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Project Design: Product Stock Management

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Design Goals 3. Analysis Models 3.1. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 3.2. Data Store 3.2.1. Level 0 3.2.2. Level 1 3.3. ER Diagram 3.4. Use Case Diagram 3.4.1. For Supplier 3.4.2 For Customer 4. Tables 4.1. Item Detail Table 4.2. Purchase Order Table 4.3. Selling Bill Table 5. Class Diagram for a Customer Order 6. Sequence Diagram for Supplier 7. Bibliography ---------------------[Department of MCA] Page 1

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

System Design
Designing is the most important phase of software development. It requires a careful planning and thinking on the part of the system designer. Designing software means to plan how the various parts of the software are going to achieve the desired goal. It should be done with utmost care because if the phase contains any error then that will affect the performance of the system, as a result it may take more processing time, more response time, extra coding workload etc. Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless of the software process model that is used. After the software requirements have been analyzed and specified, software design is the first of the three technical activities Designing, Coding and Testing that are required to build and verify the software. Each activity transforms information in such a manner that ultimately results in validated computer software.

The following goals were kept in mind while designing the system: 1. Make system user-friendly. This was necessary so that system could be used efficiently and system could act as catalyst in achieving objectives. 2. Make system compatible It should fit in the total integrated system. Future maintenance and enhancement must be less. 3. Make the system compatible so that it could integrate other modules of system into itself. 4. Make the system reliable, understandable and cost-effective.

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

3. Analysis Models
3.1. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD):
A Data Flow Diagrams is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of, or in association with, information-oriented and process-oriented systems flowcharts. A DFD is a network that describes the flow of data and the processes that change, or transform, data throughout a system. This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a physical implementation. It has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design phase that functionality decomposes the requirement specifications down to the lowest level of detail.

The symbols used to prepare DFD do not imply a physical implementation, a DFD can be considered to an abstract of the logic of an informationoriented or a process-oriented system flow-chart. For these reasons DFDs are often referred to as logical data flow diagrams. The four basic symbols used to construct data flow diagrams are shown below:

A .















is data stream.




usually a

circle that








data streams.

An open-ended rectangle represents data storage.

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

The different versions are Context Diagrams (Level 0), Partitioned Diagrams (single process only -- one level), functionally decomposed, and leveled sets of Data Flow Diagrams.

3.2 Data Store

A repository of information. In the physical model, this represents a file, table, etc. In the logical model, a data store is an object or entity.

3.2.1. Level 0:This is a level 0 data flow diagram also referred to as the Context Diagram .

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

3.2.2. Level 1:-

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

3.4. Use Case Diagram

3.4.1. For Supplier:Log In Id and Paaword Checks

Tracks Order

Disptch Order On

Customer Supplier Sends Invoice

Update Records

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

3.4.2. For Customer:Studies Requirements Make list of

Places the Order

Make payment


Clerk Invoice

Send GRN

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

There are three tables in my project.

4.1. Item Detail Table:It contains information about item like item name, minimum quantity in stock, maximum quantity, and reorder status etc. A. Item code: - It represents the code to identify an item. It helps to search the item in the stock according to requirement. B. Item name: - This field shows the name of item. C. Minimum quantity in stock: - This field helps to know the min-qty in stock. D. Max quantity: - This field shows max quantity in stock. E. Reorder status: - This field shows reorder status when quantity goes below to minimum quantity in stock.

4.2. Purchase Order Table:This table contains the information about the purchase order like vender code, order code, Supplier name, supplier address, order date, item code, item name, quantity, deliver time etc. Vender code: - This field determines the code of vender. Order code:-It determines the code of the order that has been ordered by the customer Supplier address: - This field helps to know the address of the supplier. Order date: - This field shows the date of the order. Item code: - It determines the code of the item. Item name: - It contains the name of the item. Quantity: - It specifies the quantity of the order. Delivery time: - It shows the time of the deliver.

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

4.3. Selling Bill Table:This table contains information about order that are given by the customer, customer name, customers address, unit price, amount and total amount etc. Customer name: - This field determines the name of the customer. Customer address: - It determines the address of the customer. Unit price: - It shows the price per item. Amount: - it determines the amount per item. Total Amount: - This field shows the total amount of the item that has been purchase by the customer.

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

5. Class Diagram for a Customer Order:Customer Cust_Id Name Addr1 Addr2 Cust_city Pin code Addcust() Updatecust() Getcustdet() Order Order_no Ordercredate Order_status Shipment_date Challan calcBilltotal() calctotalweig ht()

Payment Amount Payment date Makepayme nt() Getinvoice()

Credit Number Type Expirydate validating

Cheque Chqno Bankname Bankid Validating

Ordetdetail Orderno Materialqty Materialvale Caclsubtotal calcweight

Material Materialcode Plantcode Stckqty Getpricforqty()

GRN Recivedqty Damaged Rejected Rejectgood() Description()

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

6. Sequence Diagram for Supplier:Supplier Log In Transaction Customer Invoice


Tracks Order

Place Order

Takes Customer Details

Fill Order Details Makes Payment Dispatch Order Send Order Details

Add New Entry Log Out Send GNR

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Project Design: Product Stock Management

7. Bibliography:Books Referred
Software Engineering [Pankaj Jalote]

Sites Referred

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