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To The Honorable Respected Sir, I am delighted to represent Ecco electronics before you.

ECCO is an Indian company which manufactures micro-controller technology based solar lamps. At ECCO, we have conceptualized and developed a patent protected multipurpose lamp which intends to serve the need for the large sections of our society that have no or very little access to light and electricity. To begin with, we intend to highlight the applications of light and how at ECCO we aim to serve the need more efficiently and effectively: Task light: In rural areas, people use light for purposes like studying, weaving, recreational activities like (Choupal) etc. A lantern emits a pale yellow color whereas ECCODIVA 108 emanates milky white light. It is important to note that spectral sensitivity of the eye changes with lighting intensity. So this difference makes it better for eyes and hence convenient for students to concentrate on their study material. Security purpose: In rural areas, people have to indulge in outdoor errands like visiting their farms or have to cycle their way to distances. In such cases, when they carry lanterns with them, there is a high probability of the lantern not being really effective as far as the usability is concerned. The reason being that owing to its 360 degree design, light does not get On the other hand, the ECCODIVA 108 brightly illuminates a large area ahead and hence makes outdoor activities safer and productive. Ambient lighting purpose: When indoors, typical requirement of light is to brighten up the room for purposes like family gathering, cooking etc. A lantern emits 360 degree and hence a lot of light gets wasted since it does not focus light on the area of requirement. ECCODIVA 108, with its 140 degree directs light efficiently in one particular area and hence results in more productive and efficient use of light. Through comparative analysis tests (reports are enclosed), it is established that, indeed, ECCODIVA 108 is a path-breaking product in terms of design, technology and affordability. Not to mention, ECCODIVA 108 being a complete Indian Product, the company has capability to set up strong service network to support the after-sales period for the end user of the product. You would also be pleased to learn that unlike other technology products which are mostly built around the concept of use and throw, ECCODIVA 108 comes with the added advantage of every single part of the solar lamp unit being easily repairable.

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