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Meaning of edify (verb) forms: edified; edified; edifying to build up or strengthen, especially in morals or religion wisdom [wiz-duhm] Show

IPA noun

1. the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. 2. scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools. 3. wise sayings or teachings; precepts. 4. a wise act or saying. 5. ( initial capital letter ) Douay Bible . Wisdom of Solomon. Origin: The adjective "social" is also used often in political discourse, although its meaning in a c

Competence What do people need to learn (and do) in order to systematically enhance their individual and collective creative competencies? The first step to improving your creativity is understanding and accepting the fact that you are a creative person, and that you are capable of being even more creative -- you can improve your creativity with practise and concentration, but first must come a basic belief in your ability to be creative. Read Affirmations every morning and evening. Second, to become more creative you must nuture and learn to listen to your inner 'voice', your intuition. When involved in a pursuit requiring creative solution, be open to a wide variety of possible solutions. Be aware of your own personality and belief limitations that might blind you to possible solutions; know yourself well. Spirituality then is: that which animates a person's life of faith that which moves a person's faith to greater depths and perfection involvement-a piece of the action Active, and usually remunerative, involvement in any undertaking; a share in the profits, a piece of the pie; personal and immediate participation in any activity. social Attitudes, orientations, or behaviors which take the interests, intentions, or needs of other people into account (in contrast to anti-social behaviour) has played some role in defining the idea or the principle. For instance terms like social realism, social justice, social constructivism, social psychology and social capital imply that there is some social process involved or considered, a process that is not there in regular, "nonsocial" realism, justice, constructivism, psychology, or capital.

creative 1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals. 2. Productive; creating. 3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing. n. One who displays productive originality:

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