can achieve Channel 1

Receiver 1
acceptable performance with only one single correct description,
and lower distortion of the source when more descriptions
are received correctly. In our previous work, we assumed that Source Description Central
Receiver 0
because of noisy channel, bit errors were introduced into one Encoder
description, but the other one was received correctly. Based on
this assumption, an enhanced central decoder has been proposed Channel 2
Receiver 2
to utilize the residual information between the corrupted and the
correct description to reduce the distortion of the reconstructed
signals. In this paper, a novel index assignment algorithm for mul- Fig. 1. Architecture of an MDC system with two channels and three receivers.
tiple description scalar quantizer (MDSQ) encoder is developed
to improve the error detection capability of the central decoder.
Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to search for a suboptimal
solution. The experimental results show that within a range of Most heuristic algorithms perform a deterministic search in a
bit error rates (BERs), the proposed algorithm provides lower set of admissible configurations and often terminate in a local
reconstruction distortion than the conventional MDSQ [1]. minimum.
Robust IA has been widely studied in the area of vector
quantization (VQ) against noisy channels. The typical design
As demonstrated in Fig. 1, a multiple description coding methods include robust vector quantizer (RVQ) [4] [5] and
(MDC) system can achieve acceptable performance by re- channel-optimized vector quantizer (COVQ) [6]. An RVQ
ceiving only one description, and lower distortion with more encoder is trained for an error-free channel and designed
descriptions. MDC has been exploited (e.g. [2]) to transmit to be robust by assigning proper indices to the codewords.
images in the presence of channel failure or packet loss. In The RVQ is usually used under the circumstances where
the classical MDC system, all channels are assumed as on/off, codebook training time is of primary concern. In [4], the Bi-
i.e., data is either received correctly or lost completely [1]. nary Switching Algorithm (BSA) for locally optimal pseudo-
However, source data are encapsulated into packets to transmit Gray coding was developed to reduce the expected signal
over Internet. By using simple checksum, the errors of a distortion caused by bit errors. By applying Gray coding,
packet can be detected. Thus, it is possible that one packet zero redundancy error control was developed in optimizing
of a pair, which are from two descriptions respectively, is IA to minimize the average signal distortion. The authors
incorrect, but another is correct. With the help of correct of [5] studied parametric modeling of the channel by using
packets and the residual information in error packets, we Fritchman channel model and IA to achieve a VQ with high
proposed an enhanced central decoder in [3], shown in Fig. 2, robustness against channel errors. A genetic algorithm (GA)
to achieve higher error tolerance and lower distortion than was applied to find a suboptimal IA to minimize the distortion
the conventional central receivers. In this paper, we develop a introduced by bit errors. The experimental results showed
novel index assignment (IA) approach for the MDC system, that GA helped to find a more accurate and more consistent
so that higher ability of error detection and, further, lower solution than BSA and simulated annealing (SA).
reconstruction distortion can be accomplished by cooperating The encoder-decoder pair in a COVQ system is jointly
with the enhanced central decoder. trained according to a given channel with a certain BER. The
Index assignment (IA) can be seen as a class of combi- COVQ is more suitable when higher reliability is needed. A
natorial optimization problems that are usually referred to as method of designing COVQ was proposed in [6]. As a step
the class of NP-complete problems. Heuristic algorithms are of this method, SA was applied to find a “good” solution
widely used to find a “good” or “close-to-optimal” solution for IA. The experimental results showed that a COVQ could
for these problems, since the complexity of exhaustive search obtain higher degree of robustness than RVQ depending on
becomes prohibitively high when the problem size is large. the practical situation and the active channel characteristics.
Without extra redundancy, the performance of an appropriate Description 2
COVQ was close to that of unequal error protection (UEP).
Error Detector
Furthermore, a COVQ did not bring extra complexity and
delay compared with a conventional source encoder followed Estimator
by a channel code.
The method of IA in MDSQ was first described in [1]. Description 1 Central Decoder User

A method of assigning code words over more than two

channels was developed in [7]. The authors of [8] presented a
practically feasible algorithm to find optimal IA of an multiple Fig. 2. Architecture of proposed central receiver.
description vector quantizer (MDVQ) with an arbitrary number
of descriptions. In [9], a SA-based method was proposed to column ( j )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
obtain the optimal IA for an MDVQ. An IA method for
two channels was proposed in [10] to obtain well balanced 0 0 2 5

index pairs. The above existing works on IA in an MDC 1 1 4 6 8

system focus on how to achieve well balanced or optimized 2 3 7 9 11 13

row ( i )
multiple description quantizers. They only considered the 3 10 12 14 16 19
conventional on/off channel models and did not try to improve 4 15 18 21 24
the performance of the MDC system over noisy channels. 5 17 20 23 26 27
Here, we propose a novel method to find a feasible solution for 6 22 25 28 30
MDSQ, instead of MDVQ, to reduce the distortion introduced 7 29 31
by noisy channel.
From the results in [3], we inferred that if the capability of
error detection was higher, the reconstructed distortion of the
enhanced central decoder could be reduced further. Therefore,
Fig. 3. MLIA [1] at (3, 2, 32).
here, we propose a new method to assign index pairs for the
MDC system, in particular, MDSQ or MDVQ, so as to achieve
higher ability to detect errors. This IA approach attempts to
illustrated in Fig. 3, we use the modified linear (ML) IA [1] as
re-assign 2b-bit binary code words to N (N < 22b ) index
the example of IA in MDSQ. In MLIA, in order to encode the
pairs, each of which is a b-bit code word, in order to increase
source at b bits/source sample (bpss) on each channel, N index
the minimum Hamming distance, dmin , between any binary
pairs are selected from the main diagonal and the 2k diagonals
index pairs. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the
closest to the main diagonals of a 2b ×2b IA matrix. Then each
first try to achieve robustness against bit errors by using IA in
ML implementation is defined by (b, k, N ). In Fig. 3, index 0
the MDC system. Without introducing extra redundancy such
is decomposed into (0, 0), and 2 as (0, 1). At the same time,
as channel coding, this kind of scheme utilizes the inherent
many combinations are still not occupied, such as (5, 1). We
redundancy to improve the capability of error detection and,
exploit this property to detect errors. For example, if (5, 1) is
furthermore, reduce the distortion of the reconstructed signals
received under the assumption that Description 1 is right and
by exploiting the enhanced central decoder at the meantime.
Description 2 incurs some errors, 1 is determined as an error.
This work will be presented in the following sections. At
Then we choose the most probable output value by using the
first, as the preliminary part, the enhanced central decoder, op-
methods described in the next subsection to minimize the extra
timal and suboptimal solutions [3] are reviewed in Section II.
distortion caused by errors.
The proposed method of assigning index pairs is discussed in
Section III, which is followed by the experimental results and
B. Error Estimation
We consider real-valued data samples x ∈ R, that are
II. E NHANCED C ENTRAL D ECODER encoded to an index l through the quantizer function q(x) = l.
A. Model of Enhanced Central Decoder There are N possible quantizer output interval indices l, and
In order to utilize residual information of the corrupted de- we will denote by N the set of these indices. The correspond-
scription, we proposed an enhanced central decoder, illustrated ing code words or reproduction levels are denoted by cl , and
in Fig. 2, for an MDC system [3]. Here we assume that one they are chosen here as the centroids of the corresponding
△ R
channel (Description 2) suffers noise that results in bit errors; quantization cell vl : cl = vl xfX (x)dx, where fX (x) is
meanwhile, another description (Description 1) is received the input probability density function (pdf). These indices
correctly. By referring to Description 1, errors in Description 2 l ∈ N are then mapped to a pair of indices (i, j) through an
are detected and, then, the outputs are estimated. index mapping operator a(·). Referring to Fig. 3, the indices l
MDSQ is used as an example to explain how this central appear in the matrix, whereas i and j are the row and column
encoder works. Redundancy is involved when decomposing numbers, respectively. We refer to the two components of
a scalar quantization index into two indices in MDSQ. As the mapping as i = a(1) (l) and j = a(2) (l). Finally, the
inverse mapping, which can be deduced, e.g., from Fig. 3, is III. D ESIGN M ETHOD FOR A ROBUST MDSQ
denoted by l = a−1 (i, j). We also denote the centroids of the
(1) (2)
quantizers in each description as ci and cj . The received According to the algorithm described above, if a received
indices are denoted by î and ĵ; the corresponding output x̂ code words is judged as non-existing, an error code word is
is the reproduction level is ea−1 (î,ĵ) , not necessarily the same found by the decoder. Then we utilize the estimation value to
as the quantizer reproduction level ca−1 (î,ĵ) ; when only one reduce the distortion introduced by the errors. So the higher
description is received, the corresponding output x̂ is eî
or error detection capability is, the less distortion is introduced
(2) by using our algorithm. In order to improve the capability
eĵ .In the case of a correct reception of two descriptions, the of error detection, we design a new IA scheme to enlarge
reproduced value is thus x̂ = ea−1 (a(1) (q(x)),a(2) (q(x))) . the minimum Hamming distance dmin between any two code
The MSE between two real values is denoted by d(·, ·); we words. The overall procedure of designing a robust MDSQ
△ (RMDSQ) consists of three stages:
also denote the set of possible indices i as I = {i ∈ N : ∃l ∈
N , j ∈ N : a(l) = (i, j)}, and the set of all possible indices j 1) Searching for qualified index pairs (i, j) within a 2b ×2b

as J = {j ∈ N : ∃l ∈ N , i ∈ N : a(l) = (i, j)}. For a given IA matrix based on dmin between binary representations

i ∈ I, we also define the set J¯i = {j ∈ J :6 ∃l ∈ N : a(l) = of code words.
(i, j)}, which is the set of values of the second index j that 2) Assigning indices ls to the selected index pairs (i, j) in
does not lead to a possible (i, j) pair in the index mapping order to minimize the cost function(s).
matrix. For example, in Fig. 3, at the second row or column, 3) In the terms of the algorithm provided in [1], deter-
J¯1 = {4, 5, 6, 7}. mining the corresponding MDSQ that adapts to source
We consider two types of transmission errors: those that our statistics with balanced side distortions.
error detector can detect, and those that remain undetectable. In the following subsections, we will describe the algorithms
The overall distortion caused by transmission errors, De , is for Step 1) and 2), respectively. As for the algorithm for
given by Step 3), it is the same as what was described in [1].
De = Du + Dd , (1)
P P A. Searching for qualified index pairs
where DP e = l∈N Pq (l)De (l), Du = l∈N Pq (l)Du (l),
Dd = l∈N P q (l)D d (l). P q (l) = P {x ∈ vl } is the In MDSQ, especially, two descriptions, the original indices
probability of the input falling in cell l, De (l), Du (l) and of scalar quantizer are decomposed into index pairs (i, j). Let
Dd (l) are the expected distortion from inputs in cell l due i and j denote as the binary representation of i and j, respec-
respectively to all, undetectable and detectable transmission tively, i.e., i = [i0 , i1 , · · · , ib−1 ] and j = [j0 , j1 , · · · , jb−1 ] are
errors. A transmission error can be detected as long as ĵ ∈ J¯î . two binary b-tuples, where ik , jk = 1 or 0, k = 0, 1, · · · , b−1.
Our goal is now to find the best possible reconstruction We combine i and j in any sequence to form a code word w,
(1) (2) that is to say, w = [i, j] = [i0 , i1 , · · · , ib−1 , j0 , j1 , · · · , jb−1 ].
levels el̂ , eî or eĵ in order to minimize De . When an
index pair (i, j) is transmitted, the corresponding received pair Let C be the set of all possible code words w, i.e., C =
is (î, ĵ). For a transmission error, we assume without losing {0, 1}2b . In order to achieve robustness to bit errors, we are
generality that only Description 1 is received correctly, i.e., going to find a set of the code words W, in which dmin
î = i and ĵ 6= j. Two methods were proposed to estimate the between any two code words should be not less than a certain
outputs of error index pairs to decrease Dd , respectively: value, in C, i.e., W = {w ∈ C : ∀v ∈ W, v 6= w, kv − wk ≥
dmin }, where kv − wk represents Hamming distance between
1) Optimal: Assuming that  the a-priori source probabilities v and w. So the number of code words w ∈ W is N , and kwk
Pq (l) or Pq a−1 (i, j) are known at the receiver end, represents the Hamming weight of w.
the output value of the error index pair is calculated by:
For given b and dmin , we search C to find a satisfactory W.
The searching algorithm is described in Table I.
Pq a−1 (i, j) Ped (ĵ|j) ca−1 (i,j)
P P 
(1) j∈J ĵ∈J¯i
eiopt = .
Pq (a−1 (i, j)) Ped (ĵ|j)
j∈J ĵ∈J¯i
(2) B. IA by using genetic algorithm
2) Suboptimal: the output value of the error index pair is
replaced by: IA is a kind of permutation problem, in particular, an
NP-complete problem. For W with  N code  words, the total
(1) (1)
eisub ≈ ci . (3) N
number of possible combinations is = N2 ! . For N =
The suboptimal method achieved very close performance to 32, the total number of possible combinations is 1.32 × 1035 .
the optimal with lower computational complexity and without We apply generic algorithm (GA) to find a “close-to-optimal”
source statistics and channel knowledge (see [3] for more solution.
details). First, we describe the cost function for evaluating the found
TABLE I column ( j ) column ( j )
A LGORITHM TO SEARCH QUALIFIED CODE WORDS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 12 10 13 9

1 1 30 26 29 22
w0 ← 0 2 2 31 28 24 21

row ( i )

row ( i )
v ← w0 3 3 15 6 14 5

k←0 4 4 25 18 20 16

5 5 7 3 4 0
FOR each v ∈ C
6 6 8 1 11 2
v ← wk + 1 7 7 27 23 19 17

FOR each v ∈ C AND kv − wt k < dmin , ∀t, t = 0, · · · , k

END (a) (b)
IF v ∈ C
Fig. 4. Robust IA: (a) gray cells correspond to the selected index pairs. (b)
k ←k+1
achieved IA with the maximum spread 11.
wk ← v
END 4) By using the midpoint of each parent chromosome as the
N ←k crossover point, exchange the values of k-th and (N −
k − 1)-th genes to generate the offspring chromosomes.
For example, if the parent chromosome is [1, 3, 2, 0], the
solutions in each generation (iteration). Let offspring chromosome is [0, 2, 3, 1].
lmax (i) = max a−1 (i, j), (4) 5) Keep the best chromosome as the elitism that is not
j mutated. Randomly select chromosomes and exchange
(1) the values of gene pairs chosen randomly within a
lmin (i) = min a−1 (i, j), (5)
j chromosome.
lmax (j) = max a−1 (i, j), (6) 6) Go to Step 2) until the pre-determined number of
generations is reached.
lmin (j) = min a−1 (i, j). (7)
(m) (m) (m)
The spread s (n) is defined as s (n) = − lmax (n) The MLIA scheme based on the algorithm of [1] is shown
lmin (n) + 1, m = 1, 2. We use the maximum spread smax in Fig. 3. An example of the proposed IA scheme is shown in
as the metric that is given by Fig. 4. Figure 4(a) is the result of the algorithm described in
Section III-A. The gray cells correspond to the selected index
smax = max s(m) (n), (8) pairs with dmin = 2. A solution of IA is found by using the
algorithm provided in Section III-B as illustrated in Fig. 4(b).
where n = 0, 1, · · · , b − 1, m = 1, 2. The target of this The maximum spread is 11 that is equal to the maximum
algorithm is to find a solution with the “close-to-minimum” spread of Fig. 3. In the implementation of this GA algorithm,
smax at an acceptable expense, i.e., a certain number of Npop = 1024, and 1000 generations are produced. For each
generations. For example, in Fig. 3, associated with j = 3, generation, we mutate 1% of the total number of genes. In
(2) (2)
lmax (3) = 17, lmin (3) = 8, so s(2) (3) = 10. terms of the selected IA scheme shown in Fig. 4(b), a robust
The genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization and search encoder of MDSQ is developed based on the design algorithm
technique based on the principles of genetics and natural provided in [1]. Bit errors are generated uniformly.
evolution [11]. The GA provides attractive results when tra- The experimental results by applying the IA scheme as
ditional optimization approaches fail. It uses a population Fig. 4(b) are plotted in Fig. 5 and noted as RMDSQ. On
with many chromosomes (individuals) to evolve according to the purpose of comparison, the performance of the existing
certain selection rules so as to minimize the cost function. method and the conventional MDSQ is shown. In the existing
Each generation of population has Npop chromosomes. Each work [12], the output values of the non-existed index pairs
chromosome is a possible combination of all N indices l, were replaced by the mean of the source. As the example of the
which are called genes in this context, over W selected conventional MDSQ [1], MLIA, illustrated in Fig. 3, is used
by using the algorithm provided in Table I. The searching and noted as MDSQ. For each case of RMDSQ and MDSQ, the
algorithm is described as follows: curves, which correspond to the existing method, optimal and
1) Initializing the first generation. The genes of the first suboptimal solutions with bit errors, the central distortion and
generation are random integers between 0 and N − 1. the side distortion without bit errors, accordingly, are drawn,
Each gene appears in a chromosome once and only once. and denoted as mean, optimal, suboptimal, central distortion
2) Evaluating and sorting the chromosomes according to and side distortion.
increasing smax . The best chromosome is the one with The curves of MDSQ in Fig. 5 show that by only exploiting
the minimum value of smax . our enhanced central decoder, the reconstructed distortion is
3) The best 50% chromosomes are chosen as the parents. decreased up to 2.5 dB from mean (MDSQ). Combining with
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MSE (dB)

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0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
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[12] J. Barros, J. Hagenauer, and N. Gortz, “Turbo cross decoding of multiple
Fig. 5. Simulation results: curves of MDSQ are plotted based on MLIA
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scheme in [1] at (3, 2, 32); curves of RMDSQ are plotted based on the
proposed IA scheme.

the encoder proposed here, the distortion of the reconstructed

signals is furthermore reduced up to 2.7 dB in the range
of interest, where BER < 25%. We use the BER, at which
the reconstruction distortion of the central decoder reaches
the corresonding side distortion, to measure error tolerance.
Then the error tolerance incrases from 9%, to 16%, and then
25%, accordingly. The reason of this gain is that because of
dmin = 2 in our IA scheme, all seperate one-bit errors can
be detected and estimated. On the contrary, dmin = 1 in the
conventional IA schemes, thus some of one-bit errors cannot
be detected. As BER increases further, two- and more-than-
two-bit errors appear more frequently, so the advantages of the
proposed encoder decrease. Even though the central distortions
of MDSQ and RMDSQ are very close, the slightly higher side
distortion of our scheme can be seen as the expense of the
Based on the enhanced central decoder and error estima-
tion algorithms, we propose an IA algorithm to improve the
capability of error detection. Furthermore, a robust encoder
of MDSQ is developed, so that the corresponding multiple
description decoder can detect more errors and estimate the
values of the error index pairs. The experimental results
indicate that compared with the conventional IA scheme, the
distortion of the reconstructed signals is reduced by applying
the proposed algorithm. As the future work, we will make use
of this scheme in multimedia applications, such as image and
video transmissions.
[1] V. A. Vaishampayan, “Design of multiple description scalar quantizers,”
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 821–834, May 1993.

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