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Planning Your BI4.

0 Upgrade
Based on a presentation by

Sherman Kong
Director | Business Intelligence Practice

Checklist (1/2)
Review each component of the landscape to define the appropriate strategy Review Supported Platforms guide(s) / PAM

Version upgrade path

Newer systems have a direct upgrade path Older systems may require extra steps One-shot full-system vs. Staged upgrade Upgrade the entire system in one shot with longer downtime Incremental upgrade one department / group at a time

Security upgrade
Review if existing users and associated security should be carried over Take the opportunity for redesign if needed

Checklist (2/2)

Content inventory and cleanup

Take the opportunity for cleanup if needed before upgrading

Acceptance / Validation
Test and benchmark upgrade process Ideally to validate upgrade in a test environment

Product Changes
Some features may be staged to a later BI 4 release Some products are deprecated or replaced

Migration vs. Upgrade

Moving on a different platform = Migration (BO V5/V6 to XIs)

Complexity : High
Major change in architecture, significant rework required Need to rewrite the security model Conversion from Desktop Intelligence to Web Intelligence difficult due to lack of features

BusinessObjects v5 & v6 platform

XI Platform

Moving on same XI platform = Upgrade

In-parallel: think + sign (2 + 1 + 1) In-place: think Fix/Service Pack(s)

Complexity : Low
Minimal rework/reconfiguration required Continuity in the security model Catch up between Desktop Intelligence and Web Intelligence almost complete Streamlined upgrade management tool

XI R2 or XI 3.x Platform

BI 4.0/x platform

One-shot full-system vs. Staged upgrade

Stairway to BI4.0/x
BOE XI R2 Direct Upgrade using Upgrade Management Tool

BI 4.0


BOE XI 3.x*

CE8 / CE9 / CE10 BO v5 / BO v6

No direct Upgrade

Q: Which one are you?

Go first to XI R2 or XI 3.x

Security Upgrade
XI R2 BI 4.0
Continuity + new features have been added since XIR2

XI 3.x BI 4.0
Security model is the same as the one of XI 3

Set up rights at the root folder

Specify the new owner right for existing products

Specify rights with new products

Specify the new owner right for existing products

Specify rights with new products

Simplify your security model by : creating Custom Access Level using selective enforcement of rights (Objects or Sub Object)

Project & Risk control
Upgrading content that is not needed increases risks and time to upgrade

Limiting the proliferation of universes and reports allows the business to be more efficient Repository Diagnostic Tool Instance CMC Manager Auditing

Fix or delete scheduled jobs that are paused or failed

Detect and delete un-used reports after checking with users Remove older report instances or un-used instances Fix repository inconsistencies What else Inboxes | Personal Documents Reports Instances Scheduler Jobs

Upgrade Management Tool

Product Changes - BI Platform Components


XI R2 / XI 3.1
Binaries Audit

BI 4.0
New binaries (64-bit ONLY) New audit schema

Upgrade Considerations
The full landscape has to be reinstalled Historical audit data is not kept. Need to plan for a workaround.

Dashboard Builder

BI Launch Pad
BI Workspace

New interface
Corporate, Personal and My InfoView Dashboards become BI Workspaces but some analytics must be recreated in Xcelsius


Encyclopedia / Discussion
Performance manager Search

End of Life
End of Life

No upgrade
No upgrade

New search technology

Minor effort =

The search index will be re-built in BI 4.0

Significant Effort =

Additional work required beyond typical upgrade:

Medium effort =

Product Changes - BI Clients


XI R2 / XI 3.1
Crystal Reports

BI 4.0
CR 2011 and CR for Enterprise End Of Life Dashboards

Upgrade Considerations
All reports are by default upgraded to CR 2011 Possible manual upgrade to CR Enterprise Report Conversion Tool converts into Web Intelligence format prior or after the upgrade Flash files will continue to work Conversion to new format is optional Conversion adds new features (globalization, UNX queries) Information Spaces based on Excel are upgraded, the ones based on UNV and bookmarks are not ! Some of workspaces will be upgrade to Advanced Analysis, the others require manual changes


Desktop Intelligence Xcelsius 2008


No UNV support



Analysis, edition for OLAP

Web Intelligence

Web Intelligence

Fully upgraded

Product Changes - Semantic Layer


XIR2 / XI 3.1
Universe Designer UNV format n/a

BI 4.0
No change

Upgrade Considerations

None, universes and designer as in XI 3.x Relational UNV can be converted to UNX OLAP UNV have to be recreated in UNX (future version will support conversion) None, business views and designer as in XI 3.x Via CR 2011 only

Information Designer UNX format

Business Views Designer BV format

No change

More Information

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