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ENDLESS BLISS (PART 1) Allahu taala has mercy upon all people on the earth.

He creates useful things an d sends them to everybody. He shows the way to Endless Bliss. He guides to the r ight path whomever He wishes among those who left the true way and followed the way to kufr (infidelity, disbelief) and heresy as a result of being deceived by their own nafs (human desires), bad friends, harmful books, and the media. He sa ves them from eternal calamity. He does not bestow this blessing upon those who are cruel and exceed the limits. He lets them stay on the way of kufr, which the y like and desire. In the next world, He will forgive whomever He wants of those guilty Believers who are to go to Hell, and He will admit them to Paradise. He alone creates every living creature, keeps every being in existence every moment and protects all against fear and horror. Trusting ourselves to the honorable n ame of Allahu taala, that is, expecting help from Him we begin to write this book . May hand (Praise and gratitude) be to Allahu taala. Peace and blessings be u pon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (alaihi s-salam). May all auspicious prayers be o n his Ahl al-Bait and on each of his just and devoted Companions (as-Sahabat alkiram). Thousands of precious books have been written on the tenets of the Is lamic faith and its commands and prohibitions, and many of them have been transl ated into foreign languages and distributed to every country. On the other hand, ill-willed and short-sighted people have continuously attacked the useful, boun tiful and lightsome rules of Islam and have striven to blemish and change it and to deceive Muslims. It is still seen with gratitude that in almost every cou ntry scholars of Islam are striving to disseminate and defend this path. Unsuita ble speeches and articles, however, are still being witnessed, which are claimed to have been taken from but out of misunderstanding of the Quran al-karim and th e hadith ash-sharif [1] by a few people who have not read or understood the book s by the ulama [2] of Ahl as-Sunna [3]. Yet these speeches and articles are ineffe ctive against the firm iman (faith) of Muslim brothers and have no influence, bu t indicate the ignorance of their agents. GLOSSARY [1] hadith (sharif): i) a saying of the Prophet (alaihi s-salam).; al-Hadith ash-s harif: all the hadiths as a whole; ii) ilm al-hadith; iii) Books of the hadith as h-sharif. iv) Al-hadith al-qudsi, as-sahih, al-hasan: kinds of hadiths (for whic h, see Endless Bliss, II). [2] ulama: pl. of alim; ulama ar-rasihin, those learned in both zahiri and batini sci ences. [3] Ahl as-Sunna (wal-Jamaa): the true pious Muslims who follow as-Sahabat al-kira m. These are called Sunni Muslims. A Sunni Muslim adapts himself to one of the f our Madhhabs. These madhhabs are Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali.

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