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By scouser09 About The .lua files are written in the programming language Lua. I have been able to add new code to some of these files to change which files are loaded so the graphics loaded in matches can be conditional to custom settings. Some of these functions allow things which where not previously possible, some are currently possible but avoid editing the database so they can be used in saved careers. Using To use this mod, open the needed file in a text editor such as Notepad. Then add the statements you want to add near the start of the file (the file is annotated to help you), and then save. List of Statements Make sure you put each statement in the correct .lua file. Each parameter within the brackets must be replaced with an appropriate value. Typically, each value should be an integer, however namecolour is in a more complex format (see below). Some complex statements allow you to use the value -1 for certain parameters, which will just use the value from the database. The parameter namecolour sets the name colour of a kit and is in the format 0xARGB, which is similar to a hexcode (RGB) but with an alpha channel (for transparency). The value of the alpha channel should be FF (opaque) so just append the hex code for the colour to 0xFF. For example, red (hexcode FF0000) would be 0xFFFF0000. BALL.LUA useGlobalBall(ballid) Use specified ball ID in all matches. assignTournamentBall(tournamentassetid,ballid) Assign a ball to a tournament. assignTeamBall(teamid,ballid) Assign a ball to a team. setArenaModeBall(ballid) Set ball used in arena mode.

PLAYER.LUA assignGKKit(teamid,playerkttype,gkkittype) Assign GK kit to a outfield player kit. assignGKPants(playerid) Assign GK pants to a player.
assignKitDetails(teamid,kittype,namefont,namecolour,numberset,numbercolourshirt,numbercolourshort ,collarnumber) Set the name and number type and colours of a kits, also the collar.

kittype, namefont, namecolour, numberset, numbercolourshirt, numbercolourshort and collarnumber can be set to -1 to use the database values. assignPlayerBoot(playerid,bootid) Assign a boot to a player assignPlayerFace(playerid) Assign a real face to a player if player currently has generic face. assignPlayerSkinTone(playerid,toneid) Assign a player a skin tone (for tattoos). assignSpecificGKKit(teamid) Assign a specific GK kit to a team which currently uses a generic GK kit. assignTournamentPlayerKits(teamid,tournamentassetid,set,numberset,namefont) Assign player kit set to tournament. numberset and namefont can be set to -1 to use the database values. Kit sets are defined in the filename as kit_teamid_kittype_kitset.rx3 assignTournamentRefereeKits(tournamentassetid,set) Assign referee kit set to tournament. Kit sets are defined in the filename as kit_teamid_kittype_kitset.rx3 setArenaModeGKKit(teamid,kittype) Set kit used by arena mode player setArenaModePlayerKit(teamid,kittype) Set kit used by arena mode goalkeeper

STADIUM.LUA useGlobalAdboard(adboardid) Use specified adboard ID in all matches. assignTournamentAdboard(tournamentassetid,adboardid) Assign an adboard to a tournament. assignAdboard(teamid,adboardid) Assign an adboard to a team. assignTeamAdboard(teamid,adboardid) Assign an adboard to a team. assignTournamentStadTex(stadiumid,tournamentassetid,set) Assign stadium textures to a tournament. Stadium set is defined in the filename as stadium_id_lighttype_container_set.rx3 setArenaModeAdboard(adboardid) Set adboard used in arena mode. WIPE3D.LUA assignTournamentWipe(tournamentassetid,wipeid,wipeset) Assign a specific wipe to a tournament. Examples assignTeamAdboard(241,100) assignTeamAdboard(243,101) assignTournamentAdboard(223,102) This will assign adboard ID 100 to Barcelona, adboard ID 101 to Real Madrid and adboard ID 102 to UEFA Champions League games. This arrangement will force all teams to use adboard ID 102 in UEFA Champions League games, and will allow Barcelona and Real Madrid to use their specific adboards in all other matches. assignGKKit(9,1,12) assignKitDetails(9,12,18,0xFFFFFFFF,16,1,1,0)

This assigns a GK kit (type 12) to Liverpools away kit. This kit is then assigned white Premier League style name and numbers, also collar 0. assignPlayerFace(166706) This will give Martin krtel a specific face instead of a generic one. Precedence of Statements Some statements have precedence over others. These are related to the ball and adboard choice. For both this precedence is: 1. Global 2. Arena assignment 3. Tournament assignment 4. Team assignment 5. Original FIFA 12 choice Arena Mode Statements The statements that can be used to define which graphics are used in arena mode have the limitation that causes then to be shown in the pre-match arena until the training stadium switches to the match stadium. If you use the kit assignment statements, please note that the name, numbers and collar will be from the kit which would appear if you did not use that statement. You can use the assignKitDetails statement to correct this, however you must replicate all the values from the database and not set any parameters to -1. Alternate GK Kits When you assign alternate GK kits, the game will use the name, number and collar choices of the default GK kit (type 2). You can use the assignKitDetails statement to so set these for the alternate kit. You should not add any records for alternate GK kits to the database. Please note that if you set a parameter to -1 in the assignKitDetails statement, then it will use the values from the database for kit type 2. There is a small limitation with alternate GK kits which caused when you play a match with the home team the same as the away team. In this case, the away team will use the same GK kit as the home team rather than its own assignment. This only applies when the team has been allocated alternate GK kits.

Compatibility with Adboard Revolution The custom assignments from your stadium.lua from Adboard Revolution can be copied into the stadium.lua from this mod. Although the statement assignTeamAdboard for assigning adboards to teams is added as the function is more obvious, the old assignAdboard can still be used for the functionality. Using with Saved Careers In FIFA 12, editing your database can cause problems with saved careers. The general rule is graphics can be changed but the database can not. Therefore you can use Creation Master 12 to import graphics to your game, just do not save the database. For example, you can use CM12 to import a specific face for a player, and then add the needed line of code to player.lua to see the new face in your game. Commenting If you want to add some comments into the code, you can do so by typing --, followed by your comments. This can be done on a new line or after a statement. This is standard Lua syntax which stops the rest of the line being read as code. For example: --Player Faces assignPlayerFace(166706) --Martin Skrtel Face Adboard Set The game has four adboards for each adboard ID, however, only set 0 seems to be used in game (this is show far left when viewed in Creation Master 12). To simplify things, I have forced only set 0 to be used. This means you only have to import one adboard texture rather than four. French Referee Kits The game included a set of referee kits which where used by French teams in Ligue 1 and 2 matches. I have disabled these kits, you can assign a specific referee kit set to these tournaments using the new naming convention with the assignTournamentRefereeKits statement. Wipes Please note that this assignment has not been tested.

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