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MARCH 18, 2012

A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the Light of Jesus Family


Weve Got it All Wrong

From the Founder The Fighter >
How to win Over Temptations The arena of the fight isnt outside us. The arena of the fight is inside us. Talk 1: FOCUS ON No wonder weve been losing! THE GOOD What am I talking about? How weve Talk 2: Friend with the Good lost to temptation. Talk 3: Fight for the Good We think of temptation as an external problem. Its the magnetic pull of a casino to a gambler. Or the smell of beer to an alcoholic. Or the alluring girl in the office that still blows kisses at your direction even if she knows youre married. But you know what? All these temptations are totally powerless if they dont have allies working within you. Yes, its an inside job. And the solution isnt fighting the battle outside you (at least, not right away), but fighting the battle thats raging in you. Today, we start a brand new series titled The Fighter. Youll be very blessed by these three myth- busting talks... Talk 1: Focus on The Good Talk 2: Friend with The Good Talk 3: Fight for The Good Get ready to turn your life around... Have an enormously blessing- filled Feast today! May your dreams come true,

WEVE been fighting in the wrong boxing ring

Fight A Good Fight of Faith

1Timothy 6:11 > Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many Welcome to our series, The Fighter. How to Win Over Temptations.

Overcoming Temptations

The Feast Valenzuela is a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family held at the Cinema 1 of SM Valenzuela, every Sunday, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. For questions and concerns, contact Danny Aonuevo @ 09178275755 or email us at

This series has three myth-busting messages: (1) Focus on the Good; (2) Friend with the Good; and (3) Fight for the Good. Temptation ---the urge to do something we know is wrong---troubles all of us. It may be some terrible evil, or it may be something we tend to excuse, like impatience, pride, gossip, or a short temper. James 4:7-8 > Who amongst us have not been tempted? Submit herefore to Who amongst us have not give-in to temptation? God. Resist the devil Who amongst us have fought temptation and win/lost? and he will flee from Who amongst us have struggles with temptation? you. Draw near to God Temptation is not sin its when you give in to it and He will draw near that it becomes sin to you. Cleanse your As long as you live in this world, youll have hands, you sinners; and struggles. And all your life, youll be fighting evil. purify your hearts, you In fact, you should be worried if you dont have double-minded struggles. You need struggles to grow. We are tempted when we are drawn toward a sin. It doesnt become a sin until desire has conceive (Jas 1:15). And the more we deliberately expose ourselves to temptation, the less our resistance will be. more on page 2

continuation... Victory over temptation is not simply a matter of will-power. Self control is a fruit of Holy Spirit (Gal.5:22ff). Our weak human spirit cries out for the Spirits strength. Theres only one sure way to beat temptation. We must rely on Gods help continually. As we trust HiM and do what we know is right. He will guide us into His truth and holiness. My perspective: Every temptation is an opportunity to say No to sin and Yes to God! Youre Gods Champion! God is in you! Shine! Have a fantastic Feast! In Christ, Bro. Eng (wag uulitin) Valenzuela Feast

Novena to Gods Love

Today, I receive all of Gods love for me Today, I open myself to the unbounded,limitless, overflowing abundance of Gods universe. Today, I open myself to Gods blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to Gods Word so I would become more like Jesus every day Today, I proclaim that I am Gods beloved, I am Gods servant, I a m G o d s p ow e r f u l champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus name. Amen.

March 11, 2012


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Talk 1: Focus on the Good

Know Why You Fight
Romans 8:5, 11 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. Personal Reflection And Group Discussion: Please comment (or share experiences) about this powerful statement from Bo: The pleasure of sin is a pirated version of the pleasure of being loved. ______________________________ _______________________ _______ ______________________________ ________________ ______________ ______________________________ _________ _____________________ ______________________________ __ ____________________________ _________________________ _____ ______________________________ __________________ ____________ ______________________________ ___________ ___________________ ______________________________ ____ __________________________

Thank You Lord!

Glory to God! Thank you so much for the great blessing. Im already a permanent teacher. Thank you Lord God -reg attendee Thank you so much Lord for another answered prayer, forever morning shift na ako -regular attendee Lord youre so awesome,youre really faithful with your promises. Napatunayan ko Lord nagbigay lang ako ng konti, ibinalik mo ng sobra sobra sa ini-expect ko at sa madaling panahon pa. thank you Lord, I love you very much -reg attendee

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