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Efcient scheme for DOA ESTIMATION of Multipath Clusters in WiMedia UWB systems

Ashok Kumar Marath

for Infocomm Research, 21, Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260. Email:,,
AbstractUWB systems are expected to nd widespread use in future short range applications. Increasing popularity of these devices will require management of occupied spectrum in spatial domain to keep the interference low. In Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication systems, one encounters many multipath components. By optimally forming beams in the direction of the principal multipath clusters, one can achieve optimum spectrum efciency. The number of components would depend on the sampling rate as the number of resolvable components depends on it. Besides, many of the multipath components would be coming from the same cluster. The estimation of the Direction of Arrival (DOA) of these clusters is very useful to focus the transmit power in the optimum direction. A new algorithm, exploiting the known pilot signals of multiband UWB systems for estimation of DOA of clusters is proposed recently. By making use of a new matrix incorporating the cross correlation between the focused UWB signal and the known pilot signal of the transmitted data in each array element, one would be able to separate the multipath clusters from a single source. This paper looks at reducing the number of receivers required for implementing the algorithm. UWB System makes use of the preample to synchronize the incoming data. Hence, one can employ a central processor to sample the data from individual sensors in a time multiplexed fashion. This time multiplexed sampled data can be used for nding the expected value of correlation with known reference data. This would allow usage of fewer receivers to achieve the same level of performance. Computer experiments are included to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm with and without receiver time multiplexing.
Department Institute ,

A. Rahim Leyman , Hari Krishna Garg

I. I NTRODUCTION The increasing popularity of WiMedia UWB systems necessitates optimal usage of the frequency spectrum. They have to coexist with other systems operating in the same band. In the futuristic scenario dominated by cognitive radios, wireless systems are expected to coexist with many potential interferers. In this scenario, they are expected to transmit with minimum possible power in the optimum direction so as to minimize the interfering signals for other systems. Hence beamforming is expected to play a major role in future cognitive systems. These systems encounter multipath propagation in indoor environments. By transmitting in the direction of principal multipath components, one can improve the system performance. The IEEE channel model [1] specify lot of multipath components consisting of clusters and rays within

these clusters. The inter arrival times of these clusters and rays are poisson distributed and the amplitude of individual clusters / rays are exponentially decaying with time. In typical short range environments, one will encounter few clusters. In general, these clusters represents different directions of arrival. Depending on the sampling rate used, many rays combine to form a single multipath component from the cluster / direction. By determining the direction of dominant clusters, one would be able to focus the transmit energy in the optimum direction. This would also be able to improve the system performance as many other multipath components would be eliminated. The WiMedia systems are based on Multiband OFDM transmission [2]. The system operates with instantaneous bandwidth of around 500 MHz and hops between a group of carrier frequencies. This wide bandwidth coupled with hopping poses signicant challenges for conventional DOA algorithms. The presence of multipaths adds further complexity. In one of the most popular implementations, the system hop between three carrier frequencies from symbol to symbol. The system operates with a sampling frequency of 528MHz and uses 128 subcarriers. 12 carriers in each OFDM symbol are allocated as pilot carriers. These carriers transmit known data, called training sequences, in each OFDM symbol. These can be exploited to enhance accuracy and improve the resolution capacity of the DOA estimation. Known waveform aided approaches for DOA estimation are explored in [3][5]. A new algorithm for exploiting the pilot signal waveforms for detecting the DOA of multipath clusters in WiMedia UWB system was proposed in [8]. The proposed algorithm make use of the cross correlation between the received UWB signal and the known pilot signal of the transmitted data in each array element. The algorithm requires subarrays with number of elements more than the number of multipath clusters and number of subarrays also has to be more than the number of multipath clusters. The typical number of the array elements would be 10 or more in typical indoor UWB environments. The cost of the receivers would be high for indoor applications. In this paper, we look at ways to reduce the number of receivers required for a typical implementation of algorithm proposed in [8]. Performance of the proposed scheme with

conventional approach of having independent receiver for each antenna array is compared. II. DATA M ODEL The system consists of multiple UWB sources conforming to the WiMedia UWB standard [2]. Consider p UWB signals {s1 (n), s2 (n), , sp (n)} impinging on a q element uniform linear array (ULA) from different directions {1 , 2 , , p }. The angle i is measured with respect to the broadside of the array. Even though the physical signal is only the real part of complex signal, we use complex signal for ease of analysis. The signal received at the mth element of array is given by the p relation xm (t)ejc (t) = i=1 si (t m,i )ejc (tm,i ) . Here, xm (t) represents the complex envelope of the signal in the mth element, si (t) represents the complex envelope of the ith source and m,i represents the differential delay of ith source to the mth element with respect to the reference element. In p baseband notation, this can be written as xm (t) = i=1 si (t m,i )ejc m,i . In frequency domain, it is given as Xm () = p j(c +)m,i . i=1 Si ()e The input spectrum can be split into individual components and the array output is a q 1 vector at any frequency j and is given by X(j ) [X1 (j ) X2 (j ) Xq (j )]T . X(j ) can be written as X(j ) = AS(j ) + W(j ), where A [a(1 ) a(p )] is a q p matrix consisting of p steering vectors dened by a(i ) [1 ej(c +j )d sin i ej(c +j )(q1) sin i ]T (1)

s1 , where k1 > 1. Hence the goal is to estimate the directions of arrival {1 , 2 , , k1 } from this source. In the scheme proposed in [8], the q elements of uniform linear array are divided into M overlapping subarrays of size l (q M + 1) with sensors {1, , l} forming the rst subarray, sensors {2, , l + 1} forming the second subarray and so on. The ith subarray output is an l 1 vector obtained by taking the ith to (i + l)th entries out of x(n). It can be easily veried that xi (n) = A1 D(i1) s(n) + wi (n) i = 1, , M (2)

where A1 consisting of rst l rows of A, and D = diag(ej2 sin 1 ej2 sin 2 ej2 sin p ]T
d d d


Let Xi [xi (n) xi (n + 1) xi (n + N )] be the matrix formed by concatenating the ith subarray output vectors at different time lags. One can dene r1 as r1 [r1 (n) r1 (n+1) r1 (n+N )]H , where the signal r1 (n) is the known signals correlated with rst k1 impinging signals {s1 (n), s2 (n), , sk1 (n)} associated with target source s1 and [.]H represents the conjugate transpose of a matrix. It was shown in [8] that d ej2 (i1) sin 1 . . E[Xi r1 ] = A1 D , i = 1, , M . d ej2 (i1) sin k1 = A1 D C (4) A1 denotes the submatrix consisting of the rst k1 columns diag(1 k1 ) is a diagonal matrix with of A1 , D nonzero diagonal elements. s are dened by the relation E[Sr1 ] = [1 k1 0 0]T , s1 (n) s1 (n + 1) s1 (n + N ) s2 (n) s2 (n + 1) s2 (n + N ) where S . . . .. . . . . . . . sp (n) sp (n + 1) sp (n + N ) A closer look at (4) shows that the rst two terms in the product on the right hand side is the weighted sum of the columns of A1 and the weighing factor is the diagonal elements of D . The diagonal elements are the expected values of the correlation of the incoming source signals with the known pilot signals and would be a constant for each source. Hence the product of the rst two terms can be written as 1 0 0 a11 a12 a1k1 a21 a22 a2k1 0 2 0 1 D = . . . (5) A . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . al1 al2 alk1 0 0 k1 The two matrices on the right hand side of the (5) represents A1 and D respectively. As seen from (5), the array vector

Where W(j ) denotes q 1 additive noise vector, and is dened as W(j ) = [N1 (j ) N2 (j ) Nq (j )]T . Similarly, S(j ) [S1 (j ) S2 (j ) Sp (j )]T is the signal vector. The spectrum of the received signal is divided into J narrow band frequency components. In the case of Wimedia UWB, J = 128. The above equations hold true for all frequency components. III. S UMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL A LGORITHM Since the analysis of UWB signals is an extension of the narrowband case, let us rst look into the narrow band case. Consider p narrowband signals {s1 (n), s2 (n), , sp (n)} impinging on a q elements uniform linear array (ULA) from different directions {1 , 2 , , p }. The angle i is measured with respect to the broadside of the array. Due to the multipath propagation, these impinging signals are associated with L different sources {1 , , sL } , where L p, that is there s may be more than one impinging signals (DOA) corresponding to the same source. The signals associated with one common source are highly correlated with each other. Here we assume that signals from different sources are uncorrelated or have negligible correlation. Our objective is to estimate all the directions of arrivals associated with target source sk by utilizing the known signal rk (n) of source sk . Without loss of generality, let us assume that the rst k1 impinging signals {s1 (n), s2 (n), , sk1 (n)} corresponds to the target source

corresponding to the rst source is weighted by 1 in the product. This can be written as a11 a11 0 . . . 0 0 0

a21 1 . = 1 . . al1

a21 0 + 1 . + + 1 . (6) . . . . al1 0

Looking at (6), one can see that time multiplexing would not produce any error as they are weighted by the same constant factor. Time multiplexing does not alter the total directional contribution as long as the different sensor phase vectors are multiplied by the same constant. Looking at (4), one can see that ith element of the column vector on the left hand side of the equation represents the expected value of the ith sensor signal with the known waveform of the source. Since the elements of the column vector is the expected value, it doesnt matter when it is calculated. As long as there are sufcient samples, the error in the calculation in tends to zero as the number of samples tends to innity. This would open the possibility of time multiplexing of sampling the inputs from sensors. One can trade off the number of receivers and total sampling duration. In the proposed scheme, we will be grouping the sensors into different groups. For example, in a 12 element array, one can group the sensors 1,5,9 into the rst group, sensors 2,6,10 into second group, sensors 3,7,11 into the third group and sensors 4,8,12 into the fourth group and so on. The groups are sampled sequentially. In the above example one need only 3 receivers instead of original 12. As shown in [8], we would be calculating the expected value of the correlation of the signal received by each array element with the known signal. In the case of WiMedia UWB, the known waveform would be the pilot signals. In this case, we are looking for correlation of sensor signals with known signals in a synchronized system. The system can be synchronized with the signal received by the rst element. As long as the number of samples are sufciently large, the error in calculating the expected value would be very small. In the case of WiMedia UWB, one OFDM symbol duration would be a convenient time window to pick signals from one sensor. During the zero padding duration at the end of the symbol, one can synchronously switch the receiver circuitry without loss of any information. This switching would be possible only for synchronous systems using OFDM like processing and having a guard interval, which is discarded in frequency domain processing. This concept can be exploited to reduce the number of receivers used in the system and hence signicant reduction in complexity for implementing the algorithm proposed in [8] can be achieved. Each element E[Xi r1 ] would be in the column matrix dened by gi calculated at different sampling instants without any error. One can concatenate gi to form G dened by G = [gi gM ]. As shown in [8], one can nd the direction of arrival of the

multipath clusters by locating vectors perpendicular to the non signal eigen vectors of (GGH ). The subarrays were formed as in the narrowband case. The gi vector dened in the narrowband case was calculated for each subarray and the G matrix was formed for each of the pilot frequency and corresponding hopping carrier frequency. The (GGH ) matrix was calculated for each frequency and combined to form the total correlation matrix as shown in [8].The focussing of data coming from different pilot frequency was used to improve performance. Direction of arrival can be determined using the conventional MUSIC analysis at the focusing frequency for the correlation matrix. IV. C OMPUTER E XPERIMENTS In this experiment, UWB system operating at 200 Mbits/sec is chosen. This consists of 100 data subcarriers modulated with random QPSK symbols representing the coded data. The guard carriers were also generated as dened in [2]. Pilot carriers with specied pilot data were also generated. The mapped subcarrier data was converted to time domain data using 128 point IFFT. This was appended with 37 zero padding bits as dened in the standard for each symbol to make 165 sample symbol. Four multipath signals arriving from 40 , 30 , 10 , 20 was generated with equal amplitude and phase, thus creating the scenario of highly correlated multipaths. The multipath components are assumed to be reaching the antenna array through different angles of arrival with different propagation delays. Three UWB signals with random data at pilot locations arriving from 10 , 0 , 40 were added as interferers. These baseband data was subjected to phase shift corresponding to the appropriate carrier frequency as dened in the standard for each symbol. The SNR is dened as the ratio between the total power in the four multipath components reaching an antenna element and the noise in the element. Packet size was chosen as 4000 bytes (the maximum packet size is 4096 bytes in the standard). In the receiver side, perfect synchronization was assumed. This can be achieved by using the conventional processing of preamble data. The rst 128 samples from the synchronization point were picked and the next 32 samples were added to the rst 32 samples. Remaining 5 samples were discarded. This process was repeated for each symbol. The picked 128 samples were converted to frequency domain using a 128 point FFT for each antenna element. The pilot carrier location data for each symbol was separated and was shifted to a common focusing frequency of 4.8 GHz as dened in [6], [7]. The subarrays were formed as described in the algorithm section. The focused data corresponding to different pilot carrier frequencies were correlated with the respective pilot data. The G matrix dened in algorithm section was formed for each pilot frequency. (GGH ) was calculated for each translated pilot frequency and combined. The correlation matrix was analyzed using conventional MUSIC techniques to nd DOA. The system was evaluated for 5dB to 25dB SNR at 5dB increments. 100 Monte Carlo runs were carried out for each SNR. The initial DOA was estimated using conventional





10 Mean DOA (degrees) Mean DOA (degrees)

10 20 10 30 40

0 20 10 30 40









15 SNR (dB)





15 SNR(dB)



(a) Mean DOA

(a) Mean DOA

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 20 10 30 40 Variance of DOA 5 10 15 SNR (dB) 20 25

0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02

Variance of DOA


15 SNR (dB)



(b) Variance of DOA Fig. 1. Mean and Variance of estimated direction of arrival of proposed method for angles of arrival of 40 , 30 , 10 , 20 and interferers at DOA 10 , 0 , 40 without time multiplexing.

(b) Variance of DOA Fig. 2. Mean and Variance of estimated direction of arrival of proposed method for angles of arrival of 40 , 30 , 10 , 20 and interferers at DOA 10 , 0 , 40 with time multiplexing.

frequency domain beamforming using an array size of 12 elements. By using the algorithm in [8] with subarray size of 6 elements, we were able to resolve 4 highly correlated multipath signals in the presence of interferers. The mean value of estimated angles showed a small bias of less than 2 degree and did not vary signicantly with SNR above 10dB in the presence of interferers. The variance of the DOA estimates did not show a decreasing trend with increasing SNR. This might be attributed relatively small size of the data packet. The mean and variance against different SNR values are shown in Fig.1. The same simulation was repeated with signals picked in time multiplexed sampling. Instead of 12 receivers, 3 receivers were used. Signals from each antenna element was picked for one OFDM symbol duration for every four symbols. This was converted to frequency domain and correlated with the pilot data for the respective symbol. The mean and variance against different SNR values for the sampled case are shown in Fig.2.

V. C ONCLUSIONS A simplied structure using time multiplexed receivers for reducing the implementation complexity of a new algorithm for the determination of direction of arrival of multipath clusters is proposed. The simulated results shows that the results are comparable to the performance of higher complexity receiver structures having individual receiver for each sensor element. R EFERENCES
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