Terrorism: Evolution, Root Causes and Coping Strategies: Restricted

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ii RESTRICTED SUB-THEME Some of the scholars attribute terrorism to injustice perpetrated by the stronger on to the weaker. It is also felt that the success of war against Terrorism depends upon the settlement of long-standing issues threatening peace around the world. Analyze this factor critically and recommend measures to address terrorism collectively highlighting the role of UN on the issue.



ABSTRACT Terrorism over the ages has become a potent tool in world affairs to highlight marginalized causes. It has evolved in strength over time using modern technology to further its aims. While there is no consensus on defining terrorism however there is an agreement in the International community to tackle it vocally. While one mans terrorist may be another mans freedom fighter. Some of the causes adopted by the terrorists are linked to the unresolved questions of selfgovernance, self-determination, and exploitation spread all over the globe. In this regard the UN has played a leading role in encouraging states to curb terror activities through various measures of legislation, financial control, denial of bases and stronger monitoring of underground crime and terrorist outfits. However it still has a long way to go before it can act in a strong manner to redress the causes of terrorism and become a safeguard against the unilateralism of the United States of America, which has become a hyper power of the world. Countering terrorism perpetrated by the state as well as the non-state actors will require a stronger United Nations enforcement of terrorist legislations and measures through the raising of a permanent counter terrorism infrastructure and addressing all outstanding issues globally in a multilateral and just environment.



1. 2. 3.

Introduction Aim and Scope Part 1- Terrorism; History and Evolution a. Terrorism- First Global War of Information Age b. Definition of Terrorism c. Problems in Defining Terrorism

1 2

4 4 5


PART II-Root Causes and Objectives Of Terrorism a. Reasons of Terrorism

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Conflicting Interests Social Theory of Exchange Theory of Relative Deprivation Dissatisfaction with the system Holding of Enough Power/Access to Weapons Power of Strong in Danger Socio - Cultural Reasons Economic Disparity Unbalanced System of Education Psychological Reasons Political Injustice Religious Intolerance Foreign Support and Subversion Use of Force RESTRICTED

8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12

v RESTRICTED (15) (16) (17) Unlawful Occupation Issue-Specific Terrorism Humiliation for Muslims b. Objectives of Terrorism c. Terrorism and Long Standing Issues 5. Part III-The Role of United Nations in Combating Terrorism a. UN Response to Terrorism b. UN Efficacy c. Future UN Role to Combat Terrorism 6. PART IV- Conclusions and Recommandations 17 18 19 22 13 13 14 15 13



TERRORISM: EVOLUTION, ROOT CAUSES AND COPING STRATEGIES Introduction 1. The attack on World Trade Centre (WTC) on September 11, 2001 was the

most devastating terrorist act that brought terrorism into the global agendas limelight. 9/11 demonstrated an unprecedented level of professional planning by the terrorists. 2. Presently the International community against the terrorists is waging a

War on terror. While a lot of resources are being expended in the quest for crushing terrorist outfits and their cadres, hardly any attention is being paid to the causes of such proliferation of terror. 3. The adoption of terror by the hitherto powerless, in the face of

overwhelming forces and technology has given the world suicidal and fanatical elements destroying world peace and security. Terrorists are now determining, how much liberty and civil rights ordinary citizens can enjoy. By their targeting of innocent civilians, they are forcing the hands of the governments towards invasion of privacy and resort to curtailing of civil liberties. 4. The lack of strong institutional mechanisms to address grievances of the

marginalized; in the, Middle east, South Asia, Central Asian Region, Philippines, are only some of the rotten sores of the world, denied of its rights due to ethnic bias in the 21st century.


2 RESTRICTED 5. In order to grapple with the menace of modern day terror of overt and

covert designs, the responsibility for resolution of outstanding issues lies on the global community. This can only occur when the will to address them is realized by the powerful as well as the others and institutional mechanisms like the United Nations (UN), the International Court of Justice (ICJ), etc. are allowed to function as per their charters of the Right to Self determination, Freedom of Religion, the right to self and representative governance, along with the application of uniform standards of law for non state as well as state sponsored terror. Labeling one or the other as right or wrong, good or evil, will lead to further bitterness amongst cultures and civilizations. Aim 6. To analyze the root causes of terrorism highlighting the UN efficacy to

combat terrorism with a view to recommend measures to address this issue collectively under UN role. Scope 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Part I. Terrorism; History And Evolution PART II. Root Causes and Objectives Of Terrorism PART III. The Role of United Nations in Combating Terrorism PART IV. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusion


3 RESTRICTED PART I TERRORISM; HISTORY AND EVOLUTION General 12. Terrorism is centuries old. Historically some factions, seeking to achieve a

political agenda through violent means, used terrorism against civilians. The old terrorism reflected political and social developments within a country and tended to have a political ideology. Terrorism was, directly related to inability of some countries to resolve their internal ethnic or political conflicts. 13. Up until the 18th century, the purpose of terrorist attacks was religious. In

the 19th century terrorist became more political, with the idea of attacking governments. After World War II, terrorism became frequent and intense. As terrorism evolved in the 20th century, terrorists were driven by beliefs in fighting for particular sub national causes or ideology. Terrorist networks grew with the help of advanced means of communications and sophisticated lethal technology. 14. The conflicts between Israel and Arab countries after World War II led to

intense periods of terrorism. In 1970s and 1980s, terrorism spilled over into Western Europe and exploded as a global phenomenon in recent years, going beyond borders and often directly affecting the core political interests of different states. Terrorist groups now operate as global institutions (similar to other supranational institution, like the IMF)1. They rely upon networking and on global financial systems for their activities.

Sergey Rogov. The UN Response to the New Terrorism: Shaping the Strategies Framework for 21st Century.[online] http://www.sipa.columbia.edu/cio/projects/rogov.pdf


4 RESTRICTED Terrorism-First Global War of Information Age 15. As the individual communication and mass media tools developed, the

strategies and tactics of psychological war have developed proportionately, and have become a kind of art. From this point of view, the communication era, we live in, is also defined as the era of psychological wars. 16. Terrorism, which is an element of the psychological war generally, arises

as a result of putting the invasive opinions and activities, which already exist or are artificially formed, in action for a specific purpose. Terrorism tends to display variation along with the changing conditions of the world. 17. Terrorism is now closely linked to the process of globalization. There are

close connections between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials. 18. The terrorists have an access to e-mail messages encoded with

cryptographic software. The computer scientists say that trying to control encryption may be a waste of time and effort. Terrorists are far more likely to use steganography2, which involves obscuring messages from detection and makes the message "disappear" altogether. Definition of Terrorism 19. The weakness of the state system to address grievances of all the

sections of the nation state results in groups from among the minorities to take

New Scientist [online]. Available http://www.newscientist.com\


5 RESTRICTED up armed or violent resistance in pursuit of their political aims. The state suffering this reaction usually labels such opposition as terrorism. Like the example of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in the Ireland was branded as a terrorist organization for over 40 years until it was allowed to occupy the negotiation seat and recognized as a legitimate voice for the struggle of the Irish people. It is therefore important to have a universal definition of the term terrorism for3 :a. International Cooperation between countries in the struggle and to ensure its effectiveness. b. c. 20. Legislation and Punishment, necessary for making laws to curtail it. Distinguishing between Terrorism and Genuine Freedom Struggles.

Problems in Defining Terrorism a. There have been a numerous attempts to define terrorism. For some, terrorism is a process comprising several phases. For others, it is strategy; for others still, a form of political violence approximating insurrection, rebellion, anarchy or political protest or revolution. Much has been made of the idea that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter4. b. The UN has 12 existing multilateral conventions on terrorism but none of these conventions has a generally accepted single definition of terrorism.

Boaz Ganor. Is One Mans Terrorist is Another Mans Freedom Fighter. [Online] Available http://www.ict.org.il/articles/define.html. Jul 22, 2002. Juliet Lodge , The threat of Terrorism. ( United States : Westview , 1988) P. 1-2


6 RESTRICTED c. American professors Anthony Clark Arend and Robert Beck, in their book international law and the use of force: beyond the UN charter paradigm note that 109 definitions of terrorism have been advanced between 1936 and 1981. More have appeared since then, including at least six from the United States government 5. All the definitions of terrorism agree on the material and moral components of terror concept that it :(1) (2) Is an organized act or threatening of violence. Creates a state of fear and panic among the targeted people. (3) Aims at achieving general or political goals for the perpetrators. d. But the prevailing definitions do not distinguish between the terrorism and legitimate/internationally recognized freedom

struggles, even when these are aimed at obtaining independence from foreign occupation. Kashmir and Palestine are glaring examples.

Solomon M.Santos, Jr. Terrorism Towards a Legal Definition. [online] Available http://www.yonip.com/main/articles/terrorism.html



PART II ROOT CAUSES AND OBJECTIVES OF TERRORISM Reasons of Terrorism 21. Terrorism does not take place in vacuum without any reason. The desire

to identify reasons of terrorism and so be able to correct them is quite natural. Therefore, it is important to look into the past to understand reasons/motives of terrorism. Some of these are explained below:a. Conflicting Interests. One of the fundamental reasons of

terrorism is conflicting and opposing interests between the parties. The psychology of conflict is that it can frustrate, at least, one of the parties when it perceives that conflict might not be resolved with peaceful means and negotiations. According to Freud, all human beings have aggressive energies and if they are not channeled properly, they can negatively influence human relationship. b. Social Exchange Theory. Social exchange theory points out an

important factor that good mutual relationship is maintained until advantages are more than disadvantages or at least equal. The intensity of good mutual relationship declines when one party feels or perceives that keeping relationship is not benefiting according to the expectations.


8 RESTRICTED c. Theory of Relative Deprivation. The theory of relative

deprivation6 argues that people (or groups) compare their situations with other people (or groups) and they fall prey to relative deprivation if they feel that other people (or groups) are living in better conditions and environment. It may not be wrong to contend that relative deprivation is one of the fundamental reasons provoking terrorism. d. Dissatisfaction with the System. Professor Doctor Ted Robert

Gurr7 points out that aggressive action is considered essential when one is dissatisfied with the system and peaceful initiatives do not bring any fruitful results. Politically dissatisfied people get inclined to follow aggressive path when they meet deaf ears and closed doors of administration. e. Holding of Enough Power/Access to Weapons. Professor of

social sciences Charles Tilly8 identifies another very important aspect of aggressive political action that people take aggressive actions when they believe that they carry enough power to create disturbance in order to bring the desired change in the system. Access to weapons puts new life to violent initiatives and increase aggressive behavior.

Ian Walker and Healther J. Smith. Relative Deprivation : Specification, Development and Integration. [online] Available http://assets.cambrige.org/052180132x/sample/052180132xws.pdf 7 http://bsos.umd.edu/gvpt/faculty/ted-gurr.htm 8 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/history/htm/h_faculty-profile_tilly.htm


9 RESTRICTED f. Power Of Strong In Danger. Michael Howard9 mentions in

relation to the reasons of war that peace remains, until power of the strong is not in danger. What Howard has written on war is also applicable on other socio-political relationships. The moment the weak raise their head and employ aggressive initiative, history shows, that they are labeled terrorists. It is considered legitimate when the stronger use force on the weaker. g. Socio - Cultural Reasons. Social life changes in proportion to

cultural changes. However, if these changes in social structure are rapid and unevenly spread causing disparity then conflicts emerge in society. The elements of culture like history, language, customs, traditions, art and literature indicate the maintenance of a national identity. Undermining these, cause abnormalities like anarchy, violence, loss of identity and unity. Those in favour of violence bring individuals into the dilemmas of what is right or wrong causing confusions in their minds. The gaps left in upbringing in the personalities of the young are filled by suspect ideologies taught at fringe schools and religo-political foundations. h. Economic Disparity. Economic disparity and poverty in society

is the most important element, terror organizations exploit as a target of propaganda and a tool for exploitation and recruitment10. Consequently, the uneducated are manipulated for marginal


http://michaelhowardmp.com/biog/htm Poverty and Terrorism, Dawn, 3 May 2004


10 RESTRICTED agendas. Poverty feeds terrorism and there is an undeniable link between the two. j. Unbalanced System of Education. Education has the power

of changing the thoughts of individuals and society thoroughly. Nelson Mandela11 the previous terrorist and todays freedom fighter & Nobel Peace prize winner has called education the great leveler of mankind. Philosopher Herbert Spencer12 believes that education makes people become reasonable and decent. Peace in societies depends on affirmative education producing useful individuals. The role of families, institutions and media is to nurture people acquire decent characters leading them to serve society, and the role of government is to make this education possible supervising and controlling it at the same time. i. Psychological Reasons. The marginalized sections of the

society, when do not find any redress to their grievances, adopt aggressive attitudes as a reaction. Another group cultivated as the most effective terrorist is the sociopath or psychopath. Psychopaths commit a crime for its pleasure. Ariel Sharon of Israel is a prime example. A psychopath is a person who has high corruption in character and morality, and never obeys and fits in social life and community rules although he has no defect of intelligence. In brief,

11 12

http://archives.obs-us.com/obs/english/books/mandela/mandela.html http:/www.iep.utm.edu/s/spencer.htm


11 RESTRICTED it can be said that some individuals who are ill in mind and soul resort to violence just for driving pleasure. j. Political Injustice. It has emerged as an explosive cause for

terrorism in the recent history. With the emergence of democratic republics, political aspirations of the masses have risen

considerably but there is evidence where these aspirations are not allowed realisation forcing people to resort to violence. Kashmir, Palestine, and Ireland are a few examples. k. Religious Intolerance. Interference in religious and personal

freedom results in out bursts capable of resorting to terrorist violence. l. Foreign Support and Subversion. terrorism across international It involves for the encouraging purpose of


destabilizing the borders or weakening the cohesion between people and their parent country. Easy access and suitable routes to an unfriendly country facilitate foreign support. Pakistans porous border with India, Iran and Afghanistan is one of the examples. m. Use of Force. Romano Prodi13, head of the European

Commission, says that force is not working against terrorism, "Terrorism now is more powerful than before". Bush

administration's response to asymmetric warfare has only served to increase the threat. Increasingly lethal American military muscle



12 RESTRICTED deployed all over the Islamic world has led to more lethal terrorist attacks. n. Unlawful Occupation. There is practically a consensus that the

beginning of a solution for the Middle East terrorism problem is the end of both the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the American occupation of Iraq. All the evidence now suggests that reshaping the Middle East from a base in occupied Iraq is not leading to less terrorism. It is leading to hyper terrorism. o. Issue-Specific Terrorism. Issue-group extremists are another

growing source of terror violence. The escalations in attacks against medical staff, clinics and hospitals by anti-abortion campaigners in the USA, and against research scientists, laboratories and commercial premises by animal rights

campaigners in the UK, are indications of the kinds of motivation involved. Although issue-group extremists aim at changing specific policies or practices rather than the whole socio-political system but their potential for endangering life and social and economic wellbeing should not be underestimated. p. Humiliation For Muslims. Jessica Stern, the author of Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill, while interviewing terrorists around the world over the past five years says14 Those I interviewed cite many reasons for choosing a life of holy war. But


Jessica Stern. Terrorisms New Mecca. The Globe and Mail, November 28, 2003.


13 RESTRICTED the variable that came up most frequently was not poverty, but perceived humiliation for Muslims, and for the youth of Islam, it is better to carry arms and defend their religion with pride and dignity than to submit to this humiliation. Televised pictures of American soldiers and their tanks in Baghdad is a "deeply humiliating scene to Muslims. Objectives of Terrorism 22. Terrorism is not a random and thoughtless violence. The terrorist carefully

plans and orchestrates his campaign to achieve specific objectives. A typical terrorist campaign moves through different phases as the group and its motives gain wider recognition15:a. Attention. The terrorists grab attention through media coverage of dramatic, violent acts. Achieve larger goals by invoking fear in the governing bodies that they cant secure their public. Terrorize the enemy, reducing their will to fight. b. Acknowledgement. They gain acknowledgement, perhaps even

sympathy and support, for their cause. c. Recognition. The terrorist group is recognised as the spokesman

of the people they claim to represent. d. Authority. They gain the influence to make changes in

government or society.




14 RESTRICTED e. Governance. The terrorist groups consolidate their power,

effectively becoming the government. Terrorism and Long Standing Issues 23. The study of revolutionary movements shows that the rulers considered all

revolutionary movements in the past such as French, Russian Revolution and the1857 War of Independence, movements of terrorism. The history shows, whenever legitimate demands of the weaker group are suppressed it encourages violent actions. 24. Keeping in view the current state of international politics and terrorism, this

issue may be more important to discuss what options are left with the group or the nation whose interests are ignored than simply finding the means to curb terrorism. 25. When all principles of resolving conflicts are set aside, the suppressed

nations are left with no option other than aggressive actions. Indeed, those who consider violent activities of Palestinians, Kashmiris and Chechnyans as terrorism, they are living in a fools paradise. People of these nations are forced to commit suicide bombing because the world has not shown understanding to their problems and demands. 26. The spirit of this paper is not to excuse violent actions but to make

powerful nations and power brokers realize that they must look after the interests of weak nations and groups. Dispensation of Justice and rule of law are tools to curb violence. The world is spending huge amounts to find a few terrorists but not


15 RESTRICTED showing any interest to eliminate reasons of terrorism. The current strategy against terrorism is not nipping the evil in the bud but promoting terrorism.




FRAMEWORK WITHIN WHICH THE INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST TERRORISM CAN UNFOLD. Kofi Annan UN Secretary-General 4 October 2002 The UN Response to Terrorism 27. On September 12, 2001, the Security Councils resolution 1368

condemning the attacks on WTC and obliging states to "combat by all means threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist attacks16" and on September 28, the Security Councils resolution 1373 calling on states to control "the financing and preparation of any acts of terrorism17," is a good example of UN response to combat terrorism.

16 17

http://untreaty.un.org/English/Terrorism.asp http://untreaty.un.org/English/Terrorism.asp


17 RESTRICTED 28. The Security Council has established a Counter Terrorism Committee

(CTC) to oversee implementation of Security Council Resolution1373. Member states sent the reports to the CTC in December 2001 stating the steps they are taking to fight terrorism. These include progress in seven critical areas: legislation, financial asset controls, customs immigration, extradition, law enforcement and arms. 29. The UN has long been active in the fight against international terrorism,

reflecting the determination of the international community to eliminate this threat. Secretary General Kofi Anan repeatedly condemned terrorism acts, as in a speech he delivered on 12 September: All nations of the world must be united in their solidarity with the victims of terrorism, and in their determination to take action, both against the terrorist themselves and against all those who give them any kind of shelter, assistance or encouragement18. 30. The Vienna-based United Nations Terrorism Prevention Branch

researches terrorism trends and assists countries in upgrading their capacities to investigate - but, above all, to prevent -- terrorist acts. All these actions, however, follow up on long-standing UN efforts to fight terrorism. UN Efficacy 31. Terrorism will be defeated only if the world can find an effective response.

All nations of the world must be united in their determination to take actions against terrorists and against those who give them any support. Obviously this can be done only through the United Nations.

Appendix F, UN Role in Fighting Terrorism,[online] Available http//www.state.gov/documents/organisation/10309.pdf


18 RESTRICTED 32. Its true that the role of the UN has long been undermined by the US for its

own various nationalistic reasons, but today terrorism has become a major concern of the world. It is necessary to outline potential areas for expanded UN anti-terrorist activities. 33. The UN system's greatest contribution to the fight against terrorism has

been the establishment of international norms against acts of terror and their codification into international law. Signatories are obliged to ensure that their domestic law criminalizes the acts described in the conventions. These emerging legal norms are already serving to positive effect, but they have to be universally accepted and adhered to by all states, which should fully implement them as soon as possible. Resolution 1377 urges the member states to address regional conflicts that are hurdles in the possible fight against international terrorism 19. The political resolution of the issues will significantly reduce the terrorist strikes. Future Un Role to Combat Terrorism 34. Although UN faces many critical problems in transforming its resolutions

and efforts of its agencies into effective actions, however these problems do not mean that UN should give up. There are many areas of international activity where the UN can expand its functions without having to face many of the problems related to the sensitivity to the internal security issues of the nations. The most important role the UN can play, lies in dealing with the broader definition of terrorism and the need to protect civilians against all acts of extremist violence including the use of weapons of mass destruction20.
19 20

Mr Ahmad Bilal Soofi, Terrorism and International Law. The Citadel, February 2003, P-57 Centre for Strategic and international Studies. The Role of United Nations in Fighting terrorism [online] Available http://www.csis.org/features/roleof UN.pdf.


19 RESTRICTED 35. There is a need to grip the international effects of clash within civilizations.

The analyses of the global violence and the effects of terrorism would show that the world is not dealing with global spillover of clashes within civilizations, regions and nations. In most of the cases, international terrorism is side effect of these clashes. The UN should not ignore this fact. 36. Another area that the UN must address is the broader causes of terrorism

i.e poverty and over population. The World Bank calculates that at least one third of the worlds countries, with 30-40% of the entire population of the world living below the poverty line21. There are gross imbalances in economic development within regions and those areas are socially disposed, unemployed and driven into over crowded cities. At the same time, vast improvement in global

communication already ensures that all these people are well aware of the growing gap between their poverty and wealth of the industrialized world. Although there is no magic answer to the problem but no organization is, however better suited to address this cause of violence and bridge the gap between rich and poor states than the UN. 37. It is clear certainty that if the UN is not a vital part of any action against

terrorism and does not lead in many areas, the global war on terrorism will be lost.





PART IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 38. Terrorism in fact is a global phenomenon. Hardly any country of the world

has escaped from the clutches of terrorism. Even the most prosperous countries of the world are in its grip. In spite of all the means at their disposal, they are unable to successfully contain it. 39. Terrorist use advanced technology obscuring code word and encrypted

messages from detection, making smooth international links for their illegal activities. 40. There is no agreed definition of terrorism. Several international

conventions provide limited and restricted definition of terrorism. Defining terrorism carelessly may have adverse consequences for neighboring concepts, such as the right of self-determination. 41. It is necessary to understand the root causes of terrorism which lie mainly

in unbalanced education system, access to the weapons, humiliation of Muslims and less understanding by the world community towards the conflicting interests like Palestine, Kashmir etc. 42. By virtue of several UN resolutions passed over almost last three years,

the legal jurisdiction of law on terrorism has developed tremendously. These resolutions have considerably filled in the gap left by treaties or conventions.


21 RESTRICTED 43. UN has long been active in combating terrorism reflecting the

determination of international community to eliminate the threat but there are many obstacles to the creation of an effective global alliance against international terrorism, relying on the UN system. 44. The UN has to continue its efforts to find a better and more workable

international approach to terrorism strengthening international laws and the means to enforce them. 45. The world is not dealing with global spillover of clashes between

civilizations, regions and nations that is also contributing to the international terrorism. 46. The existing conventions on terrorism and the relationship of the states

ratifying or signing the same do not have the involvement of any international organization in the implementation process of the conventions. For example, if the convention emphasizes bilateral talks, it does not resort to third party or international organization involvement for effectiveness of the talks. 47. There is no UN monitoring mechanism for domestic legislation or

administering the text of the conventions by the member states. The interpretation is left to the states. 48. Terrorism will persist as long as there are economic conditions that

encourage the growth of hatred and deprivation. The UN is the forum at which concerted efforts can be done to bridge the gap between rich and the poor states.



Recommendations 49. Conflict Resolution and Provision of Justice. The only super power

USA and their allies must remember that terrorism will be eradicated when injustice ends and the agreed principles of resolving conflicts are followed without any bias. Thus there is a need to avoid double standards for freedom fighters. It is necessary to understand that the root causes of terrorism lay in political injustice. 50. Consideration of Ongoing Changes in Technology. UN response to

deal with terrorism and asymmetric warfare must look far beyond the immediate tactical challenges of dealing with terrorist organizations. It must consider several major ongoing changes in technology that pose emerging threats far more serious than the world has had to deal with in the past. 51. The Need for a Comprehensive Strategy. We have to recognize that

there are many obstacles to the creation of global alliance against international terrorism. An alliance against the international terrorism cannot hold if we dont agree on what is international terrorism. Can we come up with a common definition? This is a challenge for the International Community which requires a top priority. 52. Elimination of Economic Depravity. Terrorism will persist as long as

there are economic conditions that encourage the growth of hatred and depravity. This huge task requires increased efforts to reduce and eventually RESTRICTED

23 RESTRICTED eliminate unemployment and illiteracy and to promote a balanced education system. A more equitable distribution of wealth at the global and the state level would go a long way in addressing the causes of terrorism 53. Clash Between Civilizations. The war on international terrorism should

not be perceived as the clash of civilizations, equating terrorists with any particular religion and culture like Islam. The UN must shape its peacekeeping and nation building activities to bridge the gaps between religions and cultures. UN efforts like economic and humanitarian aid can reassure the Islamic states that West does not see Islam as an enemy. 54. Execution Instrument. There is a need to establish an international

organization or a secretariat under UN to watch and ensure that conventions are being complied with or not, so that implementation is not left to the bilateral arrangement of the member states. 55. Terrorism Prevention Branch of UN. It is recommended that terrorism

prevention branch of UN in Vienna may be converted into a separate secretariat and entrusted to oversee the process of ratification of the existing conventions. It should monitor the domestic legislation being made, understand the concerns and reservations of the member states. 56. An End to Unilateralism. The unilateral use or threat of force against

any state based on an argument of anticipatory self-defence be discouraged and viewed as illegal so that the states should refrain from using force unilaterally to suppress terrorism. Many states, including U.S. allies, believe that unilateralism


24 RESTRICTED can actually weaken the very system of legal norms that the international community has constructed to fight terrorism. 57. More Power to the UN. While the hopes of recourse to the UN and its

empowerment is optimistic for the world in confronting terror. It is a reality that it is an impotent body without the capabilities to enforce global will through consensus and military and financial means. The US has used UN and Security Council as a post office and sometimes even by passing the formality of getting accreditation for its actions from the UN for example while invading Iraq in 2003. 58. UN Sponsored Police. The UN Security Council being able to require

UN members to allow a UN-sponsored police force to enter countries and conduct investigations, to freeze the assets of suspected terrorist groups, to provide intelligence on them, to arrest them, and if the member country refuses to do so, to send in an international military force to capture suspected terrorists. Use international judicial bodies for trying terrorists, with a plurality. 59. Use of Diplomacy. The willingness of terrorists to commit suicide to

achieve their aims makes it very difficult to stop them. They cannot be deterred by the rational threat of unacceptable damage. We cant just threaten to kill them since thats what they want for themselves. The question now is whether suicide bombings, once unleashed, can be stopped through diplomacy or force. 60. Measures Against Nuclear Terrorism. The rules and responsibilities for

the security of nuclear material have to be implemented to ensure that nuclear materials do not fall into the wrong hands. It is necessary to take to strengthen and expand programs to prevent nuclear-related terrorism. A possible solution RESTRICTED

25 RESTRICTED can be, establishment of an international agency, which can provide the necessary financial and technical assistance to all countries, which need help in this field. 61. Enlightened Moderation. In the new century we must show maturity in

handling national and international conflicts. World peace can only be achieved when the weak and the strong both try and make an honest effort to arrive at an understanding on areas of conflict and accommodate each other by fulfilling their roles22. Conclusion 62. The problem of terrorism needs to be tackled vigorously at the different

levels by having rounds of direct dialogue between the aggrieved groups and the state officials, as no person is a born terrorist. Steps must be taken to win the confidence of the innocent and isolating the terrorists. The whole gamut of the problem of terrorism requires a policy of firmness and forgiveness, to be followed under different circumstances. Moreover, there is a dire need of solving all the outstanding political and economic issues throughout the world. World powers need to understand the underlying causes of terrorism around the globe and demonstrate a great political will and requisite initiative to eradicate them. Provision of justice and education to the masses is the key to eradicate the menace of terrorism from the civilized world.


General Pervez Musharraf, Enlightened Moderation. Washington Post, June 2004.



Rogov, Sergey. The UN Response to the New Terrorism: Shaping the Strategies Framework for 21st Century. [online] available http://www.sipa.columbia.edu/cio/projects/rogov.pdf


Ganor, Boaz. Is One Mans Terrorist is Another Mans Freedom Fighter. [online] Available http://www.ict.org.il/articles/define.html, Jul 22, 2002. M.Santos, Jr, Solomon. Terrorism Towards a Legal Definition. [online] Available http://www.yonip.com/main/articles/terrorism.html


4. Lodge, Juliet. The threat of Terrorism. (United States: West view,1988), P. 1-2 5. New Scientist [online]. Available http://www.newscientist.com/

Ian Walker and Healther J. Smith. Relative Deprivation: Specification, Development and Integration. [online] Available http://assets.cambrige.org/052180132x/sample/052180132xws.pdf

7. http://bsos.umd.edu/gvpt/faculty/ted-gurr.htm


9. http://michaelhowardmp.com/biog/htm 10. Poverty and Terrorism, Dawn, 3 May 2004 11. http://archives.obs-us.com/obs/english/books/mandela/mandela.html 12. http:/www.iep.utm.edu/s/spencer.htm 13. http://europa.eu.int/comm/commissioners/prodi/policy/index_en.htm 14. Christison Bill. Globalization and the Root Causes of Terrorism, The Washington Post, April 10, 2002 [online] Available http://foi.missouri.edu/terrorbkgd/rootcauses.html 15. http://www.combat-online.com/terror.htm 16. Stern. Jessica, Terrorisms New Mecca. The Globe and Mail, November 28, 2003. 17. http://untreaty.un.org/English/Terrorism.asp 18. http://untreaty.un.org/English/Terrorism.asp 19. Appendix F, UN Role in Fighting Terrorism.[online] Available http//www.state.gov/documents/organisation/10309.pdf RESTRICTED

27 RESTRICTED 20. MrSoofi. Ahmad Bilal, Terrorism and International Law, The Citadel February 2003, P-57 21. Centre for Strategic and international Studies, The Role of Nations

United Available





http://www.csis.org/features/roleofUN.pdf. Musharaf. General Pervez , Enlightened Moderation. The Washington Post, June 2004.


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