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SOUTHEM ONLINE Southern Hemisphere Forest Industry Journal Online news briefs SOUTHEM Online - Issue 282 8 May

y 2012 Hi and Hola - Welcome to this edition of Southem Online. Cheers and Saludos from Down Under Mike Smith Editor and Director Email: URL: SOUTHEM COMMUNITY REGISTRATION You can register for this free e-news headlines service. Send an email to LINKEDIN GROUP @ YAHOO GROUP @ FACEBOOK @ SPONSORS MESSAGES Help keep this publication free please visit our sponsors today! Contact for sponsorship details. REMSOFT FORESTRY SOLUTIONS OPTIMIZE OIL & GAS RESOURCE CHALLENGES American Oil & Gas Reporter has profiled Remsoft. Ugo Feunekes, Founding Partner and Chief Technology Officer of Remsoft discusses some similarities between the oil and gas business and forestry, noting how forestry has had to learn to meet the challenges on margins not much richer than those earned by grocery stores; singledigit returns are not uncommon. The solution for foresters is based on technology that enables modeling and optimization across the entire life cycle and full geographic footprint of a managed timberland. See more at: FOREST BUSINESS MASTERS DEGREE ASSISTANTSHIP The University of Georgia Center for Forest Business announces the availability of a Master of Forest Resources Graduate Assistantship in Forest Business beginning August 2012 and January 2013. For details please contact: Bob Izlar, + 1.706.542.6819, For more information about MFR, MS or PhD degree programs in Forest Business see:

For University of Georgia Graduate School admission requirements, please see: LASER TECHNOLOGY WEBINAR FOR FORESTERS Laser Technology will host a three-part webinar series for foresters which will equip participants with an understanding of how to use the latest in measurement technology so you can become more efficient in the field. The hour-long webinars are free and qualify for Continuing Forestry Education (CFE) credits through the Society of American Foresters (SAF). The first webinar, GIS/Forestry - Laser Mapping, in the series goes into depth about laser and compass measurement technology. Participants will find out how easy it is to integrate mapping lasers with field data collection software and transfer field data to a GIS. Held on Wednesday, May 23 at 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (MST). Register for this event. The second webinar, Tree Hypsometry - Vegetation Management discusses laser measurements and modes, including 3-step height and 2-step missing line routine. Participants will also learn the best way to deal with danger tree and vegetation clearances. The series concludes with the third webinar, Timber Cruising In/Out Sampling & Diameters, where attendees will learn how to take tree heights and percent slope measurements, use the BAF factor to perform in/out determination of borderline trees and how to make accurate diameter measurements and more. For more information and registration links, visit: Or **************************************** COPYRIGHT NOTICE Items headlined in SOUTHEM Online are drawn from a number of sources. The source of the item is quoted, either by publication or organisations in line with the practice of fair reporting. Items originally published in Spanish are translated by TMS Ltd. Every effort is made to ensure use of paid wire service material is avoided at all times. Should users wish to utilise SOUTHEM Online on their own web sites, we request that this is done to accurately reflect the current layout to ensure attribution is appropriate. ************************************************ GMO RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN TALKS WITH NZ SUPER FUND OVER SELLING KAINGAROA The New Zealand Superannuation Fund has confirmed that it and global investment firm GMO Renewable Resources are in discussions with Harvard Management Company over the possible purchase of Harvards majority stake in the Kaingaroa forest estate. Harvard currently holds a 60% stake in Kaingaroa, an estate of approximately 170,000 hectares of harvesting rights to plantation forest located in the Central North Island of New Zealand. The Fund already owns a 40% stake in Kaingaroa, at one time the largest planted forest in the world. A statement from the

Fund said forestry management will continue on a business-as-usual basis by Timberlands Ltd. Until discussions are concluded the parties will not be making any further comment. GLOBAL FOREST PARTNERS SPENDING A$45M ON AUS FORESTRY HOLDINGS The US-based international fund manager, Global Forest Partners, will pay Elders more than A$45 million for pulpwood plantations in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Elders chief executive Malcolm Jackman said in a statement the agreement with GFP represented a substantial advance on the companys program to release capital from its forestry operations. The sale is expected to be finalised by the end of June. GUNNS IN CONFIDENTIAL DISCUSSIONS WITH INVESTORS ON A$130M OFFER Meanwhile, Gunns Ltd has confirmed it is in discussions with potential investors in relation to a planned equity offer. The big Australian timber company is raising A$130 million in an effort to reduce debt. A company statement said the discussions with institutional investors were confidential. CHILE SUPPORTING CANADAS BID TO JOIN TRANS-PACIFIC TRADE TALKS Chile is supporting Canadas bid to join talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper secured the support during recent talks with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, its reported. The announcement came during a the PMs visit to Chile where to two leaders held private meetings to discuss furthering economic ties. The statement said the two leaders announced that the 15year-old Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement will be expanded to include a "financial services" section. MONDIS SOUTH AFRICAN OPERATING PROFIT WELL DOWN Fine paper-maker Mondis South Africa Divisions underlying operating profit was well down on the comparable prior year period and the final quarter of 2011, the company said in a statement on an interim statement for 2012. Domestic sales of uncoated fine paper and pulp improved whilst export sales of white-top containerboard saw both lower average selling prices and weaker volumes due to ongoing destocking in Europe. Lower pulp selling prices severely impacted returns, although prices have trended upwards from their lows in January 2012, which should contribute to an improved performance in the second quarter, the statement said. MASISA MEXICO OFFSHOOT BUYS RESIN-MAKER Chiles Masisa has announced its Masisa Mexico offshoot was signed a deal to acquire the industrial assets of Arclin Mexico, branch of International Arclin, a company involved in the production of synthetic resins for the North American market. The assets consist mainly of a plant for the production of 60,000 tons a year of resins and 7,300 tons of Formaldehyde, located on land adjacent land to the Masisa Mexico board plant in Durango. POYRY WINS SERVICES CONTRACT FOR NEW KLABIN PULP MILL Finland-based Poyry's Industry Business Group has been awarded a services contract by Brazils Klabin S.A. for Environmental Study, Basic Engineering and

Detailed Engineering for site infrastructure for a new pulp mill to be implemented in the state of Parana, southern Brazil. The order has been booked into the first quarter 2012 order stock for an undisclosed sum. The capacity of the new state-of-the-art pulp mill is 1.5 million tonnes per annum and the start up of the mill is planned for the third quarter of 2014. CARBONZERO FIRST NON-UK COMPANY TO PROVIDE PAS 2050 CERTIFICATION The New Zealand company, carboNZero Holdings, has become the first non-UK company to provide accredited certification for product carbon footprints under British Standard Institutes (BSI) PAS 2050. carboNZero Holdings adoption of PAS 2050 as the standard for product carbon footprinting will arm its clients with a competitive edge in securing favourable recognition among their customers and promote ease of entry into the UK market. SCHEME LAUNCHED TO PLANT A MILLION TREES IN CHILEAN PATAGONIA A scheme has started in Chile aimed at planting more then a million native Southern Beech trees in the Chilean Patagonia region throughout 2012. Reforestemos Patagonia has launched the program with the backing of Foundation Image from Chile, the Subsecretara of Tourism and the National Forest Corporation (Conaf) The Santiago Times said the program was described at the launch as being most ambitious reforestation initiative in the history of Chile. The scheme started after the recent forest fires which devastated the iconic Torres del Paine national park, generating a wave of, largely critical, coverage in the international press. PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE CLAIMS OVER TASMANIAN NATIVE FORESTS The Report of Chairman Professor Jonathan West, as part of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement Independent Verification Group, is to come under scrutiny by a Legislative Council Committee Inquiry. The Government Administration Committee will examine the key finding of the Report of the Chairman that found Tasmanias native forests (not including plantations) have been and continue to be harvested substantially above long-term sustainable yield, in respect of the key product segments to which they provide resources. (Source AFPA) SA WATER RESOURCES STRATEGY DELAYED, AGAIN The delay in the review of South Africas National Water Resources Strategy had emerged as a key concern for the Department of Water Affairs (DWA), directorgeneral Maxwell Sirenya said at a Water Institute of Southern Africa conference in Cape Town. Engineering News has report that a draft of the review, which was about three years behind schedule, was now expected to be released for public comment by September. In the meantime, a decision had been made to move ahead with establishing nine catchment management agencies (CMAs) to manage the catchment areas already unveiled. Water supplies are a major area of concern in South Africa, where the forest industry has been under pressure over large-scale eucalypt plantings. EMERGING THREATS FOR ASIAS PANEL SECTOR DOMINANCE, NEW REPORT Asias dominant position in the global panel demand and supply cannot be

challenged, but a new report says the real game changes in future will be raw material supply security, uncertain and high cost energy, access to the state-of-art technology and best-in-class industry practices. Pyry Management Consulting published a new Pyry Viewpoint report entitled The Asia Pacific Panel and Surfacing Industry Investment Hot Spots. MILBURN PLANT TO BE CLOSED City Forests in Otago, New Zealand, has announced the jobs of 31 workers at its Milburn wood processing plant are likely to go, with plans to mothball the facility later this year, the Otago Daily Times reported. City Forests chief executive Grant Dodson confirmed that employees, key suppliers and customers had been told of the move, which would see the plant progressively downsized and closed by September. NELSON PINE IN CONTENTION FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARD The New Zealand-based board-maker, Nelson Pine Industries Ltd, is on the finalists shortlist for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority award. The awards are run annually by the EECA, which works to implement government strategies for energy efficiency, conservation and renewable energy in both the private and public sectors. Nelson Pine Industries processes 40% of the Nelson harvest of radiata pine into GoldenEdge MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) and NelsonPine LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber). The company is on the shortlist for the large business and energy management category. PHOTO COMP FOCUS ON AGRI-INDUSTRY A photographic competition is being held focusing on the agri-industry, including forestry, in the Argentine region of the North East of Entre Ros. The competition is being run by the Inta Concordia Experimental Agricultural Station to celebrate 100 years of operation. Submissions close 14 May 2012. KOALA PROTECTED UNDER NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT LAW Australias most at-risk koala populations are to be included on a national list of threatened species. Environment Minister Tony Burke has decided to list koala populations in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as vulnerable under national environment law. KAKABEAK PLANT DISCOVERY EXCITING New discoveries of an extremely rare, native kakabeak plant (Clianthus) have excited botanists and local Department of Conservatin workers in the Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. The discovery of two previously unrecorded plants in Willowflat Forest has been described by local conservation groups as an extremely significant one, with numbers of the endangered Clianthus maximus occurring in the wild as low as 120 known plants. Andy Fleming, Harvest Planning Manager of Rayonier Matariki Forests, said in a statement that the find by the companys contractors was particularly surprising as the plants had been in an area where the crew had been working for some months. SOUTHEM ARTICLES Back to basics: field-level forestry. Forest Policy Brief 02 Report. From the UN

FAO Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II. Quote: Institutional frameworks that fail to provide incentives to invest in forest management and a succession of high-level national and international priorities in forestry mean that field-level activities are often overlooked. orestry.pdf Correa-Araneda, F., Urrutia, J., and Figueroa,. Estado del conocimiento y principales amenazas de los humedales boscosos de agua dulce de Chile. Knowledge status and principal threats to freshwater forested wetlands of Chile. Revista chilena de historia natural. versin ISSN 0716-078X. Rev. chil. hist. nat. vol.84 no.3 Santiago set. 2011 Gregorio I. Gavier-Pizarro et al. Monitoring the invasion of an exotic tree (Ligustrum lucidum) from 1983 to 2006 with Landsat TM/ETM + satellite data and Support Vector Machines in Crdoba, Argentina. Remote Sensing of Environment. Available online 15 February 2012. Salas, R.M., and Cabral, E.L. 2011. Staelia culcita (Rubiaceae), a new species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Plant Ecol. Evol. 144:372-376. 00017 Hahn, I.J., Vergara, P.M., and Rmer, U. 2011. Importance of nest attributes in the conservation of endemic birds of the Juan Fernndez Archipelago, Chile. Bird Conservation Internatiional. 21(4):460-476. SOUTHEM OPPORTUNITIES FINNISH TENDER OFFERED FOR FORESTRY MANAGEMENT INFO SYSTEM Finlands government has issued a tender note regarding a Management Information System for Forestry Sector. The tenders must be received by the Ministry not later than on the 21st of May 2012 at 15.00. For more information and tender document: POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AT STELLENBOSCH The Department of Forest and Wood Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, offers a postdoctoral position "Green Landscapes Designing Sustainable Landscapes in an African Context". For details, visit: VALUE RECOVERY ANALYST AT RED STAG A value recovery analyst is being sought by the Waipa Mill of Red Stag in Rotorua NZ. The scope of the work includes among other things Analysis of the value recovery of timber during the process from sawmill to planer operations. For more information, go to:

TIMBER OPERATIONS MANAGER ATS Timber in New South Wales, Australia, has an opening for an Operations Manager at Northmead mill. For further information, please contact Yovan Trajanoski, State Manager on (02) 9630 5622. Otherwise you can apply online or simply email to NATURAL AREAS AND URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT A total remuneration package ranging from A$73,261 to A$84,251 including super is being offered applicants for a Section Manager - Natural Areas and Urban Forest at the City of Ryde in New South Wales, Australia. The closing date is Friday, 18 May 2012. Call Tatjana Domazet 9952 8250 or apply online at: Careers at SENIOR GREENHOUSE GAS RESEARCHER Landcare Research in New Zealand wants to hire a Senior Greenhouse Gas Researcher and Portfolio Leader. The a talented and motivated senior researcher will lead the government agencys research Portfolio "Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Storage". Applications close on 30th June 2012. For further information please contact David Whitehead, Chief Scientist: phone +64 3 321 9862 or SOUTHEM KORERO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON GREEN ECONOMY 23 May-24 May 2012. The First International Seminar on Green Economy Ecosystem and Environmental Goods and Services and Finantial Compensation. Vicosa, Brazil. IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress and ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day: Forests and Trees Serving the People of Africa and the World 25-29 June 2012, Nairobi, Kenya. ACCURACY 2012 International Spatial Accuracy Research Association (ISARA). The Tenth International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. July 10-13, 2012. Florianpolis, SC Brazil FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS 8-13 July 2012. International Conference on Forests and Forest Products Actual and Future. Lisboa, Portugal. Includes Willows and Poplars and Wood Quality. For more information: FOUR DEGREES OR MORE? 12-14 July 2012. Four Degrees or More? Australia in a Hot World. Melbourne, Australia.

weblink: BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF GALLING ARTHROPODS 4-8 Aug 2013. 6th International Symposium on the Biology and Ecology of Galling Arthropods and Related Endophytes. O'Reillys Rainforest Retreat, Queensland, Australia. IUFRO 7.03.02 Contact: Robin Adair, Robin.Adair(at) LEGAL ASPECTS OF EUROPEAN FOREST SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 19-21 September, 2012 IUFRO Division 9: Forest Policy and Economics. Research Group 9.06.00 (former 6.13.00): Forest Law and Environmental Legislation. International Symposium, Republic of Belarus 2012. 14th International Symposium on Legal Aspects of European Forest Sustainable Development. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. First Announcement and Call for Papers. Contact Peter HERBST, e-mail: or Vitalie GULCA, email: or IMPROVING LIVES WITH POPLARS AND WILLOWS - PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting. Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows @ Dehradun, India, 8-12 October 2012. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY 5-12 November 2012. Biannual IUFRO Forest Landscape Ecology Conference: Sustaining Humans and Forests in Changing Landscapes: Forests, Society and Global Change. Concepcin, Chile. IUFRO 8.01.02, Contact: Cristian Echeverria, cristian.echeverria(at); Sandra Luque, sandra.luque(at) BRAZIL TO HOST 2015 WORLD STATS CONGRESS The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics will host in the second half of 2015, the 60th World Congress of Statistics, organised by the International Statistical Institute. Go to: ************************************************* NEWS ONLINE Do you have news items you wish to make available to others on SOUTHEM Online? If so, please send them to

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