Echs Hand Book Fourth Issue New

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CHAPTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

SUBJECT Introduction Eligibility Membership-Enrolment procedure Contribution Organisation Treatment Parent Polyclinic Smart Card

PAGE NO. 1 2 10 16 19 22 41 47

APPENDICES A B C List of 227 Polyclinics List of Hospitals Empanelled for ECHS Affidavit Application Form 52 58 214


INTRODUCTION 1. With a noble aim to provide medicare to the Armed Forces pensioners at the twilight of their lives, Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), a triservices project, was launched wef 01 Apr 03 vide Govt of India letter No. 22(1)/01/US (WE)/D (Res) dated 30 Dec 02. The Scheme is functioning under the integral staff with its central office located at Maudelines, Delhi Cantt and 13 Regional Centres located at various major cities. ECHS will cater for medicare of all ex-s ervicemen (ESM), who are in receipt of pension of any kind i.e., normal, disability, invalid, pro-rata, ordinary family pension & special family pension/liberalised family pension. This would also include wife/husband, legitimate children and wholly dependent parents. 2. The Scheme is to provide quality medicare to its members and their authorised dependents through a spectrum of 227 ECHS Polyclinics (106 in Military Stations and 121 in Non Military Stations) countrywide(list annexed as Appendix A ) and a network of service and empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres (list of hospitals empannelled currently annexed as Appendix B). 3. ECHS is a contributory scheme. Every service person retired/retiring after 01 Apr 03 will compulsorily become member of ECHS by contributing his/her share. The Scheme is voluntary for those who retired prior to 01 Apr 03 and they can become member by paying the contribution and completing the formalities . Certain sections of ESM/their dependents are exempted from paying the contribution, details of which are envisaged in Chapter 4 of this Hand Book. 4. The Scheme covers all diseases and there is no restriction on age or medical condition at the time of seeking membership of the Scheme.


1. Entitlement for ECHS. The Scheme has been launched to provide comprehensive medicare to all ESM in receipt of pension or disability pension, as also to his/her dependents, which includes wife/husband, legitimate children and wholly dependent parents. The Scheme is also applicable to NOKs of deceased pensioners who are drawing family/special family /liberalised family pension. 2. Pension. For the purposes of eligibility for the ECHS, the word pension implies any type of pension paid by the Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension) or his subordinate offices. 3. Following are the eligible categories to become member of ECHS(Authy: ECHS ltrs B/49764/AG/ECHS dated 10 Oct 03, B/49764/AG/ECHS/R dated 15 Feb 05, B/49701-SP/AG/ECHS dated 06 May 05 and B/49701/MOD/AG/ECHS dated 24 Feb 06):(a) Ex-Servicemen Pensioner. Any person who has served in any rank (whether as combatant or as non-combatant) in the regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union, and fulfills the following conditions:(i) Who has retired from such service after earning his/her pension. (ii) Who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service, or in circumstances beyond his/her control and is in receipt of disability pension. (iii) Who is a personnel of the Territorial Army and falls under any of the following categories:(aa) (ab) (ac) (iv) Pension holders for continuous embodied service. Persons with disability attributable to military service. Gallantry award winners.

Who falls under any of the following categories:(aa) Members of Military Nursing Service.

(ab) Whole time officers of National Cadet Corps who are Ex-Servicemen /NOK and are in receipt of pension /disability pension/family pension. (ac) 588 Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers who were permanently absorbed in

3 National Cadet Corps as Whole Time Officers (WTOs) after their release from the Armed Forces. (ad) Service officers who, prior to completing their pensionable service, in organisational interest, joined PSUs like Air India, Indian Airlines, Pawan Hans, and Shipping Corporation of India, and to whom Govt had sanctioned pension on a pro -rata -basis. On secondment or transfer to PSUs these officers received their pension either as a lump sum on full commutation or on monthly basis. For those who commuted full amount, the monthly pension was to be restored at 43% after 15 years from their date of retirement on pro-rata basis. Hence, they would be deemed to comply with the condition of being in receipt of pension from defence authorities. However, following additional conditions will have to be complied with by these ESM pensioners:(aaa) A mandatory certificate will have to be endorsed in their affidavit stating that, I certify that I am not a member of any other Govt/PSU Medical Health Scheme . (aab) The contribution amount for enrolling as member of ECHS will be based on the rank held by the individual at the time of release and NOT on the restored pension amount. The amount will be similar to the current basic pension of the rank held at the time of retirement. (For example, if the individual retired as a Lt Col/Commander/Wing Commander, he will be required to deposit contribution through MRO as per current basic pension of this rank). (aac) Each case will be considered on its merits. (ae) Indian Coast Guard Pensioners and Personnel of Defence Security Corps(DSC)(Authy : GoI Ltr 22(68)/2006/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 22 jan 08) (af) All Nepal Domicile Gorkhas staying in India. (Authy: ECHS Signal A-333021/AG/ECHS dated 19 Jan 09) (b) Family Pensioner. It implies the legally wedded spouse of an Armed Forces personnel, whose name figures in the service records of the personnel and whose husband/ wife (as the case may be) has died either while in service or after retirement and is granted family pension. This term also includes a child or children drawing family pension on the death of his/her pension drawing father/mother, as also parents of a deceased bachelor soldier, who are in receipt of family pension. To ameliorate the difficulties of family pensioners who cannot produce a Part II Order, they can now apply with an Affidavit on Rs.10/-(Rupees Ten only) Non Judicial

4 Stamp paper attested by two witnesses and notarized. A copy is attached as Appendix C. (c) Ex-servicemen drawing disability pension.

(d) War Widows (Exempted from Payment of Contribution)- War widows are those whose spouse had died due to any of actions appended below: (i) Enemy action in international war.

(ii) Action during deployment with a peace keeping mission abroad. (iii) Border skirmishes.

(iv) During laying or clearance of mines, including enemy mines as also mine sweeping operations. (v) On account of accidental explosions of mines while laying operationally oriented mine-field or lifting or negotiating mine-field laid by the enemy or own forces in operational areas near international borders or the Line of Control. (vi) War like situations.

(vii) An act of violence, attack by extremists, anti-social elements, etc., while on operational duty. (viii) Action against extremists, antisocial elements, etc., while employed in the aid of civil power in quelling agitation riots by demonstrators. (ix) Operations specially notified by the Govt from time to time.

(e) The Army Postal Service personnel are permitted to enroll into the ECHS subject to fulfilling the following conditions:(i) The retiring APS personnel must fulfill the primary c ondition of being an ex-servicemen, i.e. he/she should have served in the Armed Forces of India, in any rank as a combatant or noncombatant. (ii) Must retire finally from the Armed Forces, without reversion to the P&T Department. (iii) Must be in receipt of pension consequent to retirement or be in receipt of disability pension, if prematurely retired/released on medical grounds which are attributable to military service.

5 (iv) Must NOT be a member of CGHS or any other Govt Medical Scheme. (f) Reservists who are drawing pension including family pension are permitted to join the Scheme. However Reservists who opted for ex-gratia payment are not eligible(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-Reservist/AG/ECHS dated 02 Jun 06. (g) A Recruit who is in receipt of medical/disability pension is alone eligible to join the ECHS. The following dependents of the recruit are NOT permitted to be included for ECHS benefits (Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49708RECT/AG/ECHS dated 22 May 06):(i) (ii) (iii) Parents. Wife. Childre n.

The recruit who was already married prior to joining the training at the Regimental Centre would be permitted to have his wife and children, if any, included as his dependents. This fact would be checked from the Part II Order published. However, the parents of such a recruit would not be entitled to be shown as dependents. 4. Eligibility Status for Dependants. The following categories qualify to be called dependants(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 01 Jun 06).:(a) Parents . Father and Mother of the veteran pensioner shall be deemed to be dependent if they normally reside with the veteran pensioner and their combined income from all sources does NOT exceed Rs 3500/pm. Parent of the spouse of the Veteran are NOT permitted to become members. In case a widow, who is in receipt of Family Pension, joins the ECHS, then the parents of her late husband can be made dependants, subject to fulfilling the conditions. However, her own parents CANNOT be made dependants. In a case where both the husband and wife are ESM pensioners, then both can opt to cover their parents as dependents. In this case both pensioners will have to make ECHS contribution, as applicable. Parents, ie, mother and father of unmarried deceased soldier and in case of deceased parents, then NOK of unmarried deceased soldier are also eligible, provided they are in receipt of liberalised family pension. (b) Spouse . Legally wedded spouse(More than one spouse and children from the second spouse are not permitted to avail ECHS benefits). Name should be included in the records of service. Spouse living separately is included as dependent, as long as the Veteran pensioner is responsible for her maintenance. When the spouse is legally separated, he/she cannot be termed as a dependent and hence cannot be made member of ECHS.

6 (c) If the spouse is employed in Govt service then he/she can only be a member of any one Govt/Public sector medical benefit scheme and not the second one. (d) If a war widow remarries, she would still remain eligible. Her husband, however, will NOT be eligible. (e) In case the ESM pensioner marries after retirement, following documents will be required as proof for dependency of wife :(i) Marriage certificate from Marriages/Municipal Committee. authorized Registrar of

(ii) Application form will have to be submitted for enrolling the spouse as a dependant. (f) Daughter(s). (i) Details must exist in the service record of the pensioner.

(ii) Unmarried as well as divorced daughter(s) with total income from all sources less than Rs.3500/- per month. (iii) Widowed daughters who are dependant on the Pensioner and whose income from all sources is less than Rs.3500/-per month are entitled. (iv) Daughters with permanent mental or physical disability, irrespective of age/medical condition. (v) In case where daughter is born after the pensioners retirement, following documents will be required to enable the child to be declared as a dependant and to become entitled to ECHS benefits:(aa) (ab) Birth Certificate. Submission of application form to enrol as a dependant.


(ac) Part II Orders/Gen Forms/Personal Occurrence are required to be published stating birth of the child or an Affidavit as per Appendix C by the widow in case the ESM pensioner could not get Part II Orders published for birth of his children. Son(s). (i) Unemployed and unmarried son(s) upto the age of 25 years are permitted to be included as dependents if his total income from all sources should not exceed Rs.3500/- per month.(Authy: ECHS ltr B49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 21 Aug 07)

7 (ii) Details must be pensioner. included in the service record of the

(iii) Sons suffering from permanent physical or mental disability, irrespective of age or medical condition. (iv) In case the son is born after the pensioners retirement, the following documents will be required as proof of dependancy:(aa) Birth Certificate.

(ab) Submission of additional application form to enrol as a dependant. (ac) Part II Orders/Gen Forms/Personal Occurrence are required to be published stating birth of the child or an Affidavit as per Appendix CE by the widow in case the ESM pensioner could not get Part II Orders published for birth of his children. (h) Mentally/Handicapped Children. Mentally/Handicapped children who are unable to earn their livelihood are permitted to be dependents for life time. The following conditions are required to be met(Authy ECHS Ltr B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 18 Dec 07):(i) Onset of disability should be prior to attainment of 25 years of age. (ii) Permanent disability should be certified by Service Classified Specialist/Civil Surgeon duly indicating percentage of disability and the childs inability to earn his livelihood. 5. Amplifications on addition/deletion of names of dependents for ECHS on the above are as follows(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 28 Jun 05):(a) Addition of Dependent. A newly born child or parents becoming dependant on the ECHS member subsequent to retirement, will require the member to submit a Part II order published by the respective Record Office. In the case of divorced/widowed daughter becoming dependant on the ECHS member, the divorce paper or death certificate respectively will have to be submitted. In all these cases the ESM has to submit a fresh application along with the documents and master card for issue of new cards. (b) Deletion of dependent. In the event, wherein the ECHS member dies, his/her spouse can continue to use the Master card, however the option lies with the spouse to get a new card made by filling up a fresh application form in order to get a smart card on his/her name. However in the case of demise of dependant the deletion can be made at any polyclinic, but if an add on card has been issued to that dependent, it will have to be returned to the Stn HQ from where the card was initially issued for cancellation. Sons above 25 years of age will be automatically deleted from

8 dependency. Married/employed daughter is to be intimated by the member to the polyclinic. 6. Specific Conditions for Continuance of Eligibility. In case an ESM pensioner (male/female) has declared his/her parents as dependants, they shall continue to receive ECHS benefits for their life time, subject only to the condition that their joint income does not exceed Rs.3500/- per month from all sources. In the event of the pensioners death, the widow shall be covered as she will start drawing family pension, but her parents will NOT become eligible as dependents. However, parents of the deceased pensioner, if already enrolled as dependents, would continue to enjoy benefits of the ECHS in the event of death of their ESM pensioner son/daughter, provided their joint income does not exceed Rs. 3500/per month. (Authy for income criteria of dependents: ECHS letter B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 04 Feb 09) 7. New Born Baby. New born baby to an entitled ECHS beneficiary is deemed as dependent, and entitled to free medical treatment upto three months based on birth certificate. Membership formalities should be completed subsequently within the next three month.(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49770/AG/ECHS/Policy dated 25 Sep 07) 8. Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Commissioned Officers who, after their release from the Armed Forces, were permanently absorbed in the National Cadet Corps as Whole Time Officers(WTOs/WTLOs) are eligible for availing benefits of ECHS. WTOs/WTLOs not complying with above conditions are NOT eligible. 9. ECHS Membership When Husband and Wife are Defence Personnel(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-MoD/AG/ECHS dated 24 Feb 06):(a) When Both Husband and Wife are Defence Pensioners: (i) Only one has to give ECHS contribution.

(ii) Both can cover their respective parents by making two ECHS contributions. (b) When one is a defence person and other is a Central Govt employee, the latter has the choice to withdraw from CGHS when the spouse becomes a member of the ECHS. 10. Persons Not Eligible Under ECHS. becoming members of ECHS:The following are NOT eligible for

(a) Whole time NCC officers who do not meet the twin conditions, that a prospective member must be an ex-serviceman who has served in the Armed Forces of India in an y rank, and in receipt of pension/family pension/disability pension paid by Government.

9 (b) Ex-ECOs/SSCOs who do not meet twin conditions as mentioned above. (c) (d) (e) (f) Legally divorced spouse. Married and/ or employed daughters. Parents of widow/war widow. Husband of a remarried war widow.

(g) Officer cadets, who get injured during training and are boarded out on medical grounds.



MEMBERSHIP PROCEDURE FOR ENROLMENT 1. All Armed Forces new pensioners retiring on or after 01 April 2003 compulsorily become members of ECHS, whereas those previous pensioners who retired prior to 31 March 2003 can exercise their option to become member of the Scheme. Such previous pensioners joining the scheme will forfeit the medical allowance of Rs. 100/- pm presently admissible to them as part of pension. 2. It is stipulated in Government Orders that one individual cannot become a member of two Govt/PSU schemes. He/she has to cancel membership of the other scheme, in case opting for the ECHS. If any facts are concealed, membership of this scheme will be denied. This mainly applies to those pensioners who after retirement have joined some other Government service/PSU. 3. To acquire membership of ECHS, the ESM pensioner has to follow the undermentioned steps:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Collection of application form. Payment of contribution by MRO. Provision of affidavit. Filling up application form. Submission of completed application form. Collection of ECHS Smart Card on intimatiom.

4. Collection of Application Forms. Application form for enrolment into ECHS is an unnumbered & self explanatory form which is provided free of cost wherever possible(annexed at the back of this hand book after Appendix C). These forms are available at all Army Station HQs, all Navy/Air Force Stations, and Rajya Sainik Board offices. For those having access to the internet, it can also be downloaded from website or or htpp://Indian air . 5. Contribution. All ESM pensioners are required to make a one-time contribution based on their uncommuted basic monthly pension+ Dearness pension. However, certain categories of Veterans and family pensioners have been exempted from paying the contribution and details of the same are envisaged in Chapter 4. 6. Affidavit. All ESM are required to make a declaration of their dependants & children and changes, if any, through an affidavit. Also, they have to declare that they are not members of any other Govt Medical Scheme. The format of the affidavit is given in the application form and is to be executed on a nonjudicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- and attested by a Magistrate or Public Notary. Affidavit is a legal document and in case of misuse of ECHS benefits, submission of fraudulent information or any other misdemeanour, ECHS has the right to take

11 legal action. Photographs of all dependants are required to be pasted on the original affidavit, which is to be submitted to Station HQs or designated offices along with the completed application form. Further, the following may be added in page No.11 of application form as para 12 (Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701Appl/AG/ECHS dated 04 Dec 07):I understand that the contribution I am making is a one time token amount and is non-refundable even if I do not make use of any ECHS facilities. 7. Filling Up Application Form. Detailed instructions are given in the application form. Further, Welfare Officers at all Air Force stations and similar officials in Army/Navy Station HQs have been directed to help ESM pensioners in filling up the application form. While filling, care must be taken that name(s) of dependants(s) tally with service document/records. All columns and necessary details must be filled up, otherwise the application form will be rejected. The form is required to be legible and filled in black ink and in capital letters only. Passport size photographs of the pensioner, spouse, children and dependant (as the case may be) are to be affixed at appropriate boxes/places in the form. 8. Submission of Completed Application Form. Designated Station Headquarters (Army/Navy/Air Force) at specified locations are the only authorized collection points. Pensioners are required to personally report to their nearest Station HQs with the completed application forms, alongwith original/photocopy of the following documents. Dependants are NOT required to accompany pensioners during this process:(a) Pension Payment Order(PPO) duly attested by bank/Treasury from where pension is being drawn, or endorsed by CDA in original. It is to be shown to the checking staff at the time of submission of application form. (b) Discharge Book/Service Certificate.

(c) Two passport size photographs each of the pensioner and dependants, who are proposed to be enrolled as ECHS members/dependants, are to be attached. (Paste one copy of each photo on indicated places in the application form, and one copy each on the affidavit). (d) Attach original copy of the Military Receivable Order (MRO) to the application form as proof of deposit of contribution. This is not required to be done in case of direct deduction of contribution through PPO by CDA (Pension). (e) Affidavit duly notarized in original.

(f) Ex-Servicemen Identity Card. Original to be shown for verification to the Station HQ. Photocopy is NOT required to be submitted. 9. Receipt, scrutiny and verification of the forms is a legal requirement to prevent fraudulent entry of non-entitled personnel. Nominated officers at collection points will collect the completed application forms, compare originals with

12 photocopies, verify all documents provided by the pensioner and then hand over receipt to the ESM. Original PPO, Ex-Servicemen Identity Card and any/other documents will be returned. Detailed vetting and verification shall be undertaken subsequently, which may take 15 days to two months, depending on the information to be sought. An ESM pensioner is only considered as a member once he/she is issued a valid ECHS membership Smart Card. 10. Collection of Smart Card. The applicant will be intimated the date of collection by the concerned Stn HQ. The original receipt of documents is required to be produced in order to collect his/her Smart Card in person. ECHS Smart Card will not be dispatched by post or handed over to any representative of the applicant. ESM shall be issued with minimum one card for the whole family and two add-on cards, if desired. This choice is to be indicated in the application form. 11. Procedure for Becoming a Member of ECHS (For Those Who Retired Before 01 Apr 03 and Whose Contribution Has Not Been Directly Deducted by the Respective Pay Pension Authorities). (a) Collect computerized application forms from the nearest Station HQs of Army/Navy/Air Force. Forms can also be downloaded from internet website www.indianarmy. or Navy/Air Force website. (b) Pensioners to report personally to any of the Station Headquarters listed at para 14 (a), (b) & c with completed application form along with the original and photocopy of following documents:(i) PPO duly attested by bank/Treasury from which drawing pension, or a certificate from DPDO/Treasury (as per format) in case ESM is drawing pension from DPDO/Treasury. The certificate must be signed by DPDO/Treasury Officer, and will suffice in lieu of PPO. Pre -1986 pensioners may submit copy of Pension Book showing rate of pension. (ii) Discharge Book/Discharge Certificate for PBOR

(iii) Original copy of Military Receivable Order (MRO) as a proof of deposit of contribution(not applicable to those who are exepmpted from payment of ECHS contribution). (iv) Affidavit duly notarized, in original.

(v) Retired Officers Identity Card (photocopy not required to be attached). (c) Applicants to come in person to Station Headquarters when informed for collection of ECHS membership SMART Card. Applicants to produce receipt of documents, as proof of their identity. Smart Card(s) will NOT be handed over to any representative. (d) It is mandatory for members and dependents to report to nearest Polyclinic along with SMART Card within 120 days for one-time initial

13 registration. The Smart Card will always be required to be produced thereafter to avail treatment at a Polyclinic/empanelled hospital. ECHS Smart Card will not be activated for use, unless above registration is done. (e) The Smart Card is the proof of identity & authorisation for ECHS benefits for the member/dependant(s), and hence, will always have to be produced. (f) Membership will commence from the date of receipt of correctly filled application form at Station HQ. On receipt of correctly filled application form, Stn HQ will give receipt to the individual, based on which the individual can start availing the ECHS facilities. 12. Procedure for Becoming Members of ECHS (Retirees on or After 01 Apr 03 and Whose Contribution Has Not Been Directly Deducted by Pay Pension Authorities). For pensioners retiring w.e.f. 01 Apr 03 and after, the Scheme is compulsory. The forms are being supplied to all retiring personnel alongwith DO approximately 12 months in advance. Also, sample format of t e h application has been provided to all units/stations through their respective Command with instructions to provide application forms to retiring personnel (abnormal discharges) by photocopying locally. The ECHS forms duly completed in all respects are received at AFRO/DPP&R four months prior to their discharge date. The applications are scrutinized and all observations are cleared with in two months. PPO for ESM is issued four to six weeks before the date of retiremnt. On receipt, the PPO number is endorsed on the application form and then alongwith its photocopy, the application form is forwarded to the Regional Centre (ECHS) Delhi Cantt for preparation of Smart Card. The ECHS Smart Card is manufactured in six weeks from the date of submission of application. The receipt of the application alongwith Registration No. is then issued to the individual before his date of discharge. On receipt, AFRO/DPP&R will despatch the Smart Card to the ESM through registered post. 13. Retirees, whose ECHS contribution amount has NOT been directly deducted by CDA (Pension) in PPO, will be required to deposit their contribution amount through MRO in any authorised banks. They will be required to attach original copy of MRO as a proof of remitting their contribution. In case this is not done, ECHS membership will not be valid. 14. Station-Wise Responsibility for Receipt and Scrutiny /Verification of ECHS Application Forms. (a) Navy. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Kochi Vishakhapatnam Cuttack Port Blair Karwar Balasore Mumbai Upnagar

14 (b) Air Force. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Banglore Nagpur Coimbatore Kanpur Jorhat Sirsa Gorakhpur Saharanpur Faridabad Hindon Mysore

(c) Army. All military stations other than those mentioned at Para14 (a) and (b) above. For the purposes of receipt and scrutiny of application forms, all ex-servicemen shall be treated at par. Any ex-servicemen reporting at any designated military station headquarters, no matter which service he is from, his/her documents will be accepted and scrutinized. 15. Retirement at Short Notice. Officers/PBOR retiring proceeding on retirement at short notice are permitted to submit their application forms to concerned Record Office any time prior to the date of retirement or even after retirement if he/she is not in possession of PPO. ECHS membership Application can be submitted through nearest Stn HQs/Regional Centre provided it is supported by a copy of PPO and other necessary documents(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49779/AG/ECHS/6009 dated 09 May 08). 16. Submission/Acceptance Of ECHS Application Form without PPO for Pre-1986 Retirees. ECHS Application Form in respect of pre-1986 retirees are accepted without a copy of PPO provided membership applied by Armed Forces Veteran pensioner is only for himself/herself and his/her spouse In such cases a copy of following documents would be insisted upon alongwith the Application Form(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49717-C/AG/ECHS dated 24 Jan 07:(a) (b) Discharg e Book showing name of spouse. Pension Book showing details of pension sanctioned.

(c) DPDO/Banker's Certificate. (d) Non Effective Strength Records Part II order in case of marriage after retirement and the fact is not shown in the DPDO/Banker's Certificate. 17 In case of birth of any child after retirement of pre -1986 retirees submission of Non Effective Strength Records Part II Order is a must. In no case submission of 'Affidavit' will be dispensed with. 18. Advantages of Becoming an ECHS Member. becoming an ECHS member are as under:The advantages of

15 (a) The scheme will provide comprehensive medicare to all ESM pensioners, their widows and authorized dependants . (b) It will cover complete spectrum of ESM settled in far flung areas, through a network of polyclinics in military and non-military stations. (c) The Scheme is fully financed by the Government.

(d) There is an established network of 227 Polyclinics, i.e, 104 military and 123 non-military station Polyclinics, based entirely on density of ESM in various regions. 196 Polyclinics may be included in phase II to cover all nooks & corners of country. (e) This arrangement will reduce load on service hospitals, as there will be an exclusive facility located along side service hospitals. (f) There will be civil empanelled hospitals, diagnostic centres and consultants to provide in-patient treatment/ consultancy, in addition to service hospitals. (g) The doctors at Polyclinics will provide required out-patient treatment and medicines, free of cost. (h) For further treatment, an ECHS patient will be referred initially to a service hospital, and in case of non- availability of bedspace/treatment, he will be sent to a civil empanelled hospital. The ECHS member will be provided treatment and medicines and ward facilities as per entitlement. (j) The procedure for dealing with an ECHS member or his/her dependents in service hospitals will be the same as for serving soldiers and their dependents. (k) The ECHS patient can also be referred to the desired empanelled hospital/ diagnostic centre/consultant as per choice of the ECHS patient in case of non-availability of treatment in service hospital. The ECHS member alone will have the right to make the selection of desired civil empanelled hospital and will NOT be influenced by any doctor. (l) An ECHS member does not have to clear bills or make payment (except for dietary charges) either on admission or when discharged from the empanelled hospital. The empanelled hospitals will be paid directly by the concerned Station Headquarters on behalf of ECHS. (m) It covers all diseases.

(n) An ECHS member who possesses a valid Smart Card can avail of treatment at any ECHS Polyclinic any where in India. (p) There is no restriction on age or medical condition at the time of seeking membership of the Scheme.

16 CHAPTER 4 CONTRIBUTION 1. ECHS is a contributory scheme. On retirement, each pensioner (wef. 01 Apr 03) will compulsorily become a member of ECHS by contributing his/her share and the s cheme would be applicable for life time. 2. Similarly, ex-servicemen pensioners who have already retired on or prior to 31 Mar 03 can voluntarily become members, by paying a one time contribution. The contribution will be according to the table given below(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49784/AG/ECHS dated 15 Jan 05):Revised Pension/Family Pension (Uncommuted Basic Pension + Dearness Pension) (Rupees per month) Upto Rs.3000/Rs.3001/- to Rs.6000/Rs.6001/- to Rs.10000/Rs.10001/- to Rs.15000/Rs.15001/- and above Contribution (In Rupees)


3. Contribution to be paid by the Widows of the service personnel whose death is attributable to Military Service, will be based on the amount of the basic pension they will be drawing at a later date and not on the enhanced family pension they are initially granted. 4. All Ex-Servicemen who are drawing pension from Controller of Defence Accounts and who have retired prior to 01 Jan 1996 are exempted from payment of contribution under Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme. However, they will continue to apply for membership. All documents except MRO will be submitted alongwith application form(Authy: GoI Ltr 17(10)/06/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 13 Apr 07). 5. The following categories of liberalised family pensioners have also been exempted from paying the one time contribution for ECHS membership:(a) 04). War Widows(Authy:GoI letter 22(1)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 08 Mar

(b) Spouse/Husband of a deceased woman Officer/PBOR covered by actions in category D or E as appended below (Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-WW/AG/ECHS dated 24 May 04):(i) Category `D. Death due to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, antisocial elements, etc whether on duty other than operational duty or even when not on duty. Bomb blasts in public, etc. would be covered under this category, besides death/disability

17 occurring while employed in the aid of civil power in dealing with natural calamities. (ii) Category `E. Death arising as a result of :(aa) Enemy action in international war.

(ab) Action during deployment with a peace keeping mission abroad. (ac) Border skirmishes. (ad) During laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines as also minesweeping operations. (ae) On account of accidental explosions of mines while laying operationally oriented mine-field or lifting or negotiating mine-field laid; the enemy or own forces in operational areas near international borders or the line of control. (af) War like situations, including cases which are attributable to/aggravated by:(aaa) Extremist acts, exploding mines etc, while on way to an operational area. (aab) Battle inoculation training exercises or demonstration with live ammunition. (aac) duty. Kidnapping by extremists while on operational

(ag) An act of violence/attack by extremists, anti-social elements etc while on operational duty. (ah) Action against extremists, antisocial elements, etc. Death while employed in the aid of civil power in quelling agitation riots by demonstrators will be covered under this category. ( aj) Operations specially notified by the Govt from time to time. (c) Parents, ie, mother & father of unmarried deceased soldier, provided they are in receipt of Liberalised Family Pension. (d) In case parents at 4 (c) above are deceased, then NOK of unmarried deceased soldier, provided he/she are in receipt of Liberalised Family Pension. 5. In the case of 4 (a) & (b), dependant children of the married deceased soldier are also covered by the ECHS, subject to age/marriage and other conditions of eligibility. In case of Paras 4 (c) & (d) above, children or dependants of the

18 individuals listed thereat are NOT entitled to ECHS eligibility, since the deceased soldier was unmarried. 6. War disabled pensioners who have sustained disability under above conditions have also been exempted from payment of contribution for ECHS membership(Authy : GoI letter 24(2)/05/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 24 Jul 05) Documents to be submitted for seeking Exemption from Contribution 7. ESM seeking exemption of contribution/refund of contribution must submit the following documents to establish proof of disability having been sustained in operations:(a) Army (i) Officers (aa) Battle casualty report issued by MP 5/6 (erstwhile Org 3) AGs Branch, Army HQ. (ab) PPO. The following details will be checked:(aaa) PPO of M/DIS series. (aab) The details of injury sustained by the ESM in an Operation/War should be mentioned in the main text of the PPO on account of which he is receiving the disability pension. (ii) PBOR (aa) Battle casualty endorsed at Part VI of the discharge book. (ab) (b) Air Force (i) (ii) (c) Officers. The War disabled pensioner will be certified by DPP&R. PBOR. The War disabled pensioner will be certified by AFRO. PPO. The PPO should be of D/BC Series.

Navy (i) (ii) Officers. The War disabled pensioner will be certified by PDOP. PBOR. The War disabled pensioner will be certified by CABS.



1. ECHS, a tri-services project organisation with its Central Organisation located at New Delhi, is headed by a Managing Director (Major General) of the Indian Army. In Air Force, Director of Personal Services, Air HQ (VB) under AOAs Branch coordinates. There are 13 Regional Centres located all over the country headed by Regional Directors. Postal addresses of the Central Organisation and the Regional Centres are appended below. The scheme would cater for medicare through 227 polyclinics (List placed at Appendix A) out of which 106 military polyclinics exist along side service hospitals. 121 non-military polyclinics are set up in various towns , independently . It is proposed to set up 196 additional polyclinics in due course so that each district of the country is covered. ECHS Central Organisation Maude lines, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi 110 010 2. Telephone (O) 25684847

Addresses of the Regional Centres. (a) Jammu Regional Director Regional Centre, Jammu C/o Stn HQ Jammu Tele : 01912433139 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, C/O HQ Delhi Area, Maude Lines New Delhi 110010 Tele:011-25683418 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, C/o HQ Western Command Chandimandir Cantt Tele: 0172-2589757 Regional Director Regional Centre, Jaipur C/o HQ 61 (I) Sub Area C/o 56 APO Tele:0141-2388190-6273 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, Luknow C/o HQ Lucknow Sub Area Lucknow (UP) Tele: 0522-2292446

( b)











Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, Kolkata C/o HQ Eastern Command Fort William, Kolkata Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, Patna C/O HQ JOB Sub Area, Danapur Cantt (Bihar) Tele:0612-2427277-79-6270 Regional Director Regional Centre, Jabalpur 132/2 Robert Lines, Near Manas Mandir Jabalpur (MP) Tele : 0761- 2415029 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, Pune C/o HQ Pune Sub Area Pune (Maharashtra) Tele : 020 - 26102318 Regional Director Regional Centre, Chennai C/O Stn HQ, Fort Saint George Chennai Tele: 044 -2531-6714 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS C/o Air Force Station Begumpet, Secunderabad(AP) Tele : 040 -27753550-254 Regional Director Regional Center ECHS, Kochi C/o HQ Southern Naval Command Naval Base, Kochi (Kerla) Tele: 0484- 2662591 Fax0484-2667022 Regional Director Regional Centre ECHS, Guwahati C/O 51 Sub Area, C/O 99 APO Tele: 0361-2596932















21 3. The Organisation Chart of ECHS cell at Air HQ (VB) is as follows:-



DPS Tele Fax: 011 -23017605 Tele: 011-23010231/7165(Extn)

JDPS (OIC ECHS) Tele: 011-23010231/7160(Extn)


TREATMENT Treatment at Polyclinics 1. The starting point for medical attendance will be the nearest military/non military polyclinic. All available treatment within the capabilities of the polyclinic shall be provided at the first instance. Medical and para medical staff are hired/employed on contract for working at polyclinics. These polyclinics remain open for eight hours during week days and shall remain closed on Sundays and Gazetted holidays. Patients requiring attention outside working hours will be handled by duty MOs of service hospitals (in military stations) and by on-call civilian doctors in non-military stations. One nursing assistant will be available in all clinics in non-military stations after working hours. Depending on the type (A, B, C, D) which has been decided on the number of Veterans residing in that area, each polyclinic will have emergency bed with monitor, physiotherapy equipment, analysis with regents, digital ECG machine, dental chair, Ultra Sound machine, X Ray machine, Oxygen Concentrator, Nebulisor, minor OT and BP machine etc. 2. Manpower at Polyclinics* Type A Type B Type C Type D Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Medical Officer 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 Medical Specialist 1 2 1 2 1 1 Dental Officers 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 OIC (Non Medical) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gynaecologist 1 1 Nursing Asst/Nurse 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 Lab Asst 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Dental Hygienist 1 1 1 1 Receptionist 1 1 Driver 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 Peon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Safaiwala 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Female Attendant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Note- This may undergo change with additional manpower sanctioned by MoD. Treatment at Military Hospital/Empanelled Hospitals. 3. In case the required treatment is beyond the scope of the polyclinics, the Medical Officer in the first stage will refer the patient to the local MH where required treatment facility is available. Should MH not have the desired treatment/doctor/bed space, the ECHS patient will have the choice of going to any empanelled hospital in the station. In case the treatment is not available in that station, the ECHS member can go to any empanelled hospital in India. How ever, the cost of conveyance is to be borne by the individual. The list of the hospitals Details

23 already empanelled along with details regarding the specialties for which the hospitals are empanelled is placed as Appendix B. Authority for Referral to Empanelled Facility. 4. Referrals to empanelled facilities will be generated from ECHS Polyclinics. The choice of empanelled facility will be with the ECHS member(Authority to initiate referrals will be as follows(Authy: ECHS letter B/49774/AG/ECHS dated 01Dec 09 for entire referral procedure unless mentioned specifically):(a) Referral for General Service Specialities. For General Service Specialities( list appened below), Polyclinic Medical Officers, Specialists and Dental Officers (for dental treatment) are authorised to initiate referrals. Type of Speciality General Medicine ENT Emergency Services Dental Microbiology Type of Speciality General Surgery Ophthalmology Psychiatry Anaesthesia Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion) T ype of Speciality Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatrics Dermatology Pathology Radio diagnosisc

(b) Referral for Specialised Services. Referral for specialized services( list appended below ) , can only be made by a specialist at the Polyclinic or on advice of concerned specialist of service hospital, subject to load, or concerned specialist of local Government Hospital or concerned specialist of empanelled hospital (in the absence of service hospital). Type of Speciality Surgery Neuro Surgery Plastic &Reconstructive Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery Paediatric Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal Surgery Traumatology Joint Replacement Surgery Spinal Surgery Prosthetic Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Endovascular Surgery Type of Speciality Medicine Neuro Medicine Cardiology Respiratory Diseases Gastro enterology Endocrinology Nephrology Rheumatology Clinical Haematology Clinical Immunology Oncology (Medical) Critical care medicine Interventional Cardiology Medical Genetics Geriatric Medicine Type of Speciality Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology Infertility and assisted reproduction Gynaecological Endocrinology Materno foetal Medicine Paediatrics Neonatology Cardiology Neurology Haematology Nephrology Oncology

24 Geriatric Surgery Radiotherapy Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan MRI Interventional and Vascular Radiology Pathology Onco Pathology Molecular Pathology Transplant Pathology AIDS & Virology Molecular Immuno Pathology Genetic Pathology Transfusion Medicine

(c) Emergency Referrals. In case of emergency / life threatening conditions a patient is permitted to take treatment in any hospital. However, if such an emergency occurs while at Polyclinic, a Medical Officer of Polyclinic may directly refer a patient for specialized treatment / tests so that emergent medical attention is not delayed. In such cases, a certificate to this effect will be endorsed by the referring Medical Officer. (d) Authentication and Endorsement. All referrals from ECHS, Polyclinic will be authenticated by OIC Polyclinic under his stamp. He will also endorse non-availability of spare capacity in service hospitals. The endorsement should state as under:(i) Military Stations with Service Hospitals. "Verified that beds / speciality / facility is Not Available in the local service hospital at present". (ii) Non Military Stations/ Military Stations without Service Hospitals. "There is no service hospital located in the station". Procedure for Referrals Referral from Military Polyclinics (with Service Hospitals). 5. Ex-servicemen and their dependents requiring hospital admission will, in normal course, be referred to service hospitals in the station. In case of nonavailability of beds/facilities in service hospital, patients will be referred to empanelled hospitals for admission. The stipulation of referral to service hospital before referring a patient to empanelled hospital is primarily to economize on the meagre resources of the state. Intention of initial referrals to service hospitals to the extent possible is to utilize the spare capacity, without causing harassment to the veterans or overloading the service hospital. 6. The following guidelines will be adhered to in the process:(a) Patients would be referred directly to civil empanelled facilities by Medical Officer/Medical Specialist (as applicable) at ECHS Polyclinics in case of overloading or non-existence of medical facilities at the service hospital.

25 (b) Patient will be referred to service hospitals only for those diseases for which facilities exist in the service hospital. All OIC ECHS Polyclinics must possess a list of such facilities. (c) At times the facilities for a disease may exist in a service hospital but it may be overloaded / bed space may not be available. Such information must be provided by SEMO to the OIC ECHS Polyclinics under their SEMO cover on a regular basis. 7. A service hospital of the station would genrally NOT refer the patient to service hospital of a different station, un less in the opinion of the concerned specialist, such a step is in the interest of the patient. Hence, once a patient is referred to a service hospital, the patient will either be treated in the service hospital or outsourced locally to a civil empanelled facility of patients choice in that station through the ECHS Polyclinic. Referral from Non - Military Polyclinics (Including Military Polyclinics without Service Hospitals). 8. For the purpose of referrals Military Polyclinics without service hospitals( list appended below ), will follow the procedure applicable to Non Military Polyclinics. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) Janglot Moga Sangrur Sirsa Jaisalmer Ajmer Saharanpur (Sarsawa) Bharatpur Balasore Nagpur Yelahanka Dimapur Shajahanpur Kotdwara Haldwani Mumbai (Upnagar) Powai

9. ECHS patients will be referred to civil empanelled facility having valid MOA with the Station Headquarters as per instructions contained in Para 7 above. 10. In absence of local empanelled facilities, direct referrals by Non Military Polyclinics to service hospitals in nearby stations are permitted except to Army Hospital (Research & Referral). 11. A patient can be referred directly to empanelled facility in nearby city provided the Station Commander of originating Polyclinic has a valid MOA with the concerned hospital. Such cross -empanelment is essential to widen the network of referral facilities.

26 12. Till the time instructions on cross-empanelment are implemented all referrals to outs tation empanelled facilities will be routed through the local ECHS Polyclinic of that town / station. The outstation referral will be stamped and authenticated by the OIC Polyclinic of the station where the empanelled facility exists before treatment is started. e.g. if an ECHS member at Bhatinda is required to be referred to a outstation hospital for Cancer therapy because there is no facility available in his town, the ECHS Polyclinic at Bhatinda will initiate a referral for treatment at an empanelled facility at Ludhiana/Amritsar. ECHS Member will register himself/herself with the Polyclinic at Ludhiana/Amritsar and get his/her referral form duly stamped and countersigned by the OIC Polyclinic before the patient takes treatment at the empanelled cancer hospital at Ludhiana/Amritsar. 13. Use of Referral Form. The referrals to empanelled facilities will be made by the authorized Medical Officers/ Specialists in the Polyclinics on ECHS Referral Form only. The referral form will be duly stamped with the seal of the Polyclinic and will clearly outline a brief history of the case, the diagnosis, the hospital/diagnostic centre to which the ECHS beneficiary has been referred, and the specific treatment procedure/investigation for which the referral has been made. This procedure is required to be followed diligently so that the empanelled hospitals do not undertake unauthorized treatment on the ECHS members. The original referral form is to accompany bills subsequently presented by the empanelled facility except in conditions mentioned in para 17. Referrals should clearly indicate the requirement as follows :(a) If referral is desired for consultation only, then it should read- Referred for Consultation. (b) In case, the referral is for consultation and is to include investigations which the consultant may order, the same should be endorsed in the referral form as - Referred for Consultation/Investigations. (c) In the event a review is required for some treatment/procedure carried out earlier, the referral may be endorsed as - Referred for Review/Follow up (Includes consultation and investigations). Emergencies 14. In emergencies and life threatening conditions, when patients may not be able to follow the normal referral procedure, they may be admitted to the nearest hospital. 15. Conditions of Emergency covered under the ECHS are envisaged as follows:(a) Acute cardiac conditions/syndromes including myocardial infarction, unstable angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias/ Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, Cardiac Tamponade, acute left ventricular failure/severe congestive cardiac failure, accelerated hypertension, complete dissection. (b) Vascular catastrophies including acute limb ischaemia, Rupture of aneurysms, medical & surgical shock and peripheral circulatory failure.

27 (c) Cerebro vascular accidents including strokes, neurological emergencies including coma, cerebro meningeal infections, convulsions, acute paralysis, acute visual loss. (d) Acute respiratory emergencies including respiratory failure and de compensated lung disease. (e) Acute abdomen emergencies including acute obstetrical and gynecological emergencies. (f) Life threatening injuries including road traffic accidents, head injuries, multiple injuries, crush injuries and thermal injuries. (g) (h) (j) (k) Acute poisoning and snake bite. Acute endocrine emergencies including diabetic ketoacidosis. Heat stroke and cold injuries of life threatening nature. Acute renal failure.

(l) Severe infections leading to life threatening sequelae including septicemia, disseminated/ miliary tuberculosis. (m) Any other condition in which delay could result in loss of life or limb.

16. In case of admission to an empanelled hospital, the member would be required to produce his/her ECHS card as proof of ECHS membership. In such circumstances the empanelled hospital is required to inform the nearest Polyclinic of Station HQ having MOA with the empanelled hospital concerned, within a period of two working days, regarding the particulars of the ECHS patient and the nature of emergency. The OIC Polyclinic will make arrangements for verification of facts and issue a formal Emergency Referral (Referral form with Emergency stamped on it to be used). Payment of bills will be made by ECHS and the member is not required to pay. 17. In case of admission to a non-empanelled hospital, the ECHS beneficiary or his/her representative should inform nearest Polyclinic /Parent Polyclinic/ nearest ECHS Regional Centre/ Central Organisation (e -mail ID within two working days of such admission. OIC of nearest Polyclinic will make arrangements for verification of facts and issue Emergency Information Report (EIR) on receipt of information from representative of ECHS beneficiary/ OIC Parent Polyclinic/Regional Centre/Central Organisation. The responsibility for clearing bills in such cases will rest with the ECHS member. He/she may thereafter submit the bills alongwith summary of the case and other documents to the parent Polyclinic. Such bills will be submitted within a period of one month from the date of discharge from hospital. 18. While being treated in emergency, if another test/procedure is to be carried out on account of new illness/complication, treatment of which cannot be deferred, the same may be undertaken in the hospital and fresh referral is not required.

28 Need for additional procedure undertaken in emergency is to be elaborated in clinical summary submitted with the bills. 19. In a Stn which does not have an empanelled facility for Haemodialysis, the treatment is permitted in the non-empanelled hospital as a life saving treatment. Heamodialysis is also permitted in a non-empanelled hospital when the facility in en empanelled hospital is not available to an ECHS membe due to its limited capacity(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49770/AG/ECHS dated 26 May 09). 20. The following are guidelines: (a) EIR should be raised by OIC Polyclinic with an endorsement stating that Heaemodialysis is not available in a Service/Empanelled hospital in the Stn. (b) Bills are to be processed for a period of one month at a time.

(c) The maximum amount admissible will be as per CGHS package applicable in the area or the amount claimed, whichever is less. Follow-up Treatment/Reviews 21. In cases where regular follow -up/reviews are required, such follow -up treatment, (OPD/Indoors) will be provided for periods of one month at a time. Referral form in such cases should mention the same e.g., Referred for follow -up treatment for a period of one month. Fresh referra l has to be initiated on termination of the 1 month period. 22. The same provisions will apply for cases where treatment procedures are to be repeated at regular intervals as an ongoing process, e.g., cases requiring dialysis or regular long term physiotherapy. The referral should read as Referred for Haemodialysis, 3 sessions per week for a period of one month. 23. In case of mil-Polyclinics, referrals for follow up treatment for the same ailment would not be routed through the service hospitals. 24. The original referral form will be attached alongwith the first lot of bills in all such cases. A photocopy of the referral form will be attached with subsequent bills for the same referral, with an endorsement by the hospital linking the case to the original referrals. Oncology Referrals 25. In order to rationalize Oncology referrals, procedures envisaged in the seceding paragraphs will be implemented. 26. All patients reporting initially to ECHS Polyclinic and suspected / confirmed to be suffering from cancer would first be referred to a Oncology Centre of a service hospital (if available locally) or in the absence of service hospital with Oncology Dept, to an empanelled hospital recognized for oncology where registration, work-up and treatment planning can be carried out.

29 27. Patients requiring surgery as part of their multi-modality treatment will be treated in the service hospital (subject to availability of spare capacity) or the empanelled hospital (recognized for onco surgery). If facility is not available locally, patient will be referred to the nearest service hospital/empanelled facility where such a facility is available. 28. Patient requiring Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy (RT) will be issued a referral to local service hospital with Onco Dept (subject to load) or ECHS empanelled Onco centres once only for the entire duration of treatment. 29. The stipulation of one month validity for referral forms will not apply for Oncology cases prescribed Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy. End Stage Disease 30. In certain cases where the medical finality has been reached and active treatment is over, the patient would require rehabilitative care/terminal care. Such patients would be transferred to an appropriate empanelled institution like a Rehabilitation Centres or a Hospice. Hospitalisation in non-empanelled hospices/terminal care centres is permitted, with a view to reduce expenditure on prolonged hospitalisation of such patients. Treatment in such an Institute is permitted for a maximum period of six months . Period of Hospitalisation. 31. Where a patient is admitted for specific treatment, he will be hospitalized for such period only as is necessary for completion of the treatment. For treatments, specialized procedures or diagnostic tests for which package rates are specified, the periods of hospitalisation should not exceed the following limits, under ordinary circumstances :(a) Specialised procedures - 12 days. (b) Other procedures - 08 days. (c) Laparoscopic surgery - 03 days. (d) Day care/minor procedures - 01 day. 32. Hospitalisation beyond 12 days upto a maximum period of 30 days is permitted on approval of SEMO of the polyclinic. Continuation of treatment beyond 30 days (upto a maximum of 60 days) is permitted on approval of a technical committee. Continuation of hospitalization beyond 60 days will normally NOT be permitted. However, in exceptional cases a technical committee will examine the requirement and based on their recommendations ECHS Central Organisation may approve the same((Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49770/AG/ECHS/Treatment dated 12 Aug 09). Medical Care for ECHS Beneficiaries in Remote/Hilly Areas 33. To mitigate the difficulties being faced by ECHS beneficiaries residing in remote/hilly areas in getting referrals even for minor ailments from their nearest polyclinics due to distance/terrain, they have been permitted to avail the facilities/services of nearest Govt Health Care Centres /Primary Health Centre/

30 Govt Hospitals (deemed empanelled) without prior referral from the polyclinic subject to the following conditions (Authy: ECHS Ltrs B/49774P/AG/ECHS/Referral dated 05 Apr 07 & 25 Apr 07)):(a) (b) Distance from nearest polyclinic should be more than 50 Kms. Applicable for residents of following states only :(i) (ii) Himachal Pradesh. Uttaranchal.

(iii) North Eastern States of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura , Nagaland and Meghalaya(less district of Shillong). (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (vii) (c) West Bengal : District Darjiling only. Karnataka : District Chikmagalur, Kodagu only. Tamilnadu : District Nilgris only. Chhattisgarh : District Bastar and Dantewara only. Orissa : District Koraput and Mayurbhanj only.

Treatment permitted for maximum period of 07 days.

34. Parent Polyclinic will be notified of such treatment undertaken at the earliest (within two working days). Info can be sent by person/telephone/mail/fax/telegram. Parent polyclinic will generate a referral immediately on receipt of information and attach the same with the claim when received. Claims for reimbursement of expenditure incurred should be submitted to Parent Polyclinic within one month of completion of treatment. The claim will include the following:(a) Application of claim by the member. Summary of case including diagnosis and outcome/ further advise by treating doctor/hospital to be enclos ed. (b) Photocopy of ECHS Smart Card/Regn Slip. (c) Prescription/Clinical notes of treating doctor. (d) Bills of medicines/investigation/treatment procedure in original duly authenticated by treating doctor/hospital, alongwith a photocopy. In cases of treatment in Govt Hospitals, consultation is normally free. Bills, therefore, would pertain to medicines and treatment /investigation charges only, as applicable. 35. In cases of Emergency, patients can get admitted to any hospital. Emergency bills will continue to be processed as per existing instructions. Similarly in cases where further treatment is advised by local Govt Hosp, and/or major treatment procedure is required, patient will be referred to suitable Service/Empanelled Hospital through Parent Polyclinic as per existing procedure.


Referral to Reputed Hospitals for planned Treatment. 36. Presently, ECHS beneficiaries are referred from ECHS Polyclinic to various empanelled hospitals / diagnostic centres / dental centres, to avail cashless medical treatment. In emergency, they can avail medical facilities at any hospital. In case of non-empanelled hospital, the individual has to make payment and claim re-imbursement at ECHS rates. 37. ECHS members may be referred to such hospitals for planned procedures on merits of the case. Approval for such referrals would be granted on case to case basis by Central Organisation, ECHS based on recommendations by Medical Officer/Specialist at the Polyclinic, OIC Polyclinic and concerned Regional Centre. 38. Ex-Post-Facto sanction is not permitted. There is no provision for waiver to such a sanction. 39. The cost of treatment would be borne by ECHS member. Reimbursement would be limited to ECHS approved rates. 40. TA/DA will NOT be entitled in such cases.

41. Treatment at Medical Institute of National Repute. Admission/ treatment in the Institutes of National repute listed below is permitted. In case ESM or their dependents are referred by ECHS Medical Officer/Specialist to any of the Institutes mentioned below, an advance in the form of a crossed cheque payable to the concerned hospital will be drawn by the patient from the concerned Station Headquarter after submitting the referral form by an ECHS Polyclinic and estimate from the concerned hospital. The hospitals where such an arrangement is permitted are as follows :(a) All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. (b) Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh. (c) Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute, Lucknow. (d) National In stitute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore. (e) Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai (for Oncology) (f) JIPMER, Pondicherry. (g) Christain Medical College, Vellore. (h) Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai. (j) Medical Colleges and Hospitals under the Central or State Governments. 42. The referral policy in respect of Polyclinics in Delhi/NCR is as follows(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49774/Ag/ECHS/Referral dated 10 Aug 09):-


NAME OF POLYCLINIC Delhi Cantt and Lodhi Road

Noida, Gurgaon & Faridabad

POLICY OF REFERRAL All referrals to empanelled hospitals in NCR having MOA with Stn Cdr will be subject to non availability of spare capacity with Base Hospital / Army Hosp(R&R). (a) Direct referral to empanelled hospitals in NCR having MOA with Stn Cdr. (b) Cases for Jt Replacement will be referred to Army Hospital (R&R) for evaluation. (a) All referrals to empanelled hospitals in NRC having MOA with Stn Cdr, will be subject nonavailability of spare capacity with 11 AFH. (b) Cases for Jt Replacement will be referred to Army Hospital (R&R) for evaluation.


43. Referral will only be made once all available facilities of the Polyclinic are fully utilized. Choice of empanelled hospital/ diagnostic centre will with the ECHS member. 44. ECHS Cells have been es tablished at Army Hosp (R&R) and Base Hosp Delhi Cantt. Prior written intimation by the ECHS Cells about non-availability of Specialist/facilities / bed space for a particular duration will become an authority for OsIC Polyclinics Delhi Cantt, Lodhi Road and Hindan to refer patients directly to empanelled hospitals. 45. On remarks by the service specialists of Army Hosp (R&R)/BHDC indicating treatment from empanelled hospital, ECHS Cell at these hospitals will directly refer patients to the empanelled hospital of patients choice. Photocopy / fax of such referral form will be forwarded to the originating ECHS Polyclinic. 46. In case veteran desires to be treated at Service Hospital, referral will be made to Army Hospital (R&R) / Base Hospital Delhi Cantt / 11 AFH as per his choice. Payment to E mpanelled Hospitals/Nursing Homes/Diagnostic Centres 47. The payments by ECHS to the empanelled Hospitals, nursing Homes and Diagnostic Centres will be governed by the following procedure(Govt of India Ltr 24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 19 Dec 03):(a) Referral to Empanelled Hospital/Nursing Home/Diagnostic Centre.. Payment of bills to empanelled Hospitals will only be authorised when patients are referred to them from ECHS Polyclinic for necessary treatment/inve stigation. Hospitals will only treat patients for conditions for which they have been specifically referred from the ECHS Polyclinic, except in life saving/emergency situations.

33 (b) Payment centres. of Charges to Empanelled Hospitals/Diagnostic

(i ) The rates of payment to empanelled hospitals/Diagnostic centres in cities/towns covered under CGHS will be governed by the package deal rates as laid down for CGHS. The rates laid down for CGHS for various towns/cities will be applicable for ECHS Polyclinics located in corresponding/adjoining geographical areas. (ii) For diseases and conditions not in the list of CGHS package deals, the payment to the empanelled hospital/d iagnostic centre would be at rates of AIIMS New Delhi or Actuals, which ever is less. Where AIIMS rates are not available, the actual cost of drugs and room rent etc will be reimbursed. (iii) The package deal rates will include all charges pertaining to a particular treatment/procedure including admission charges, accommodation charges, ICU/ICCU charges, monitoring charges, operation theatre charges, operation charges, anaesthetic charges, procedural charges/Surgeons fee, cost of disposables, surgical charges and cost of medicines used during hospitalisation, related routine investigations, physiotherapy charges etc. (iv) The package rate does not include diet, telephone charges, TV charges and cost of cosmetics, toiletry and tonics. Cost of these, if offered, on request of patient will be realized from individual patient and are not to be included in package charges. (v) The rates will be applicable only for allopathic system of medicine. No charges will be reimbursed for Homeopathic, Unani, Ayurveda or traditional systems of medicines. (c) Allied Charges (i) Diet Charges. ECHS beneficiaries, whose Basic Pension + Dearness pension is less than or upto Rs.6,075/- are entitled for free diet during hospitalization empanelled hospitals. In case the beneficiary is suffering from TB or Mental disease, the monetary ceiling for free diet is upto Rs.9,000/-(Authy for Enhanced rates: GoI Ltr 22(80)/06/US(WE)/D(Res) date 05 Dec 06). (ii) Special Nursing Attendant Charges. Special nursing charges and/or attendant charges will be admissible when such nursing/attendance is essential for rec overy/prevention of serious deterioration of the patient as certified by the Medical Officer-incharge of the case. The approval of SEMO/SMO/PMO will be obtained through the concerned polyclinic in all such cases. The rate ceiling for special nursing and attendant charges will be as per guidelines of the CGHS. Special nursing/attendant charges will be applicable only for patients admitted in hospitals/nursing homes and will not be applicable for treatment taken at residence.


(iii) Entitlement for Indoor Treatment. Charges as applicable to CGHS will apply. ECHS beneficiaries shall be entitled to a general/semi private/ private ward facility in empanelled hospitals according to their rank structure as under(Authy: GoI Ltr 22(16)/05/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 1 9 Jul 2005 :Basic Monthly Pension(Rs) Entitlement of Hospital Beds Officers Private Ward JCOs(Nb Sub to Sub Maj including Hony Semi Private Ward Ranks of Lt/Capt and Equivalent) NCOs(Sep to Hav including Hony Ranks General W ard of Nb Sub and Equivalent) (iv) A/C Charges. A/C charges will be included for ICU/ICCU patients, private ward patients and specialised treatment patients. In all other conditions where A/C is absolutely essential for treatment of the patient, such charges will be included with a necessary certificate from the treating physician. (f) Treatment at Military Hospitals. Hospital stoppage rolls and any other charges expended for treatment in military hospitals will be paid in full by the member and is not reimbursable. 48. Travelling allowance. The following procedure will govern the movement of patient to referred clinics(ECHS Ltr B/49782/AG/ECHS dated 08 Nov 05):(a) Travelling allowance for journeys undertaken for medical treatment (both ways) is admissible to ECHS beneficiaries for treatment in another city, if such treatment is not available in the same city and referral is advised by ECHS Medical Officer/Specialist. Amount admissible will be limited to rail fare in entitled classes as applicable at the time of retirement, by shortest/main route or actual expenditure, which ever is less. (b) One attendant or escort who is required to travel along with the patient will be entitled to travelling allowance if the Medical Officer attending the patient certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel alone and such attendant escort is necessary to accompany the patient. Amount as admissible to the patient is reimbursable. (c) (d) No DA will be admissible in any circumstances No advance is admissible for the journey

49 Ambulance -Ambulance services authorised in Polyclinic may be utilised for patients when being referred to service/empanelled hospitals in the same city.

35 Issue of Medicines From ECHS Polyclinic 50. PVMS & NIV medicines will be issued from the ECHS Polyclinics up to a maximum of 90 days, for chronic ailments of Hypertension, IHD, Diabetes mellitus, Tuberculosis, epileptic disorders or any other chronic disease deemed fit by SEMO, subject to following conditions :(a) The medicines should have been prescribed by the concerned specialist for the required duration. (b) The patient should NOT be required to be reviewed during the period of prescription. 51. Issue of medicines up to 90 days will be permitted from ECHS Polyclinics ONLY and not from Service Hospitals. Issue of medicines from Service Hospitals will be restricted to a max of 30 days only as per current practice in the Armed Forces. 52. In case certain medicines prescribed by the MO/ Specialist are not available in the first instance from the Polyclinic dispensary, the same can be issued to rep of member on a subsequent day. It will not be mandatory for the patient himself to come once again in person, just to collect medicines marked NA from the Polyclinic at an earlier date. rep of the ECHS member, can come and collect the medicines marked NA in an earlier prescription, provided he is in possession of the original prescription and the members Smart card as an authority. 53. However when a fresh prescription is required to be generated, the patient needs to be physically present at the Polyclinic for examination and review by the MO each time. Dental Treatment 55. Procedure to be followed for dental treatment under ECHS as follows(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49773/AG/ECHS/R dated 09 Aug 05):(a) Dental treatment available through ECHS will be limited to procedures listed below:Recommended Recommended Dental Dental treatment at Remarks Treatment Empanelled modalities at Dental Centre Polyclinics /Dental lab

Treatment Procedure

DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT Consultation IOPA Radiograph

AND *For specialist consultation only Referral to Empanelled Facility when facilities

Yes Yes

Yes* Yes

36 NA in Polyclinic. OPG Radiograph Cephalogram Yes Yes Referral to Empanelled Facility when facilities NA in Polyclinic.

Skull Radiograph RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY Temporary Fillings Silver Amalgam Synthetic Restorations Composite Restorations Root Canal



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Simple Extractions Yes Complicated Extractions Yes Yes Surgical Extractions Yes Yes Apicoectomy Yes Yes Operculectomy Yes Alveoloplasty Yes Fracture Management (a) Open Reduction (b) Closed Reduction Biopsy Cyst Enucleation Maxillectomy/ Mandibulectomy Partial acrylic denture Single/Multiple Yes* Acrylic Crowns (Temporary) Yes* Relining/Rebasing of C/C Yes* Repair C/C Yes* Acrylic Dentures One jaw Yes* Acrylic Dentures Complete Yes* Fixed partial Denture 3 units with Procelain Veenering Yes* Fixed Partial Denture per additional tooth with porcelain veenering Yes* Scaling & Polishing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes** Yes** Yes** Yes** Yes Yes

Including hos pitalisation period if required.

*Lab work to be outsourced to empanelled dental laboratories. ** Lab work only



37 Recommended Recommende Dental d Dental treatment at Empanelled Treatment modalities at Dental Centre /Dental lab Polyclinics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Treatment Procedure

PERIODONTIA Subgingival Curettage Gingivectomy Flap Surgery Frenectomy Bone Grafts Vestibuloplasty Endo Perio Lesions

ORTHODONTIA Treatment not permitted in ECHS

(b) Prosthodontic clinical work (with the exception of procedures listed at para 3(c) below) will be carried out at ECHS Polyclinics only. However, laboratory work will be outsourced to Empanelled Dental Laboratories by O I/C ECHS clinic. In the event of non-availability of Dental officer at Polyclinic, patients may be referred to Service Dental facilities for Prosthodontic work. Such referral will be ON APPOINTMENT ONLY and subject to availability of facilities in the concerned Dental Centres. (c) The following prosthodontic procedures including clinical work, may be outsourced to Empanelled facilities if not available at Polyclinic :(i) Fixed Partial Denture (ii) Acrylic Denture One Jaw Rates payable inclusive of Lab (iii) Acrylic Denture Both Jaw charges are as follows:ECHS Approved CGHS AIIMS Rate (Rs) Remarks Rate Rate Dental Lab (Rs) (Rs) Clinic Charges


Treatment Procedure

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT PLANNING 1 Consultation 61 2 IOPA Radiograph 81 3 OPG Radiograph 250 4 Cephalogram 5 Skull Radiograph 250 RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY 6 Temporary Fillings 7 Silver Amalgam

CGHS Rate CGHS Rate 250 250 CGHS Rate -


Treatment Polyclinic


38 8 9 10 Synthetic Restorations Composite Restorations Root Canal (a) Anterior (b) Posterior 600 1200 -

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 11 Simple Extractions 101 12 Complicated Extractions 202 13 Surgical Extractions 202 14 Apicoectomy 250 15 Operculectomy 150 16 Alveoloplasty 250 Fracture Management 17 (a) Open Reduction 1000 (b) Closed Reduction 500 18 Biopsy 250 19 Cyst Enucleation 250 Maxillectomy/ Mandibulectomy 20 2000 PROSTHODONTICS

CGHS Rate CGHS Rate CGHS Rate CGHS Rate 150 250 1000 500 250 250 2000 -


AIIMS Rate. Hospital Charges Extra.

21 22 23 24 25 26



Acrylic RPD Single/Multiple Acrylic Crowns (per unit) Relining/Rebasing of C/C Repair C/C Acrylic Dentures One jaw 1000 Acrylic Dentures Complete 2000 Fixed partial Dentures 3 units with Procelain Veenering Fixed partial Denture per additionl tooth with Porcelain Veenering

100/50 100 100 100 1000* 2000*

100/50 100 100 100 500# 1000#

Lab charges only. 100 for 1 tooth & 50 per additional tooth. Lab charges only. *CGHS Rate. # Lab Charges Only. **AIIMS Rates # Lab Charges Only. **AIIMS Rates # Lab Charges Only.


1500 #



S No

Treatment Procedure

ECHS Approved CGHS AIIMS Rate (Rs) Rate Rate Remarks Lab (Rs) (Rs) Dental Clinic Charges

PERIODONTIA 29 Subgingival Curettage 500 Rate segment per (Max

39 4 Segments) 30 31 32 33 34 35 Gingivectomy -per tooth Flap Surgery per tooth Frenectomy Bone Grafts Vestibuloplasty Endo Perio Lesions 242 404 150 CGHS Rate CGHS Rate 150 3000 1000 1700

AIIMS Rate. Per Segment " - Per tooth

(d) Orthodontic treatment is NOT entitled for ECHS beneficiaries. (e) DGLP funds will be allotted to Service Dental facilities for procurement of consumables required to treat ECHS beneficiaries. Allotment will be made on recommendations of DGDS. 56. Referral to Service Dental Centres: Referrals to Service Dental Centre will only be made on prior appointment and provided the required facilities are available. Appointment will be arranged by the O I/C ECHS clinic. The appointment for treatment will be the prerogative of the OC, Service Dental Centre as it is his liability also to treat Serving personnel and their families. Decision of OsC Service Dental Centres will be final in this regard. 57. Referral to Empanelled Dental Clinics: Referrals for Specialised Dental Services will only be made after the facilities in the ECHS Polyclinics are utilized fully. The conditions for which referral can be made are listed at para 6 above When a referral is made, the Dental officer making the referral will clearly state the diagnosis and the procedures/treatment required on the Referral Form. Referrals for lab work will be made to facilities specifically empanelled for laboratory work. 58. Rates of Dental Treatment: The approved rates as listed in para 28 above will be applicable for signing of the MOA with Dental Facilities approved for empanelment vides MOD/GOI letters issued from time to time. 59. Procedures NOT included the following dental procedures are NOT included in ECHS and will NOT be made available from Polyclinic/Service Dental Centres/Empanelled facilities (a) Orthodontic treatment. (b) All cosmetic rehabilitation related/subsequent prosthetic work. including Dental Implants and

(c) Removable metal (cast) Partial Dentures. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Treatment for Senior Citizens 60. All members of ECHS are retd members and very soon will become senior citizens. However at the same time, some old and sick people need to be

40 given priority at ECHS Polyclinics. The senior citizens will be attended out of turn at reception, examination by doctors and issue of medicines. 61. The following will be treated as Senior Citizens (Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701PR/AG/ECHS dated 19 Nov 07). :(a) (b) Males Females -75 Yrs & above -70 Yrs & above

ECHS Membership For Re-Employed Officers 62. The following fresh guidelines will a pply in case of re -employed officers, both pre and post 01 Apr 03 retries (Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 05 Dec 07).:(a) (b) Re-employed Officer can become ECHS member. All members will submit an undertaking as hithertofore.

(c) On re-employemet an ECHS member will be treated as any other serving personnel. He will exercise option for availing medical facilities by his dependents only. An individual can choose any one medical faciitiy for self and the other for dependents. Certificate of choice duly countersigned by the Station commender at place of posting willl be forwarded to Central Orgaisation ECHS, concerned Regional Centre and parent polyclinic. It will be the responsibility of ECHS members to inform all concerned about his choice. (d) An individual can change his choice on posting under intimation to concerned Regional centre, Station HQs and parent polyclinic. (e) The ECHS membership cards of re -employed personnel will not be kept in suspended animation in case the choice for dependents is for ECHS.


1. The concept of Parent Polyclinic for ESM has been introduced, so as to collate a database and cater to a known ESM load at all the ECHS Polyclinics. This will ensure better and more efficient OPD facilitlites. Full range of medical facilities can be availed at the parent polyclinic. The parent polyclinic for an ECHS member was initially decided based on the residential address including the district and state. However consequent upon implementation, it was found that due to the uneven spread of resident ESM population some of the members have had to register at parent polyclinics which are at a greater distance to the stipulation of district/state etc. 2. ESM at the time of applying for ECHS membership can choose the parent polyclinic which is geographically closest of the district of residence. As far as the existing members are concerned, irrespective of the parent Polyclinic mentioned on the Smart Card, they can go to the Polyclinic geographically closest to the residence and register there as the parent polyclinic(Authy: B/49711-SC/AG/ECHS dt 03 Jan 2006). 3. To change the address/polyclinic dependency, the ESM (but for those residing in NCR) will have to submit the following to Stn HQs nearest to the new address(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49711/AG/ECHS dt 26 May 2007 ):(a) An application on plain paper giving reasons for change.

(b) A fresh application form with relevant columns filled and super scribed CHANGE OF ADDRESS on top. (c) Affidavit as per format endorsed on Rs.10 non judicial stamp paper duly notarized (d) (e) Enclose the old cards duly cut into 2 pieces. Deposit Cash/DD @ Rs. 135/- per card requested.

4. Station HQs will scrutinize the form and give a photo receipt to the member which will be valid for 60 days. Subsequently, SITL(Vendor) will carry out necessary amendments to the records and issue fresh cards within the laid down period. 5. The Polycinics in Delhi & NCR have been designatd as Parent Polyclilnics depending upon the geographical boundaries. The geographical boundaries for the same are as follows(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49705-NCR/AG/ECHS dt 27 May 2005):(a) Base Hospital Polyclinic (i) All areas west of River Yamuna upto Raj Ghat

42 (ii) All areas north of road joining Dayal Chowk to Raj Ghat(AlongLink Road, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Ajmeri Gate, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Delhi Gate and joining Raj Ghat). (iii) All areas North & West of Ridge Road up to Dhaula Kuan and NH 8 upto Delhi Haryana border towards Gurgaon. (iv) In addition all outstation patients referred to Delhi will first attended to at this Polyclinic . (b) Lodhi Road Polyclinic (i) All areas East of Yamuna upto and along UP Border upto trijunction of Delhi-Haryana-UP border. (ii) All areas South and East of Raj Ghat along the Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road upto Dayal Chowk and along Ridge Road upto Dhaula Kuan, thereafter along NH8 upto HaryanaDelhi border towards Gurgaon (iii) The Southern limit is the Delhi-Haryana Border in the South West and trijunction of Delhi-Haryana UP Border in Sout East. (c) NOIDA All areas East of UP -Delhi Border and South of NH24(Hapur Bypass) upto Haryana UP Border in the Sout West icluding Greater NOIDA. (d) Gurgaon- All areas South and West of Delhi Haryana Border on NH-8 towards Gurgaon. The entire district of Gurgaon is included. (e) Faridabad- All areas South of Delhi Haryana Border and West of Haryana UP Border. (f) Hindon All areas East and North of the UP-Delhi Border and out of Delhi upto NH-24(Hapur Bypass). These areas fall in the Ghaziabad District. 6. Whenever an ECHS member actually shifts between Delhi, NOIDA, Greater NOIDA, Gurgaon, Faridabad and Ghaziabad, the following procedure will be followed for change of Polycinic dependency in NCR of Delhi:(a) The member to submit the following documents:(i) Application on plain paper addressed to Regional Director ECHS, Delhi Cantt, explaining reasons for change of address. (ii) Fill up a fresh application form with all details including old registration number and photographs of self and dependants. Incase change of any dependants is involved Affidavit, given in the application form will also be filled. be

43 (iii) Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/-(Rupees ten only) for change of address is to be submitted. (iv) Submit proof of residence i.e. Telephone/Electricity Bill/Ration Card. (v) Submit a certificate from Resident Welfare Association/Municipal Corporation/Committee that the ECHS member is actually residing at the new address. (vi) (vii) Return all Cards Pay @ Rs.135/- per card for new cards

(viii) Super-scribe application form with CHANGE OF ADDRESS APPLICATION. (ix) Obtain receipt from Regional Centre.

(b) The master smart card and all add on cards will be submitted and address changed on all. However, if a dependent is working/studying outside the NCR, that particular add on card will not be changed. 7. ECHS members visiting Polyclinic other than their Parent Polyclinic are referred to as Out Station ECHS members. They will continue to be eligible for all ECHS facilities. 8. The procedure for utilizing ECHS facilities at Polyclinics other than parent polyclinics will be as follows:(a) Member will be handled in OPD and given medicine for 07 days at a time. (b) Referral to an empanelled facility will be authorized for an emergency/essential along with its related treatment. (c) Medical equipment authorized for him use will only be sanctioned by parent polyclinic s. (d) The concept or the parent Plyclinic based on geographical locations in Delhi and NCR will remain in force. 9. Station HQs will receive the application form and provide Receipt of Documents duly affixed photographs which will be valid for 60 days and thereafter to be revalidated if ECHS Smart Cards are not received. ECHS member should personally collect the cards from Stn HQ after 60 days of submission of application. 10. Station HQ will place the demand to SITL through concerned Regional Centre ECHS for re-manufacturing of Smart Cards as per request of the member. SITL will issue fresh cards duly indicating new address and new parent polyclinic.

44 SITL will also maintain details of old address and old parent polyclinic in their data base. Issue of Drugs and Consumables to Outstation ECHS Members 11. ECHS Members/ Dependents suffering from chronic diseases requiring long term and continuous treatment need to visit their Parent Polyclinic at least once a month for review of medical condition/ collection of medicines. However, when they visit any outstation location, they are issued medicines from the nearest Polyclinic for only 07 (seven) days at a time, as per present policy. This has caused considerable dissatisfaction am ongst the ECHS members. The policy has now been reviewed and a revised procedure evolved as laid down in the succeeding paragraphs. 12. Acute/ Fresh Illness. There is no change in procedure in case of occurrence of an acute or fresh illness. ECHS beneficiaries can report to any/ nearest Polyclinic for immediate medical requirement. Medicines will be issued for duration as prescribed to treat the illness. 13. Chronic Illness/ Long Term Treatment Cases. There are certain chronic cases where life long treatment is necessary and medicines for the same are issued by the Parent Polyclinic, after monthly review for 90 days at a time. Such patients, when visiting some other station, can now be issued medicines from any specified Outstation Polyclinic of choice (other than their Parent Polyclinic) for 30 days at a time. The procedure to be followed will be as under :(a) A Temporary Attachment Certificate is to be obtained from the Parent Polyclinic before the patient moves to a new location temporarily. (b) Part-A of Temporary Attachment Certificate (TAC) in original is to be deposited with Oi/c of Outstation Polyclinic from where subsequent issue of medicines is desired. (c) Part-B of TAC is to be retained by the patient and endorsement is obtained on it during each time the medicines are issued to him by the Outstation Polyclinic. (d) Part-B of TAC is to be deposited back with the Parent Polyclinic once the patient returns back to the place of his permanent residence for continuation of ongoing treatment. (e) No medicines will be issued to the patient from the parent polyclinic for the duration for which TAC has been issued. (f) TAC can not be issued for more than one Polyclinic for the same duration. Deposition of Part-B of one TAC is a mandatory pre-requisite for recommencement of issue of medicines from Parent Polyclinic and for eligibility of issue of another TAC at a later date, if required. (g) Once issued, a TAC will be valid for a maximum period of 06 (six) months only.

45 14. Action at Parent Polyclinic. Parent Polyclinic issuing the TAC has to ensure the following:(a) A TAC issue Register is to be maintained as per format attached at appendix B to this letter. (b) Entries are to be made in this Register, both at the time of issue of the certificate and receipt/ submission of Part-B of TAC. (c) Part-B of TAC is to be kept in file for records and audit.

(d) If Part-B of a Particular TAC is not received within the stipulated validity period of 06 (six) months, the Oi/c Polyclinic is required to confirm from the concerned outstation Polyclinic about the welfare/ status of the patient and amend his records if required, with necessary authentication. (e) The phrase TAC issued will be entered in MIS against the patients/ ESMs name while updating OPD records. (f) Further continuation of issue of medicines to a patient who has been issued with TAC will only commence after its Part-B has been duly submitted back in the Polyclinic. 15. TACs will be utilized only for issue of drugs and consumables. They will under no circumstances be utilized for issue of non expendable items(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49762/AG/ECHS dated 04 Aug 06). 16. ECHS patients will be provided treatment for all known diseases, including referral to empanelled hospitals, at any Polyclinic he reports. The purpose of TAC is to enable issue of drugs for longer duration to chronic patients. However, this does NOT debar a patient from availing of requisite treatment without a TAC(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49762/AG/ECHS dated 05 Nov 09). 17. When a patient seeks planned/specific treatment in a station other than the station of his Parent Polyclinic, a specific referral is to be generated by Parent Polyc linic to the other station to enable further management. However, when an ECHS beneficiary falls sick or requires treatment while visiting some other station, he is fully entitled to report to the nearest Polyclinic and avail of any treatment. Referral Procedure for Outstation Patients 18. When an appropriate Service/Empanelled Hospital is not available in the station, polyclinics may refer patients to other town/stations. All referrals to Service Hospitals in other stations can be made directly by Parent Polyclinic and patient need not report to that other station ECHS polyclinic for the same. However, all referrals to empanelled facilities will be routed through the local ECHS Polyclinic of the station.


Pan India Validity of ECHS Smart Card 19. ECHS Smart Card has Pan-India Validity. Procedure for TAC was initiated to facilitate provisioning and issue of drugs/medicines and consumables by a Polyclinic to outstation ECHs beneficiaries. ECHS patients will be provided treatment fo r all known diseases, including referral to empanelled hospitals, at any Polyclinic he reports. The purpose of TAC is to enable issue of drugs for longer duration to chronic patients. However, this does NOT debar a patient from availing of requisite treatment without a TAC, including referrals to service/empanelled facility. However, TAC procedure for move between Polyclinics of NCR is not permitted.


SMART CARD 1. To efficiently manage the health needs of approx 25 lakh ESM pensioners and their dependants, the ECHS needs to cater for and track a strength of over 1 crore beneficiaries. This can only be done through an electronic system, for which the Smart Card is being issued. 2. Objectives. The objectives of the Smart Card based system are:(a) To ensure smooth running and security of the ECHS system so that no unauthorized person avails of medical benefits. (b) Positive and irrefutable identification of members using bio-metrics, to prevent fraud. (c) Inter operability of the Card at any of the Polyclinics located throughout the country, thereby facilitating members to avail of medical benefits at all times, irrespective of their physical location. (d) Assist ECHS in budget control & statistical analysis.

3. Cost. The cost of each card is Rs. 90/- which will be paid for by the applicant at the time of depositing his form(However, the cost of card is being enhanced to Rs.135/- wef 01 Jun 10)(Authy: ECHS Ltr B/49711/AG/ECHS dated 01 Apr 10). 4. Smart Card Visual Inspection Zone (VIZ) Details. will be printed on the front of the Smart Card :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) The following details

Card serial number Service number Rank Name Date of birth Regt/Corps/Unit Date of retirement PPO number and date Name of the branch from where drawing pension Permanent address Photograph of the pensioner Signatures of pensioner & Card issuing authority

5. The following details will appear on the rear of the Smart Card for each dependant:(a) Photograph of the dependant

48 (b) Date of Birth (c) Relationship with pensioner.

Below the photographs of each dependant

6. Smart Card Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) Details. The MRZ will contain personal data of the pensioner and upto seven dependants on the primary card. In case of the dependant add-on card, the details of the pensioner and details of dependent, for whom add-on card is made, will be printed. In case of mentally challenged / physically handicapped child, a separate card in addition to the two permissible add-on cards will be issued and the details contained thereon will be same as that of dependant card. 7. The personal data of the pensioner contained in the primary card will be as follows:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) Member ID Card serial number Service number Rank Name Date of birth Regiment/Corps/Unit Date of retirement Medical category Permanent address Telephone number E-mail address Type of pension Pension Payment Order Number Name & address of bankers Record office Fingerprint of the pensioner Photograph of the Pensioner

8. The following details of the dependant will be on the MRZ of the primary card :(a) Spouse. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (b) Member ID Name Date of birth Date of marriage Add on card issued? (Y/N) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N) Fingerprint

Child (Upto four Children). (i) (ii) Member ID Name

49 (iii) (iv) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (c ) Date of birth Relationship (Son/Daughter) Marital status Employed (Y/N) Add on card issued? (Y/N) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N) Fingerprint

Father. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Member ID Name Date of birth Monthly income Add on card issued? (Y/N) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N) Fingerprint


Mother. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Member ID Name Date of birth Monthly income Add on card issued ? (Y/N) Mentioned in Discharge Book ? (Y/N) Fingerprint

(e) Day to Day Medical Transaction Details. At any point of time, last 50 transactions of the ECHS member will be available on the Smart Card. When the number of transactions increases beyond 50, the oldest transaction will be erased to make room for the new transaction. (f) Medical Data for Each Beneficiary. The following medical data will be maintained for each beneficiary in the Smart Card so that in the event of emergency or otherwise, the data is available to the Polyclinic doctors:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Chronic disease history History of major surgery Blood group Known drug allergy details

(g) Medical Referral Details . The beneficiaries data, whenever referred to a diagnostic centre / referral hospital / consultant specialist, will be captured in the database as well as on the Smart Card. These records will have the following information:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Name of the doctor who referred the patient. Name of the referral hospital /diagnostic centre/specialist. Description of tests to be done / opinion sought. Date on which referral is made.

50 (v) Date on which the patient is attended. (vi) Date on which the reports/bills are received back from referral hospital. (vi) Amount claimed by the referral facility for services. (vii) Date on which bill is forwarded to Station Headquarters for payment. 9. Procedure for Initial Issue.

(a) Applicants are to report in person to Station HQs when informed for collection of ECHS membership Smart Card. The receipt provided to the pensioner by the Station Headquarters at the time of accepting the application form, must be brought along for collection of Smart Card. Personal reporting is mandatory in order to prevent Smart Card(s) being handed over to a wrong person. Also, pensioner will be required to sign in the Master Ledger at Station HQs as proof of having received his/her Card(s). (b) Smart Card(s) will be ready for delivery to the member on 30th day of depositing the membership form. No intimation will be given for readiness of the Smart Card for collection. 10. Card must be kept carefully, as no medical treatment will be possible at any polyclinic/referral facility ECHS without the membership card. 11. One Master Card and three add on cards are permissible for an ECHS member(Authy ECHS Ltr B/49711/Ag/ECHS dated 13 Mar 08). 12. First Time Registration & Activation of Smart Card. It is mandatory for members and dependants to report jointly or singly to the nearest Polyclinic indicated in their application form along with Smart Card fo r recording of fingerprint biometric data of the pensioner and each member of his/her family. This activity will be automatically undertaken at the concerned ECHS Polyclinic when the ECHS member or his/her dependent(s) go for treatment during their first visit after receipt of Smart Card. 13. ECHS Smart Card will not be usable at any ECHS Polyclinics unless activated. 14. Use of Polyclinic Facilities. When visiting a Polyclinic subsequently, it is mandatory for the pensioner or his/her dependant to carry the ECHS Smart Card as proof of eligibility. The Polyclinic may not accept the individual for treatment in its absence. Following sequence of action will take place at the Polyclinic :(a) The operator will start the PC and log in to the system.

(b) Member comes to the Polyclinic Reception and hands over his Smart Card. (c) If the beneficiary has come to the Polyclinic for the first time, his/her fingerprint is captured and written into the Smart Card.



On all subsequent visits, fingerprint reader authenticates him/ her.

(e) Once authenticated, all personal information is read from the Smart Card along with his/ her photograph, compared with the Polyclinic database, and is displayed on the monitor of the receptionist. (f) The receptionist allots the doctor, puts the waiting list number and prints the medical examination slip. (g) The patient meets the Polyclinic doctor with the medical examination slip and the doctor records the diagnostics and medicines. (h) The patient comes back to the receptionist and the relevant details are respectively captured into the MIS and Smart Card. (j) In case the patient is referred to a diagnostic centre for tests or referred to a empanelled hospital or to a specialist, a referral slip is generated by the receptionist and the relevant information is entered in the Smart Card. The record is flagged for future update of financial input. (k) The patient goes to the Polyclinic pharmacy store for collection of medicines and in the event of any referrals, visits the referral faculty for treatment. 15. Action on Loss of Smart Card. As per existing procedure, an FIR is to be lodged in case of loss and intimated to Regional Centre ECHS from where the Card was issued. Consequent to reporting, a fresh Smart Card will be issued within 60 days. The issue of duplicate Smart Card would be on payment of Rs. 90/- for each Card. Safety of Smart Card(s) is paramount as the ECHS member/dependant will be unable to use ECHS benefits till receipt of new Card. On loss of a third Smart Card, account of which will be kept by the system, the pensioner will cease to be a member of the Scheme. 16. Interim Arrangements in Lieu of Smart Card. Till such time issue of Smart cards commences, any pensioner who has paid his contribution shall be permitted to use the Receipt provided to him by the Station Headquarters or Regional Centre, as the authority for availing treatment under the ECHS for himself/herself and for his/her authorized dependants. Orders to this effect have been passed to all service hospitals, and similar instructions will be passed to empanelled hospitals. However, along with the receipt, the member shall be required to carry/produce some authentic document/identification of his/her own or dependants identity. This is only a temporary measure, and will be cancelled as soon as Smart Card issue commences.


Appendix A (Refers to para 2 of Chapter 1 ) LIST OF 227 POLYCLINICS AUTHORISED IN PHASE I

SER No Regional Centre Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir Chandimandir New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi State Polyclinics Type Mil/ Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Telephone No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

J&K J&K J&K J&K J&K Punjab J&K HP J&K J&K HP HP Chandigarh Haryana HP HP HP HP HP Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Haryana UP Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Delhi

Baramulla Leh Udhampur Rajouri Srinagar Pathankot Samba Bakloh Jammu Junglot (Kathua) Yol Mandi Chandigarh Chandimandir Hamirpur Bilaspur Una Solan Shimla Amritsar Ropar Fatehgarh Sahib Faridkot Ferozpur Moga Gurdaspur Hoshiarpur Jalandhar Kapurthala Ludhiana Sangrur Patiala Faridabad Ghaziabad (Hindon) Karnal Ambala Sonipat Panipat Yamunanagar Kaithal Kurukshetra Delhi Cantt (BHDC)


01952-238541 01982-254747 01992-273914/2899 01962-262694 0194-2468086 01862-2805166/6415 01923-271582/2701 01899-257900 0191-2435849 2252 01892-235792/ 6090 01905-221710 0172-2747702 0172-2554133, MIL - 7652 01972-223482 01978-221707 01975-228210 01792-221917 0177-2838704 0183-2560422/2662 01881-223661 01763-222377 01639-255541/2147 0163-241903 01636-237004 9876135847 01874-247194 01882-247250 0181-2260179/5597 01822-220052 0161-2400692 01672-221225 0175-2303466/2696 0129-4007670 0129-2473633 0120-2275393 0184-2250455 0171-2630169 0130-2222911 0180-2651511 01732-220002 01746-234175 01744-230387 011-25684685

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Haryana UP Delhi Rajasthan Punjab Punjab Punjab Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Gurgaon NOIDA New Delhi (Lodhi Road) Bikaner Bhatinda Mansa Muktsar Sriganganagar Alwar Bharatpur Jhunjhunu Jaipur Sikar Churu Nagaur Kota Hindaun City (District Karrauli) Sirsa Jhajjar Rewari Rohtak Jind Narnaul Bhiwani Hissar Fatehabad Kanpur Agra Etawah Mainpuri Firozabad Etah Bulandshahr Bareilly Badaun Dehradun Fatehgarh Gopeshwar Akbarpur Matti (Kanpur) Kotdwara Pauri Garhwal Lucknow Rae Bareilly Mathura Aligarh A A A D C D C D B C A B B C C D D Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil 0124-2341062 0120-2433411 011-24363230 6883 0151-2204680/6920 0164-2291147 01652-230901 01633-241116 0154-2440524/6044 0144-2338659/2518 05644-236036 01592-237299 0141-2358905/6505 01572-270960 01562-252215 01582-241149 0744-2320375/6537 Not yet installed

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow

Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP Uttrakhand UP Uttrakhand UP Uttrakhand Uttrakhand UP UP UP UP


Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil

01666-227620 01251-257171 01274-252308 01262-279987 01681-256026 01282-256635 01664-255112 01662-266380/2946 01667-226622 0512-2380186 0562-2227688 05688-261265 9259058171 9927063276 0567-2234008 Not yet installed 05742-231205 05732-223939 0581-2421031/ 6596 05832-221528-9412463001 0135-2706560, 2754407, 9412075219 05692-234553, 234554, 234134, 234025 Extn 6008 01389-222242 0511-1291756 01386-262510, 227605 01368-221775 0522-2482885 0535-2204732 0565-2896367, 2501455, 9412419919, 2701304, 2583170

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Patna Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata UP UP Uttrakhand Uttrakhand Uttrakhand Uttrakhand UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP MP Meerut Muzaffarnagar Haldwani Pithoragarh Roorkee Almora Saharanpur (Sarsawa) Shahjahanpur Gorakhpur Allahabad Fatehpur Pratapgarh Azamgarh Sultanpur Faizabad Jabalpur B D B A D B D D D D D D D C D D D D C D B D C B C C C D D D C D C D C D C D C B D D D Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil 0121-2401513 0131-2620793 09313490909,09927335921, 05946-2222043 05964-266311 01332-275266, 272704 05962-230513, 232329 01331-245255 05842-223768-2018, 09415409613 0551-2272821 0532-2421704 09335113213 09838908348 05180-224966 09839030235 05342-221010 09336386991 05462-247665 05362-228904 05278-220526 09415047723 0761-2629010 09826521451 0771-2213279 09425214469 07662-253484 05568-221198 Fax-0551227936 07324-271727 9300920140 0548-2220946 0542-2504055 05498-241989 06182-238305 0621-2211143 06115-222033 06152-244556 06272-222709 0631-2210259 0680-2296307 0674-2360274 06782-257200 0651-2261370 06572-233877 25943073 0353-2550062 0354-2276544 03592-231405, 03472-225466 033-24489234 033-23572657 0322-265548 0343-2513558

Chhatisgarh Raipur MP UP MP UP UP UP Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Orissa Orissa Orissa Jharkhand Jharkhand WB WB WB Sikkim WB WB WB WB WB Rewa Deoria Mhow Ghazipur Varanasi Balia Ara Muzaffarpur Danapur (Patna) Chhapra Dharbanga Gaya Behrampur Bhubneswar Balasore Ranchi Jamshedpur Barrackpore Bengdubi Darjeeling Gangtok Krishnanagar Kolkata Salt Lake Midnapur Burdwan

131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Assam Tripura Mizoram Assam Nagaland Manipur Assam Meghalya Nagaland Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Maharastra Gujarat Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra MP Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra MP MP MP Maharastra Maharastra Gujarat UP UP Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Maharastra Goa Maharastra Maharastra Jorhat Agartala Aizwal Guwahati Dimapur Imphal (Leimakhong) Masimpur Shillong Kohima (Zakhama) Ajmer Barmer (Jalipa) Jaisalmer Jodhpur Pali Udaipur Nagpur Ahmedabad Sholapur Ahmednagar Osmanabad Latur Aurangabad Bhopal Buldana Jalgaon Devlali Bhind Gwalior Morena Mumbai (Navy) Mumbai (Upnagar) Jamnagar Jhansi Orai Satara Kolhapur Miraj (Sangli) Chiplun Sindudurg Thane (Nerul) Mahad Panaji Akola Amravati D D D D D D D D D D D D B D D C C C C D D D D D D D D D D B D D D D C B B C C C D D D D Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil 0376-2500324 0381-2397530 0389-2351143 0361-2306644 6414 (Mil) 0385-2429405 03842-278244 0364-2226789 03702-233041 0145-2633539 02982-224095 02992-255002 0291-2515997 02932-223992 0294-2512931 09414186175 0712-2510899, 2512771 079-22850004, 22580015 0217-2724727, 9850679477 0241-2323962 02472-223564 02382-227575 0240-2373105 0755-3959922 2520/2533 07262-247980 0259-2260167 0253-2495286 07534-236864, 9893012322 0751-2352018, 2459287 07532-2227509 022- 22163632, 22151666 Extn 3733 022-25782144 Extn 303 0288-2663694, 2663794 6244, 2211 05162-259218 09450069229 02162-237287, 09890468304 0231-2606773, 2606550 02332-229252 9421100236, 02355-250631 02362-228073 9322739478 9822404130 9422690194 0832-2420829, 2226246, 0724-2455244 0721-2664607

175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Pune Pune Pune Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Kochi Kochi Kochi Maharastra MP Gujarat Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Andaman & Nikobar Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka AP Karnataka AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Kerala Kerala Kerala Pune Saugor Vadodra Vellore Chennai Avadi Kanchipuram Cuddalore Villupuram Coimbatore Krishnagiri Salem Port Blair Srivilliputtur Dindigul Madurai Tiruchirapalli Nagapattinam Tanjavur Theni Tirunalveli Nagarcoil Tuticorin Wellington Thiruvannamalai Bangalore (Urban) Yelahanka (Bangalore) Madekeri Mangalore Mysore Belgaum Bijapur Dharwad Vishakapatnam Karwar Guntur Secunderabad Chittur Giddalur Golconda Kakinada Vijayawada Palakkad Kochi Kannur B D D A B C C D D C C C D C D C C D D D C D D D C A D C D D B D D C D C B C C C D D B B B Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Mil 020-26306292 022-26823240 07582-240554 0265-2781762, 2787620 0416-2211650 044-22314274 044-26840270 044-27290251 04142-294747 04146-226015 0422-2220233 04343-291110 0427-2414707 03192- 232012 04563-263534 05451-2460341 0452-2640410 0431-2459945 04365-220907 04365-275340 04546-265405 0462-2584864 04652-223050 0461-2390317 0423-2200801 04175-221163 080-25578902 080-28478088 08272-229406 0824-2417549 0821-2412678 9342530388 0831-2425765 08352-262383 0836-2463102 0891-2746213 2578000/2953 08382-263613 0863-2266139 040-27795837 08572-234578 08405-241700 & 9989791163 23512196 0884-2372477 0866-2540147 0491-2572023 0484-2666664 2661063 0497-2711429

220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Kochi Kochi Kochi Kochi Kochi Kochi Kochi Kochi Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kozikode Perintalmanna Alleppy Trissur Kottayam Trivandrum Pathanamthitta Quilon C C D B C A B B Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Non Mil Mil Non Mil Non Mil 0495-2384437 04933-224980 0477-3200111 0487-2422831 0481-2577271 0471-2358950 0468-2271441 0474-2767178


Appendix B (Refers to para 2 of Chapter 1 ) LIST OF HOSPITALS EMPANELLED BY ECHS



Name of Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Centres Sankalp Diagnostics, 1st Floor, Chandraprabhu Complex, Sardar Pate Bavla Char Rasta, Stadium Road, Ahmedabad -380014 Shreeji Dental Lab, 3, Tirth Bhumi Apartment, Keshav Nagar, Subhash Bridge, Ahmedabad -380027 Krishna Heart Institute, 319 Green City Ghuma, Ahmedabad 380058

Services proposed for recognition



Generalised Services Microbiology and Pathology

Specialised Services Onco Pathology and AIDS & Virology.



Dental Laboratory work only.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Emergency.



The Gujarat Research and Medical Institute, Camp Road, Shahibaugh, Ahmedabad - 380 004

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Joint Replacement & Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Critical care medicine & Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics - Cardiology . Pathology - Onco Pathology, AIDS &Virology & Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Endovascular Surgery and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging MRI and Interventional Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Gynaecology Oncology, , Gynaecological Endocrinology and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Car diology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. 5. Ahmedabad
Apollo Hospitals International Ltd Plot No-IA Bhatgi DC Estate Gandhi Nagar-382 428. Tele-079-55701800 079-55701803 9227401107 (Mob) Fax-079-55701843. General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intenstinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology incl dialysis, Rheumatology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan and MRI. -



7. 8.

Ahmedabad Ahmedabad

Nanavati Eye Hospital Pvt Ltd, 4 Pavan Apartment Vijay Charrasta Navara pura Ahmedabad Pin 380009 Ph 07926425042 Mob 9825034587 Sterling Hospital, Sterling Hospital Road Opp Gurukul Road Memnagar Ahmedabad Medi Surge Hospital, Near Mitha Khali Six Roads Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad Pin 380 006 Ph 07940010101 Mob 9825065555 CP Dr Bharat Gadhavi


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis



Usmanpura CT Scan Centre 30 Ambica 50 Ciety, Near Usmanpura Garden Usmanpura, Ahmedabad 380013 Tele 07927552555/666 E.Mail DR.KALPESH.B.SHAN

Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG)

Surgery Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Surgery- Neuro surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Vascular, Genito urinary, Paediatric, Oncology, Gastro intestinal, Traumatology, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine -Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology, Critical care medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging- C T Scan. Obstetrics & GynecologyGynecological oncology Paediatrics- Haematology, Oncology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.





Dental Hospital , 208 Sahajanand Palace, 100 Ft Sachin Road, Ahmedabad 380 051 Athare Patil Memorial Hospitals and Research Centre, Pvt Ltd Savedi Road, Ahmednagar, Mahranashtra, Ahmednagar - 414 003



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Rheumatology and

Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. 12. Ahmednagar Khamkar Hospital and Sailila Prasuti Gruh, At/PO Supa, Behind ST Stand, Teh Parner, Dist Ahmednagar Pin 414 301 Tele : 0248-8244221 0248-8243199 Khandekar Heart Hospital and Super speciality Clinic, Bhima Complex, Ahmednagar 414 001 Tele :02412430 033/ 2430 044 Anand Rishiji Hospital & MRC, 124, Anand Rishiji M arg, Ahmednagar 414 001 Tele : 0241-2320473 0241-2320474 General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Radio Diagnosis including USG. Clinical Immunology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. --




Medicine Cardiology.



General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis&Imaging CT Scan.Paediatrics. Neonatology.









Chakravarty Medical Centre, Opp AC Depot, Gurudwara Nagar Aurangabad Road, Ahmednagar 414001. Tele-0241-2344630 0241-2347841 9822083045 (Mob) Fax-0241-2322488 Deepak Hospital Savedi Road,Opposite To Zopadi Canteen,Ahmednagar414003. Tele-0241-2326888 0241-2324888 9822337039 (Mob) Fax-0241-2324888 E.Mail- drdeepaks@hotmail. com Super Speciality Oral Dental and Research Pvt Ltd, 107 Ambar Plazaa, Opp old S.T Stand Station Road Ahmednagar-414001. Tele 02412450303. - 02412357150. Mob - 9822082552. E.Mail DR ABHIJIT MISAL M.D. Bhagirathi Accident Hospital, Near Hotel Chanakya Burudgoan Road Ahmednagar 414001. Tele 0241-2354319

General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

General Medicine, General Surgery and Pathology.

Dental (Incl Oral Surg, Prosthodontia, Periodontia)

Orthopaedics, and Pathology.


Mob 9822521659. Vasudha Fracture and Backache Clinic, Kings R Kothla Bus oad Stand Road Ahmednagar 414001. Tele 0241-2346480 - 0241-2345234 Mob 9822301030 Fax 0241-2354343 E.Mail Pathak Hospital, 3716 Ghumare Lane Ahmednagar - 414001 Sonar Intensive Care Centre and Kulkarni Hospital, Kinetic Chowk Nagar Pune Highway Ahmednagar 414001 Nityaseva Hosp,Vidyanagar, Distt -Ahmednagar,,Sangamner, PIN 422 605 Dr Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar (Mah) 414111, Ph0241-2778042, 2777059, Mob9423244668



Orthopaedics Surgery.




20. 21.

Ahmednagar Ahmednagar

General Medicine, Obstetrics&Gynaecology General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology General Medicine General,Surgery and

Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery

22. 23.

Ahmednagar Ahmednagar

----Surgery Laparoscopic. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)



Noble Hospital and Reseach Centre Hotel Premdan Chowk Savedi Road Ahmednagar (MH) Pin 414003 Phone 02412521290, 2421911, Mob 9822458670

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis



Patil Hospital Kothi Chowk, Aurangabad Road, Ahmednagar .Pin 414001 Ph 02412320655 Mob 9422226484


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary Pediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Traumatology Medicine Neuro Medicine, Gastroenterology, Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Pediatric: Neonatology. Others: Oral Surgery (Dental) Surgery-Traumatology











Hi-Tech Diagnosis Centre, Behind Court, Near Vitthal Mandir, Court Gali, Ahmednagar- 414001 Unity Diagnostic Pvt Ltd, Shitre Building, Mahavir Nagar Corner, Savedi Road, Ahmednagar 414 003 Chikitsa Diagnostic Centre , First Floor, Saptarshi Complex, Ghumre Lane, Ahmednagar 414 001 Vinchurkar Diagnostic Pvt Ltd, Vinchurkar Bunglow, Old Agra Road, Nasik - 422 002 Jeevan Jyoti Hospital

Microbiology and Pathology


Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan only.

Radio Diagnosis Sonography only)



Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.




Surgery- Genito urinary, Gastro

162 Bhai ks Bagh Lowther Road Allahabad 211003 Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery,Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics,Dermato logy, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.
Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Intestinal and Laparascopic Surgery. MedicineCardiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics -Neonatology. SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery.
Others(Specify) ECG, 2D, ECHO, TMT, PFT



Saket Maternity and Nursing Home(P) Ltd 48/129 Baghmbari Housing Scheme, Allahapur Allahabad 211006
The Apollo Clinic,Prayag Medicare Pvt Ltd 28-B MG Marg Civil Lines Allahabad 211001. Tele 05322421131/33 Mob 9335113583 Fax 05322421134 E.Mail Gurukripa Jagrati Hospital, 124/A/1 Thorn Hill Road Near Public Service Commission Allahabad 211001. Tele 05322601945 - 05322601946 Mob 9415238024 Fax 05322603509.





General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).



35. 36.

Allahabad Allahabad



Raj Nursing Home 23A Park Road Allahabad 211001. Tele 0532-2461527 - 0532-2461363 Rastogi Dental Hosp 14/20 Tej Bahadur Square Road Civil Lines Allahabad - 211001 Saraswati Heart Care Hospital, 5/1 Alowther Road Darbhansa Coloney, Allahabad (UP) 211002, Ph-05322461096, Mob-09450111073 Vineeta Hosp, 10, 3A By Pass Road, Phaphamau Allahabad211013 Ph No 05323255790 Mob 09415317008

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Radio Diagnosis Dental (incl Oral Surgery & Dental Lab) -

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis). Paediatrics Neonatology. ---


Medicine Cardiology

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis incl USG General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics, Pathology

Others (Specify) Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery.



Shree Narayan Ashram Hospital Shivkoti Teliarganj Allahabad211004. Ph - 2541630, Mob 9336618493 (CGHS Empanelled Hospital vide GOI/MoD letter No 24(4)(a)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 06 Aug 03)

Surgery Oncology (Surgery)



Jai Durga Diagnostic Centre, SRN Hospital Campus, Allahabad 211 001

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

40. Allahabad Priya Scanning Centre, 3/1 Tej Bahadur Sapru Road, Allahabad - 211 001 Indira Diagnostic Centre and Blood Bank , 1 Muir Road, Akanskha Compex, Near Manmohan Park, Old Katra, Allahabad Kriti Scanning Centre Pvt Ltd, 55 B Lowther Road, Allahabad - 211 002
Heart Line Cardiac Care Centre 14/18 Elgin Road, Civil Lines, Allahabad - 211001. Yashlok Hospital and Research Centre ,43-A/31-A, Hashimpur Road, Allahabad - 211002, Phone05322467258, 2465809 and Mob-9415236846

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. --






Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

Medicine Cardiology






Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Joint Replacement Surgery



46. 47.

Alwar Alwar

Jhalani Eye Hospital 27 Krishna Colony Near Ambedkar Circle Alwar 301001 Astha Children Hospital 43 Vasant Vihar Alwar 301001 Mittal Hospital 143A Subhash Nagar Neb Alwar Alwar 301001 Solanki Hospital, 10, Ram Kutir, Near Ashok Circle, Alwar - 301 001

Ophthalmology Ophthalmic Emergencies.


Paediatrics. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia & Obstetrics and Gynaecology. General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics&Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis. Dental.

Paediatrics -Neonatology. -



Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine. Others Orthopaedics .









Jain Dental Hospital, Scheme No. 3, Opposite Central Jail, Vijay Mandir Road, Alwar 301 001 Smile Dental Clinic, 35 A, Lajpat Nagar, Near Bhagat Singh Circle, Alwar 301 001. Banga Bone Hospital, Ashok Circle, Alwar 301 001 Tele : 0144-2701323 Saroj Diagnostic Centre 12 Ambedkar Circle Alwar Scheme 2 Alwar 301001
Netra Jyoti Hospital and Laser Centre 70, Panchwati Scheme No 7 Alwar 301001. Tele 0144-2701133/2701717 Mob 9414016770 Fax 0144-2702233 E.Mail sgupta99@rediff Vijayanti Hospital & Research



Orthopedics and Radio Diagnosis.

Microbiology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis.







General Medicine, ENT, General

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery

Centre, 1 Manu Marg Alwar 301001 Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine and Endocrinology.





Monga Hospital Stone Centre, Mahesh Nagar, Vagadhari Road, Ambala Cantt 131 001 Rajeev Ultra Sound Centre, Behind BD High School, Punjabi Mohalla, Ambala Cantt 133 001
KD Hospital and CT Scan, Mahesh Nagar, Ambala Cantt 133 001. Tele 0171-2651882/2650935 E.Mail-DRKDS@REDIFF. RKM Hosp, 567- C Treasury Road Ambala City 134003. Tele 01712556741/2556742 Mob 9416026743 E.Mail Aneja Hospital and Nursing Home Badyal Road Mahesh Nagar Ambala Cantt 133001. Tele 01712661901/2661902 Mob 9416028186. MK Datta Hosp Cross Road No-1 Ambala Cantt 133001. Tele 01712642745/2643538 Mob 9812003667 E.Mail Gastro Care Hosp 19 Vikas Vihar Ambala City 134003. Tele 01712551919/3551919 Mob 9896016469 E.Mail Garg Maternity and Surgical Hosp, 5362, Across Road No 1, Punjabi Mohalla Ambala Cantt Nagpal Dental Clinic 5361/4 Nicholson Road Ambala Cantt Yafe Indoor Hospital, 10-L, 13 Model Town Ambala 134003 Dr PC Sharma Eye Hospital Arya Chowk Near T elephone Exchange Ambala City (HR) Pin 134002 Phone 01712553233 Mobile 9896081381 Kapil Eye Hospital, 240, Vivek Vihar Opposite PWD Rest House Ambala City Pin 134003. Ph 01712553533, Mob 9896424351 KD Hospital, Mahesh Nagar Jagadhri Road Ambala Pin 133001 Ph 0171 2651882 Mob 9354751782

General Medicine and General Surgery.

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan



General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.



General Surgery, Radio Diagnosis (In house only).



General Surgery.



Medicine Gastro enterology(For Endoscopy only).

62. 63. 64. 65.

Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala

Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Dental (incl Prosthodontia General Medicine Opthalmology.

--Medicine Dialysis) Nephrology (incl







68. Ambala
Dogra Diagnostic Centre, 16 Sector-7, Urban Estate Amabala City (HR) 134003. Ph - 01712552812, Mob -9896077639 Microbiology, Pathology. _



Escorts Heart and Superspeciality Institute Ltd, Majitha Verka Bye Pass Road , Amritsar- 143004.

Microbiology, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Pathology and Emergency. Orthopaedics

SurgeryCardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery and Paediatric Surgery, Genito Urinary & Joint
replacement surgery

Medicine- Neuro medicine, Gastro enterology, Clinical Immunology and Interventional Cardiology. Cardiology,
Endocrinology & Nephrology (incl dialysis)

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology. Pathology Transfusion Medicine. Other (Specify) Nuclear Medicine 70. Amritsar Dr Daljit Singh Eye Hospital Sheranwala Gate 1 Radha Swami Road The Mall,Amritsar 143006 Amandeep Hospital, GT Road, Model Town, Amritsar 143 001 Tele : 011832400693/2566738 Fax : 0183-2560805 Emailavtarortho2002@yaho Nayyar Heart Institute and Super Speciality Hospital, 3-Dasondha Singh Road, Lawrence Road Extn, Amritsar 143 001 Tele : 0183-2210051/ 2564481/2562051 Fax : 0183-2210041 Email : Ophthalmology



General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Paediatrics.

Surgery Plastic a nd Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endovasuclar Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro Enterology, Critical Care Medicine, and Interventional Cardiology.







Dr Om Prakash Satyam Netralaya, 117 A, The Mall, AmritsarPin 143001 Ph 0183-222128 Mob 9888299984 Hartej Maternity and Nursing Home,A-290,Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar, Pin 1430001 Ph 01832503613 Mob 9876951279 Dr PS Pannu Memorial Janta


General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.

Amritsar Hospital, Opposite

Central Jail Ajnala Road,

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, GenitoUrinary, Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Cardiology -

Amritsar Pin 143001 Uppal Neuro hosptial 4- Rani Ka Bagh Amritsar Pin 143001, Phone-01832229696, Mob 9872349696 Jeevan Jot Hospital 13, Kamla Devi Avenue Near Bye Pass Octoroi FGC Road, Amritsar Pin - 143001, Ph01832710218 Mobile 9876726987




Surgery Neuro Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine



Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery









Nijjar Scan & Diagnostic Centre, 51/1, Court Road, Opp. Church, Near G.P.O., Amritsar Advanced Diagnostics, 17/8, Kennedy Avenue Market, The Mall, Amritsar Asia Diagnostics Centre, 6 Albert Road, Near Circuit House, Amritsar - 143 001 Delhi Dental Clinic, Mall Road, Near Spice telecom Office, Bathinda- 151001
Gupta Hospital Power House Road Bathinda 151001. Tele 01642212377/5000385 -01645004307 Mob 9815157018. SRA Eye Hosp Vitreo retina Near ICICI Bank Hanuman Chowk Bathinda 151001. Tele9814170718/01643091911 Fax 01645001460 Mob 9814170718 E.Mail Delhi Heart Institute and Research Centre,40 Feet Road Namdev Marg Bhati Road, Bathinda Punjab, Bathinda 151001. Tele 01642222102/2211302 Fax 01642211302 Mob 9872403400 E.Mail shringogal@ Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences Barnala Road Bathinda (Punjab) - 151101. PH No . 0164 5860000, 2860100

Pathology & Radio Diagnosis.


Pathology & Radio Diagnosis. Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. Dental

CT Scan & MRI.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. -



Orthopaedics, Psychiatry.



Ophthalmology(Incl Vitreo retinal surgery).



Medicine Cardiology.





The Apollo Clinic, Deep Complex Near Hanuman murti chowk Bathinda - 151005. Ph 01645006822 & 5001822. Mob09814033822 Jaswant Singh

General Medicine, ENT Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG), Microbiology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro Enterology, Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

87. Bathinda Adesh Diagnostic Center, G.T. Road, Near Bus Stand, Bathinda KLES Hospital & MRC Belgaum, Nehrunagar, Belgaum-590010 MRI



Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,Pathology,Radi oDiagnosis,&Emergency.

Surgery - Neuro surgery Cardio throracic, Vascular Genito Urinary and Joint Replacement. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology and Interventional Cardiology Radiodiagnosis/ImagingCT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics - Neonatology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction.
Pathology AIDS & Virology.





Hi-Tech Health Care Diagnostic Centre Pvt Ltd, 3359/2A IB Vatsalamanor College Road, Belgaum-590002. Tele-08312426484 08312403998 9845001950 (Mob) Fax-08312403998 KLE Societys Institute of Dental Sciences, JN Medical College, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum 590010. Tele 0831-2470362/-2409211 - 0831-2470362/2452372 Fax 0831-2470640 E.Mail principal@

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Dental including Oral surgery, Prosthodontia and Periodontia.

Others Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Prosthodontia, Periodontia, Pedodontics and Orthodontics.



Arora Hospital Pvt Ltd 42 Krishna Nagar Bharatpur 321001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Anaesthesia,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency.
General Medicine(For OPD Consultation), ENT(For OPD Consultation), General Surgery(For OPD Consultation), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics(for OPD Consultation), Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG). Ophthalmology.



Shri Digamber Hospital Pvt Ltd Kothi Gulzar Bagh Bharatpur 321001. Tele 05644224112 - 05644223436 Fax 05644223436 Mob 9351201030. Dr Harendra Eye Hospital Phaco Centre, 25 Krishna Nagar Bharatpur 321001 Tele 05644-223756 Mob 9414026230. Dr Siddharth Arora Eye Clinic 8-Krishna Nagar Bharatpur 321001. Tele 05644-233396 Mob 9414257856. Dr Kaushik Dental Hospital, Bijlighar, Kachoraha, Bharatpur









(Raj) 321001, Ph-05644231973, Mob-9414271596 Dr Dharmendra Sharma Dental Clinic, Near Canara Bank, Circular Road, Soraj Police Chauraha, Bharatpur (Raj) 321001 Ph-05644228454, 260581 Mob-9414268495




Oral Surgery







Raj Diagnostic Centre, Moricharbagh, Near Agawal Sadan, Bharatpur 321 001. Geeta Diagnostic Centre, 139, Krishna Nagar, Surajpol Circle, Bhartpur. JB Guptas Hospital, Meham Gate, Bhiwani 127 021 Tele : 01664-243935
Gauba Ultrasound Centre Court Road, Near Panchayat Bha wan Bhiwani - 127021 Chugh Hospital, Circular Road, Meham Gate Bhiwani Pin 127021, Ph 01664244567.

Microbiology and Pathology.

Microbiology and Pathology.

General Medicine

100. 101.

Bhiwani Bhiwani

Radio Diagnosis (incl USG & Colour Doppler) General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).


Surgery - Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Gastro Enterology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction



Shri BM Patil Medical College and Research Centre Speciality Hospital, Ashram Road, Bijapur-586103



Kothari Medical and Research Insitute Kothari Hospital Marg Bangla Nagar Bikaner 334004









MN Hospital and Research Centre, Near Dr Karni Singh Stadium, Bikaner 334 001 Tele : 0151-2523563 0151-2522172 Bikaner Nursing Home, Pawan Puri, Bikaner 334 003 Tele : 0151 2543550 0151- 2529163 Binnani X Ray Clinic and Diagnostic Centre 21 Sadul Colony infront of child Hosp Bikaner 334001 Shri Sai Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Sangam Chowk, Chopada Layout,

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental,Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics,Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (for in house only). General Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics. Microbiology, Pathology & Rad io Diagnosis.

Genito Urinary Surgery.

Surgery- Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal, & Laparascopic Surgery. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan.





Near Bus Stand, Buldana 443001. Ashirwad Clinic, Near Garde Hall, Buldana 443 001 Tele : 07262-242766/242227 Email :
Laddhad Hospital Kankhede Way out Buldana 443001. Tele 07262243434 - 07262243092



General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pathology.



General Medicine.



Fortis Heart Institute & Multi Speciality Hospital Sector 62, Phase VIII, Mohali- 160062

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Emergency



Kaiser Hospital, Sector 21 Panchkula (Haryana)



Silver Oaks Hospital Phase IX Mohali 160063

General Medicine, ENT, Dental Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,Paediatrics, Dermatology,Pathology,Radi o Diagnosis & Emergency, Orthopaedics General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Bl od Bank, o Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, and Emergency.

Surgery - Neuro surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio throracic, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic and Endovascular surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radio diagnosis/ Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Nephrology. Surgery-Joint Replacement Surgery

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology and Oncology (Medical).



Mukat Hospital and Heart Institute

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology,

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive,

SCO 47-49 Sector 34A Chandigarh 110022 General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Oncology (Medical), and Interventional Cardiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology and Infertility and Assisted Reproduction. Surgery- Genito Urinary Surgery including Lithotripsy.





Kidney and Uro Stone Centre SCO 70 & 71 20C Tribune Road Chandigarh -160020 Grewal Eye Institute, SCO 168-169, Sector 9 -C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 009
Dental Clinic and Orthodontic Centre SCO-815-816 Sector-22A Chandigarh 160022 Tele-01722701114 -01722709165 Mob-9417314331 E.Mail Guru Harikrishan Sahib Eye Hosp Trust Sohana, Distt-Ropar, Near Chandigarh, Punjab 140308. Tele 01723091703 -01723091759 Fax-01602258411 E.Mail-info@ Panchkula Dental Orthodontic Centre House No-817 Sector-8, Panchkula 134109. Tele 01722560790 -01722567653 Mob 9417444427 E.Mail ashgupta-99 Vashishth Dental Centre 50F 255 First Floor Sector-16 Panchkula 134109. Tele 01722587563 - 09417018185 Dr Sandeep Mahajan Dental Clinic, SCO-11 Sector-11 Near Maa Durga Sweets Panchkula 134113.





Dental (Incl Oral Surgery and Periodontia)






Dental (Incl Oral Surgery)



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery and Prosthodontia).



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery).

Tele 01722579997 - 01722561896 Dheer Dental Clinic SCO 358, First Floor, Sector 44D Chandigarh 160044 Tele 01722613732 Mob 9814122251 E.Mail KUC and Orthopedic and Physiotherapy Site No 2 Sector 46D Chandigarh. Tele 0177-2620811 -0177-2620822 Mob 9876337922 Fax 2620833 E.Mail Ravjitnivedita@ Shining Pearls Dental Clinic SCO 373, Sector 33-D Chandigarh Phone 9876130555, 01722230555 Nevedac Prosthetic C entre, No 104 Sector 11A Chandigarh Pin 160011 Ph 01768895097 Mob9814036466 Dental Cosmetic Lab, SCO - 57, 2nd Floor, Sector 30C. Chandigarh Pin 160030. Ph 09814803658 Superb MRI CT Scan Centre, SCO-24/25 Sector-8C Chandigarh 160009 Tele 01725009005 - 01725009006 Mob 9814509814 Fax 01722225879 Dr Shamsher Singh Memorial Radio Diagnostic Centre, SCF13/14 Sector-16 Chandigarh Tele 01722541465 - 01722781496 Mob 9872202236 E.Mail baljitkaurssrd@



Dental (Incl Prosthodontia).




Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery. Others Physiotherapy



Dental. (Incl Oral Surgery)



Others (Specify) Artificial limbs/Aids and appliances



Dental (only Dental Lab)



Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI Others (Specify) Bone Densitometer, Mammography.



Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.









Chandigarh Clinical Laboratories Pvt Ltd SCF 9Sec, 16-D, Chandigarh SCO 76,Sec 20-C, Chandigarh 338-15A, Chandigarh Mirchias Diagnostics SCO-912, NAC Manimajra, Chandigarh Spiral CT and MRI Centre, SCO 73-74, Sector 20, Chandigarh -160019 Dr Sandhus Pathology & Imaging Centre, SCO 50-51, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh160034


Radio diagnosis

CT Scan

CT Scan and MRI.

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan

132. Chandigarh Apollo Clinic Sco 170-171, Sector 9C Madhya Marg Chandigarh -160017 Kaps Diagnoscan Centre SCO 12, Sector 5 Mansa Devi Complex No 1637, Sector 4 ,Panchkula Medicos Centre Mercury Imaging Centre, SCO - 122-123, Sector 8-C, Chandigarh
Hope Gastro Intestinal Diagnostic Clinic, H-N o-1184, Sector -21B Chandigarh 160022. Tele 01722707935 -01722706024 Fax 01722771523 E.Mail : Dr Lal Path Labs, SCO-24, Sector - 11D Chandigarh -160015 Dr Sodhi's CT Scan and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, SCO 27, Sector - 33D Chandigarh 160015 Mukul Sales Pvt Ltd, SC 0112113 Sector 8 C, Madhya Marg Chandigarh Pin 160009 Ph 01783063600, 3063602 Mob 9878619444 Laser Eye Clinic, SCO 833-834, Sec 22A, Chandigarh, Ph-01722720965, 09872100999 Gupta Eye Hospital 85, NAC Manimajra, Chandigarh Ph 01722735725, 9815748648 Dr Varun Gupta Centre for Complete Dental care House No-1273, Ground Floor, Sec-22B, Chandigarh-160022 Phone9217771054, 01725026595 Dr Parminder Sidanas Dental Practice SCF 64, Pin 160060 Phone 01724632425 Dr Sanjay Kalra's Advanced Dental Clinic, SCO-13 Sec TOR-5 Panchkula-134109, Ph01722577604

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis.

Pulmonary Function Tests, Photoplethysmography, Echocardiography and Color Doppler .

134. 135.

Chandigarh Chandigarh

Microbiology and Pathology. Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.


Pathology Onco Pathology and AIDS & Virology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.
Medicine Gastro Enterology.



137. 138.

Chandigarh Chandigarh



Radio Diagnosis (incl USG)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI.



Radio-Diagnosis incl USG)

Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan (incl CT Angiography)







Others (Specify) Intra ocular laser Implant Surgery.




143. 144.

Chandigarh Chandigarh



Others (Dental) Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Periodontia, Pedodontia, Endodontia Consenative





Sankara Nethralaya, Unit of Medical Research Foundation), 18 College Road, Chennai- 600006 Durgabai Deshmukh General Hospital and Research Centre No 11 & 12 Dr Durgabhai Deshmumkh Road Rapuram Chennai

Ophthalmology Ophthalmic Emergency



General Medicine & General Surgery.

600028 KKR ENT Hospital and Research Institute 827 Poonamallee High Road Kilapauk Chennai 600010 Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd 15 PS Sivasami Salai Atylapore Chennai 600004 Trinity Acute Care Hospital 33 Desaikan Road Mylapore Chennai 600004









General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Pathology and Emergency. -





RG Stone Urological Research Institute, 391/392, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai 600015 Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre 1, Ramachandra Nagar Porur Chennai 600116.

Lithotripsy only

General Medicine, ENT, Dental , Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



MIOT Hospitals 4/112 , Mount Poonamalee Road Manapakkam Chennai - 600089

General Orthopaedics, Surgery, and Diagnosis.

Medicine, General Radio



Prem Specialty Centre , Bhairavi Apartment, 12 MG Road, Shastri Nagar, Chennai 600 041
MIOT Hosp Ltd, 4-112 Mount Poonamalle Road Manapakkam Chennai 600089. Tele 04422492288/22491188. E.Mail Paterson Cancer Vijaya Health Centre, 175 NSK Salai


Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care M edicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics -Neonatology Cardiology, Haematology and Nephrology. SurgeryNeuro Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology and Joint Replacement. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Others Physiotherapy



ENT, Dental (Incl Oral Surgery), Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology. -



Surgery.Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI Medicine Oncology(Medical), Radiotherapy.

Vadapalani Chennai 600026. Tele 914424723959 - 914424724262 Fax 914424724292 Mob 9840044310. E.Mail Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Sankara Hospital Sankara Nagar Perumbakkam Chennai 601302. Tele 04422777000 - 04422777065 Mob 9382199843 Fax 22777100 & 22777065. E.Mail DIVYASRI777@ HOTMAIL.COM Sugam Hospital 349-TH Road, Thiruvotriyur Chennai 600019. Tele 04425733830 - 04425733296 Fax 04425739902 Mob 9840217999 E.Mail SugamHospitale Frontier Life Line Pvt Ltd, R30-C Ambattur Industrial Estate Road Morappier Chennai 600101. Tele 04442017575 -04426564224 Fax 04426565150 E.Mail drkmc@md3.vsnl.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmolgy, Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, Dental(Incl Prosthodontia), Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).



Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology.





Rajan Dental Institute 56, Dr Radha Krishnan Salai Mylapore Chennai 600004. Tele 04428472266 -04428474488 Fax 044 - 28472410 E.Mail Cancer Institute (WIA) Gandhi Nagar Canal Bank Road Adyar Chennai 600020. Tele 044-24910754 -044-52054405 Fax 044-24912085 E.Mail 044249120 85vsnl

Dental including Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia and Periodontia.

Blood Bank.





Alpha Physiotherapy Centre, No 56 th Street Nandanam Ext Nandanam Chennai 600035. Tele 044-24338425 - 044-24356819 Mob 9381016957 Fax 044-24363192 E.Mail anu-rjn@ Hindu Mission Hospital


Surgery Onco Surgery. Medicine Oncology (Medical), Radio Therapy and Nuclear Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology. Others Ultra Sound, Physiotherapy, Mammography, and Barium Contrast. Others Physiotherapy





103 GST Road, Tambaram West Chennai 600045. Tele 044-22262244 - 044-22265533 Fax 044-22262255 E.Mail Udhi Eye Hospital, No-09 Nurrays Gate Road Alwar Pet Chennai - 600018. Life Line Multispeciality Hospital, 5/639, Old Maha Bali Puram Road Peringudi Chennai - 600096 Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis Opthalmology

163. 164.

Chennai Chennai












Dr Aggarwal's Eye Hospital, 19 Cathedral Road,Chennai. Pin 600086, Ph-044-28112811 Mob-9840210054 Madras Medical Mission, 4A Dr JJ Nagar Mogappair Chennai. Pin 600 037 Ph 04426565960, 26565961. Srushti Hospital. 1. Padmavathy Street Thirumalai Nagar Ramapuram Chennai Pin 600089. Ph 04424861144 Mob9840449849 Durgabai Desmukh General Hospital and Research Centre No 11, 212 Dr Durgabai Deshmukh Road, Rapuram Road, Chennai, Pin 600028 Ph 4424938311. Sristhi Dental Hospital No1, Baby Nagar Eirst Cross Saint Velacherry, Chennai. Pin 600042, Ph-04422432497, Mob9444035708

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis Ophthalmology


Surgery Cardio- Thoracic Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Pathology

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology. Pediatrics Neonatology.


Others (Dental) Oral Surgery, Periodontia, Dental Lab.





Bharat Scans Pvt Ltd, 197 Peters Road Royapettah, Chennai - 600014 Vita Diagnostics Limited, 49 Harris Road, Pudupet, Chennai 600002
Hibeam CT Scan Centre 56 Arathoon Road Royapuram Chennai 600013. Tele 04425951757 - 04425981538 Mob - 9841971301 Aarthi Advanced CT Scan and MRI 766, PH Road Kilpauk, Chennai 600010. Tele 044-26611244 - 04426611255 Mob 9444411285 E.Mail Ehrlich Laboratory, 46 & 48 Masilamani Road, Balaji Nagar,

Radio Diagnosis

CT Scan and MRI


CT Scan, Doppler






Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI.



Microbiology, Pathology, Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG)

Others (Specify) TMT, Echocardiography

Royapettah Chennai Pin 600014 Ph 04428130514, 28130460 Liberty High Scans Pvt Ltd, 149/150, TTK Road, Alwarpet Chennai, Pin 600018 Ph 04424346665 Mob 09941102732



Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI



Ganga Medical Centre and Hospital 2 Swarnambika Layout Ramnagar Coimbatore 641009 K Govinda Swamy Naidu Medical Trust 5 Govt Arts College Road Coimbatore Tamilnadu 641018

Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, & Radio Diagnosis.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency.



Kovai Medical Center and Hospital P B No 3209 Avanashi Road Coimbatore 641014

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency.

SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement and Spinal Surgery. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vas cular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic, Endovascular, Geriatric Surgery. Medicine- Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology & Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology Paediatrics - Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology & Nephrology. Pathology - AIDS & Virology Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology,Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Intervent ional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics -Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology,

Haematology, Nephrology. Pathology - AIDS & Virology. SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine-Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology, Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology & Radiotherapy. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics - Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology - AIDS & Virology and Transfusion Medicine. Other (Specify) -Nuclear Medicine and Gamma Camera. Surgery- Gastro Intestinal & Laparascopic Surgery. MedicineCardiology(non invasive) & Gastro enterology.



G Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital Nethaji Road Pappanaicken Palayam Coimbatore Tamilnadu 641037

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency.



Kongunad Hospitals Private Limited 79 11 TH Street Tatabad Coimbatore 641012







Arvind Eye Hospital Avinashi Raod Civil Aerodrome PO Coimbatore - 641014 Eye Foundation 582-A DB Road RS Puram Coimbatore - 641002 PSG Hospitals Avinashi Road Peelanedu Coimbatore - 641004

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. Ophthalmology


General Medicine, ENT, Dental , Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Paediatric and Spinal Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan . SurgeryNeuro Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery.



Sri Ramakrishna Hospitals 395 Sarojini Naidu Road Sidhapudur Coimbatore - 641044

General Medicine, ENT, Dental , Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

MedicineNeuro-medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radiotherapy. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics -Neonatology and Oncology. 185. Delhi Centre For Sight, A-23 Green Park, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 RG Stone Urological Research Institute (A Unit of RG Scientific enterprises Pvt Ltd), F -12, East of Kailash New Delhi- 110065 Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre, Okhla Road, New Delhi- 110025 Ophthalmology



Lithotripsy -



Blood Bank, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency



Mata Chanan Devi Hospital, C-1, Janak Puri, New Delhi110058

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Emergency & Physiotherapy.



Umkal Hospital and MP Heart Research Institute A520, Sushant Lok-1, Gurgaon-122002







North Point Hospitals Pvt Ltd, S-357, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110017 Dr Nandwanis Dental Clinic, A-3/196, Sector-8, Rohini, Delhi-110085 City Dental Clinic (A unit of City Dental Care (Pvt) Ltd), B-39, Basement, Defence

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. -

Surgery -Cardio thoracic and Vascular Surgery MedicineCardiology, Interventional Cardiology & Critical care medicine Radio diagnosis/Imaging CT Scan & MRI Paediatrics -Cardiology Pathology-Transfusion medicine Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Traumatology & Spinal Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology & Interventional Cardiology. Radio diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan Other Dialysis. Dialysis

Endo uro surgery (Endoscopic Urology surgical procedures). -


Dental & Dental Laboratory.

Colony, New Delhi-110024



















Dental & Oral Health Care Centre, 1/117 Sadar Bazar Delhi Cantt- 110010 Hi-Tech Dental Clinic, New Sunehari Market, Att, Sec27, Noida-201303 Gulati Dental Centre, C2B/78 B Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Dental Solutions, J-28 (F.F) Opp Pizza Hut, Sector 18, Noida-201301 Dr Manish Kalras Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, C-15 (GF) Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi110024 Dr Khoslas Dental Clinic, B-4/76, Safdarjung Enclave (Near Safdarjung Club) New Delhi-110029 Raahat Dental Clinic, Raj Place, Main Road, Palam Colony, New Delhi-110045 Dr Vermas Dental Care Clinic, C-3/57, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Delhi Heart and Lung Institute 3MM 11 Panchkuian Road New Delhi 110055

Dental & Dental Laboratory.

Dental & Dental Laboratory.



Dental & Dental Laboratory.


Dental & Dental Laboratory.

Dental & Dental Laboratory.

Blood Bank.

Surgery- Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery. MedicineCardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Cardiac Critical care only & Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics - Cardiology. SurgeryGenito Urinary Surgery (Except Renal Transplantation). Medicine- Gastro enterology and Nephrology. Surgery-Joint Surgery. Replacement



Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute Press Enclave Marg Sheikh Sarai II New Delhi 110017

Microbiology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis.







Orthonova Hospital c-5/29 Safdarjung Development Area New Delhi - 110016 I Care Eye Hospital and PG Institute E 3A, Sector- 26 NOIDA-201301 Kailash Hospital and Research Centre H-33, Sector-27 NOIDA-201301



General Medicine, ENT, Dental (Prosthetic, Periodontic & Orthodontics only), Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint

Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI Paediatrics -Neonatology. Surgery-Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro -medicine. Paediatrics Neurology. SurgeryCardiothoracic Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery (Urology & Lithotripsy), Joint Replacement, Prosthetic and Laparascopic Surgery. MedicineCardiology, Nephrology (including Dialysis), Interventional Cardiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan and MRI. Misc- Kidney transplant. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Oncology (Medical) and Critical Care Medicine. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics -Oncology. -





Vimhans No I, Institutional Area Nehru Nagar New delhi-110065. Apollo Indraprastha Hospital Sarita Vihar, Delhi Mathura Road New Delhi - 110044

Dental (Maxillo- facial Surgery) and Psychiatry




Rockland Hospital B-33-34 Qutub Institutional Area New Delhi - 110016

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.







Dr Bhim Sain Family Dental Clinic 221 Qutub Plaza DLF city Phase-I Gurgaon-122002 Sudarshan Poly Dental Centre SCF-21, Sector 14 Near HUDA office Gurgaon Dr Gulati Dental Clinic 102, Laxmi Towers Rohit Kunj Mkt Pitampura

Dental (Prosthodo ntics) and Dental Laboratory)

Dental(Prosthodontics, Dental Laboratory, Endodontics and Periodontics)

Dental Periodontics Laboratory)

(Orthodontics, and Dental

Delhi-110088 West Point Dental Clinic B-37/I(DS) Ramesh Nagar New Delhi-110015 Jeevan Mala Hospital, 67/1, New Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110 005



Dental (Orthodontics)



General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery





G.M. Modi Hospital and Research Centre, Press Enclave Road, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017 Bharadwaj Hospital, NH-I, Sector-29, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201 301

Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan.




Fortis Hospital, B-22, Sector-62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201 307

Surgery Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro-enterology, Endocrionology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical) and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis Imaging CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics Neonatology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Oncopathology
Others- Haemodialysis, USG, Renal transplant surgery



Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, 14 Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110 024 Bharti Eye Hospital, 1/3 East Patel Nagar New Delhi 110 008 Dharmshila Cancer Hospital, Dharamshila Marg, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi 110 096


Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.







Microbiology, Blood Bank (for inpatients only), Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Medicine Oncology(Medical) and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology --



Park Hospital, 12 Chowkhandi, Near Keshopur Depot, Outer Ring Road, New Delhi 110 018 Modern Dental Clinic, 224 Ganpati Arcade, Next to AAP KI BAZAR, Gurudwara Road, Gurgaon 122 001 Prakash Hospital Pvt Ltd, D12, Sector-33, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201 301

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics



Dental including Dental Lab.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Maxillo-facial Surgery only), M icrobiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis Dental

Surgery Neuro-Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan





Dr Chhabra Dental Clinic, 1097, Sector 4, Near Shakuntala Cinema, Gurgaon- 122 001 Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, XI, Sector 12 L-94 Sector 11, Noida 201 301





Max Devki Devi Vascular Heart Institute, 2 Press Enclave Road, New Delhi 110 017 Mool Chand Hospital, Lajpat Nagar - III, New Delhi - 110 024

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (for inpatients only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Pathology (for in house only) and Radio Diagnosis(for in house only). Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery and Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan., Bone Densitometry, Mammography and Color Doppler. Others Dialysis
Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery.



Jaipur Golden Hospital , 2 Industrial Area, Sector -3, Rohini, New Delhi - 110 085

General Medicine, ENT, Dental(Prosthodontics only), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Pathology.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro Enterology and Critical Care Medicine. Others. Dialysis.
Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery. Medicine Nephrology(Incl



Pushpanjali Hospital John Hall Road, Civil Lines,

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Pathology,

Gurgaon 122 001. Tele 0124-2320050 0124-2323052 9811192907 (Mob) Fax-0124-2328054. Radio Diagnosis. Dialysis).



Kalyani Hospital Pvt Ltd, 354/2 Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon - 122 001

General Medicine, ENT, Dental(for Oral Surgery only), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography, Orthopaedics.
Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Cardiology.
Surgery Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine - Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging- C T Scan Medicine Neuro Medicine. Surgery Neuro Surgery



Jain Hosp, Jain Neuro IVF Centre 173/178 Jagriti Enclave Vikas Marg Delhi 110092 Tele 01122144246 -01122146442 Mob 9811078135 Fax 01122161561 E.Mail



Sheetla Hospital and Eye Institute,Pvt Ltd New Railway Road, Near DSD College, Gurgaon 22 001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases and Critical Care Medicine. Pathology Onco Pathology







Shree Jeewan Hospital 67/1 New Rohtak Road New Delhi 110005. Tele 01123682780 -01123684964 Fax-01123682921 E.Mail shreejeevanhospital Dr Chopras Bone Densitometry Centre Lab, 2 Rajouri Palace, JI/162 Rajouri Garden New Delhi 110027. Tele 0119811034121 0119312210848. Kalra Hospital A-5& 6 Kirti Nagar New Delhi 110015. Tele 01125418088 - 01125430370 Fax 01125108119 Mob 9810034292.

Others(Specify) Bone Densitometry.

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Nephrology(Incl Dialysis), Geriatric Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Pathology Onco Pathology.



Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, 1, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, MB Road, New Delhi 10062

ENT, Microbiology, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (In house only), Pathology & Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Nephrology (including dialysis), Oncology (Medical), Interventional Cardiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI. 236. Delhi
Dr Rampal Dental Clinic E-564 Greater Kailash Part-II New Delhi 110048. Tele 01129217933 - 01130979818 Mob 9811030963 E.Mail RAMPALDENTALCLINIC@ HOTMAIL.COM Lions Kidney Hosp and Urology Research Institute, Opp B Block New Friend Colony New Delhi 110065. Tele 01155807700 -01126324749 Fax 01126831265 Mob 9891667516 E.Mail lionskidneyhospital Prayag Hosp and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, J -206/A-1, Sector 41 Noida 201302. Tele 951202570209 -951202570210 Fax - 951202574091 E.Mail Noida Medicare Centre Ltd 16-C Block-E, Sector-30, Noida 201303. Tele 01202453801 to 08. Fax 01202456586 Mob 9810066732 E.Mail Dental (Incl Prosthodontia, Dental Lab, Oral Surgery). -



General Medicine, General Surgery, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, O bstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank(In house only), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Genito Urinary(With Kidney Transplantation), Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Nephrology(With Dialysis). Paediatrics Nephrology. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy, Haemodialysis.







Sumitra Nursing and Maternity Home Ltd, A -119A, Sector-35 Noida 201301. Tele 01202507725 - 01202507625 Fax 01202504794 Mob 9810048328 E.Mail Vinayak Hospital NH-1, Sector -27 Atta Noida 201301. Tele 951202444222/2444333 Fax -951202541340 Mob 9810097144 E.Mail WWW. VINAYAKHOSPITALCOM

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology(Surgery), Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology. Surgery Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery.

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro enterology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy, Haemodialysis.

242. Delhi
Tirupati Eye Centre C-8, Sector-19 Noida, District Guatam Budha Nagar UP Noida 201301. Tele 951202444349 - 951202539261 Fax 951202536631 E.Mail tirupati Kailash Hospital Research Centre Ltd,H-33, Sector-27 Noida, UP 201301. Tele 951202444444/2445566 Fax 951202552323 Mob 9871295310. E.Mail khrc@Mantraonline. com Venu Eye Institute and Research Centre 1/31 Sheikh Sarai Institutional Area Phase-II, New Delhi 110017. Tele 01129251155 01129252417 Mob 9891254733 Fax 29252370 E.Mail & VCS@spectranet. com Dr Ekta Chadhas Aesthetic Dental Clinic, E-84 Greater Kailash Part -I New Delhi 48. Tele 011-41632574 - 011-29239715 Mob 9811258429 Fax 41632574. E.Mail chadha32@hotmail. com Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute FC-34, A4 Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110063. Tele 011-25279595 - 011-52888888 Mob 9818028556 E.Mail sbhospital@ Ophthalmology. -



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.






Dental including Prosthodontia and Dental Lab



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental including Prosthodontia, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Pathology Transfusion Medicine. Others Physiotherapy, Bone Densitometry, Mammography and Oral Surgery.





Chaudhary Eye Centre & Laser Vision, 4802 Bharat Ram Road, 24 Darya Ganj New Delhi 110002. Tele 01123248423 - 01123275893 Mob 9871411227 Fax 011-23281916 E.Mail info@spectacle Vision Eye Centre 12/27 West Patel Nagar New Delhi 110008.



Tele 011-25882129 - 011-25887228 Mob 9811083026 E.Mail akgrover55@ The Apollo Clinic Janak puri Krishna Bhawan, 7-8, A-3 Shopping Centre Janakpuri New Delhi 110058. Tele 011-25590851 - 011-51588260 Mob 9810057380 Fax 01125615760 E.Mail janakpuri@the Saroj Hospital and Heart Institute Sector XIV Extn Madhuban Chowk Rohini Delhi 110085. Tele 01127557201 Mob 9811080619 Fax 01127556275 E.Mail hospitalsaroj@



Dental , Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Others Echo Cardiography, ECG, Stress Echo, Color Doppler and Physiotherapy.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedic, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.







Shroff Eye Centre A-9, Kailash Colony and 105 Surya Kiran, KG Marg New Delhi 110048. Tele 011-51633999 - 011-26462431 Mob 9312653000 Fax 011-26484736 E.Mail shroffey@ndf.vsnl. Venu Eye Institute and Research Centre 1/31 Sheikh Sarai Institutional Area Phase-II, New Delhi 110017. Tele 01129251155 01129252417 Mob 9891254733 Fax 29252370 E.Mail & VCS@spectranet. com Dr Ekta Chadhas Aesthetic Dental Clinic, E-84 Greater Kailash Part -I New Delhi 48. Tele 011-41632574 - 011-29239715 Mob 9811258429 Fax 41632574.


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Onco surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Molecular Immuno Pathology. --


Dental including Prosthodontia and Dental Lab

E.Mail chadha32@hotmail. com GMR Institute of Imaging and Research Centre, A-13 Green Park (Main) New Delhi 110016. Tele 011-26969111 - 011-26969222 Mob 9810192959 E.Mail gmrindia@yahoo. com Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute FC-34, A4 Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110063. Tele 011-25279595 - 011-52888888 Mob 9818028556 E.Mail sbhospital@



Pathology and R adio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Others Mammography.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental including Prosthodontia, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Pathology Transfusion Medicine. Others Physiotherapy, Bone Densitometry, Mammography and Oral Surgery.







Chaudhary Eye Centre & Laser Vision, 4802 Bharat Ram Road, 24 Darya Ganj New Delhi 110002. Tele 01123248423 - 01123275893 Mob 9871411227 Fax 011-23281916 E.Mail info@spectacle Vision Eye Centre 12/27 West Patel Nagar New Delhi 110008. Tele 011-25882129 - 011-25887228 Mob 9811083026 E.Mail akgrover55@ The Apollo Clinic C, Janak puri Krishna Bhawan, 7-8, A-3 Shopping Centre Janakpuri New Delhi 110058. Tele 011-25590851 - 011-51588260 Mob 9810057380 Fax 01125615760 E.Mail janakpuri@the



Dental , Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Others Echo Cardiography, ECG, Stress Echo, Color Doppler and Physiotherapy.







New Delhi Scan Research Institute (A Unit of Buxi Diagnostics Pvt Ltd) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 110060 Dr Lal Path Labs Pvt Ltd, Eskay House, 54 Hanuman Road, New Delhi 110001 IC Sight & Sound

CT Scan.

Pathology and Microbiology.

Specialised Investigations. -


Speech therapy, hearing test

Enterprises, 12 Basrurkar Mkt Moti Bagh-I, New Delhi-110021 Mahajan Nuclear Medicine & Bone Densitometry Centre, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Diwan Chand Imaging Research Centre, 10-B, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110001 Mahajan Diagnostics, Jaipur Golden Hospital, 2 Institutional Area, Sec-3, Rohini New Delhi-110085 Saral Advanced Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, 2,Shakti Vihar & E 1073, Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 Kohli Imaging & Diagnostic Centre, 70, Mount Kailash, East of Kailash, New Delhi110065 City X ray and Scan Clinic PvtLtd 4B/7 Tilak Nagar New Delhi 110018 Final Diagnostics Pvt Ltd C-1/2, Sector-31 NOIDA-201305 & hearing aid test.



Nuclear Medicine, Bone Densitometry, RIA laboratory and Stress Thallium.






CT Scan, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, Mammography, Color Doppler, Echocardiography and Bone Densitometry CT Scan and Color Doppler.



Pathology, Microbiology and Radio diagnosis.

CT Scan, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Electro Physiological Studies (EPS) -



Ultrasound, Mammography and Color Doppler



Pathology Diagnosis. Pathology Radiodiagnosis



Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan.










NMC Imaging and Diagnostic Centre Vimhans Campus No I Institutional Area Nehru Nagar New Delhi-110065 Auroprobe Laboratories C-229 Defence Colony New Delhi-110024 Star Imaging and Path Lab 4 B/4 Tilak Ngar New Delhi - 110018

Microbiology, Pathology and Radiodiagnosis

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan and MRI. Misc Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, Digital X ray and Interventional Neuro-radiology. Pathology Pathology. Molecular

Microbiology, Pathology (except Histopathology) and Radiodiagnosis

Radiodiagnosis/ Imagi ng - CT scan.. MRI Misc Bone mineral Densitometry and Mammography. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI. Misc Bone Densitometry and EEG, Color Doppler and 2D Echocardiography.



Focus Imaging and Research Centre C-10 Green Park Extension New Delhi-110016





Organ Imaging and Research Centre A-23 Green Park Main Aurobindo Marg New Delhi - 110016 Col Pants Imaging Centre


Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI. Misc Bone Densitometry. CT Scan (Ultrasound


A-22 Green Park New Delhi - 110016 275. Delhi Delhi Institute of Functional Imaging Chaitanya Diagnostics Private Limited K-16 South Extension Part I New Delhi - 110049 Noida Diagnostic Centre D-4, Sector -20 NOIDA 201301 Mahajan Imaging Centre, K18, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi - 110 016 Narendra Mohan Hospital & Heart Centre, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad-20107 Scan with Color Doppler and Mammography only) Medicine Nuclear Medicine and TMT.



Microbiology and Pathology.






General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatol ogy, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.



Yashoda Hospital Research Centre Ltd, IIIM, Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad - 201001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.

Radio Diagnosis Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others DEXA bone scan, Mammography, Digital X ray. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Traumatology and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Paediatrics -Neonatology, Car diology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal and Laparascopic. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Nephrology, Interventional Cardiology. . Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI. Paediatrics -Neonatology. Pathology Oncopathology and AIDS and Virology.



Ganesh Hospital, IIC-3 Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad 201001. Tele 01202792809 - 01202792810

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood

Mob 9911064199 Fax 01202792982 E.Mail ganeshcane@ Vasundhara Hospital Sector-15 NH-1 Near Atal Chowk Vasundhara Ghaziabad 201012. Tele 01202884052 - 01202884027 Fax 01202880900 Mob 9818320545. Brij Medical Centre KK-54, Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad 201002. Tele 120-2704300 - 120-2758494 Mob 9810073795 Fax 120-2782255 E.Mail dranish7@hotmail. com Vrinda Diagnostic Pvt Ltd IIIB-9 Nehru Nagar Near Jain Mandir Railway Crossing Ghaziabad 201001. Tele 911202795514 -911202793934 Mob 9801563043. Chandra Lakshmi Hospital Sector - 4, 337 Vaishali, Ghaziabad Pin - 201010 Ph 01202894783 Mob 9810474824 Param Jyoti Eye Hospital, Plot No 481, Friends Society, Sector 12, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Pin 201012, Ph 01206485561, Mob 9810611842 Dr Vermas Diagnostic Clinic C5A/310A Janakpuri New Delhi 110058 Tele 01125593015. Fax 01125593015. E.Mail drrajanv@yahoo. com First Dwarka Lab 185 Sector-6 Pocket-1 Near Telephone Exchange Dwarka New Delhi. Tele 09811034121 - 09312210848. Sun Imaging Centre 15 Hargovind Enclave Vikas Marg Extension New Delhi 110092. Tele 01122377292 - 01122377262 Mob 9810074230 E.Mail SUNIMAGING2003 @YAHOO.COM Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre Pvt Ltd 109 Pkt, A-1 Sector-8 Rohini New Delhi 110085. Transfusion) (In house only), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.





General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis (Including USG)

Surgery Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Nephrology, and Critical care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.



Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).





General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis Ophthalmology, Radio diagnosis (Ultrasound only )



Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).

Pathology Onco Pathology.



Microbiology, Pathology.



Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imagine CT Scan, MRI. Others (Specify) Colour Doppler and Bone Densitometry



Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.

Tele 01127942809 - 01127945572 Mob 9810183948. Dr. SS Dodas Ultra Sound Centre, 23-B, Pusa Road New Delhi 110005. Tele 011-25754497 - 011-25755597 Mob 9810296664 Fax 011-25756148 E.Mail ssdoda@ Delhi MRI and CT Scan Centre, Aashlok Hospital ZSA/AB Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029. Tele 011-26161415 - 011-26177979 Mob 9810117393 Fax 011-26165908 E.Mail drajaisharma@ Delhi MRI Scan Centre, M2 Hauz Khas Main Aurobindo Marg New Delhi 110016. Tele 011-26601220 -011-51655460 Mob 9810817393 Fax 01126165908 E.Mail manpreetgambhir National MRI, CT Scan and Diagnostic Centre, 17 NWA Club Road and 19/35 Main Rohtak Road Punjabi Bagh New Delhi 110026. Tele 25223877 - 25220079 Mob 9811323319. The Apollo Clinic B-172, Lok Vihar Pitampura Delhi 34 Tele 011-27191801 Mob 9868203327. Fax 011-27158157 E.Mail Modern Diagnostic and Research Centre 363/4 New Railway Road Gurgaon 122001. Tele 0124-4104002 - 0124-4104003 Mob 9811588338 Fax 0124-2303836 E.Mail yadav- ds @ GMR Institute of Imaging and Research Centre A-13 Green Park (Main) New Delhi 110016. Tele 01126969111 - 01126969222 Mob 9810192959 E.Mail gmrindia@yahoo. com National Heart Institute, 49



Radio Diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Others Ultra Sound and Color Doppler.



Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging : MRI



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnostic and Imaging : CT Scan. Others : ECHO, USG and Color Doppler.



Microbiology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis.

Others : ECG, TMT, ECHO, Stress ECHO, Doppler and PFT.



Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Others BMD, Mammography and OPG.



Radio Diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others Mammography.



General Medicine, Microbiology,

Surgery Cardio thoracic Surgery

Community Centre, East of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065. Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). Ophthalmology Medicine Endocrinology Cardiology. --Cardiology, Interventional




299. 300. 301.

Delhi Delhi Delhi

Indian Institute of Ophthalmology, C-2 Greater Kailash Enclave - II New Delhi - 110048 Swaran Dental Clinic 103, 104 Oriental House Gulmohar Enclave, New Delhi - 110016 Escorts Hospital and Research Centre, Neelam Bata Road NIT Bharti Medicare (P) Ltd (The Apllo Clinic) C-70 Opp Madhav(Bindra) Park Rajouri Garden New Delhi-110027 Sunetra Eye Centre, S-52 Panchshila Park New Delhi - 17. Ph - 011-26016306/26011309, Mob - 9811036736 The Heart Centre, 2 Ring Road Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi 110024. Ph - 011-26431179, Fax- 011-26217823, Mob 9810033807. Dr Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital 5027 Kedarnath Road Daryaganj New Delhi - 110002. Ph - 011-23253880, 23251580, Mob - 9868238870 Metro Hospital & Cancer Institute-21, Community Centre Preet Vihar, Delhi, Pin-110092 Phone No 01122460000, 22526870 Mob-9818716111 Goodwill Hospital & Research Centre Ltd, D-141, A & B Sector 40, Noida 201301

Dental (incl Dental Lab)



Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery Medicine Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology Others (Specify) ECG, Color Doppler TMT, ECHO Cardiogram






Cardiology, Cardiology




ENT, Ophthalmology



Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Cardiology, Radiotherapy.













ARK Hospital (Now New Name Malik Hospital), C 2/17, Arjun Marg, DLF City, Phase -I, Near Shopping Mall, Gurgaon122 002, PH-0124 Dr SS Duggals Dental Clinic B 149, First Floor, Greater Kailash, Part I New Delhi 110 048 Phone 011 29231399 RLKC Hospital Metro Heart Institute, Naraina Road, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi Pin 110018, Ph 01125891014 25891016, Mob 9810355655 Park Hospital 12 Meera Enclave New Delhi Pin 110018 Ph 01128332424 Mob 9891747372 Kailash Hospital Limited,23, Institutional Area,Greater Noida.Pin 201306 Ph 01202321111 Sant Parmanand Hospital, 18 Sham Nath Marg Civil Lines

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (incl USG) General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG) Dental.

Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Oncology (Medicine)

Oral Surgery & Periodontia

Surgery Cardio- Thoracic Surgery

Medicine Interventional Cardiology Surgery Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio-Diagnosis General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery,

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Respiratory Diseases Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan Surgery Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal

Delhi Pin 110 054 Ph 011 23994401 Mob 9873337393 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro-medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology,Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology and Critical Care Medicine Surgery Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery and Spinal Surgery Medicine Nephrology (Haemodialysis only) Others (Dental) Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery.



314. 315.

Delhi Delhi





Primus Ortho and Spine Hospital, 2, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Pin 110021 Bhagwati Hospital CS/OCF - 6 Sector 13 Rohini Delhi Dental Centre, C-270, Defence Colony, Delhi Pin 110024. Ph 01124336429 28743401, Mob 9810127123 Lall Eye Care Centre (A unit of Lall Nursing and maternity Home, New Rly Road Opposite Miranwali Colony Gurgaon Pin 122001 Artemis Health Institute, Sec 51, Gurgaon, Pin-122001, Ph 01246767999 Mob9818553546 Arya Physiotherapy Clinic, 26 Akash Neem Marg, DLF-II, Gurgaon. Pin 122002, Ahooja Eye Clinic 560/1, Dayanand Colony, New Railway Road, Gurgaon Pin 122001 Ph 01242321234 Mob 9810111982 Smile 'N' Shine Dental Care centre, 44 Madhya Marg, DLF City-2, Gurgaon. Pin 122002, Ph 01244013186, Mob9818201234 Arya Physiotherapy Clinic , 3E/6 Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi-110055, Ph01123528392, Mob9810123984 Dr ML Aggarwal X Ray & Ultra Sound Clinic, A-1/150 Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029. Nanda Diagnostic Centre, ED9A & 31A Madhuban Chowk Pitampura Delhi - 110088. Ph011-27313673 /27316237,Fax011-7315040, Mob - 9810021413 Krystal Scan and Diagnostic Centre, 1 Paschimi Enclave Main Rohtak Road New Delhi 110 087 Phone 011 25278712





Surgery Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and Joint Replacement Surgery Medicine Interventional Cardiology Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others(Specify) Physiotherapy







Others (Dental) Periodontia



Others (Specify) Physiotherapy



Radio Diagnosis (incl USG) & Colour Doppler.



Microbiology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG & Color Doppler)

Pathology Onco pathology. Others (Specify) densitometry. Bone



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI. Others (Specify) ECHO, Color

Doppler, TMT.















Dr Anands Imaging and Neurological Research Centre G-14 Preet Vihar Vikas Marg Karkarimor Indo Gulf Diagnostic, B 498A, Sector-19, NOIDA, Phone 0120 2445544, 2519506, Mob 9999369798 Clinical Diagnostic Centre, 69 Hargobind Enclave Karkardooma, New Delhi Pin 110092 Ph 01122372992 Mob 9312313887 Siddhant Diagnostic, 69 Sector 12A, Dwarka, New Delhi, Ph 01165189657, Mob 9212387877 Dr Savita Jain Arun Imaging Centre, D-29 Vivek Vihar PH-I Delhi. Pin 110095 Ph 01122142079, 22149256, Mob-9810933308 Lifeline Laboratory , H -11 Green Park Extension, New Delhi Pin 110016, Diagnostic Medical Lab Pvt Ltd, 1/4 Vikram Vihar Lajpat Nagar-4, New Delhi. Pin 110024, Ph 9811153427, 26222458,26463,26218577, Fax-41729397 Kohli Imaging & Diagnostic Centre A-70, Mount Kailash DDA - SFS East of Kailash New Delhi Pin 110 065 Ph 01126414261 Mob 9810049591 Mahajan Imaging Centre Flt Lt Rajan Dhal B-1 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Pin 110070 Mob 9811410077 SRL Ranbaxy Ltd GP-26, HSIDC Sec - 18. Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Pin 122015 Ph 01244591000 Mob 9810336904 Sharp Sight Centre East,81-Defence Enclave, Vikas Marg, New Delhi, Pin 110092 Ph 01122461134 Mob 9811034007 Dr Maj Samir Sud Agrawal Eye Institute A-235, Shivalik. Near Malviya Nagar Bus Terminal New Delhi Pin 110017 Mobile 987169444

Radio diagnosis.

Radio diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.

Dental, Radio diagnosis.


Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.


Radio- diagnosis

Microbiology and Pathology

Microbiology, Pathology



Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG)



Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG)



Microbiology, Pathology (incl Histo-Path)

Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Mammography, Bone Densitometry. -







337. Delhi
SMH Curie Cancer Centre 2, Institutional Area, Vikas Marg Extn, Delhi-92, Ph-01143006000, Mob9818102423 Arunodaya Deseret Eye Hospital, NH 4, Sector 55, Gurgaon, Pin 122003 Ph 01244116003 Mob 9810061178 Eye Q Super Speciality Hospital 4306, DLF - IV, Near Galleria Mkt, Gurgaon 122000 Ph 01244272225, Mob 9717292620 Vikas Chhabra Sehgal Dental Clinic CA 115/1, Opposite Shopping centre, Tagore Garden Ph 01125423227, Mob 9811895982 Dr Shivani Dr Khanna,s Pathcare Pvt Ltd, A-43, Hous Khas, New Delhi-110064, Ph-01146123456, 9899099820 Fortis Flt Lt Rajan Dhall Hospital, B1 Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj New Delhi Pin 110 070 Ph 01142776222 Mob 9810008078 Deepak Memorial Hospital and Medical Research Centre, 5 Institutional area, Vikas marg Extention II, Delhi Pin 110 092 Ph 01122373380, Microbiology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis Medicine Oncology (Medical) and Radiotherapy










Others (Specify) Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery and Endodontics



Microbiology and Pathology



Surgery Cardio-thoracic Surgery and Joint Replacement Surgery. Medicine Nephrology Paediatri cs Cardiology



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Paediatrics.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology. Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Paediatrics Neonatology



MK Surgical Clinic & Urology Centre, 8, Convent Road, Dehradun- 248001

General Surgery Anaesthesia..












City Hospital, 1-Chakrata Road, Bindal Bridge, Dehradun- 248001 Luthra Hospitals Pvt Ltd, 58 Chakrata Road & 9B Astley Hall, Dehradun - 248001 Amritsar Eye Clinic, 122/1, E.C. Road, Dehradun248001 Patil Dental Clinic, 39/1, Ballupur Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun248001 Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, Swami Ramnagar Doiwala, Dehradun 248 140 Tele : 0135-2412081-86


Surgery Genito Urinary Laparascopic. Medicine Non invasive Cardiology. -




Retina, Phaco & Lasik Surgery, Ophthalmic Ultrasound and Automated Perimetry. -


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology , General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank,(in house only),

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro Intestinal

0135-2412070 Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG. Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology including dialysis and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecological Oncology, and Materno Foetal Medicine. Pediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Hematology and Nephrology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Transfusion Medicine.







Dental Gum Care Centre, 66, Saharnapur Road, Patel Nagar, Dehradun 248 001 Tele : 0135-2722411 Fax : 0135-2722411 Email : Smile Dental C linic, 72, Indra Market, Garhi Cantt, Opposite Seven Oaks School, Dehradun 248 003 Tele : 09358133815 Email : Tamchow Premsukh Hospital, 23/18,P.D Tondon Marg, Laxman Chowk, Dehradun- 248 001 Tele : 01352623775/3292922
Sanjivani Medical and Diagnostic Centre, 5 Indira Nagar Colony Dehradun 248006. Tele 0135-2761270/2761346 Mob 9412058845 E.Mail rakeshgihotra & Herbertpur Christian Hospital PO Herbertpur, Distt Dehradun (UA) 248142. Tele 01360250260/250891 Mob 9412952779 Fax 01360250891 E.Mail Astha Hospital,2/1, Ballupur Chowk Dehradun Ph 01352764413, 2761023 and Mob 9412992713. Dhami Dental Care Centre Dr DS Dhami Sayed Road Luxmanpur Chowk Vikas

Dental inclding Prosthodontia and Dental Lab.

Dental with Dental Lab.

General Medicine.

Others Hemodialysis.



General Medicine




General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology.




General Medicine

Medicine Neuro Medicine




Nagar, Dehradun (UK) 248198. Ph - 01360250665, 0136025066, 9412998665 Vishal Eye Hospital, 19/2 Rajinder Nagar Street No1, Dehradun -248001, Ph-01352756005, 9897083842 Pahwa Dental Care, 42 Tagore Villa Chakrata Road, Dehradun -248001, Ph-01352715742, 9412984876 The Eye Clinic 3-A, Chakrata Road, Near Bindal Dehradun Pin 243001, Ph 01352723069, Mob 9759170604 Life Line Hospital and Urology Institute, 98/18 Pragati Vihar, Dehradun -248001, Ph-01352671780 Suri Diagnostic and Imaging Centre 16 New Road, Opp MKP Inter College Dehradun 248001. Tele 01352714970 -01355532080 Mob 9837053673. Sanjivani Medical and Diagnostic Centre, 5 Indira Nagar Colony Dehradun 248006. Tele 0135-2761270 - 0135-2761346 Mob 9412058845 E.Mail rakeshgihotra &







Others (Dental) - Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery




Others(Specify) Phaco/IOL Implant, FFA, Vitreo Retina Surgery



General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery



Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG, Color Doppler & Mammography).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



General Medicine









Dharamsala (Yol) Dharamsala (Yol)

Doon MRI Scan Centre, 79, Rajpur Road, Dehradun248001 Dr Ahujas Pathology & Imaging Centre, 7 Astley -B Hall, Dehradun - 248001 Sikund Diagnostic Centre, Orient Complex, 2/1 B, Astley Hall, Dehradun 248 001 Tele : 0135-252419/2659383 Fax : 0135-2652419 Email : MMS Rotary Eye Hospital Maranda, Tehsil Palampur Distt Kangra 9HP)-176102
Sai Mahima Hospital Ram Nagar Dharamsala. Tele 01892225268/227390 Mob 9816086868 Fax 01892225268. Dr Rajender Prasad Govt Medical College/Hospital Dharamshala, Distt - Kangra 176265

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Pathology, Microbiology and Radio diagnosis Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG & Mammography.

CT Scan

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.



Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


Dharamsala (Yol)

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion),

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Paediatrics Neonatology

Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis ENT, Microbiology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis


Dharamsala (Yol)


Dharamsala (Yol)

Guleria ENT Hospital, VPO Sidhwari, Dharamshala - 176057, Ph - 01892236650, Mob - 9418478124 Dr RK Mahajan Diagnostic Centre Near Club Mahindra Hotel, Sheela Chowk, Sidhpur, Dharamshala Pin 176057, Ph 018922223482

Others (Specify) Haematology

Radio diagnostic



Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Medical College Hospital , Sattur, Dharwad-580009

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, & Emergency.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive.



SDM College of Dental Science and Hospital, Davala Nagar Sattur, Dharwad (KNTK) 580009. Ph - 08362467676/2464396, Fax - 08362467612,Mob 9845254308.

Oral maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontia, Prosthodontia and Dental Lab



Sun Flag Hospital, Sector16 A, Fadidabad, Haryana 121 002



Metro Heart Institute, Sector 16 A, Faridabad

General Medicine,, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. -







Jyoti Diagnostic Centre, 5657, Opposite GGS Medical, Hospital Sadiq Road, Fardikot 151 203 Sodhi Dental Clinic and OMS Centre, Kotkapura Road, Faridkot - 151 203 Tele : 01639-256431/251131 Email : Dashmesh Hospital , Talwandi Road, Faridkot, Punjab 151 203 Anil Baghi Hospital, Anil Baghi Road, Firozpur 152 002


Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Nephrology Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology. --

Dental including Oral Surgery.

General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, Dental, General Surgery, Blood Bank(Inhouse only),




Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis. 379. Fiozpur
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences&Research, FerozpurMoga Road, Ferozpur (PB) 152001 PH. - 01682 279180/279181 Kalia Eye and Maternity Hospital, Outside Delhi Gate Near Manjit Palace, Firozpur Pin 152002 Mob 9814531999 Dental. Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Periodontia & Dental Lab






Arora Ultrasound and X ray Centre Malwal Raod Near HM School Ferozepur-152002
Kaler Hosp and Infertility Centre Kahnuwan Road Gurdaspur 143521. Tele 01874243355 -9815237550.

Radio Diagnosis (including Ultrasound, X ray and 2D Echo with Color Doppler)



Obstetrics and Gynaecology.





Arora Diagnostic Centre Jail Road, Near Central Road Gurdaspur 143521 Yashoda Hospitals (Unit of Jaya Surgical Pvt Ltd), SP Road, Secunderabad-500003

Radiodiagnosis Ultrasound)


Radio Diagnosis & Imaging - C T Scan.

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency, Blood Bank(In-house only), Paediatrics, Orthopaedics,
Microbiology, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology,Pathology

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Onco surgery, Genito urinary Surgery & Laparascopic Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Plastic and
Reconstructive, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery. Pathology Onco Pathology

Medicine- Neuro medicine, Oncology, Nephrology & Respiratory Disease, Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology,
Gastroenterology, Radiotherapy. Endocrinology,



Care Hospitals, 6-3248/1/1A Road No 01, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad500034

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency



Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar, Hyderabad 500068

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Microbiology,

Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, MRI Surgery- Neuro surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Cardio throracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Oncology Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Prosthetic & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine - Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology, Critical care medicine & Interventional Cardiology. Radio diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery,

General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry (consultation only), Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology, Critical care medicine, Inte rventional Cardiology & Radiotherapy.
Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging



Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital, Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad

Gen Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, Gen Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Radio diagnosis.



Care Hospital, 5-4-199 JN road, Nampally, Hyderabad 500 001

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

CT Scan, MRI & Interventional and Vascular Radiology.Paediatrics Neonatology,Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology & Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Vi ology, r Molecular Immuno Pathology, Genetic Pathology & Transfusion Medicine. Other (Specify) - Organ Transplant. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Oncology, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Prosthetic and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology, Critical care, Interventional Cardiology and Radiotherapy Radiodiagnosis/Imaging - CT Scan, MRI & Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Gynaecology Oncology Paediatrics - Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology &Oncology Pathology - Onco pathology, AIDS & Virology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology (including

Interventional Cardiology), Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology including dialysis, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology and Critical Care Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ I maging - CT Scan Paediatrics Cardiology and Neurology Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology including Interventional Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology including Dialysis, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology and Critical Care Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Neonatology Surgery- Neuro Surgery , Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Endovascular Surgery and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine Neuro medicine, Cardiology including Interventional Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology including Dialysis, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Immuno Pathology



Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, 1-8-31/1 Minister Road, Hyderabad - 500 003

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



Global Hospitals, 6-1-1070/1 t 04, Lakdika Pool, Hyderabad - 500 004

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

and Transfusion Medicine. 391. Hyderabad
Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital, Nalgondax road Malakpet, Hyderabad-500036, Ph-04024555555, 9849522448 ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology ( Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rhematology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology (Medical) Critical Care medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, and Interventional Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology, Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology, Transfusion Medicine Others (Specify) Ultra Sound, XRay, All Radiology Laboratory



Army College of Dental Sciences, Jai Jawahar Nagar, PO CRPF Road, Secundeabad-500087
Saivani Hospital 1-2-365/36/6&7, Opp Indira Park Domalguda Hyderabad-500029. Tele-040-27634463 040-27634462 9849035636 (Mob) Fax-04027636882 E.Mail- saivani- Medwin Hospital, Jaya Diagnostic Research Centre, 100, Raghav Ratna Towers Chirag Ali Lane Abids Hyderabad-500001. Tele-040-23202902. 9848171789 (Mob) Fax-040-23203565 Dental Venue Multispeciality Hospital Pvt Ltd,F-14, First Floor Deeptiapartments B/S ST Anns School, SP Road, Secunderbad 500003. Tele-040-55312447 040-55312557 9849018956(Mob) 9849289656(Mob) Fax-040-27707887 E.Mail-info@dentalvenue . com Sathya Kidney Centre Super Speciality Hospital

Dental including General and Specialised Dentistry.



General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology , General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.



Orthopedics, Microbiology, Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), Dermatology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery and Paediatrics Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology including dialy sis & Clinical Hematology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology AIDS & Virology. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology and Nephrology incl dialysis.



Dental including Prosthodontia and Dental Lab.



Medicine Nephrology(Incl Dialysis)

3/6/426 Street No-4 Himayath Nagar Hyderabad 500029. Tele 04027650935 - 04055564666 Mob 9849164965 Fax 04027604016. Medi City Hospital 5-9-22, Secretariat Road Hyderabad 500063. Tele 04023231111 Mob 9849693992 Fax 914023231631 E.Mail mediciti@sanchar Kshema Speciality Dental Hospital 6-3-571/1/2 Ground Floor Rockdale Compound Beside Eenadu Press Hyderabad. Tele 04023316699 - 04055259372 Mob - 9849111115 E.Mail RANJREDDY@ HOTMAIL.COM Anjini Speciality Dental Hospital, 10/A Vengal Rao Nagar, S.R Nagar X Roads Hyderabad 500038. Tele 04055663737 -9848061710 E.Mail Ameerpret Super Speciality Dental Hospital, 102 Classic Avenue, Opp Swagath Hotel Ameerpet Hyderabad 500016. Tele 04023412125 - 04023416413 Mob 9849012255 E.Mail info@a meerpetdental Usha Mullapuri Cardiac Centre Gajula Ramaram Qutubullahp ur Jeedimetla Hyderabad 500055. Tele 04023090609 - 9440591388 Fax 04023094426. Image Hospitals Ameerpet Hyderabad 500073. Tele 04023750000 - 04055519999 Mob 9849556666 Fax 04023746616 E.Mail imagehospital@rediffmailcom Apollo DRDO Hospital DMRL X Road Kanchan Bagh Hyderabad 500058. Tele 040-24342222/24342211 Mob 9848051406 Fax 040-24342255 E.Mail pk- doc @ Paediatrics Nephrology



Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Cardiology. Pathology AIDS & Virology



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery, Periodontia & Prosthodontia).



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery, Periodontia & Prosthodontia).



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery, Periodontia & Prosthodontia).





General Medicine, Microbiology and Pathology.

SurgeryCardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology. PaediatricsCardiology Others (Specify) 2D, Echo Doppler, USG and TMT Pathology Onco Pathology



General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic and reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Gastro Intestinal. Medicine Cardiology and Nephrology(Incl Dialysis). Paediatrics Neonatology.

404. Hyderabad
Apollo Hospitals Jubilee Hills Hyderabad 500033. Tele 04023607777 - 04023548888 Mob 9849070010 Fax 04023608050 General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, and Radio Therapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Paediatrics Cardiology. Pathology Onco Pathology Molecular Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Transfusion Medicine. Others Mammography. Paediatrics Neonatology.











Aditya Hospital 4-1-16, Tilak Road Abids Hyderabad 500001. Tele 040-24754153 - 040-24760271 Mob 31000191 Fax 040-55785408 E.Mail Modern Dental Lab 33-29/40 RTC Colony Lake Villa Extension Thirmul Cherry Secunderabad AP Tele 040/27846668 - 040/55226452 Elbit Medical Diagnostic Ltd AG Heights, 8-2-703 Road No-12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 073. Tele-040-23372733 040-23372737 9848115057 (Mob) Fax-040-23372740 Medinova Diagnostic Services Ltd 6-3-652 Kautilya Somajiguda Hyderabad 500082. Tele 04023311122 - 04023311133 Mob 9849004590 Fax 04023327464 E.Mail HYD2MEDINOVA@SANCHARNET .IN SL Diagnostic Private Limited, 1-8-702/35, Lower Ground Floor, Windsor Plaza, Nallakunta, Hyderabad

General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics and Dermatology

Dental --

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Radio Diagnosi s & Imaging C T Scan and MRI.

Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Microbiology, Pathology, RadioDiagnosis

Medicine Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology Others (Specify) Ano-rectal Manometry, Oesophageal Manometry, 24 Hr PH Metry



Karnataka Cancer Therapy and Research Institute, MG

Anaesthesia and Blood Bank

Surgery- Oncology (Surgery). Medicine- Oncology (Medical)

Road Navanagar, Hubli580025 Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Centre Jawahar lal Nehru Marg Jaipur 302017 and Radiotherapy. Pathology Onco pathology. Surgery- Oncology Surgery. Medicine- Oncology (Medical) and Radiotherapy. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Gynaecology - Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics - Oncology. Pathology - Oncopathology.
Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, GenitoUrinary, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery



Anaesthesia, Pathology Diagnosis.

Blood &

Bank, Radio



Marudhar Hospital A -93 A99 Singh Bhoomi Khatipura Jaipur 302012



Tongia Heart and General Hospital, 7 Vivekanand Marg, C Sscheme, Jaipur 302001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. General Medicine, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Cardiac Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy). General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.

SurgeryCardiothoracic Surgery. Medicine- Cardiology, and Interventional Cardiology.



Rungta Hospital Malviya Nagar Jaipur 302017

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine. -



Sevaytan Maternity and General Hospital Ajmer Road Jaipur(Raj) 302006



Bhandari Hospital and Research Centre, 138 -A, Vasundhra Colony, Gopalpura Bypass, Tonki Road, Jaipur- 302 018

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emer gency. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics , Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery including Lithotripsy, Paediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparos copic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Disease, Gastro Enterology, Oncology(Medical) and Critical Care. Paediatrics Neonatology and Neurology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic



Apex Hospital Pvt Ltd, SP-6




Malviya Industrial Area, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302 017 General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics , Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary Surgery and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro Me dicine, Respiratory Disease and Gastro Enterology. --





Anand Hospital and Eye Centre, 21 Bharat Mata Lane, Jamna Lal Bajaj Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302 001 Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital, Bhawani Singh Road, Jaipur 302 015


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro enternology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Nuclear Medicine. --



Rajputana Hospital and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, A 16, Hanuman Nagar, Khatipura, Jaipur 302 021

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.



SK Soni Hospital Sector 5 Vidhyadhar Nagar Jaipur 302013 Tele 01412232409 - 01412232410 Fax 01412232412 E.Mail sims@datainfosys. net

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology, Oncology. Pathology Transfusion Medicine

422. Jaipur
KC Memorial Eye Hospital Malviya Marg C Scheme Jaipur 302001. Tele 01412378811 - 01412378812 Fax 01415115222 Mob 9314508965 E.Mail rohitcharan@ Sahai Hospital and Research Centre , Bhabha Marg Moti Dungri Jaipur 302004. Tele 0141-2621444/2621888, Mob9314506626 Fax9114126233 Soni Hospital unit Soni Medicare Ltd 38, Kanota Bagh Jaipur 302004. Tele 0141-2562028 - 0141-2571122 Mob 9829062026 E.Mail soniifo@datainfo Ophthalmology. -






General Medicine. ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis,





427. 428.

Jaipur Jaipur



Dhanvantri Life Care Pvt Ltd, 67/56 A, mandrabus Stan d New Sangner Rd Mansarover Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302020. Phone 01412780760, 278142,5, Mob 9829055760 RP Saini Dr Aggarwal's Eye Hospital Ltd, A-2 Jamnalal Bajaj Marg C- Scheme Jaipur-302001. Ph01415111850, 5111851, Mob9829090916 (Siddiqui- GM) Pandya Hosp and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, J-237, Mahaveer Marg- C Scheme Jaipur - 302001 Jain Dental Hospital, Tulsi Nagar, Near Choudhary Petrol Pump, Sangaer, Tonk Road Jaipur Rajasthan-302017. Phone-0141 3244643, 2522347 and 9314432815. Jaipur Hospital, Lal Kothi, SMS Stadium, Behind Nagar Nigam Jaipur ,Pin 302015, Ph 01412742266, Mob 9829060427

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmoloty, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. Opthalmology

Surgery Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology. Paediatrics Nephrology. -

General Surgery,

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro enterology


430. 431.

Jaipur Jaipur

Jain Eye Clinic ,Adarsh Nagar Jaipur, Pin 302004, Ph 01412611211, Manu Hospital & Research Centre, AIA Shyam Nagar Sodala, Jaipur 302019, Ph 01412292630, Mob 9829064840

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis Ophthalmology

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology and Oncology (Medical). Paediatrics Neonatology and Neurology

432. Jaipur
Imperial Hospital Near Kanwatia circle, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur Pin 302016 Ph: 01412304592, 2307984 Mob 9829066080 General Medicine , ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology and Critical Care Medicine. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility & Assisted Reproduction, Gynaecological Endocrinology & Materno Foetal medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Neurology, Haematology and Nephrology













KK Hospital and Diagnostic Centre Khawasji ka Rasta, Near Hawa Mahal Jaipur - 302002 Okay Diagnostic and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 4, Vivekananda Marg, CScheme, Opposite MS Hospital, Jaipur - 302 001 Dr Wahis Central Diagnostic Clinic, A-5, Chandpole, Jhotwara Road, Jaipur - 302 016 AK Diagnostic Centre and Research Laboratory, H-3, Todarmal Marg, Near South Headquarter ,Bani Park, Jaipur 302 001 College of Dental Science & Hospital, F-12, Jhoomer Ghat, Rau, Dist Indore453331. CHL Apollo Hospitals LIG Square AB Road Indore 452001

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others Mammography.

Microbiology , Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Pathology AIDS & Virology.


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Emergency & Physiotherapy.



Bombay Hospital Ring Road Indore MP 452010

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia,

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Spinal & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, & Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, MRI & Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Neonatology & Cardiology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS and Virology & Transfusion Medicine. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal,

Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic & Geriatric Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical care medicine & Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genitourinary, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology (non invasive Cardiology), Gastro enterology, Nephrology & Oncology.
Surgery - Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery Medicine Interventional Cardiology



Gokuldas Hospital Ltd 11 Dr Sarju Prasad Marg Indore 452001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency.





Dr PS Hardia Advance Eye Surgery and Research Institute By Pass Choraha Agra Mumbai Road RAU Indore 453331 SNG Hospital, 16/1, South Tukoganj, Indore 452 001 Tele : 07312525555/56/57/58 0731-2526522



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases and Critical Care Medicine.





Vision Eye Centre 102, Silver Sanchora, Castle KNT Marg, Indore-452001. Tele-07312529921 07315046979 9826385095 (Mob) Bhandari Hospital and Research Centre,21/22 GF,Scheme 54, Vijay Nagar,Indore 452010 Tele-0731-5002327 0731-5002328 Fax-0731-2552554 E.Mail-


General Medicine, ENT , Dentl, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG. Orthopaedics, Microbiology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Paediatrics Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine and Respiratory Diseases. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.



Vishesh Diagnostic Solutions 2/1 Residency Area Near Geeta Bhawan

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI., CT Scan

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio

Square AB Road Indore 452001 446. Indore
Wellspring Radiology Diagnostics, Near Cancer Hospital, MY Hospital Campus Indore Pin 452001 Ph 07312527888 Mob 9300002215 Radio-Diagnosis Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology. Radio-Diagnosi s & Imaging CT Scan, MRI



Tagore Hospital & Heart Care Centre, Banda Bahadur Nagar, Mahavir Marg, Jalandhar 144008



Oxford Hospital (P) Ltd, 305, Lajpat Nagar, Bhagwan Mahavir Marg, Near Nakodar Chowk, Jalandhar144001

Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Pathology Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. Emergency Services

449. 450.

Jalandhar Jalandhar

Orthonova Hospital, Nakodar Road, Jalandhar Kidney Hospital, 63, Warvam Nagar Cool Road, Jalandhar-144001

Orthopaedics Blood Bank, General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics.

Surgery - Cardio throracic and Genito Urinary. Medicine- Cardiology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics - Cardiology. S urgery- Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Spinal and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Endocrinology and Interventional Cardiology. Surgery- Genito Urinary and Laparascopic Surgery. Paediatric
Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery

Medicine- Nephrology. Paediatrics Paediatric Nephrology, Neonatology . Pathology - AIDS & Virology and Transfusion Medicine. Others Renal Transplantation, Lithotripsy and Urodynamics, Pediatric Urology .
Surgery Medicine Gastro enterology





Satyam Hospital and Trauma Centre, Kapurthala Chowk, Adarsh Nagar, Jalandhar Baba Budha Sahib Cardiac Centre Ltd, 301, Lajpat Nagar, Jalandhar- 144 001

Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Surgery Neuro Surgery and Traumatology. Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery and Vascular Surgery,Neuro Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology, Neuro Medicine, Nephrology. Paediatrics Cardiology.




Thind Eye Hosptial Ltd, 701, Model Town, Jalandhar 144 003 Tele : 01812277525/2442525 Fax : 0181-277725 Email :
Orthonova Hospital Nakodar Road Near Nari




Surgery Joint Replacement Surgery. .

Niketan Jalandhar. Tele 0181-5080682 -0181-5533646 Mob 9357344646. Ghai hosp 661A & B, Guru Teg Bahadur Nagar Jalandhar144003. Tagore Hospital & Heart Care Centre, Banda Bahadur Nagar, Mahavir Marg, Jalandhar 144 008 Apollo Multispeciality Dental Clinic, 3 Deshmesh Nagar, Lal Hospital Opposite Khera petrol pump Jalandhar (PB), Ph-0181 2260808, 9888999052 Joshi Hospital, Kapurthala Chowk Jalandhar Ph 01812621333, 2621888 Mob 9814977099





General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion), Pathology. ---

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Spinal, Laparoscopic Surgery Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery Medicine Neurology, & Gastro enterology _



Dental. (Incl Dental Lab)



General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) and Pathology



Mann Mediciti Hospital SUS Nagar, Near TV Centre, Jalandhar Pin 144001, Ph 0181224200, Mob 9815157200 Dr JS Mann

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis





Ranjit Hospital, Chest and Sleeep Care Centre Patel Chowk, Jalandhar-144008, Ph- 1812620600,9814217738 Patel Hospital Pvt Ltd, Civil Lines , Jalandhar - 144 001

Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Interventional Cardiology Others (Specify) Physiotherapy Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Oncology (Medical) Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Medicine Respiratory

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology Radio diagnosis

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical), Critical care medicine, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine Radio diagnosis & Imaging - CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology Pathology Onco Pathology, Transfusion Medicine. Others (Specify) Urology





Maan Diagnostic and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 201, Gujral Nagar, Near TV Centre, Jalandhar - 144 001, Punjab Kap Scan and Diagnostic Centre (P) Ltd, 417, Adarsh Nagar, Kapurthala Chowk, Jalandhar

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.

USG, Color Doppler, Mammography and Radio Diagnosis.

CT Scan

464. Jalandhar
Dhingra Clinical Lab 372 Shaheed Udham Singh Nagar Mkt Opp TV Centre Jalandhar 144001. Tele 01812227800 Mob 9814067900. Speciality Ortho Dental Clinic In front of Bhaskar Market, M.J College Road Sidesdr Prashant Jalgaon, 425001. Tele 0257-2221983 Mob 9822367732 Khandesh Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pvt Ltd Plot No 19 Haresh Shvar Nagar, R&NG Road, Jalgaon Pin 425001, Ph 25722364334, Mob 9823017936 Microbiology, Pathology. -






Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan





Dr Shah Pathology Laboratory, 38 B, 39 Khandesh Mill Shopping Complex, Jalgaon -425001. Peerless Hospital & BK Roy Research Centre (A unit of Peerless Hospital & Research Centre Ltd), 360, Panchasayar, Kolkata 700094


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.



Dr Nihar Munsi Eye Foundation Centre for Eye Microsurgery & IOL Implant 1/3, Dover Place, Kolkata 700019 Rabindranath International Tagore Institute of


Surgery- Neuro-Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic, Endovascular, and Geriatric Surgery. MedicineNeuro-medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology, Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology.Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynaecological Endocrinology and Materno foetal medicine. Paediatrics - Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology. Pathology - Onco pathology, AIDS & Virology. -



Blood Bank Emergencies.





Cardiac Sciences (A unit of Asia Heart Foundation), 124, Mukundapur, (E.M. Bypass), Near Santoshpur Connector, Kolkata-700099 Ruby General Hospital, Kasba Golpark, E.M.Bypass, Kolkata-700107 MedicineCardiology, Oncology(Medical) and Interventional Cardiology.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Emergency and Physiotherapy.



The Calcutta Medical Research Institute, 7/2, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-700027

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency



BM Birla Heart Research Centre, 1/1 National Library Avenue, Kolkata - 700 027

Microbiology, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Laparascopic and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology, Critical care medicine Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics - Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology and Oncology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology and Oncology(Medical). Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI. Paediatrics - Neonatology and Nephrology. Surgery - Vascular Surgery and Cardio Thoracic Surgery Medicine - Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology Paediatrics - Cardiology --





Rotary Narayana Sankar Nethralaya, CN 5, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 091 Sankar Nath Dialysis Centre and Nursing Home, 48/41 A, Purna Chandra Mitra Lane, Kolkata 700 033 Tele : 033-24247377 033-24247676
Cancer Centre Welfare Home



Me dicine Dialysis only.




Research Institute Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur Kolkata 700 063. Tele-033-2467-8001 -033-2453-2781 Fax-033-24678002. Oncology(Surgery) Medicine Oncology(Medical), Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Gynecological oncology. Paediatrics Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology. Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI.





AMRI Hospital P4&5 CIT Scheme Block-A Gariahat Road Kolkata 700029. Tele 03324612626 -03324612223 Fax 03324404803 Mob 9831830758 E.Mail info@amri SAS Dental Care Pvt Ltd, 53C Raja Basanta Roy road Kolkata 700029. Tele 03324651699 Mob 9830032349 E.Mail

Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.


Others (Specify) Maxillofacial Prosthesis, Crown & Bridge Implants.



Medinova Diagnostic Services Ltd, 1 Sarat Chatterjee Avenue, Kolkata 700029

Susruta Clinic & Research Institute for advanced Medicine Pvt Ltd, J C-16 & 17 Sector-3 Salt Lake City Kolkata - 700098

Microbiology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis.

CT Scan, Cardiology & Gastro enterology ( Investigation only).



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis



ECO Hospital and Diagnostics 111/1 jessore Road barasat Kolkata 700124 Ph03325840111, 25840452 Mob

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparoscopic and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardio, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis), Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology, Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynecological Endocrinology and Materno foetal medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology, and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Molecular Immuno pathology. Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Pathology Onco pathology.

9830699209 Wockhardt Hosp & Kidney Institute, 111A, Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata-29, PH No 033-24634802 Mob No 9830172173 (CGHS Empanelled Hospital vide GOI/MoD letter No 24(4)(a)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 06 Aug 03) Kasturi Medical Research Centre Pvt Ltd, Diamond Harbour Road, 3A Bus Stand Joka ,24 Parganas(S), Kolkata. Pin 700104, Ph 03324676870, 24672609 Fax 033 24538111 Susrut Eye Foundation Research Centre, HB-36 A/1 Sector III, Saltlake City, Kolkata. Pin 700106 Ph-23341628, Mob9433010970 Dr Lal Path Labs Pvt Ltd, Eskay House 54 Hanuman Road New Delhi 110001. Tele 01151501081 - 01151501085 Fax -10023341638 Mob 9810348350 E.Mail INFO@LAL PATHLABS.COM Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Ltd, 58 Canal Circular Road, Kolkata-700054, Ph-03323202122, 9231024868




Surgery Genitourinary Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Nephrology (Incl Dialysis). Others (Specify) Kidney Transplant



Medicine Nephrology.






Microbiology, Pathology.

Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology.



Orthopaedics, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Joint Replacement, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Nephrology, Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology -





Disha Eye Hospital and Research Centre, 88 (63A), Ghosh Para Road, Barrackpore, Kolkata Biospeciality Assay Lab Ltd, 13, Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani 3rd Floor (3C), Kolkata-700020, Ph-03322814588, 9331002568



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI



Belle Vue Clinic, 9, Dr U.N. Brahmachari Street Kolkata 700017

Microbiology, Pathalogy and Radiodiagnosis.



Med Star Clinic Pvt Ltd, 39 Shakespeare , Sarani, Kolkata - 700 017
Eastern Diagnostic Medical Centre Ltd 13C,

Pathology Diagnosis.



Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI. Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Transfusion medicine. --



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan and MRI. Others BMD and EEG/EMG/NCV.

Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata 700016. Tele-033-22178080 033-22178081 9831083303 (Mob) Fax-033-22178090







Prakash Nethra Kendra, NH-2, Vipulkhand 4, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010 Tele : 05222397266/2397719 Fax : 0522-2397719 Email : Pawar Dental Lab, C-3621, Rajajeepuram, Lucknow 226 017 Tele : 0522-2417271 Sekhar Hospital Pvt Ltd, B Block, Church Road, Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226 016 Tele : 05222352352/2352353 Fax : 0522-2352356 Email :
Divine Heart Hospital & Research Centre, Virat Khand institutional area -5, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Pin 226010. Ph 222721991, Mob 9415106233 Mansarovar Eye Hospital, 47/53 Vidhan Sabha Marg, Opposite Akashvani Bhavan, Lucknow Pin 226001 Ph 05222201717 Mob 9415018174 Hi-Tech Dental Ceramic, 1001/42 Shalimar Garden Sec 08 Indira Nagar Lucknow Mob 9839826780 Aastha Palliative Care Hospice, B-52 J-Park, Mahanagar, Lucknow (UP) Pin 226006, Ph 5223294550, 2336677, Mob-09336285050 Prakash Netra Kendra, NH-2, Vipul Khand-IV, Gomati Nagar, Lucknow -226010, Ph-05224009421-423, Mob 09335906759 Ajanta Hospital & IVF Centre Pvt Ltd, 765 ABC Complex, Alam Bagh Near Krishna Cinema Kanpur Road, Lucknow -226005, Ph-05222462335, 9335242509


Dental (Lab only).

General Medicine, Dental (including Prosthodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) (in house only), Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine. Others Trauma Centre



Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology






Dental (only Dental Lab)



Others (Specify) Palliative Care, Hospices Facilities






General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery, Geriatric Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine,

Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (incl dialysis), Oncology (Medical), Critical Care medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Materno fetal Medicine PaediatricsNeonatology Others (Specify)Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery Others- Phaco / IOL implant, FFA, Vitero retina surgery.









Chandra Mother & Eye Care, 4/43 Vivekanand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow -226010, Ph-05222397677, 09335910666 Sethi Dental Clinic/Laboratory, Shop No 12 & 4, Modern Enclave Appartment Chand Ganj Garden, Lucknow, Ph-05222334842, 9453436400 RML Mehrotra Pathology Pvt Ltd, B-171 Nirala Nagar, Lucknow -226020, Ph-05222788444, Mob-09335913800 Sarkar Medical Diagnostic Centre Pvt Ltd, B-307 Sector, B Mahanagar, Lucknow -226006, Ph-05222325414


Dental (only Lab)


Pathology - Onco pathology and Transplant Pathology

Radio diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others (Specify) Ultra Sound & Colour Doppler Sludian







Decibel Hearing Aid Centre, 414 Sri Ram Tower, 13 Ashok Marg, Lucknow.226001 Kamla Physiotherapy Centre, B-1/81 Sector J Aliganj Lucknow-226024 Diagnostic Medical Centre Pvt Ltd, B -52, J -Park, Mahanagar Extn, Near Kapoorthala Crossing Lucknow -226006

Hearing Aid Test/Fitment.


Pathology, Microbiology and Radio diagnosis.

CT Scan.





Sarkar Diagnostics, SMDC (P) Ltd, C-1093, Sector-A, Mahanagar, Lucknow 226 006 Tele : 05222325414/2325226 Fax : 0522-2379974 Email : sarkar&& Lucknow Pathology Blood Bank, 2, Patel Nagar, Terhi,

Pathology Diagnosis.



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Microbiology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion ) and Pathology.

Pula, Lucknow 226 005 Tele : 05222452061/2455449 Fax : 0522-2451764 Email : 510. Lucknow
Park Diagnostic Centre, Regency Plaza 5, Park Road, Opposite Civil Hosp Lucknow (UP) Pin 226001 Microbiology, Pathology, RadioDiagnosis (incl USG) -



Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre (Run by S.R.Trust), Lake Area, Melur Road, Madurai625107

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Pathology, Radio-diagnosis and Emergency.
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

CT Scan Medicine Neuro Medicine and Cardiology.



Vadamalayan Hosp 9A, Vallabai Road Chokkikulam Madurai 625002. Tele 04522532595 - 04522532180 Mob 9843053736 Fax 04522522225 E.Mail DR.PUGALAGIRI V







Aravind Eye Hospital 1-Anna Nagar Madurai 625020 Tele 53561000452 -25326590452 Fax 91452530984 Mob 9443153561 E.Mail Madurai Kidney Centre and Trans plantation Research Institute, 6/6 B2 Siva Gangai Road Madurai 625020. Tele 0452 2584566 0452 2584397 Mob 9843063919 Fax 0452-2587699 E.Mail Mkctri@ethnet Apollo Speciality Hospital, Lake View Road, KK Nagar Madurai


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Pathology AIDS & Virology -

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery. Medicine Nephrology (Incl Dialysis). Others Urology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Oral Surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis),

Oncology (medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radio therapy. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted Reproduction. Paediatrics Neonatology Pathology Onco Pathology and AIDS and Virology







Jain Medical Centre & Jain Eye Hospital & Laser Centre Meerut 250002 Ajay Dental Clinic & Speciality Centre 19-20 KP Complex, Delhi Road Meerut-250002 Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, 47/G5, Boundary Road, Lal Kurti, Meerut- 250 001



-Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Interventional Cardiology,

Cardiology (non invasive)









CS Subharti Hospital and College, Subharati Puram, NH-58, Bypass Road, Meerut 250 002 Tele : 01212439056/2439027 Fax : 0121-2439067 Email : Health Care Imaging Centre 43 Shivaji Road, Opp Shankar Ashram Meerut-250002 NMC Sky Imaging and Diagnostic Centre LLRM Medical College & Hospital, Garh Road Meerut - 250005 Meerut Scan Centre Pvt Ltd, Near Eves Chowk EK Road Meerut
Seth Diagnostic Centre Opp NAS College EK Road Meerut - 250002. Tele 01212640459 - 01212645039 Mob 9412200500 Fax 01212640665 E.Mail kapilseth@ Archana Pathology Centre, 194/15 Delhi Road Opp

Dental (including Oral and Facial Surgery, Periodontia and Prosthodontia).


Radiodiagnosis/Imaging CT scan.

Radio Diagnosis (incl X ray, USG, Color Doppler, Mammography)

Radiodiagnosis/Imaging CT Scan & MRI.


Radiodiagnosis/Imaging CT scan.




Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology.



Microbiology, Pathology.

Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology.

Roadways Bus Stand Meerut Cantt 250001. Dr M Prakash Hosp and Medical Research Centre Meerut, Begum Bridge Road Mission Compound Meerut 250001. Tele 01212422993 - 01212422753 Fax 01212421826. Jawahar Eye ENT Hospital and Laser Centre 194/15 Delhi Road Opp Roadways Bus Stand Meerut Cantt 250001. Tele 01212661719 - 01212660497 Mob 9837020234 E.Mail umang@jawahar Lok Priya Nursing Home Ltd, A-5 Samrat Palace Garh Road Meerut 250001. Tele 01212760040. -01212761710. Mob -9412203681 Fax 01212770114. Agrawal Eye Hospital, 61 Shivaji Road, Meerut (UP) 250001, Phone No01212640646, 26506442 Meerut laser and Eye Care Centre Pvt Ltd, Opp N.A.S. College EK Road Meerut (UP) 250001 Phone 01212648870, 2642256 KMC Hospital and Research Centre, 187 Baghpat Road, Meerut. Pin 250002. Ph 01214002111, 4002112 Mob-9837049311.



General Medicine, General Surgery.



ENT, Ophthalmology.



General Medicine, General Surgery




Others (Specify) Vitero-Retinal LASIX






General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Bloo d Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Pathology







Mimhans Hospital, 281, 283 Sector-1 Mangal Pandey Nagar, Meerut. Pin 250004, Ph-01212768833, 919897366644, Mob9412204666 Om Imaging Diagnostic Centre, EK Road Adjacent Meghdoot Cinema, Meerut. Pin 250003 Ph-01212451038, Mob0984122017 Drishti Eye Foundation, 1st Floor, Tirupati Complex, Baccha Park, Opp City Centre, Meerut-250001, Ph-1212652233, 9837166835 Meerut Kidney Hospital Pvt Ltd LIC Road Prabhat Nagar, Meerut - 250001 Ph 01212672022

Radio-Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Neuro- Surgery, GenitoUrinary, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro-enterology and Nephrology. Pathology Transfusion Medicine. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy and Dialysis Surgery Neuro- Surgery and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro-Medicine. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, NeuroPsychology. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI Others (Specify) Mammography, Dexa Scan, OPG, Echo cardio -




General Medicine, Microbiology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery Medicine Nephrology

Mob 9319438883 Paediatrics Nephrology Others Uro Surgery, Kidney transplantation -

535. 536.

Moga Moga



Dr Sushil Eye and Maternity hospital, GT Road Moga - 142001 Delhi Eye Hospital, Aarya Road, Moga Pin 142001 Ph 01636232433 Mob 9356311324 Mittal Lab & CT Scan Pvt Ltd Near Bank of Punjab Ltd Moga 142 001. Tele 01636-230438 - 01636-231205 9814117238 (Mob).



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI







Patiala Eye Hospital & Maternity Home, Behind Ajit Cinema Bathinda Road, Muktsar - 152026 Sri Guru Nanak Hospital , Bhatinda Road, Opposite Gurdwara Taran, Muktsar 152 026 Usha Bansal Nursing Home, Kot Kapura Road, Muktsar 152 026
Usha Bansal Nursing Home, Kot Kapura Road Mukatsar 152026. Tele 01633262023 - 01633263323 Mob 9814162023 E.Mail drmkeesh2003@ Sri Guru Nanak Hospital, Bathinda Road Opp Gurudwara Taran Taran Muktsar 152026. Tele 01633263686 -01633261573 Mob 9814122023 Fax -01633265711 E.Mail


General Medicine


General Surgery




General Surgery



General Medicine.



Wockhard Hospital Mulund Goregaon Road Mumbai 400078

Ltd Link

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia Blood Bank, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency,

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gas tro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Critical care medicine & Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging MRI.

544. Mumbai Asian Heart Institute G/N Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra East Mumbai 400051 Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Emergency(Cardiac Critical Care only). Surgery- Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery. Medicine- Cardiology, Critical care medicine(Cardiac Critical Care only) & Interventional Cardiology. PathologyTransfusion Medicine. Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Nephrology including Dialysis, Rheumatology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan . Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



Dr Hiranandani Hospital, Hill side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology(for in house only), General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG)





NM Medical Centre, 36 Panditarama Bhai Road, Chow Pattyi, Mumbai 400 007 Guru Nanak Hospital , S-341, Gandhi Nagar, Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatric, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparscopic Surgery and Endo Vascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro Enterology and Nephrology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan . Paediatrics Neonatology.
Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology, Critical Care Medicine, and Interventional Cardiology and Radio Therapy. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology.



Bombay Hospital and Medical research centre, 12 New Marine Lines Madurai 400020. Tele 022-22067676 - 022-22088323 Mob 9820628280 Fax 022-22079485 E.Mail drrsharma@bombay

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynecological Endocrinology, and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology, Genetic Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Paediatrics Neonatology



Dr DY Patil Hospital & Research Centre, Sector - 5, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Pin - 400 706. Ph 02239215999, 27574260.

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis











Sterling Imaging Centre LD Ruparel Medical Centre Drannie Besant Road Worli Mumbai 400025 Andheri Pathology Lab Shop No 14, Radhika Niwas Opposite Vishal Hall MV Road Andheri (East) Mumbai 400069 Clinical Diagnostic Centre A2 Benneris BhulaBhai Desai Road Mumbai 400036 Chitra Scan and Imaging Centre 2, Chitra APTS Gokuldas Pasta Road Dadar (E) Mumbai 400014 Dr Jankharias Imaging Centre, Shaveshwar Vihar, 383, S.V.P Road, Prarthanasamaj, Mumbai 400 092
Dr Lal Path Labs, Mumbai. Pin 400607 Ph 022 25895164, 25895165 Mob 9820020702


Others Bone Mammography, Cephalometry. Nil

Densitometry, OPG and


Microbiology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis. Sonography, Colour Doppler & 2D Echo.

Pathology- Onco Pathology.

Radio Diagnosis and ImagingCT Scan.

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & MRI Others Mammography and Bone Densitometry.
Pathology AIDS & Virology



Microbiology, Pathology



Shri Ramdeobaba Rukhmini Devi Memorial MultiSpeciality Hospital & Research Centre, Old Bhandara Road, Lakadganj, Nagpur 44008.



Arneja Heart Institute, 123 Ramdaspeth, Opp Somalwar School, Nagpur-440012

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine and Pathology.



Avanti Institute of


SurgeryCardiothoracic Surgery. Medicine- Cardiology, Cardiac Critical Care and Interventional Cardiology. SurgeryCardiothoracic

Cardioliogy Pvt Ltd, 5 Abhyankar Road, Dhantoli, nagpur 440012. 559. Nagpur Spandan Heart Institute & Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 5 Abhyankar Road, Dhantoli, Nagpur 440012. Orange city Hospital & Research Institute, 19 Pande layout, Khamla Road, Ring Road Junction, Nagpur 440015. Surgery. MedicineCardiology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology. SurgeryCardiothoracic Surgery. MedicineCardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal and Prosthetic Surgery. MedicineNeuro-medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical) and Critical Care Medicine. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology and Oncology. -



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.





563. 564.

Nagpur Nagpur











Narcaood, No 3 North Anbazari Road, Dharapeth, Nagpur 44010. Eye Infirmary & Laser Centre, 6 Laxmi Vaibhavi Complex, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur 440010. Suraj Eye Institute, 559 New Colony, Nagpur 440001. Advance Dental Hospital, 10 Residency Road, Sadar, Nagpur - 440001 Jeevan Jyoti Blood Bank & Component, JP Chambers, South Anbazari Road, Madhav Nagar, Nagpur 440010. Sushrut Hospital & Research Centre & Post Graduate Institute of Orthopadics, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 440010. Dr KG Deshpande Memorial Centre, 218 North Bazar Raod, Gokulpeth, Nagpur 440010. Ashwini Kidney & Dialysis Centre, 301, 401-B, Neeti Gaurav Complex, 21 Farmlands, Central Bazar Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 440012 Wockhardt Heart Hospital, 27 Corporation Colony

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. Ophthalmology.


Ophthalmology Dental

Blood Bank





Ophthalmology Anaesthesia.


Medicine - Nephrology.

General Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology and

Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Neuro-

North, Ambazari Road, Nagpur - 440 033 Radio Diagnosis.
ENT, Orthopaedics, Surgery General Surgery, P lastic and Reconstructive, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery

Medicine Cardiology, Endocrinology , Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology, Neuro-Medicine, Respiratory Diseases. Paediatrics Cardiology.
Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan, MRI



















Crescent Nursing Home and ICCU, Near Lokmai Square, Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440 012 Shri Radha Krishna Hospital and Research Institute, Back Side of Eastern Sports Club, East Wardhaman Nagar, Nagpur 440 008 Tele : 0712 2790572/2680582 Email : radhakrishnahospital@yahoo .com Khare Dental Clinic and Implant, 289, Prakash Bhavan, Dharampeth, Near Coffee House Square, Nagp ur 10 Tele : 07122556496/2641925 Clinicare Speciality Clinical Laboratory, 1st Floor, Jasleen Hospital, Wardha Road, Nagpur -440012. Rainbow M edinova Diagnostic Services, 282 Central Bazar, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur 440010. Dhruv Pathology and Molecular Diagnostic Lab, J 11 Laxmi Nagar, West High Court Road, Nagpur 440022. Vidarbha 3D CT Scan Centre, 5 Central Bazar, Road, Ramdaspeth, Near Lokmat Square, Nagpur 440 010 Khemuka X-Ray and Color Doppler Clinic, 5-Vinayak Apartment, Lokmat Square Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440 012 Imaging Point, Nikalas Tower, Central Bazar Road, Ramdaspeth,


Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthop edics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Dental (including Dental Lab).

Microbiology & Pathology.

Pathology Virology.



Microbiology, Blood Bank diagnosis.

Pathology, and Radio

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Others Nuclear Medicine. Pathology Onco-pathology, Molecular pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS and Virology, Molecular Immuno- pathology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

Microbiology & Pathology.

Radio Diagnosis Ultra Sonography.


Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.


Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Nagpur 440 010 Tele : 0712- 225 40872 - 22530191 Medico Research Imaging Pvt Ltd,72, Shankar Nagar, Near Park West, High court Road, Nagpur 440 010 Tele : 07122246500/2246833 Email : n
Ketki Research Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd. 275 Central Bazar Road Ramdas peth Nagpur 440010. Tele 07125614564 -07125614565 Mob 9422113761.



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.







Anjani Eye Hosp 20, Farmland Central Bazar Road New Ramdas Peth Nagpur 440010. Tele 917122425839 -917122425869 Mob 9422801609 Fax 917122539900 E.Mail Shatayu Multispeciality Hospital, Near Hitwad Wardha Road Dhantoli Nagpur 440012. Tele 0712-2447162 Mob 9823087775 Fax 0712-2447162. Dr Dande Hospital & Research Centre, 69A, Near Ravinagar Square Ramagar, Nagpur 440012


Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology(Without Dialysis). Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology. -





Ortho Relief Hospital and Research Centre, Plot No 19, Opposite Ramkrishan Mission Dhantoli, Nagpur Pin 440 012 Ph 07122527799, 2443313, Mob 9822231315 Care Hospital, 3-Farmland, Panchasheel Square Ramdaspeth Nagpur Pin 440010 Ph 07123012021 Mob 9423686116

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Dermatology and Pathology. -

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal surgery.

Pathology Molecular pathology and AIDS and Virology.

Surgery T raumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery and Spinal Surgery

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmolo gy, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, RadioDiagnosis

Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Cardio - Thoracic Surgery, Genito-Urinary, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro-enterology, Nephrology,

Critical Care medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and Interventional Vascular Radiology -



Advanced Diagnositc Centre 206 Nikalas Tower Central Bazar Road Ramdas Peth Nagpur 440010. Tele 07126617965 Mob 9822231485.

Microbiology, Pathology.





Sushil Hospital, 25 Krishi Nagar College Road, Nashik 422005. Jairam Hospital & Research Centre Pvt Ltd, Nasik Road422102








Tulsi Hospital, Happy Home Colony, Near Gen. Vidya Nagar, Nasik - 422 011 Tanay Dental Clinic, Near Rane Nagar Bus Stop, Behind Chandra Lok Cidco, Nasik 422 009 Jai Hospital, PL Ramakrishna Medical Research Centre, PGI Orthotrauma, Shyamlal Gupta Marg, Tilakwadi, Near Swimming Pool, Nashik 422 002 Tele : 02532574949/2571366 Fax : 0253-2576656 Email :
Dr Bapaye Hospital Behind NDCC Bank, Opposite Hotel Samrat Old Agrard Nashik 422001. Tele 0253-2506505 - 0253-2509421 Mob 9422252371 E.Mail Vinchurkar Diagnostic Pvt Ltd, Vinchurkar Bunglow, Old Agra Road, Nasik - 422 002 Shree Balaji Superspeciality Hospital, Mahatma Gandhi Road Nasik Road, Pin-422101, Ph 02532462371, Mob 9373901148, 9422746246

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio-diagnosis and Emergency. Opthalmology

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Traumatolog Spinal y, and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine and Non invasive Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan. --



General Surgery, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery.



Opthalmology (Incl Retinal Surgery)



593. 594.

Nashik Nashik

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. General Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Pathology and Radio diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging Scan MRI . -




Sun Scan Centre, Opposite Kulkarni Garden, Saduwaswani Road,

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

Sharanpur, Nashik 422 005 Tele : 02532313131/2313133 Email : hjkotwal 596. Palakkad
Dr Bapaye Hospital Behind NDCC Bank, Opposite Hotel Samrat Old Agrard Nashik 422001. Tele 0253-2506505 - 0253-2509421 Mob 9422252371 E.Mail Opthalmology (Incl Vitreo Retinal Surgery) ---



Sai Nursing Home, Sai Junction, Olavakkod, Palakkad-678002



Alshifa Hospital Pvt Ltd, PB No 26, Ooty Road, Perintalmanna-22, Malappuram, Kerala

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, Gen Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics a Gynaecology, nd Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis, Physiotherapy and Emergency General Medicine, ENT , Dental Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatrics, Dermatology Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency

Genito Urinary Surgery

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Vascular, Genito Urinary Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Prosthetic & Laparascopic Surgery Medicine-Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology & Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology Paediatrics - Neonatology Pathology -AIDS & Virology
Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology. ---



Moulana Hospital PB No 31 Perintalmanna 679322 Tele 04933-227148 - 04933-228011 Mob 9447537390 Fax 04933-228011 E.Mail Moulana@satyam. Valluvanad Hospital Complex Ltd, Keniyampuram ottapplam Palakkad Kerala - 679104

General Medicine,ENT, Orthopedics, Dental including Periodontia and Oral Surgery, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.







AL Salama Eye Hospital Ltd, Hosp Road Perinthalmanna Malap uram, Distt Perinthalmanna 679322 EMS Memorial Co-Op Hospital & Research Centre Ltd, Panambi Perinthalmanna, Malapuram Kerala - 679322. Ph - 04933-225751 to 57, Fax 04933-225756

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis Opthalmology


General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases,

Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Neuro- Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro-enterology and Critical Care Medicine. -



Paalana Institute of Medical Science, Paalana Kannadi PO Palakkad, Pin 678701. Ph 04912520905 Mob 9447443072 Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital, PB No 120 Kanalpirivu. Palakkad -678557, Ph-04923235100, 9387836124

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics and Dermatology






Ranka Hospital, 157/5, Mukundnagar, Opposite CPWD Office Pune 411037



Jahangir Sassoon 411001.

Hospital, 32 Road, Pune

Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.

SurgeryTraumatology Laparascopic Surgery.




Joshi Hospital (Maharashtra Medical Foundation), Opp Kamla Nehru Park, Pune 411004



Sanjeevan Hospital, 23 Off Karve Road, Pune 411004.

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Laparoscopic and Endo vascular Surgery. (Renal transplant excluded) Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical) and Interventional Cardiology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics -Neonatology, cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Oncopathology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.

Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.



Deen Dayal Memorial Hospital, 926 Fergusson College Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411004.



Poona Hospital and Research Centre, 27 Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030.



Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Erandvane, Pune 411004.

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Laparoscopic and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and vascular Radiology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic and Geriatric Surgery. (Renal transplant excluded) Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Geriatric Medicine. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and Interventional and vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology.

Paediatric s Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Oncopathology. -







PBMAs HV Desai Eye Hospital, Malamadwadi, Hadapsar, Pune 411028. Arogyaseva Medical Academy of India, S.No. 32/2 A Erandwana, Near Mehendale Garage, Pune 411 004 Lunkad Hospital, S.No. 33 A, Mumbai Pune Highway Dapodi, Pune - 411 012



Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery(only for Genito Urinary System). Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology.



Surya Hospital Pvt Ltd, 1317 Kasbapeth, Pune- 411 011

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology and Gastro Enterology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. -





Dr Raos Advanced Dental Care Centre, C -2 Sapphire Koregaon Park, Pune - 411 001 Grant Medical Foundation Ruby Hall Clinic, 40 Sassoon Road, Pune 411 001


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography and Color Doppler.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatrics Surgery , Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases , Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Radio Therapy and Nuclear Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecology Oncology , Gynecological Endocrinology and Materno Foetal Medicine. Pediatrics Neonatology,

Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS and Virology and Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery and Onco Surgery. Medicine Neurology and Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology.











Medi Point Hospital, 241/1, Aundh Baner Boundary, Aundh, Pune 411 007 Tele : 020-27297337, 020-27297688 N.M Wadia Institute of Cardiology, 32, Sasson Road, Sassoon Road, Pune 020 26122936 020-26122942 Indrayani Diagnostic Services, Joshi Hospital, Opp Kamla Nehru park, Erandwane, Pune 411004. Medinova Diagnostic Centre, 1319 Jungli Maharaj Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005. Uni scan Centre, Sancheti Institute Campus, 16 Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005.
Yash Dental Care Centre, Office 10 City Pride Bhel Puri Chowk Sec 25 Pradhikaran Pune 411044. Tele 02027658535 -02027652856. Yash Dental Clinic Shop No 8 Pratik Plaza Mumbai Pune Road Dehru Road Pune. Tele 02027676940/ 9822639875. Poona Dental Lab C-1 Office No 1 & 2 Brahma Estate Kondhwa Pune 411048. Tele 02026836772 Mob 9831075097 Spect Lab K-2/1, Erandawana Corp Society Oppmangeshkar Hospital Pune 411004. Tele 952025441125 -952025442557 Mob 9822016769. E.Mail Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Complex. 7-9 Koregaon Park Pune 411001. Tele 0204129999. Mob 9822078447. Fax 0204129703 E.Mail inlakspune@

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. -

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio-diagnosis.

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.




Dental (Incl Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia & Periodontia).



Dental(Incl Periodontia & Oral Surgery).



Others(Specify) Dental Lab.



Others (Specify) Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Studies



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental(InclOral Surgery, Periodontia & Prosthodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank(Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro

Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology(With Dialysis), Rhematology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Paediatrics Neonatology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. -



Hardikar Hospital 1160/61 Ganeshkhind Road Shivaji Nagar Pune 411005. Tele 02025535326 -02025535327 Fax 02025535632 E.Mail

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.





Kotbagi Hospital 163 DP Road Aundh Pune 411007 Tele 02025882770 - 02025882771 Mob 9822035066 Fax 02025887090 E.Mail MAHESH@KOTBAGIHOSPI TAL.ORG Lokmanya Hospital 314B Chinchwad Pune 411033 Tele 020-27456496 -020-27456497 Mob 9822057766 Fax 020-27452518 E.Mail

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery.

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology and Critical Care Medicine,



Anushka MRI and Scan Centre, KEM Hospital, Diamond Jubilee Building, Rastapeth, Pune 411011.
Medivision Diagnostic Centre Pune, Shop No 63 to 69 Patil Plazamit Ramandal Chowk Near Saras Bagh Pune 411009. Tele - 02024468031 - 02024468032 Mob 9881222161 Fax - 0204468033 Dr Lal Path Lab Pvt Ltd Pune 213 Sterling Camp Pune. Tele 011-51501081 - 020-56228039 Mob 9422006297 Fax 011-23341638 E.Mail INFO@LALPATHLABS. COM Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Marg Chinchwad, Pune -411033, Ph-02030717501, 9881123050

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI.



Radio Diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI



Microbiology and Pathology.

Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology.



Microbiology, Blood Bank (only Blood transfusion), Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Medicine -Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology Radio diagnosis & Imaging- C T Scan, MRI Paediatrics- Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI



Omega Scan Diagnostic Pvt Ltd Ratna Memorial Hospital Senapati bapat road

Pune - 411016 Ph 02025667702 Mobile 9822040603 Bone Density Centre, C/o Naik Clinic 1132/3FC Road, Vishnu Darshan, Pune-411002, Ph-02025652880



Others (Specify) Endocrinology INV (Bone Density Measurement)



Bishop Benziger Hospital Post Box No 515, Beach Road, Quilon-691001

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (only in house), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (In house only). Ophthalmology.



Amardeep Eye Hospital and Laser Centre Near Tele Exchange Vadayattukotta Road Chinnakada Kollam 691001
Quillons Scans, Near Iron Bridge Kottakkakam Ward Kollam (Kerala) Pin 691013 Phone 04742797914,2797914 Mob 9447113163 Shankars Eye Hospital Tholicode, PO - Punalur, Kollam Pin 691333 Ph 04752222948, 3290359, Mob 9447022969 Dr Nair's Hospital, Residency Road Asramam, Kollam -691002, Ph-04742766180, 9446285716 MR Hi Tech Dental Lab, Alummoodu, PO Mukhathala, Kollam -691577, Ph-04742715289, Mob - 9349834782 Desinganad Medical Lines Pvt Ltd, Chinnakkada, Ashramam Road, Opp Sankar Nagar, Kollam -691001



Radio diagnosis (incl USG, Color Doppler

Radio diagnosis & Imaging - C T Scan.








General Medcine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis -

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Dental Lab



Radio diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Others (Specify) General Radiology, USG & Colour Doppler and Mammography





Kiran Nursing Home & Laparoscopic Centre, Dashmesh Nagar, Bela Chowk, Ropar-140001 Parmar Nursing Home, Bela Road, Roopar 140 001
Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Eye & Multispeciality Hospital Trust, Sohana, Near Chandigarh, Distt - Ropar (Pb) Mohali - 140308

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Orthopedics Surgery






General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics,


Dermatology, Pathology Radio Diagnosis &





Chandigarh Ultrasound Scan Centre, 9, Lehri Shah Mandir Complex, Hospital Road, Ropar- 140001 Sunrise Nursing Home Pvt Ltd, Udham Singh Sarani, Ashrampara, Sevoke Road, Siliguri- 734401

Radio diagnosis Ultrasonography


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Non invasive Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Nephrology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan.





Pannu Eye Hospital 3141 College Road, Opp Church, Ropar, Ph-01881-225536, 9814022092 Pannu Nursing Home, 3141 College Road, Opp Church, Ph-01881225536, 9814022092


Obstetrics and Gynaecology



Anandaloke Hospital & Neurosciences Centre (A unit of anandaloke Medical Centre Pvt Ltd), 2nd Miles, Sevoke Road, Siliguri734401 Paramount Hospital Pvt Ltd (Neuro Ortho & Truma Centre), Mangal Pandey Road, Khalpara, Siliguri734405





654. 655.

Silliguri Silliguri







North Bengal Neuro Centre Pvt Ltd, Megnath Saha Sarani, Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri, Darjeeling - 734 401 The Apollo Clinic, Bidhan Road, Siliguri - 734 401 BBS Mediscanners, 3 Rash Behari Sarani Children Park, Siliguri - 734 401 Suraksha Diagnostic & Eye Research Pvt Ltd , , Udham Singh Sarani Ashram Para, Sevok Road, Siliguri Bahris Diagnostic Centre, 94, Munir Manzil, Regal Chowk, Residency Road Srinagar (J&K) 190001 Tellicherry Co-operative Hospital (A unit of Tellicherry Co-operative

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Anaesthesia Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. Orthopaedics and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Non invasive Cardiology, Gastroenterology, and Rheumatology. Surgery- Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Non invasive Cardiology and Gastro enterology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan. Surgery - Neuro Surgery, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. -Radio Diagnosis - CT Scan.

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sound.

Pathology Diagnosis.



Radio Diagnosis - CT Scan.

Pathology only).


General Dental, General

Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, Surgery,

SurgeryNeuro Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery.

Hospital Society Ltd No C 1021), Coperative Hospital Junction, Thalassery -670101 Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Non Invasive Cardiology, Gastro enterology and Nephrology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, (except Renal Transplant). Medicine Cardiology and Nephrology including dialysis.


Thalassery(Ka nnur)

Cannanore Co-operative Hospital Society Ltd, Talap, Kannur 670 002 Tele : 0497-2705501 0497-2705502

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (In house only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Medicine, ENT, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia) , General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, and Dermatology.


Thalassery(Ka nnur)


Thalassery(Ka nnur)

Indira Gandhi Cooperative Hospital Manjodi Thiruvangad Tellicherry Kannur, Tellicherry 670103. Tele 04902320750 - 04902341195 Mob 9847507579. Fax 04902320730. Sahakarana Hrudayalaya Pariyaram Medical College, PO-Pariyaram Kannur - 670503




Thalassery(Ka nnur)

Kerala State Co-Operative Hospital Complex and Centre for advanced Medical Services Priya Ram Medical College, PO - Priya Ram Kannur - 670503

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia, Periodontia, and Oral Surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.


Thalassery(Ka nnur)

Dhana Lakshmi Hospital Ltd Kannothumchal Road Kannur, Distt - Kerala State, Kannur 67002

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis


Thalassery(Ka nnur)

The Badagara Sahakarana Asupatri Karimpanapalam Badagara kannur

Surgery Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardiology. Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Spinal and laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis), Oncology (medical), Radio therapy and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics Neonatology Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology and Nephrology (incl Dialysis). Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. -


Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)

Kavery Medical Centre No 1 KC Road Tennur Trichy Tiruchirapalli 620017

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and

Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)

Maruthi Hospital Pvt Ltd 95 Pattabiraman Street Tennur Tichy - 620017 Sea Horse Hospital Ltd , 6, Royal Road, Tiruchirapalli(Trichy)- 620 001 Tele : 04312415660/2415666 Fax : 0431-2415402 Email :
IS Nursing Home 5, Raja Colony Cantonment Trichy 1 Tele 0431-2411199 - 0431-2466111 Mob 9443389195 Fax 0431-2418804 E.Mail Child Jesus Hospital PO Box No 17 Trichy 620001 Tamilnadu 620001. Tele 04312410816 -04312415816 Fax 04312419042 Mob 9443341550 Punnagai Dental Care, 141 SRM Complex, Salai Road Trichy - 620018 Mahatma Eye Hospital No 6, Seshapuram Tennur, Tiruchirappalli Pin - 620017. Ph 04312740494, 2741198 Mob 9344677411 Dr Govindarajan Eye Hospitals, 70-Officers Colony, Puthur Tiruchi Pin 620017. Ph 04312792901, Mob 9894161421 Institute of Opthalmology, Joseph Eye Hospital, PB No 138 Melapudur, Trichy Pin 620001. Ph 04312460622, 2418886

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.


Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.


Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)


Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)

General Medicine, General Surgery, Blood Bank(In house only), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis.

670. 671.

Tiruchirapalli( Trichy) Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)

Dental (Incl Periodontia)




Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)



Tiruchirapalli( Trichy)




Shifa Hospital 82 Kailasapuram Middle Street Junction Tirunelveli - 627001

General Medicine, ENT, Dental , Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis, Orthopaedics

Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.

and Ophthalmology . Ophthalmology





Arvind Eye Hospital 1- SN Hing Road Tirunelveli 627 001 Tele 2337103-0462 Fax 0462-2331633 E.Mail Galaxy Hospital, 110E/20/1 North Bypass Road Vannarpet, Tirunelveli Pin 627003, Ph-0462-2501951, 2501955, Mob-9442930353

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG)

Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Paediat rics Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Pst Box No 1, Anayara Post, Trivandrum695029







Chaithanya Eye Hospital & Research Institute, Kesavadasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram-695004 Divyaprabha Eye Hospital Padinjatil Lane Kumarapuram Trivandrum 695011 Regional Cancer Centre, Medial College Campus, MCH PO, Trivandrum 695 011

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency Ophthalmology.


Blood Bank(only Transfusion) and Diagnosis.

Blood Radio

Surgery Onco Surgery. Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology and Genetic Pathology. Others Nuclear Medicine
Paediatrics Neonatology





Sree Uthradom Thirunal Hosp, PB-1052, Pattom PO Trivandrum-695004. T ele-04712446220 - 04712556611 Fax-04712446120. Mob 944714426. E.Mail suthospital@asianet PNM Hospital Kattakada Thiruvananthapuram Kattakada 695572. Tele 04712290251 - 04712290952

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG). General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (In house Only), Obstetrics and

Surgery .Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Genito-Urinary Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology

Fax 04712290956 E.Mail Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG), Dental Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others Oral Surgery, Physical Medicine Rehabiitatin and Physiotherapy.-





Lords Hospital Maharaja Lane Anayara Post Trivandrum 695029 Tele 04712743333 - 04712742323 Fax 04712742424 E.Mail lordshospital@ Shri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology, Sctimst Medical College PO, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin 695 011 Tele : 0471-2443152 0471-2440790 Fax : 0471-2440790 Email :

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Ra dio Diagnosis. Microbiology, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

685. 686.

Trivandrum Trivandrum





Dr Gopinaths Diagnostic Services Medical College, PO Trivandrum - 695011 Muthoot MRI, CT Scan and Research Centre, Pazhaya Road Medical College Trivandrum695011 Doctors Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine & Research Centre (DDNMRC) Pvt Ltd, Neerazhi Lane Ulloor, Medical College Trivandrum - 695501 Ananthapuri Hospital and Research Institute, Chacka National Highway Pettah, PO Trivandrum (Kerala), Trivandrum. Ph-04712506565/2506767, Fax-04712506969, Mob - 9447722613

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology and Neurology. Pathology Genetic Pathology. Others Histopathology, Muscle Biopsy, Immune Pathology and Muscle & Immune Pathology. --Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis


Medicine Nuclear Medicine

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis

General Surgery Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio thoracic Surgery, Traumatology. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology ( incl Dialysis), Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology. -



Doctors Diagnostic Research Centre PB No-2488 Medical College, PO Muthoot Arcade Trivandrum 695011 E.Mail ddrc@asianet

Microbiology, Pathology.





Devi Scans Pvt Ltd, Kumarapuram, Opp Medical College PO, Thiruvananthapuram 695011 Travancore Health Pvt Ltd, Mediplaza NR Hotel Moon Star Medical College, PO Trivandrum 695011

Pathology, Microbiology and Radio diagnosis

CT Scan and MRI

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis incl USG

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI. Others. Colour Doppler

692. 693. Trivandrum Trivandrum
Dr Gopinaths Diagnostic Services Medical College, PO Trivandrum - 695011 Muthoot MRI, CT Scan and Research Centre, Pazhaya Road Medical College Trivandrum695011 Doctors Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine & Research Centre (DDNMRC) Pvt Ltd, Neerazhi Lane Ulloor, Medical College Trivandrum - 695501 SK Hospital TC 719891 Edapazhanji Thirumala, PO Trivandrum Pin 695006 Mob 9446314494 Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. --Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Microbiology, Pathology Radio Diagnosis




Radio diagnosis

Medicine Nuclear Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan



General Medicine, ENT, Ort hopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery - Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Oncology (Medical) and Critical care medicine Others Basic Conventional Radiology



Kalpana Nursing Home214C Sardarpura Udaipur 313001












Visakhapatna m


Visakhapatna m


Visakhapatna m

Kothari Eye Hospital and Maternity Home, Patel Circle, Udaipur 313 001. Alakh Nayan Mandir Eye Institute, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 13 001 Patel Dental Studio, 19 Residency Road, Udaipur 313 001 Tele : 0294-241 4295 Mob : 9414167295 Well spring Amolak X Ray and Diagnostic Centre 24C Madhuban Opp GPO Chetak Circle Udaipur 313004 Rog Janch Seva Diagnostic Centre , 22 C/A Madhuban , Udaipur 313 001 Vishakha Medical Centre, 17-11-C Official Colony, Collector Office Jn,Visakhapatnam - 530002 Vijaya Medical Centre D No/4-37-31,32 ZP Junction Maharani Peta Visakhapatnam - 530002 Care Hospitals, Visakha Hosp and Diagnostic Centre, 15-2-9 Gokhale Road, Maha Rani Peta Visakhapatnam - 530002

General Medicine, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radio Diagnosis & Emergency. Ophthalmology and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Surgery-Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Gastro enterology. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan.



Dental Lab

Pathology Diagnosis.



Pathology Diagnosis.



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radiodiagnosis/Imaging CT Scan & MRI.

Mixcrobiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radiodiagnosis/Imaging CT Scan & MRI.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,

SurgeryNeuro Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Genito Urinary Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology,

Pathology, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. 705. Visakhapatna m Lazarus Hospital Waltair Main Road Visakhapatnam - 530002 General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency. Nephrology, Oncology, Critical Care Medicine, and Interventional Cardiology. Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, and Nephrology. -


Visakhapatna m

RK Hospital GHP Ltd 26167 Chai Tanya Nagar Gajuwaka Visakhapatnam - 530026

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis and Emergency.
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology , General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis


Visakhapatna m

Indus Hospital, 18-1-6 KGH Down Road Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam 530002, Mob-9948239365

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology -


Visakhapatna m

Sankar Foundation Eye Hospital,D/No16/1/52 Srinivasa Nagar Visakhapatnam Ph08912715595, 9949588531




Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Amrita Lane Elamakkara Kochi - 682026

General Medicine, ENT, Dental , Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Geriatric Medicine,

Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics -Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Oncopathology. 710. Kochi Giridhar Eye Institute 28/2576 A Ponnth Temple Road Kadavanthara PO Kochi - 682020 Specialists Hospital K C M Mather Raod Ernakulam North Kochi - 682018 Vijay Kumara Menon Hospital North Fort Gate Tripunithra Ernakulam Dist - 682312 Lake Shore Hospital and Research Centre Ltd, NH 47 Bypass, Nettoor, POMaradu, Kochi - 682 304 Ophthalmology




Surgery Plastic Reconstructive and Replacement Surgery. -

and Joint



General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.





Westside Hospital (P) Ltd, Maulana Azad Road, Kappalandimukku, Kohi 682 002 Gautham Hospital, Post Box No. 686, Panayapilly, Kochi - 682 005





PVS Memorial Hospital Ltd, Kaloor, Kochi 682 004

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis (less Ultra Sound). General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Physiotherapy and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology(in house only) and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Oncology Surgery , Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine- Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Nephrology including dialysis and Oncology(medical). Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan . Paediatric Neonatology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology and AIDS & Virology. --





Lisie Hospital, Lisie Hospital Road, Ernakulam North, P- Box-3053 Kochi - 682018

Surgery Cardio Thoracic and Genito Urinary surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis) and Interventional Cardiology

718. Kochi
MOSC Medical College Hospital, Kolenchery, POErnakulam Distt Kerala State, Kolenchery - 682311 General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis (incl USG). Surgery. Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis) and Critical Care Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology Pathology Onco pathology and Transfusion Medicine. --Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

719. 720.

Kochi Kochi

Dental Care Lab, Madaparambi Institute of Radiology and Imaging Sciences Pvt Ltd, Indira Gandhi Co-operative Hospital, Kadavanthra Ernakulam. Pin 682020. Ph 04842207532, 3244244 Mob-9846036168

Dental (Lab) -





Tide Water MRI Scan & Research Centre, Near Lakeshore Hospital, Maradu Nettoor, PO Ernakulm, Kochi 682304 RK Hospital and Research Centre, 226, C-Sector, Indrapuri, Raisen Road, Bhopal, M.P. - 462 021

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI Others Mammography and USG/Color Doppler

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Med icine, ENT, Dental , Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology , Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

SurgeryGenito urinary Surgery, Pae diatric Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine- Cardiology (non invasive) , Gastroenterology and Nephrology.



Hajela Hospital, Geetanjali Complex, Kotrasultabad, Bhopal - 462 003



Chirayu Health and Medicare Pvt Ltd, 6 Malipura Peergate, Bhopal462 001

Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan



Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, Raisen By Pass Road, Ka Rond Chooraha, Bhopal - 462 038

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology , Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology including Dialysis and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

Pathology Onco Pathology Others Physiotherapy. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology and Nephrology including dialysis.



Ayushman Hospital, Sector-C, Shahpura, Bhopal 462 016 Tele : 0755-2422980/81 Fax : 0755-5290445 Email :
Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre Raisen By Pass Road Karond Chouraha Bhopal 462038. Tele 0755-2742212 Mob 07553112125 Fax 0755-2748309 E.Mail MAUDAJI@ YAHOO.COM Ajwani Eye Hospital Pvt Ltd, 115 Berasia Road, Bhopal Pin 462018 Ph 07552745400 Mob 9303132848 Navodaya Cancer Hospital & Research Centre 41 Zone-II, MP Nagar, Bhopal462011, Ph-07552576031, 9827055790

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.




Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Pathology Transfusion Medicine.






General Medicine, Pathology, Radio diagnosis



People's Dental Academy Bhanpur by Pass Road Bhopal Pin 462010 Phone - 0755 4005361 Mobile 9303129994


Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Clinical Haematology, Oncology (Medical) Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecology Oncology Paediatrics Haematology and Oncology Pathology Onco pathology Others (Dental) - Prosthodontia, Oral Surg, Periodontia,





Venus Scan and Research Centre, 41 Malviya Nagar, Opposite Apex Bank, Bhopal- 462 003 Bhopal Medical C entre, 203, Zone-I, MP Nagar, Bhopal462 011
Udit Pathology Clinic, 32, New Taj Market and X-Ray

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

.Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan

Pathology Diagnosis.



Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT scan and MRI.




Microbiology and Pathology.



Mahakoshal Hospital, Opposite Wright Town Stadium, Gate No. 3 , Jabalpur - 482 002



JK Hospital, 2006 Wright Town, Behind Bus Stand, Jabalpur - 482 002

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology , Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Ophthalmology Medicine,

Surgery- Neuro Surgery , Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito-urinary Surgery, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro medicine and Cardiology(non invasive). Surgery Neurosurgery, Genitourinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery and Spinal Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine and Cardiology (non invasive)



Batalia Eye Hospital Dr Batalia Road Near

Ghanta Ghar Jabalpur 482001. Tele 07612622136 07615065919 Fax-07612622736 9425153555 (Mob) E.Mail- Marble City Hospital 21 North Civil Line Jabalpur 482001. Tele 07612628032 -07612627718 Fax 07614045454 Mob 9826150024. Sanjeevan Hospital 628 Ram Nagar Adnartal Jabalpur 482004. Tele 07612659740 -07612659738 Fax 07612659738 Mob 9329801124 E.Mail jagdishgouri@ National Hospital 703 Gol Bazar Jabalpur 482002. Tele 07612414612 - 07612412612 Fax 5064075 Mob 9425152048 E.Mail himanshu Trivedi Dental Clinic, 1553 Wright Town, Ashoka Hotel Road, Jabalpur - 482 002 Bansal Blood Bank and Transfusion Services, Sukheja Towers 610, Wright Town, Behind Bus Stand Jabalpur 482002 Jabalpur Hospital and Research Centre Napier Town Russal Crossing Jabalpur (MP) 482001



General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG & Mammography). General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Joint Replacement Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro enterology, Nephrology. Surgery Genito Urinary, Surgery






General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology.

740. 741.

Jabalpur Jabalpur



Blood Bank Transfusion)








Bombay Hospital & Research Centre Jabalpur, Gole Bazar Jabalpur (MP) - 482002. Ph 0761-2310202, 9425154772

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental (incl Oral Surgery), General Surgery, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis. Orthopedics, Microbiology, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG).

Surgery Genito Urinary and Traumatology. Medicine Neurology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan



Jamdar Hospital Pvt Ltd, 574 Gole Bazar, Jabalpur-482002, Ph-0761-2312133, 9425156881

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology. Surgery - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Traumatology Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Critical care medicine





Shweta Diagnostic Centre, Suyily Depot Cantt , Jabalpur - 482 001 Saxena Sonography X-Ray Centre, Roopam Towers, Before Petrol Pump,

Microbiology and Pathology


Radio Diagnosis (including USG).

Wright Town, Jabalpur 482 002 Tele : 0761-2401280 Email : Charak Diagnostic Research Centre,1 Civic Centre, Prabhu Vandana Building, Marhatal, Jabalpur 482 002 Tele : 0761-2311889/ 2490967 Fax : 0761-240089
Depti Memorial Diagnostic Centre Shop No 3&4 Roopam Towers Wright Town Jabalpur 482002. Tele 07612310648 - 07612410168 Mob 9827211187 E.Mail vd+1wariaa@HOT MAIL.COM Delhi MRI and Diagnostic Centre, 1512 Home Science College Rd, Napier Town Jabalpur (MP) Pin 482001 Ph 0761 5064733, Mob 9826123949



Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Radio Diagnosis& Imaging CT Scan.



Medicine Cardiology(Cardiology consultation and Diagnostic only).



Radio diagnosis

Radio diagnosis & Imaging MRI.



Kanpur Medical Centre Pvt Ltd, 120/500(24), Lajpat Nagar, Kanpur - 208 005

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics and Radio Diagnosis --



Tulsi Hospitals Ltd, 14/116A, Civil Lines, Kanpur - 208 001



Deys Hospital , 491 Kazikhera Lal Bangla, Kanpur - 208 007

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery Medicine Endocrinology and Nephrology Paediatrics Neonatology and Nephrology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology (non invasive) , Respiratory medicine and Nephrology. Others Rehabilitation Medicine -



Escorts Heart Centre Ltd, 117/H -2/414-A, Pandu Nagar, Kanpur - 208 005 Khairabad Eye Hospital, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur 208 002 Regency Hospital Ltd, A-2,

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardilogy






General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,

Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur 208 005 Tele : 0512-22120015/2295789 Fax : 0512-2213407 Email : Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis . Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology. Surgery Onco Surgery. Medicine Oncology ( Medical) and Radiotherapy. Paediatrics Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology.





Ratan Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, 113/103 A, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur 208 002 Tele : 05123091345/2545362 Fax : 0512-2544190 Email : contact Rama Hospital Research Centre, A/1-8, Lakhanpur, Near Kanpur University, Kanpur 208 024 Tele : 05122584223/2584225 Fax : 0512-2583875 Email :

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental (including Oral surgery, Periodontia and Prosthodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) (in house only), Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology.



Dental & Maxillo Facial Centre, Dr Sushil Kumar Gupta, 11 B/534, Kaushalipuri, Kanpur Tele : 05122216190/2544405
Gastro Liver Hospital (Crystal Medical Centre Pvt Ltd, 7/190, D 123, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur-208002. Tele-0512-2547300 0512-2531781 9839039898 (Mob) Fax-0512-2532310. E.Mail- shubhra1234@sity. com Madhuraj Nursing Home Pvt Ltd 113/121A Swaroop Nagar Kanpur-208002. Tele-0512-2292344

Dental including Prosthodontia.



Medicine Gastro Enterology. Others Upper and Lower Endoscopy, ERCP and PH Monometry.



General Medicine, ENT, General Sur gery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Nephrology incl dialysis.

0512-2292346 Fax-0512-2214955. Saral Nursing Home Lal Bangla, Opp Thana Chakeri Kanpur 208007. Tele 05122402121/22402200 Mob 9839068194. Shakun Dental Care and X -ray Chandel Market Harjinder Nagar Lal Bangla Kanpur 208007. Bhargava Hospital, 15/263 civil Lines Behind Head Post Office Kanpur 208 001, Phone 0512 2330333



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology.



Dental (Incl. Periodontia)

Others Gen Dentistry.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis



PPM Medical Research and Trauma Centre Pvt Ltd, 127/194 W-1 Saket Nagar, Kanpur208014, Ph 05122601400, 2601444 Fax-0512 601555

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary, Pediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis) Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology





Brij Medical Centre Pvt Ltd, 94E,Panki,Kanpur-208020. Tele-0512-2262150 0512-2263399 0512-3094436 9415127835 (Mob) Fax-0512-2261806 Excel Hospitals Pvt Ltd 14/138 Chunni Ganj Kanpur Pin 208001, Ph 05123249378

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery- Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular, Paediatric, Onco surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparoscopy, Endo Vascular and Geriatric surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rhematology, Clinical Hematology, Clinical immunology, Critical Care medicine, Geriatric Medicine Obstetrics Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction, Gynaecological Endocrinology, Materno Foetal Medicine Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Hematology, Nephrology. Pathology- AIDS & Virology.



Ratan MRI Centre Pvt Ltd,

Radio Diagnosis including

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging

7/141 -A, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur-208 002 Tele : 0512-257387/88 0512-3091344 FAX : 0512-2544190 Email : Suraj Medical and Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, 117-N -65, Kala Deo, Kanpur Tele : 05122500039/2500768
Dr Lal Path Lab Pvt Ltd Eskay House 54 Hanuman Road New Delhi 110001. Tele 01151501081 - 01151501085 Fax- 01123341638 E.Mail INFO@LALPATHLABS.COM .


CT Scan and MRI. Others Mammography.



Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Others Dexa BMD, Color Doppler.




Medicine Clinical Haematology(Only for lab services) Clinical Immunology(Only for lab services). Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology.



Kamayani Hospital EISHA MRI Centre, 672, Geeta Mandir, Sikandra, Agra- 282 005 Tele : 05622605713/38/50/51 Fax : 0562-2156980 Email :
Pushpanjali Hospital and Research Centre, Pushpanjali Palace Delhi Gate Agra 282002. Tele 0562-2527566 - 0562-2527567 - 0562-2527568 Fax 0562-2523009 E.Mail

General Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.
Surgery Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), and Critical Care Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology and Nephrology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Genito Urinary, Paediatric surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Spinal and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology (medical), Critical care medicine, Interventional cardiology, and Nuclear medicine Radio diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Oral Surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obsterics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).



Apollo Pankaj Hosp, NH-2, Agra Mathura Road Artoni, Agra - 282007

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia, & Oral Surgery) Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology an d Radio diagnosis (incl USG).

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility & assisted reproduction Paediatrics Neonatology and Cardiology. Pathology Transfusion Medicine Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery) Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine (incl Dialysis), Cardiology, Nephrology including Dialysis, Critical care medicine.



Upadhyay Hosp Shaheed Nagar corrossing, Agra Pin - 282001 Ph No B13179105622230344 Mob 09897147407

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio diagnosis in house only



Pankaj Scanning and Pathology Research Centre, E-14151615/1, A 13 14, Shopping Arcade, Sadar Bazar, Agra, UP - 282 001
Scientific Pathology Durga Complex Hariparvat Agra 282002. Tele 05622151111 Fax - 05622152516 Mob 9837038389 E.Mail scipath@sancharnet. in

Pathology Diagnosis



Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan and MRI



Microbiology, Pathology.

Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology



Kashi Netralaya, Dr R Singh, 27 A, Bhuvaneshvar Nagar Colony, Orderly Bazar, Varanasi - 221 002
Apex Welcare Pvt Ltd, Apex Hospital, DLW Hydil Road, Varanasi221004. Tele-0542-2316782 0542-2317528 9415304103 (Mob) Fax-0542-2317414 Singh Medical and Research Centre Pvt Ltd. 5/84 Gtelia Bagh Varanasi 221001. Tele 05422206047. - 05422202228 Fax 05422202229. E.Mail Dr AK SINHGH Varanasi Dental Clinic D-36/2 August Kunda Near Sushil Cinema Godowlia Varanasi 221001. Tele 05422402333. V-Dent Ceramic Studio, L-30 Kranti Palli Colony Kolhua Vinayka Kamachha Varanasi 221010. Tele 5422363527 5422316928 5423333422 Sah Hospital, J-12/9D Dhoop Chandi




General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics and Pathology.

Surgery Neuro Surgery and Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & MRI. Paeditrics Neonatology.



General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obsterics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology



Dental(Less Orthodontia).



Dental(for lab work only).



ENT, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Ramkatora, Varanasi-221002 (UP), 05422202263, 9415228475 New life Hospital, 70 Gandhi Nagar, Sigra, Varanasi - 01



Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics



Santushti Hospital Pvt Ltd, N-8/180, B-51, New Ada Sunderpur Varanasi221005, Ph-05422316230, 09839058489

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Obstetrics & GynecologyGynecology Oncology, Infertility & Assisted reproduction, Gynecological endocrinology, Materno Foetal Medicine. Surgery- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, clinical Haematology, Critical care medicine, Geriatric medicine. Obstetrics & GynecologyGynecology Oncology, infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics- Haematology. Pathology-Onco Pathology, Transfusion medicine. Others- Lithotripsy, Haemodialysis, TMT, 2D Echo, Spirometry



Heritage Hospitals Ltd, Lanka Varanasi, Varanasi 221 005 Tele : 05422368888/2369991-95 Fax : 0542-2369715 Email : heritagehospitals@hotmail.c om

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



Arya Hospital, Suhagpur, Rehabar 1(Near Apsara Cinema), Guwahati - 781 008



GNRC Ltd, GNRC Complex, Dispur, Guwahati - 781 006

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics , Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Pat hology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Traumatology, Genit o Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology (including dialysis), Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI. Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecological Oncology. Surge ry - Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Cardiology (non invasive) and Nephrology including Dialysis. Surgery - Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement and Spinal Surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Critical care and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics - Neonatology and Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Surgery - Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary



Down Town Hospital, GS Road, Dispur, Guwahati 781 006.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General

Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Surgery , Paediatric Surgery, Oncosurgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery Traumatology, Joint Replacement , Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine - Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology and Critical care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology, Infertility and Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecological Endocrinology. Paediatrics - Neonatology, Neurology, Nephrology and Oncology Others - Bone Densitometry.

788. 789.

Guwahati Guwahati

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya, Beltola Guwahati Assam India Guwahati - 781028 The North East Dental Lab, Chilrai Nagar Path GS Road, Opp.ICICI Bank, Guwahati (Assam) 781005, Tele-0361 2461776 / 2227495



Prosthodontia and Dental Lab



Woodland Hospital, Dhankheti, Shillong, Meghalaya - 793 001









Oral Health Centre , NL Complex, Dhankheti, Shillong - 793 001. Hope Clinic , Don Bosco Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong - 793 003 Memorial Clinic, Wallang House, Three Pines Colony, Laban, Shillong - 793 004 Green Wood Hospital, Bawngkawn, Aizwal- 796 012.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Dental.

Surgery Genito Urinary and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology (non-invasive) and Nephrology including Dialysis. Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging - CT Scan and MRI. --



Microbiology and Pathology.


General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General

Surgery - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary and Laparoscopic Surgery.



Aizawl Hospital and Research Centre, A-63, Mission Vena Aizawl Pin 796 005 Ph 03892319643, Mob 9862300487 Grace Nursing Home & Research Centre,



Medicine Oncology (Medical) Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Aizawl, Pin 796007, Ph 03892318637, Mob 9436140492 Presbyterian Hospital, Durtlang, Aizawl, 796025, 9436140489 Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio diagnosis Gynaecology Oncology Paediatrics - Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology -





Trinity Diagnostic Centre, Macdonald Hill Aizawl-796007, Ph-03892346722, 9436140268

Medicine Cardiology, Clinical Haematology and Clinical Immunology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Pathology Onco Pathology.



Agartala Hospital and Research Centre Pvt Ltd , 9 A, Mantribari Road, Agartala, Tripura, West Agartala - 799 001. Senapati's Dental Clinic , Post Office Chow, Muhani , Near Sarkar Nursing Home, Agartala - 799 001.
Dr Lal Pathlabs, PB Das Memorial Diagnostic Centre, Bidurkarta Chowmani, Agartala (Tripura) 799001, Ph-03812319781, 2319782, Mob9862219897



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Dental.





Microbiology, Pathology.





Teresa Diagnostic Centre , 7 Hospital Road, Near Govt Music Collage, Agartala 799 001 Shija Hospitals & Research Institute Langol, Lamphelpat, Imphal , Manipur - 795 004.

Pathology diagnosis



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



Catholic Medical Centre, Koirengei, Imphal, Ma nipur - 795 001

Babina Diagnostic Centre RIMS Road, (South) Imphal 795 001. Tele 0385-2410679 0385-2415551 9436021420 (Mob) Fax 0385-2412575 E.Mail-

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, Orthopaedics, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics.
Microbiology, Pathology Radio Diagnosis and

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery (including Lithotripsy) and Laparascopic Surgery.

Surgery - Gastro-Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.

Radio diagnosis CT Scan and MRI & Imaging





Bethel Medical Centre, Upper Chandmari, Kohima, Nagaland - 797 001.



Vivus Hospital, Daswal

General Medicine, ENT, Orhopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT,

Surgery - Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine - Respiratory Diseases and Gastro Enterology.


Road, Madikeri - 571 201 General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Radio Diagnosis. Pathology and Radio Diagnosis







Sono Scan Diagnostic Centre, BG Road, Makdumpur, Malda - 732 103. Raiganj Jeevan Rekha Diagnostic Pvt Ltd, Ukilpara, U Dinajpur, Raiganj- 733 134 Central Referral Hospital, 5th Mile Tadong, Gangtok(Sikkim), Gangtok 737 102.

Radio Diagnosis - CT Scan.

Pathology Diagnosis.



Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.



Triveni Nursing Home, 8 C/C, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu Tawz, Jammu & Kashmir, Jammu Bee Enn General Hospital, Talab Tillo Road, Jammu 180 002

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Surgery and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics - Neonatology. Others - Dialysis.

Surgery Genito Urinary and Laparoscopic Surgery Radiodiagnosis/ Imaging CT Scan Surgery Gastro Intestinal and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Nephrology including dialysis.





Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, PO- Majeen Sindhra, Jammu 180 017 Tele : 0191- 2662536-38 Fax : 0191-2662360

General Medicine, Denta(Prosthodontics only), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics , Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank( for in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, P athology and Radio Diagnosis.



Ahal Dental Clinic , First Floor, Opposite Apsara Theatre, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu - 180 004
Madaan Hospital & Research Centre, 37 AC, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu180004 Ph-01912436549, 9419113344

Dental(Basic Dentistry and Periodontia).

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endo vascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan(for one year) , MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology AIDS & Virology. --



General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine - Cardiology Paediatrics Neonatology Medicine Clinical Haematology,



Dr Lal Path Labs,


71 BC Road, Ist Floor Regency Honda, Jammu (J&K)-180001, Ph01912564903, 9419221419 Clinical Immunology Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology and Transfusion Medicine





Sri Harihar Hospital and Research Centre, V/POGutkar, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Sanjeevan Hospital , 134/5, Moti Bazar, Mandi (H.P) 175 001
Mandav Hospital, Jail Road Mandi (HP) 175002), Ph 01905221922, Mob 09418052058 Banga Diagn ostic, Rewalsar Road, Near City Jail, Mandi (HP) Pin 175001 PH 01905225260 Mob 9418052058

General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Orthopaedics and

Medicine Cardiology Non-invasive only)

Paediatrics Neonatology


General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, P athology (In house only) and Radio Diagnosis (In house only )
General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics. -






Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI







Niramaya Clinic, 4/4 Hospital Road, Dist Mandi, Mandi - 175 001 Banga Diagnostic and Mandau Hospital, Hospital Road, Jail Road, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh - 175 001 Baroda Heart Institute and Research Centre , 44, Haribhakti Colony, Old Padra Road, Vadodra 390 007



Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.










Sujay Urological Hospital, 15 Biswas Colony, Behind Alkapuri Petrol Pump, Alkapuri, Baroda Bankers Heart Institute, NR Tagore Nagar, Opposite Suryakrsisna Complex, Old Padra Road, Vadodra 390 015 Centre for Knee Surgery, 101 Akashganga, Next to Vanijya Bhavan, Race Course Circle, Vadodara 390 007 Kadams Eye Hospital , 8 Urmi Society Productivity Road, Akota, Vadodara 390 020
Akshar Purushottam Arogya Mandir and Kailash Cancer Hosp and Research Centre Village Goraj, The - Waghodia, Distt Vadodara, PO Goraj -391760. Tele 02668268004


Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery and Vascular Surgery Medicine Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology. Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery.


Medicine Cardiology.
Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery.


Others Arthoscopy.





General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases,

02668268010 Mob 9825041051 Fax912668268005 Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology. Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Traumatology and Joint Replacement Surgery. Medicine Gastro-enterology



Narhari Hospital, Narayan Bhuwan Fatehgunj Baroda. Pin 390002 Ph 02652794413, 2794414

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis.




Haldwani/Nain ital

Alakh Blood Bank and Lab, Above Hotel Gurdev, Near Gas Project Office, Dandia Bazar, Vadodara 390 001 Krishna Hospital and Research Centre, 3136 Gurunanakpura, Haldwani, Nainital, Uttarachal, Haldwani 263 141 Tele : 05946-222426/221930 Fax : 05946 221634 Email :


General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Orthopaedics

Pathology Onco Patholog y, Molecular Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology and Genetic Pathology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery,Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro eternology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology. Others Physiotherapy.
Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Nephrology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology and infertility and assisted Reproduction


Haldwani/Nain ital

Dr Sushila Tewari Memorial Forest Hospital, Rampur Road Haldwani (UK) 263139, Ph05946234104, 234423

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG).


Haldwani/Nain ital


Haldwani/Nain ital

Haldwani Diagnostic Centre, Opposite Soban Singh Jeena Base Hospital, Haldwani 263 139 Parakh Ultra Sound Imaging Centre, Church Compound, Nainital Road, Haldwani(U.A.) 263 139
Kumaon Diagnostic and Research Centre Church Compound Nainital Road Haldwani (UA) Pin 263139. Tele- 05946-228325 05946-266112

Pathology .


Radio Diagnosis- for Ultra Sonography only.



Haldwani/Nain ital

Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

310805 (Mob) E.Mail


Haldwani/Nain ital


Haldwani/Nain ital

Chandan Diagnostic Centre, Near Utsav Garden Opposite Vishal Mega Mart, Haldwani (Uttarakhand) Ph 05946284573, Mob 09719402812 Drishti Centre For Advanced Eye Care, H-7Durga City Centre, Nainital Road, Haldwani-263141, Ph-05946280777, 9412383299

Microbiology, Pathology, RadioDiagnosis

Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan




Christian Medical College, 10 A Scuorer Road, Vellore, Tamil Nadu - 632 004

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Endo Vascular Surgery and Geriatric Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respirat ory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Medical Genetics, Geriatric Medicine and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional & Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynecological Oncology, Infertility & Assisted Reproduction, Gynecological Endocrinology and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Pathology, Genetic Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Others Physical Med &

Rehabilitation. 839. Vellore
Sri Narayani Hospital and Research Centre Thirumalaikodi Ariyur Post Vellore 632055. Tele 04162271202 - 04162271584 Mob - 9842371202. E.Mail snhrc-76 @ General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Pathology -



Apollo Victor Hospitals, Malbhat, Margao, Goa - 403 601

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatrics Surgery and Onco Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Endocrinology, Respiratory
Diseases, Interventional Cardiology

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Others Dialysis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery.



Shree Ganapati Nethralaya, Deolgaonraja Mantna Road, Jalna-431 203 Jilla Hospital, 84 Motiwala Nagar, Centralnaka Road, Aurangabad - 431 005 Seth Nandalal Dhoot Hospital, A-1 Midc Industrial Area, Jalna Road, Aurangabad - 431 210

Microbiology(in house only), Ophthalmology and Pathology(in house only). Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis








Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical Centre & Research Institute, N-GCIDCO, Aurangabad City, Aurangabad 431 001 Tele : 0240-2484693 -2484406

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (for in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery Laparascopic Surgery and Geriatrics Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases , Endocrinology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & MRI. Dental-For Oral Surgery Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Surgery : Genito Urinary Surgery, Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine : Cardiology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology (Medical) and Critical Care

Medicine. 845. Aurangabad Kamal Nayan Bajaj Hospital, GUT No. 43, Beed Bypass Road, Bajaj Marg, Aurangabad 431 005 Tele : 02402377999/2377670 Fax : 0240-2377770 Email : mmrikbh_agd@sancharnet.i n
Patwardhan Hospital, Bansilal Nagar Station Road Aurangabad 431005 Tele0240235402 02402335418 9822041662 Nemivant Eye Hospital, Opposite Veterinary Hospital Khandkeshwar Aurangabad Pin 431001 Ph 02402322305, 3103891. Sant Eknath Hospital, 3 Kasliwal Vishwa Parvatina Nagar Near Khivansara lawn Aurangabad. Pin 431005 Ph 02402342521, Mob 9422205701.

General Medicine, ENT, Orhopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.



Orthopaedics, Obstetrics Gynaecology, Pathology.







General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics

Surgery Genito-Urinary Surgery. Paediatri cs Neonatology.



Ellora Diagnostic Centre, 1Vyanktesh Nagar, Opposite SFS School, Jalna Road, Aurangabad - 431 001
Shanti Nursing Home Kanchanwadi Paithan Road Aurangabad 431005. Tele 0240-2376271 2376671,2376726 Mob 9823323982 Fax 0240-2377631 E.Mail SHANTINHOME@ SIFY.COM

Radio Diagnosis. (incl USG)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.






Goyal Hospital and Research Centre , 961/3, Residency Road, Jodhpur 342 003.

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis, Orthopaedics.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery.
Surgery Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Traumatology and Joint Replacement Surgery



Amit X-Ray Lab, 9th Amarnath Building, Opposite MG Hospital,

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. . Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Mammography.

Jodhpur 342 001 Anand D iagnostic Centre, C16, Shastri Nagar, Opposite MDM Hospital, Jodhpur 342 003
Sanchetee Hospital and Cancer Research Institute, 429 Pal Link Road, Opp TB Hospital Jodhp ur 342008. Tele 2912752666 - 02912753666 Fax 291-2635750 E.Mail



Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.





Satyam Hospital and Research Centre, 26 Pokaran House, Opp Railway Hospital, Near UIT Jodhpur - 342001 ASG Eye Hospital, A-322 Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur342007, Ph-02912638824,



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics &Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). Ophthalmology

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Nephrology and Oncology (Medical). Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology and Oncology. ---







Kala Endoscopy and Liver Clinic, 101-102, 1st Floor, Gawdhi Tower, Opposite MGH, Jaloribari, Jodhpur 342 001 Tele : 0291-2707573 0291-2618262 DD Eye Institute and Lasiklaser Vision, Dadabari, Main Road, Kota 324 009 Bharat Vikas Parishad Hospital, Pratap Nagar, Dadabari, Kota 324 009

GI Endoscopy and ERCP.






Kota Eye Hospital & Research Foundation, 88 Shakti Nagar, Kota 324 009 Sudha Hospital and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 11 A, Talwandi Jhalawar Road, Kota 324 005

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Ophthalmology


General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis
Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.





Rajdeep Fertility Research Centre & Nursing Home, Zeroline Sarswati Colony Bara Road, Kota-324001 Ph-07442331122, 9829038062 Kota ENT Hospital. 5B36 Vigyan Nagar-Kota Pin 324005 Ph 07442425679, 2390856 Mob-9352620810


Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility & Assisted Reproduction, Gynaecological Endocrinology and Materno Foetal Medicine. -



ML Dental Care Centre, 9 Keshav Pura Choraha, Kota 324 009


Suvi Eye Institute and Research Centre, A-47 S, Indira Vihar, Near Shiv Jy oti School. Kota. Pin 324005 Ph 07442433575, Mob9351412449 Ophthalmology -











Shakun's Scan Pvt Ltd, 109 Shakti Nagar, Chambel Garden, Main Road, Kota 324 009 Baheti Diagnostic Research Centre, Saket, 2K21, Vigyan Nagar, Kota 324 005 Kota CT Scan and Diagnostic Centre, Opposite Commerce College, IAI Talwandi, Kota - 324 005 Gupta Diagnostic and Research Centre, 1 A 12 (SFS), Talwandi, 6-B Civil Lines, Kota 324 005 Tata Main Hospital Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831 001

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI.




Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.

Microbiology and Pathology.

Pathology AIDS & Virology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology Pathology and Radio diagn osis

Medicine, Respiratory Diseases. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI.



Tin Plate Hospital, Golmuri Jamshedpur, Pin -831003, Ph-06572342270, 9234550160





Kashyap Eye Hospital, Purulia Road, Near Sandhya Hall, Ranchi 834 001 Abdur Razzaque Ansari Memorial Weavers Hospital (Apollo Hospitals Group), IRBA, Ranchi 835238 Tele : 06512275699/2275899/22276041 Fax : 0651-2275786 Email :


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



Hill View Hospital & Research Centre, Hill View Road,

Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics,

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nephrology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery.

Bariatu, Ranchi 834 009 Tele : 06512542363/3090377 Fax : 0651-2540172 Eamil : 875. Ranchi
Suvi Eye Institute and Research Centre, A-47 S, Indira Vihar, Near Shiv Jyoti School. Kota. Pin 324005 Ph 07442433575, Mob9351412449 Raj Hospital and Research Centre Main Road Ranchi 834001

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.




General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis



Raj Hospital and Research Centre Main Road Ranchi 834001

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), O bstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis



Advanced Diagnostic Centre, Booty Road,Bariatu Ranchi 834009. Tele 06512542121 Fax 06512541212 E.Mail rch-adcrand

Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Spinal and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis) and Critical Care Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Pae diatrics Neonatology. Pathology Onco Pathology Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Spinal and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis) and Critical Care Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology Onco Pathology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI Others (Specify) Color Doppler, Cardiac Imaging, EMG, EEG







Apex Hospital and Research Centre, Circular Road, Sirsa 125 055 Sama Nursing Home , Sangwan Chowk, Davwali Road, Sirsa 125 055 Choudhary Eye Hospital, Ambedkar Chok, Sisra 125 055
Verma Pathology Laboratory Circular Road, Sangwan Chowk Sirsa, Haryana Pin 125055. Tele- 01666234908

General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology General Medicine






Microbiology, Pathology

- 09812188848 E.Mail Address drgnverma@yahoo. Garg Diagnostic Centre, Garg Diagnostic Circular Road Sirsa 125055. Tele 01666222378 - 01666231405 Mob 9812034025 E.Mail Dr.JIWAN GARG.M.D.



Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan





Lal Matetrnity and General Hospital, Railway Workshop Road, Yamuna Nagar 135 001 Bharti Psychiatric Hospital, 368/14, Gobind Puri Road, Yamuna Nagar 135 001
Goyal Eye Care Centre, Opposite Dimple Cinema Jagadhri - 135001 Gulati Hospital, 169 Sarojini Colony Near Bus Stand Yamuna Nagar - 135001 Mago Maternity and Children Hospital Yamunanagar, 594 Santpura Road Model Town, Naryana -135001.PH-0173 2222143,2309884, Mobile9355339984 Waryam Singh Hospital Jagadhri Road Yamuna Nagar 135001 Gaba Hospital Byepass Road Yamuna Nagar - 135001. Ph 01732-222194/231035, Fax 01732-2237241, Mob 9416021068 Kohli Hospital, Puran Vihar City Medical Complex Jagadhari (HR) 135003 Phone 01732 231777 and 231877 Mobile 9812031877 Dr. Pradeep Imaging & Diagnostic Centre, A/6, Jain Nagar Opp. Hotel Sapphire, Jagadhri (HR) -135 0003, PH01732 222560/ 0173222156/9812021560

General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.




886. 887. 888.

Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar



General Medicine & General Surgery Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics






General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusio n only) and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). Orthopaedics and Radio Diagnosis (in House only)

Surgery- Laparoscopic Surgery



Others Physiotherapy



Radio diagnosis (Incl USG & Color Doppler)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI. Others (Specify) Mammography.



Dayanand Medical College and Hosptial, Tagore Nagar, Civil Lines, Ludhiana , Punjab

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,Orthopaedics ,Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology.

Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Onco Surgery and Renal Transplant. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Endocrinology and Oncology (Medical). 894. Ludhiana Mohan Dai Oswal Cancer Treatment and Research Foundations, Sherpur, Ludhiana 141 009 General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and reconstructive Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Oncology(Medical) and Radiotherapy. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynae Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatrics Surgery , Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases , Gastro Enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Pediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology and Nephrology.
Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Laparascopic Surgery. Paediatrics Neonatology Pathology AIDS & Virology.



Christian Medical College and Hospital , Brown Road, Ludhiana 141 008

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.



Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Charitable Hosp, Shastri Nagar Model Town Ludhiana. Tele 01612453916 - 01612453917 Mob 9814060361 Fax-01612456614 Sidhu Hosp Pvt Ltd GT Road Doraha Ludhiana 141421. Tele 01628257014 -01628258815

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,

Surgery Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic

Mob 9814022094 Fax 01628257014 E.Mail gurdipsidhu@ Satguru Partap Singh Apollo Hospital Sherpur Chowk GT Road Ludhiana 141003. Tele 01615037777 -01615024444 Fax 01615088568 Mob 9216830006 E.Mail marketing@sps Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Others (Specify) Physiotherapy. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Sur gery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology(With Dialysis), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI. Paediatrics Neonatology. Surgery Laparoscopic surgery



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.











Raja Diagnostic Ce ntre and hospital, Mota Singh Road near civil hospital Nawanshahar 144514 Chugh Eye Surgery Centre 637 Model Town Jawadi Road Ludhiana 141 002 Phone 01612455391, 2462329 Mob 9814031521 Rattan Hospital and Diagnostic Centre, Harcharan Nagar Gali No 2 Shingar cinema Road Ludhiana Pin 141 008 Ph 01612220917 Mob 9876233422 Dhami Eye Care Hospital, 82 B Kitchlu Nagar Ludhiana141001, Ph-01612303360, 9814033998 Ludhinana Mediciti, Near Octroi Post Ferozepur Road Ludhiana-142027, Ph-01615099502, 9814030551

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Pathology and Radio diagnosis (incl USG & Mammography) Opthalmology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis

Paediatrics Neonatology


General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Pathology, Radio diagnosis



Kular Hospital, GT -Road, Bija Ludhiana-141412, Ph01628289964, 9814170510

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Pathology

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology Radio diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan Others (Specify) - Urology Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Joint Replacement surgery and Laparascopic Surgery





Apollo Imaging and Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, SCF-4 Udham Singh Nagar Market Ludhiana-141001, Ph-01612304050, 9814005202 SOIN Diagnostic Centre, 225L Model Town Ludhiana 141002. Tele 0161-2771431 - 0161-2774531

Radio diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan

Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Nuclear Medicine.

Mob 9814000355 Fax 0161-2401354.



Total Oral Health Rehabilitation Clinic , H.No. 3633, Sec 71, Mohali, Dist Ropar, Ambala Cantt 133 001
Indus Super Speciality Dental Centre, SCF 98 Phase-3B2 Mohali 160059 Tele 01723044600 -01723044700 Mob 9815005393 Fax 01723042300. Grecian Super Speciality Hospital Sector 69, Opp Vill Kumbra Mohali 160060. Tele 01725098035 -01725098045 Mob 9814610390.

Dental Dental (Incl Oral Surgery

& Periodontia).



Dental(Incl Oral Surgery)



General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis. Cardio Thoracic Surgery

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Oncology(Surgery), Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Clinical Haematology, Oncology(Medical), Interventional Cardiology, Radiotherapy. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Mammography -



911. 912.

Mohali Mohali

JP Eye Hospital 35-Phase-7 SAS Nagar Mohali Punjab 160061. Tele 01722266613/01722227502 Fax 01722271635 Mob 9814091243 Silver Oaks Hospital Phase -IX, Mohali Punjab 160 071 Chema Medical Complex Mohali Phase IV Near Telephone Exchange Mohali160059. Tele-0172 2227144, 2226124,Mob-9815400070 Cosmo Hospital, Sector-62, Phase-8, Mohali-160062 Tele0172-5091444 / 6545644, Mob9815534455/9814114461 Fax0172-2215380 Noor Dental Lab, Opposite Gurdwara Singh sabha, Mauli Road, Sohana, Mohali-160059 Ph-0172-5090719, Mob9815626334 IVY Health & Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, Sector - 71, Mohali Punjab Pin 160071 Ph 0172 5044333 Mob 9988887825


General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis (in house only) General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Paediatrics. Dental. (Lab only)

Surgery Cardio Thoracic surgery -



Others Physiotherapy





General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis

Surgery Genito-Urinary, Joint Replacement & Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Endocrinology, Nephrology and Oncology (Medical)

Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan





Indus Scan Labs and Diagnostic Centre,SCF-98, Phase-3B2,Mohali 160059 Tele 01723044600 Mob- 9876082222 Fax 01723042400. Aman Scanners SCO-18, Phase-1 Mohali 160055. Tele 01725092928/ 01722228595 Mob 9815400409

Radio Diagnosis(With USG & Color Doppler).

Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Mammography.



Indus Hospital, Indus Drive, Mount Jakhoo, Shimla 171 002





Dr Lakhan Pauls Nursing Home Dental Speciality Centre, Top Floor, 63, Lower Bazar, Shimla 171 001 Dr Grovers Dental Clinic , Balajees Building, 62, The Mall, Shimla 171 001
Dr Suman Heart Centre Shimla, Padamdev Complex Shimla 171001. Tele 01772653320/9418012301 Fax 01772812301. Sri Ram Hosp & Diagnostic Centre, 18D Sector-1, Lane-4, Phase-1 New Shimla, HP 171009

General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Dental(General and Periodontia)

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynecological Endocrinology and Materno Foetal Medicine.


Dental (for periodontia )






Medicine Cardiology including USG.



General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Radio Diagnosis




Bharath Hospital,Azad Lane Thirunakkara, Kottayam 686001

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics,Dermatology, Pathology(in house only) & Radio Diagnosis (in house only).
General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG). General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology,



ST Thomas Hospital , kurisummood, PO Changanassery Kottayam Distt Changanassery 6861404 Phone 04812721797



Caritas Hospital, Thellakom PO Kottayam Pin 686016 Ph 04812790025, Mob

Surgery Genito-Urinary (only TURP), Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Nephrology (Dialysis

9447975470 Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis. only).



Holy Cross Hospital Kottiyam, Kollam Pin 691571 Ph 04742530121 Mob 9387355962 General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion only) Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis Surgery- Neuro Surg ery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology Radio Diagnosi s & Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology







Bejan Singh Eye Hospital, 2/1313C MS Road, Vetoornimadam, Kanyakumari Dist Nagercoil -629003 Jayasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home, 1159, K.P road, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Nagercoil-629 003 Tele : 04652-230019/233906 Fax : 04652-230405 Email :


General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis (including USG).

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Traumatology, Genito-Urinary,
Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery.

. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (including dialysis) and Rheumatology, Cardiology,
Gastro-enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine.







Krishna Kumar Orthopaedic Hospital Over Bridge, Parvathi Puram Nagercoil 629807. Tele 04652231322 - 04652231418 Mob 9443131366 Fax 04652233090 E.Mail Indian MRI and Diagnostic and Research Ltd, 552A MS Road Vettoorni Madam Nagercoil 3 Nagercoil 629003. Tele 04652-230709 -04652-232115 Mob 9443323945 Fax 04652-232115 Vivek Laboratories, 253K-11KP Road, Nagercoil, Pin-629003. Ph-04652230108 Mob9843133308


Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Others USG and Color Doppler.


933. Bangalore Mallya Hospital , No. 2 Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore 560 001 General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatrics Surgery , Oncology(Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Endo Vascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases , Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Clinical Hematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Medical Genetics, Radio Therapy and Nuclear Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecological Oncology, Gynecological Endocrinology and Materno foetal Medicine. Pediatrics Neonatology, Neurology, Hematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS and Virology, Molecular Immuno Pathology, Genetic Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. --



Nethradham Super Specialty Eye Hospital , 256/14, Kanakapura Main Road, 7 th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560 082
Vittala Int Inst of Opthalmology, CA Site-1, 2 Cross, 2MN, 7BLK, BSK 3 STG, Hosakerehalli Bangalore 560085. Tele 080-26722214 080-26722215 9448453479(Mob) MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital MS Ramaiah Nagar Msrit PO, Bangalore 560054. Tele 9108023608888 9108023609999 Fax 23601924







General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology(Surgery), Gastro

Mob 9844050222 E.Mail msrhospital@vsnl. com Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG). Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Clinical Immunology, Oncology(Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology -











Narayana Netralaya, 121/C, Chord Road Rajaji Nagar Ist R Block Bangalore 560010. Tele 0802337311 - 08023576855 Mob -9886169055 Fax 08023377329 E.Mail indo@narayana Net Ent Prabha Eye Clinic Research Centre, 504 Loth Cross 8th Block Jaya Nagar Bangalore 560070 Tele 08026344141 - 08026637041 Mob 9448453479 Fax 08026344131 E.Mail netra@vsnl. com Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Heart Centre 8 Millers Tank Bund Road Bangalore 560052. Tele 9108022267333 9108022267600 Mob 08022268166 Wockhardt Hospital 14 Cunnigham Road Bangalore 560052. Tele 08022261037 - 08022281146 Fax 08022286530 E.Mail The Banga lore Hospital No 202, RV Road Bangalore 560004 Tele 08051187600 - 08026562753 Mob 9845278004 Fax 08026561933



Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardio logy.

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Oral Surgery and Periodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics,

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, and Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Critical Care Medicine, and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardiology. Others EP Lab. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio T horacic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro

E.Mail smarh@bir.vsnl. Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG). Medicine,Cardiology Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Interventional Cardiology, and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology. Others Physiotherapy Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic, Vascular, GI Surgery and Prosthetic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl dialysis), Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Critical Care medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Medical Genetics. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Gynecological Endocrinology. Pediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology Haematology, Nephrology. Pathology Onco pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Molecular Immuno pathology, Genetic Pathology Transf usion Medicine. Others (Specify) Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Physical Med & Rehabilitation.



St John's Medical College & Hospital, Johnnagar Bangalore 56034., Ph-080 22065001,22065002, Fax-9180-25530070

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis



BGS Global Hospital, No-67 Uttarahalli Road Kengeri, Bangalore, Pin-560060, Ph-08028605775, Mob 09845944889 Anand Diagnostic Laboratory, 11 Blue Cross, Chambers, Infantry Road Cross, Bangalore, Pin 560001, Ph 08025318550, Mob9880298838 Sparsh Hospital, 29/P2 The health city Hosur Road Bommasandra Bangalore Pin 560099 Ph 0807835921 Mob 9980909852

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis Microbiology, Pathology, Radio-Diagnosis



Surgery Neuro- Surgery, GenitoUrinary Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine. Medicine Clinical Haematology Pathology Onco-pathology



Orthopaedics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery Medicine Critical care medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Maxillofacial

Surgery, Ultra Sound, Trauma Others (Dental) - Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Minor Oral Surg, Periodontia, Conservative, Operative Surgery Endodontia and Paedodontia



Jain Dental Centre, A-101, Brigade, Majestic 1st Main Road Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009 Ph-08022206522, 9845044319






Dr Girijas Diagnostic Lab Scans, Makss Complex, Attingal 695 101 Omega Hospital Pvt Ltd, Mahaveer Circle, Kankanady, Mangalore 575 002

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Others CT Scan, ECG, Ultra Sonography and Color Doppler.

General Medicine, General Radio Diagnosis and Imaging Surgery and Radio Diagnosis CT Scan. Surgery Traumatology, Joint Replacement including Ultra Sonography.
Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, Critical care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Others (Specify) USG, X Ray



Tejaswini Hospital & SSIOT, Kadri Temple Road, Mangalore, Karnataka 575 002
AJ Hospital Research Centre Mangalore 575004, Kuntikan DK, Karnataka, Mangalore-575004. Tele-0824-2225533 0824-2225534 3345477 (Mob) Fax-0824-2225541 E.Mail-

Microbiology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.



General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.



FR Muller Medical College Hospital Kankandy, PO Mangalore-575002 Kankanady Tele-08242436301

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Mocrobiology, General SurgeryOphthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology(Surgery) and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology and Nephrology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery Medicines Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases and Critical Care Medicine Radio Diagnosi s & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics Neonatology.





Athena Hospital Falnir Road Mangalore 575001. Tele 0824-2442834 -0824-2442835 Mob 9845081687 Fax 0824-2421976 E.Mail SCS Hosp Pvt Ltd

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

General Medicine, ENT, Dental,

Upper Bendoor Mangalore 575002. Tele 08242225201 -08242225205 Mob 9845080714. E.Mail www. Colaco Hospital Mangalore 575002 Tele 0824-2434444 - 0824-2434407 Mob 9448121414 Fax 0824-2438554 E.Mail colachosp@hotmail. com KMC Hosp Attavar mbedkar Circle Mangalore - 575001 Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio Diagnosis(Incl X-Ray, USG).



General Medicine, ENT, Dental .(Incl Oral Surg, Prosthodontia, Periodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis




Surgery Cardio Thoracic, Oncology (Surg), Traumatology, Joint Replacement and Sp inal Surgery Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis), Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic Surgery, Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Clinical Haematology Oncology (Medical), Critical care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radiotherapy. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology, Infertility and Assisted reproduction, and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Genetic Pathology and Transfusion Medicine.



Kasturba Hospital Post Box No 7, Manipal, Karnataka 576104. Tele 0820-2571201 - 99 Lines Mob 9845151920 Fax 0820-2571934 E.Mail OFFICE.KHOMANIPAL.EDU

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Inc Gen and Oral Super Speciality Periodontia and Prosthodontia) Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).



Parashri Specialty Hospital, Near Osmania Masjid, Khaparde Bagicha, Amravati 441 601 Adwani Multispeciality Dental Hospital, Ambapeth, Late Advocate Deshpande Marg, Amaravati 444 601



General Medicine, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (in house only). Dental



959. Amaravati Dr Punjabrao Deshmukh Hospital, Shivaji Nagar, Amravati 444 603 Tele : 07212662323/2662303 Fax : 0721-2661742 Email :
Baheti Multi Speciality Hospital, Ambapeth, Amravati (Mah) 444601 Ph07212677100, 2677200 Mob9422855765 Chimote Heart and Diagnostic Institute, Duffrin Hospital Road Shri Krishna Peth Amravati 444601. Tele 0721-2660607 - 0721-2660830 Mob 9371108948. Fax 0721-2553957.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology Surgery Laparoscopic Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology.





Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis MRI Others Mammography, BMD, OPG, USG & Color Doppler.











Nidan Health Care Pvt Ltd, 615 E, Shahupuri, 2nd Lane, Kolhapur 416 001 Neuro Surgery and Trauma Care Centre, 171-C, Maharana Pratap Chowk, Laxmi Puri, Kolhapur 416 002 Tele : 0231-2644881 0231-2644882 Saraswati Medical Foundation and Research Centre, 1438/C, Dasara Chowk, Laxmi Puri, Kolhapur 416 002 Tele : 0231-2640611 0231-2640612 Janani Hospital, 2023-E, Rajarampuri, Kolhapur- 416 008 Tele : 02312521200/5620950 Fax : 0231-2539842 Email : Lotus Hospital and Research Centre, 146, A Ward, Dudhali, Near Rankala ves, S.T stand, Kolhapur-416 012

General Medicine, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

General Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Medicine Cardiology.

Obstetrics and Gynecology and Paediatrics.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecological Oncology and Materno Foetal Medicine. Pae diatrics Neonatology.

General Medicine, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paedicatris, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, and Laparoscopic Surgery.

Tele : 02312544225/2544325 Fax : 0231-2541285 Email : Apple Hospitals and Research Institute Ltd, 525/E, Vyapari Peth, Shahupuri, Kolhapur 416 001
Aadhar Nursing Home Prerna Hospital 2811 KB Ward Belbagh Mangalwar Peth Kolhapur 416012. Tele 02312645840 -02312645847 Fax- 02312640817 Mob 9325005654 E.Mail



Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

969. 970.

Kolhapur Kolhapur

Mahalaxmi Dental Clinic 2139 'E' Near Irrigation office Tarabai park Kolhapur - 416003 Purva Hospital, 1169 Sykers Extension Rajaram Road Kolhapur - 416001 Padamashree Dr DY Patil Hospital and Research Institute, 507/1 'E' Kadamwadi Kolhapur, Maharashtra Pin 416003 Ph 0231 2653287 Mob 9764655999 City Hospital 1708 E Raja Rampuri 8 th Lane Main Road Kolhapur 416008. Tele 0231-2534322 - 0231-2534323 Mob 9823017230 E.Mail cityhospital

Dental (incl Oral Surgery)

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Endocrinology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology Onco Pathology. ---





General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Paediatrics and Pathology


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & MRI . Others Emergency and Anesthesia.



Valvekar Nursing Home, 560/58 South Sadar Bazar, Solapur 413 003
Unique Hospital 392/394 South Kasaba Main Roa d Sholapur 413002. Tele 02172323211 - 02172722559 Mob 9850831611. Ashwini Sahakari Rugnalaya and Research Centre, North Sadar Bazar Solapur 413003. Tele 0217-2319900 - 0217-2319983 Mob 9422457707 Fax 0217-2319982 E.Mail ashwinihosp@ Raghoji Kidney Hospital Pvt

Ophthalmology and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.






General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, Orthopaedics, General Surgrey, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obsterics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery, Medicine Cardiology, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Surgery Genito Urinary and



General Medicine and General

Ltd 146/2 Railways Lines Solapur 413001 Dr Chidgupkar Hospital Pvt Ltd. 190 Budhwar Peth Samrat Chowk Solapur (Mah) 413002. Phone 02172326841, 2326600. Mobile 9860653089 Surgery. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis. Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine. Dialysis only. Surgery Pediatric Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.





Jagdale Mama Hospital, Barshi, Solapur Pin 413411, Ph 02184222608, 223436, Mob-9881268758 Basaveshwar Hospital, 207 Raviwar Peth Rajendra Chowk Solapur. Pin 413005. Ph 02172729895, 2321650, Mob 982205064 Dr Aradhyes Pathology Lab 1254 North Kasba Behind Juni Fauzdar Chawadi Solapur 413007. Tele 02172624282 2324282/ 2742442 Fax 9822433732 Mob - 9822433732



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery.



Microbiology, Pathology.





Dr Abhay Kulkarni Dental Clinic, Atharya, Opposite Ramachitramandir, Tilak Nagar, Latur 419 512 Sanjeevan Hospital, Majge Nagar, Kava Road, Latur 413 512 Tele : 02382-242048/250297 Email :
Viveka Nand Hospital, Viveka Nand Medical Foundation & research Centre Latur 413512



General Medicine and Pathology.



General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis Dental (Incl Dental Lab)

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary and Laparoscopic surgery Medicine Cardiology and Nephrology (incl Dialysis) Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. _







Laxmishri Dental Hospital 16 Maruti Complex Opposite Bus Stand Belo w Shradha Lodge Latur (Mah) - 413512. Ph 2382244120 2382225357, 9422072950 Dr Abhay Kulkarni Dental Clinic Atharya Opp Rama Chitra Mandir, Tilak Nagar Latur-419512 LMF Pvt Ltds Sushrut Orthopedic Centre, Manthale

Dental (incl Dental Lab).

Others (Specify) Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Periodontilogy

Orthopaedics and Radio-Diagnosis

Surgery Traumatology and Spinal Surgery.

Nagar Opp - Market Yard, Latur. Pin 413512 Ph 02382243282 Mob 9970054920 Fax-9970054920 Shri Ram Pathology Laboratory Blood Bank, Opposite Rama Chitra Mandir Tilak Nagar Latur 413512. Tele 02382-245925 - 02382-240911



Microbiology, Blood Bank and Pathology.





Arpan Eye Hospital, Shivam Complex, 1st Floor, Opposite S.T Bus Stand, Jamnagar 361 005 Ashirvad Eye Hospital, Jyoti Tower, Town Hall Circle, Jamnagar 361 001
Maheshwari Orthopaedic, Paedic Hospital, Beside Amber Cinema, PN Marg Jamnagar361 001. Tele-0288-2556655 0288-2663020 9825212034 (Mob) Fax-0288-2558169 E.Mail-orthoAD1@SANCHARNET.IN VS Hospital Near ST Stand Club Stand Jamnagar- 361005. Tele 02882540022 2565626 Mob 9825592840 Dr Chhayas ENT Hospital, Summair Club Road, Near Uno Chemist, Jamnagar 361005. Tele 02882671444 - 02882551333 Mob 9825210101. E.Mail Shreeji ENT Hospital, 504, Amrish Complex Indira Marg, Jamnagar-361001, Ph-02882664500, 9374835994 Trimurty Nidan Kendra Near Bus Station, Sardar Baug Road Junagadh (Guj) - 362001. Ph 0285-2631731/2631777, Mob 9825231731. Baba Aapo Aap Hospital Sangrur, Near GGS Public School Sangrur 148001. Tele 01672-250543 -01672-250545 Mob 9814360865 E.Mail manisha





Orthopedics (Incl Arthroscopy)



General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology









General Surgery

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery.



General Surgery, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.



Sibia Health Care Pvt Ltd , Jind Road,

General Medicine


Sangrur 148 001 JN Shory Multi Speciality Hospital , Nalagarh Road, Pinjore 134 102 Simrita Nursing & Maternity Home, 68 Dalima Vihar, Near Fly Over, Rajpura 140 401 Krishna Hospital, off P.B Highway, Malkapur, Karad (Satara), Pin 415110 Tele : 02164-241555-58



General Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.




General Medicine




General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

1000. Satara

Girija Trauma and Neuro Surgery Hospital, 76/25, Malhar Peth, Satara 415 001 Tele : 02162-232523/239322
Yash Eye Clinic, 355, Somwar Peth, Satara-415002. Tele-021-62230027 021-62227042 9822910260 (Mob) E.MailSHRIRAMBHAKARE@YAH OO.COM Sanjeevan ICU Pvt Ltd, 467/7A/3, Sadar Bazar, Civil Hosp Road, Satara415001. Tele-02162233533 02162234153 9822377434 (Mob) Fax-02162234153. Samarth Hospital Pvt Ltd Satara, 189-B Yadogopal Peth Satara -415002 Tele 02162282071 -02162282068 Fax 02162282071 Mob 9822596310 E.Mail Sarwate Eye Clinic and Laser Centre 482 A/3 Sadar Bazar Near Old RTO Satara 415001. T ele 02162238180 -02162229101

General Surgery

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparscopic Surgery. Medicine Critical Care Medicine, and Radio Therapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Neuro Surgery.

1001. Satara

General Medicine and Ophthalmology.

1002. Satara

General Medicine, Orthopedics and General Surgery.

1003. Satara

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology.

Surgery Genito Urinary. Medicine Nephrology(Incl Dialysis).

1004. Satara


Mob 9822040580 Fax 02162232822 E.Mail jsarwate@ Ruby Medical Services, Satara Plot No 24, S.No 467/7A/3 Uttekar Nagar Sadar Bazar Satara 415001. Tele 02162235401 - 02162235402 Mob 9822013999 Fax 02162235402 Netradeep Eye Clinic 338-1, Bodhe Nursing Home Near Koteshwar Mandir Satara 415002. Tele 02162251656 Mob 9422038488. Occlusion Dental Arts, F1 Vaidya Pride 325 Yadogopal Peth Satara 415002 Tele 02162-282621 Mob 9423032038 E.Mail vaibhavkularni@yahoomail Yashwant Neuro Surgery & Trauma Centre New Radhika Road, Near Taluka Police Stn Satara - 415001 Sanjeevan ICU Pvt Ltd, 467/74/3 Sadar Bazar Civil Hosp Road Satara (Mah). Symbiosis Hospital & Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 491/42 Plot No 34 Sadar Bazar Satara. Pin 415001. Ph 02162228228 Mob 9822089029. Sanjeevan CT Scan Shete X-Ray Clinic, 10, Ramkrishna Colony, Civil Hosp Road, Sadar Bazar, Satara-415001. Tele-02162-234946 02162-234174 9823270884 (Mob) Shedge Laboratory Opp ST Stand Plot No-16 Market Yard Satara 415001. Tele 02162239175 - 02162234620 Mob 9422038315. Dr Thorat Pathology Lab, 97A1/2 Surya Complex Near Civil Hosp Sadar Bazar Satara 415002. Tele 02162230296 - 02162226246 Mob 9822456189 E.Mail drnilesh23@ Sanjeevan CT Scan Centre Pvt

1005. Satara

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging MRI.

1006. Satara


1007. Satara

Dental (Incl Prosthodontia)


1008. Satara

Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Radio Diagnosis

1009. Satara 1010. Satara

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. -

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery and Pathology

1011. Satar a

Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan.

1012. Satara

Microbiology, Pathology.

1013. Satara

Microbiology, Pathology.

Pathology Onco Pathology.

1014. Satara

Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT

Ltd 10 Ramkrishana Colony Civil Hospital Road Camp Satara 415001. Tele 02162234946 - 02162227237 Mob 9822040556. Scan.

1015. Akola

1016. Akola

Korde General Hospital and Intensive Care Unit, Jatharpeth Square, Akola 444 001 Tele : 0724-2426188 Kedia Sonography C linic, Ratan Lal Plots, Akola 444 005 Tele : 0724-2457603
Sant Tuka Ram Hospital, Malkapur Road, Akola City-444001. Tele-0724-2459222 0724-2459333 9422860312 (Mob) E.Mail-agarwalarun2001@yahoo. com. Khandelwal Image Centre Opposite Mankar Critical Amankhan Plots Akola 444001

General Medicine and ENT.


Radio Diagnosis including USG & Color Doppler.


1017. Akola

General Medicine, ENT and General Surgery.

Surgery Onco Surgery. Medicine Oncology (Medical) and Radio Therapy. Paediatrics Oncology.

1018. Akola


Radio Diagnosis and Imaging MRI

1019. Akola

Khandewal Imaging Centre, Ahilya Apartments, Ratan Lal Plots, Akola 444 001 Tele : 0724-2453221, -2450978
Akola Medical Diagnostic Services Shivdwar Civil Lines Square Akola 444001. Tele 07242432192 -07242437179 Mob 9823048379 E.Mail akoladiagnostic@

Radio Diagnosis including USG & Color Doppler.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. MRI

1020. Akola

Microbiology, Pathology.

1021. Mapusa(Goa)

1022. Hissar

Vrundavan Hospital and Research Centre, Peddem Karaswada, Mapusa (Goa), Pin 403 507 Tele : 0832-2250 022 0832-2250 033 NC Jindal Institute of Medical Care, Model Town, Hissar 125 005 Tele : 01662-220169/221169 Fax : 01662-309868 Email : Central Medical Centre, Near Dabra Chowk,

1023. Hissar

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paeditatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology,

Surgery : Laparoscopic Surgery Medicine : Nephrology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.

Opposite Red Cross Road, Delhi Road, Hissar 125 001 Tele : 01662226720/2237476 Fax : 0166-2232360 Email : cmchospitalhisar@hotmail.c om 1024. Hissar
Metro hospital Delhi Road Hisar 125 001. Tele-01662-225110 01662-227925 9416040160 (Mob)

General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion for in-house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Gastro Enterology.

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynae, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagno sis.

1025. Hissar

Dr Kalra's Sarvodya Multispeciality Hospital, Opp Red Cross Bhawan Delhi Road, Hissar-125001 Ph-01662231031, 09812516009

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Others ECG (For in house only), EMG, Color Doppler, Echo Cardiology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine - Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics Neonatology Others (specify) - Oral Surgery

1026. Hissar

Jain Eye Hospital 279, Model Town Dabra Road Hisar 125005. Tele 016622455977 Mob 9416135977.


1027. Pathankot

1028. Pathankot

Ajay Heart & Super Speciality Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot 145 001 Tele : 0186-2224690 Dr Kalras MRI Scan & Diagnostic Centre, Sriram Market, Dalhouse Road, Pathankot 145 001 Tele : 01862225760/2229960 Email :
Deepak Dental Care Near Sanroshowroom Mamoon Chowk Pathankot 145001. Tele 01862247014 - 01862247414 E.Mail cbsharma@sancharnet .in Nirmal Super Dental Lab, H.No-27/289C Near Brahma Shell Bajri Co Pathankot 145001.

General Medicine and General Surgery.

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro Enterology and Nephrology.

Radio Diagnosis (including Ultra Sonography)

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan & MRI (for one year only).

1029. Pathankot

Dental(for Dental lab only).

1030. Pathankot

Dental(for Dental lab only).

Tele 01862233972 Mob 9855374520. North Central Hospital Dalhousie Road Near Shani Dev Mandir Pathankot 145001. Tele 01862229444 - 01862229544 Mob 9417012644 Fax 2228998 E.Mail anilsingh1 Dr KD's Eye Hospital Opposite Power House & Patel Chowk Pathankot - 145001. Ph 01862220123, 01862229623, Mob - 9417016123. Kanwar Hospital, Municipal Colony, College Road, Pathankot. Pin - 145001 Ph 01862235757, 2235656 Choudhary CT Scan Ultra Sound, X-Ray Centre, Gurdaspur Road, Opp Ware House PTK Pathankot 145001. Tele 01862221056. Mob 9417034156 E.Mail com.

1031. Pathankot

General Surgery


1032. Pathankot


1033. Pathankot

General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery

1034. Pathankot

Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1035. Calicut

PVS Hospital Pvt Ltd, Railway Station Road, Calicut 673 002 Tele : 04952302541/2302542 Fax : 0495-2702044 Email :

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

1036. Calicut

Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital, Mini Bye Pass Road, Puthiyara, Calicut 673 004 Tele : 04952721620/2723793 Fax : 0495-2725050 Email :
National Hospital, A Unit of Moidu Hedi Care Pvt Ltd , Indira Gandhi Road Calicut 673001, Kerala. Tele 0495-2723061 - 0495-2723666 Mob 4953118504 Fax 0495-2725333

Ophthalmology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (including dialysis ) and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatri cs Neonatology. -

1037. Calicut

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

E.Mail Malabar Institute of Medical Science, Ences Govindapuram, PO Mini By pass Rd Kozhikode (Kerala) Pin 673 016. Phone 04952744000, Mob 9847705555.

1038. Calicut

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Derm atology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Gastro Intestinal, Spinal and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Rheumatology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Nuclear medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Paediatrics : Neonatology Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Disease, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Oncology and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology Pathology Onco Pathology and AIDS and Virology Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology.

1039. Calicut

Baby Memorial Hospital, Indra Gandhi Road, Calicut (Kerala) 673004. PH-0495 -2723272, 2723484, 2723272.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology & Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

1040. Calicut

Holy Cross Hospital Pvt Ltd, Court Road, Opposite DistHospital, Manjeri (Kerala) 676121

1041. Calicut

Mannu Scan Centre, Manjeri Clinical Lab & X-Ray, Court Road, Manjeri, Malappuram, Manjeri (Kerala) - 676 121 PH No 0483-2766268

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG). Microbiology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)

1042. Gaya

1043. Patiala

Satyam Colour Doppler , Ultra Sound and X-Ray, EB Road, Gaya 823 001 Tele : 0631-2427034 Mob : 9431224184 Patiala Heart Institute, 2 Jagdish Marg, Badunagar Road, Patiala 147 001 Tele : 01752308030/2308031 Fax : 0175-2213435 Email : Rama Atray Memorial Eye Hospital , Urban Estate-I, Patiala 147 002 Tele : 01752-282123 Mob 9417141727

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Paediatrics and Dermatology.

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery and Gastro Intestinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine. Interventional

1044. Patiala


Email : City X-Ray, Ultra Sound and CT Scan Centre, Jagdish Marg, Patiala 147 001 Tele : 01755000811/5000812
Sadbhavna Medical and Heart Institute, Opp State College of Education Patiala 147001. Tele 01752219554 - 01752220497 Fax 01752212141 Mob 9815424848 E.Mail Amar Hospital INC Tax Office Road Bank Colony Patiala 147001. Tele 01752221225 - 01752221727 Fax 01755002549. Patiala Eye Hospital, Leela Bhawan bacj side New Gopal Sweets Patiala - 147001 Sharma Eye Hospital-Laser Centre, 20 Jagdish Marg, Patiala (PB)-147 7001, PH-0175 2218866/5000770/2218866 Delta MRI and CT Scan Centre, Chhotti Baradari 144A Patiala 147001 Ashok Clinical Laboratory, Bank Colony Patiala (PB) 147001. Ph-0175 2221215, 0175 55000388 Mobile9814042215 Rapid Laboratories, Old Samana Octroi Post I0-A Model Town, 12 Doctors Colony Patiala (PB) 147 001 PH No 0175-2301148, Mob No 9815983888 Delta MRI and CT Scan Centre, Chhotti Baradari 144A Patiala 147001.

1045. Patiala

Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1046. Patiala

General Medicine, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics.

Surgery Paediatric Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardiology. Surgery Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine. ----

1047. Patiala

General Medicine, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics.

1048. Patiala 1049. Patiala



1050. Patiala 1051. Patiala

Radio Diagnosis (only USG 3D) CT Scan Microbiology, Pathology Pathology Onco Pathology.

1052. Patiala

Microbiology, Pathology

1053. Patiala

Radio diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging MRI

1054. Sikar

Sikar Hospital & Research Institute, Near Kalyan Circle, Infront of Court, Sikar, Rajasthan 332 001 Tele : 01572-255479/271505 Fax : 01572-250711

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (in house only), Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (in house only).
General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Gastro Enterology. Paediatrics Neonatology.

1055. Sikar

Shri KM Memorial Jain Heart & General Hosp Station Road Sikar (Raj)-332001.

1056. Sikar
Drishti Eye Hospital, Opposite Shekhawati Janana Hospital Station Road SikaR. Ph 9414221889 Ophthalmology -

1057. Ujjain

1058. Berhampur

JGs Dental Research Centre , 102, Nai Sadak, HE & SHE Complex, Ujjain (M.P)- 456 006 Tele : 0734-2561131 09425092666 Nidan Diagnostic and Research Centre, Opposite to DIG Office, Berhampur, Orissa 760 010 Tele : 06802296055/2296056 Email : midandiagnostic7@rediffmai
Balaji Diagnostic & Research Centre, Courtpeta, Square OppJagannath Temple-Berharmpu ECOS Eye Hospital, 3rd Tota Street, Berhampur Pin 760005 Ph 06802200211, Mob 9437322475

Dental (including Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia and Periodontia).

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (including Ultra Sonography).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI.

1059. Berhampur 1060. Berhampur

Pathology and Radio diagnosis


1061. Bhubaneswar

Medi Lab, Sector 5, Unit IV Bhubaneswar 751 001 Tele : 0674-2500885 Mob : 9437306886
Kalinga Hospital Ltd Chandra Sekharpur Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751023. Tele-0674-2300570 0674-2300726 9437305833 (Mob) Fax-0674-2300711

Microbiology and Pathology.

1062. Bhubaneswar

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

1063. Bhubaneswar

1064. Bhubaneswar

Neelachal Hospital Pvt Ltd, A84 Kharvel Nagar Unit -3, Bhubaneswar 751001. Tele 0674-2536591 - 0674-2536592 - 0674-2536594 Mob 9437030103. Fax 0674-2536593 E.Mail neelanchalhospital Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital Pandara Rasulgarh Bhubaneswar 751010. Tele 0674-2371406

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology(Including Dialysis) Critical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro Enterology and Nephrology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.

General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obsterics and Gynaecology, Dermatology and Pathology.

Medicine Cardiology and Nephrology.

- 0674-2371407 Mob 9437001040 E.Mail Sanjeevani Medicare Hospital Mahabir Bazar Lewis Road Bhubaneswar 751002. Tele 0674-2340730 - 0674-2340430 Fax 0674-2340789 E.Mail sanjeevanimedical Kar Clinic and Hospital, A-32, Unit -4, Bhubaneswar 751001. Tele 0674-2516666 - 0674-2518888 Mob 9937111111. Institute of Health Sciences, N 2/41 IRC Village Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar. Pin 751015 Ph 06746451384 Mob 9437005096 IMS and SUM Hospital, Sector 8, Kalinagar, Khurda District -Bhubaneswar Pin 751003 Ph 06742384292 Mob 9437001528

1065. Bhubaneswar

General Surgery Opthalmology.



1066. Bhubaneswar

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl. USG). -

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology. Paediatrics Neonatology

1067. Bhubaneswar

Others (Specify) Physiotherapy, Audiology, Speech Therapy

1068. Bhubaneswar

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis.

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology and Critical Care Medicine

1069. Solan

1070. Solan

1071. Solan

MNDAV Dental College and Hospital, Village Tatul PO Oachghat Solan 173 223 Tele : 01792-252571/252824 Fax : 01792-252571 Email : dentalcollegesolan@hotmail. com Bhardwaj DNSD Medical Centre, Near Woodstone School, Hospital Road, Solan 173 211 Tele : 09816021510 HIM Medicare Centre, Near LIC Office, The Mall, Solan 173 212 Tele : 0179-2224168
Grover Eye Ent Hospital Near ITI Gate First Floor The Mall Solan 173212 Tele 01792222970 Mob 9418006429 E.Mail


Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Radio Diagnosis (including Ultra Sonography).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1072. Solan


1073. Bareilly

Dhanwantri Tomar Hospital, 35 A 2/11, Rampur Garden,

General Surgery.

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery.

Bareilly 243 001 Tele : 0581 2567601/2567602 1074. Bareilly Keshlata Hospital, Stadium Road, Delapeer, Bareilly 243 122 Tele : 05812303344/2300642 Fax : 0581-2303345 Email : keshlata @
Shri Ganga Charan Hospital Pvt Ltd, No-2, Rampur Garden, Opp Gandhi Udhyan, Bareilly 243001. Tele-0581-2510083 0581-2510140 Fax-0581-2476041 E.Mail- gangasheels Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, 13.2 Km Bareilly, Nainital Road, Bareilly-243001. Tele-0581-2582014 2582025 9412293356 (Mob) Fax-0581-2582010 Pancham MRI and Diagnostic Centre, C-20 Gandhi Nagar, Bareilly (UP) Pin 243122 Ph 05812543148 Mob 9837030190 Purma Eye & Plastic Surgery Centre, 116 Civil Lines Circuit House Crossing Bareilly-243001, Ph-058164525881, 9719320099 Shri Siddhi Vinayak Hospital, 112 Civil Lines Near Prabha Talkies, Bareilly-243001, Ph05812510044 Rai Dental Clinic 35-E-4B, Rampur Garden, Bareilly Pin 243001 Ph 05813297087, Mob 09897290087 Immuno Diagnostic Collection Centre, 35-R6 Arampur Garden Dr SS Gupta Eye Hospital campus, Barielly Pin 243001 Ph 05812567259 Mob 989320350 Ranjan Diagnostic Centre, Shri Krishna Leela Complex Sood Dharamkanta Harpreer

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Surgery Neuro Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.

1075. Bareilly

Orthopaedics, Blood Bank (In house only)

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1076. Bareilly

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

1077. Bareilly

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Dieseases, Nephrology incl dialysis and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

1078. Bareilly


Surgery- Plastic and Reconstructive surgery

1079. Bareilly

Orthopaedics, General Surgery

Other Specify.

Trauma Surgery

1080. Bareilly

Dental (only Lab)

1081. Bareilly


1082. Bareilly

Microbiology, Pathology

Pathology Onco pathology

Road, Bareilly-243001, Ph05812542009, 9412291009 Doctors CT Scan and Stone Centre Ltd, 35-T/4 Brampur Garden Bareilly (UP)243001. Tele-0581-2567505. 9837029682 (Mob)

1083. Bareilly

Radio Diagnosis (Incl Ultra Sonography).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1084. Shajahanpur

1085. Patna

Mohan Pathology and Culture Lab, Near Chitra Talkies, Sunehri Masjid More, Shahjahanpur- 242 001 Tele : 05842-221503/222369 Email : Maurya Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Rajender Nagar, Road No. 3 Patna 800 016 Tele : - 0612-2685276 Email :
Jeevak Heart Hospital and Research Institute, 6 Doctors Colony, Kankarbagh Patna 800020. Tele 0612-2365814 -0612-2345895 Mob 9334112330 Fax 0612-2363473 E.Mail jeevakhs@sanchar Heart Hospital, Chanralay Kankarbag Patna - 800020 Vijai Hospital and Trauma Centre Pvt Ltd., O-85 Doctors Colony Kankarbagh Patna800020, Ph-0612-2354645, 2350647, Mob-09431878208 Dr Ruban Memorial Hospital Ratan Store Clinic, A Unit of Basudeo Health Foundation Pvt Ltd, South East Gandhi Maidan, Near IMA Building Patna 800001 (CGHS Empanelled Hospital vide GOI/MoD letter No 24(4)(a)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 06 Aug 03) ORO Dental Health Care Centre, Besides vishnu place lane, East Boring Canal Road Patna - 800001. Ph 06122525194, 06122525832, 9334175935. HAI Medicare and Research Institute, Raja Bazar, Bailey RoadPatna800014, Ph-06122295981, 2295533 Mob-9431036367 Mahavir Cancer Sansthan, Phulwari Sharif, Patna - 801505

Microbiology and Pathology.

Microbiology and Pathology.

1086. Patna


Surgery Cardio Th oracic Surgery Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardiology.

1087. Patna 1088. Patna

--ENT, Orthopaedics and General Surgery

Medicine Cardiology Interventional Cardiology _


1089. Patna

General Surgery

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan

1090. Patna


Oral Surgery & Dental Lab

1091. Patna

1092. Patna

Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Pathology and

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Respiratory Diseases, Gastro-enterology, Nephrology Surgery Oncology and Laparascopic Surgery.

Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG) Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy Pathology Onco- Pathology and Transfusion Medicine Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI

1093. Patna

Chaudhuri Digital Imaging Research Centre, # 12 Rajendranagar, behind telephone Exchange, Patna. Pin 800016 Ph 06122685526 Mob 09431010052

Pathology, Radio-Diagnosis

1094. Moradabad

1095. Rewari

Vivekanand Hospital & Research Centre, Kanth Road, Near MDA Office, Moradabad 244 001 Tele : 05912450679/2450681 Fax : 0591-2450003 Email : Dr SS Yadav Ram Bhagwan Charitable Institute of Cancer Management and Research Hospital, Vil/PO - Mirpur Dist Rewari Haryana Tele :- 01274248690/248691 Fax : 01274-248691 Email :
Yadav Dental Hospital and Maxillo Facial Trauma Centre, Garhi Bolni Chowk Rewari 123401. Tele 01274-222211 Mob 9896088895 E.Mail yads008@yahoo. Kalawati Hospital, Kamla Nursing Home, 200, Model Town, 201, Model Town, Shiva MC Chowk Rewari 123401, Ph0127 4222967, 0127 4222284, Mob-9896022067. City Heart Clinic and Medical Centre, Circular Road near new Telephone Exchange, Rewari 123401 Ph: 01274224061, 224599 Mob 9416498699 Dr Gajendra Yadavs Pathology Lab, Garhi Bolni Road, Rewari. Pin 123401 Ph 01274255573 Mob 9896055573

General Medicine, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Critical Care Medicine.

Orthopedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Radio Diagnosis (including Ultra Sonography).

Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Oncology (Medical) and Radio Therapy. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology.

1096. Rewari

Dental (Incl Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery)


1097. Rewari

General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics

1098. Rewari

General Medicine and General Surgery

1099. Rewari


1100. Thiruvanantha puram(Trivand rum)

Shri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology, Sctimst Medical College PO, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin 695 011 Tele : 0471-2443152 0471-2440790 Fax : 0471-2440790

Microbiology, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Spinal Surgery and Endovascular Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging

Email : CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology and Neurology. Pathology Genetic Pathology. Others Histopathology, Muscle Biopsy, Immune Pathology and Muscle & Immune Pathology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1101. Durgapur

1102. Durgapur

Medi Scan, Stall No. 11, Block -2, Commercial Estate, City Centre, Durgapur 713 216 Tele : 03432546633/2548888 Fax : 0343-2546112 Care Diagnostic Centre, Bhiringi, Nachan Road, Durgapur 713 213 Tele : 03432586059/2582970 Fax : 0343-2583770 Email :
The Mission Hospital, 219 (p) Immon Kalyan Sorani SectorIIC Bidhan Nagar-Durgapur713212, Ph-03432535555, 9800881620

Radio Diagnosis (including USG).

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

1103. Durgapur

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology , Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Clinical Haematology, Critical are medicine, Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Nephrology Pathology Transfusion Medicine Others (Specify) Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery

1104. Ajmer

1105. Ajmer

ST Francis Hospital, Beawar Road, Ajmer- 305 001 Tele : 01452422925/2423925 Email : Dayal Veen Charitable Diagnostic Research Centre, 78/X, Savitri College Road,

General Medicine , ENT, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (including USG). Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including Ultra Sonography.

Opposite Medical Girls Hostel, Ajmer 305 001 Tele : 01452626626/2626627 Fax : 0145-2626666 Email : 1106. Ajmer
Vaishali Hospital Research Centre, Vaishali Nagar, Near Bank of Baroda Ajmer 305 006. Tele 0145-2644375 0145-2640375 9414007375 (Mob) Pratap Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, Kutchery Road Ajmer (Raj)-305001, Ph01452426406, Mob9414008779 General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynae, Paediatrics and Pathology -

1107. Ajmer

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

1108. Mathura

1109. Mathura

Verman Nursing and Maternity Home, Sadar Road, Mathura 281 001 Tele : 05652407891/2501828 Email : Kulshretha Eye Centre and Laser Services, 1980 Dampier Park, Mathura 281 001 Tele : 05652502312/2403862 Email : m
Dr Gopal Eye Laser & Phaco Centre, Radha Kunj Bharatpur Gate Mathura (UP) 281001. Ph - 05652404871, 05652406673, 9837686032. Shanker Institute of Cancer, Dr Sheela Sharma Memorial Charitable Trust Hospital-140 Masani by pass Rd Mathura281003, Ph-05652530270, 09412238817 Mathura CT Scan and Diagnostic Centre Goverdhan Road Krishna Nagar Mathura (UP). Tele 05652424800 Mob 9837230303. Pankaj Scanning and Pathology Research Centre Pvt Ltd, 146/305 Deeg Gate Daresi Road Mathura Tele 05652502440 Mob 05623103222 E.Mail

Orthopedics, General Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynecology.


1110. Mathura

Ophthalmology -

1111. Mathura

Others (Specify) Palliative Radiotherapy

1112. Mathura

Pathology, Radio Diagnosis(Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) EEG

1113. Mathura

Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Pathology Onco Pathology.

1114. Osmanbad

Parees Hospital,

General Medicine, General

27/8, Samta Colony Road, Opposite Telephone Bhavan, Osmanabad- 413 501 Tele : 024722226945/2226944 1115. Osmanbad
Sanjeevan Hospital Shivaji Chowk Osmanabad 413501 Tele 02472-222610 - 02472-227610 Mob 9422069704. E.Mail abhayshahapur JF Ajmera Rotary Netra Rugnalaya, SNO-170/3 Near Nagar Parishad Water Filtration Tank, Osmanabad (MH)413501 Ph-02472225010,222010, Mob09422069871 Dr Naigaonkars Dental Hospital Krushna Dental Clinic & Hosp, Osmanabad (MH) 413 501, P H No 02472222781/2226718 Mob No 9422069969

Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynecology.

General Medicine, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology (In house only) .


1116. Osmanbad


1117. Osmanbad


1118. Warangal

1119. Una

1120. Ichalkaranji

Galaxy Hospitals Ltd, Nivruti Colony, Post Warananagar, Warananagar- 416 113 Tele : 02328224175/8223291 Fax : 0232-8224175 Email : Nanda Hospital, Hamirpur Road, Una, H.P- 17303 Tele : 01975-223355 Fax : 01975-226155 Niramaya Hospital, 681/1, Niramaya Hospital Road, Ichalkaranji- 416 115 Tele : 0230-2437517/18/19 Fax : 02302437519 Bhaskar Hospital and Research Centre , Krishi Mandi Road, Near Police Station, Nagaur, Rajasthan-341 001 Tele: 01582 - 241760 01582 - 246760 Dento Care Dental Clinic, Asha Complex, Above HDFC ATM, Kalidasa Road, VV Mohalla,

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics and Pathology.

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine.

General Medicine, General Surgery and Paediatrics.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.

1121. Nagaur

General Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (for in house only). General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, and Radio Diagnosis.

Medicine Neuro Medicine.

1122. Mysore

Dental including Oral & Facial Surgery, Periodontia and Prosthodontia.

Mysore 570 002 Tele : 0821-2500 318 Email : Ekadanta Dental Clinic, 847, New Kantrajurs Road, Kuvempu Nagar, Mysore 570 023 Tele : 0821-2546535 Sri Vasavi Dental Clinic, No. 1111, 2nd Matn, Vidyaranyapuram, Mysore- 570 008 Tele : 0821-2488016 Life Care Dental Clinic, # 2820, 8th Cross Road, Oppaparna Book House, VV Mohalla, Tele : 0821-5530988 Website : Karnataka Cardio Diagnostic Centre, No. 125/2A, Irwin Road, Mysore 570 001 Tele : 08212443537/2443538 Fax : 0821-2443539 Email :
Gopal Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial Hospital T Narasipura Road Nazarbad Mysore- 570010 Tele-0821-5266608 -0821-2447745 - 9845496675 (Mob) E.Mail lrhevishnumurthy@rediffmail.c om Maanasa Dental Health Centre, Reddy Complex SBI Road 1 Stage Herbal Mysore 570016. Tele 0821-2511894 Mob 9886788167. Chitra,s Hospital 25/1A Irwin Road Mysore 570001. Tele 0821-2445954 - 0821-4266455 Mob 9845110962 Fax 0821-2520626 E.Mail chitrashospital@ JSS Dental College and Hospital, SS Nagara Bannimantap Mysore 570015. Tele 0821-2494400 Fax -0821-2491149 E.Mail

1123. Mysore

Dental including Periodontia.

1124. Mysore

Dental ( including Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia and Periodontia).

1125. Mysore

Dental including Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia and Periodontia.

1126. Mysore

Microbiology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI.

1127. Mysore

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaeology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio D iagnosis.

1128. Mysore

Dental including periodontia.

1129. Mysore

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Pathology.

1130. Mysore

Dental (Incl. Periodontia)

Others Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Oral Radiology, Periodontia, and Oral Medicine.

1131. Mysore
Usha Kiran Eye Hospital 877/1, Dewans Road Lakshmipuram, Mysore 570004. Tele 0821-2334777 -0821-2334499 Mob 9845971425 Fax 0821-2442222 E.Mail Vikram Hospital & Heart Centre 46 Vivakananda Road Yadaraglri Mysore Opthalmology (Incl Vitreo Retinal Surg)

1132. Mysore

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

1133. Mysore

Basappa Memorial Hospital 22/B Vinoda Road Jayalakshmi Puram Mysore - 570012

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics Microbiology General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG)

1134. Mysore

Bharath Hospital & Institute of Oncology, 438 Out Ring Road Hebbal Mysore - 570017

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (only X -Ray)

1135. Mysore

Kannan Diagnostic Centre, 1484/M55 Sayyaji Rao Road Mysore 570001. Tele 0821-2521379 0821-2442439 9845242767 (Mob) Fax-0821-2521379

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Surgery Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology and Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI Paediatrics Cardiology Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Spinal, Prosthetic and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis), Oncology (Medical) and Critical Care Medicine Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan. Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Oncology (Medical) and Radio Therapy. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Paediatrics Oncology Pathology Oncopathology -

1136. Gwalior

Birla Institute of Medical Research, Surya Mandir Road, Residency, Gwalior 474 005 Tele : 07512366655/2416616 Fax : 0751-2366655
Wing Cdr Vermas X- Ray and Colour Doppler Centre, Gopal Madhav Complex, Shinde Kichawni, Gwalior-474 001. Tele-0751-2337800 94251-10330 9425110330 (Mob)

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.
Radio Diagnosis (Incl Ultra Sonography)

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.

1137. Gwalior

1138. Pondicherry

Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Ganapathycheltikulam, Kalpet,

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology,

Pondicherry 605 014 Tele : 04132656271/2656272 Fax : 0413-2656273 Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Obstetrics & Gynecology , Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis including USG.
Opthalmology ---

1139. Pondicherry 1140. Pondicherry

Aravind Eye Hosp Cuddalore Main Road Pondicherry 605007 Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Kalitheerthal Kuppam Madagadipet, Pondicherry605107, Ph-04132643000 Mob9444006669

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG).

1141. Dhule

1142. Ramgarh

1143. Dindigul

Vivekanand Eye Hospital, 11, Mayur Colony, Jaihind College Road, Deopur, Dhule 424 002 Tele : 0526-2223910 Email : Brindavan Hospital, Ranchi Road, PO- Marar, Dist Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, Ramgarh 829 117 Tele : 06553-225330/222304 City Hospital, Pavalam Trauma Centre, 4/361, Gandhji Nagar, Trichy Road, Dindigul 644 005 Tele : 04512436060/2440044 Fax : 0451-2015888
Rajarajeswari Nursing Home Pvt Ltd, 46 Thiruvallauvar Salai, Near Bus Stand, Spencer Nagar Dindigul Pin 624003 Ph 04512422442 Mob 9443043266 SN hospital and Heart Centre, Near Roadways Station, Ranikhet - 2636415. Tele 05966222588 05966221522 9412977000 (Mob) MN Srivastava Hospital Kalika Ranikhet, Distt Almora, Ranikhet 263645. Tele 05966221511 -05966220488 Mob 9412093034


General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics and Radio Diagnosis including USG.

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery,

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental (including oral surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry and Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only)(in house only).
General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery.

1144. Dindigul

1145. Ranikhet

General Medicine

1146. Ranikhet

General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Surgery Genito Urinary, Laparascopic Surgery. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction.

E.Mail Dena Hospital Matena Top, PO - Dina Pani, Almora 263 601. Tele 05962251053 05962251058 Mob 9412092799 Fax 05962251058 E.Mail-pramukdina@yahoo. com Mulamoottil Eye Hospital, Kozhencherry Pathanamthitta689641. Tele-04682213644 -04682279844 Fax-04682214044 Fatima Mata Mission Hosp, Pinangode Road, Kalpetta (Kerala) Wayanad, Kalpetta 673 121 PH No 04936202413 / 04936204018 Mob No 9447540020 St Gregorios Cardiovascular Centre, Arrmala PO Pathinamthitta District Thiruvalla (Kerala) Pin 689626 Phone 04792310664, 2310665 Travancore Scan Diagnostic Centre, Municipal Stadium College Raod, Pathanamthitta689645, Ph-04682228145, Mob - 9447130960

1147. Almorah

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

1148. Pathanamthitta


1149. Pathanamthitta

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radio diagnosis -

1150. Pathanamthitta

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology.

1151. Pathanamthitta

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI

1152. Bagalkot

1153. Roorkee



1154. Roorkee

SN Medical College HSK Hospital & Research Centre Nava Nagar Bagalkot 587 102. Tele 08354-235400 08354-235410 9845294995(Mob) Fax 08354235350 E.Mail-hskhrcbgk@yahoo.cocore Dental Care Clinic Opposite BSM College Dehradun Road, Roorkee 247667. Tele 01332263434. 9897063437 (Mob) Abhilasha Nursing Home Railway Road Roorkee 247667. Tele 01332272586 01332273586 9897079700 (Mob) E.Mail- Abhilasha Eye Hospital, Railway Road Roorkee-247667 Tele 01332272586 - 01332273586 9837069186 (Mob) Dev Nursing Home

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

Dental(With Oral Surgery & Prosthodontia)

Obstetrics & Gynae and Radio Diagnosis (For in house USG only).


General Surgery.

Near BSM College Dehradun Road Roorkee (UA) 247667. Tele 01332273899 - 01332272599 Mob 9412070830. Paras Nursing Home Opposite BSM Degree College Railway Road Roorkee 267447. Tele 01332263052 Mob - 9897520352 Kumar Dental Clinic 86 Nehru Nagar Roorkee 247667. Tele 01332267304 Mob 9897067304 Hemant Hospital, Malviya Chowk, Roorkee - 247667

1155. Roorkee


1156. Roorkee

Dental (Incl Periodontia)


1157. Roorkee

General Surgery and Radio Diagnosis

1158. Roorkee

1159. Roorkee

1160. Roorkee

1161. Vijayawada

1162. Vijayawada

1163. Vijayawada

Roorkee X-Ray Ultrasound CT Scan Centre, Oppossite BSM, PG College Railway Raod, Roorkee (UK)-247667, PH No 01332-264749 / 262196 Mob No 9837075169 Singh Pathology Clinic 105-BT Ganj Roorkee, Hardwar 247667. Tele 01332-266001. 01332-272001. 9897067501 (Mob) Fax-01332-263501. E.Mail- dgcsingh@rediffmail. com Hi Tech Pathology Lab and Ultrasound Centre Dehradun Road Near Ganeshpur Bridge Roorkee 247667. Tele 01332273660 -9319686768 Fax 01332271172 E.Mail marhulika Citi Cardiac Research Centre Ltd, Near Ring Road, Opp ITI College Vijayawada520 008. Tele-0866-2484800/8662484811 9848022787 (Mob), Fax-08662473554 Arun Kidney Centre 29-29-9 Tadepall & Var & Street Surya Rao Pet, Vijayawada 520002. Tele 08662435664 - 08662436056 9848197499 (Mob) Global Medical Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Vijayawada -520002. Tele-0866-2578854/-0866-

Radio diagnosis

Surgery Genito Urinary and Laparoscopic Surgery. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Others (Specify) Color Doppler, Mammography.


Microbiology, Pathology.

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Paediatrics Cardiology.

Medicine Nephrology (Incl Dialysis, Less Kidney Transplantation).

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Traumatology and Spinal Surgery.

2571613 9885333528 (Mob),Fax2579606 E.Mail-vjwahdslv@sanchar Sridhar Super Speciality Dental Hospital, DR No 29631, Nakkal Road Surya Rao Pet, Vijayawada 520002 Tele 08662432011/ 08662439769 Mob 9848128342 Singari ENT Hospital and Research Centre Pvt Ltd, D.No29-9-54, Govinda Rajula Naidu Street Surya Rao Pet Vijayawada 520002. Tele 0866-2436236 - 0866-2433234 Mob 9849083234. Andhara Hospitals, CVR Complex, Prakasam Road, Vijayawada Pin - 520002, Ph-08662574757, 9989246600 Medicine Neuro Medicine and Nephrology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan and MRI. Dental including Oral Surgery, Prosthodontia an d Periodontia.

1164. Vijayawada

1165. Vijayawada


1166. Vijayawada

ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Surgery Gastro Intestinal Surgery Medicine Gastro enterology and Nephrology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction Paediatrics Neonatology, Nephrology

1167. Vijayawada

Chaitanya Eye Hospital, Tikkil Road Mogalrajpuram, Vijayawada, Ph-086624751453, 9440097687 Ramana Maharishi Rangammal Hospital Shiva Nagar Athiyandal Village Tiruvannamalai 606603 Tele 04175-237100 04175-236989 9442312855 (Mob) Fax 04175-236693 West Fort Hi Tech Hospital Ltd, PB No-930 Punkunnam Thrissur, Kerala 680 002. Tele 0487-2388999 -0487-2388762 9847345171 (Mob) Fax 0487-2381051 E.Mail- we hi


1168. Tiruvannamalai

General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

1169. Thrissur

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental(Incl Prosthodontia), General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery and Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Cardio Thoracic surgery, Genito Urinary, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis), Oncology (Medicine), Critical care medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine .

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging- C T Scan.

1170. Thrissur

Amala Cancer Hospital, Amala Nagar PO, Thrissur 680553. Tele 0487307020 Mob 9895007021 Fax 0487307020 E.Mail amalacan@md3.

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Oral Surg & Prosthodontia), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

1171. Thrissur

1172. Thrissur

Trichur Metropolitan Health Care Pvt Ltd, Kurkancheri, Thrissur 680007. Tele 0487-2425123 - 0487-2425142 Fax 04872429661 E.Mail Elite Mission Hospital Koorkkenchery, PO - Thrissur 680007

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Oral Surg), General Surgery, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary, Oncology (Surgery), Traumatologyand Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Oncology (Medical) Critical Care Medicine,and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology Onco Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Surgery Genito Urinary, Traumatology Medicine Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine.

1173. Thrissur

Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital, East Fort Thrissur - 680005

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (incl Prosthodontia & Oral Surgery), Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio diagnosis

1174. Thrissur

1175. Thrissur

1176. Thrissur

Thoppil Medical and Dental specialists Centre, Ikkanda Warrier Roadnear Manorama, Thrissur, Kerala, Thrissur 680001 Bethesda Charitable Trust, Puthur PO Puzhampallam Thrissur Pin 680014 Ph 04872353041, Mob 9846801791 Jeeva Specialty Laboratory, MG Road, Thrissur (Kerala )-


Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Traumatology and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis) and Critical Care medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics Neonatology Surgery Neuro surgery, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint Replacement and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (incl Dialysis) and Endocrinology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan . O bstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction. Paediatrics Neonatology Periodontia, Prosthodontia, Dental Surgery & Dental Lab

Others (Specify) Rehabilitation/Palliative, Terminal Care

Pathology, Radio diagnosis

680004, Ph-04872384886, 2383870 The Polyclinic Pvt Ltd, Towan Hall Road, Thrissur (Kerala) 680 020, Ph-0487-2331044, 2339845 Mother Hospital, PO Pullazhi, Thrissur-680012, Ph-04872361091

1177. Thrissur

Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG and Color Doppler).

1178. Thrissur

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion only) Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology , Radio Diagnosis

Surgery - Neuro Surgery, Genito Urinary, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Paediatrics Neonatology Others Periodontics

1179. Thrissur

Trichur Heart Hospital Ltd, Nagar Kannankula, Thrissur680001, Ph-04872433101

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Medicine Cardiology

1180. Jhansi

Happy Family Hospital 940/DI Civil Lines Behind Sita Hotel Jhansi (UP) Pin -284001. Tele-0517-2440103 2448138 9415030265 (Mob) Life Line Hospital Kanpur Road Jhansi 284128. Tele 05172320183 - 05172320283 Fax 05172320553 Mob 9415030615 E.Mail LIFELINEHOSPITALJHS@REDIFFMAI L.Com.

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, ENT, Microbiolog General Surgery, y, Psychiatry, Blood Bank(Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology & Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Respiratory Diseases & Gastro enterology.

1181. Jhansi

1182. Jhansi

1183. Jhansi

1184. Jhansi

Meva Chaudhary Memorial Hospital Opp Gate No -2, MLB Medical College Kanpur Road Jhansi 284128. Tele 0517-2320111 - 0517-2321111 Mob 9415030162. Nirmal Hospital Opposite Medical College Gate No 3 Jhansi (UP) 284128 Tele 0510-2321002 -0510-2321007 Fax 0510-2321001 Vardhman Medical Centre,

General Medicine and General Surgery.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Laparascopic Surgry. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rhematology, Critical Care Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology AIDS & Virology. ---

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Nephrology(Incl Dialysis). Paediatrics Neonatology

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Opposite Medical College Gate No 1 Jhansi (UP). Tele 0510-2320263 - 0510-2320579 Mob 9415031334 Fax 0510-2320804 E.Mail Upchar Hospital and Research Centre Ortho & Gynae, Kaimasan Nagar Kanpur Road, Jhansi, Pin 284128 Ph 9415030183, Mob 05102320022 Gulati Eye Hospital, Floor Mubarak Market Sipri Bazar, Jhansi Pin-284001, Ph 05102445898, M ob 9415113613 Kamla Hospital, in front of Medical college, Kanpur Road, Jhansi 284001 Phone 05102321159, 05102320775 Mob 9935456678 Sree Kanta Puram Hospital, Kandiyoor, Mavelikara 690103. Tele-04792302764 04792305028 9447100455 (Mob) Phoenix Critical Care Centre, Gurukripa Subhash Road Maliwes, Beed 431122. Tele 0244-2237731 9822407589 (Mob) Rathi Pariwar Charitable trust Vithai Hospital and Reseach Centre Jire wadi Jalna Road Beed 431 122 (MH) Ph 02442 231735

1185. Jhansi


1186. Jhansi

Ophthalmology (incl Phaco)

1187. Jhansi

1188. Mavelikara

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental , General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis General Medi cine, ENT, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Paediatrics.

Others (Dental) Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery

1189. Beed

General Medicine and General Surgery.

1190. Beed

General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology

1191. Wai

1192. Dhussara

Geetanjali Hospital 2410/B Siddhnathwadi Near ST Stand Oak Bangalow Road, Wai-412 803. Tele-02167220340 02167223781 9822409291 (Mob) Fax 02167220233 E.Mail- geetanjalihospital Rotary Eye Hosp Dhussara PO Dhussara, Tehsil Amb District Una, Himachal Pradesh Dhussara. Tele 01976233113 - 01975226867 Mob 9816421016.

General Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Microbiology, Blood Bank, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.


1193. Chitradurga
PVS Medical Surgical Cardiac Hospital, Sixth Cross JCR Extension Chitradurga 577501 Tele 08194230210 - 08194230654 Mob 9448041514 Fax-08194230046 E.Mail m. Lalitha Super Speciality Hospital Kothapet Gourisankar Theatre Road Guntur 522001. Tele 08632217401 -08635542867 Mob 9440859600 Fax 08632328160 E.Mail Aswini Hospitals 15/117 Mangalagiri Road Guntur 522001. Tele 0863-2227000 - 0863-2228000 Mob 9849100144 Fax 2228000 E.Mail avulasrinivas@ Sankar Eye Hospital, Pedakakani-Post, Guntur. Ph-08632293903, Mob-9951611806. General Medicine, General Surgery. -

1194. Guntur

Microbiology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

1195. Guntur


Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Spinal Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Paediatrics Cardiology, Neurology. Me dicine Nephrology (Incl Dialysis). Paediatrics Nephrology.

1196. Guntur


1197. Raipur

1198. Raipur

1199. Raipur

1200. Kangra

Escorts Heart Centre Raipur, Jail Road at PT JNM College Near Marhi Mata Mandir Raipur 492001. Tele 07712551200 - 07712551388 Mob 9329118344. E.Mail Life worth Super Speciality Hospital Samta Colony Main Road Raipur. Tele 07712254301 - 07714060945 Mob 9425204258 Fax 07714060945 E.Mail Sahu Diagnostic and Research Hospital Ltd, 68, farista complex, GE Road, Raipur (Chhatishgarh) 492001. Ph 077 12234014, 0771 2223601. Mob9827129090 SM Eye Hospital Kangra 176001 Tele 01892265311 -01892265312 Mob 9816061003

Surgery Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Neuro Surgery and Genito Urinary. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), and Critical Care Medicine.

Pathology, Radio diagnosis

Radio diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan, MRI.

Dental, Ophthalmology.

E.Mail m. Shree Balaji Hospital Birtha Kangra, Phone 01892260797 Mob 9418010547

1201. Kangra

General Medicine, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Radio diagnosis Ophthalmology

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan

1202. Kangra

1203. Kangra

1204. Theni

1205. Theni

Mela Mal Sood Rotary Eye Hospital, Maranda, Palampur, Kangra176102, Ph-01894239180, 9418032076 Verma Dental Clinic 1st Floor Opposite State Bank of Patiala Main Road Kangra (HP) Aravind Eye Hospital 371, Periyakulam Road Theni 625531 Tele 04556252658 -04556253258 E.Mail wwwarvindorgtheni. Krishnammal Memorial Hospital, 293 Periyakulam Road, Theni - 625531 LHD Memorial and Dr Prem Hospital Bishan Swaroop Colony Front of Bus Stand Panipat 132103. Tele 01802645191 - 01805008431 Fax 2633191 Mob 9812030191 E.Mail PREMHOSPITAL68Qrediffmai l.COM. Prabhakar Hospital 1A, Assandh Road Near Fly Over Model Town Panipat 132103 Tele 0180-2658915 - 0180-2697915 Mob 9896024174. Fax 0180-2697467 E.Mail INFO@PRABHAKARHOSPIT AL.COM Dewan Diagnostic and Dental Clinic 614, Model Town Panipat 132103. Tele 0180-264012614 Mob 9416019615 E.Mail DDC614@ YAHOO.CO.IN Dr Chhabra Hospital, 1-A Narain Singh Park, Assand Road, Panipat (HR) Pin 132 103 PH 0180 2651777, Mob 09896347418 Dr Ravindra Hospital, 638 Model Town, Panipat, Pin 132103. Ph 01802651331, 2650380,


Others (Dental) - Orthodontia, Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery


1206. Panipat

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.


Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1207. Panipat

General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


1208. Panipat

Dental and Radio Diagnosis (Incl Periodontia, Prosthodontia & Endodontics).

1209. Panipat

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Pathology.

1210. Panipat

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Mob 9896666470. Bansal Diagnostic Centre, 120 Sukhdev Nagar Panipat 132103. Tele 01802697188 - 01802634188 Mob 9416003188 RT Bhoites Samruti Arogya Pratishthans Giriraj Hospital Near Bus Stand Baramati District Pune, Baramati 413102. Tele 02122221335 - 02122222739 Fax 02112221988 Mob 9822217147 E.Mail rameSh bhoite@rediffmail. com KD Eye Hospital G 67, Indira Nagar, Opp Roadways Bust Depot Jhunjhunu 333001. Tele 01592-232224 Mob 310109. Indu Hospital Khemi Sati Road, Near Old Bus Stand Jhunjhunu 333001. Tele 01592236882 Mob 9829232766. Radha Dental Hospital Jhunjhunu Opposite Prabhat Cinema Road, Jhunjhunu, (Raj) Phone 01592-235999, 01592237999 (resi), Mob 9414346999. Rajasthan Diagnostic and MRI Centre, Station Road, Road No1 Jhunjhunu 333001. Tele 01592234077. Shanmuga Hospitals and SCI 24 Sarada College Road Salem 636007 Tele 0427-2315293 -0427-2319469 Mob 9843037500 Fax 0427-2312787 E.Mail shan 99

1211. Panipat

Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG).


1212. Baramati

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio Diagnosis.

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology. --

1213. Jhunjhunu


1214. Jhunjhunu

1215. Jhunjhunu

General Medicine, ENT , Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Dental.

1216. Jhunjhunu

Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan.

1217. Salem

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

1218. Salem

Vinayaka Mission Hospital, NH-47, Sankari Main Road Chinna Seeragapadi Salem 636308

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG).

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology, Critical Care medicine, and Radiotherapy. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, AIDS & Virology and Molecular Immuno pathology Others Physiotherapy. Surgery Neuro surgery, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Genito Urinary, Paediatric, Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Spinal, prosthetic and Laparascopic surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Nephrology (Incl

Dialysis), Clinical Hematology, Clinical Immunology, Oncology (Medical), Critical Care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Ra dio therapy. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan, MRI and Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology. Pathology Onco Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. Others Lithotripsy, Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery Surgery Neuro- Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro-Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, and Critical Care Medicine. Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan. Surgery Laparascopic Surgery.

1219. Salem

SKS Hospital, Alagapuram, Salem (TN) Pin 636004 Ph 04272331355.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio -Diagnosis.

1220. Balasore

1221. Tirupati

1222. Loni

Jyoti Hospital Kuruda Balasore AT/PO Kuruda Balasore 756056. Tele 06782-256296/256074 Mob 9437049391. Navajeevan Eye Hospital, Tiruchanur Post Tirupati Rural Tirupati 517503. Tele 0877-2238803/2239992 E.Mail-navajeeva@ Pravara Rural Hospital, Pravara Medical Trust Loni 413736. Tele 02422-273600 -02422-273486 Mob 9822327079 Fax 02422-273413 E.Mail Pravara@bom3.

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery and Obsterics and Gynaecology.


1223. Miraj

1224. Miraj

Akashdeep Ezye Clinic, Yeshwant Housig Society Sangli Road Miraj 416410. Tele 02332211675/ 02332211780 Mob 942326926 Wanless Hospital & Medical Centre, Miraj-416410

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopedics, Dental including Prosthodontia, Periodontia and Oral Surgery, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. Ophthalmology.

Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Respiratory Diseases and Radio Therapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan. Paediatrics Neonatology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion) Obstertrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Surgery Neuro surgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic, Vascular, Gastro Intestinal, Traumatology, and Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology, Gritical Care Medicine and Interventional Cardiology Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan Paedicatrics Neonatology


1225. Hoshiarpur

1226. Sawarda

1227. Karad

1228. Pathanamthitta

1229. Cuttack

1230. Cuttack 1231. Cuttack 1232. Sangrur

1233. Tuticorin

1234. Tuticorin

City Dental Clinic Model Town, Opposite Udham Singh Park, Near Roshan Ground Hoshiarpur 146001. Tele 01882-221932 Mob 94173-49152. BKL Walawalkar Hospital, A/P Sawarda Tal Chiplun, Distt Ratnagiri Sawarda 415606. Tele 02355-264137/-264149 Mob 9422431710. Fax 02355-264181 E.Mail info@walawalkar Rajyog Hospital Morya Arcade Shaniwar Peth Karad Distt Satara, Karad 415110. Tele 02164225714 Mob 9822553714. MGM Muthoot Medical Centre College Road Kozhencherry Pathanamthitta, Kozhencherry 689641. Tele 0468 2314000/ 2313380 Mob 9447122376 Fax 0468-2214427 E.Mail mgmmmc@hotmail. com Sun Hospital, Shrivihar Tulasipur Cuttack 753008. Tele 06712307126/ 06712307127 Mob 9437017128 Fax 0671-2307125 E.Mail info@sunhospitals. com JPM Rotary Eye Hospital & Research Centre, CDA Sector VI Bidanasi Cuttack 753014 Apex Neuro Scan Research and Diagnostic Pvt Ltd Jobra Road Cuttack 753003 Baba Aapo Aap Hospital Sangrur, Near GGS Public School Sangrur 148001. Tele 01672-250543/01672250545 Mob 9814360865 E.Mail manisha Sacred Heart Hospital Kandasamy Puram Melur Post Tuticorin 628002. Tele 04612360704/ 0 4612360714 Mob 9442052589 Fax 0461-2361646 E.Mail AVM Hospital 135, Palayamkottai Road Tuticorin Pin 628003 Ph 04612325438


General Medicine, ENT, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.


General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank, Obstetrics and Gynecology, aediatrics, Dermatology,Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

General Medicine, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis.

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Paediatrics Neonatology.


Pathology and Radio Diagnosis

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan.

General Surgery, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Opthalmology,Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, ermatology, Pathology(In house only), and Radio Diagnosis.

ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Radio Diagnosis

Mob 9842123031 Nirmal Ashram Hospital, Maya Kund Rishikesh 249201. Tele 0135-2432215/-2430942 Mob - 9837106983 Fax 0135 - 2430142 E.Mail na-hospital Premy Nursing Home Indra Nagar Housing Board Colony Morena 476001. Tele 07532-232782/-232682 Mob 9827072289. Agarwal Polyclinic Bal Krishna Bhavan Hospital Road Morena 476001. Tele 07532-250789/ 09425126999 Mob 9425126999. BL Medical Centre, MS Road Morena, In Front of Nagar Palika, MS Road Morena 476001 Asha Hospital NH 7 Near Lekha Nagar Cantonment Kamptee 441001. Tele 07109288741/ 07109289973 Mob 9823046049 Fax 0710-9288741 E.Mail drrajenagrawal@ Darya Ram Hospital, Murthal Road Sonepat - 131001 Satyakiran Health Care Pvt Ltd, Opposite Civil Line Police Station Subhash Chowk, Sonepat Pin 131001 Mittal Nursing Home Model Town Sonepat 131001. Tele 01302241355/ 01302242533 Mob 9812084123 E.Mail drvijaymittal Jeevan Jyoti Hospital Bhatkote Road Pithoragarh Uttaranchal, Pithoragarh 262501 Tele 05964-223415 - 05964-225072 Mob 9411348439 Fax 05964-225072. Renu Jagdish Hospital Takana Road Pithoragarh (UK) 262501. Ph - 05964227933, 9412095577. Amritsar Eye Clinic Naya Bazar, Dr Sharma GK Sharma Bhawan Pithoragarh (UK) Pin 262 501, PH 0596 4225448 Mob 9411133520. Kasturba Hospital Post Box No 7, Manipal, Karnataka 576104.

1235. Rishikesh

General Medicine, ENT, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.


1236. Morena

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.


1237. Morena



1238. Morena

Radio Dia gnosis

Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan (for 01 (One) year only).

1239. Kamptee

General Medicine, General Sur gery, Opthalmology, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Surgery Genito Urinary, Laparascopic Surgery.


1240. Sonepat 1241. Sonepat

General Medicine Microbiology, Pathology, Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG)

--Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI Others Mammography ---

1242. Sonepat

General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics.

1243. Pithoragarh

General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


1244. Pithoragarh

Orthopaedics and Radio Diagnosis

1245. Pithoragarh


1246. Manipal

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Inc Gen and Oral Super Speciality

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Cardio Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery, Genito

Tele 0820-2571201 - 99 Lines Mob 9845151920 Fax 0820-2571934 E.Mail OFFICE.KHOMANIPAL.EDU Periodontia and Prosthodontia) Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG). Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery) Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology Joint replacement Surgery, Spinal, Prosthetic, Laparascopic Surgery, Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro Enterology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis), Clinical Haematology Oncology (Medical), Critical care Medicine, Interventional Cardiology and Radiotherapy. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology, Infertility and Assistedreproduction, and Materno Foetal Medicine. Paediatrics Neonatology, Cardiology, Neurology, Haematology, Nephrology and Oncology. Pathology Onco Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Transplant Pathology, AIDS & Virology, Genetic Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. ---

1247. Fatehgarh Sahib

1248. Kurukshetra 1249. Kurukshetra

1250. Kurukshetra

1251. Kurukshetra

1252. Kurukshetra

1253. Bhilai

Shalley Nursing Home, Opposite Aam Khas Bag Sirhind, District Fatehgarh Sahib, Sirhind - 140406 Saini Eye Care Centre, 218 Sector - 7 Urban Estate Kurukshetra - 136118 Agarwal Nursing Home, Salarpur Road, Kurukshetra (HR) - 136118 Ph-01744290355,291155 & 9896050542 Saraswati Mission Hospital, Ambala Road, Pehowa, Kurukshetra, Pehowa, Pin 136128 Phone No01741220939,01741222800 Bhola Orthopaedic and Dental clinic, Railway Road Kurukshetra - 136118, Ph01744890841, 309603, Mob 9896159405 Kurukshetra Nursing Home, Pipli Road, Kurukshetra, Ph 01744221397, 01744221396 Mob 9416039397 Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Hospital Ge Road Nehru Nagar Bhilai - 490020

General Medicine, Orthopaedics & General Surgery



General Medicine, ENT, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Radio Diagnosis (incl USG) General Medicine, Orthopaedics and General Surgery


General Medicine

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis ---

1254. Bhilai

1255. Bhilai

BSR Cancer Hospital and Research Institute Junwani Road Smriti Nagar Bhilai, Distt - Durg CG Bhilai - 490020 Bhilai Scan and Research Ltd 15 Commercial Complex Nehru

Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Genito Urinary & Traumatology. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Endocrinology, and Critical Care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan Surgery Oncology (Surgery) Medicine Oncology (Medicine), Radio therapy and Nuclear Medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan and MRI (1.5 Tesla only

Microbiology, Blood Bank (Only Blood Transfusion), Radio

Nagar East Bhilai - 490020 Diagnosis (incl USG) and Pathology Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Radio Diagnosis Opthalmology empanelled). Pathology Onco Pathology Surgery Genito Urinary (Incl Lithotripsy), Traumatology, Spinal and Laparoscopic Surgery ---

1256. Sangli 1257. Ratnagiri

1258. Darjeeling

Ushahkal Nursing Home, 9A Southern Extension Opp ZP Sangli - 416416 Jyoti Eye Care and Research Foundation Ist Floor Swaparlok APTS Opposite ST Stand Ratnagiri - 415612 Dooars & Darjeeling ( Medical Association) Nursing Home 7, Nehru road, Darjeeling Yuma Nursing Home & diagnostic Centre, Darjeeling

1259. Darjeeling

1260. Alappuzha 1261. Alappuzha

Sahrudaya Hospital Thathampally Alappuzha 688013 KVM Hospital PB No-30, Cherthala Alappuzha Cherthala - 688524

1262. Alappuzha 1263. Thanzavur

Huda Trust Hospital Kumara Puram, PO - Danapadi, Haripad, Alappey, Haripad - 690548 Tiruvarur Medical Centre Pvt Ltd, 27 Javulikarast Thiruvarur 610001

1264. Thanzavur

Vinodhagan Hospital, Thanjavur, Pin-613007, Ph234882, 234885, Fax-234886 Shah Hospital, Oppsite Bus Stand, Kaithal (HR) Pin 136027 Phone No 01746223234, 2283334, Mob09812513700 Modern Diagnostics, Modern Diagnostics, Pehowa Chowk, Kaithal (HR) Pin-136027, Phone No 01746-222657, Mob09813034285 Delhi Hospital and Maternity Home, District Shopping Centre Urban Estate Jind (HR) 126102 Jeevan Jyoti Hosp MIE, Delhi Rohtak Road Bahadurgarh (HR) - 124507 Getwell Hospital, Opp- Power House, Mahendragarh Road, Narnaul, Haryana-123001, Tele01282258307 Mob09416063921 Yadav Dental Clinic Ravidas

1265. Kaithal

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Dental, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Paediatrics, and Pathology Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis. General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology and Radio Diagnosis General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental (Incl Prosthodontia and Oral Surgery), General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology Radio Diagnosis (incl USG). General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, RadioDiagnosis (incl USG) General medicine and General Surgery,






Surgery Traumatology and Laparascopic Surgery. Medicine Neurology, Cardiology and Critical care Medicine. Radio Diagnosis and Imaging CT Scan -

1266. Kaithal

Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG & Contrast Studies)

1267. Jind

General Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynaecology

1268. Bahadurgarh 1269. Narnaul

General Medicine, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics. Dental.

Surgery Genito Urinary Surgery

1270. Narnaul

Mandir Marg Purani Sarai Narnaul (HR)-123001, Phone-01282251828, 250154. Mob-09416248711 (Dr Rattan Singh) DC Pathological, Laboratory, Opposite Petrol Pump Rewari Road, Narnau (HR)l-123001, Phone-01282253688, 253896 and Mobile-9812053896 Dr Rajiv Ranas Path Lab Mela Ram Market Near Civil Hosp Chowk, Karnal (HR) 132001, Ph No 0184-2267334, 2207484, Mob 9416007484 Shaista Dental Clinic, Opposite All India Radio Station, Subhajh Road, Rohtak Pin 124001 Ph 01262246776 Mob 0941624305 Narula MRI CT Ultra sound Xray centre, Civil Road Near Palika Bazar, Rohtak Haryana124001. Tele 01262241538,244313. Mob9896341538 Dr Arun Narula MRM Choudhary Hospital and Research Centre, A-20, Sainir Colony, Churu Rajathan331001, Phone-0150 2256501, 0156 2257401 Mobile9414333931 Sodhi Dental Clinic Shop No 10 B-Block HRTC Market Palampur (HP) 176061 Phone 9817054478 & 9817284600 Karan Hospital, Ghuggar Tanda Palampur Pin 176061. Ph 1894230277, Mob 9816088277. RB Memorial Hospital, RB Memorial Hospital Darbhanga, Bihar Pin -846001, Phone06272231140, 9431219911 Shekhar - Netralaya & Ear, Nose, Throat Hospital, Near Naka No 6, Moh - karamganj Polaheri asarai Distt Darbhanga Pin 846001 Ph 06272220060 Mob 9431819319 Ashirwad Pathology centre, opp GGIC Near Dgah, Etawah (UP) Ph-05688-255277 Mob09412283112 Deva Memorial Medical Surgical Maternity Nursing Home Faizabad (UP) Pin 224 001 Phone 05278240550 05278240250 Mob 9415048291

1271. Narnaul

Microbiology, Pathology.

1272. Karnal


1273. Rohtak


1274. Rohtak

Microbiology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)

Radio Diagnosis & - CT Scan, MRI. Pathology AIDS & Virology. Others (Specify) ECG, Mammography, Color Doppler.

1275. Churu(Raj)

1276. Palampur(HP)

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis. Dental.

1277. Palampur(HP)

General Surgery

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery

1278. Dharbanga

1279. Dharbanga

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Opthalmology, Blood Bank (Blood Transfusion only), Pathology and Radio Diagnosis (Incl USG). ENT, Opthalmology

Radio CT Scan

1280. Etawah


1281. Faizabad

Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Ophthalmology

1282. Dibrugarh
Aditya Diagnostic and Hospital, Bordoloy Avenue Jalan Nagar, Dibrugarh, Assam, Pin -786005, Ph 03732302219. Mob 9435131621 General Medicines, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology and Radio-Diagnosis (incl USG) Surgery Neuro- Surgery Medicine Neuro-Medicine Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging MRI. Paediatrics Neonatology

1283. Krishnagiri

1284. Nagrota Bagwan

1285. Sunder Nagar

1286. Bakloh

1287. Farrukhabad

1288. Bulandshahr

1289. Rae Bareilly

1290. Kullu

Jeeva Hospital, 269G, Bangalore Road Krishnagiri Pin 635001 Ph 04343236043, 04343236023, Mob 9443077445 Sood Nursing Home, Chahri Road, Nagrota Bagwan 176047. Ph 1892252578, Mob 9816137051 Himachal Dental College, Sunder Nagar Pin 175002. Ph 01907267163 Mob 9816012817 Swami Shri Hari Giri Hospital, Kakira Kamlari PO Bakloh Cantt. Distt Chamba (HP) Pin 176301 Ph 18990857044 Mob 09906067435 Eye Care and Sur gical Centre, MIG 1/9 Awas Vikas Colony Farrukhabad, UP PIN 209625 Ph 05692240408 Mob 945146694 Mohan Hospital and Heart Centre, Opposite Old Jail, Bulandshahr Pin 203001 Ph 286156 Mob 9412128383 Simhans Hospital, 551-Civil Lines Rae Bareilly (UP) Ph-05352208571, Mob9415742496 Maya Dass Shiv Dass Rotary Eye Hospital, Village Ruaru Garsa Road, Bhuntar District Kullu Pin 175125 Ph 01902224235 Mob9418006611 Kullu Valley Hospital, Shastri Nagar Kullu Ph 01902226322, 2223822 Mob9418052058 Shendge Hospital, Arogyanagar Near Bus Stand, Omerga (Osmanabad), Ph-0247550504, Mob-9422464584 Yashwant Hospital, Near ST Stand, Nave Nagar Mahad Pin 402301

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology

General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Surgery Laparascopic Surgery


Others (Dental) Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Perio-dontia. -

General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology


General Medicine, ENT , General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology and Pathology General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics Ophthalmology

Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive

1291. Kullu

General Medicine, Dental, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics

1292. Omerga

General Medicine, General Surgery, Pathology and Radio- diagnosis General Medicine -

1293. Mahad

Ph 02145222156 Mob 9422694333 Thane Ultrasound Centre, Shanti Niwas, Dr Moose RD Talaopali, Thane-400601, Ph 02225391717, 25391515, Mob-9820039317 Hari Lal Jechand Doshi Sarvajanik Hospital, Malviya Nagar Rajkot (Guj) 360004.

1294. Thane

Radio-Diagnosis (Incl USG)

Others(Specify) Mammography

1295. Rajkot

General Medicine, ENT, Ort hopaedics, Dental (incl oral Surgery) General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis (Incl USG)

1296. Rajkot

NM Virani Wockhardt Hospitals Kala wad Road, Rajkot Pin 360007 Ph 02816694444, 6694555 Mob 9825115972

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General surgery, Opthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatric, Dermatology , Pathology, Radio diagnosis.

Surgery Neurosurgery, Plastic and Reconstructive, Genito Urinary, Pediatric Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery. Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology (Incl Dialysis) Oncology (Medical), Critical care medicine. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Paediatrics Neonatology. Surgery- Neuro surgery, Cardio thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito urinary Surgery, Gastro intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint replacement, Spinal Surgery and Laparoscopy surgery. Medicine - Neuro medicine, cardiolo gy, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine, Interventional cardiology. Radio diagnosis & Imaging- C T Scan and MRI. Surgery- Traumatology Medicine Gastro enterology -

1297. Chhapra

1298. Aligarh

Uphar Medical Research Centre, West of Municipal Chowk, Chapra-841301, Ph 06152-232802, 9431216278 Anand Eye Centre Near Gandhi Eye Hospital, Ramghat Road, Aligarh Pin 202001 Ph 05712407976 Mob 9837160183 Dr Anand Mohan

General Medicine, Microbiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology Ophthalmology

1299. Pratapgarh

1300. Pratapgarh 1301. Sitapur

1302. Kalamboli

1303. Irinjalakuda

1304. Kakinada

Sanjeevani Nursing Home, 225A Paltan Bazar, Pratapgarh-230001, Ph-05342227868 Ruma Nursing Home, Pratap Bahadur Park, Pratapgarh 230001. Sitapur Eye Hospital, Civil Line, Sitapur (UP)-261001, Ph05862242756 MGM Hospital, Sector 4E, Navi Mumbai, Panvel Distt Raigarh, Kalamboli 410218. Ph - 02227423405, 56168120 Nethra Eye Care Centre, Main Road Irinjalakuda, Trichur, Irinjalakuda-680121, Ph04802822579, 9446995455 Apollo Hospitals, D -No-13-1-3 Main Road Kakinada-533001

General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

General Medicine


Others- Ultra sound, X-ray, Rontincl texaus, Mammography.


General Medicine, Orthope dics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Blood Bank (only Blood

Surgery Neuro Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, Gastro

Transfusion), Pathology, Radio diagnosis Intestinal Surgery, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Geriatric Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology, Critical Care medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan, MRI, Interventional and vascular Radiology Pathology Onco pathology Surgery Genito Urinary, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology (Surgery), Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery, Prosthetic Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery, Endovascular Surgery, Geriatric Surgery Medicine Neuro Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro enterology, Oncology (Medical), Critical care medicine, Geriatric Medicine Radio diagnosis & Imaging C T Scan Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology oncology, Infertility and assisted reproduction, Materno Foetal Medicine Paediatrics Neonatology, Neurology, Haematology, Oncology Pathology Onco Pathology, Transplant Pathology, Transfusion Medicine Others (Specify) Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery Surgery Paediatric Surgery, Laparascopic Surgery Medicine Critical care medicine Radio Diagnosis & Imaging CT Scan Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infertility and assisted reproduction Others (Dental) Acralic Dental Works, Comic Crown/Bridgs, Gold Metal Crown/Bridgs and All type of Dental Works -

1305. Dimapur

Zoin Hospital and Research Centre Purana Bazar, Dimapur Pin 797112, Ph 03862231864, 230889 Mob 9436013077

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Dental, Microbiology, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Blood Bank (only Blood Transfusion), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pathology, Radio diagnosis

1306. Dimapur

Faith Hospital Old Sewak Road Dimapur Pin 797112 Ph 03862233044, 224028, Mob 9856618388

1307. Udham Singh


Chirag Dental Lab, Bhurarani Rudrapur US Nagar City263153 Arpan Hospital, 1B-2 Sukharia, Sri Ganganagar-335001, Ph01542470555 Chandigarh Nursing Home, Dr Prahlad R Rupta 46 E Block Sitla Park, Sri Ganganagar-335001, 01542470425, 9352700918 Surendera Dental College & RI , Power House Road HH Gardens, Sri Ganganagar-335001, Ph01542440071

General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radio diagnosis Dental

1308. Sriganga Nagar


1309. Sriganga Nagar

General Medicine

Other Specify External Counter Pulsation.

1310. Sriganga Nagar


Others (Dental) Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Oral Surgery, Endodontia & Conservative, Periodontia and Oral Medicine

214 Appendix C (Refers para 3(b) of Chpater 2) SAMPLE OF AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT ON RS.10/- NON JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER AND TO BE ATTESTED BY MAGISTRATE/NOTARY PUBLIC) AFFIDAVIT I___________ widow of Late _______________, resident of ____________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under that: (a) My husband No.________Rank_____Name____retired from Army/Navy/Air Force Service wef_______ (b) My husband/ESM parent expired on :__________ (c) The following Child(ren) whose photograph(s) is affixed against their name was born to the deceased ESM pensioner on dates noted against each:Sl No. Name Date of Birth Photograph

(d) The child(ren) mentioned above is wholly dependent and is not employed (e) My husband could not get name(s) of our above named child(ren) recorded in his s ervice records prior to his death (f) I have not suppressed or concealed any information. (g) I understand that in case any information submitted with regard to birth of children and teir being dependent, is found to be false or incorrect at any stage, my ECHS membership is liable to be cancelled without any notice (Signature of Deponent) VERIFICATION I, the deponent above named, do hereby solemnly declare and verify that the contents of the above affidavit are tru to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed or ruppressed therefrom. (Signature of Deponent) Witnesses 1._____________ Name_____________ Address_____________ Attested by Magistrate/Notary 2._____________ Name_____________ Addresse_____________

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